(MARY EAWORTH'S MAIL | Shopping 3 By ESTRELLITA® f Bese Wary Wawowth: | work. ceflor (® find out Whats WEE gidey men in fhe little woh. the same as he Aose for We Lo oo ant and wanls me BUY 599 A YEAR family (and wile). But i thet" PrRER , Ik i) ul Hf il. i 12) KR i 3 3 Psychiatric Help Is Indicated | p,m Saint To Unravel Woman's Problem 22.0% "vee 16 nRery Wackets when GROOMING, ¥ in i i ¥ 3 : =F i i i: i I 3) i { with hotls wliary, with ymse: mevrage wud Row (6 community of Rudeth. Pes PRED we wold IO MAY her. | am not FRspon fier | Sie fived on the amownt. Seewgrh Aesived. Bn not [et the eres. aad coe. West of i eve an Aeeweed mavRet for Kmgiand." Pr chaiiing 4 be 4 Me These coffee boil, 1 you woe @ Arp fe men ave mANGrY Wk BE ou yo oman hele waves. another. rhimgs ave imp orient They por, nw boing water, it women coiens. Wy boss ie Be of now. You ae ROPE 1 No one nows when and Row L youldn') fei Aressel Wilh pote the Gffcrence WES JOW ov eswgh coffee in 4 military and § aw GL Wy WE : Bessa fhe Sopoing Wackes hae Wes wy wicker basket. 1€5 WY Gosia Wht vey fF #9 5 § mimes, S00 Defov serving. end. | thu | ree fallen Roper Comme Bas 15 et 9 A Soins fon, ows ves udgs of ientigation Whe § Yow may woe forgotien ~ 0F A few additional pointers for fessiy in love with Wm ade 1 = The le sus PORor. whose father stovied gy fs Montes. | (ake i (6 BE coger inown ~ fhe ples for good offes ave: (1) | We fo mueried and fe father °C HaiEment page smalls Inwings $8. Tears 049, $095 stoves awh eversoms and. cll yeswws. 1 vil beg Loe #0. ions. hens suarters of 08 Begaritol chiidren or. siemens sniotng DOVE Weckels Rave GWeIv) heer pe £5 SIRT (RET AW WR Re capacity of gow coffee love the desvest, § fink Wee 700 pen poplar Reve. Cnti [n-from Samet John where 8 gong memory. There Seen BOY maker. For fewer cups, We # Lite 6 » perfast cpuey. § aw v Mawes on New Bramewicls IRSer- women carry SROpInE Waekats. (rds Just follow he smo smaller maker. (1) Brewing ton imarried and have tue cides. Instead of Belong JOO WE ations tok wp offer Reni | guess we're potest IoF 187 | gigections, messes ACOWwe, long makes colfes iter. (9) Lond my hand thinks only of hands interest in We work woh ' Indian - ond yon will Aris perfect. ooh Always wee the peopsr Erne of yrs, WovK, Wowk ed hg mekiats made of soit neh nd (fee every time you make | coffes for gow cofies makes, ("3 howe, 1 ct ow Pero, fac, he fact tht 305 ov Om ceoved weit he showpers' MSGIEY When you make coffee, Savt (8) Never allow coffee (® ho. wr Was indicated sey ous eiird FONE CEDETE putiatas with anffae makes, fresh When woing # vacswem pai atavest in me except for ence and that the sory of Four For the last decade on ions. Marmalade i Aegon sian raglan) Bg Bs Flr alan aid teasing dont. heimg (ie WE he & sory of OOIBBE wicker basket with steely Ren Wost fmportant ~ Poy close ghia the asfies is ng. This atone and blue 0 might, wiles from had fe worse i yon 16% ge fas heen the favorite among | £58 [attention in heh mescwring and helps fo feep coffer hot for 8 leas asian the foe # Wi. § con io get strmightenct owt on 6 Seine Jom women. THiS Is one f up wih (timing, Fox ach SKYVIng, WOR. longer period, Vir i ie £7 that Ie 1s © Rete ses. wi of the sidest and moet cassia § tier, melted 1 Approved (offen Measure (oF evnstes, woh 1 feel hat Wo uw ous yuugy Resigns in the cemtaries sid We % cop marmalade : 2 level Lablesprone Vue teres wont Wom we Wear Wary Mowers: | hove 077 © Bake murne. = in fii ot ® for am om, ney (8 1 : wer fm the sfc ash going Seady 3k 4 elem has heen. Iemging these th tencpron mutmeg ¢ wish es Tanaka TamspHon vamiia ---------- wa " , SEES paw ER ISYITATION with hex wk we (ales & G0 ro ss the port of Saint Jom % cop Bnely hopped pecens [3 PALATE INTRIGUING HAM ENCOBES Wondd 1¢ he proper for me 16 deal of getting manned | since 1948, Butter 12 pyerage-sized ml ' A ask im 1 loneh or @aner? . Wve finished school. I thought The Polich climate produces I CWS Preheat. oven to #25 C0005 9 # 1 fst know that i he were | knew her pretty wei, Bot