{I ome | Behind Encyclopedia Canadiana GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES 2 2% Is An Understanding Wite "wo Was. Ewan A EN ih + Ry Bp Sot wo er 7 (i BRANDON, Men (EF) ~~, She was the first Ah @ he FREWGE WestRg of. TRE REEL Resting wa be i "We Frenchwomen &ie Re By wm nepedy UA years 19 Ad the puters Workers ow # wn Kegon Welk wm § what you cRll a Doie CORVESR AREY that RB Frenchmen Her Koing Sirest Lmied heh evening, Apri 1 wt & -- the sitting kin! oye Wes \imehend tenses her how beng (TVRIRE Wh & FRriR IRIE 5 4h GER MRESRE I The Comme FINE OF The sin nt of pat 3 Jobs FE. Bobbins, wile of the a trator 19 her rack by # ieadng "in The aiken," manty nk ETEITORE 16 WEL of Widen ond 194 of ork EE idl ess in of Bs hsp os Che Dwring hosting schol Caths he mines were read by Wen, cwse. Yes Bow Hasraah of Deng Rone # (OWeWE EF | We stay wn the home 14 Saint Bemie plu py ayes JL Jomnas. Vresowier's re -Lshaws, Mela tor he Randy schon for retarded chiidven pas i watch the tie ones wali theyiiann mul Vien mong with PP hand oven by Mrs, William capped Cb prek, will le gest WI. (Gladman thanked Mrs id BIR SHARDRRACR. OR heSE own." acahemsic svikcts Wer speaker. Cubs were peed in he Wieom Wer He has contieh aumwdl "159 wonder snr won Emme Yrs, Hubert Chase hak at fhe he'? (or their mesting #6 Room come whe wom Wy her thace men ~ her fsbend Woes to well muse" En rherge H fic Sevstionms period $35 on tiie evening, Apri 18. Wis prs Srest # ov, gp hist Vi plage © teats 7 Schndl RAG of the I8-yRirnk hd Bn (RIG Wasa 1a) raver, Loloweh by § TERE.) COURTICE RAE ASSN. pad Mus Merrie si Encyclopedia Canadians, # ner. "Every fey he gets ped A 4 their ny Bernard, 20, wal other | si pd home" Bath Fim Sunday" Wi Haren, he Semler PREETI CONE Betrehments were ers Backed 1a the boys Riekely gave » veding, "F wmiticE BE Assaciuton wee hed oye Cathy Roding kame bas rapid progress wien (ed to bom WER You Always her #5 (alien, fore _-- Ro leoleten mest fefcaied becomming on Associate of the Viens were make IH BEVETRY om Grending Mrs b/d . wholly 19 Aomestic Patterns Bogal Conservitory of Toros wom evens Ww oi ekmem res the win KNOX PRESBYTERIAN WHS be 8 While hiving in Ottawa some of ot the cary see of 13 rummage bee tn Mey, he i 15. Barry Johnson gave The AHermoon Wie { Canada's keenest minds melt meeting dosed with # reasing, 8 WEREWEr s Fepont Preshytenan Cheek from gl corners of the WORKS TO MUSIC ov Yrs. Ewart Clements, "fom RELATE RE Fine" 4 Bernaid is & sports word wader the Kowbine roid Loti ong tn peycheiogy etueshments were served by A Many Mscnssions of net M4 the University of Seeketene: Bu wv a, . and temmationsl prejects Waomed ( b id WER WB Saspion | ma £8 Cm Ye wed » " Yrs, Bons flicks theowdh RAGLAN GUIDES, SCOUTS allied Cat's by her family 19 sew Ork Fostines 18 recoiRe AUEHIARIES anor Hh her from on pk] Shani, Saint - Saene and, The First Region Girl Guide Catherine, Mrs, Bobbins 1s * Feethin end Boy Scout Aviaries met Adescendart of the Saint Denis The oir plece of furmiture