§ THE OSHAWA TIES, Setwrdey, Api 1, 1967 -------- 'MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL I ot enet you WIN have slated If (We Drings no response, NIEh hex Colomn Ak by mal Eo au wf, eh Boi wet rt eee Nt row 4 in cove Should Office Worker Expose" rr, ome amet" ews we wh yo watrer--covomm m or KPOBC 5. permops yo owen 1o"#14 #06 maki youve Wguiies DOUBLE SPREAD hei with # geod peychoiogier, 0 HE VRIIONS question mado i Dishonest i 2 (66, 16 Aelermine Whether yow PWEr Colmnisis whe fuemish in Moi By Mii iy ' AE £IOTonally peel and Wis (ormation ahowt movie PET Jour working fuosisg Mess Ln thing with sick, wiswnded sus reacting Mstancs keep & Bear Wary Waweorth: What ment worker fs awriowsty of The gicions at this time due, per o 4 of Spply Anes an adit 46 whem worEng spimion (hat We immediate 5 Raps, to lonely Hress in Yow Enclose stamped, self - ad math sined, thick cleansing for an Indboidusl whe is Gs pEnoY is MORE Mishonest. #6 (#5 gersonal ie wi drngsed envelopes for personal fomest? The Giahonest. person is payers cupric, fie ought (6 49 replies. MH RB SWPELTISON WB EOVERRIRERL (we (Rings CONTACT ACTRIRS Mary Haworth RERRCY and CRIROL Ire OF THE cnoe (me sulidity of Wis Pear Wary Waworth: In try ft. cond oe dangrrows and vin. ' dud ing 16 locate # movie petress dictive i exposes, and he shows whem you dow! know her ad 50 Sens of TRINTINE 2. Then, i Wie worst fears SEE deess, how wold you go Ahowt Is one concealing # fravd i wrified. fe should pol in for & geting wlormation! one does' 10? And is one an TAR ET A certain actress whom | ad lntonmer or stosh pigeon if one For confidential, reliable gw mire went (6 # very special (does tet? dance from an AAROTHGINE doctor and | wonld wie to Rem We is the kind of fraud. n- SOWEEE, Const & CORRSENOr # ahowt it from her. CW Lyatotng time or money, thet can the local legal wid boreas. Tell, Bear CW; Address a letter] igo on in # lerge organization if The awyer what goes on thatits "Miss Joan Doskes Morte] Goons arent 16 5 & | y youn consider dishonest and i We Actress, Hollywood, Callorme." | stopper L (ehecked Wy ther swpeners comstries thet frand is #60, If she fs famous, i showidl | The Wiaher echelons are very Your Rest step be O6ar, Gf reach her at once, Hf she Jon's A FINER BLEND YOU'LL BE PROUD 10 SERVE! WEDDING PRINCIPALS Pictured after their wed | liam McMaster of Oshawa and Photo by freland opply #esy 16 wee, clea sofe Turk Speciol! 40 Ibs, 12 50 LBS, 3.30 good, and children around the home or in the classenom would nvtime gnytime like to answer and discuss them PARENTS QUESTIONS Q. By stealthily slipping out for an evening with Dad while our hoy, 15 months old, is with a baby sitter, we may avoid a own and garden fertilize 3.86 ®. Only ' ~ Cooper mith ca "Garden Supplies Since 1909" sised 19 Aesth, while super: troubles you. Dow't call any visors often are accountable hody dishonest. Just touch on only to superiors whe see them the facts as observed by you without drudgery! [ec is the daughter of Mrs. Wil / out If] gery! fecal CHILD GUIDANCE Yon by co hove low to be erwied. The secret? Simply Safety Rules More Effeci mr i . e u ore ec ve It you went 16 Neve flowe against dangers, and practices them in safety rules about the school building, often with the seepe safety teaching more effective at home and school if we often had the child give reasons for reluctant 16 believe that anyone MH! famows, but Bas been in, pie) with the shghtest authority can I the higher powers whe 86 (ures, the words movie pore rarely, and then only in the and jet (he authorities make most favorable light. Please their own deductions & ' ' thet sre out of this wend If Children Given Reason poe 1 Garten speci A Prop in, we'll talk By 6G. CLEVELAND MYERS help of the school safely patrol. Ao ves but vou are Drea ing But hearing from every side this child to feel insecure for safety rules in the many situa: tions of danger with which he he cracked. thes i is made the placing want to pin down ai ress" with help the post office casier (or the crooked 18 con your reasons (oF Ieaving be (rack her down | CON IRERE LA The wpper echelon may oF ding in the Manse of St. Ame | the late Mr. McMaster and drew's United Church are Mr. | the bridegroom is the son of Knowing of the many dangers which face our children, we #0 many warnings, children tend years 10 come, not knowing tn grow calloused and (0 take when vou might steal away and is familiar Believing this to be true, one timie factual and impersonal in desig Lowly workers who need the nating the inaccurate handing job in order to Wye are super of money oF fime sheets that GET LEGAL, COUNSEL, may not conclude that the situ Pear 8. 8.; When # govern ation calls for & Rowse Cleamng Let us show you how to have _ a heautiful |, ve and Mrs. Thomas George Bob-.