OBL ne atity of willow suited wes F. (hot). Beat egg wtih Tasty Dishes To Serve | THE STARS SAY [oz ro, rod eh meviowy LUE t it meow the busts sor in i med that he cares for me; Wee The ether day she fold me ter and marmalade, Add pon 4 From Left-Over Easter Ham he Once the traditional Easteriox well and bring » a hol Personal 1 & | a tionships are Jored, i can be need in #2 my santly, WES well ahsorbed Wn BOW, 50 YOR Can expect a the of wars to Bsguise the the Bawid. Simmer 75 Mies : res thet & is last Sunday's DUB RSS RESOIIHRS GROUPS, CLUBS as well as IR SI BN Apna; Serve it with scramivied eggs for breskinst, with #8 lastly fime influences FO" TOUORROW re iu world of OWE OUR ¢ , , EBS I do need advice ol bem hos been admired and en AGA rice gradually, SOIIRG Con: BOVEIRES DY BEREIONS Ropeets. igh with whom 1 (2 i jove with her, but | can't de where the women buy nearty Fake Ww preheated oven for 1 ' # y er, 4s Vm sre the ©iis 0 hat to do. i we mary 4 1 : Soperation you peed from a fice ee ture) fet cide what 15 tender stole, their favorite, has With butter. Makes one denen Baiwry "> an much as I do abowt Perry J 4 £ ¢ of ol i foke with Wm, and he is so : Sions. Maks the most of Mess i ioe 4 wud wRberii in ks Showid | marry her pnd raise grandmother, CRTYINg me for worm one (RERIREY sihie for her pregrancy end BCE Ton ether city is the de- and there am not sre that © am ot I mand se keen a5 in Sant John, fn cups three - quarters full W060 of them = year, The Hol to 18 minutes. Serve warm this clond will hang over ws the: coms er comilar in England Wwe balance of our Byes for years, | remember my SE---------- FEMALE PASTOR ® child not my oon OF WY _ 19 her shopping. Seint John women. The Nerw Zwvermment find some way ow? CF yeni nid grand chowder at luncheon, in 8 hash of jambaiays ss the Ganer en AUXILIARIES tree. The success of cach Gish stems from the addition of wine; for with wine, subtle new a raimien Professions! and Bus i flavors are added to famitier ro itary was held MOF o ation ations Of tastes in # manner both sim" age Mor' Aloe 8 with be der rspRcia veal 16 " on e. Hera #t the home of Mrs. Alec Bug © , A 3 AP ple and inexpensiy ere pre oo fluences, and you should Draft © recipes that hecome a four de", a cad by NeRAsomesy , work force through the contribution . . rand 5 of this single ingredient SHERRY SCRAMBLED EGGS John ( Break six eggs lo #8 cold 1 tablespoon butter or margar- Wore their national nances will he under generally 16re and soon his associates and much havoc In marnage as i ine, 4 ounces light cream and After the business meeting cog conects co that you should Your co-workers would be hay- has in couriship. As matters 2 tablespoons Canadian medium those present enjoyed the rest 5 g" coy of the pressures of Ing # field day of jokes at your stand, she isn't your responsi-| dry sherry Sr gently from the gn evening painting Easter qo pest lifting expense 8s news of that sort Wiltz Vpn I ha ol | m outa il eggs are egg Domestic relationships will hel travels fast ary y counsels set Add p dash of salt andl The April meeting will he held rut rations, My advice is; Get figsthand through her column, not by mail pepper when mixture becomes 9 April § at the home of Mrs.| Fr or of the year ex. help from a psychologist, psy: or personal interview. Write her firm. Serve to four CORN CHOWDER | ean cream style corn 1 cup diced celery 1 cup diced raw potatoes 2 cups cooked ham, diced Joseph Olinyk Ladies UERAINIAN P AND B AUX The March meeting of the Uk hamara In keeping with the Easter COStmes RUNDLE PABK AUXILIARY The monthly meeting of the find both July and August ex Rundle cellent for romance. Avoid ner: Park Association was held at|vous tension and strain in Oc chopped onion, optional the club house on Monday eve-[tober, and look for a good % cup me ; ming, March 27. Roll call show. business break in A Auxilisry of % cup Canadien medium dry ®3_eiZht members present sherry Combine corn, eelery, pola- toes and onions (if desired) in f nell vener for Social