™e oa Times, |Cong o Missions , 9 13 out 4 daved pot leave fhe mig : Lsiom station, even ww Aaright In Great Danger www pervigion Rese is sowie [mine | ment Wn the situation. #t lest By B. BARCLAY WARREN (Later we had many of the Wie ny ctaen We fanr that the " ! Somery refugees Wn ovr lowe their | ; We are gradually Weg ler | Zoot o "oe 16 shire with game hats remalie LA Bi § | oh (5 Ihe BRRgers PTOWRONE 0 ww the grief that was They we be GTER LIRR ovr mionemanes wn ALY) en lS BSCE Cee work nd petionce wm the se id Wiwia the Conan Eras Aargens 3 ithe withdrawal of Soh Atri 08 wh their eaithby rmwm the British Commannerith \underiines the seroweness BLOOR ST. fhe greet continent of Anes I entersatnen pe bh - MISSION Daria 1ivinguone, Whose OE ipodey we saw their grief os kine sched plarations apened wp the henrt, ope BE er POE.o1 Ay or TV Christ Our Living Lord on was soles then some 70 0 their missionaries end 1100 AM f f UNITARIAN of WE Isomers pie (odey heir 1.46 foot Nowe 4 WRMING WORSHIP We must earnestly pray for Dhrng Oiaher we spent ten PEAVER FELLOWSHIP Fhem days 7 one of oor dations Gur] ME. MARTY THOMAS . i have & nomher of C096 ing the most Sificit time there of tw Torte Bile Collage of OSHAWA friends whe A iahoring in yar Every mgt we wilched (he GIST SANT iis REPEELE OF FISERORREY WOK (ights moving over the Wilisides KORMELL YANEK ADELAIDE HOUSE Lin Africa. | quote from # recent pry h Mining 8 the baniing of] se ot te Toms Bie College 199 CENTRE ST letter of one who 16 in Erni, cattle heng killed or mammed 2:60 PM be! ' 7 Witle sister of the Cong and the enes of those flesing SUNDAY SCHOO I sm Sundey, Merch 26th For weeks we received no from the murders ERR ES p MARTE: Gast Sonate airmaits, and very Witle host roaming the country. We won Mid Week Service HR. YM. HOTT mail, Things we had ordered deyed what the morming hight Wednesdoy ot B00 P.M from home were lost enrowie, would reves! of the might's pM mrohaily in Leopoldvitie, We wickedness. Whe would be next rayne 4 Yeon listened 16 missionanes speak: on ther West 7 A teacher and # WE Ver private transmisiers dispenser, both wpper Class WESTMOUNT making vans (or evacuation. were hunted hike wild ammals he first day of 4 # Then she runneth, snd cometh (9 $0 they ran both tegether: and the The men went away, wt Mary sions UNITED CH CH Chnst's As ail ne Simon Peter, and 19 the other dis oiher disciple id owirun Peter, and weeping. Then Christ came and spoke . HARMONY now 1, M py Mary Magdalene early. when vile. whom Jesus loved, and saith came first 19 the sepwichre. And he 10 her. He swid, "Mary," and she THE SALVATION ARMY Mars Vopr, pRET, yet Bark. wis 4 wi ana 9 them, They have 1aken away HOMIE BWR, ARG IOOKINE WN, BAW answered Master," knowing mt was UNITED CHURCH per FRM ViknD seeth the sto then av fron he Lard and we know not where the nen clothes lying" #lone in the He ~John 20-18-16 pam Ange end ------ ~ seni Sohn I hey have laid Him. John 192 omh ~Jjohn WH 47 GOLDEN TEXT=--Like UM SIMCOE AND JOM 575 Rev. 1. Holmes, BA, BD, 7:00 AM -- : . ---- MAJOR AND MES, MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers Bose Metcon SRT AEM EASTER SUMRISE SERVICE BIBLE LESSON But Jesus sid (0 her, "Mary" Organs! and Ehelimenier i 11:00_AM and she recogmied Him John Hebron Christian B YMNG AVENUE EASTER SERVICES SPECIAL Ginday Shed yy. Laster Service mw: 1-18 Kinaergarien Cig i Pursery Care #uing the morning "ry pi arr kk the Wincivies Alia PENTECOSTAL SUNRISE SERVICE aster Warming Worn 1 Christ Ascends Pos had yo he Vor "Hit Reformed Church CHURCH A M, & 7 P M. y 30 AM. "M A fu ! y Simian JY Ap Schon! had spoken 16 her. That same | Gre Bleck nor grey or sondicted k £ Te £ 2:00 