The Oshawa Times, 28 Mar 1961, p. 16

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LT 16 THE SERENA TIES, Tasbey, Mend 89, 1907 5% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS (V--Mate Welp Wonted BS. Viaty tor Rant Z5--Apte. & Pers bor Rant 23--Avts. & Vets for Wont B---hots. & Vets Yor Rent 5igts, & Fists fox Roms HESHFIED AD RATES 7 gs ry Ls rf PORE 7 i Sen oe 5 rien TE pe a eh H f ' rRRES os 10 pasta Ls pu ssrisonr ily vuigpin cd v SOREN, ; c 4 » ge 5 le go por wows. Wie WO dd "pat sigue Arty piri 3 La I, = Es 3 a nn A rr i oo King Breet {+4 dati ira A Rosine fo. ext Sry pest; a AL "5 rma Loe ree 4; 5 ng >" , ] Bond AP ETN, --_-- Sill Pome [£4 $4 : Ping® 2m im 26--Room ond Bosrd (REE BOER, We Gp fossa idl oriadsgl amid omeement aperimens ls ANE LM da Jo ving = = ir hs P be Pp So-- sow x of Fi rn rs ol 24) raare, a ferred. To ATI 3s 419 AL den d Doig a 2020 ay Bowie, WA SB, ¢ LT i: vw Zoe, Fong Comers, Boe soy LE ry # Fn ed 3 LT YT et vod x Fl i ds ik frnrge roe wR segs " -- ---- RANE ooh mor or . mtr. I ene Bach, fk, aM moter iowa a 4 FERAOROT ores " pe fA i pa Nes 1 Ea Ny 15 Arig wins wae Fosemens, tad, Lis Pui ip yhgg iced ang ror EASTER LILIES union pid TT fx -- op pesnee Hens, pales Fok sis 4x 7 yoke Ay di eo rin inbred Fi. Goma wh iid oan ow. EG STATE Aes WT # Rpcadatad Sr pea -- phony ------ Hens oni, 2 SAT AH PEACE OH GI NEW = POTTED PLAMTS ROTH pid Dror Lwe tv Lo gg TREE mo martes, yg oe Howes torreon [een [25d fg - Bedvoom, nd Lee re de ™ in When pe mht AA Eu ' of { ps \ oH ar, en, i gir RB Bi 0 AS nl [FC IIVE DEALERSNE), Roster Cut FLOWERS 20 0 i rer Tries 198 obo i nl tom i nl EP Gi ov i wi mre, BT ATEN ol PR J pr nn p one Rd > a pus atl coca. ut RN a ™ § oil Bg LIFETIME REEDS id 204 howd Aap A gids BS Pr pn COTTER Ay af tomd, rnd ny a? -- "5 Ay iis Aging : ve WE CH 00 wt 6 Gamboa, 8 woter, wl festa, Terps govies, Been, HSE IOS, : oS, fie 5 ith IW Fad, - Wy 3 TR Ege, Cote 5 FIBREGILAS FLORISTS 7. wv Hoy, Sr Us SERS, AW, bo older wk Ro Tn my purses HOT Bind Sova or oy ton, Se Nd £ y CT |B GES * - - K : us Ar Sivas am VET ABATE BRE. pal iA roe 84 1 gr A y co ht Ar Taraty A (DE 7 STORES TO GAVE YO FR--ore Space & Garages WOWIRN (ro imi meniment in gi deh Torna - 1mm soni SEW makers me wp tl LA y % 5 po in ri BANE tidings, Pork penly # if " Poco Ce, CHAIRS 4 i PESTIIS - TATRAREE Te os fate, minders somive | Frinde, tune. memos fooes poivaosy Bo ills nly I ey Sowa Oran m, FEW modern (wg spor. rd = haw ok wy mE to BF Thmrvs woh 87 RCA ron CARS li ERG W Arima ig High Fae temo Pres memes pos sre fociitan pil iy payed (atefnliy Resnywiad, eh, [LAr 8 " a ap § f / fe * i PEE WR . Rm - , 4 4 tod {CA _ [5 AR add Tor a Wa Sik we Chik, down 5.0. Rete. UE wns twp i" Ag igi Riis 3, in 4 i oo 7 ord wen $0 sm Oftee PRESTO "APPL SANE ? CaiVEARS pp iA WP [Eo Ra Beer, net Lik, Wve. Eo xP 4 o ns rs we LE J arp &, Sorvkmy 8-177 16% BOW Hf PTS Te ow he safepes) pr " ars seg 4 i Sa AEA COMPLETELY FURMIGHED paying . i A 52512 oe -- " PEG AS Conte. all AF BP RELIABLE - £ " M-- OFFICE § SPACE UPPER DUPLEX % a Vio" "arn Speman "Toes tor o bods Ho, i S-room Bugler, from TY. to 6 fie is FIRE, oA pile for mre We SS aTo 3 at, formsied oF po . I Iv ; ver RI Te SEWING FOR REN MARY ST. NORTH Cn tte Papin fsa omy