THOUGHT FOR TODAY He who thinks by the inch and talles by the yard deserves io he kicked vy the foot, dhe Oshawa Tome Birong west winds sre expecied to bring some dowd, and eodler temperatures, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 196) Price Met 16 Conte A". fd is pisons Sow, ov TWENTY PAGES NM Firm Uranium = Contract Claim OTTAWA (CP)=W christ, president of M. Gil- mum purchases exchanged he Eldorado tween Britain and Canada since Mining and Refining Limited, Jan, 1, 195% today insisted that the Crown Mr. Cardin's questions agency has a firm contract with Mr. Argue's motion will appear the United Kingdom Atomic En. om the Commons order paper ; ergy Authority to supply Britain Wednesday but can be deferred with 12.000 tons of uranium in at the government's request 1963.66 The questions submited in Mr. Gilchrist told the Com writing require oral ANSWErs 4 A " from the ministry. Mr. Cardin mons research committee that asked among other things for Vidorado assumes that an ex ipo date of the letter in which! change of letters of intent 15 8! ype Briitsh Atomic Energy Awl firm contract. He added that Mf thority said it would buy 12,000! EB what was meant by a firm con wong of uranium from Canada Alberta and we by '- ES SUB fin. The alongside Lo 4 0 wv v w I -- [ CRUSADING SCOT RID Toh, We was one of three canoeists who badgered the submarine today In protest Against nuclear weapons. Po lice dragged Nolan from the tied Proteus marine the Demonstrator Mike Nolan perches atop (ail fin of US nuclear Patrick Henry in Holy tender fract was a Vidorado does not have one Prime Minister Diefenbaker told the Commons Monday that Vidorado has no contract with sritain for the amount of ura nium in question and that agen sihmarine Beotland's (AP Wirephotn via radio from London) Floods Hit i held inter | | | : : 'gress today for an increase of long-range bombers, bul some Pe {fests KENNEDY ASKS MORE MONEY FOR MISSILES 'Gap-Closing' Defence WASHINGTON (CP) ~ Presi Budget 1.008 miles, is tn be accelerated dent John Kennedy asked Con- The Skybolt would be shot from nearly $2000 000.000 in United of the original concept of use i States defence spending, con- may require change. | eentrating heavily on building a| The U8, Air Force had hopes {bigger missile stockpile and! of eventually using Skybolt with {more conventional weapons 10\the BJS flying st three times of sound. But Ken wage brush-Afire wars ! | Kennedy also proposed slash-| {ing expenditures on costly devel-| {opment of the 2,000-mile-an-howr| B70 bomber and atomic air craft, and rejected army moves to get the Nike Zeus anti-missile missile into immediate produe-| tion. Kennedy wants the Nike-| Zeus to prove its worth in field] hefore production is! started | Overall, his proposals would mean an increase of shout! §1,054,000.000 over the $42,900, the speed ' ' nedy decided to reduce B70 development to a research pro. ject, with only shout four proto. types to be built In the field of continental de. fence~~which may be closer in home in Canada~Kennedy pro- posed improvements in radar and satellite warning systems, but made no mention of any de- fence production - sharing plans with Canada But Canadian defence mani- facturers undoubtedly would Fresh Hope For Congo KLISABETHVILLE United to the northern Katanga situa Nations authorities foday ex tion," he said pressed confidence (he Kalan. McKeown conceded there had gan army would avoid a civillbeen "a certain amount of ap war against forces in The Congo| prehension" over troop concen loyal to slain premier Patrice!trations south of Manono in Lumumba, Reuetrs reported northern Katanga, This led to cies concerned have mittent discussions on renegotl ation of the 1957 letter of intent George West) asked Mr, Gilchrist for 'final clarification" of Britain's commitment to Canada Mr. Meliraith recalled Vi commities that there contract uranium to the United Kingdom Middle West CHICAGO (AP)==Flood condi tions today appeared (no he wor ening in sections of lowa and Wisconsin. Hundreds of persons already have heen forced from their homes hy overflows of ri ers and stream Rornadoes struck in Te and Louisiana Monday and winds up to 100 miles an hour lashed northern Ilinols | that ad this very firm early Wis Aa Meliraith (L~Oltawa Gilchrist had informed the month method for Canadian sales of | Crit To Shoulder | School Cost I EDMONTON (CP)==Alberia's Social Credit government, beset hy climbing education costs, is preparing to introduce a hold of financing (hat al: ready has heen attacked by one as heralding "the dark ages of education." 