25---Agts. & Flats for Rant U--Roome For Rent 27 Rest Estar for Sele (27 Rast Estate Vor Sole 27 --Rest Estate for Sale I8--Renl Estate Wonted (29--Awtomobiles for Sole | ™ THE Gowan Times, Tusstey, Mons 1%, Wor Tmo Woes, (me en ages THA [eign mms of Grok Jo A PRIS ATF, oo Sow. WO. (HSRER Sireet; fa Amey. Wh WOE WOW. thie hese, 4 'a f HAVE CASH! pisos dl il 7 oo wins $h--Rticles for Sale 'Papers Don't amant. Er ieRed wl cop wae, Ben EERE WE Fei E GRA fr FE, ue " # le o,. Pe wales PRR. (SNkrey weieme, WE ME per men R. ERE An iow, 0. g a ps ow. Fil rg ns ,. WE ewes piss SMI WARES, [imi ARIE FIA R fo # Rora Eiger Ed SPIE Salina wk pony sadte Teteonone 6 1 wid po». gf +7 - songs for & mee on Wery How RE Twn. fw i de. Sore Ms wrens, mites HIRE RvB Jini 117 8 PRET FEW on (AIR 0 coven, [EA mies, Wo 105, 0 TERESI AR prises. Wim # aiery WHEE (ren rin OReCment, 8 gets T-BAR Bek Ing re, Rey MA dice J co 2 = Gugtent Wermony ineation. ner page. FORE fr G5 GaRr fereyeied 7 ur aniaie. fal Gowes. BG il Awa eras make g FH ment fe LAA SNE, Hes, PvE. Rew. sei for SERITEEW r Ili PELE SPEIRS Fined Howth, ARBs E oe from. Kah Laxt Maen po Fri Pane. Prose. WA " ow A Soll BRE. Se rok e 0 rw y dh ow fave ribin dadion 8 goeiarman vow A ala Jn Wr dhe regeonsine. WE LAG AORTA BPE DEER LS or evenings Th GING by CENTS PLEPEE hin ; ia x 7 aw 16 WF manly, sowie Wer. 3. WA 01090 (www. Toegmone Wh 578 So WOW. Bae tademmms Indio, asm REes wagons, WB JEser suf ues feston Ry FORTY PLEFGE I EREVROIET Revie fue Ww fo Earns PERN EN serond fone ppwrivent FERNWER frome fudionity Br Jie fity Sexprpiet. STE PRE Ferment iidisd aired Th yt West, lihiws WRITE BOL £48 satan / dl anid ah BEE, RE, PR [GRE ETN ane a OF 2 - oe BF ohinisd ar ani - SLA arm f - - HF oi Fla e ce ov ey Rg inn sir Bp Pipi eet. Wresame Re so e . # or de WW ms went 8 (hres dlvoom fuse (EHH TIMES d wh FRIGE, wheror, satesion on slim sow. Toeghone Ri 04678 pr eo og ig od waded soll © Gye WE 8B rr rank DWE movida Wek i finns Wedware sok Floste ¥ A is FIR uw Wining, WN sien ad td Beve BW Sows Esemest SF saw WW " a 3 ibié (J Wome. Besoin SoSIl, must home. fasion fontaine BE tors Get " sl ya oi svar SHEN --Ritomebites for Sele o : YI 4s Sires Rh TORONTO (CF) ~ stein Ben, privste terrace, geran. woisy. Bak geeiemen. Toeghone RA . PRIVATE SALE SAP YAN MOT 5° HERR AR femiaen, mos wv Wb (om of news wold he mweived ERPS, Hav E, TIVE VEE & : - 4 FREGATR. su vrmm ng iow seems WW CRETRNET fie vs od no wr, AE y of 4 uid! 4 had 1 Aiecinnn WG montily Mier # w . oo, we OHN F DE WITH : ad Cais Sah BOY oof smens, rex. sme. E40 WHE goon condi. sad. 38 HL fe p -( Gia, pe Te saive Frutwvns sin 10 REWEDRGETE id PRICHOREN. (nn Rome. ons ot 9, a i & - Flugranm pres Bho down. 06 BOE ster § om Bivest. WA 5900 SALES LTD bavi bh hasiods hose Fav. BA her sowrees, Horner Krever, # phinus gs A & 8 u ' / plus ee FH -------- BW ENPIROLATE. od mooie ok hv Tovomtn lawyer, contended be a an dE) CARTER oF . ' mpm TERE FONE WER PRI, TREY AER 3 rR STAT nG Ai "ony FRIES price, foe - mone wage S88, Felis, fesis swine Roky wire TTR Y JERI SH PLES EE FLWER § 7 id or 1 'oer tans Sworeme Court fan pr = Veteshone RA 5100 boshy I Lepice Sepwt Pe weet 8 Pho ne . ' how (ese then Iw, [Bees temps so going penal SP TE SALES rmd SER IC PINE, WHO Aina CREME, furmivied sndie room. Hew : ' ' nfice price Eo sown awe in [A FITS " Seog Sag A #4 BiTSLns hE SONFTH der pr » . or rT a Justine Walle Wnashay BPE spertinent, Wishes, RriRg. Aine wow, (win Leds, rei m. ioe CREEERY © f > 4A eel] 4 } v (lle, HARA IR (190s %, aww Wine (APA ERAT pl if REE = & 2 x Reber we Dork come 0 fod -- same foil Eeieghonn BA SA008 pies » re | 7 nie GYRE omg lem morigade 4 Fuad Rly sp A iggiiglt1 SR nil 7 id Anh A ASO wl. Kins 430% The comet wan essing 8 wm for porming. A FW Mi ine Pl y 3 wok ' ol Tien bo lower, Rewltor, lh o4im FE RANG 5 ohb REAFTY wentiie wove, W° mek hot Hom 16 compel the Torontn Tele want snd 6 mom fined GR kins. hpny BR Rene gram tn reves He seweee (oy B FH Te 8 Fcihe pomre FWA Tremor imme. Wiehen sak ek I rem