The Oshawa Times, 28 Mar 1961, p. 7

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"WHAT IS SHE TRYING TO SAY?" Mrs and Mrs Happy wee daughter of Mr. | 0. Sargeant and Mr. and nd Mrs. Ronald Kelbngion I. ¥. Bethngion. Oshawa Wesidale Sires ONE-YER) great-granddaughier of nid Diana Lowise. Mang Fred Pierson. Ragas the granddaughter of Mrs Photo By South Simcoe H & § Hears Panel Discuss Juvenile Delinquency Al the regular meeting of Walls read the South Simene Home and School port. The treasurer's report Association, Mr. John Pratl, the read by Mrs. Elmer Ostle Grade 7 teacher in the school It was decided send fom was moderator for a panel dis- delegates tn the Convention in cussion on juvenile delinguency Toronto Fhe three panelists were Mr The Home and Schon Stanley Richardson of the Boy will meet at A Scouts Association, Mr. Stanley School. The guest speaker will Mason, Children's Ald Society, he Mr. W. BK. Kirk who is ex and Constable Wilham Tane in ecutive direcior of the Optang charge of salety patrols in Osh- Assaciation of Retarded (hil awa schools dren Mr. Stanley Mason said chil- Miss Birickland's dren must have responsibility ohn Pratt's rooms in the home. He said among sliendance prizes the 12.000 children in Oshawe Schools, seven oul of every 1000 appeared in juvenile court Twe| per cept were charged with| Juvenile delinquency in Canada wok entire palicemen salt Dariege of frant of children. He also said) George Robinson was solemn: there were less children on the|ized recently hy the Reverend streets al night since television| George Telford at his residence hegan but parents needed to'the manse of Bi. Andrew's control the programs United Church, Mr. Stanley Richardson was The bride 1s the daughter of asked how schools could help.| Mrs, William McMaster of Osh He thought the schools were #Wa and the late Mr, McMaster asked (0 do 100 much and could| {and the bridegroom is the son only do as much as they were| Mr. and Mrs, George Robin: paid to do. He thought parents *®D: all of Oshawa | Attended hy her sister, Miss ha drand behind the schools Marie McMaster, the hride a wore a hrown suit with green The panel was hy| accessories and a while corsage Mr. William Wend! Miss McMaster was also In Miss Agnes Strickland's choir|PYOWn with heige accessories sang "There's a Little Man" | Mr. Gordon Robinson acted as and "The Fisherman." They Pia, man for hig hrothes wi 4 The newly wedded pair lefl Vee Shanked by Mr. Garden|," Sodding trip 10 Buffalo dd following ® reception al the Mrs, Robert Lewis presided at| bride's mother's home and will the meeting. Mrs, William fake up residence in Oshawa s ¥ Ireland BEEIRIBIY BF IR was to Lanne Iavell Mi the wna wn Oshawa Couple ' Exchange Vows June Loy and Thomas thanked AANA ZE FASHION \ Ace for EASTER SWEATERS f pla HANDBAGS See our Spring Handbag arrivals in seft new shapes Laas thers, Plastics and Fabrics in all the naw Spring pastels NYLONS Make a note te harmonize Faster auttit with fattering new shades in seams and ssamisn Ka we and Whisper Nylens dren Wiser and walking sha $1.00 and 41 53 SUPP-HOSE 4.95 pair PURBSILK service weight 2.50 pair, NN ESSORies, bo Aidwinckie Womens kAor ddd 7 THE QEHAW A TINS March 8 PERSONALS Rain hiwiga wrk Hy aia ade