ith oe iA #lectrie frying pon. 18 min oo. int. comple rag PAAR toy nd ri id FURNI MACHINES Sond: Aart or rho BAAN fond fi XY 44, Rona wes welk downtown. dest West ; "d : ivi sa A He Wes a. © - Pocsenger ole is ordi fon - I A a AF for 4 Business or professions! smmElE rime spertment wey : . mz] RA 27928 Sore $3500, - Bnd rev | Wow big. Comey fo $99 Mor Ay XN (He on ii So SLT ee 17000 poy mh % Tica d ~ o » 7 A perth peviing. f ware ta rt 56 KING © in portable wm pi Eiiag in 40 on ones PHONE RA 8.2418 BH psi i: TEL: RA B3723 atners, ny shideen. RA : 7 § scan dng 9 § fe 2 al HPHG " olin - " . » ed ad ali w of Soe) SERTie prrvivg cone, Reg $79 56 Eras kl rps ag snons | BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Ww Sy or Z| 850 remanern $60 | CHERNEY'S | pit 4 "550, -------- a 5 $5.0 " YG CERT " cau Building Gordening ond Supplies | Mortgages Rug--Upholstery Service -- ; $10.50 Parmonents 38.00 | anor 30 kmp ov. &. TT Wanted 7o Rent iid JIB800 en nny IPE a) CRIENTN money In loen on Rs mort STOP Seoming oo» Pdneses 4 o a - WONTERIN. WONTEITR. BRIERE. anh FAV EST RON GING faowing, ong gage Mortgage snd sgresment W rain faded and Rasness p W LSINESS ! dosnt ud 9 fone, thrme, pr (ries LOC Gl ten Aarmmtants, RA BI. mh g pai aah Rew work. MN OSHAWA ovenhased. | SHA Classiind. Soon Jour E B E J 6 var, Both (hin Wits 2 Sven " Try os. Ratimates. RA hire Freer, FB foo dl isi MRL MN RA 35-5677 RUNDLE hii rilBniss Kr AK 2 J mene Sowet Bow; Mer WH aor fy averse " HOME LANDSCAPIN IG i ata ae isd 4X a Unlisted Numbers FOR ool, Towle. T-- NE BEWARE and Co. Acsowntents MA TYRES hiding repeivs, roing, Pruning of frat trees ond | Binet and second mange, Aran | covered ee fort the 4 ood For eppomtme c 24 Suses and Aube Carer Ginn WAL, 12 5. 4 EM IERE, CARY S, Rene rs INGIENGIE, 188 WWGRIy ANG #8 W. Belatim mm (#6 Modern 1 phoistaring, BERMNIES . ---- . EASTER FLOWERS H for Rent = Fit pi po yd rise Ra $93 densi stoops. RA "¥ows Fores Rak removal. Expert work Py 41 oy Protessonsl But rr Ps Soup Col RA S640 » fies i SEVER mom brick bungalow # 3 >i n « £ CORSAGES ity . rh WHAOY snd BERROWS, (hasemd onteed ETERY oi a bent for Jase. Wi APPLIANCE SER VICE RELI GIOUS £4 or re) SAGE diario Wi fd - iM Ay a vlan Vi; Bima Karel" Bere ROY ING binge (ohare Rosi RA 8 60 fled pos A fd ErRMETIR chester fants. (Apis LB SINCE NORTH (Besr) ARTICLES d ' ' Restinn, Clone to beh. Phone Lady, hewn. Romeid ¥. A pug PH amare holt a 2 fides 366 5 oT Jere, i " King pg ri Fig? Free aotimotns, f ¥ y oe . = » wii fags ® # LL » wir Bo ry Mitraniied wr Bias, Provar Boks, Soties Gif 54) 57 RS. LAEG AFTIRACTIVE Boe - room buwngsiow HO CLANCY'S Pwtarin Acoomiing "T_T IRers RA 52 - BATHE times wm oi ToS rh cx door tor Fr wo, Motiet oc. To every Bide & . : Tio 6 FREDO CC owthmand sens, Bait Wack olf 5 meme Fier. amp Ramiacsing ery COMMERLIM, +5 InAumas lids Von Belle Garden ety sloss 6 Jone own Ring , ] + K., Westinghouse, #16 Rosory fran EFES POTTERY, WALL jascatally Beemrsied a anim ppes. fb Bond Bleant Wasi. BA S01. 5 specioity. Dew homes bit to owh 7 - BOWMANYILLE | Check the waassst ofiery wadey ! (+) 3 : STORE ' 7 Rome to he prowd of % Move ann hy 7 1h po Hess © ott MA. 357% & Fd . n an f Wiscetlannoss" in Classibied i RA 5. 