| Mr. and Mrs. George Robin } / / awn . inson. Formerly Miss June | son of Oshawe Lorraine McMaster, the bride » naturally warn them constantly against this peril or that, The school likewise warns children the attitude: "It couldn't hap: deceive him pen to me" I'm sure we could make our of the children's magazines prints quits often a list of gues tions challenging the child fo TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA ZELLER'S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS NOW ... say 'CHARGE:-IT' BUY NOW! PAY LATER! Read all about Zeller's 3 easy-to-use "Charge-It' Plans , , . then open the account you choose for Greater Shopping Convenience, Visit our Credit Office NOW, give reasons why certain ways of doing may be safe or unsafe, reasons for the safety rules they so often hear. These are good questions for causing the child tn imagine and derive reasons of his own FEELING IMPORTANT As he digs reasons oul of his head he feels more important, more self-reliant, than when he is Just warned about the dan- gers to which the questions re fer. As he figures olt good rea sons for observing certain rules of safety, he's dwelling on and imagining the dangers implied in his mind and feelings Resides, the challenge of look ing for the reasons is far greater than just to be warned of dangers, Instead of being fold what (a do or-not to do to he safe, he tells himself, having figured out the reason why Here are a few of the ques tions, picked more or less al random, from many of the groups of questions which have appeared in the children's mag azine referred to above STRANGE LIQUID If someone dared you lo taste or swallow some strange liquid ar other thing, what would you PLAN NO. 3 SPECIAL ACCOUNT FOR LARGER PURCHASES dn? : Use it when buying furniture, appliances, etc. Make your selec Why is it not safe 'to laugh tions: take your sales check to the Credit Department where con and frolic while eating popearn? Why may an unused refrig venient terms are arranged No money down and take up to 18 months to pay IN CASH PRIZES! Read These Simple Rules! All letters ta this Mather's Bay Contest must be written in Sen or Daughter's own handwriting: Letters MUST be legible to aid in judging, Written on ane side of paper, letter should not be less than 25 wards and not mare than three hundred words, Any sen or daughter fram school age 1 fourteen years Is eligible to enter this Mother's Bay Contest, Judging will be made on many paints sush asi Originally, sincerity, human appeal, ote, All letters must start with the slegani "f think my Mdm's the greatest', because PLAN NO. 1: THE 30-DAY "CHARGE" ACCOUNT WITH OPTION TERMS - You get a "personal Charge Card for fast autherization, When you get your monthly statement, you decide the method of payment for that month, and pay in your way, PLAN NO. 2; CRERIT COUPON ACCOUNT - FAST AS CASH TO USE - Tell us how much you want in handy Credit Coupons, £50.00, $100.00, $250.00 or more, Pay no money dowri. Small regular payments fit your budget, All letters received at the Oshawa Times for this Mother's Day Contest will remain the property of this newspaper and may be published or used as this newspaper sees fit, Three Judges will be appointed hy the Oshawa Times and their decision pertaining to all features of this contest will be final, The Oshawe Times will not enter inte or discuss this Mother's Day Contest with any cantestant, erator be dangerous to chil dren? Why may two children viding in a car cause an accident if they fight or quarrel? Why would a parking lot he a dangerous place to play hide and-seek? BRING IN OR MAIL THIS SIMPLE APPLICATION , , , Decide Now To Enter This Mother's Day Contest You'll have the ""Charge-It'" Account you choose, almost immediately {sf PRIZE 20.00 2nd PRIZE 10.00 3rd PRIZE 5.00 ny I ZELLER'S LIMITED 5 near a workman wha is knock Ir WE SR WE WE WE GR SR SE SR S -- -- 1 | 308 Ask OF Bisse fru # Hons AWARDING OF PRIZES OSHAWA TIMES MOTHER'S DAY ENTRY BLANK Any parent or teacher could make up lists of questions as ORANGE ALASKA STUFFED EGGS 8 large oranges 10 scoops vanilla ice cream 3 cups fruit eocktail juice Meringue of § eggs 3 tablespoons sherry Cul aranges in half and em pty the centre. Mix orange with fruit cocktail and sherry. Then put back ima shell. Place | SCOOP 100 ereamean tap of filled orange and then pipe mer ingue around ice cream until top is completely covered Sprinkle with icing sugar and hake in hot aven for ane or two minutes until golden brown "CHARGE-IT' ® No Down Payment mpi te SUL et ZELLER'S LIMITED uo oi Prizes totalling $35.00 will he awarded as mentioned above far the threes best describes the slogan--- ADDRESS letters that the judges decide in thelr opinion | think my Mom's the greatest', because WHO IS ELIGIBLE ? Please enter my enclosed letter in your Mother's Day Contest, | haveby agree to abide by all the rules set down as men: tioned in this Mother's Day advertisement, and to permit PHONE the publication of my letter if the Times desires to do so, | | WISH TO OPEN A "CHARGE-IT" ACCOUNT, PLAN NO, State 1, 2 or 3 However, ALL LETTERS must be accompanied by the efficial entry the winning letter could he won by this cantest blank clipped from this paper. Remember school child, depending, of course, on originality Fancy enclosures will have ne hearing on the winning letters Signature | HAVE ACCOUNTS AT == EMPLOYMENT = Store Open Closed Firm (How Long without the youngest sincerity, human Address Age appeal, el AIAN EARS AIT AAAI YY Ea ray Phone... miwis + sma bie WINNERS The three winners of this Mother's Day Contest will be chosen and their names published in o special Mother's Day supplement to be issued by the May 9th, 196) | FEAT RNS ae All sons and daughters from school age to fourteen years are eligible to enter Mother's Name EERE REE EE Oshawa Times on Tuesday ALL ENTRIES MUST BE DEPOSITED IN THE TIMES, 86 KING STREET EAST, ON OR BEFORE 3 O'CLOCK P.M, APRIL 21w, 1961, 3 bh rv -- REMEMBER! To be eligible, all letters must reach the Oshawa Times office on or before 5 P.M. APRIL 21st, 1961. Employees of the Oshawa Times and their immediate families will not be eligible to participate in this contest granBlated sugar hy folding i 21 SIMCOE ST, § Car ly With a wooden spoon PHONG RA 3.22% PHONE RA 3.2209 inte ihe ogg whites, 3