Tuesday bn 4 LE FARE oo Wr. wh HW haw. Warm Aas Blut fis fim EN 5 mE Bike sniing ¥ York with Bluse s 3 Mrs died ar re oH wilh thers 4h one BA k# wry La 7% wh Foi $447 git em rR he Bates Cenohe BW RAE IRENE Mise Mary [ee ed nn IRATE BF RESIRE AR IREDEr #4 Leah Mather. win fim # Fld BE BREN dd fim 4 wh fh al i FILTER 5 ¥ 9 Fe ergr Bi FA 4 Ww RY RINE a IRER Frye [org wh kame Vkwirir " Pe # nse Wry en Ww £7 i t { RERNE Wry en Bose gy fy a Bry RYEIIE Mis. Len By Yow nsh b mek i p #nh Ld de flashes ARR LIVER Welz na mis Ans Feturned Bay Lrivisk f)shawa #h8 3 of Wm apa LLInER YEIRES ny RIED, RET wl BESO RL of There were over Ww ent whe grea nis WAS Hed by fn Rian 1770: | CIREIBIFREIE AY If A brief hw held on the EINREFS intormen FEENIGE Meriing 16 4 he pansh om he form of a pot Hh enteriginment the Bell Tels i £8 bis showen , I AMINE Wd gue { meeting The Humore Bhingd Beis a» sn CRA Building Regina Fike { h / 0a opened | £ Ai 71 al # am Were he Fé ly w of | y Mr Fhe nEing of the « reading of a Bible vers Blind hy ithe .N. Armistead bingo was played ners Mr Mr Mrs. Char Mr hh 5 Hester Mi Campheil, Mi ¥ and Mrs. Mary Leach ments were served hy Mrs. Rufus Lambert Jack Andeysm finns Harold Phil Anderson a nal he wh song and NEE, Wi ed h SECTELG) A Fin Nnany a LODGES AND SOCIETIES DAKLEIGH LODGE meeting of Oak 1OBA, was Temple Sister Mary ided. Sister Ethel sisted as depuly misire in the ahsence of Sis ter Ivy Eibhs. Sister Winnifred Mills was acting chaplain in the ahsence of Sister Sarah Muy ray. Flags were presented hy Sisters Annie Frost and Olive Harrison Bister Thompson gave the sick Sister B. Hurst, N and 8. Murray were 1} SIONS on vanous sub held, Bister Annie gave the reports on the binges and the It was announced thal would be held st the of Sister Ann Heaslip, 74 street, an Thursday evening, April 18 Prizes, which were donated were won hy Sisters Mae Osler and Winnifred Mills The next regular meeting will held an Thursday, April 27 Sister Olive Harrison was wished Bon Voyage an her inp in England Wer ri and and J arence Wer Refresh Lioneiie and M 3 ed held in the and Jac Worthy Fhomp Cockerhan Fhe h Lodge FEgular Il thange Mistres No A Hs on pre Pl Mr. and M an om were guests of honor at a fam Hy gathering 16 commemorals their golden wedding Anniver sary al the home of Myr. and Mrs. Gordon Vinson, Preston vale an Saturday evening Those in attendance were rela tives from Chatham, Si. Cath arines, Toronto, Hampion and Oshawa. Mr. Robert Vinson addressed the pair and made a presentation. From out of town were Mr. and My Earl Ar mour, Toronto, Mrs. George Barclay, St. Catharine Mi and Mrs. George Armour, Mi Bertha Armour, Mr. and Mys Sydney Cornish, Gary, Mary and Wendy, all of Hamplon Mr. and Mrs. Willred Meredith Chatham; and Mrs, Robert Gil roy and Mr. and Mrs, Walle) Spence, &ll of FParonin report Kirkbride reported Misey Jeels we Mitchel afternoon euchres a euchre hams Quehet Teas, birthday partie wer ding anniversaries, coming and oings of guests and your awn sh oR plans are always of in this hie terest In eolumn. Write , Faster Is qa fresh look weaters bel at i] EASTER GLOVES Fratty details ve ory | ole Faster gloves completers are in aur and he new pasiah Glove 3 Scart Sein 9 the ne vieast all ar SHOP ? lMEnE 51 RA 5.1200 OFM ALL BAY WERMEADAY AND THURIBAY UMTIL 9 acioex SOUTH Cl add Erm nInE | Mrs. Jean D. Newman, Toronto To Address WCTU Convention Mee FF. J. Wikies wilt sae # the Ph Lame vehi of The (pans wan Fir hows Women's (hristian Teme © gezannse mom wn Wisthy Bay o hweek ow Wetnesdey Arid 5. The MOIIRE RENN pene #18 pw. The slernemn skgsinn eging ot LIN pm. vik Wes. Clayion [ee and Wes (aries Langlieid wn Hever of BE [RETROTIRS TYE y fr Responshiidy fn A EToenging. World" js (ne swippent. of the kd ess 1a he goes by Yrs Jean 0) Bewman, Toros TRE. SIRTULE WE TRE CRY EIEIO Ms Newman ie 7 lores AETIRER ROR FW TWEr comet of the ots of To Wis. JFK W fost bop i Winthy will conduct he WP REVERE Er Eom A " % rd fir "a Oo he beginning oH he mormng sesvion. Wiz. Hay HE Guantall. president. of Win by WOTE, wih welcome he women 16 the conyention. Wis H. A Heow. © wi the noowiihe Reymtion ak WES. FF. 1. WH IANS Vrrvideami } RIERA TRE FH dad YEW IRAN ©» NEWIBAN IF be ke camo eptinn # RYE Filan ig SHEEN # Bret ings Will be £Epres on and In be Beverend T Wek Suyigey of Wnty fran Mrs | A w wary eh by if { EE ad Mi Forman With Whi W. Hew oH Whi enied | ated wm . i? FW ¥ Rick My Ha bsr ik RA arise os Hare @ thy Ris ad HIRT RAR 54 wir WIR ER Kats Whitby WTR IN, Mark Fhe y of f) Vif A y ¢ ) Ww amy nia beer, custard and some of of Jems. He SINES MN SHINE monsae By M. MeINTYRE HOOD Special 19 The Oshawn Times VANES SI, MERE Dak FONDON Dr. BH. Amphlett 1a : Zr alle Williams, public analyst 1or Ihe soelied mu his | "iy of London, has given official corroboration 16 the sfi-heard sigtement that fond 1s whi it used to he. He has heen mak HE RB SERTCIIRE veshigation of Macaromms the vital question, "Where did compleiely w ihe lasie go?" and he has pub Fish paste announced Wis ndings. as 25 me They have produced quile # cept of the hock (a many of the house wives of the United Kingdom. contain only about Speaking at 8 meeting of the cent of prange ice Royal Soc ety of Health in Lon custard: | sof don, Dr. Williams listed some of (rom eggs: now if the foods which. he claimed has become dehased with the Ams Used passing of time". His bist cop. POWRA Of frum fo) tains some items which will dis- Wusion many who are fond of hgh hving Meringues were made of whites and sugar, he Are now made with an "artificial cellu lose gum in place of the egg' Cream cheese is now oflen # watery substance made from skimmed milk. Hamburgers ance prime steak fried with onions, have now, as their main ingredients, preserved mince meat with cereal and onion Nl Ing uied | # Hay finer [tlw [9k of them # Pale fin Mien have ne 0 LAN nered tian # Eigs no ent 4 WHR RANGE [3 Frequemly nvide thot almond Camtaing CERL, BF Any specified fish Orange drink These seen B iis 8 per Ihree ps In he mane § Carniing fn Eonan eYETY Fl paunag WE my How DINE Ime % per cent fru SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. William Axford Hampton, will he at home 19 their relapives and friends on Fuesday, April 4, from 7 tn 8.50 nm. on the nceasion of their hth wedding anniversary formerly of egg which SAYS HOUSEHOLD HINT A checkerboard will last long DEBASED FOODS and look hetter if sprayed Other debased fonds which De. with clear shellac when it is Williams