11000 defence budget former pres | i enty of interest new ident Eisenhower hlue printed| plenty Jnten " t {for the fiscal year beginning] = needed for limited war, next July 1. Kennedy main: Kennedy proposed spending tained Fisenhower underesti- more money on non » nuclear timated some of the defence out-|weapons research, on additions! lays { transport aircraft, new types of ePhig budget is vols can | sea transport, helicopters, rifles, sistent with our earnes esire| # for serious conversation with the| Ammunition, a 88a 4 It rock other side on disarmament," ets, trucks, torpedoes, as well Kennedy said, "If genuine prog: as secret weapons, ress is made, then as tension is -- * Two persons were killed in a Harvey Bliss, chairman of the| mado which destroyed five hid 9 Calgary public school board, | {homes in the hamlet of Applehy,| My. Gilchrist stuck firm 10! hus joined the Alberta Home| " [in east Texas, A twister struck this testimony today and Mr. ong" gonool Federation, some FLORIDA [the northern part of Shreveport, Mellraith said he agreed With) me perg of the Alberta Teach) (Li, while huge hailstones dam. |the Fldorado president's inter: eps' Federation and many urban) 'The anual Spring invasion {aged 75 small airplanes at the pretation of the letter of intent, | members of the Alberta School] by northern college students foity's airport, | OTTAWA (CP)=Lucien Car: Trustees' Association in express: Is on if tu force ot Vort l n Kowa, the abst flood in pi din (enichulintVerchuitel ALY, Aoupla Shout the plan, i Lauder e 5% lanl ory threatened Walerloo as the day posed specific questions tol Under it the province will be: beaches thing to find a peaceful solutionino Kntangan offensive, rampaging Cedar River ap-|the government on details of| come the first in Canada to take TROOPS, TRIBES CLASH peared headed for a record Britain's intention to buy Cana-|over basic financial direction of| The Associated Press said re. crest of 201.5 feet, Volunteers dian uranium between 1963 and) schools from municipalities, | ports reached UN headquarters worked through the night stack: 1066 Education Minister A, 0, Aal:| B ildi B of three-way clash near Lulua-|Ing more than 100,000 sandbags| CCF Leader Argue, in another borg says the government in: ul ing urns hourg between Lulus and Ba.| In threatened areas and helping notice given in Commons jour: tends to go ahead with the plan, | KELOWNA, B.C. (CP)=Vire/luba tribesmen and Ghanian|lo move families from low resi: nals, asked the government toto he retroactive to last Jan, 1 destroyed two apple storage 1rO0ps dential areas in the city of some make public all correspondence The required amendments are huildings here today as firemen! First reports indicated that | 65,000 and other documents about ura: expected to he pushed through Nearly B hattled in deadly cyanide gas|!hree Ghanian soldiers are igi at the current session of the] UNITED NATIONS (CP) fumes. to control the $500,000 Ing and at least one tribesman legislature | Like the ornate household of a Irish Gen, Sean McKeown, reports Katanga was preparing, in 1063-66 commander of the UN Congola major offensive against the force, Issued the optimistic re: pro-lumumba - regime in Stan port aL & press conference fol-lleyville and against Baluba fri his talks Monday night{tribemen, who hold sn area with President Moise Tshombe|near Manono, - Adld he oe " Saarinen. The UN LAO meeting to me that he is doing every: Tshombe that there would he as crowded prove, The young: Apple Storage outhreak. No one was injured, [had been killed The plan's most radical fea<| quarreling family, the United At one point cyanide gas from| In Stanleyville, an official of [ture calls for the government to/ Nations organization is going to fertilizer stored in one of the Gizenga's regime said an ats allot funds to all school hoards| of financially=it's just about buildings rose