A mmm [WHITBY AND DISTRICT _ Card Night Mayor Gets : | United Nations 1s Planned Tove Eoluined By Lodge FAY Boost "The Rafe of the United Nal Vig Wider LOBA Wo 000 on peat s brim 16) chevse of We oti tions in Our Troubled World" held Ws monthey. meeting on provide Mayor William Parish counell whe the topic HB DRDET DFE Monday evening in the LOOF Lick an annual remuneration (or Such allowances sented boy Mrs. Kart Wr, eof figii with worthy mistress Woter iis serviees i the smoot of quarterly. and fm v ner Cg ut moe Madtne Aewmere ent ered" * "2 ea Fp Township of Whithy council HOR RFR WE mistress, sister Beatrice Dalby " oi ' rag esis Fs iy, Wome rahe hh sin, Beret sro ls Sin ri, mm gas be hud 3 howrd's Isdget and wrged them 4 her home, 18 Maty STEEL; were comdueted Wy chaplain #6 (is iis present eatery (8 term of office, the amount to pot Mamas! Rowids wp on Fwarsder, Maren 3 er Dolly Anderson, The lectore was unrestistic in pr 19 wbie to Wis Wordig or SALUTE oval on capital expenditures. Min Ward traced the : 1 * Hos , : Vencseding the me itt mit of United ations from te small [0S [EveRted by sisters Lian kis great service lo the town, | personal representative 3 . Kirk and Dolly Anderson Wa ai 4 s provertion ts the | TOMORROW ve John Go beginnings (9 the present We can never 1eghy your JMO ei fis Wins soi Trygve Lie, as first secretary Dring the business session It Worship for your services 19 the *TViee of wich term," : \W. D. Thompson and Posed general, Inif & firm foundation wes decided io hold & "Night 77% Of ARE, it wowid be more The lyiaw states thet the LEADER | members Mrs, W. Baldwin and wna special tribute 16 doe 188 of Cords" in May, Further ae |"I0g 10 trigie the amount and. lowance set forth is (or the full \Gesrge Lofthotse said Hammarvkimid whe is si pres. rangements will be made wt the cnange 5 the oid Wyiew is chlendar year. It takes effect #5 have always (elt Township FPL CRITE on wander great 4 ! wore than justified," said Dep- from Jan. 1, 1661, and will re Connell went (6 great lengths pressure created by Russie end Isler date. A letter was resd wy Resve Vat Sheehan Hein In force from yesr 48 year ito got good WHDS members, | her satellite countries, We ns regarding the 1ith of July cele In part the Wylaw states 6s Until repesied i ought these members women can be proud of the part ations to he held this year follows: "Whereas Section 242 ; mint be aie 16 hold on to the phaved by Mrs. Eleanor Roose in. Oshawa. Arrangements are of the Municipal Act authorizes FISH WAUL {purse strings" velit snd Mis. 1. Hauck, & Car mede for locsl members (othe payment of an annuel re. gp JOHN'S, N04, (CP)~De | Rending from the WDHS nadian and & WI member, Pie participate. A plemie Is wise! munerstion for Wis Worship the site high Vins and he audit, he said, "capa expen IES and sides were used 1s planned for the mid Summer Meym : ; . YY SERS ditures have exceeded the one "HSITRE 8 WON INETESIRE| The lucky drew prize dometed, And whereas it 1s deemed ex PIR catch from Newfound mill Hmit," Yoicing Wis own PAPET Mrs CG Mah, sister Beatrice Dilhy was pedient to provide for an anc ends Grand Banks was greater | opinion, he sated Hianned Ae. Ward for Bet go, Wy sister Winnie Wilkinson, Poel renumeration for Wie Wor: In volume during Jenvary than "The ludget is $5008 over the piendid Paper the matin "lite Lodge closed in the wou pl Dp he Mayor in the same month last year {limis which the Provinces stlows 0 IE tie matte "1 ll 