DON 5. SMITH Pra #4 Vickery Faol Estote EA BAI ad & iidd Mes Ewsinass Fas BROOKLIN PRIVATE SALE Fira-roomed sot level, $12, 006. Low down poyment, $76 monthly erres prince pot interest iver 65-3709 CASTLE HOMES LOOK 111 $11,976 FULL PRICE $600, DOWN PAYMENT $68, Carries Monthly on vee "tor MAL bors bs, BA 1354 §iTRacrive bed pitting pom and , mpietaly famed, , cone 1H AA " Bo ame or ton Bie ' i Te rivals anntinman oo EA 0 [om "and Wilahenetie, lnrpish Lon gt o00i94 wre Triegione W tor further pastier A8is ol ATTRACTIVEL Y FURNISHED ROOMS Avgilale in privete home B2 Pork Rood Meorth betveen 5 ond 7 pm RA 8-867) 27 Reel Estate for Sole ad ROOM bungalow, ressonshly priced $IS00 Bown, 190 seers 04, close to is, Buses, and scapes paves | ri Brags, inks of extran. Coll site Lr {oring Binet, off Blake are wn CHrRcH Slreet, Lao. slorey, Ma mom raw po Ears Coll FULL oh 10h 54 %4 oh Ahi NEW HOUSE EIGHT ROOMS, SOLID BRICK Hot water hesting with © Washrooms RA 81720 $1000 DOWN 8 room brick. This home good condition, Clea out, oil heating. Yacant now J, BARNOSK]| 18 BOND W. RA 57231 SAVE $300. ON FULLY SERVICED LOTS IN EXCLUSIVE Rossland Manor LIMITED NUMBER AT $55.00 PER FOOT, FOR INFORMATION RALPH JONES-Solicitor RA 8-6246 OR YOUR LOCAL REAL ESTATE BROKER OPEN HOUSE $547.40 FULL DOWN PAYMENT FULL PRICE ONLY $10,949.36 MONTHLY PAYMENTS $87.00 PRINCIPAL, INTEREST AND TAXES 3 Bedroom Clay Brick Bungalow Leaded with Extras DIRECTIONS: SOUTH ON RITSON TO CONANT THEN EAST TWO BLOCKS. FOLLOW THE SIGNS "ITS'S CHEAPER THAN RENTING SALESMEN ON SITE FROM 2-5 3. D. HYMAN 39 PRINCE ST, -- RA 8-6286 WHITBY CLASSIFIED second mort Goge on @ new Castle Home There is never Two VISIT OUR FURNISHED MODEL HOME ON THE MORTH PARKING LOT OF OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-1186 W.T. LAMSON | REAL ESTATE LTD n in end 27 Rash Estate for Sole 39 Automobiles fos Sele Oo de atom ey 41 285 # 57 470 po ax --_---- att ery Mn Akay, mesine, [& Fines Soest, ris Ci poy hg rime ¢ hme 7 em a uh wiry her TE iad "aor of Dewi di i Eo " ghptmigiole TE as ants 8 9 PRIVATE seid, poses Voree acs , francs, mF , fw i» BE reel, 8 0 Wis ashey Priges Street BA 35503 or ond teres | NEWLY decorated Apaftment, panelled TWO newly decorated twobed iviae Joom and kitehen, bedroom and apartments are available [1 bath, private Shitdnce, ot main floor, cen: | ly. One May 1st, Telephone Wes ine tral, Telephone MO 83377 FOR RENT -- 108 B BALE = Lot 80 x 100, comer of §70Und floar space of 1600 & hi ory And Maile, reasonable di 32 foot frontage, prime Renti Four room house, outside facil: { fea, $30, d ELAN Mantreal, Whitby ey van RENT Three roamed "i FOR BN - Thies: Teamed, unfur | AL NY a apartment - Private CORtAIRSd apartment in Whiley i bathroom, Telephone LA monthly, furnished if Ava able immediately Dial i A daa DRESM only and housekeeping dre MAKING - wll, rations and slip covers. A trance. Ap Suit guaranteed. Mrs. Toms aisihoo Fa Noe ins -- Ring, lt = Apartment, (hres rooms, heat. hydro, hot ation, nh hve PATKING apace. Call MO | L&) LA Svenings and weekends saned the sanitary war a Eat itn Walter Ward, West Phone MO #2363 ne. AE VICES -- Completa bookies serviee for small businesses. wee monthly or as desired. Siatements Foner Income tax returns. MO mom, with private en t RENT = § a Apartments, balcony, Wy antial ares, newly decorated, | Harper WN ry facilities, nee | Path | \ [iron dren's Plas around prof y sing roam. home-cooked me. vd MO in or apply 1131 Pun EASTER PERMANENTS FROM §7 Up Soft curl or firm curl, basic style or high style. Yeu name it. We can do it COIFFURES BY KEN STUDENTS A super Value, approxi mately 630 ghouls of letter sles Seng hapat, Biba int) for only $1.00 Ap: iH: h mes