D2 THE OAWA TAS, Wednertey, Werth 19, 199) Yugoslav Given ALL-COLOR GIANT ACTION PROGRAM SY mn Canada May Take Cut Warm Welcome Cf) Sg. mms 77:45 r= soe bows ITY AW 8 pi os fo In Uranium Deal Price i 2 FTAY ER A AIR 4 & Fras na Lin WIRERAR (IH (RE | BIRR WIE WH Gimp BOP EE PHICE ih LH al a a ERRHTR TRE DIRS gle of £m WONT BE WERIIIR. tH / : § inpt eh mii SETY KORINE $0 Satan I the WERIGIIR WAS Ey ¢ Kinghonm bw # y ug 19 A Wah COMMIS Er Supaker Boland Wickens Vsihidos ; of higdtes Bossy / FROM genie the Vo 8 0 hel § # AR KORA ER HE red Wr Bigue's motion oh of sw an? o TE | ids LARAMIE Wikre YES REY gis A SLI lms WL RS puder, partly becasse the Wa Hore Aa 4 : (Fads ¢ " HIRE 19 THE ser now before RB Comm BRIE 2 W pe ¥ Hes Be £5 4 J gh oh isa RIVIR WB am amit (hh | day "name BRIBE 4 phat FOE io wt i od po oi Mr. bigne Wad said the goo - Povavie held wy ong conifer End Hh REERINERE. # REE WTI Aes the RIBIRERL iis make # policy ences with My ide oR. whe sad po i § a he Kf Ey . $ ' 4 . we, He A desis Seddon ry we bossa ini o SHement 1h rene the Some # He (RR COME DANCE WITH ME' (Restricted) ler IDclemeber's Waiement COORG BITTNER, i duty of mivimom sakes Svermment ty lear Yvgnete Phos "48 HOURS TO LIVE" (Both It Rum) 9 form Monday that thers k when pomes ot that IBE1C 10 Britain in 196306, sipwieie vi desnationgl af wks ait 19 ¢ WIRIINN €, TIEN We & DOSY Of BONE she basis of allecation of the ' fA Insolved is Crpad bird AHERN in the price," MATERL 16 DIaoNERIs, ane piv The Bist covers "" Varker Tuesday ws the Com. "WW COmMupties in Canale iy ORE BERD ds we RE FRSCRIER ommitiee, W jd r.. ny, wna t a sy M, Gilchrist, president of ¥ if j All The Thrills tons heiween Aprik §, IL, #n4 do Minin 4 Relining | im A Warch #, W0) i» Miiing Ina elim Jom. EXTRA Swashbuckling, of the Track | Ketinrs of WHE BEnes 10 971 considers the British letier of of 12999 ip ' SPECIAL Action | a " th The BLACK: 42%" ad ---- ssiBoiy Rig By Tool Low:-Low ! Al " Weekend Rates PIR ATES" ¢ A 34 ro m= . '% IN COLOR Fen on lwver wir ne BEAUTIFUL NEW IN COLOR pe» nt J" Mr, Hees suid 7S Y Eo Tn 2 am 1961 MODELS STARRING ow WILLIAMS * PORTER BUNNY BUNDLES N HOSPITAL cllers Fepresent, "h em WCE: bis mutes sumtin, The Wie 4 ' ' british 44 wy ion, Lhe "00 ANTHONY Lon ; AAAI Newhorn babies % Baltimore, The young models, | (6 was ecorated ih the Kas Fo, 0 hr he man 1. Fischimah, 95. and We § PEATER CHANEY LAST TIMES TODAY decked ont with these hy nmewh ol ous of the | ter motif hats when they are presenied | coribosrd nny, are Kimber: | Fathersn Church women's Jes: [200 SoRS. SEL TE CREME EC RH Loa, whe infleted rent-a-car "THE YOUNG LIONS" 0 the mathiess Vanier mo Kongo (lel) and A | Gi Spb rh y Feamsier oss James] #9 KING 57, KE, OSHWAWE Ii I 1 8 Pl -- honored by' the Gi, Wr oll tor alerts brink 0) RA 5.6553 ror 7g "PICKUP ALLEY Adult ALTO BOMBED NEW YEAR ! PHIL gallo J ik (9 hospital ' J In the seventh and 13 of ni ry ny dds with a 5 red ankle. A mig Ql DisQPPOINLS ior mim hints it, ih feet, da n England MIRE Lah { ( hb hristmas ilk his