"WHERE'S YOUR EASTER BONNET?" A bonnet befitting the neces won is worn 1a meet the Vast er Bunny by Wendy Parsons top Canadian baby model, As Scouting With The Handicapped "THE STARS SAY Discussed At Auxiliary Meeting "Scouting with the Handicap ped Boy' was the subject which Mrs. G. N. Varnum, president of the Executive Board, discussed at the March meeting of the 13th Scout Methers' Auxiliary on Monday evening, March 27, held In the ladies' lounge of King Birest United Church ! This phase of Beouting 1s a particularly rewarding one/ ch Is being stressed more 10) he Homing haw murh to| offer in the rehabilitation of the handicapped boy, sald Mrs, Var:| mim. I builds self-confidence | om im into closer con tact with the outside world the world in which he is to Kpend much of his life, Through un. he gains experience and skill in making choices, friends, and getting along with others Scouting is for all boys whe want it and as It stresses abil: ilies yather than diabilities, the first need is to improve that which a handicapped hoy has vather than dwell on that which he Inks Mrs, Varnum closed by read: Ing an article taken from World Reouter, on Cub Beout John Daniel Kemp, an 1lyearold Ameriean hoy whe, in spite of tereifie physical handicaps, leads an active life In his com munity ' Mrs, Varnum was introduced A A 4 Jo Aidwinetle, Womens THE OSHAWA TIMES, Serwrdey, Agri 1, 196) TF § Hy, Eder iat BA 3-53474 \ Pt. Perry Scout, Clubs, Auxiliary Fulford Honors Mrs. Arthur The Sows and Colv Mothers SwriWary of Port Verry held is anal Somer resEsthy # he Flawingy restart. There were T members present and hey were ageh presented wih a awrRgr made by (he commiies "charge The mahhight of the severing cama wien Wes. Borman Kerry GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES TIRD PARENTS COMWEFTER The regwier meeting of he Pavers Commies of the HL Conde Association was held iracently wt the howe of Mrs Cortis Fadl, Chevrsiet pleas with wight meanihers present {The president, Yrs, Kaward Bind, presided. The secretary s NE (EERO EE'E TRPONIS WETE read, Reports of the telephone commie and Loci Associa tion represeptative, Mrs. Koy Forster, were given i was ponies owl that thers wis need of & (wba Company wn the district and members were asked to pve thowght 19 names of any poAential leader The Browwie Falr was an nounced for May 5 and done tions of proms and candy asks for, The Pack report was gen Wy Tawny Owl, Mrs, €, Russe Harrison Plans were made (or # mothe and Aangier Wangwet 19 be held April 14 at Guide Howse. It wa decided 10 hold an outdoor bake © sale wm early June RgEn Ns yerr, Discussion fotlowed on the new bylaws as Brawn wp OSHAWA LIONETTES The regular meeting of Oshawa Lioneties was held a Simeone Hall, on Monday, March 27, with Mrs, Jack Anderson presiding The report of the very sie cessful THIMMARE SRE WARS given and appreciation extend ed to convener, Mrs, Borman "Gower. Final plans for the sale oA home-made haking were dis cussed with convener, Mrs, ¥4 wird Wellman A discussion how 10 return the visits with the Cobourg and Newcastle Lionettes resulted in @ tentative date of June 19. Mrs, Gerald Hudson will inquire as 10 # suitable place and all members will plan the enteriginment #f the next meeting, April 2% will he ex. The door prize was won hy tremely generous where per: Mrs. John Swan sonal relationships are con PMA CLUB cerned, It will be important 10] phe regular meeting of the maintain harmony and poise, plagsant Monday Afternoon however, or you could upset! club was opened with the presi: Gomme and Mrs, Roy Pearse viat_soula be an extremely dent, Wire, Jiwood Bradley, pre: respectively | | Fo ; rs, Beal expressed her FOR THE BIRTHDAY hy he ral why oalled Dy Mrs. thanks (0 Mrs, Jack Perry, con 1 tomorrow Is your hirthday,|iesson wes read by Mrs, Stans vener, and sll the mothers whey,» horoscope Jot ha that ley Harrison, The secretary's had Assisted, at the Boout dine iApgit "which is your month, |=". . ner for the IMn Scout Froop and outa prove 8 highly profitable thelr guests from Huntsville one on most counts. so make Dorset, Mrs. Beal reported on constructive PIANS BS quickly 8 the lest executive hoard meet possible, both where Job inter Ang and asked uxiiary mem: ose and finances are concerned hers to continue savin used | og keep plugging, You'll not stamps for handicappe Aco |only rr A far more than ofl Ugg io yo oy i Oyou expect, but will he able to wa Wie Yeary Ww {wind up the next 12 months of / fd hildren fashion change only practical way of decking | the pram set in fanciful head grow ws quickly ss | gear. Wendy wea an nid sewing 1s the | fashioned duster type honnet made of polka-dotied dacron on where mand By ESTRELINTA by. M Stank . 