Office, Whithy, Hi ify Bian Stree West WANTED Used boats, motors and trails ors, we will sell your equips ment on consignment at your price. For Rent Smelt nels AN EASTER PERMANENT from BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLIST. Leaves nothing to be desired in foundation curl. Your ultra hair shaping and your latest trend hairs styla -- MO 8.3081 or RA 8.4722 coleman lanterns WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1418 Dundes E. MO 8:3226 |. PLANNING TO BUILD A HOME Bring your plans or skeich to FOR SALE - motors, canoes FOR RENT -- Bax, boat and == Used boats, boat trailers and rack Street South, (radu ag fowl a a storage or oifice Apply Hank ol | FOR RENT Warm furnished Hght ® Vii" treet East, ar $65 monthly three and | 0 "ah WANTED = Gentleman "hoarder, tad i 1) INQUIRE ABOUT OUR NEW PREFABRICATED HOMES COTTAGES GARAGES IT Wilh COT YOu NOTHING IT CAN SAVE YOU PLENTY Pion Built o Arywhere Han Mo Doys ve in Winn 34 DROP IN, PHONE AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 110 KING STREET EAST SHAY A RA 8-5103 YOU WON'T BEAT THE PRICE J OR WRITE mQpen House FREE TO THE FIR OIL HEAT FOR ONE FULL YEAR NO SECOND MORTGAGES NO HIDDE JUST VALUE on $540.00 won war 5 TOLD $10,799.00 FULL PRICE Oren D Thursday, FE iay and Saturday And Easter Monday LOCATION Stevenson's Road South Opposite Loblaw's at The Oshawa Shopping Centre LLOYD REALTY LTD. REALTORS 101 SIMCOE RA 8. dy ad A soz FRSTIMG Rag yr A Proig-y Ay Aris i cic pov A W WERCERY fen i Ta Repry Rew ims "Hon A, PE caine Sovp- 4. un ESTA In the fash) en TT a "ek Trg Hon, Ca -, aro i Earhans, Biles ra, oo PRIVATE SALE Service Stotion » Snack Grocary Store = Fivg-r9om Fring muerisrs, phe yee: or [hid ATITIRNG ise tore from Oshans less von 39 miles. Secrfics price $8,500 ~-- dovn poyment gi S00. FA 4 ©2A7 PRIVA TE SALE FULL PRICE $12,509 $5,100 DOWN Corries for $5) monthly ph toxes, 5% NHA mort: ge. Three bedroom, brick ui sie. Large gorege, For pers ticihors, phone RA 37674. LEAVING COUNTRY SELLING BELOW MARKET PRICE New custon t breom bungelow orn Desa ravine lot. 75 x 250 Living oom with stone fireplace Sunny kitchen with breakfost ores. Al ceder style balcony, completely londscoped. Lower Ber Rept. Br Taeihe i» hy. PETE "LRERORILE POPRE RES Fil a E54 helore § pm RA BAT of comiitinn, cision BP Wo PORTIA, Ly I. ete ry per aM iss or poder. | follies oy rE Lig lo 4 oad Bild Joe Oe SRR car lo Nhs pov o EREYRINET prise, B9. Toe |30--~Auvtomoblles Wonted WAVE cash Ion & vf ferred. Private 7 oe eds RL LAKESRARE Aus duds want Wael #4 (A WIRCEPE Highest prices ped, A wr Ch SPOT CASH PAID FOR cleon to Yiode up ES oo down. Liens poid off BOD MOTOR SAL 314 PARK RD. § RA 3 7421 $ ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deol up down. Liens poid off NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY | MO 8-800) HOUSTONMN'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE | MOTOR TUNE - UP AND | GENERAL REPAIRS 67 YING 5T. W RA 3.7822 31--Automobile Repoirs ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP Complete collision service Radiator repairs end re. coring Wheel slignment, Frame end wheels straighten: ng STEVENSONS RD, § RA B-445] 32--Articles for Sele PLUS TAXES (Ae food fresser, i i eh 1 MONTHLY {oral exoit big vod ved Fiabe | ¢ ideal ft Home Appliances (Oshawp) fla," Simcoe Blrest South, RA 8.533 WAND power saw, 67 blade, ii years |0ld, very gond condition. Telephone 19017 alter 4 HOUSEROLD furniiure: ining end NIA ing rooms, mirrers, plelures, elect healer, tricycles and er articles numerous 4 mention. Very reasonable | Evenings d all day Seturday, RA I 7685, 65 Third Avenues BF. Goodrich Stores -- "Hires, bat Lerten einer Seip sraldes tele vision. Thiifty