1 179 ! PARKYIEW STOR BEACKETS, § relies ine, W5 per Phd ff pg Bc A. = RA S400 (3 miles Eost on Mo. 2) CRESTERPIELDS 1 i i 3 . #8 OLIVE AVE ve 4 lenamie RA SHIT fT. NOrKINs nt "Company, 8 ir » ha, - y j . WOW FOR LAWN FERTILIZER ; fied Putiia Aasownionts, 175 KBE FOR FREE sstimetes, interior, ston LAWN FERTILIZER Wee new. Why poy more ¥ SICKROOM EQUIPMENT CHAS A EA 5-636% SEEDS, ETC MK - room ngsiow, thee bedemme, S55 FPS Dene mencs, Fd ETRE! or, rahngs, wom ders hrapiece Yi wi Mort a es 258 TRASORIDIE Histaction Lu phyA ne 4 PRsemmant. erie , binedinomes, aw #594 # ment Aer seeschs, SEARLES BO Ibs only 4.50 Mattresses halt. Oshews i OR RENT OF FOR SALE | Shiarket Poshot 815 KiNG ST. EAST wie Wey 1, Teinphone Kb $305 ' Fry vr Co, 10 Bond Bisest Wem Diet [§ did A ibid " ae pa ANDER, WESTER snd REE re} hi, Hospitel bade, whee! chairs ih 51764 TIVE orm horse Wn ¢ FE amine vd Rane TL oh TEPEE ow weme sever oot mal PEAT: MOSS, SEEDS, ETC --TO PAY ALL ho -- i mvelid woivars, bedsides, | EASTER SPECIALS nani et, Bo 5 hort Trisies 16 Romboy, 86 id ling, reciestion rams Tog POTTED PLANTS, GUARAN. | he! AIRS obit Ee ab - ing Strest East, Gn REY rkmenehip mussentesd. Fine « ETOC ' COMMITEE crushes ond IN OUR DRUG AND 13--Business Opportunities NEARLY new, fiveroom brick bongs 7 Fhedionder, B. Comm, (7 Sorkm Ha 9. Find ipo RY aS YOUR BILLS | CHROME CH i 3 NC 086 19 schools, tue SRA who Aid ALA _ - - 0 [ 2% cones, ols roil-owey beds DRY GOODS CLOTHING DEFT WONDERFEL opportunity makers rd Fe Art y on monty, TT YOUR locsl shimpey setact Shim SERVICE FERTILIZING --T0 PAY OFF | RECOVERED | 5 Aid Remtols BA 5.1644 bunch room 6 sommanity Hore, cose to oll ULL" wll de TRA REE me Architects neve bbl and replied, § PRUNING A MORTGAGE | 1 Phone Aid Rentols a GLECOFF Gshawe. 1iving gestions for Lv RA BTM Weinherger Reel KEiols. wuswu™ ood Rimwier. Arch Eni, Hailed Jumpces vy res #9) JING To BUY A HOME FROM 3.75 Up | v2 y : #e0 forme. Ea i". Homer, ¥ Rowse, three bedeomes, The Times Bonding, fshews, Omi Mees - -- Expert Workman \ CASEY'S BARBER SHOP SUPERMARKET #54, Linge Revs HX rn hows wedriome, T We RN i ul" Tah ii Hairdressing " " { J I Sm ae Var haw wrliviad (eiathons Chal Viaroid B GL8TE Sr F ANY OSHAWA AUTO TRIM A if i iT (NEWLY decorated and landscaped ial, binge, cose bo GH north pent - Phone kA ar (Bd od inter. CUSTOM perme Mettnctive boty ™™ OR I ! £ ] Grandrion Bec Saion | 174 RITSGULISHS PTH Ve 8°50 taper w lated, Avy 8 Win Bond 9ors "Riches for Rent [lid glo; basing gd. mene cumtom porn ae SE Ws) PURPOSE [a fawn 408 to 4 ion Tocklcn lo Wensty panier or love, 25-- Apt, & Flats for Rent TELEVISION SETS lcamamic son the. oh fessomabie Walretyiing biador 1) ond West, xn nif . | Js EASTER BONNETS idrurrig oe wren wn EE REE Tom sel eopibined span HUMIDIFIERS yrs d 7 [7% dhdsd * Tnstruction Low Monthly SEGERS { Free Fos rit for £0 "rn 98 Feg gv iol for 2.49 GROCERY sors Living sweriers, pip north, centry Felephone RA DEHUMIDIFIERS ie A LILIAN MAE MARSH, dence pry Payments f " ; oval) Assortment wok location, my $1100 buys squp. A917 RECORD PLAYERS eve, ] i RA 8.076) DISHCLOTHS e Sits hon yp bo minh For 14 wo sompletaly furnioned OIA, Ih RADIOS & SUMLAMPS PUMPING dancing schol, halle, thy. hin, a' No Bonus | RUG ALD. UPHOLSTERY - NIMALIT NG Large © particulars, call