4 FOR TOMORROW hy Mis, Blanley Gomme #ne 8 r 0h {thanked by Mrs, W. ¥, Manuel Sunday's Influen The president, Mrs, Grant Beal, presided for the business meeting with the monthly re ports being given by the secre tary and treasurer, Mrs, Stanley Is rr gA the repos. was read by Wes. Dn can iohet and § fraagwny § report by Wis. Witham Reed Firthday wreclings were Fmg for Mes, Everett Dart 08 Mrs. Lioyd Vatierson Mr Barnard Lewis was gras speaker #8 spoke on the Chk deems Aid Bociety, We was thanked Wy Mrs. Reniawin A aektin Refreshments were served by Yrs. Norman Hodgson and Mrs Jobe Fake SUNSHINE ROLY regi r meeting of the The Sunshine groovy of the WA of oil he sreatly missed in thet The Simeon Street United Church was hdd on Monday evening, Yarch Mrs, Jee Bakker presided wid the meeting opened with the devotional pened led by Mrs Pearce and Mis. Man the theme Weng Mrs. Robert Sheffield read minutes (otlowed by roll cal owing W members present The treasurer's report showed that the hat and tea sale was # EE SHECESS With regards io talent money wis sugeesied thet i any member had & favourite recipe it could be sold for » small sum and turned in as (alent money Mrs, Pearce and Mrs, Sargeant displayed jam and sold recipe for same al the meeting o show #5 an example as 15 how (alent money could he made The flower and card report showed that a number of mem: hers received flowers and sym: pathy erids from the group Mrs. Bob Smith gave 8 run. down on Smorgashosrd for April 15, The kitchen help to he there at | pm. and the dining room help 10 be there at 4 pm Mrs, Lloyd Brown reported on mission boxes sent fo Sandy Lake The catering commitiee re- minded every member that the Brownie and Guide banquet Is tn he on May 26 Following # lively game of 'beetle drive' refreshments were served by the group in charge ley Barge nt on Easter HUES FOR HOSIERY Pale golden tones and flower colors such as rose and Misc give warmth to the hues of hos. ery for spring, UL TTR PP »n § Hed Mes. Arthur Fillord with #2 oft of lwgzage, lingerie fehalf of the and -e m vy, Mes. Folord hae heen # fathfen worker in the Scot ane Cal Uothery Sawh wary wn Port Perry for the § fen JES. PRE Bas ery as SRCTEIREY, Walon . (omy rRey and dent of he on win nd bas helped a co% Camps She has five sons belonging 14 the Scowt Movement. Her midest son, Albert, is # Guess Scot and Was wisn carned Ws Gold bi wd Mes. Follond graciowsly on preseed her thanks, She is leay ing shortly ta visit her Tushandi Tayior, Mrs, Kaward Fines ind whe ia stationed in Jamaica and wm her retorn will be leaving Port Perry. The Fitonrd {amity agonal The remainder of the cvemng WAS Spent IR PAaYIng enchire wad Wings. Prize winners were Mis Roy Smith, Mrs. Gordon Fren tice, Mrs. Howard Gibson, Mrs Charles Reesor, Mrs, Ralph CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Westminster WF Women's Weare 4 cage Pleasant Mon, AML, Club Sunshine Rebekah No, 772 $t, George's Guild TUESDAY Knox Preshylenian WA TOPS Club SA Home League Christ Church WA wery Kinette Club Ever-Ready Class Centre Bt, (West Grp.) Alice Jackson Aux Victoria Lodge 1TH 1th Group Commitiee Daughters of England Bt. Peter's WA Holy Cross WA Onward Group WEDNESDAY Northminster WA Lend-a-Hand Club Queen Mary Lodge All Doubles' Club Rundle Park Aux I Harmony WA | 10th Group Commilice nd Group Commilies "Albert Street WMS Ukrainian B-PW AUX, [THURSDAY | BH Club ith Group Commitiee Sunheam Chapter, OES Bt, George's Eve, WA Happy Doubles' Club Pilot Club Calvary Baptist WMS Bimeoe Street WMS Christ Chureh ¥ve, Guild Bt, George's Alt. WA Challenger Group King Street WMS FRIDAY Christ Church Aft, Aux Simcoe Bt, WA (Grp, 8) TAKE COVER Happy abandon being the secret of happy painting, cover yourself up welll Recommend: ed! A man's long - sleeved old shirt, old jeans and rubber or other household gloves, Protect| your tresses with old veiling, wound turban style cooler, prettier than kerchiefs, and SCTVER WH) Rast ten cgge : AWE Af ATEGIR wn ge ware fk as # few capers on 199 ol ---- LC 174 Kitson Rd, 5. -- Open Daily fo 10 pm. Specials! Mon., Tues. & Wed. GRADE "A LARGE 4 EGGS wor. B3° BUTTER « 