Budget ly RA 54843 [USER tires, most all sizes, $3 and > BF. Goodrich Sores, RA 54543 | CABE tractor, hydraube un, plow and | dise, Call RA #471 T™wn repossessed wing and vacuum cleaner. Also decorated | Me Imag at wholesale prices. Call RA oe WARDEIRE for wale, wi rors, price ¥ HT good eon phone RA 8 Hh, | Cleaner Repairs, All mak Parts, Hoses, Brushes, Guaranie rebulits, Himetes free, Wi Vacuum 1 Service HA 80861 anytime SOAP FREE ' s b "J Borage $5,000 dawn an ote sole. Coll owner at MO B-4918 or 150 Elizabeth Crs off Trickson's Ra ST TEN BUYERS N COSTS refrigerator, 0} FULL PRICE aily - IPM TOS 1 PM. to 6 PM, P.M. machines | "twa tion ST. NORTH 5123 29---Autemobiles for Sale 7 10 PONTIAC excellent condition, "will | accept trade. Can n Jinaneed, 4108 or § nearest offer. RA 5-813 [We ¥ your car for cash. Fast panfl, 135 or | good fh ! i (Eihaat ~ LLY dential servis, convenient Jeri: Information, telephone HA §-6283 board WY Sime auth " PONTING "Bie papen Hag, While sedan, a) a od B, indnes ! | ol a GON Su of work | ole ola) snd wind shield Rhsnary Aho o oon ier, eke trade MO #47. BUYING a fa "Need mana W For awest rales, fash servis. eaboa Finance, 3014 Simeon Sirest South, phone M "a 63 4 NANGE Custam Raval, "excelent | candiian, '83 Chevrolet sedan and KA! GMC halftone panel good eandition, mable, WH 36637. 41 Guild Road, | Plek Kering, cub SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 134 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO Tel: RAndolph 3.346) CLEARANCE SALE 23 USED CARS 1948 to 1954 MUST BE SOLD | NEED SPACE $25 AND uP We alse have a number of ate model Guaranteed Used Can + [ROY W, NICHOLS _COURTICE CAR LOT | NAGY MOTOR SALES ni £3 bu, transmission, two i | Telsphane RA 6 Complete supply of soap free, for three full wears. Bars, powder, flakes, for your whole family. Simply order ene of our most efficient waters softener, No down payment, $215.00 full price. Installed In your heme. For demen stration, RA 8:3698 WATER Purified water for drinking use. $5.00 per 1000 gallons Soft water for laundry use, $5.00 per 1000 gal. Deliver ed anywhere. RA 8.477) RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE The home of quality, tradi- tional and modern age fur nityre, Complete room groups available. 295 Simcoe St South. Bradley's former lo: cation w= RA 8.3171 29---~Automobiles for Sale 108 PONTIAC two - tone four-doar, ood condition, moter recently over i i Can be financed. $380 © sedan, in A condition, HH low mileage. Tel. 1084 ¥! © coach, xiv good condl: Hoa, IY pe: fuslem radio. Apply 1 311 Monk Sires! after 6 pw a § evl a. JoNT AC "Laurentian sedan, § tur glide transmission, radio, ot fd slip Aifierential etc. Exceliont dition 4 Warren Avenus. RA FOTRDOOR Bel Ale, low Cia, radia, fourteen other options, Bi #184 Nn SVEN wo: door hardiop, twa fons Rk: excallbnt condition. Can aber elephone RA §6178. Wil Ne . CAR "AUCTION Every Saturday 10:30 a.m Good selection. Chevrolets, Pontiaes, and '41 Carvairs Buy or sell. Good terms available. 25 Grenfell St A 8.5179, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING 87. = OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) | ~RA 3.4494 Res. RA §-8874 | BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL [® STOVE QiL Expert Service DIXON'S RA 3.4663 BOATS & MOTORS LARSON---Fibre Glass WEYMOUTH Cruisers THORNES--A luminum MASON---Lapestrake PETERBOROUGH Moulded Plywood WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN DEALER RA 5.033] We have a good assortment _ of Used Cars. ! CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10 $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in surance. Haif-year payments EVINRUDE MOTORS GATORS-- TRAILERS Faciory