included in his list in: clean and dry fl ) a KL #4 5" we GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES BELIING BANE MEW IMRY We KBB (Crier on wa the gwar sseaber # the Wars te Weng Wand Swaiary of Samar Bigres Flu os Chek. Wr / ds pl soba on "The Wetoried ©) on of the Bie" ann her (alk Wek Wis WATERERS #) SERN ATRRE. Se ARF Ww gre Amtak with the hws A the (XA Trsbawment. Wis Fravil Voek mm eal of he mewhers fle BA INaTy. PERE rR NE wiwtiom 1h Wis. Cieresson The sway of the Ws nd he St oh the aes was the mikey oA the fay when Bren Pollock anh Dimgine Tilak ruler £5 WHR SHEE ERIE TN a abion thal (wes "Re 18 tion Wi these Scntiolh a: wa SWlTLsent 15 #5 RW el The IRETIRETS RFIVI ES TREE RAG Roh ot dd isarts jE (NEY BEEF 19 Paves k eA a ele t hem The pester 4 Hamas, CARER R he A the mesting nd Wi Iwiamd arc mperief ann for he Wy hs Lah Wh HK fer gf bovisiies fry @ of * thr Eh¥ fe Wes. Bower Somley wk pl fly Ager poi Bog io washers of Wer grow wrvek # oA o% the tian ili ARVs ems [GRR 15 Teh i ais Pree i" pois Biss ld from # fo Ww fey fone rEsiasd wn # ani EMVMEY BAFPTIOT WHE dex Mus KB. £ Sevens is 9 The WHE of (@gery Baghisi @ the Oshawa (rena igi Close wns seseptby Wer Men Wer Lammark Wigwond ind Wel dere (ah (B6 wmestmg. J ha Reva onet period iy Ag Py mart ng ko fAgan. pecmmpanesd by Wis ed WEB toe, Hew ry. WRAY w RLBEIRATIAS g KB Aloway reid some Bung 10 Jew" The Misses wisi ah recently from Leo and Pioile (Hace wg nd Wis. Bepneth (atly,. # Mel. "Open he Gales of the We wd Wer Ray Fa Temple wd We wd Wee Ver Wass Evelyn Gay wis he Hurthert in | age. gens. weanes. wl spoke on Key view the missionaries w £§ £40 hey seghey, the Reverend washing for move Bety. FT fb ei Robert Gay, whe is 8 Unies fikihs wir whwie eraly (5 War CTWEER Weer (rom mene vast Tot the iabrers aie few 7 Sieet Ganed Cheek. Be bo ww Wrz. Mather cimenh the mers Sharpe | three chwrches in Ses wg Wh PERIET hain Higiiag | mrahon re wih Windbtharit Umiad Chwrihes. liad lr TE Wiss Gy flew mi to Kighng in The segiinr meeting of (he December (8 spend ogg (lw WA te RB wi pov Bet neshen ong We wi Seanet LpnaR Chick was held and beby Aeughiers. and ow Thawiday, March 5 with 7 Howes some a he Lh #IRTAIEE WH RERNELE Bl 19% wimie There frimmns Mes. 5. CC Cok sis 25 The president. Wis. Frank Con Pearse, and Mrs Witham Re endo. Al 1epeits were Rak ids serves refinements " "ERY uy iw High Kt bi this particularly and WE apg IE fo reading anoul Wea again conc! JOHNSTON'S Mer SURE OF QUALITY of B Simcoe 50 MUCH MORE | WASN'T BORN YESTERDAY! And my hubby and | ENOW that you only ide that QUALITY. 1S OUR BEST BUY. BY FAR ang Why don't you take a tip from us and try Johnston's Marth, Junstons. (OSHAWA) Lid. (Better Clothes For Men and Boys) get what you pay for And far men and boys. Se, after listening the Fancy-Dan Bargains in Men's and Boys And Wear is the one place where we can be to clothes al OVS where you pay such a LITTLE more but you gel FOR YOUR EASTER SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ALL STORES IN THE OSHAW SHOPPI CENTR WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 6... WEDNESDAY AND 9: THURS CLOSED ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY ~N DAY

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