recently ®t the home " tree winch wes woreoied from thelr home is # baby grand Lioyd Maheffy Normandy in 10 and replant eRe Ongnsl paintings 18 The president, Mrs, omer A on the banks of the 51, Law| Cle B SLaniey COsErove ETOND | cyrence, Openeh he Meeting § rence River mess Guehec City, BRIE trees on Mant Hoyal, with prayer gay boats by Henn Masion and Ms Clarence Carter of Ben OFFICE ROMANCE ; a Hud from Fel we (0 bri ne 4 ond, istrict, Commission: em Ce Eel render EAT'N sayd with pride. "A real per famiby ved in Lebanon rs of the local RESOCIRLION fe enaci SID 1 Wm } # / vases painted by ber Pd Limnurs vases tes Wy Girl Guides: Chairman Mrs ' z dy He oh as i "i / WOVE Roy Nattingham, vice - Eh@ir: 5 B VOWNE dy he Wile a ® 4 a Yrs & Pr "- civil 54 PRK and ioined lected from ground the world 15. Lome Shite; tress 31d! on BEE bi 4 Apdh Boy Brown. Sere the bureau of sties at (M- Fresh wioholstlery in Warm penes d / : : } ---------- tawa. The assistant, Later and roses and peacock Hine has William AARIT a { y rea 3 p; v og secretary, Mrs, Thomas MRS, JOHN E. ROBBINS lchief, of the Duress was been ordered for their trad) A id H hoe # p : yong man named John Rob tional furnishings brought trom SOOMoR their Ottawa hom Mrs, Carer also presented 12 KING F R warrant pins 1a Blue Guiders ' -3633 Wins WAteg to the final rinse water We started walking 19 In & place of honor Fests # rin TRELLTH SARE ga a at i Decorative Pieces will 5g out the sparkle inl gether," she says explaining deluxe edition of the Encyeln Mrs. Even Greenley Mrs ' china and glassware, the beginning of thelr courtship. pedia Canadiana Frice Luke and Brown Guid s T 0 C K U p F - » Now Returning : or... J To Be In 1 Style Whe emphasis on the riety TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA functions] in hom e furnishings ' Is becoming less pronounced even wily 7 ndery nAed young folk Lovely dees f ROBE RIE back in style it so are hean tiful ornaments ave mw function ather than AGAINE warmth. enlor om. OM pieces of ching and gg RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Ng <n ! . Ho 0 this weskopd. o nL W We going hack m Adispla I VE i Ge "i ti ord 220 io ms, Pi given for some hel if i OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M, 1H Ti Mame, ci ais Ham eT i273 our Easter Feast, Remember, Shep ond prized household ornaments yes , | on Pool re [bs Wolidey Weekend or teryear | Antique shops tell us they are DRA DRAPES IDE IDTHS! | Fir doing -# landslide business in eT | bric-a-hrae, fvases, milk glass W- W W enlored glaks\and fine nid « hir a They tell u mn 3, that shop are display) Rgnod taste ih! Judgment eschi wing those old souvenir = type ornament and eluttery pieces. But fine china and good eut or decorated g all sell well ig oli FILE ITLL i 4 pe ( J f No lfs.,., nd grace to A Such pieces, whether kept at| AJ ! i i 1 -- home nr on sale in an antique 0] tt BE od 4 N M5 4 i No Ands Yl FRESH EVISCERATED or thrift shop usually have 10 CN i i : Em y [| # ' ead ba flrs 1 bo | teat ROE TT kd wo buts, || Broiler Turkeys I, 49° ge displayed And the §oh if the china or glassware is frag hi | t = y boy | 4 : 3 i Buy with fle, requires tender cay Only one piece at .a Hume des bi Ek & kd A . 