foam #ilar, Irgerator, mo vl RH . Mi AGHERS 5 a ny pi Temple, HA 700%, A " 2 for 265 #5 # th Gener ' 3 J 3 a No - AUTOMATIC COM 2 for 25¢ yi 2 heh, hess or th Generel Moigrs . oA 2 EPTIC TANK 2 No Extra Charges } v§ \ Voie P KING STREET WESY [BASEY pinch AcAmEw tpi Rebates fer | Protessionel Cleaning of LAUNDRY SER Vick Br YCAEEM oe T3¢ Tubes Ndimployment Wenied pr Ne RA 3-3425 BERT TOMPKINS io one oe amy Ret, Mishiand Pre 0 whol Lower Prices, } Pick-up ond delivery, Clothes or 5% WILE "mind vivela bath asd esliance, clove 14 | AAR ¥ { 8 ed, as Tem | To momE pERmANENTS [Te mother "ro pievring 'dis, 18 Greene Aube Ports NEWTONVILLE | phand® ciprtoni Vy orien ony) Loans Life Insured | RA 37408 1 ete service, 995¢ first load, | Rvénie i {Ack now. BA 61066, | Iddnional ood 88 -- 9 lou | Reg, 2.00 soch for | 69 each mg WEAYED. Vachelor™ snariieni, Tatios KENVS WENTRRN WIRE = gusrtn| Prone Clerks 472% | | RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS my, ree rooms. ¥ od pide Covina fod, S--~Fermers Column (Rome. Phone WA 4. Rola" ravi" large" ones, 10 Wop ses Wool osama WA KING OF SPRING |MWswremce 4 SUPERIOR CLEAN ' we] GM, * mM, ro . apes, cenlral. Immadinste possession rt mae | id y . . Profes I Clean i - APA AL 1 A vee a dor for shia. Telaphons | boerFomaole Help Wented [Aver wpariment Wo, i, 01" Gin 8 berrinten . Pointing and Dacoroting? | gy Rg Bnd 8 vay, Poy Discount Limited mio, cones saved enamel aluminum sd- TRONS service at your home, eali PERIOR {EXPERIENCED ma Wrap riment, heated, B kod § iA B74 Members of the Notional SU | WoRsE cow manure for "wie, fe Bupermarket, Apply Bossin's er THRYY Vow Muy ig op, fas BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barister, Koll-| ing? Stone veneer over @ LaLLL --- THE FASTEST GROWING Instituet of Rug Cleaning APPLIANCE lvered. Telephone KA 88082 |W, Ajax br DhOTIIRE Songs; Tus han, pack dior, V4 Mimcoe South, WA $99 portion of the front wall? ALL CANADIAN LOAN CO Lesidance, \ ; 49 BURK 87, BEAR fam ack h Vicked up, er [orn Hg deppriment ie vd Ph . Resins, mise: | SATISFACTION AUTO INSURANCE / NU-WAY---RA B-468) 5 tel, " arti y . Yelavisions, washers, used stg Var # ar, ! Fivone: Me, 118, sent working vine, Mogriod tl FR Eig io Wit Solieitars, Chents' funds avaliable for GUARANTEED If you are a careful 'driver 17 SImcpe 37: N, furniture, We buy, sll or prelerved, "Voor hors 10 40 oF | chen, hast and Ignis. inchuded. MA first marigagen, 10 Bmens Brest North | a "ini" eon "Noting You may save $10, $15 or AS Surveyors trade (gm BOON 780 » 10% evenings, Es Woh A 84666 Charles ( citer on your car Insurance or y GF, WORTON and Assoel : B-4873 FARMERS NEEDS I Serge WH per work per NEW Largs tise-room apariment with A847 F. Basiedo, Gf | AJAX REPAIR AND better than 20%. Preferred Open Wednesday TH 8 P.M, (00004 Surveyors rte RA B-4 Bilt in: Masiith aa rronts | No experience neckmry at wd, we irs hath, West nd, private a eo [3A HUMPHREYS, noOYOHYN nd J | CONSTRUCTION LTD. drivers enjoy the lowest rate Saturday 'Til 12 Neen Wl V's yoo a 0] ry closet an cuphoar N, Barvisisr olleiers; . & 1==Women' s C Column ond other Animal Health Ath Lor Bppointinent [4h ge, viomy of RA S548 nM, ac as ui My pA:| 110 King Street East, Oshawe In Ontario through