fh WA WETRIVET oh, smesiiont me i . or WILLIS series of 1999 labor peticles, TWH - ion. agectinant, Panmiohes, Sew ionw, ww, (ae rser. (ewnyy fae charm 0M OA LE FIVE pores in 505. Bre 0 098 5 B, HeWeanly. gi iT rehione "ae KISH BENVETIE y } u ohh . RE 3 %% Y lic, Ll FERIA iF win WB ged om El GHT fu 0 / FH Jo £ Thi auans fe Farber ings as ¥ » hi nr rial " pA, Pry which have prommed 2 Moet Fa ih isiniad riers SURES, les. RERira. WW weer. Aggy BR i Ad IA I. 5 Ast Meant Each % 5 A 7 fil. BA S708 wy n . [of pry a - AE made conveniences, | mitt ; IE II Lv tow. Je MOTC ORS cor wt Vor wi Wesiedd, 956 ot Wy Weir Reid of Sudbury BRIRT ication aves mn sow: B] --Ranl Estate for Sole onary Sint, ame Besutifid corner 1k wm (ET recs atts le he rime rar Tuisgnme ih B90 Y any [MISE Cie against The newspaper ak re nt: Slt cise, Sewly Seco wel. oF Ge meveet fix § Woke ome? We. fy : Raas. ess. Wal srunted gre _ 105 WEVA, ovr dror meson, Bits. TAUNTON ROAD EAST WAVE viv reed "Farssele 18 ners corter Frank Dyes, whe wists Repvy Aunty wiring. TY sekel, smge orig od ui 9 sherk (he SUEEORORE Beye WHERE, BEW PRAT Ay, BR . ' y oo {ic BE (Marrs ng meriedes yh hed the seticles y= mw Warren ys A Y chr Ve J Tid peeking. FovpneMiate seaagetion' Tew. We y; mes lbbits od 4 : P » f " 733 6 | Py oferes esesyhey 18 tia Fiviows Wr rciation od { Phone YWUkon 52336 ' } --- wane BA 0806 Fiaenlieh section 4 PRIVATE SALE W EWETRIER Avinie ton - Ao DEAL ut -- Ti Faia iia Mr. Reid's cones, A. E. Gol foe ie easel Rant, po, 0 PER lt eI Leone, ming, Ri. | oak med PORT PERR FL HAL PRICE 317500 ps fr ap Bygiii in Bg " vil oh meses Teiegione Wh Aen of Tovonin, IR 8 DIEsenta: 9 ir 0, Mase (5 Meee , | y ir ' e i wg Ll some BE Jor atis 5 166 [ATW Bot rade won fwanee. BA BOD R A ad tiem thet lasted more than thes srk mel. Free pecking. WH i rn A, ; . Birnnt, Aaweiment 5. (oi We 590 Be . Her ar : y i 2 Carries For $51 monthly gh soRnings. BA AAD EM saiiiar, pene Aon, WH boos 4 p / sole, (erin wos wad fypempiier with AE, SER 1H prove that The " : ie DIM, modery a i 3.666 4 re sek Eee niet ToL ra ri bones me ater FO RENT tones, 0% HHA. mort: [SONIA lod nes We hove 4 add tas bude! [ih simone bis jh #171) TRIRGTRM Showid he required in dove sok Bering. Aoslanie Agri | Tm SA » Pisin Aig . 4 Aen mals. readin, Pe Mm Telephone RA 32714 oN aging Aig Bud BULL freamed I opr. Three bmdroom, boner GEL "oll toate sod fee : i Lised 6408 BEVELED CEH pr ran whens 160 whe gave Mr. Pres the in Brkerinn ppeitinant wh BRA (5 par hies. pom e BR HRS hid v Yio ry APPROKIMA TEL YY Hae Large GRIGGE For fr E8070 somminge WA ii wir, Wi i {rrmation for articles shot wn Sort, fly sqvigped. THe 27448 alter § om RG 145 2 2 ££ riiiGr hone FA 37674 y A . = : iran 7 . ki hose BA S00S Durem § bm WA LC iri a / eff Comin ' A) ACRES OF - fu Bait 5 " pg. w v - FLIWOO ion roweer, oi a 0. (roubles in Sudbury. The a Woe I BRIER nie ? en p $11.400 we WORKABLE LAND FOR REAL ESTATE ipa Ris . srafid driv pref y wi NAT Telegram has refused ; y aed # TET ' Gs oR 0 ' i eu é : g; i a d ohh 8 am dri $ % 8 SIG 7 Fo ww, Bernier , my Sperking for The Telegram, ' 15 ROSIE, FRIr aly Io WaR, TAFE gos ga age, lie HF # ; ' » 4 p i 14 ogy iy WAY wie mteste Wr evple oF § gin" Wi levies see nr Sling fa rice, For fur DOM 5S. SMITH (5 cwevimbr imide. msm * > or $25 or bette Gerson ne, Elenen Mr, Krever sald 4 fs already Ww fire WH # Pe aid p § on Fadin, Lente / 5. new Riss mer yo ¥ 7 pall " itd » pep of POWNTONE = (wn, fone 100s BOSet Commu RETA frapesty men in be furnace, ge rn gig Opal ly Bap ecierd. fan BRIER! surerce bi ' : Wie Lainie, Pasar k, #14, 7 eetabiished In law that newspn: 0, FEI RE ERIERACE, WHI SEIS. Storer Secs som oh. PRA #8 cH wn peyment $5 h or BA S9929, | Me ery Best Estote [WA S576 #5 4 W 4s YH YRGY py ' Swine Hae PETE BIE POA required in Macnee ont peron " IERIE LL te wiih 7 ' A ' » orf write BOK 637, OWAWA 5.6278 | FOUR seken J ag Ay Rare attend Eimrm mith news sorers. Mr. Gollen wr: TOE (5 rnegre ine 1s A BEE oF Be ' » ¢ He y 4 SE Sines FA RB £6 " pid ig 4 gd ample frag plrkiy WBAR EVI. Fon tie ath Mat. ob . 