09° BURNS 48, PURE LARD ~~ 19° CIGARETTES - 3.09 Pay ao Visit to Our New DRY GOODS, DRUG end CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ! MRS, ARTHUR FULEORD Mrs, George Lane. The Wirthday prize was won by Mrs. A Spent: TTR LIRGE CIR IRL ek presepied a slate of stficers lor the coming year Mrs. Jack Cook, president of the Awxihary, was hostess and the COMI E Ih CRArER Was cm emented for the success ful event Couple Honored On Anniversary Mr, and Mrs, Theodore (Pete) Wilkins, Royal street, cele brated their silver wedding an mversary on Sunday, March 2% About 8 close relatives gath ered in Woodview Park Club room (0 extend their greetings and good wishes, The room was attractively decorated and the decorated fable was cenired with » cake shaped in the nam her 25 and flanked by while candies, The corsage and how tonmiere which were pinned on the anniversary couple, as well tas the flowers on the table \were the gift of their daughter {Miss Ruth Wilkins | Mr, and Mrs. Wilkins were married in Oshawa at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Ripley. Besides their daughter they have two sons Wayne and Gary, all at home On behalf of the group, Mr Robert Ripley, a nephew, ex: pressed best wishes 10 the honored eouple and hoped to he able to attend their ith anni versary, Mr, Milford Heard pre- sented the gift of china Guests attended from Ottawa, Lakefield, Bowmanville, Cour: tice, Toronto and Bobcaygeon, SOCIAL NOTICE | AT HOME Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Emer: | son, Nestleton, Ontario, will be| at home to their relatives and| friends on Saturday, April 8, from 2 to 6 and 7 to 10 p.m, on the ocension of the golden wed-! ding anniversary. Announce . . . Baby's Birth The birth of your beby son er deughter calls for # notice In the Oshews Times. This hoppy event con be ennounced for $1.50 It is & nice wey of letting your friends end relatives know of your baby's errivel, THIS HANDY FORM TODAY TO THE OSHAWA TIMES 86 KING ST, KE MAIL Family NOME ovr reerenrrsersesireansrrterereese PEER RINE EER ERRRRRRRRIRERRY Mathers Maiden Name (Optional) PERRET IR IRIAIE AES PRAIRIE RRR E ERAN ERR pret rRReRERRRREARLLRRERY ver Gil oan nreeriernees Baby Boy rrr RRtRt RR IRRIRREY Baby's Name (Optional) veer ere Name of Hospital prep R RTI IRR RRILIARY Electrolysis Removes warts, superfluous hair and painlessly Over 15 Years' Experience RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be In Oshawa at th Genoshe Hotel, ari 4 *, PHONE RA 3-464) moles and permanently Other Particulars seme RRR LIER RELIYY eR ER RRR EERE RRR YY | Payment Enclosed re OF reopens resem ERRRR ELEY sRERERT ARERR RRR RYE Charge to Lert E rae rrr Address Tel, Nw ovr: greet ELEY trrene EE EE ER EN EEE NEA] Town or City stays anchored hetter for appointment on thes dates | | {of "His Name Is Jesus", | The Seripture was read hy ¥ (Mrs, Charles Cathmoir and Mes {Fred Coleman read a poem The Cross'. Mrs. Rankin led in the SINRING of "The Old Rug ged Cross', then spoke of the three crosses, saying that all are hought with a price Mrs, Kmest Sargeant sang a {solo "Friendship with Jesus" 3 Mrs. Rankin read a poem ag [The Foolish Maiden", TV COMFORT Mrs, William James gave a roading, "An Raster Thought" By ALICE BROOKS This fed up to the packing of I's %0 much pleasure to look the fruit and candy into baskets at TV, but how much more 11/for the sick and shutin mem will be with this cushion MOIS This well padded turtle, made Mrs, Rankin closed in prayer of leftover fabrios, measures! TOA wan served by Uy 14 x 104 ohes, Simple to/Cheerio group Sow, cheap to pad. Pattern 7988: | Next week will he "Youth on pattern pieces; directions Parade", when a program fea Send Thirty five conts (coins) {UTINE ohildren and young peo for this pattern (stamps cannot/RIe hax heen arranged hy Mrs ho accepted) 0 Alice Brooks Charles Cathmeir on The Oshawa Times, Needle oraft Dept, Oshawa, Ontario NIGHTCAP FAD Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, | STEVENAGE, England (CF) PATTERN NUMBER {A Hertfordshire knitting firm JUST OUT! Our 1881 Needle {reports that nighteaps are the eran Rook. Over 125 designs for|latest fashion among American home fraishings, for FASHIONS w=! toon agers, The works manager knit, erochel, embroider, weave [aid that 5.000 were exported to SOW, GUI = lays, gifts, basaar|the United States last year, the ftems. FREF SIX designs for most papalar line being red 'N Apiary Voll