this of __ Offices Throughout Ontario VIN Bg oy Products, Injectables ra (WOMAN or irl to M6 Dhl Lr APARTMENT (0 rent par bed © uit W. A. Hillman, LLB) 20% KIDK Bireet RA 8.5108 fice. Half-year payments, pan Ard Su oN comme SPECIALA old waves frigerated, Syringes, Now |work, lye ia preferred le mi Ung room, fully equipped kitchen, three: East, Phones: Office ' Res, Coll us today and compare Nursing Services printing, 18 Bloor, Street : BA furmanents 60, " Moog bin ot trang, Behool sue shildren Yoo onts| eos Bath, with separate entrance, at BA 54604 nr Whithy mple free parking | ihe Avenue, RA SHORT ofl, Write giving fll particulars to oh op, on King Streel East. Avail 5202, Maney 10 loan - TED VEENHOF SCHOFIELD "INSURANCE [INRIYDU AL are fe for [78 person CFLIM AND 1 TORE Sree SHORT'S PHARMACY |lox 448 Onbians Times. -- [hie \mrhedipttly, RA B86 JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Bolle: d gia (Trainor nied eon "ipervisnd: | nd Surveyors, B16 Adela Gotaris 2Pers U BROOKLIN E mom apartment and theese: or and Notary Fublte, 144 King Sireet WELL DIGGING %0 KSOKIATES Fg 226% $2380 East. Phone R ar Hr ie Teniete TY Re FIVE wi? 4 hydro and water ine asl, RA 32269 and priv j , Wes 44 ay Wb it] YOUR FAMILY DEUIG STORE ACCOUNTANT Fed acer lock $00 mani suis sorinsed | Choon ove. and desping, |r Th AH Rp T2201, Optometrists TV - Radio hpi 0 past 4 Only He M ol Ariggines OL 5-330] LAL hls for "a el ol Srael Fast. GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solel OR F. RICHARD BLAOK = Docior of |TV. RADID eof radle I Open Men, Wed, Friday Phone RA 51813. Res, RA 50106 tors, ele, 1% Simeoe Girest South COMPRESSOR WORK, 2 Optometry, the examination of eyes, (makes Thompson Jisctronie P oy ' on Copable of taking charge of i Dist RA B28 Residence phones JA contact lenses. 136 Bimecs North ali lot Avenue kA "39708 ELECTROLYSIS naps, small office In retail jewelry a ni bit Mag Hy ve on net on nh WH RA 8- -3864 ke x Colman. Evenings hy appointment, |= 4 11==Articlos for Rent store, Please reply giving trance, refrigersior By Hop ai door, i Ruy Sh : be 1) 10 "Ling -- m-- Fa lo. wm TOK, Wo TT SERVICE WHEN YOu U WANT | one | , BO, Removal of superfluous halr a -- age end previous experience IA Rasa: Ehild"weleome. "Polophone ALE HINEs. Ra snd THOMA sol | HOME IMPROVEMENT wh ds as Wk HHA wore Suiomatrist, bless IT = DAY OR NIGHTI Murduff will be in |lfet RIADOE convertible for best 'M:| 1g; corn, 190 King Bireet East, RA §6246 c Ey srry) Bonk or 4 Burk 'Breet Jovalids ex T.V. and RADIO Marie Murduff will bi 8 hall-ton plek up trick offers | (ARF you looking for a better two. |CE0ER CHO FLRE BIGEL DH SERVICE HR iy ky AS {amined at home, Dial RA § Oshawa, April 4th and Sth, Telephone MO 8511 BOX 633 badromm apartment, in a quiet hy RUNILE. Parrot r emi; Have your home remodelled CALL RA 8-5286 Phone Genosha Hotel on |PURNITURE, appliances, typewriters, \Ipundry Yacliias, "parking, 'TV outlet A May NIK. Barton fo and improvements done for MOUNTAIN OF Painting end Decorating All Werk Guaranteed, these dates for appeintment ey Fi Ryd OSHAWA TIMES (for inspection: 18, Telephone WA B1o60 Gor #0 Moy i 1768 . you by Beaver, From the SHAWA Ao li a Burk Street, RA 64073, ---- re m-- - i [TAMERS A MachONALD, WA, LLR,| planning