4 ne : ! k id wen ot 2 W y . EL LiL £1FI f J 44 4p X inh 4 bat ged that the Reid - Telegram ono e enicairn. Phone Jose Rosen, Foo 4 hd 4 Fe 'A BART] A v JF J v Badist 17 ¢ bri wpse 1s an erection to the mie Ranitar, Bi 50070 f ' re 4 p IE A HOUSE Cd oo ' y ' # y . a ft ies b io gl / JAD i ' y ' HI fas ' : " asraioy, AH the segment wes of # ™e pm yd diat dnd Soleniened or For bh omer y Ld " y EIGHT ROOMS LOT 46. PLAM 639 ped "fw oy a ul : EY : ' 7 lian snail, iehly techies! legal nature 4 ¥ # wh v i / i OMS, # ¥ . i 4h Save cht pos crepe, M9 ORY ow a sow SOLID BRICK Township of Darlington | sis TATE Als : 1176 wine, spaiment, MI. Justice Wells adiowrned , 4 J g ds the hearing with today. when persons se # " i i 4 4 ' 4 # ge BA 55% ¢ ' counsel for plaintidf will reply Toieghone ih (9 . wp £ B 4 idl aided KH ERE IN MODERN BOLAHOOD wiih cat Ri fly 4h Biddy 4 hon " Foi hy, ¥ chong STOVE, saddle. Metis "ls tn defence BrEwments APARTMENT did 17 7 of ; : : 0 with $3 006 RA B-1720 in 0, bono onde Ss ih AE Suge' 10 wriogs. Voimphone 0 TEACH ENGLISH OH GEREK, 155 Olive Ave LAS L JOH GE ive "AEFI Wis a ve of Yoda's P, best wg In mies ped ew HONG KONG (AP) ~ Com BUILDING $500 DOWN $500 POU ul oie. Wilk take i Rev sf Hal RA R408 " dd womed { how i 4 si take ner B TT ; ? vice ? 4 munist Ching's youth Aslly says forth of King 4 I wth foiihed A Ry Sam €any GOWER LUCAS PEACOCK BH WEREWRY Im radia, Wis | SLRS f (oF yanks nH Tarkan Se eent English 16 helng (aught eel y r ! « v many ertraily WB LEY ENeE BIER A frre. K V i y Poisapipis bok Vine 7A LAR GE 2 BEDROOM oom, satis. fatheaom, of sted, id is REALTOR REALTOR i WCE Tr An ; ft ARTS dog wii: fo Bi fs Vaud an. the fe port Vo and carries or #7 ' I Tae A ADSTONE AVE RA 5.4330 RA B.5109 |i, 0 ESA, 958 Drayemete CAR FAARKET . begin wal 1a wl boned paper expiaing, "and the im Avila ole Apr Excel - a Fes 10 Afi 95-4330 5-5109 ioe oom, Wii we avy wie mth. |Crictit elements sre only # y SANDRA AT SIMCOE pa ALIsHaRiE, ' ¥ekiinp wh t Use 3 é we We Rade essinl Liny portion of the hundreds of 4 . wrsciaied. Private h Ll pevinky Wn SHE illions of peaple who spesk S, D. HYMAN XE A Li : A ; Lato 4 . 7 Io le ppwencisted Py [a of binading sehtien Tmats, oy ated JOH Fu slow, w G 5 PANTIAL, escatient tondition 30 ~Automobiles Weonted hile they last, $i Wilamn F witibure English : ¢ ALBERT 57 f ' 2,00 y 2 19 GG WE SPREIONS ' Fade Te a, $5 P REALTOR ' M 0 JAY 4 : A fap u ' fe b 5Hise FAREEHORE Ay Wikrkers wa FIANR medium wpriahl. In ood condi] PHONE RA B.6786 Sic soar. brick. with: GEIGER Ch & KIDD pe oN ahumipum storms snd screens, |W Tn TAN Fink, Wake BoAV, Wagh A win TE eR prices POA lio BSI Heiephone Mimewk #304) LOST OASIS WW PR MEE STREET ut redecorated, Very enx REALTORS didi ds ; lb % 8 thise-ro oe foion. Restanavie, Telephone Wo -- FRE pally 458 Tea Ty pi wins. WARSAW (AF) = The Onsls ¢ fing tos y nent ting of hy SPOT CASH / Lope washers, 4 hp motors DRE, most notorious hangout for wb to sell; will take very low his Bb SGI > : in 2 26--Roomx for Rent down pay ent, Call Bill Rat Whitty Pisre 313 Brox ad om, bedroom, kif ABB yoo io Hd Bi i Ay 2] Erbin roomed her, Hemp | "00ka-Arinking barroom brawls ATL He, RA 56544 OPEN 9.9 amd. ak dl ta anil bathroom, wi ra oh a #3 v P AID FOR Rn. 00 Yate, "Aady's YA amp on in he Polish Slat, moder ol oe aig WHITEY --MO 8.3 do " Asi entrance EIS BFFAN i FONTIAL id condition, custom! Good 5 16 UP | FILVER Guess Boies snd Bervice. ¥ ing torn down by Communis Centre 4 "Feranin : SIMCOE N TORONTC MO ; AAA ' ' tet 6 J o" 4 with oF Marlgege f (Ease, hoster, "¥ibn, Weiephime BA or down, Li grt paid off demonstration. Telephs idol 7 7 had authorities, It will be replaced [+B : : RO ) A 3-9603 Gade of po 9 Please call Irene Brown DODD MOT SALES |0FFicE ~. biicher, restaurant ai, by Ba respeciahle restaurant, 1 } hot water heot 5.1867 2 FOSTIAL, blue sedan, "8 Pon i : ran Bag, white sedan, both running well 314 PARK RD, § Hew, Weed, his, bell. sefvice Han, Asihars, Brokiin TWO moms