Wickson RE. Gnd yey 8 hone RA B.2424 kid ud As It Began To Bown 2:00 P.M evening He came and stood ni | pH oe big kt le BA Foti BRIG Guest Spesker; Scie "The Resuraction Mem Primary Kindergarten, Hurry the midst of them, and seid 4 . CAPT Soloiet; Mrs. J. Slane EVERYONE 15 WELCOME rom 18 om "Feace he with you," and he A p ES rE E he " A HEARTY WELLOWE TO ML stowed the Holy Ghost wpon | -- EV AMC z 00 EM en VICE E F ITCH NORMAN COLES By NEWMAN CAMPBELL head he other at the them John 0: 1822 Vorb loli # 4 ! a --~ Te first day of feet, where the hoy. of Jesus Ope disciple, Thomas, was not / 4 10:06 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL = 2.00 PM BIBLE CLASSES ¢ " i pan 5 had in John WH 10-42 wh ERY ICES da SUNDAY SCHOOL ter Christ's death and buria with the other disciples when . C N E FE er Chr th nd HR he angels asked Mary why Jesus came 10 them, and he ve 6 11:00 AM TUESDAY = 2:30 P.M THE HOME LEAGUE Cometh Ma i when i he wept, and she (old them fused (a believe until he had 9 HH / MORNING WORSHIP WEDNESDAY B:00 PM. --~FPRAYER AMD PRAISE MEETING iif hre. an ; ne What she had told Simon Peter. seen the Lord and His wounded p EER INE WELCOME ML WELCOME Rev. Warren G, Dickson, BA, Minister uy p ili en she saw Jesus, it thought side. Then he said; "My Lord p i i VER YOM 0 Mi, RK, Kellington, Orgenist-Chelrmaster Inken awa he jo first that He was a gardener. and wy God John 20. 4-18 "Phen she CHILEREN: Chipeh Scheel 10 AM ~Snnday School, A closs for everyone, J] AM --EASTER SAINRISE SERVICE per scred by the Yeung Peoples Linien ep ing will he eth to Simon Pe hy oth _-- A - - ye -- ] eg wi Sore CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Missi All tcntons br in Yoong Pov pil 1 ove, and sai uit hem 'Fhe AN SULLNL Te Christian and issionary AWIGNCe || «cor sr. PENTECOSTAL cvrcn [| | 40. rie fits so os wai oe" of the sepulchre, and we know of The Mothe 1, The Firs ch of Christ, § ¢ 6t. £ ®t Cadi wr Rov, €. V. Frasman, Paver N45 & c € 6 music by the cher not where they have laid Him." Bosler, Manele a . #45 Simcoe 5t, § 7 P.Ma"THE EASTER MESSAGE", The eheir will sing special don Wi 0 SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A M Pastor; REV, R, A. BOMBAY RA 3:4477 numbers, Another special Easter message, p - ' i { RY 100) wer Ry Be ¢ Peter therefore went forth SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM SUBJECT 0.45 AM EASTER SERVICE in the Sunday Scheel EVERYBODY WELCOME AT ALL SERVICES wind that other disciple : and ir . i " Miss Meer peak er SUNDAY, 11:00 AM | " EE ---- aie to the sepulchee, 1 UNREALITY 11:00 AM "THE JOYFUL CRY OF OUR RISEN LORD" EASTER SERVICE hoth ran together, hut the othe " a : ; : ets d ca Yednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock Includes w= Piane Sele by Sharon Dale ig ish ; w Fy A 4 testimenials af healing through Christian Science - Al Einltul by I" Ledies' Tria ih id Me on NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Som g dawn. and Moking READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE, " Wy ip BaP Bay iii Monday 7:00 p.m, te 9:00 pm 7,00 P.M --SERVICE OF EASTER MUSIC by the Chelr "CHRIST IS RISEN" SIMCOE STREET NORTH.AT ROSSLAND ROAD clothes lying there, hut he did Tuesday ond Toundor 3:00 pm, to 4:30 pm Wednesday, 8 P.M Mid-week Fellowship 7:00 PM MINISTE yp REV A AEE 8 not go in, Simon Peter went . -] - | ' fila the. aepulehie, Ani sett] 5 "JESUS LIVES NOW!' | AY TaHOL TYRE ms ] EHR ¥ 1 LL EE ---------------------- - o aa } ' ¥ n papkin that we ahout His GREATER 17 ERIE §7, Dial 5-3872 REV, W, A, McMILLAN, Paster 10:00 AM. Bible Classes for All Ages 9:30 & 11:00 AM 1] wrapped together in a | i ' ' LAAN place hy itself fahn 20: 4-7 I Tuesday, 7:30 p.m~Young People "As yet they knew not (he I EASTER SERVICES ne dey knew nok the 1 race METHODIST CHURCH un TER SERVIC | Again f the dead Jol yaa + Friday, 8 p.m.