and estimating to B Yrront' B iniisfed hal quality ELECTRONICS ILD { Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| the finished job, you deal DEBTS? mates eall RA 3.2077, ; AR CHIL 12~Articles Wanted | TYPIST ™O BEDROOM Wo he Commercial Bullding. We Kink | only "with Beaver, Budget EXPERT painting by Don, Reasenabie FOR ADOPTION URED girl's hiey In good condition, resins vse No Girls lense, Thi APARTMENTS |sisiie i Lumber, Mo 6.5008, PAY Novy now win a (cal HA sate: ov | DO IT NOW 748 i 1 ¥ , LLB, LOW.COSY LIFEINSURED RIONAL : 1 nd ' ; whine RA 3-478 GENERAL OFFICE RUBPLL T. 7. MURPH Arai PROVE} i panier na hehe NANCY has sveryihi --- Excellent location. New build. Barrister and Bolicitar, 6 K roe eed work an: als nstall h AX Idi | asi aro This an hate isphans Ma A's Torn Mh doors | WORKER ag with or "Wihowt lease, [Rast Gihawa, Antarie, a il" " Cortage er jo EEN ENXX NXE XK MXN Vie Al Conroy. "nA "von ha in 3h, by Shade | year-old is a lovely looking B ROYAL Coin and Stamp Store| Must be accurate with LLOYD REALTY (MUR, Barriers, Boe, Whim Moving snd ory Qube 1 Ruy Xx FEOPLR who ined your strvie nit crete base, with Crown roter J ] girl, healthy and deing we ing Sirens West, {haw Wented figures, 5-day week, Salary ary Public Hank at Camere wa t|#uipped and insured, Phone RA { vont, KxX Exx XX this ready-made business. rel and Jose antenna, plus - aria ea " mene Blrogl [ y { 10 A or \ehoel {%ing Wh he ante nN py : Wi ae wom iver 4a commensurate with ability, RA 8-5123 [mene Hi Mal raver 4 ak SOATIAN Cita . for, "ot fopend: xey § | v0 3:4408 today to start your low east on shamel Nob, is PREFER . 4 : A in law 1000 except 1030, old Cana Drynan, 4, 1 urdoeh, d A i derfully cheerful disposition, [dan 'and other tikens, Kold" rons of Write PARKWOOD gages Arranged "hig or toa small, fo ¥ fod En DODD & SOUTER EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE. Maney is pari:Negre ond be- (ant eoubins in pies 'sondiin, Shee | BOX 740, -- AE nen wast | Dressmakin wok Bx PAINTING & DECORATING cause of this it has been Im ponte, Indian head cents. twe « eent OSHAWA TIMES and halle ior, Joie King raat Kok | i --- CONTRACTORS Le d L / pensible vo find a permanent (picess, sie. Fair prices paid ---- Mia AL4S wee | NORTHWAY APTS, 8 ROOMS | Telephone Ju (ALTERATIONS bof all kinds otis 3 LOAN n an ou Ss hame for her, She has beau: [WANTED for a ehlidren's elub, scrap: Large quiet apt, 2 large bed. |1enee: FIA 1 ind N; hildren, Forma Hi Re Inti ne Faparhanging, C T Vv NGI WARTE Barrister, yptex, Ful all Murals, i tiful dark eyes, and olive [beaks In regards to history of Oshawa » reams, laundry facilities In Fafa BA y, Maney 10 loan, Asso: | it complexion and wears her joa diairiet, Aa fo Cldren's Club, 3) Steno Clerk cluded, modern kitchen with ig rn v Makes, HA. Hon Hid Hil had oh wear, poe THE BANK OF 105 ha Paintin NB 5, WHITBY Y 1h black hair in pigtails, The |7 | qutomatic stave and self de Block, 20 King Mirest East, ries, NA 8 FREE SURVEY couple that gould provide one ALA 04 pawer tools Tele An opening exile In our frosting Refrigerator with [1007 Residence, [AIA Lai ALTERATIONS of all kinds Ah Jay NOVA SCOTIA 4 DAVE Mo RA LAT RA 5 5.7844 the permanent home for goss (ol an fd Mi may | purchasing