pertly furnished 4 GENTLEMA) 2 A cupboards, wmiltable Wor gestiemen, wi des fas Hh " ary VS SHOW YErY QOGd TeYENUS : plas h 4 : ' , 4 tadia, ¥ Bond tres, Ressonabie 4 4 Jaties ig " WPInE conten, 6 $e yr J FARM producer f he person look SHAKESPEARE BA Baits RA 37421 . ELFETR ONE RCA Vietor, Admire Atos & Found a ; % chat end fu i 3 tor he Ince 18 Invest 6% MHA RESALE ™ FONTIAL PIT client send The finest In HIF apd service WE a "HT 8 gh hes hesata Voi, x 08 FER MONTH tor Biers wrni oh be " all now # of A . | Full pri 8 006 ' 0, {Highest radein allowances sb Parkway! od upstairs rooms, whore balk. West sen, <4 EA GENTLEMAN'S SHOW FARM | price $25,000 with $8 Fivawaam Brick B os PR pgp Kacle, tunions, aiher ALL CAS Televison, 016 Bimeow Breet Worth, |SWers to ame lights and water included. Call RA i Sworbrick, of Within & few minutes dr 660 dawn. One mortgage for fre-robm Br AL dH RALAN, [ehschaing 19 " | Color TY on disple pie neher, A Wf cg " 4 vy 5.8342 Has dive the baler Me fe atirectively decorated. The |Bader Avenus. RA 34951 a y ld o of Oshowa, Whitt Tore € balance Gre Inferme / TERRE Tivo Tove SH oh Jshewe j thy, Toronte, | Lo on request living mom is 158 x 17, tiled WH RORGE, lwirdesr, six bylindes For clean cars we desl up or WINE pnd « Aer barrels #4 a i 3 hi. 5g nn Pay f « v od ' 4 rz ve wars pis gp Mecho push dir fo BL MUST SELL NOW or pe om id itrietive stone | bathroom, Carries for $67 a | Mander brane hoon, two-tone, new down. Liens paid off Hires J ihans Hatdware 35 --Legel ; refrigerator to hospital and Youte with paved driveway Call RA B-4451 santh wal and inter ad EI To COLS OTOR SALES I dowmonn for lady ani PA Soi can. Sates. brick Bunge White ranch y Hugs month principal and Interest MONARCH four door sedgn, Tow NICOLS MOTOR SALES |0r sick desks, #10 inp. Cosh Fegisters, | AN Vacant, 5-reom b ng ie ranch fer ; Let us show you this home |, MOVAREH tour ders wage, Wom =o EROCK ST. M. WHITBY |Mders: iobewsiers. Bow wesspniy' ob OSHAWA SUBURB CLEAN Tarnished Kain, Jn let low. owner built larger home Too a # 4 nt or i n | LL ovYD REALTY today by calling Mrs. Millers, {i trade. MO B4386 aller 4 po pi ysed enuip. Bi Hamilton, Ashburn ROAD COMMISSION home es of lig 9 & £7993 {56 CAINE Tons shims wily | MO B-B00I WE "pay highest prices In the sity A 78 you interested In a good sedan J wale wore, nh vast, i Wimess's| TENDERS FOR 1 EI A goniiomen, Telephone ov? Call now for particulers Ideal it horses or show LIST WITH LLOYI | powered, 45000 one owner miles, Pre - Anthony Siblock, RA 5.6544 cattle. $25,000.00 down A iA NEED FOUR BEDROOMS? Views owner's name on request, This | i i ti Ns 62 ! € THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | lear 1s Wie new. RA 8-689] HOUSTON'S GARAGE [TYPING paper on sale, Vetter ise | EQUIPMENT Fite, TI od 436 ill Mr, Jackson NHY NOT TRADE? v | SERVICE STATION wewshiint, iw mn hulk ote and cad i Slagi y ; A é-RE ( CIM BUYING & home T Need money 1 For! Gry 5 ] Y) white Rewspn if hb 0 SINGLE Foor, Drnished, bows e adh ar hal _"n LARGE FAMILY HOME Ay We ly Bg WE Seven-room family home Finanee 2th Sicon Bact Baatar BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM pati BR id Rdg AA Le . Homi, for eslieman, Ho mien. whl Member ) 4 cad tend + | brigk, with new garege, paved [phane. BA 8 H2kY | PLETE BRAKE SERVICE SWRIRGE. sanvis Framit Feet. | Sealed tenders, clearly SEs, parking spice. Telephond HA r goed ied bedrooms feot Owner purchased smaller drive. Four bedrooms, Re {BUY your ear for cash. Fast confi MOTOR TUNE - UP AND [free estimates. Chair, tabie rentals marked os te contents, will NE INQUIRE 6 this split-level brick home se he is willing to talk cently decorated ond renos |denbisl service, convenient terms. Foil GENERAL REPAIRS |Cleve Fax, 412 Bimess North be received by the under: home. Completely decorated business. Timkin hot water vated, with new Hoors, new |fermation, telephone RA #6283. Bea: | 67 KING 5T. W. (VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes,| signed until EQUIPPED (wo rooms with cup