SR NHN ARRAN HII - POWER Makes Easter Dioner A Banquet = That's right folks , . , from the tomete jwise te pi the coffee Power son solve your menu problems ond make every mes) a bonguet, This week Power is packed with Esster Food Yolues to make the weskend o memorshle one for the whole fomily ond ot such sensible prices 199, / 4100 EXTRA ou STAMPS Wik conpon ond pickers of # Gite' or hadley ld J Discount Special | ie 7 woe Power Perfect Meats For Easter IAT " L ( E M 3 X i a Easter week-end calls for the very finest festive foods you can huy A and Power Perfect Meats are the answer! Mouth-watering hams--oven 100 FATRA is STAMPS ' . Ja kT ready turkeys -- plump tender chickens -- all guaranteed to satisty, H 200 REGULAR or 300 CHUBBY J / ; 4 0 wy because they're from POWER / With conser and pwichesws of # ! i i 5 COTTON Cones SRC \\ Special NAME BRAND © READY TOEAT | TABLE olor p | 2 iy | 4 SM 0 KED HAMS | a Li = ws PACKAGE Any A General Elastic 5 + ba oh LIGHT BULBS . 2 ZX seg es NO SHAK ¢c un C1 7 come re ee el Discount Special | AYLMER j i ai HALF HALF A ra AT ryan TOMATO : . LB, LB. 50 EXTRA ve STAMPS With soupen and purchose of #8 Govt, Grade 'A' Oven Ready--Fresh Govt, Grade 'A' Oven Ready ROASTING Quent Tin of Howes SOUP * | FLOOR 6LOSS TURKEYS :: 49: CHICKENS = 49 prem 1 0 AVGE, Zt LB, B50 EXTRA Lov STAMPS - With sewpon and purchase of # 10-08, Jor (40c off desl) Hy CANADA PACKERS 'DEVON' RINDLESS SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF CHOICE COHOE FRESH MOTHER PARKER'S BACON .. 65°¢| FRANKS .. 49° |SALMON... 79*| Cod Fillets . 39° INSTANT COFFEE 100Z, TIN ------ey or a LE... to ' " Special ! BRIGHT'S FANCY With soupen and purchase of TOMATO JUICE "nor 25¢ Special! POWER e GRADE 'A' i Speco | DANSON -- ASSORTED L ARGE 2 GGS _ 45: pads |. 2000S, CHOICE PEAS 2 25° pr my 50 EXTRA Lo STAMPS TINS i Special! WHITE SWAN RIPE \d LUSCIOUS % CALIFORNIA NO, 1 Md i / With soupen and purchase of TOILET TISSUE4 - 40 STRAWBERRIES... 3 «x: 1,00 ESP | ieivioms Special | MONARCH -- POUCH 25 EXTRA shi STAMPS NEW CROP e FLORIDA NO. 1 50. EX STANS ieiraa Bud C | OHRYSANTHEMUMS OUT RITE HOME DELIVERY OKLAHOMA KILN DRIED Cv Yen om ot 4 WAXED PAPER Coupon Expires Tuer, April 4 HAVE YOUR POWER 4 GOL 0 ORDER DELIVERED 25: WASHED AND Ihs ¢ 25 EXTRA sono STAMPS 50 bx 2 Sines RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR 8-0. 8 8.0 4 6 8 % 0 & WAXED : With coupon and purchase of o With saupan and purchase of & 24.05, (Be off Peal) of Colgate Package of 7 Special | 2¢ OFF--BLUE BONNET RIPE « CUBAN eo NO, 1 GRADE PINK SUPER SOFY ae LIQUID VEL SPONGES MARGARINE. 31© PINEAPPLE ........... . 1% 2B leit jl. oth. Lr 25. EXTRA i STAMPS) 25 EXTRA fa STANPS| Special ! ALUMINUM FOIL CRISP ° F LORIDA ® NO. 1 GRADE With soupon and purshase of a Coupon Expires Tues, April 4 With coupon and purchase of & 10h. Package af Bluse Water 15.08. Tin of Ocean Spre REYNOLDS WRAP ow 33° CELERY 'zt if SOLE ORANBERRY vor Special ! BICK'S SWEET MIXED ts dt st sent tine 3 orl ce 29. n FILLETS SAUCE.» PICKLES ' 27¢ 49° RING at 500 ROSSLAN 25 EXTRA wus STAMPSE 25 EXTRA sou STAMPS] 25 EXTRA ii STAMPS Special | CANADIANA | {IRA | BEX | TR pec WILSON "IN THE ROSSLYN SLIGED DOZEN THE TEA CRACKERS we 28° "HIGHWAY NO, 2" PLAZA" BEEF LIVER ORANGES | THAT DARES Coupon Expires Tuer, April 4 Coupon Expires Tues, April 4 Coupan Expires Tues, April 4 - _ (HUY OPEN © a.m. to on m Bakery Special ! FREE 4 GE, 100 EXTRA iovs STAMPSE 25 EXTRA tis STAMPS 25 EXTRA iv: STAMPS Wil ALLL SUNBEAM HOT CROSS BEST BUY 20 Ih ar sar Oven Ready Fo EE ER WB Bod 2 GOVY, GRADE "A ONTARIO TORAT m9 pm. Wednesda 12 IN FOIL 0 wishes yond Thursday | | BUNETTES °° 39° | | LIGHT BULBS TURKEYS MUSHROOMS UATSUP WEDNESDAY CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY i Coupon Expires Tues, April 4 Coupon Expires Tues, April 4 Goupan Expires Tues, April 4 A &BTL. CARTON SUNBEAM BROWN 'N' SERVE 25.40.60 WATT i A ---- he a hb OPEN SATURDAY 9 a.m. 6 pm, TWIN ROLLS 25° with the purchase of a novelty 25 EXTRA oo STAMPS 25 EXTRA NN STAMPS 25 EXTRA "no STAMPS y With soupan and purchase of wi saunen and purchase o . |! saupan an wrehay ¢ og By Puig SUNBEAM HOT TABLE LAMP 12or. Camuaas Boon 1 Bund af No. 1 Gade | "Tei. Package o 4 ONLY 35 TIVE TO TUESDAY, APRIL Cross B n 12 IN CULO 49+ POWER ARIZONA NINUTE ts om -. uns ne ~~ Only 3.99 POTATO SALAD MUSHROOMS | RCE . Goupon Bxplen Tues, April 4 Coupon Fupives Tues, April 4 Coupon Expires Tues, Api 4 ~