with smoke! tempt by Leopoldville forces un: for What Mr, Aalborg describes bankrupt around the firefighters der Maj. Gen, Joseph Mobutu to as Yan adequate minimum| The 1t hoe . A giant packinghouse owned invade Gilzenga-controlled Ori [standard of elementary and high! I id Lith General Assembly § hy the Kelowna Growers Iix-|ental provinee was crushed [school services," udgetary committee opens de: INVASION sters have been keeping police busy, staging » full-fledged | riot Sunday night, (AP Wirephoto) United Nations ankrupt cance when it is compared with the total U budget for 1061, which is $72,963,000, The toughest financial prob. lem the UN has yet faced came about betause of the refusal of the Soviet bloc to pay its assess: ments for the Congo force or UNEF, which was sent to the reduced, so will be our arms," The president proposed boost ing production of C-powered submarines armed with Polaris missiles to 20 in the next three years from the 19 originally planned STEP UP ICBM OUTPUT | Production also would be in creased for the Minuteman In- ter-Continental Ballistic Missile, But plans for creating three mo- hile squadrons of these missiles to he moved on railway cars are heing changed to replace them with three squadrons fixed un- derground Development of the Skybolt Eleven Feared Dead In Fire CLARKSVILLE, Tenn, (AIR The sheriff's office reported (o- day that at least 11 persons are feared dead in a fire which de: siroyed a private residence at the nearby Dotsonville commu- nity, Deputy Sheriff Charles Bink- ley said it was feared the entire family of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Whitehead, including nine chil. dren, died in the flames, Cause of the fire was undeler- | missile, with a range of shout mined, Seeks ; 4 wnt Ocel-|Mareh § A uniform school tax rate of {Pate today on how to raise $120, change and the adjacent .Ocel- 32 mills will he imposed on an|000,000 for the Congo force in equalized assessment through-| 1961, facing the fact that the out the province, Municipalities 1060 bill is far from paid, will collect taxes and send edu:| Canada, scheduled to speak in cation funds to the province, (the §h-member commitiee, was The government then will add expected to stress once again dential Packinghouse cold stor<| Bernard Salumu, district com age plant were destroyed. Two missioner of Stanleyville, weeks ago four KGI packing: claimed 110 Mobutu soldiers houses were destroyed in aniwere killed and 800 captured in $800,000 blae fighting In Bumba in adjoining Alderman Dennis Crooks, | Equator province Four Floors GLARGOW (CP)=A 8T:year-tempted murder were old spinster, accused of throw: against the accused {Ing five children out of a fourth:| Jean Barclay Waddell Magistrate James Langmuir placed woman, (floor apartment window to the Kennedy Middle Bast in 1066 after hel Fast Laos Reply The Boviets maintain that, WASHINGTON (AP) = Presi:|and fearful of a spread in the UNEF costs should be assessed dent Kennedy today looked for alfighting. against Britain, France and Is:| speedy answer from Soviet Pre: Gromyko was described as rael as the aggressors in the mier Khrushchev on whether| showing a serious concern over 1066 affair, As for The Congo, Russia will agree to a cease:/the situation =~ more so than chairman of the apple growing! Mobutu returned to Leopold: pavement 60 feet helow, waslordered her remanded for fup-|/its annual school appropriation, (its belief that peace keeping capital's fire committee, estl-|ville March 18 after weeks in|charged today with the murder ther examination, The government estimates the costs of the UN should be as: mated the loss at $500,000 in tothe upper Congo but made no/of one who died Hatless, the black - haired, | 82-mill rate will provide §55,600,- sessed=and paid--on the same held an entire neighborhood of province would return (o the 314 peace - keeping operations, the Glasgow in a buzz of shocked|local school authorities a grant,| Congo force and the UN Emer: GIRL, DIES mula, to cover essential serv: | At the present rate the UN tion conference today amid to a cease-fire ory commission for Laos and Also In hospital but less seri ------ fading hopes of an early Russian] The official American spokes: holding a