7 Bow thereiore the council en Frorenfish producers processed § A r shew manner | Pow Ais 1% i prone sek I municipelities 0 levy for one lye a flog iid 4 od Ad gels ne follows 2,297 59% pounds in Januery this yer, There Is » principle at , An annual allowance of $2008 year compared with 1.648 909 # Olt 7 stake here, Municipalities gens read I Joem pont unt, F iled T Yield + he paid ta His Worship, pounds in 195 Is Learning To Become A levy for more than sliowed" he Sn ¢ "0 otent the Load a 0 1 snd one third of such amount BUSINESS MAN ated ; rE Training Schind sondveted . shall he deemed t5 he for ex | 7 BLERKIng on the one Hi 1 rihy Opteria County Federation Is F ed $15 | KIN TCH the Pep Feeye #ated 1 wus oA Agriculture at Manchester on in . | For in Pew tines we Face f * ges ee Jian 5 pul her 9 Arif 5 " akilé v { Bersmin, Wiini en, Hah Beriy Vaiving Bets protection of the mumeil" A charge of falling to yield | 858 Achiste § Fur wie wurskiy ciesind iv | Y our Help will Be ties An execniive meeting 16 pre- the right of way sgeinst John PIRCAMBM, Blois Wats 16 pomvisins. bibs 4 re annugl reports will he held Fraser MacDonald of 10 Duke pli Beton ests, Makes shin softer Appreciated : 04 | fewhie A : , (Binee the Township's Ohare oc wes Melean's home on street, Brooklin, ost him $15 in A : t | ROG aes. Ask pont &rueuiet bor 5 for ' 4 y v PAR of the joint education CONS Fueciay April 11. The branch Whithy traffic court, Tuesday CCl en | 8 Tow a To mant 4d aeons, Revie ame ie to approximately 21 annus! will he held on Thursday, MacDonald stated thet he was | JOE AND MARILYN ON THE BEACH | er cent, ihe, Vinal saan enalapril 90 wt 130 pm. #0 the in fhe process of hacking his cor payment wild Any be 27 per home of Mrs, W. Weish, 21|across Ne. 7 Highway od bud esu t i Actress Marilyn Monroe and | recently divorced from play: « their spring training. This is eent of fhe yom) consider. HEFT RYERUE still on his own side of the road Wh Rota Fi Club Joe Di Maggio stroll hand in | wright Arthur Miller, and Joe | gn exclusive Associated Press BE the WDHS be so His thel A shamrock contest was won when his vehicle was truck hy Magistrate A, 8. Mitchell itby ry gure Skating hand on the beach today ps | Di HMagklo has hoeh SEFVIRE | py 0p, 186000, . 3 hy Mrs, B.A. Smith. Mrs, a car driven by William Walter fined Andre Dugas of Beauhar they enjoy their sojourn in | as aid to the coaching staff of ' fe . Ward, Mrs. W. Walsh and Mrs. Bales of Locust Hill. This state- nois, Quehee, $30 and costs for! Florida. Marilyn Monroe was | the New York Yankees in | ~AF Wirephota | \H. Wickett served a St. Pat ment was repeated hy his two careless driving and $10 and - Driving Count {riek's lunch | passengers COS for driving oho I ! Magistrate A. 8. Mitchell in| licence plates in ithy Lrathie 29¢ Would | Ise H dro NY stem " . EXPAND ELEVATOR passing judgment said that Mac-| "our, Tuesday AT WHITBY ARENA, MARCH Is Dismissed The charge arose following & BPM, ! SHEL in hl I ---------- i -- VICTORIA (CP)=The possi- Donald had ereated the emer: iyo oar polis wd ision on Highwa ] bility of building & 200 600-bushel| geney and fined Kin $15, On No 7m March 2%, Midi th ADMISSION 75¢ ADULTS, 35¢ CHILDREN . . " | A careless driving charge annex for the 1,000,000-bushel oo' Provincial Police Con. the vehicles was reported stl] Tickets ot Snelgrove's Drug Store, Whithy end ot or 1C erin OWIns 1 against John Grant Morgan, 17, Victoria elevator is being stud-| d ew Hie & $400 the Whithy Arens |of Lot 1, Concession 4, Clare-|ied. The elevator has heen work-(*1#V¢ A. C. Whiteside said the "nl oop gir wien 1000 Guest professionals ELAINE RICHARDS NICHOLLS mont, was dismissed by Magls- ing to capacity for months and 7084 was snow covered and ey jo once oiates on his esr 8t the Ly BARBARA ANN SMITH, (club pro) BROUGHAM Reeve J.ihe present two lanes to a Dunbarton will probably be di-|lrate A. 8, Mitchell in Whithy shipments to the Orient are in-|8t the time of the secident on (ime of the seeident, He plead: | d ' Sherman Scott reported at a|width of 24 feet, from 2 to 4lverted, but pot until the De |'Faffie court Tuesday creasing {March 11 ed guilty to both charges, Council meeting on Monday feet wider, and that the shoul partment has reached a final] A charge of consuming yw ' - r ---- night that and Clerk I. 'T.!ders would be built 12 feet wide. agreement with the CNR, under age against Morgan was Johnston met with Hydro!ln about 10 years' time the, No, 2 Highway will he widen. |Pheld and he was subsequent | officials W. Kerr, manager of|shoulders will be paved, and itled in Pickering Village, and)" fined §25 and cost Ontario Hydro, Markham, and!will be & four-lane highway raised over the bridge at Duf-! The charges arose out of a Mr. Ireland, of the Toronta Of With this wide shoulder," fin's Creek, to alleviate flood two-car collision at Clarmont| fice, to discuss ways and means said the reeve, "they de not conditions, No change will be Fesulting In $950 damage to the| hI ------ of acquiring the Hydro system consider there is any need for made in the bridge Vehicles, Constable Harold Hoe for the Township of Vicker: |sidewalks," Mr. Beott stated that a few ja of Wi, ario Provincial LIVING Ing. They were advised that it] Mr. Beott went on te report buildings would he removed, one |* ONCE, WINN, } BSL ERLE 4 ng. he possible to purchase a|that the Department planned of them the Liverpool Arm g| the aceldent, said he detected a costs less portion of the system servinglto improve the grade of Altona Motel, another Mr, C, Brown's strong mello aisohol on the urban areas ~-- possibly thelroad and site lines from the house, at No, 2 Highway and|fCCUseas eath after the acel- dent south west portion of the Town: present 400 feet to 600 feet. /the Brock Road | (1 ship, and the area proposed to Bome of the curves in the road, Work on this program will in hoki Rigi Apion Buy an one FREE! one be urbanized within the next 20/at Liverpool and some of the commence in the autumn of this| IFEAn Ear, b years, To establish this it was jogs at Petticoat Creek will helyear, if an agreement with the|0f drinking under ase dismissed . ICE CASTLE pint suggested that the Township|laken out. The highway through|railway is reached by thal time. | 0 age y pid f / bricks Bolicitors be requested to thud | : nd report on "ways and means A bys WHITBY BOWLING NEWS fro oi, el (a of acquiring the hydro system in| ta : Lp hin". andl 263, 8, Riley 283, 226; L. Riley # portion of the Townsiip' , snc] 222; A. Knibh 228, 22%; «i # resolution was passed to this , : CHARD KING COL JAR J40L JAR MOF IMR effect FRIDAY NITERS Jordan 621 (844, 807); Dick|Igglesden 240, K. Bruechle 220, é Team Standing -- Die Hards Adams 805 (204, 260); Sel Himes i. Hansen 220, Fi. Walker 240 Sweet Mixed Pickles 25¢ 35¢ 9¢ J 8 Lh olicitor er : a ' 4 > all. ea a Ad ERE Wis iy CEC poli Ad Bil | (71,442); Alley Oops § (69,066); (786 (321); Jim Cassells 765 (264 TTT