PAGE TEN Now! The most exciting Sheridan Catalogue in 45 vears! Pages and pages, in full eolour, of Canada's finest Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, Perennials, Vines and Roses! Plus useful information on proper selection, planting and cultivation by Sheridan experts, A '"'must" for every garden lover! SEND TODAY! P.O, Box 187, Islington, Ontario SHERIDAN NURSERIES Limite SALES STATIONS: Neo. 2 Highway, Clarkson, Clarkson, TAylor 2-025), Yonge Street, 2827 Yonge Street, Toronte, HUdson 1-15810 Queen Elizabeth Way at Sherway Drive, Islington, CLifford 9.4071, NURSERY FARM: Oakville, Ontario, 1 mile south of Queen Elizabeth Way, TAylor 2-1624, Fertabs CANADA'S OLDEST AND BEST KNOWN PLANT FOOD $ 15.... 30 Tablets 25... 60 * 30....175 * 100....375 ¢ Fertabs Available Everywhere ' ONTARIO TODAY SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 195) OUTDOOR GARDE Kin APRIL BY A. W, RUNDLE Good lawn and tasteful shrubbery dreatly enhance value of property, HIS is pruning time for many varieties of trees, shrubs, hedges, fruit trees and vines, Spring flowering shrubs could be left until after they flower, so that vou do not waste the bloom, Some varieties such as Forsythia and Cydonia you could prune and force the buds te bloom indoors, Roses should not be pruned until heavy frost danger is past, To understand pruning it is necessary to under- stand how buds sprout, On most trees and shrubs the heaviest growth appears on the terminal buds at the end of the branch, If these are pruned, the lateral buds or shoots, extending from the side of the branch will grow more heavily, increasing bushiness, Pruning can be done at other seasons but heavy pruning is best done in the dormant stage, Shrubs should be pruned with a view toward creating multiple branching from the ground up, Sparsely branched shrubs could be cut back to within 6" of ground level, Pruning is necessary when a shrub or tree is being moved or planted from the nursery, In order to com pensate for the loss of roots in digging, you should cut back the top growth by at least one third, Evergreens, whether trees or shrubs, differ from other plants in that they do not throw out new branches very readily and so mostly just require shaping, Never attempt te cut back Spruces and Pines unless absolutely necessary, If you wish to create a bushy effect or retain size, cut only the terminal shoots, This is best done just after the new growth is fully extended, Cedar, Juniper, Hemlock and Yews can be trimmed at any time, When pruning shade trees and certain ornamental trees avoid the period that the sap is running, Remember that the branches of a tree always remain the same distance from the ground, that is, the trunk never grows upward, it only increases in dia- meter, Leaflets and detailed instructions can be had from your Garden Centre, outlining detailed pruning, When removing winter covering from your roses, perennials and strawberries, it is wise to do so gradually rather than take it all away at one time, For some early rhubarb you could invert a barrel or box or cover with poelyethelene, Some of your perennials may have been heaved loose by the severe frost, These should he pushed firmly back in the soil, Due to the open Fall some spring-flowering bulbs are too far advanced and about all you can do is protect them with some straw or peatmoss,