FLYING STEEPLE.SEATER A 00h. siceple being placed on tower of new First Christian Church Sanctuary of Clearwater, Fia., by jet heli copter. This is first steeple "air drow" In Fla. Mier the 4h try aluminum steeple was lowered onto waiting frame- s Maloney Gives Denial/No Vote In Gambling Case tid TORONTO (CP)--~Rithwr Wa fanadion Frese regrets (ie foney, member of Palament SWNenon wwe wy Fa for Tovontn Parkdale, was ger- ment i may have raved My witteh to appers ww oot here Waloney ) to regula wy weggestion he When the brief was read wie had seen pn Aocwment sd (0 he cot reed, Sg. Johw As 1 a guy BE grovy 19 pW 7 yr ot of WE A . puts magiairate i he had #py He gained the wowowal priv: #6 19 the sowie. flege partly because of Magis: "Why Wes ARIE 5 AREIONE trate Joseh Addison's great io pit the Ramsey Chih owt (respect" for lies 2s # lowyer. snes?" Magistrate Aodeom The situation leading to Wr poked Maloney' s cows statement prose "AR | can sey is it was the ARIBE 7 IYER y hearing Mf 7 hnderson regis three mes later fon ler Scott's fests trial om charges of CORSPERCY the hesring re io brie 3 member of the pro- » Pp fomr- yncial police. aati - gaming don W, 4 "In view of the sapiaht, The chief Crown witness, Con- puny Be evidence stable George Bott, was ead BER the ng from a diary Aescriing Wis and Mchermots wn conyer oWR deslings--winie posing as # With Scott, i showid he made CORTE pobiceman--with the fe- crystal cess that re evidence fendants, lormer OFF constable has been adduced as 19 the Robert J. Wright, Joseph Me truth with regard 10 the persons Dermott and Vincent Feeley, mentioned other then the ac Ab one point, the Gary (old of 8 cused." conversation with Wright sbowt. Magistrate Addison agreed an wasigned brief giving & de "These pre satements made ud tailed gecoumt of operations in Wright and McDermott throw the Ramsey Club, an establish Scott's mowth," he sad ment in Niagara Falls, Ont Other passages in Bet' s Giary suspected of egal gambhing anoied Woght snd McDermott activities #5 seying # number of eh Seats said Wright (old him the police pificials and an resistant brief was written by a group of Crown attomey had pccepied lawyers. He seid Wn gave bribes to protect gambling Cl work. A crowd of about 1008 the following account of how it chs, watched this operation ~(AP Wirephotn) Long Legislature (Sea Water Session Ended TORONTO (CP) Ontario's Conservative members defeated longest legislative session ended' an opposition motion of non-con Wednesday when the 26th legis- fidence #5 to 20. The five CCF © Inture was prorogued amid thei members joined In supporting traditional shower of paper from! the Liberal motion the press gallery The 4-week session hegan| Wintermeyer to delay Noy, 22, adjourned in mid |Freshened By Israel ELATH, Israel (Reuters)-- The cornerstone of & plant 19 A motion by Liberal Leader make fresh water cheaply from first reference to the incident third the salty waters of the Red Ses 0id not state that the name De-{ reading of the act implementing was laid here Wednesday at given In evidence was "Fred cember for 8 month-dong Christ-|a three-per-cent retail sales tax Israel's only Red Sea port mas recess and reconvened forifor six months went down by snother 10 weeks', the same vote When completed next year reached police When Magistrate Addison per "The brief was given to Fred mitted Mr. Maloney 10 appesr Maloney, the federal member in court, he said the privilege of Parliament, whe gave it to would not be extended Io others Jim Maloney, the minister of named in the case. They would mines in Optane, whe in tum have (9 make any statements gave it 10 Inspecior Stringer of they wished "at another time the Ontario Provincial Police, in another place" Most and Inspector Stringer gave it these named issued denials out to Sergeant Anderson of the side the court anti-gambling branch." In his statement to the court There is no Fred Maloney in Mr. Maloney noted the press re- the House of Commons ports