Appraved Service Open Evenings and Weekends or. 1 We, § Lowen. BA . LTR fo 28 FM vo ELAS = CYCLE boy' Hii addi . |b hone BA 33914 oR. meen televisions, Hop ¥ P purchase, ly 8 savings, . psd / Call us today and compare-- ample free parking | | | | ] Marine Storage = ir : ne Visa N AE pd ie, MA poh» VA Md | eats wie fo 3 a ve fo] Bas Lo BL re 2 rs £ Heskes Zur ev ody B02 Kapep, Js | Drone fio Lave "hy prs A Lo RETRO. iA Wh HETOLE - J he wr mony, Bet ser, : Crise» Tiny iy fon} prurient $2, Fizrens EA Bil , ' syle, id ssttntnndl adit VIBES. Jol three peipves, B88. Tele | Pione RA $1970 wher # pm Lop TOMATIC coin law op Med delivery ¥ i» 4 CIIPFER ERE, "Raviia" Wiener Wardiohe, YEEY Kod snditiam. Rep sonable. Teiephore S45 ww inane om Et, white Rite alls he He] 3 Fraserick, Ferond I BOAT Lralier, motor 35 BP John Hon siectnie. In god condition. Tei oar Evie Teisphone RA {DINING room willie, § piece, OOK Very i tistsisind priced Fete ne BA v9 AL CONRITION. 5 Domision Boys Master low profiis Lires, Lo 82015 tor sale. Call BA S995 aller § pm. Pigs Canvas, Prompt series, free estimates. # re. 4 ad licos North Chynme {Cleve Fox, $id LOWEST prices I» lows! ile bargains. Thiee 5iece periment size chrome wulle, exlepsion srborile Loble, wit Bb malchipg £hairs, Mashed $29 five piece home ies, arbors tops, Aouble 5, Beavy Auly match ng chairs, x. they last 87; even ieee Blank size 6x73 ie #leh nk chairs. slope sample, $78; Homie Minelte sulle, beaut brown combinskion, one opty, ort, $30. Many more karieing Wilson Fur Pitre, 39 Church Sireel. BOOM lots of re wier #58 soien ph el, a oy in Hogi A Jor regular 5. M wir Ag] 0nd Wi if 4 King some canvis. From fee estimates, Chair, Ki leve Fox, $13 Bimeoe North. NEW Oriental "designed THES, oot gies, Jor "sale, low prices Tele ROTOTHIER in frei clase Cot nA ant motor, sla sump Pim Sine nd oF Wi wt 8 Jol] EE 5, Yor H1 eerie, rentals A i THE ESTATE OF BAREND TEUMNIS i Tridel EES ¥ + DATED of Gohows, Gnisns, oe | 16th doy of Meh, AD, Jom Yen Memeier, aidan 1 A By CREIGHTON, FRAKR, DRYWAN b MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshows, Ontane, his scticitors herein POLICE CONSTABLES, CLERK-CADET AND A STENOGRAPHER WANTED FOR OSHAWA POLICE DEPARTMENT Pophications for the fRlowing ions with the Oshows Police Department will bs re- ceived up 19 ond including April Bh, 1961. Application forms may be cbioined of the office of the Chief of Police, POLICE CONSTABLES Ouslificotions required: British mbject , Between the oges of 21 ond 30 yeors Minimum height = § #, 10 in Minimum weight = 160 Ios : Minimum sducation == 10th grade CLERK-CADEY Qualifications required; -- 1. Male 2. Typist, " of gi By Bg STENOGRAFPHER (Female), EVELYN M. FOUND, Seey, Board of Police ua 4 Prone " for fhe , Semler Tome al AEks Fac bone CTowe, DNmiveiion. fn' i x 8 uk Ti : 2 | i be Jrousets Wig * 3 i i : 1 | 3382 nig t a il: £ i il ¥ Si i 52 : [X ¥ : i i i i 35 ! i ik! Hh was the MC. Murdock Bepton - Birrcinr of music tor the public schools, played several selec Ladies Wear were: Mrs. M elles ition by Mozart. AN members Wilcox was the 100k part in # sing song, Inciud- Mes ng many of Iheir own Mrs. F. Phillips was in char of the reading room. Miss Conch showed Loy {15 Happ, all whe 4. Tramble, Oshaw, musical " prive Winners were: [aire presented lio Mn Garden Hill, » lent candi ORILD'S sidewalk p cin Fro wagon, $12, lady's CC in oiood cop: dition, $13. 88 ei' Ave HA §, $30.95 to as Hors rh DOR 8 ie sir Bord fh Fh oledm, Armstrong, Sd areehal, Resoleum leums yor quick op trom ¥ fol. Besutitul wall to wal loom, bilo seu phic lobvy hg moth roof nd #l LJ scking, pi _-- of ya HA of ii A ie yard. Ends of hreadloom while they last, §1. Wilson 8 Church Sireet vsER aria and Fen Wn re ringer type wash #" 0 8: guaran Eh was 1] 8 at flares Ld { yf Hamp: ww TER "au = Tomine AH PAINT: interior, exterior, ol {a awa Hardw, 7 HL lect Church Street RA 37624 NUSEROLD a , Thi or"! 