subsequent interna: ously hurt ave Thomas Devenny, | | ards, it takes on added signifi: "ge - peace in the neighboring king:|and President Kennedy remain, Tubby said the Pravda editor: brother, Frank, 7 'Maritimes hand in negotiation clear how sentiment is running Communist Pathet Lao rebels in| One report sald the five chils| From Storms The French sources at thisiamong the SEATO members," central Laos and there has been dren went into the apartment there were graduations among RUSK TO SEE NEHRU daily flights horn pups. excitement based on a six-point cost for: gency Force in the Middle Hast, reply to Hritain proposal for/man, Roger Tubby, said Rusk tional conference 4; Margaret Lennon, §, and her| Thailand capital alse claimed he sald, no reduction in the number of building 'ta look at some new: the Soviets say the force should be scuttled at once, Many other countries--Nola- bly Latin American and Arab are late with their payments and the UN's housekeeping is in such a sorry state that UN Secretary » General Dag Ham: marskjold has been keeping the Congo operation going by bor. rowing, He's already exhausted the $25,000,000 "working capital fund," a revolving fund designed to meet emergency needs, He's also been borrowing from the UN special fund, set up to as sist underdeveloped countries, The United States, assessed 32.5 per cent of the 1860 Congo- force budget of $60,000,000 has [fire In Laos + In a onehour meeting with Noviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko Monday, Kennedy was reported to have stressed that a truce must come ahead of proposed diplomatic talks--and the sooner Moscow gives its re: ply the hetter, Gromyko, in turn, was said to have indicated Khrushchev will respond in a few days, and to have asked that the United States meanwhile avoid any precipitous action on the Laos erisis, U.S. strategists saw a good omen in Gromyko's request, They believed this might indi cate Moscow is genuinely inter [when he talked to State Beere. tary Dean Rusk here 10 days ago, In Paris, Prince Souvanna Phouma said the Soviet Un. ion will accept Britain's cease: fire proposal for his country "with some slight modifica. tions," Phouma, regarded hy the Russians as rightful head of the government of Laos, made his prediction after a conference Monday with the Soviet ambas. sador In Paris, While Gromyko headed for Moscow where Khrushchev is holding a Warsaw pact meeting of Soviet-bloe powers, the allies in the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization went ahead wit plans on how to meet the Com: paid up, mI ------ munist threat in Laos, day's blaze [public mention of any fighting! Four other charges of al: pink-cheeked woman spoke only|000 this year, It will add an ap: basis as regular costs, i lonee in a two-minute arraign:|propriation of §40,000,000, mak: Observers regard it as an U.S. Wants Tough Line ees | ai The first of the five to fall o {will be an estimated $90,000,000 Wl he Window: Nop y py| Alberta's approximately 44|in the hole at the end of this dom, {hopeful of an agreement leading ial may have been designed to] None of the children lived in French conference sources to cessation of hostilities in Laos play for time in an effort tol that particular tenement, Police] HALIFAX (CP) ~~ The Mari: times got a bhadly-needed break! the views of other members of Tubby alse said Rusk will the eight-country defence pact leave Bangkok early Thursday, LATE NEWS FLASHES ' Arsonist Gets Three Years ment, No plea was taken at this/ing a total fund of §104,600,000, ironic twist that some members stage It says this is within $1,400,000 of the UN--whose main funes sha : : i i hn | separate school distriets, includ: year. . ¢ BANGKOK (Reuters) The, Sarasin declined to comment Laos, But it did not specifically) Hughes, 4, died almost instantly, | {seo Ta atastint ones in pre: budget. ans i eau sald France 1s holding out following the president's meet: head off any joint SEATO reso: were still trying to piece to against a "too warlike' resolu: ing with Soviet Foreign Minister lution [gother how they were attracted Talks on taking a tough line stopping over in New Delhi on| were held at a top-level re- his way back to Washington to BARRIE (CP Donald Alton Sanders, 