of Beott's testimony con Press reports March 28 iden- cerning the mysterious brief Wied Fred Maloney as Arthur and said aloney, whose brother James. "I wish to take this epportun is Ontana's minister of mines, (The Canadian Press in its Maloney" and did not make clear that Constable Beolt was ity to siete, categorically, that I Dever heard of such a brief, never saw such 8 brief, never knew of the existence of such # brief, until | was told of the evidence given here "I have been In touch with my brother James, whe has he plant will produce 250,000 repeating a story he sald was whi WiLL, YANCORNVER (CF) Lawionbers RCAF wm Canada Second World Ware wil diop = Hew frees here to he pon whe 1ERAER With (he WaT Warmer (6 THES Ang thes ware iaiey ies. On Quitting ~~>~ ___|NATO Group he, Whewise, never heard of FOMONTON (CF) ~ The pa sh 7 bref, or saw swe @ onal comet of the CCF Me rie, that ke Gk not reaEive CRE #0 repeats of foreign pol wwch # brief from me, oF hand i icy et Bd pot fake # vole om th anyone mies the BATE srastion. Mrs. Nellie maine Peta om SRETRIAFY ad 31. George's Anglican Church BAGHT AD CENTRE O75) GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES MARCH 31st 16.00 AM --FAMILY SERYICE--Res/ d D. Wilson 12 06 NOOMN--300 PM THE THREE HOURS "HI5 LAST WORDS --Rev'd € Cross (es mamy 7s WE aonaen grssy BIER in the gmse of evidence # cowrt of lew Mr Fon refered to Fred Maloney E-- wiht be somebody cise, bt ze. In Wiaws, New Farty and tually, | point owt that the evi- CCF sowrces said the only vote dence Ma rot refer 16 Athos was # procedural one on Maloney, i in Fred Maloney whether (9 extend Gscussion on : id ; 0 "It is no part of the Crown's oro. bane KY Lreuding NATO, case that my learned friend Mr ape . ATO delegates were in Maloney or We WIOREr 15 IB favor of cont ine wt thet RY Why implicated In some Aelegailes from each side HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH COURT ANE BARRIE STREETS =~ OSHAWA 'HOLY WEEK SERVICES MAUNDY THURSDAY: Merch 30th £8.00 P.M.--The Cy Eucharist GOOD FRIDAY: March 31st 10:00 AM. --Ante-Communion Service, sermen, Distribution of Mealy Common 2.00 P.M.--"The Last How" Evening Prayer end Address CREE Mr. Ford capieined that in WEE IR Tavor of ending the considering Scott's diary he MEER 10 make travel connec: thought i improper 19 advise HOPS the witness to omit any part of i thet was reieyant 19 the case The Crown had heard conflict: Pay For Murders KINGSTON, Jampica (Rewt- ng nceounts of how the brief had reached the hands of the police but none of them con firmed Wright's version involv ing oe Maloneys iss "There was never, at any Wiliam Jeter, both Jama time, any intended innuendn' canborn naturalized Americans that they had any part, in spy were hanged here Wednesday for wey, in the matter involved." | murdering a fellow-member of On Monday Arthur Maloney the Rastafarian cuit last June rose in the House of Commons, The two men died for the on & question of privilege, read murder of Gerald Seotl, whose pertinent extracts from the body was found together with transcript of Beott's evidence! the bodies of two other Rastal- nd noted that bis name had not arians at the Negro cult's head- been mentioned quarters in the hills Shot In Arm Seen For Railways rs) -- Wegroes Eldred Morgan § J ------------ Carvany Barrisy CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS Miilioted with the Fellowship of Evengehesl Boptist » ches in Coneds PASTOR: REY, W, MIVEM AMTKEM EASTER BIBLE CONFERENCE REV, WALTER J, MAIN EXTENSION STAFF, MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, CHICAGD THURS, 7:48 P.M ~THE Shs I CHRISTIAN EXPERIEN FRI, 3:30 FM BEARING THE CROSS AFT ER JESUS 7:30 P.M ~CALYARY'S TREE--CHRIST'S THRONE (Tea ond Coffes Served ot 5:00 pm. -- Bring Own Lunch) SUN, 11:00 AM --~BEGOTY 700 P.M==MY SOM 15 ALIVE A CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL CHRISTIANS IN THIS AREA EN TO SOVEREIGNTY SAT, T:A8 P.M~WHAT LAY BEYOND CALVARY FOR