EE TRIVe OT VN FTV TG WTO ! (Dows § (60,764); Molson Blue 6274); Manny Swartz 750 (278); | LADIES' CIGARET LEAGUE Ing, the Reeve stated, to make (71.007): High Balls 6 (70,524); John Breuchle 747 (205); Al Ihre girls hit the 700 mark PEACHES 3/ $1.00 WAX PAPER 2/49 a bvey 2nd estimate. the Ci |Bory Bprucers 6 (64.046); Hepburn 743 an; Wil Hub | Eh We be soins, HW y ASHTON SLICED CHOICE "30 01, TiN WAR RITE WHITE i} 16H We Wi ' ' Wizards 4 (66,758); Spark Plugs! bard 784 (260); Fred Watson 722 a 79 ly wl, edly i Mr, Scott "whether or not it|g (gy 185) : (#04); Doug Rowden 714 (288), |Brown 718 LL 4s, ah D PINEAPPLE 3/51.00 SERVIETTES 29¢ was worth while proceeding Ladies High Single Barh Our apologies to Mickey Me |Quantril 718 (2562, 241, 220) GREHARD KING FANEY "30" ONAN BBD yg "Mr Ireland's SUgRESLON | woadward 684 (212, 207) (Master for missing his 804 triple Triples over 670 P. Brem- ad oi atc was," the Heeve continued,| Ladies' High Single -- Barb, |a couple of weeks back, Sorry|"%! 60 (823); B. Sackett 653 FRUIT COCKTAIL 29 APPLE JUICE N J ; Ih. Cro (Ls A "that it may not he possible." |woodward, 265 Mick | (04); B Heron 64 (248, 236); GREHARD KING CHOICE IROL TIN FIELDS @'CIOVEN SUCER 1 OF. iG. READY TO EAT i Councillor Clifford Layeox| Men's High Triple = Al Fry| Good singles: were rolled by| th Ww ies 618 (4, 281); Calls PEAS ASSONE 2/29¢ 2/49¢ asked if the purchase would be|746 (276), Jim Kirk-White 818, John Watts 000 (218) 5, Atkinson BRB (30, : ma hd i 5 oy made by debenture, which was| Men's High Single Al Fry, [288, Mickey MeMaster 275, [*0%) ] Lott Hn, Tord { GREHARD KING EHOICE 70 OL TiN GEEAN SPRAY JEL WHOLE 15 OF, TN red on fh mite, id ar Hernn 14, fork Mowe, ie ere, 20 = 1, Sorin TOMATOES ~~ 2/35¢ Cranberry Sows 2/49¢ |X SN § £4 woud be oT ny venelic tu AG Tao a5 Glen Mile a, yi B. Howe 264, M, McCoy 226, J CORONATION STUFFED MANTANIVLA FEARMANS BONEIERS ih, TIN \ RRR REA RRR REAR EAA hah ARR Rnd 1% 1h "Most municipalities find that] (200, 235, 210); Ron Bragg 670) Wootton 268, Alf Heardon 3A2 Handscomh A, Ge One OLIVES [ERTRT pe | J COOKED HAM n.39 [ Fresh, Tender, Grade 'A Oven Ready Broller it worked to the benefit of the| (243) corse Chils 64 us, Pec Dafoe 340 on 208, D, Caverly 204, I iy GATIUSO COMBINATION VOT IAN PLANTERS WIANENED 10 OF, FES. 0 "8 3 pave, [£1] 3 Nila sill, aafih | . . Stevens 208, 1. Correll 209, V consumes al tl he dere [Bah Brown 650 (208, 205, 242); WHITRY MIXED BOWLING Blovens ji L. Correll 203, V OLIVES 19¢ PEANUTS 39 Residential rates would bene IH g Spencer 627 (217, 208, 205); | High Triples = J. Marshall] #450 © a WOT Tal a: - v -- . I. 4 fit much more than COMME: poo ont Kelly 618 (250, 218): (616 (281); J. Callow 647 (241, Pinfall and points to date GREENWOOD SLICER CREAM.O g $01 TAN cial or industrial, whieh are Givin Bilendake 611 (248): Jim (268) 4. Kirk 607 (343); V Samet 71,010 (19); Players 10. PICKLED BEETS 27¢ INSTANT COFFEE 65¢ i H to 8 ib. AVERAGE np Hive {with Coun, | FTE 607 (202, 384) 4 La sden oh aol), r Bruek (69); Fixnorts 70.080 (08); Win SOTAYO dd BAG PGNATD BUCK SWFFTENID WW OLTIN | A. gi 6 r, Beotl agreed with Coun y "age Cav Bhilling 607 (236); B. Collins 64% (2 37 (1 7) y 1 af Lemon T.eagu Kay 8Bhiiling 1 )i |stans 67.081 (47): Black Cais i | CHIP 9 Grapefruit Juice i J . cillor Harry Boyes that theo Harold Shephard 85, Carol Hl, Hansen 700 (208, 288); R. (G5 609 (41); Winchesters 65,174 5¢ ize Onion | PY ret Chips Fran! cost would be