=Men's Frayer Meetir 33% Trom Ye Gea, sel gn ey toy bd 9,50 PM. --FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLA Wednesday, B p.m.~Midweek Prayer and Praise ehre weepin filer the two men A r ho Noam Fond seeth HMA an 10 AM-SUNBAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES gels In while sitting, the ane at Sow---- GROUP FROM 11 AM =--MORNING WORSHIP | KiNG 57. PENTE TAL CHURCH St, Andrew's United Church | Mary stand outside the sepul po Msn Ls iD f | ) Featuring (9:45 AM. FOR NEW BRANCH ON ROSSLAND RB, WEST GRACE EMMANUEL 7 PM ==FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR 611 KING ST, WEST MINISTER; REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, D.D, (7 ar, newly return rem ¥ Land, BIBLE COLLEGE as No Sater. heyy FA Ve SOIT od Wn Vly Rev. J, M, MasKnight==Paster Organist and Chelmasters MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.CM, LUTHERAN di "Bide Suiktmatt RA 5.166) Residence Church RA 8.5371 CHURCH | A 1 Yo Goat Saar THER / ng gil 9.50 AM Senior, Intermediate and Junior Classes. EA Lovell School I ? d BAHAI S BELIEVE "re | Mn: 00 A, M. 7. 00 P, M, | 11:00 AM NUT, Beginners and Primary Clases, John & Centre Sts And COLLEGE MALE | Rev Carl A. Karieche " , OUARTETTE ' bd he REV. JAMES MacKNIGHT | 6:40 TO 7:00 P.M, =~ ORGAN RECITAL p 8 p Trustworthiness is the greatest door te the y 4 I Just Returned From Extended Revival Meeting in Hamilten | 7.00 P.M.--A SERVICE OF EASTER MUSIC ELUINDAY SERVICES Quit NORTH SIMCOE HIGH | abt! f 10:30 AM ANBERS y and tranquility of mankind. The stabtliyi of every SPECIAL SINGING = PIANG == ORGAN. PERSON 1 Whithy affair always depends on it, and the warlds ef hener, 11,00 AM =THE INEVITABLE RETURN 018 AM 5 P45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL ED. PROSSER YF Cherale Greup glary and affluence are illuminated by its light, | To amie a A331 "THIS 18 THE LIFE" Plus Congregational I ; i REGULARLY ON Saturday, April | st Sing id Far further Infermation Please Write: WUPERVID NURSERY == TINY TOTS CHURCH = IN BOTH SERVICHS ert free nl e urc TELEVISION AMPLE OFF-STREET PARKING REV, § €. H. ATKINSON. Minist A GOOD PLACE TO BRING YOUR FRIENDS 29 GLADSTONE == PHONE RA 5.7578 THE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Chelr-Leader I -------------------------------- -- -- pe ------ | a ---------------- - EASTER SUNDAY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CAN FIAT BADRTIST CHURCH TE 2 cfu. § L118 A aa ah Hort a1 Givnveed ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA "CHRIST THE RISEN LORD" K NOX ST. LUKE'S ST, PAUL'S or A Rev N. Frank Swackhammer, BA SUNDAY SERVICES Junior and Senior Choirs KING ST, FE. & WILSON ; inister " THIS SUNDAY ONLY == NO SUNDAY SCHOOL TRL M able hurch, corner ef Nipigen fav Bure ALA 140 i y So H Philp, Musical Director ST, BER ers RCH 7 pm. == Broadeast ever CKLB == Nao Service in the church ining and Rossland Rd, W 445 Bevarisy = RA K-4014 REV. CLINTON DB, CROSS, BA, LTH, RA 52386 g § Musien 3 11:00 AM R------ hv KENNETH J. MATTHEWS arene hans Wate, f "Things Certainly Believed" I EASTER DAY. APRIL 2nd Church: Shan) EAGTER SERwiet TT] ----rr--r-- (8) HIS VICTORY IS OURS 8:00 AM==HOLY COMMUNION (Cheral a badd THI (TER SERVICES i A I - A 0 a UNION | : . bd * gb Be Co | nll Ad ir 1100 PM | 1100 AM MORNING PRAYER AND Holy communion || TREE TPR BE TTT SEI GA ITTY A | Ef bh A . 