CHRIST? told him by a defendant, The! been indisposed, at his home in WHITBY AND DISTRICT t The prorogation speech was Premier Frost announced gallons of fresh water daily af read by Chief Justice Danaiplans for another fall session a cost of $1 for each 1000 gal Porter as administrator of theithis year. Last year's was the ions, province in the ahsence Aeu-ifirst since 1947, Mr. Frost said lia ac tenant-Governor J, Keiller Mac: the legislature will tikely meet THe Plant will be the first of kay, who is in Furope, a week earlier than was the ® Series using a process devel Mr. Porter gave royal assent! case in 1960 oped by Alexander Zarchin, to 89 government and 34 private| The premier, debating a» bil) Ussian - born Israeli engineer, bills, In the first part of the sponsored by Thomas D. Tho. #hich takes the salt out of sea session Lieutenant - Governorimas (CCF~Oshawa) said Can. Water by freezing it ® Mackay gave assent 10 17 gov- ada should take "a very close, Sea water is injected into » ernment measures and four pri- look st its price tag' before low - pressure container, Be ate bills : getting into any plan of com. cause the pressure has heen re The half-hour prorogation ad: prehensive prepaid health insur-|duced it hoils at 26.6 degrees dress outlined government leg-lance, He said it was silly' to! fahrenheit ~ 5.4 degrees helow islation and plans for the future. |expect the federal government the normal freezing point, OFFAWA (CP) = Multi-mil-! January and final argument was lian-daliar federal help for Can submitied early in February -- #da's railways is expected to hel leaving the commissioners less # major recommendation in the than two months te sift through soon - -to-he-relensed MacPher-ia 12:-foot + high transcript and | son royal commission report on write their report, Time is im- | transportation, portant because of the threat of | The first volume of the report, a nation - wide rallway strike Ld Castle Chapter Legion Members | Viet originally promised for March May 1 i ' » ; #y 16 by some 111,000 railway Is Shown Slides Visit City Club MM, likely will he delivered next men seeking a pay hoost of 14 Fourteen members of Branch week to Prime Minister Diefen- cents an hour Ld Africa Today {wonderful evening at the Com-| quickly [told the Commans earlier this missionaires Club in Toronto onl It will likely set out specific, month that he would have (0 {112, Whithy, were treated to a baker and he made public fairly) Prime Minister Diefenbaker The regular monthly meeting Friday evening. A social Cribi solutions for the major general await the report to say whether GOO It said economic indicators to share in the cost of such "point to a pickup in business plans sctivities in Canada and the, Mr. Frost said Ottawa's pre- United States during 1961," sent commitments are so large At conclusion of debate on the 'that it simply cannot afford to) budget-~last item discussed hy give us our proper share of tax the legislators--~the Progressive revenues , , ," Death Prevents Forger's Plan VANCOUVER (CP) =~ Police|they took several perfectly said an expert forger who died forged hank drafts and letters Wednesday had planned to flood written on bank paper from a the New York area with scores railway depot locker, They said of forged hank drafts and let- Welch apparently made them ters to banks In a scheme before he went to jail that would probably have hee succenstul | y have BEEN corLLECT THE MONEY The bank drafts and leiters| They sald Llewellyn Theodore | (would be sent to New York area| Welch, 40, who died of a heart|ponue "and an apparently-pros: attack, was going te master | nd q 4 | mind the scheme from a cell in perous accomplice would call at Oskalla prison in nearby Burn.