ABOUT OUR ts $ board Fingnes, 20% Bimeoe * | arate nian Maorms and screer ry ste Kitchen and man extras parts, sttachments, brushes, Busan de and sink, separate # ystem, extra stool in y x | Both | RA 3.7822 eed soa I es, Ea Tie | 4:30 pm, Fridoy April "we | | or . Cent. n etl . \ ur 5 } ( | Convenien [ 6 Ser: Teiephane ha 11115 parking fast. NEW PRE-FABRICATED Sal, Qunet Hansferred basement, Good lot with view, | anveniently located fa (187 BUICK twedons Bavtion, fwo-tans | SY=rm----" -" Hetale, Viguum Cleaner Repale Bory f 000.00 down, be . ).C.V ' advanta a -- i [ i mh CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, HOMES " oy one 696 MHA ( th of ver ns. Call Bill Miller Trev. ke ; antage [8a in gaslient candilon. Can 1 3 ~Automebile Repairs | ud 01 anytime , ; for the supply of the follow 4 | " 3 Is oppertunity to acquire ie on " a Frigida 4 In plee quiet home, for genileman, son mortgage. Call Mr. Jacksor Ll "é tanily: ante, with ( iP | i | {PENERE tigidaire automatic Washer Ing equipment tral, dishes, linens supplied. Apply 13 : | ANDY NAGY'S A] 5 . SACRIFIC 4 eed yard. with ONE aol TURRIRE Bi AN 1 €] fully guaranteed, A seal buy, 19 Fall fla) Truck Cab and Chassis Elgin Street East COTTAGES LOVELY TREED LOT | ACRIFICE fully treed yard, with cone [8 CHEYROLET good mining omer, BODY Shop 3 (Filly "Kuna i ¥ | Truck Gab, snd Chass OLEAN, furnished room In private ! 6% MN.H.A RESALE venient financing. Fer in home, centrally located, gentleman or formation ane Hg J |PANHARRD, new, § Must be sold B¥ | Complet © NEW Oriental designed vugs, verions minimum, Ne ode in, 3 1 £8, please nplets collision service Indy. Abstainers. Telephone RA 53849 | On Lake Ontaric, completely With $2,250.00 down yeu | v , Thursday. Wa al, S200, No |#lans, for whle, law prices. Telephone (b) boss Magyar ABA pp wn A call Lucas = Pegcoch RA irae. Apply 114 Colborne East Radiator repairs and res (HA 8508 b) Tractor == fom ee A IT WILL COST YOU | ned furnished cottage with can be the proud owner of | 5.4330 coring Wheel alignment GARAGE ii OC Bi diesel tractor = ONE clean large housekeeping ' 43 conveniences. Extra large lot this 22-year-old spacious 6 y f A e Wi 4 | h ¥ 4 nate an ie aan aching Tithe NOTHING ganvenieng | BUYING OR SELLING SEE rame and wheels straightens [2 x W's, house windows and frames, complete with Leader on gentleman prefered. Apply 114 dea € for permanent type | room ranch stone and brick CRERAR AVE ing doars, board sheeting, RA 63474 Mower, Trade as partial Street East | N SAVE YOU heme. 2 frontages. Good lot bungalow, lacated in the pre | 5) 5T ¢ & RD LEOYR baby Ande. Iwi + Hid ACTIVE, I" CA : 0-100 " TED CAMPIN TEVENSON RD, §, [WEAVE Dob Chiets: toto an ass | Bament one 1952 Fer gusen tractor complete ' Het Ww g Five-raty th { ATTRACTIVE, (urnished front room| PLENTY ation. Between Oshawa and ferred north east area. Act rat ee - bedroom ' 5 suit gentlemen In clean, auist home, £ Whitby. $6,500.00 with ex quickly, eall the listing man brick Bungalow, with gar MO TORS RA I-48! {HA_80u40 M Apply 28 Quebec Bireel (near Biment), y f n | " with Leader and Mower LARGE d kitchenette, furnish.] Many Plans te Choose From cellent terms, Call Mr, Jac | Bill Harner, at RA 8-5123 age. Just built three years 32---Articles for Sale GIRL'S spring cont and Jacket ahd LARGE room snd ki ehthette, lurhieh. Built on Your Site or | age. Call us for an appoint 607 KING ST OSHAWA |e iw¢ {athier lothing 06 ta 10 years Tele Tenders must be submitted on 4 gh a | 7 oh J sd 4 IF Gibson riding track Phone KA Has h BA 55207 for further particulars | Anywhere MEMBERS | y AWA A) Lloyd Realt kd Reaglt oe ment te see and we can ar Lust East of Wilson Regd) ment Fultiyabs Pwr pill equip: | TWO hay's 'coals. see 10, ane eal Jim ieh may be chtained TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms, | Ry IF OIHAY io | RA 8.5123, R B:-5124, range the financing The bar, mower. For further particulars | on ire el, al 3 Tem the effice 0 i Under sult couple or two girls, on bus ne, Mave in Within 30 Days