convener for the month! be unusually active and ener: Mary McCon- etic but may become 100 en Also chosen for social con thusiastic over dubious projects of April is Mrs hanquet was Mrs your he was read by Mrs forts cated during : ' for the first . A hd skillet and turn heat on low, Add season four of the members July, and during November, fi- of Your character would drop to ter that would bkely play ms cept for href period and November, and y FOR THE BIRTHDAY our Mrthday NOT PROPER i i ¢ § yor Wrthday Dear EB: No, it w i't be OPEN MIND omer for vor 19 ask your boss Ld SEOPR MLAS SHIRL . During the next 12.19 slong the 2 indi weeks of * three bi should December child born on this day will 15 for you and your 77 of. or brazen { is for his interes October. Except Whether he stooped to trifle, or trust August chiatrist or {amily service coun-|in care of this newspaper and English women pre basket has granted a of carrying small parcels dained as » pastor, first woman shovpers. It is an efficient way mother permission (» he or 40 King E. _ RA 5015) Dear CF; This Is B QUESHOR™ 0 "occ vour quiz of basket: io hold such » post there. lumch or dinner in the hope 10 seuss WHR YON pastor cod TULA a igniting # romance. You have preferehly, or with any good t your head temporaridy (9 OCTEYIRRR Your open wind ; A troubled heart as regards en consider such # thing i 9 You would be making your the EHTS Rppes s cutting a pathetic but I'm pot sure you ONE are. if vou sued marry her. In looking to you for Ao vou credit obi 14 f ridicule Live Better Electricall * TT TUG TORT TIE iy " st in this fashion (cover, after betreyin YOR she shows a casual, in| med vou down. bis estmete sensitive shabbiness of eharse| " » oe 3 Saucepsn and ' simmer V4 ¢ B Heard rs. A iced ham and sim: phere will be eighhorhoc ' mer Y% hour. Before serving, ---- wi be 2 helen gi y Ws 8 good ne o 0 ean up stir in sherry and blend well, Bere pre Yaliome ' os you £00 er the oven d cools, wipe the interior with hot HAM HASH | Opening day for Rundle Parkiyater and soap. Rinse with (Serves 4) will be June 10, 'There will bel clear hot water. This prevents! 8 cups diced cooked ham several interesting booths and 8l hurned-on grease which is diffi: 2 cups diced potatoes fish pond for the children {eult to remove } 3% sub diced green pepper | wory ey Ss is cup dry white table wine of ) | The WOTU held its March Milk to cover Imeeting in Simcoe Street Unit-| o Combine all ingredients and ed Church with the president, simmer slowly unitl Nquid Is ve: Mrs, Clayotn Lee, presiding duced to practically "nil", | Mrs, E. A, Henley presented {the worship service with hymns, HAM JAMBALAYA scripture and comment based HOUSEHOLD HINT (Serves 6) hie " H on "The Test ou iced sooked ham The clip sheet on "Alcohol and Its Effects on Behavior" was led by Mrs, Lee, assisted hy Mrs, Charles Langfield, Mrs Fred Williams, Mrs, Hi. A, Mel- cup dry white table wine joy and Mrs, Leonard Muldrew cups canned tomatoes Discussion and arrangements (one 28-ounce can) were made for the Provincial % teaspoon thyme convention at Ottawa on May 7 teaspoon basil 23, 24 and 26, and for the coun: i teaspoon naprika ty convention at Whithy on Wed: V4 teaspoon tabasco sauce nesday, April 5, with Mrs, Jean 1 cup uncooked rice Newman as guest speaker Saute onion, green pepper| A slate of officers for 1661 and garlic in butter or margar-|was brought in and installation ine for 10 minutes, Add ham, will be held at the April meet wine, tomatoes and seasoning. 'ing. diced green pepper clove garlic (minced) fh ow butter or margerine a Financial insecurity can lead lonely existence for the older out-living capital and the worry of managing the savings of a lifetime, The result stresses that can be dangerous to both physical and mental health, edical Mirror ( ,.. 