department for a Deepfreeze. Paved parking [JONERH I MANGAN 00, Rariiater Ramah tnd, Sidra parma drat ited lla Nan Id e 10 be in, N , Ontar tent yaur woman, area, Adults only, Near bus [Kies Slit East shi RA 80830, L) y 3 y sanilve 'and Mo Wyu | le Er te aw a " an, Rie, typist a Apply 778 Hortop [Resbaence. WA C1 fi even hie . "a Money to Loan = _ Personal Service GET THAT «LEAR are Roman Catholic and ---- " a -- BOWMAN, DAVID L, Barrister, Soliel: | olan ne HA Shaan ne oN FIFTY to five thosand dollars, Any| PETER PAN Day Nursery, ail or hail. think you could fully accept SHAW with shorthand, and werk TWO BRIGHT MODERN [Wins 8th bimuae South. RA $0303. Rest . - -- worthwhile Rurpase. lowest 'Tater, Jat Takin 8.90 to 4,80, 561 Bimeos North, RA PICTURE NOW . a . enee, Pyles. Seaho "inance, " Maney as vour own youngster | AUTO WRECKING CO auickly with _Yigues. Por ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM [7 ¥. sALMERS vinler, soll FURRIER Son' Birest South. WA. 8.8383. Ute a CHANNELMASTER through adoption, white: Wan f ecking SPOR 1 APARTMENTS tor, sit, ih A at Joth d DRESSMAKER ; ¥ clients' monies available TRY OUR AL hae eR to . ants cars for wreckin " {Office RA 88741, Residence: RA 5802 d J ¢ an THE MINISTER OF Parts for sale, alse scrap iran BOWMANVILLE Furnished, and unfurnished, an in 8 on Arse and second arises BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN you'll have the best. PUBLIC WELFARE | 'and metals, ete, bought. Open balconies, laundry ream facili Bookkeeping New, Alterations, Remodeling agreements of sale. Louis & Himah | Chicken plate, half chicken GET THAT CLEAR PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, Saturday all day. Phone MArket 3.3312 ties, excellent leeation, from I SCHAPELROUMAN Low Prices Hi" 37 King Sireel Bast, oshawa, RA| HEAR FS fries, fish and PICTURE NOW! _. TORON NTO | RA 8. 231 | 89 BLOOR E $83.00 MO Paste : JMPLETE BOOKEEPING 22 ROWE STREET . | sh, Jhamburgs, hat * dogs, Use a new aluminized picture Pets & Livest sn 17--=Male Help Wanted | Se CIEE INCOME TAX RA 8-6704 MONEY 0 i MODERN GRILL Toig SY xn TY te " N with f sition of ves § d i vi NORWEGIAN Elkhound, registered WANTED iy 0 he lr iH ADELAIDE TEPRAC ig [Fuel and Wood __WE DELIVER --- RA 5.3887 the finest." Modest" pricey : df Kennel CRA 0 OULTR Week Jo 686 OSLER STREE Felenha call us for service; iat and friend" Tal Gira Kennsle SCRAP IRON. POLL TRY TE a Wo tr , sheeialined New modern two RAGE SLER § ARDOOH Taciary ends. Telephone LOAN SHIRT LAUNDERERS T.R.1.O. TELE awe. Nas ihe TJ TR ey en stared RA| Moundproof "apartment, all RA 5-9953 | ZIPPERS REPLACED ils VION -- id dl} . " PUPPIES for sale, five prod od, I. TURNER i hy a [Furniture Repair . § I ¥ Ate Sharten or lengthen garments 171 BOND STREET feast 1 bbe RA 3.2043 RA 33374 Big fd iB WRU Ry Ne tend to build sa Apply Building Trades or (RERNITURR saueh thn 8 CA iy i. Sri gl ery Cuffs and pockets renewed RA 8-678] eliaet) high sehaol gradu " rou TO Ten, i bled ------ AIT leollee «hen "rie os th, QHRAwS TUNME | Tatepmame ha Sipoda "© [Haibine. "uapur hanging id ous: RA AAT mortgages on oil types of real | Completa, nck, Cl Suen nr 13--=Business Opportunities "*"*" w|Telophons RA 3-89: op L ME erat foaphar( tate including vacant