considerable, He| Radcliffe 00 {Childs 608 (236); R. Pascoe 613; | (47); Kools 60,960 (20) WHITE FLOCK said that ene of the officials had! There will be bowling Friday, C. Pascoe 718 (2185, 205, 278); " : preferred a "wild guess', bul/March 81 IK, Lewis 612 (216, 256); D J refrained from quoting, stating Na Dafoe 619 (258); R, Black 614 | \ Grade A Large | WHITRY MEN'S MAJOR | a1); 1. Mothersitl 778 (356, 260 | Results of Tuesday night's ae. | 281" § ily - only that it could cost more > o TR --- 4 PY 8 Denver 630 (260); T. TUART HOUSE TUREX Aqua, Pink, Vollow [tion at County. Bowl: Bud 00) Des Denver 630 (369); 1 \ Fol Wr UL HIGHWAY 2 IMPROVEMENT) Cooke's Esso 2, Courtice Phar: Melver 67 (0)} J ohatisen Hp vid p Mh wn 316 Tollet Tissues » 216 LL Reeve Scott reported that he, |macy 1; Rurtinsky Florists 3, 010 (HD); M. Poggs 613 (381), TWINKLE chacalale-whin OL0 Quis "Sh" Lou i olf duel N | Tidad 1 ha } (, Hewis 768 (310, 827, 226); | 4 1} rine accompanied hy Township En Hambly Tire 1; Hillorest Dairy Ad Rtas 43 (219, 831); C, ail : Cake Mix fry 2/3% ih | Bleach 11: 23¢ than the new High Scheel gineer 1. 0. Jefferson, P Eng 3, Rassett's Jewellery 1 wh 8 (8, 20, 38); B. Camp:| » di . HE "son's Food Market 2, Mercantile [8 \ ' i # Camp x 2% Sn fm y ing " had recently met with the do- BOL Gly hell 609 (215, 220); H, Munn 67] | SEO Sani? Sake onal a BED JBOD RRC, slgn section of the De partment Next Tuesday being the last| (288); J, Fowler 601 (259); F.| | of Highways, which proposed 10/00," of "vogular league play |Coleman 768 (205, 277, 9160); A mR . buy 120 feet, in most instances, |ginde Wilson's Food Market out [Young 632 (281), AVARABLE Tar EAS! i hls ng gh hl Ep SNA om BD. own goings W SPROIAL EASTER STORE HOURS! way 2, which runs through the \fareantile next with 11 and 4 hi | EASTER LIVES Township, for widening PUT | Rt RakY. Flarists with 10 and im, Vv, Sandford us, Ww i LB. LPs OPEN TONIGHT AND THURSDAY poses Wilson's seem to have the last Arthory 220, G, Johansen 232, 1 SR. J BB... E.R... MR. ANTE MUM MARCH 29th and 30the=to 9 p.m, The Heeve reported that the|section wrapped up M. Pulham 278, G, Wager 210,| Swast Juicy JAFFA Department proposed to widen' Top shooter last week: RilliW. Holwell 345, ¥, Moore 221, AN ES 0 RANGE bor pe OPEN SATURDAY TO 6 PM. 1 Frosh Swant -- PINEAPPLES. 25 GRAPES. 4% #20 4 ABs ABest A HYACINTHS 59 CAN US NO. | Frosh Sweet fating EACH MINED PANS ANTALOUPES™" 20: amor Jl CLOSID ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY! "LAST 2 DAYS | OF PAINT SALE '] 8.C. Fravh Cut flown In daily J ROAD ROUGE HILL STRAWBERRIES ==. 43: DAFFODILS + 63: ==" t=) Mi WHITBY Choose from over 500 Quality Gifts in the "Pinky" Catalogue! 1004 (MERE imparted US. NO. | Coliform heap wn I WANNA THE NEW ROXALIN LATEX or SEMI-GLOSS WHITE AND COLORS | LR | | | ; ) Tot kit FA LAR I a SNAG Al TN BF ANY MEL OF ALG BEY it) \ADY AAR hs | TORONTO'S | | tN. || wR Shai [|S si A C A 00 ONLY : BE | ET 8 FREE BOWLING QUART GALLON DOWNTOWN i TI EE I =e FOR ERE FOR EER MOTOR : BD 8 lhe fA fA Wi \ \ WS Se Fu A oY We OUI Comed Boe otivors | BEL Xouean win one atthese og HOTEL k ol Ee cd [EA WITH EVERY REGULAR PURCHASE OF SAME Jarvis at Cartton Street : i Fay \ Ap : EP beat k y Opposite the CBC Toweg Bl | cond tan A ily 3 RL AW Mi SRS ; HRY \ Hrd i One block fram SOAR : . Tl Al i A prize PAVED PARKING AT REAR OF STORE Maple Leat Gardens air Po | RE id 3G LY Lag FREE DELIVERY 90 Years at 83 Simece St, N, RA 5.3529 fan F, Munro = Manager