8... Through Knowiediy, often severe WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT ® Ticklishness ® Varicose Veins ® Diet Q What souses yellow blotches to appear on the paper when reading? People who buy annuities buy freedom from worry and fear, Our annuitants find that a regular income guaranteed for life brings peace of mind, helps make those sunset years a rich and satisfying experience, And we know that many live to a ripe old age, A, In most cases it is probably due to contrast. Our eyes play tricks on us. Look at the centre portion of the accompanying figure, Are you disturbed by spots at the points where the lines cross? The color of such spots, which are simply optical ilusions, is determined by the illumination ond by the color of the surface upon which the gaze is directed, In rare instances, blotchy vision a second bandage is used so that is due ta the taking of certain all bulging vessels are compress drugs ed A, Susceptible persons are likely to develop progressively larger veins with each pregnancy, Doc. tors often use elastic hose or bandages to compress the dilated, tortuous veins, |f bandages are used they are applied from the toes ta the knee for varicoes of the leg. It the thigh is invelved,| Whether you are 30 and buying an annuity in advance or you are 70 Q. | am very tigklish, Does this Q. It is wise for a persen whe and want payments to have any medica! significance? has kidney trouble to sat meat? start now there's an annuity A, According to a research team that made "tickle tests' aot @ logge hospital, if you are very ticklish, you are also very emo may require a restriction of pro- tional, By the way, most children tein. The attending physician| don't develop ticklishness until would decide which is best they are three or four years old Q. During my Him preg y I had great trouble with vari sete veins, If | have h shild will the veins get worse? Questions directed ta Science Editors, P.O, Bex 97, Terminal "A", erente, Ontarie, will be incorporated in these columns when possible more dietary protein (such as Re sure to ask him about the Professional Skitl| favourable tax picture, Ve ¥ ovo these ame three goed reasons for having i our Quality . . Ka Za Diag Oshawa A FINER BLEND YOULL BE PROUD TO SERVE! Buy an annui and live years after 60 can also bring the fear of A: Some kidney disorders require] designed to bring you peace of mind. that provided in meat) others The Man from Manufacturers would be | pleased to give you the complete story, Fmt wit o worms. Soo the Man from Manufacturers MANUFACTURERS LIFE to a barren and person, Those P. Andrey Representative OSHAWA Tel: RA, 3-2231 "She thinks she's so great just 'cause she lives in a Medallion Electric Home" Not really | It's just that pride of ownership is part of the plea~ of hot water at all times, :,the low-cost, flameless way, And as you would expect in a f F R J Branch sure of living in a Medallion truly modern home, the lighting in Medallion wu Relvesenidiiee Home, So many things are Homes is planned for extra beauty 'and safety Tel: RA, 3:2231 Mgreat" about it! The Medals both indoors and out, Before you buy or build lion Standard gives you a great deal of home comfort, convenience and safety, and protects your home investment through power, light and appliance conditioning, These features include a full capacity service and housepower panel=plenty of appliance circuits, outlets and switches to take care of your present and future electrical needs, And completely installed in every Medallion Home is a new fast-recovery, two-element electric SHOW MARCH 31. water heater, ready to supply an abundance APRIL 8 VISIT THESE MEDALLION HOMES NOW ON DISPLAY THE BEAU VALLEY---Builder -- H, Kassinger Construction Co, Electrical Contractor = Lendtire Electric, Rossland Rd, E,, Oshawe ROUGEDALE ACRES -- Builder -- Mooremac Holdings Ltd, Port Union Rd,, Fiskering BAY RIDGES ~ Builder = Consolidated Building Corp, Ltd, Livarncel Rd.. Pickerina a new home~find out how yeu can enjoy the wonderful advantages of Medallion electric living . , . call your electrical contractor or your local Hydro Office, BE SURE TO SEE THE MEDALLION HOME EXHIBIT AT THE NATIONAL HOME F. L, Crossley Supervisor OSHAWA Tel: RA, 3-2231 INSURANCE