|!he hanks, ask if the draft had| ahy arrived, and collect the money. | The scheme was stopped after | police received information| from an accomplice, Welch, a printer described by police as the mastermind be hind some of Vancouver's great Police sald the drafts were made out for large sums and have hit scores of banks before |the forgeries were discovered, | on sale under well - BLACK DAY AT BLADNOCH BLADNOCH, Beotland (AP) A distillery workman turned the wrong tap Wednesday and the equivalent of 5,000 26. ounce hotties of fine Scotch whisky drained off into the River Bladnoch, The loss stunned the village but the salmon and trout downstream were reported to be intoxicatingly gay Robert Cassie, manager of the distillery, sadly told a re- porter "It is a sorry tale, a hor: rible mistake, hy one of our own workmen, 1 would not dream of disclosing his name, He has suffered enough al ready." The whisky made at Blad. noch is, like most of the out- put in these parts, used in various blends that are placed known brand names, The whisky lost ta the fish {the New York accomplice could) was valued hy Cassie at ap: (self to he, his salary is never proximately £10,000 It was possible that a third he sent quickly to Vancouver of the Castle Chapter Alumnae! tournament was held and ended (Sr. Group) was held in the in # stalemate common room of the Ontario! A light lunch snd refresh: Ladies' College on Monday ments were served by the local afternoon, After a delightful so: club's Chief Steward, cial hour, when Mrs. Donald A.| A return visit hes been se. Wilson presided at the tea table, cepted hy the Commissiongires the president, Mrs, Leo H, Gray|at the Whitby Branch of {took the chair Royal Canadian Legion, A date After a short business period, |will later be determined, Mrs. Gray introduced the speak: Zone cribbage was held on er, Mrs, Birch, of Toronte, | Beturday, March 25, at the Osh- whose subject was "Africa". awa Branch 43, One team gual Mrs, Bireh introduced her talk ified for the District playoffs to {with the following quotation, be held in Trenton May 6, "You may leave Africa but! Qualifying team of Bert Hill, Africa will never leave you", She has recently returned and Max Atkinson was captain: from a trip through Africaled by Howard Johnston where she had taken some very, The Bowling Team heads out heautiful colored slides, Her pie-|for Peterhorough next Saturday {tures of the very fine modern for the District playoffs, If all buildings which now exist In the|goes well our next stop might |various cities showed very he Kirkland Lake for the Pro: clearly the changes that have|vincial playoffs. taken place during the past 10 years These huildings included | " splendid hospitals and a few universities Hi-C Group "One cause for unrest In Africa today is the fact that no Pla For Breakfast matter how clever an African! The regular meeting of the worker may have proved him: raised to the level of the poor: est paid white man," she said, "Education is one of the great est needs in Africa today. Rus. {streamline their entire business | |Tom Donsahue, Ingram Marsh|to the new demands of competi: MR The railways made their hig problems facing the ailing rail-|it would have any bearing on way industry, {the wage dispute, | The commission Is expected) The prime minister set up the to recommend federal subsidies| Commission In May, 1060, to look aimed at giving the railways| Into all the difficulties confront- time and freedom to tailor their|!NE Canada's big railways and prices and services to the rival-| Telght shippers. ries of the competitive age in On a Laxative Merry: Go Round ? transport, SUGGEST MORE FREEDOM? TAKE NR TONIGHT, ,, The commission may also, TOMORROW ALRIGHT! | propose 1ess government Tegu-| Fer ever seventy years, M .., Nature's! ation of railways, more free-|Remedy,, has been giving folks [dom and flexibility so they can| Pleasant, Sllective overnight re fot, Ne , N9 sudden ¥: A de fendable #ti-vegetable |oxa- IV e Take ME Tablets tonight! tion, plea for help on moving West: ern Canada's huge grain crop to export terminals at the Lake: FRIDAR 11 AM, KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, §, C. H, ATKINSON, Preacher This is the annual inter-de- neminatienal service conduct- ed by the Oshawa Ministerial Association, Rev. H. Milroy, Pres.