DISTRICT REAL ESTATI RA B-5125 owner will carry the mortgage RA 3.4494 Res, RA 5.5574 [telephone KA 34088 Taste sult Bien: 10 weleuhane na| - Honed wl ar Street ; ' ; age ad's oy Bear hospital rierson BROP IN. PHONE OR WRITE BOAR 101 Simcos St. North Gs an investment, Priced at 2 n Yoon haat and' braller boat | $:6458 Lowest or any tender not enly $11,900, Ta inspect CAR AUCTION [Lf feeb, 5 80 aches, Wiis steering | cna "saw iiomeiie", heand new. necessarlly aecepted, han 47 d TWH rooms, bedroom and klichen for more A vamiortably furnished, conveniences ER call Roy Flintoff, RA 5.3454 information Tai tacrince at S15 Telephone N downtown," available now, Also one AJAX REPAIR STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR WANT TO SELL? Phone us (Every Saturday 10:30 a.m. |;awess oh RIE aa | W541 far Further defalls 8 E Sime,» Eng, furnished single bedroom at #7 Ontario c RU . 10 now for prem ! phdada 1 awh Ome | BICYCLE 88" "Sunshine, Just heen naineer, Shawe d \ ¢ impt and efficient Good selegtion Chevrolets site bargains. Three-plece apartment |, » dition orig Blrest. and CONST CTION 187 King St, East RA B.4661 service, without ost er ob Pontiacs, and '41 Caryalrs. [Hiz8 eran shite extension Artimant AL Hl I LL lekitina Sl Euburban Road able, wit h malehing chars, slashed. | $5807 31% Frederick, Whithy ammission, County Buildings nt R \ LIMITED ligation Buy or sell, Goed terms 80 five-piece ShEome si A FUNEASTIVELY 1S | 10 fa BIREET. Ebi | LAST CHANCE OWNER LEAVING CITY Nombre oni ie available 28 Grenfell St. fais, ie 1h, ony ity arbre WOVE Git CON, go condi Coun | GME b] 39 ; i awa ane ( 5179, Ink chairs, while they las 1: seve elaphone KA 28 for more Inlep / OSHAWA k 11S LOSS CAN BE YOUR GAIN os trict Real Estate J ples ant bas nd tab i! Rpt mation , Available In private home This is an attractive 5:room ranch bungalow with stone frant In [ NAGY MO | OR £ Al ES ding iil hy antihil Me a Mig Mg) eld COUNTY OF ONTARIO B82 Park Road North, Call RA 8-5103 | the Harmony area. Large landscaped lot, very close ta school Ntawh col Shalion eal na 1a roti phone RA 5-021 | i. Many move hargain son ¥ between 5 and 7 p.m YOLl WON'T BEAT THE | In well-developed area. There are three bedrooms, larger size IMERC EDES -.BFf NZ « DKW niiire, 3 Church Stoel Hatn Fur BOAT 15 HP Evinrude moor and RA B-8471 PRICE | Living roam and large modern family kitchen all in spotless con les 8, Showroom [USED televisions, $30.80 up. Budget [faler, eampletely equipped with dition. The basement is deep and dry with steel beam. N.H.A cpen until 9 pm. at tern BOF. Goodsich Stores, RA |JISerNE xemaie control, eheedometer 4343, 88 King 'Street West Nights, upholstered seats, tarpaulin, ele meartgage at the old 6% rate of interest, Can now be baught with Realtor 408 KING 8T. WEST [wings vee Praca | Mat be" aiid, make an offer. Can be i, Ci an anced 0 Fespansih y amningly low down payment. Good terms, Make your appoints RA 13 ment te see this eutstanding buy new | 5] 3.7132 {free estimates. Chair, tahle Fentals, | Madison Avenue. RA 4.8018 W HITBY CLASSIFIED | | sore WA re [Lire Fa LLL Son Ravi GIRLS HRN cant Wkguoies, alte ' | N of drums, Slingeriand, wit «| lent 16H Other hie LOW IN PRICE HIGH IN VALUE HILI has Lik) Nate's Rhode "Sol sles 1 iy 10 Rete hong A bi id sou! 1 FOR RENT Warm, furnished light WOMAN will take inte her own home Comfortable compact five room insul-brick with garage en Drew | RA 5. 58 | - Ellas, Mad, And sath, $100. HA A74 GIRLS powder hive Spring coal, slae go on Dre 6588 i : fi TENDERS FOR hausekgnpin room, with pry en-lans or twa child Five dayssweekly Stree Ni | HW television, radios, record play. (12, 56: lady's black shoes, size Te ne $42 Mary Street East or Telephone MO 8.317% by i reet, There kA three bedrooms, fair size living reem and extra 0 9.00 aw : ory sump pump. elements for waler|83, both lke new: ohild's IFoning {efaphons "Mb §1332 FOR SALE Threshedroam bunga.