20, was sent enced today to three years in penitentiary for setting five to The macabre scene of small{of the total estimates for all{tion is to maintain the peace children hurtling to the pave: school boards in the province, --are unwilling to cough up the United States pressed for a on whether NEATO ix prepared accept Britain's proposal for al Seven-year-old Daniel MeNeil| so tes moma "ca tho li el Sl tough resolution on Laos at the/to send troops and arms into|ceasefire as the condition for 18 on the critical list at Kitlearn| goo wif not he covered se No, UNEP, fi ; 1) | le this figure is not as tion. But the US position was Andrei Gromyko Monday, Authoritative sources said atjto the topsfloor flat, All the that a "very firm" resolution is; "I think the statements by all last report the Russians were youngsters live on the same stricted afternoon session after] discuss with Indian Prime Min. U.S. State Secretary Dean Rusk/ister Nehru 'problems arising the stare where he had been employed. He pleaded guilty to a charge of arson last week ment late Monday afternoon still] From this §104,600,000, the|funds to support the two main Southeast Asia Treaty. Organiza: Laos if Russia does not agree reactivating the 10564 supervis Hospital, toss they wished. | o¥hite thin, figure in not a needed to strengthen the West's/the delegates make it pretty [still flying arms to the ppo: street told delegates at a routine morn: (from Co m m u nist aggression, ing session not to expect a Rus-isubversion and terrorism in sian reply before the conference! Laos and Viet Nam ends Wednesday Rusk was presumed to have Discussion on the resolution 18 diseussed the Kennedy-Gromyko ta continue Wednesday meeting over a working lunch SEATO Secrotary-G ene ra ison ihe British Embassy with Pole Sarasin of Thailand told & lard Home, the Jititian foreign, press conference al day's end he Thai foreign ar a. that the Russian reply could be THe lide TORR the conference oted in the not-too-distant 2 Eo rence expected week Will proceed as planned in the Afutures=""perhaps next wee absence af a Soviet reply on on = Laos but delegates might give 1 CITY EMERGENC some added attention to South aw Viet Nam, where Communist bt Ns UnTEMRRR rebel activity is viewed even ANNUAL more ig than the Laotian situation some diplomats ZAAR and TE/[ . Ig | DNESDAY ; here Soviet AT 2 \ h The Communist party EVERYBOD ---- Shooting Accident Kills Farmer GUELPH (CP) Wilfred Curtis, 48, was Killed by the accidental discharge of a gun on his Maryborough Township farm early today, He and his son Kenneth were on their way to deal with dogs attacking sheep when the shooting acourred. Kenneth's gun discharged accidentally, the shot hitting his father in the thigh Lesage Shuffles Cabinet QUEREC (UM Premier pointed Rene Levesque minister of the new natural re ources department and Rene St. Plerre, Liberal member for St. Hyacinthe, minister of public works replacing My Levesque in that post, Jean Lesage today ap newspaper Pravda in an editqr 'ial Monday called for peace in in the weather today as gales and snow gave way to cloud and the prospect of rising tem] peratures The weather office said there/R was widely scattered precipita-|§ tion in Cape Breton, northern Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island whieh Sunday were hit by ane of winter's warst storms, It will be days before land transportation is back to normal! in PEI and Cape Breton, The! heavy going has caused some plows in PEI te break down and every highway on the island|} still was blocked this morning, Trains were not running in PEL, but flights in and out of} | the island were back to sched: ule I'wo persons are believed tof have died as a result of the starm A highways department spokesm¥n estimated Monday that snowbound Cape Rreton roads were "in their. worst cons {dition #0 far this winter," FIRST LOOK aAppraises the frst Easter lilly he has encountered, Greg W the son of Mr, and Mus, | AT EASTER Andrew Senko, 2 Willow Park Drive, Oshawa, By this time next year, Greg's obvious ap: preciation of bot@hy will prob. I's really pretiy, and smells nice too, but can you eat it? Greg Senko, at nine months, ably have waned in favor of chocolate eggs. « Oshawa Times 'Phote