--Rev. W. Dickson, Sect, REGULAR + GHOSQLATE GRATER + JUNIORS head, Pacific Coast and Chur: J chill, Man, Export grain is car: ried at freight rates originally set in the Crowsnest Pass agree: ment of 1867 The railways claim the rale| is so low they are losing ahout $70,000,000 a year on grain traf: fic alone, They want the rate level doubled, with the federal treasury paying the cost on he- half of Western farmers to the rallways, : The West opposes this idea [bitterly, On the™ Prairies, the Crowsnest rate is regarded as (Accomplice was working in a and paid into the hank here, The ey position in & Vancouver hank inside accomplice could then| and supplying the paper for for: (adjust the hooks ) | 14-year sentence imposed last geries, J ja A Juoits to Snake It up June on four counts of forgery," If anything went wrong at any | chased. Police sald after they were one of the New York banks, the| Police said the scmeme was tipped on the hank-note scheme money from this bank was to|one of the most classic in vears. the hackbone of the farm econ: omy. ' HAVE LITTLE TIME Public hearings ended lat est forgery rackets, was await: sla 1s offering scholarships to Ing hearing on an appeal of al the colored men, What are we doing?" she asked Mrs. R, GG, Grobh very gra: clously thanked Mrs, Birch for {her instructive and entertaining | address, United Chureh HI-C group was held at the home of Miss Kathy Hamer on Sunday evening, The warship was conducted by Miss Marion Price and the uest speaker was Miss Mary hornton, She spoke on her HOME DESIGN BY W, E. ROTH, builders of exclusive custom homes, In SPRINGTIME IN THE MARITIMES clear them of snow, dropped on the talang. a storm Mon. Cape Brotoners who wanted to usg their cars this week had Sack-breaking work te i day and esday. Twenty inches of snow was churned up into mountainous drify Parts of Caps Breton still aps experiences as a delegate to the i Toe Alpha Conference in . | December, Program was brought to a close with the singing of Negro spirituals, Lunch was served by the hostess During the business period] plans were made for the annual| Did You Know , + + In the main Pining Roem ef the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have o Pullsseurse Dinner for ONLY 95: Haster Breakfast which is to be held in the Assembly Hall on Sunday morning. An Evening Service will be held on Sunday, FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL . [April 23, when Dr, Wesley Hunnisett, of the ¥red Vielor| Mission, will he the guest speaker, | TOURIST TEACHER MONTREAL (CP)=Leon Tre: | | panier, veteran raconteur of | [stories about old Montreal, has been named honorary president of the University of Montreal's tourist school, Mr, Trepanier is a former professor at the school CONFIRMS You oN THE SPOT ALSO ALL OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGIMENTS FEATURING, whith trains tourist guiles, F. RICHARD 136 SIMCOE N The Examination of eyes Fitting of Contact Lenses And Glasses not back to normal = (CP Wigephoto) | Children's Visual Training EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT For Appointment Please Call RA 34419) @ coppertane hood and exhaust fan @® plastered valance with indirect BLACK, O.D, AT COLBORNE ighting mirror IL ® built-in stove and even ® bathroom vanity with 30" x 40" ® 4A.piece ceramic tile bath ® sodded front lawn ® aluminum self-stering storm . doors ® ""Pierson' windows, with sterm and screens and many more features THIS 1S AN OUTSTANDING RANCHER, AND CAN BE BUILT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS ON A 62' x 105 lot in a R:la residential aren adiasent to Brookside little as $1971.00 down, Full price $16,171, Many other designs te chasse fram, For full information call: W, E, ROTH at RA 5.9991 or D. W, WILSON LTD, REAL ESTATE ® OFHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE. o acres, for a RA 5.6558 sms