3 Bite, Tg hy Pictures iH Hi #10 Adel blade Avenue Bart i SEE BLUMER Wf you eralar, washer, stave, onela hned alt kit: chen or bedroom Arie: Vaeunms Yes, we have antique furniture #8 well, COlax 3.3004 Meclany 8 bis AHH Cross it asiels rl ian, ht "laphons i hyd ag pl ince yh a fle d gulte, matt fbi, abl pi in ~ Hest vi iH CI Furnishings, 434 Simons § V plaetrie stave. SEATIV hat Sony oe Buena Diets BICYCLE CCM gb Hi in excellent (lloourt Nive, ey dhe 33--Swap and Barter WILE trade or sell welding squame at, i Mw i lathe, dies, po ote whe TT malls E.R g) JANIS SALE By virtue of Writ of FIER| FACIAS Issued out of THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO gnd directed te the Sheriff of the County of Ontarie ainst the Goods and Chatlels of JOSEPH B, DUNKLEMAN, at the Suit of J. D, MINGAY, and at the suit of Glendon Industries Limited, | have seized and taken mn oa tion all the Agha. MeN interest or JOSE KLEMAN in One on ind (Republic RCI Aireraft) CF-GDY, Serial Neo. 451, complete with heawy duty propeller hub, ADF mdie equipment pumps end blind fiving instruments. Aircraft is in excellent con. dition, privately owned & well maintained, be in: spected at Orillia Alr Sere vices, Lengford Mills, Terms of sale 10% down, and balance In 30 days. Tender bids by mail will be accepted up to the date of sale a of which will be wid 4 by Public Auction, en ov the 7th day of April, Free at (2) wo o'clock, pm, at The Sheriff's Office, Court 416 Centre Street South, Whitby, Ontarie. Dated this 1st day of April, 3 Arthur Welsh, 0. Sheriff's Office, Whitby, KL fucks Wy oh 34--Lost & Found LONT ~ Viginity of Besshorough Tirive, latte "ad Apaninl win red ONE Black and tan hea CL - oh "i wa Xi iy "pth mer REWARD 10 person witnessi car collision, comer A Simeon Street, March 196) RA 3.4697 2814 KING STREET EASY NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the Estate PERCY ROY HOPKINS, late of the City of Oshawa, are required 10 send full partic ulars of such claims to the undersigned. solicitor far the Executor, on or before the 150 day of May, A.D 1841, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed hav- moter ol dnd 13, slates, amounted to $9, The Elliot Lake layoffs, he adds, resulted in many mobile being abandoned and later repossessed, and car re possessions were up in vharious other centres, homes 1900 was $4,188.92), ar mon share, compared with #4, THLATI in 1980 molt sald, [higher than a hn ago, ak | though Yolume ot businéss is [ahity lo Credit Losses Put On Mines TORONTO (CP)--Abnarmally high credit losses dus ta the closing of uranium mines at El liot Lake as well as unemploy: ment in other eenires, are re: R. M. Willmott, presi: in the annual report of Trier Finance ried by Corporation a losses, Mr. Willmott The company's net 700,000, rofit in A COM: Profits for the first two {months of this year, Mr. Will: are considerably {Hiekets for the members 19 see Gil, The "Swiss Family Bobinson" Alice Smale. The evening closed hy all singing "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" The Zone FI Royal Canadian Legion Public Speaking Contest was held al the Legion Hall on Saturday morning. A. Movin pone chairman and Mr. J. O'Neill were In charge of - rangements. The pArcipants were the winners of the Le Branch Public Speakin tests ' Yon: Zope Commander d hathox; hathox; Miss 0. Fle door prize was won by Mrs. per tickets pl the Gets Ormiston, fewer rw ewelry; Morris yi in the eg lige, thee pine Mrs Pring ol the hy Miss ('s Nelles several solos. The nceeds wi be used towar # wing in the new hospital, BROUGHAM ~ Brougham Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting in the Pickering Township Hall on call--pay your dues. The flowers in the church an Sunday were in memory of the|® the former Elsie Mathews, and loving niece of Mrs. M, Math ews. Mrs. Harbron was the first am United Church. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Duncan celebrated their fortieth wed: ding anniversary on Sunday. They received friends and rela tions at the home of their son, Gordon, at Markham, The p ublieity chairman for the TB Clinle, Mrs, Don Gibson, and her committee, Mrs Knox, Betty Jean, and Fay are husy putting up posters, Mrs. M. Annis and her assist: ants are busy canvassing the communities with the TB cards. If anyone is missed please con: tact Mrs, M. The TH inte ns: Brougham is to he held on April § and 11 Little Irving Wagner who has made his home with Mrs Carter since he was two weoks old, has fen to live in Orillia Mr, and Mrs. W. Dixon of Kirkfield called i on Mrs, F. Car: ter one day last week, My, and Mys, Ed Jones of Newmarket called on My, and|' Mys, DL. Mairs recently. Myr, T. Watson was taken to " hos Jospusl last week. Ellicott underwent sur oe In Alax Hospital Sunday afternoon, Miss Pearl Bayrett has had a stroke and is confined to hed, A speedy return ta health is wished for these people, Mrs. MeGukin and Mrs, Me: Donald ealled on Mys, Ray El: Tuesday, April 4, at 8 p.m, Roll|e late Mrs. G. Harbron of Whithy, fay bride to he married In Brough h a warthw have forme Brougham WI Holds Meeting had Sunday and ) Mrs. Les . and Mrs, wl with Mr. Ison at Green: Wallace Elli arter on Sun Vrs, W. White Is In Toronto at the home of her daughter, Mrs Price, It Is hoped that she will soon he well enough to A, in er own home, Mr, and Mrs, Lenard Bar pout maved into thelr new home In the Pascoe subdivision on Baturday, Welcome to tn Boos Mildred and am, Lenard, Judy. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wilson and Miss Ethel Seeheck visited with Mr, and Mrs, E, Anthony al Whitevale on BY, John, Debbie and Jimmie Newson of Chalk Lake spent the weekend with thelr grand: PALER Mr, and Mrs, A, Story. Mr. Levi Blo of Chalk Lake, also Mr, and Mrs, James Hal: mon, of Cannington, had Sun: flay. dinner with Mr, and Mrs. ory The Hed Cross expects to fin: F lian their drive in the village this week, Everyone he ready with enerous donation for this fle cause, On Friday night there was an: other meeting in the eounell chambers for the purpose of furthering plans for the one hundred and fiftiet! of Plekerin h anniversary fulohration ; aminion Day w hoped that i H pose are entered. This on the It 1s he - 0 for floats, BUY GREYHOUND LONDON oh) == Hoven MPs Seals and ! Tawnshi s 10 he wld A§ many 508 Are lieatt ane day last weak, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Ellicott bought a al Hy {Ne PAINS of Back Tt will wii vace MERRY MENAGERIE [MERCEDES - BENZ . DKW! TROPICAL AL FRUIT ales and service, Showroo | . sh OF all fruits entering inter { national trade, the banana naw | is first in valume, about 4000. 000 tons being shipped in 1980. ing regard only ta claims that have been received ERNEST MARKS, QC, Solicitor 17 King St. Faw, Oshawa, Ontana Erie C. Branton, Builder of custom homes in this area # 15 yeons, Geta written est mate without abligation. Call anytime MO 8.2450, cabin tallers. chain saws, skill saws. sanders. ei WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1413 Dundes §, MO 8.3224 & Supply BROOKLIN OL 5-3641 SCHOFIELD Insurary sociales Ld 360 KIN ST. WEST RA 3.2265 open until 9 am. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132