1 : 1 5 : hi he tackled and dishpan ; 1 Kd i Py ! = A Confidence READY-TO SERVE---V4 OR WHOLE A be lined with hg Sy El i or mink shouts Reveral folds. of JST eA ih : be 4 SATISFACTION soft cloth to guard against ehip B > d ' 1 0 ' W ! CLUB ib. Start with a hatch of luke warm suds, allowing the piers ps to reach this temperature hefare . Bar ¥ k 44 i ff ~ P17 Bal We ning on to hotter suds and : ff a | il : i i : | & y gan 4] [Y Ei . - g . Cheerfully I SMOKED rinses. Add same Vinegar tn the lather and let the china or i ' Hg i : : ob A aarti glassware soak for 10 or 15 ia Zak 1% a iy * * minutes hefare 6¢ rubhing | _-- A " 4iga : a If a hottle hrsh will not ! ' J j W dds balls "- Ib ; ; 0 i Yu A reach all the interior supfaces of a hottle or other Narrow necked container, Ir dH pe A adi ym hs JHU i : i} mane a BUFFET metal shot or rice Eran the lather. These will.act as an , : A " | ! ] 14 49 'y ahrasive when you shake the i I 1 4 : pA suds filled ahject Ad 3 ¥ 4 1 : 7 | iH : i | | ; If one washing doesn't dn the BR {Uni oid f A ; i ib job to your satisfaction, just re peat the proces vith fresh hot Your Choice of Lengths! After all the dirt and grin he 18 84 ins. - 90 ins. 99 ins. i . 8 3 fa f bh | ied, i le mtn Bm WERE CLARET] (| pe FREEZER SPECIAL! ¥ Breaklas DECORATOR DESIGNED "DRESS-UPS" y Thal ; d } » HIND give | FOR THE HOME ! Plan to re-decarate \ » A | Nt . | | : dv BACON BEEF QUARTERS Ib, 55¢ now! Choose from Zeller's wonderful new assortment of superior quality pleat. | : hh . i TE LY 2 i perior que hi} | RERE y b 59 Hogs % or whole 1b, 42° f nd i 3 R 3 h ed drapes as lovely Window high Cut and Wrapped Free lighters, and wall-to-wall draw-drapes. Of satin - backed Acetate Rayen. Lined Ready-to-hang complete with hooks ! 8 4" | ih 3 i b 2 \ | OPEN . 'for Easter uit (ha Wi J 4 Sully 11 DOUBLE WIDTHS PALA ALATA OE AY LOTUS Width at top. approx. 108 $i ; | y AF . 4 8 UNTIL HET RIAA Nl (| 9 PM. inches per pair COLOGNE 93.99 to 59.99 bw YARDLEY | SR ua) | LEGS, RUMPS, SIRLOIN .... Ib. 89 rd TRIPLE WIDTHS LASER TE 1 ARIE] uv now | MILK VE AL BS i cous CHOP# 1h. ote cent--s0 delighn 3 A wind ates. god IL | Wich at top: approx 150 HTL fl Avo ray ure 1} EET) CUBED VEAL ............... Ib, 0% a a or J Ha bi Ask About VEAL STEW (Bone In) .... 3 Ibs, 1,00 oer [0] 1 9099100.99 nd SNR Edu BELLER'S | ste war s1oo wit suv ae I A | SINGLE WIDTHS I Soh | FT "CHARGE-IT SLICED SIDE PORK (2 lbs.) 1 00 het the ba | fl width at top: approx, 48 : ! ¥ Ra \ { PLANS SHOULDER PORK CHOPS (2 1bs.) ++ lightly : 4 inches per pair Hugh : : = 16.99 to 24.99 A A - i ¥ LR i| No DOWN PAYMENT COUNTRY SAUSAGE (8 1bs.) 1 an ilk UP TO 15 MONTHS ge w--") yo 19) (ANY ONE OF THE ABOVE ONLY 1,00) mn | sowie TELLER'S LIMITED iSite | FR EE! Buy 3 lbs. Sausage Meat 1.00 PHONE RA 3.2204 | PHONE "M3 2200 " GET 5 ih S. FREE! | SIMCOE ST ONAN a