| |2rae modern kitchen, Oil heated, storms and' screens, several [Open 2:00 am, ta 2:00 pm,| SPRING SPECIALS |heater, sncvelopsdias. siectiin sasor, board. (oan snd dolls, 85 Telenhons EQUIPMENT Ll er Lo 4 sell.com. law: central, decorated, aluminum ai fruit trees in hack yard This home is new vacant available for | fey lamh cast RL § winter sully sles RA 88864 JOR RENT iThred-ren "apartment, around. $3000 down, Telephane MO Immediate possession. $8,900 or offer with $1,000 down pay- | COMPLETELY DUPLEXED 1961 METEOR 500, new, & 843 Ramerville Avenue |[FENRER, amplifier and guitar, ke] Sealed tenders, clearly marks heavy wiring, central, reasonable rent, 9043 ment Twe d4:room apartments in 19641 OLDS Mardiop, new ROAM loty ol Segular and pre pasted (new, complete with ease, Telephone] od as to contents, will be adults preferred, MO 83737 FURNISHED ROOM for rent, private | } Pe ALPAREE, 4s low a8 10 single rolls for (RA #1466 d by th § wv | Gntraness Faspeotable home. Telephane | For dependable 4 il this & year ald brick home 1960 MERCURY Hardtop, $2.05, regular border free on all ream vines Ta eo TET received by the undersigned FURNISHED rooms for tent In new Money Fat dependable friendly service Tile floars throughout for loaded [lots At Kauar s Paint and Wallpaper, | RA are atten 8 Ri until home Frivawe entranee, Hoot fa town Call | easy care. North-west area : andes King We Ch Tr ra El 4:30 p FRIDAY t rw L ( 5. mos | runabout, with wing t suitable for working girls devonm apartments, balcony, ves] Steve Macke, RA 8.464) lack Sheriff, RA 3.377% Asking price Is reduced to | 1998 MERCURY d.doar, USER tres mask all aicen, 88 and Wp (ALE WOOD AIL Sunieut with wid APRIL "i h, 1961" F. Goodrich Stores, HA 5.4843 For infor FoR RENT $65 monthly three and matian eall MO K-4115 i denrial aren, newly decorated. Jogh $15,500" with terms. Let automat Eo harich Wares, Why 1 TE ase AE AF 10EKIRE BSSY for the supply of the fallow Winiture [ uy 1 Re: West YOR RENT ~~ Modern, sell contained, dry facilities, parking, close to schools List Co-Op Throu | \ nee n three room apartment refrigerator and Children's playground. Apply 300 High } ough Tihs Office _-- a ---- rentals pay for this property | 1936 WILLYS JEEP frigeratars, TV'S, washers, pianos ure | in ng equipment, stove, builtin cupboards, very eeniral, Street 1955 BUICK 4-deor, hard staves, el. Far tap eash offer con AVTOMATIE coin laundiy servis, available now. Call MO § 2368 WHITBY Coin Laundry. Speed Queen | | S SNELG 0 . $14,500 FULL PRICE | top. chean fast 10 Filion Biggot. Phone HA B31, PEt and delivery, Telephon Ma) Trek. Cab and Ehonaia ' y pe [¢ ! / 1 N ag | ane NRESSMAKING sulla. stats 4nd agigtars wash Be, dry Me Bring this = . 3R VE CO. LTD. | ec ial offer! A well-planned | 1947 PLYMOUTH, like new XA (it N ( leaner Hepalrs, all make C00 KETOVE. ims. voal or weed. with dump body, GV.W dresses, alterations and allp govers A 27 AH ar free wash. 18 Brack eel | quality-built rancher with a loss { ai en Sudtatived reservoir, Coleman spage healer 25000 Ibs minimum risct fit guaranteed. Mrs. Toms ) ¥ every up-to-the-minute ne a a v SY malty AURCE | ines, §¢ candition, tv an to bath WANTED Bones Taras tak RA 3.9810 43 Park Rd § RA 5.8741 val F od \ te ow Many more te choose from pL! im Servies RA 80881 anytime Ripes, Sood J "a twa 45 gallon {sade Fy hartial pavment - sittin room home cooked meals. | A Big ¥ THILD'S sidewalk pedal station an, | Se Eg ode SEPTIC 14nks siaansd the sanitary Way. Band wera bin Hoa cooked medls oc 2 bedrooms, exquisite 4-piece (HILLTOP MOTORS [#17 ads COM blovels, 1h good con truck pSSmplete with atw tanks insalied. Waliar Ward, 304) past | $2,500 FULL PRICE tiled bathroom. Situated on " » (dition, 812. 