month with Bh Mineral Minister | a NIICes Min ier I. H. Bri Uran iy i b\" A bank said Tuesday he ' WANTS FAIR SHARE Wirth All The ® "5, sorry" 10 hegy that what was a) Is A Tuesday he Pride And Power | nounced ps g contract helweer aa Iie om hej Of His Avademy | k Award-Winning Canada and the United Kh Periormanee In arm dom 10 buy 24.000 600 pounds « ALR uranium from this country ma is d al i The River Kumi," memhey 2 nol materialize he 1iberal opposition have any ACADEMY ALEC GUINNESS Creates His Most He (old the legisla we influence with national Liberal AWARD Yean't get ton excited' ahout Leader Pearson, they should nominee Hemanahie A the proposed deal hecany of 8 urge him not to give alt thi £57 Bere sm news report in which Prime busing ta lihot Lake, an On SCREEN Minister Diefenhanker wi il uranium communi I i nunted as Saying there nevei r. Pearson's home riding PLAY Was & coniract hut only a lel ) Brovkelhank said the ter of intent rosperous, Crown-owned Fido Um very sorry that what ap: rado Mining and Refining should) peared 1a he a promise n't go put some of its profits hack into 4 d ¥ - TECH EORY, INE to turn oul as well as ex exploration In Baskalehewan 1g pected," Mr. Brockelhank sald. help ease the financial plight of FARTS The minister made the re: Uranium Cit marks during debate on a reso He said Sone Bi ponsibii LAST DAY: LAURENCE OLIVER "THE ENTERTAINER" by Boat lution calling for aid from the for the municipality's present provincial government for O- difficulties must he laid gt the nanciglly-troubled Uranium City doar of the federal government in Northern Saskatchewan hecause It made the deals with Monday, when details of the the United States for fiveyeal 197 contract - were announced uranium contract during a Commons commities You can't huilld a secure and meeting, My. Broeckel hank lasting community on a five hailed the report as "good news' year term," he said OSHAWA DRIVE-IN OPENING THURSDAY ah ! INSIDE sony * * * MARCH 30TH & * * RIP-REARING Opening Programme SPRING VACATIONS GREGORY PECK & JENNIFER JONES IN "DUEL IN THE SUN" TECHNICOLOR ABULT ENTERTAINMENT Plus JIMMY CLANTON in "G0, JONNNY GO!" CHILDREN under 1ZFREE! ALWAYS A (COLOR CARTOON START IN '61 Toward a Wonderful Job Future V7 fawn penny Enroll Now for the Easter Term 0 rin moons at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Commencing TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1961 i you would like conditions, pleasant warke nd excellent bi ly sign ily de wl » wes DOLORES HART AAR svn GEORGE HAMILTON Whey at on Soto YVETTE MIMIEUX Sit hie Joh = ME0IE0 Miron wx Groduatts 01 thw: Gilung EA) A JIM HUTTON Bight sourses fram which ta + Bess u Re « BARBARA NICHOLS 4 Golias 1 pen trove amie yu PAULA PRENTISS | CARLINGS cing ho Mlk NE | BRZ Dy G|§ Be a BRADING Ask about the new student loan program, bid BBA Phone =~ Write or Visit -- IN COLOR CinemaScope bo y If hii the Latest Literature, ¢ a man ; ourse ACT NOW Sa DIAL RA 5.3375 : ad 3D <5 ~.... enjoy the mellow flavour of a quality ale! -- dl