caps, Quick sod white Stripes with a Maly A cents TODAY {hobble on the end | followed hy the SIngInK| November, the executive hoard, your 1ifg in a better position |vineinl central conference would" he held in Murray St, Baptist] The fine eyele which you have Thursday, April 18 with Mrs, better than the early part of the Beal and Mrs, Stanley Gomme|Year) is a period for opportun: 18th Auxiliary em! The program chairman, Mrs, Personal relationships will be the April meeting would feature the year ahead, so you should A film on artificial respiration. (find domestic, social and senti: sol for 8 rummage sale and the ulating Romance will he gov: date of the next Paper drive wis arned hy good aspects during Refreshments were served by and November; iravel far Mrs, George Cuthbertson and yored in August he inspiring to others, highly in: tutive and ingenious SA Home League ' Easter Meeting Monday's mspeets should be | pleasing to those with creative Ralvation Army Home League|gaged in enterprises requiring was held on Tuesday afternoon, | imagination and originality, Re present |Jonk now and could ba a potent Mrs, William James led in the (factor in making decisions 08, and made the ANNOUNCE: ning hours will be especially ments good for promoting unique ideas sponsible for the devotional period, which was called "The FOR THE BIRTHDAY {tributions of fruit and candy your horoscope indicates a pro made a pleasing display ductive year, but a great deal {and spoke of Easter as a Hme wiih superiors, partners and when all should remember Cab yuciness associates expecially in A prayer Where personal mats tors are concerned romance and late this month, in August and November. Domestic concerns during the same period Ingenuity and selfdiseipline creative ideas, hacked up hy| practical methods In carrying yield fine results, Late Decem ber will he fine where property A ohild born on this day will he capable, 14 was announced that the pro [than you may now anticipate, Chureh, Peterborough, on|lust entered (and which is far attending ns delegates from the Hes Do make the most of Harold Pascoe announced that|under good aspects for most of A tentative date of April 10 was mental matters lively and stims announced as April 22 the current month, In August {members of her group A child horn on this day will DAY AFTER TOMORROW The regular meeting of the/talent and to all who are en March 86, with #8 members sourcefulness should he at a singing of some favorite chorus:| pe Jate afternoon and eve Mii, Major Rankin was re: and" displaying your cleverness Haster Blessing Basket", Con yy Monday is your hirthday, Mrs, Rankin thanked OVORYONE will depend on your cooperation vary, Bhe lod in the. reading off ihe months between August and soolal activities will he favored will also he under fine aspects will pay off during October, and them out, should ultimately matters are concerned make an excellent executive [sight dress, It is really a two-piece The straight skint SHORTY STORY In walk shorts, the 17 to 1% neh outseam model predomin:| ates, followed hy two + inch shorter Jamaicas, Many fabrics will be seen FOR BEAUTIFUL A Yenin 40 Kmg £ RA 50181 new . Fascinating Hons, and brown, oolor print the costume including style WATERCOLOR PRINT color blue, are Though looks al like combina: selh-belted and has an invert. green ed pleat in back, Its matohing artistically shirt is cut to be worn in or loval and would ™ingled to make. this water-|out and features an Italian col: selfcovered buttons and first lar, Alturn-hack sleeves ih] By Tracy Adrian This is what you get i 81 will m Sh WwW, COLD STORAGE FUR COATS and OLOTN GARMENTS! * Shinerizing ¢ Cleaning * Repain! Oshawa Fur and Cold Storage Lid, RA 3.3012 | | when you buy your ELECTRONOME TV or STEREO WIFI _ MEAGHER'S § KING ST. W. RA 3-325, ti Jy | ---- | ed LOOK YOUR BST FOR SPRING Last season's tired togs be. come this season's proud Spring paraders , , , when you come to us for the finest dry cleaning. Let us help your whole fam. ily put its best looks forward at Spring time. We clean your clothes really clean , , , theroughly, gently , . . and press them to smooth, wrinkle-free perfection, WE SPECIALIZE IN When Quality Fur Storage Cleaning Counts, ~ Count On / "Eveleigh's Cleaners & Launderers © 30 MILL STREET OSHAWA RA 3.4631 From telephones in Bowmanville, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry Call long distance and T for Zenith 13000, i