85 Charehill Avenue RICHARDS dump body, vor 26 . . \ ¢ B J x Resput Wes Lo FOR RENT -- Two newly decoraied| $1,500 down, S-reom, 3-bedroom home, spatlessly clean, 3-piece an oversized [at in north-west RA 8.6891 |BICYOLES, $30.95 tents. boats, molars | . BO. SERVICES Samples honkkeep: two a haifoom a §Fe aia bath, oil heating, new reef, large lot with double garage, lo area. For the bargain of the tm arem-- And trailers RE and. used Went f INE Fl IRNI TURE Truck, Cab and Chassis erviee f all businesses k mediately, ane. Apri ¢lephe i = r & 3 . {Tre Stare ond Street West, RA hibit A aie i A NO 5.2786. cated near Five Paints, $60 per menth is full payment of In vear, make an: appointment FA Tha R J f | The home of quality, tradi only, GV.W, 22000 (ps nr -- terest and principal to see this one -- | -- ly 1 bs q f $ minimum, Trade as part tional and modern age fur jal payment 1988 Model H haved Income tax retums. MO hd EASTER PERMANENTS $7,400 FULL PRICE NORTH-EAST DUPLEX BEST QUALITY Tio Bing Bis F600 STUDENTS! A super value, approxi FROM $7 UP $1,500 down buys this cream, | Ya storey family home. 3 Four reais up and § down in PA Ad Xx oy \CEURNACE FUEL OIL | available 4¥3 Jimcoe ot ad tek Cov mately 630 sheets of letler size typing 3 uth fradiey"s tormer lo paper (news print) for only $1.00 Ap: bedrooms, modern kitchen, livi this rug brick home trimmed x (0% os ) §% 8 Eon oft me si ¢ i an, ng room and, dinis om, pri hhh a) ( fh ih : Se veer Hee Whith tyle hs yy " t iy y vate drive\gentral location natal chestnut. Taste TC VE ol l £anan RA 8-317] . Truck, Cab and Chassis . by. Yle uly decorated. Complete only, GV.W, 7500 Ibs FOR RENT Seven room house,| name it. Wa can do it oi ite | pedrooms, two: years alg v OSHAWA Bl N with separat eters fa \ | " : . Trad " oy Awl 1, $100 monthly ALL ( OIF FL IRE S BY KE N ) " hf 1} it B vo ime y and mod frances id Ming Wi WHO ELSE WANTS \ )| XON'S SOAP FRE E al payment N53 Farce RA 57783 from MO 8.5124 'n axita ine! forced aie heating, + 0 Rls drive and qarage. Reas n- A NEW CAR! RA 3.4663 a Comy lete wpe! f soap free Ya-ten pick-up truck Fult ha mortgage for balances. = Call for thea years, Har Tractor, farm type diesel WANTED AN EASTER PERMANENT 4 3 . today | powder, flakes, for your whole tractor, 30 H.P. complete Used boats, motors and trall from BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR BUY IT NOW WITH 4 OSHAWA family. Simply arder one of with Mower, Loader and ors, we will sell your equip STYL! T. Leaves nothing 4 Qaiet at} : BRUCE SY LOW-COST LIFBINSURED | fii post hele digger ment on consignment at your be esi rec foundation 4 n store h with Ne ar Ritson This well | ¢ most efficient wa po as partial payment : many ext 1 low price "at $9.500 with $2 500 own built 2.starey brick home | RXX% TIMES softener. No down payme one 1954 W4 Intemas Fie For Rent nelt piice V ir shaping s 15.00 full price nsta tional Tractor eo plets : nets, ¢ trend hail UMMER COTTAGE | eh ih todayy 3 market, See it new! Exce 3 WILDE RENTAL : 3.3081 RA | SERVICE & SALES RYye A901! { ¥ ' ms, 3 bedrooms : ¢ e. | lent term 14 AS Dundas E. MO 8.3226 67a | k ¢ tre ated at Caesarea, terms arang ! : | Xx ¥ WANT ADS dation, h A 8.3498 i Tenders must be submitted aR § std: bao )-acte v 70 acres rkable. 18 acres Fall wheat sprin | Call RA 5.6588 To | 3 kX X% 2X 3m on forms which may be abs BUILD A HOME | > NS y i 4 i | ' : us am a d RR "Ful Fall whe $10 S08 ody XX% H 33 Swap and Barter tained from the office of the x 4 yr \ ur home. F de with Loader and Mower MOIS! lets [WILETRERL or Wade welding Sap] undersigned BUILD A HOME | canced. | i rns After Hours Please Call LOAN | ment. Hg saw. lathe dies. pipe vies. Bring your plans or sketch to FOR RENT Box, heat and : Charlie Rankine . RA 8.3682 | {os is oion ; i RA A) Many other Lowest or any tender not Eric ( , Sean) n Rr Ider of | eabin ta hain a A NELGROVE CO LTI Wes Elliott RA 8.058 | - ree | PRCOSSQTIY @CcOpled ustom homes in this area § 5 $ \ 5 1.9810 OR RA S.8741 Wes i ( 1 . | 110 OR A s . RA 3.718% THE BANK OF 134 Lost & Found RE Sims, P. Eng Engineer, County of Ontario 15 years. Get a written es Di | \ \ ¢ ¢ 2 SES 4 SALES Bl 107 ) Section. 38 x 14% 4 h dvd Conon A 32 ! : Host hah Ww tetriever, viely [rain s® wet HiRog AGEL BOR | Rens a Jaan NOVASCOTIA [MOST ANYTHING fhe hit, Sti ati (aioe dis Eine Sikinan mate without obligation. Call anytime MO 8.2660, (Tolpphons MO 8.488%, Whitby WHITBY, Ontario