lands; CLEANIT SERVICE LTD SAMSON [SEPTIC tank leaned the anit steve ® pur malanials for ve-caver-| shart term mortgage for / BERMAN hatha, mile Ah onane | FOR sale, ald asiabiished grocery haa $5558 3% | MODERN SELS CONTAINED |way, new Tanks inslaied Vi Hi oN ries N, Delton, 1h Charen Slreeh | poiiders; first and second R Y V TOWE N RA #300 fat sogrir. tom Yome Ear ha | There are plenty of $35848 | on Shestan Weil, Phone : Ts agreements [Plumbing and Heating +V We for Ih ann dor Jeliing, omens | for the man we want, because | APARTMENT Cope "work sues wd. Gardening and Supy plies for tale puithased ARlY | CUNBING "and heating pipes. fil RA 8.8180 | The BIG Family Three [Wore for interview Bes ANE out 108 man wight up | VERY CENTRAL [fee estimates. 'nA 3 T VRIENDLY Ad Writer will hela ou M. Swaniz, 2613 King Street Hage fixtures new ou f A, | A 3 | find just (he property Jou want in ihe East, Oshawa Telephone RA Ing from septic tank to sewer a [ OSHAWA T are Taaking far family whe| $7,500 in a year The open | $68 PER MONTH | VATERING "repaine oh oases, Ral state Wanted columns, Dial! 3.469 elalty. Installations at RB ' I. A JOB | wants io have hele wh husiness andl] ing In this area Is Werth, oA | Fp [Te male), RA worl ante vales. Information and sstimates fres 361 GIBBONS 3 a make 3 heller than Average a Haht vam: At ' em ?. A HOME Wing. Hora 1s what we have tn 'ifer|. Much to the sight AH ad TELEPHONE [BATHROOMS tiled, eaninels Bullt, a1 ho pk BT servis, Tawa out Mortgages Sad, Foley! N Sumbing, Din 'ha A CA} [F005 aervios siation, lunch eeunter, YOu between 23 ane 3 RA 5.5433 or RA 5.2247 [types of alterations. No Job ten amall [ain py + reasonable rales, | THT, -- | Well Drillin BT ENC [CE : - M PPM -HH'TQ E WAI HM | MORTGAGES -- [BEATTY APPLIA -- ; Employment, shelter and [1nd toeaied oa bake Hay 11 oh Mon Will vou call an eity ond farm ONE MONTH TT -- Anonged. Bought, Sold LIANCES \ 4 y [ehamer. Unlimited esimings depend on| dwellers har give 12 J & R 9 9 Bam, equipment, pumps, WwW WARD 3 transportation for the family [SOE IN artiowlars call Carll from 15 to 40 hours a week | DRIVEWAY Company and. Private Monies 33%) . and individual are three of [Olsea si RA #3167 ar svanings RAL I want to hear Hom you oF | FREE RENT RA 5.6544 WELL DIGGING B : h ast important items in $312. Riview and Olsen Reaflors g vl would like vou te a SEPTIC TANK SERVICE ] John A | oll bumers, hot water and Me most important tems VARIETY Store. one of Oshawa's wt soon and stay with | Modem one and bed Ca k { GRAVEL forced air furnaces, bathroom MACHINE way of life All three [iending varies" vioreh weeks "sales Ln an Ry A Septic tanks pumped ea A BOLAHOOD fixtures, parts and servies. | Specializing in 30 are gvailable in' the Classi. [Wiween ANE to Wik A ang a i" tien. Phone 24 hr. Service To ping Limited Realtor (4 PARTNER WHITBY, ONTAR| feds. Read them daily te All [Ee Taras sohool For an aot lost| General Sales Manager, Box . . Member Ontaria Mortgage PLUMBING AND HEATING MO 8.2563 ---~ MO 8.3 Your ndedh . WW fhapect sal he owner of BA WWMM 817, London, Conde, | RA 8-8676 (RA 83294 RA 8-2057 | RA 5.5279 | Brokers Association | ORONO 1782 Doy or Night | 204. CHESTNUT ST. W

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