4 ad ' | SATTEE YORI I ity Mode TWO EASTER SERVICES ¥ Believer's Baptism | 4:00 P.M~--THE EASTER BAPTISMS 11:00 AM CHURCH SCHOOL ' ha ALIVE UNTO GOD! ~EVENING PRAYER AND HOLY COMMUNION REV. MERVIN A BURY MA BO. Ministe "THE MEANING 930 AM & 11:00 AM. ] E Nurs and 3. Chacha 1 am | 7100 PM--EVE REV, BD. WILSON & Mr Ried Williams, Chole Nifeerer Wp I OF EASTER" 11:00 AM : Bhd YOUTH DEPARTMENT WARY ERECHE NURSERY "AND 00 PM | THE MEANING OF EASTER" SN Bible Scheel at 9:45 | CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH | 10:00 AM, EASYER PILL SCHOOL 11:00 AM. "WORDS AS | 'EASTER WORDS' | Ninery class at 80TH Services er MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS 7:30 a.m ~=Sunrise Communion Service == The Chapel IDLE -TALES RECTOR: THE VEN, H, B, CLEVERDQN == PHONE RA 5.579% Il 9:30 am. and 11 a.m="TRIUMPH OF EARTER" o A , Yeu are sordialiy inviied : it M Read; §t, Matthews 28, A 4 sl t A WELCOME AWAIT of M, w= N a \ y an . A tom LLL 8:00 AM, 11:70 AM 7:00 P lunler €hairi (8) "Welcome, Happy Reming om - Tw Havergal ------------------ 1) "He 1s R - Carvany BarTIST I HOLY TRINITY CHURCH | Ledim' Tri Ha tia Aga! MY ww Ne " William E87. NORTH p Meeting new in eur new pars Mis, 6G. Hawker, CENTRE AND JOKM STREETS ZORNER COURT AND BARRIE STREETS, AND BLOCK EAST OF ALBERT Anthems: (a) "We ori 1) i Lamp" - " oe Alliliated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada i REV, H. G DB, RICHEY, LTh | ALWAYS A Wh cote W ah vi AT THE bo A FAMILY CHURCH CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MEN'S Paster: REV. W MIVEN AITKEN | HOLY SATURDAY w= APRIL 1st COMMITTEE 9.45 AM Bible 5 heal far All Ages | i Pn HE EAR a pA oh a Ais 31 Criavg ara Dist 11 AM "BEGOTTEN TO SOVEREIGNTY" | "EASTER BAY APL 04 | SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH REPORT ON MISSIONARY CRUSADE 2:00 AM-=HOLY EUCHARIST The Churgh in the heart of the city with the Warld en Its heart . } ==SUNG EUCHARIST Wh processio i 0 > TO HAITI 7 P.M~"MY SON IS ALIVE" HR A HG avyaaN™h SEEN Sn Sermon MINISTER; REV, JOHN K, MOFFAT, B.A, I -------------- Director ot Musisi Mr, R, G, Geen, LT.CM, Monthly Men's Dinner Meeting ---- ER a El TR aR Ee MON : APRIL 4 5 é 30 p M. TONIGHT, 2.45 PM What Lay Beyond Calvary for Chest?" ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH 1 n Fran THE DIVINE ANSWER TO HUMAN NEEDY GUEST SPEAKER FOR EASTER WILSON RD, SOUTH & HOSKIN Ave (7) "MEETING OUR NEED FOR VICTORY" ¢ A { 3 Is y . INCUMBENT: THE REV. R.A SHARP = RA 5.7064 MAIONIC AUBITORIUM--CENTRE STREET REV. WALTER J, MAIN EASTER DAY APRIL 2nd ; A Tele + Su Vi hig 8 MY «I ne I. i 8.00 AM HOLY COMMUNION Soloists: Miss Leah Garrow == Mi, Ales Yeoman A Yestmoniss Wed, 7.45 Sat, 8.00 11:00 AM CHORAL EUCHARIST LIFE BEGINS AT EASTER" . Ww. L SMITH © SW A th & Atiatieteic Prayer & Bible Study Prayer Meeting 7:00 P.M ~FESTAL EVENSONG A SERVICE OF EASTER MUSIC ( " NURSERY FACILITIES AT 11:00 AM Sola: "He Was Despised we Handel sivess Cansulian aud i; Anthem: The Third Hour == Elvey . HOWARD ROWE Bm O A HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH # Soloists: Robert Henry, William Shepherd » P. son Printing Company 1351 CEDAR STREET ST. MARKS CHURCH dole "Were vou Thee Tw pan "Wi John McNab S GIBSON § ont SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:30 AM STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON REURLING AVE Mrs, 6G Baker, Mis, |) Stones, Mis J MeNabh MiTH 0 PM EASTER SERVICE REV. A. WOOLCOCK == RA $3088 on ae . N * ALSO SLIDES OF NVORK Wi £ SHOWD ! . S $ / J a Redeemer ar vy Lord s=Buck ret W THE WORK WILL BE SHOV #0 N39 hd 2.00 AM -- 11:00 AM 00 P.M wel aude iB BB ot a | BR Ja ALL MEN WEL OME HOT DINNER - 1.00 PER PERSON THERE 13 A WELCOME FOR YOU IN HiLL3IDE i Nursery Facilities at 11:00 AM. Service AN Depatime Wa of the Sunday School at the wiual time Usha awa Moody Bible Institute