! | ! | } | FL THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussey, Merch 18, 1961 ---- -- or M-- a -------------- Everywhere you look, There'll be color in Shoes this Spring, Economy In buying children's footwear is waste, They Need the Best that Money Can Buy! REMEMBER OUR NEW ADDRESS! NEW LOCATION | 55 KING ST. E. (Formerly Bond Clothes and Sum Beyond Question, Canadian styling in dress shoes, true of 1 committed to extremely fine toe the extended pin and spring YES! This vear will see hoth the high heel and the low tall on dress shoes seen on some of these new spring shoes recognizing the need for bath in their wardrobe. In wome patents, In casual footwear, materials run from a smooth te Pigskin In sport types shows up in all the new spring calars Here at the NEW MODEL SHOE STORE, you'll find the newe Children, and at prices that are well within your budget Please, do come and pay us a visit soon , 4 5 we're sure searching tury Rs Heels remain fine and slim though, the only real change in High heels have last none of their attraction for women b Location) st{0C NEWS AFOOT FOR THE FAMILY ALL THE NEWEST for Spring mer he MNarth American Continent as a whole, 1s triple needle being the fashion leaders for vying for popularity, Heights will run from the little oval and squared-off flattie shapes, the slim jet patterns, right on up to that over three inches design being the flared hase that will he ut mare. and mare of them appear to be n's dress shoes, calfskin is this Spring's most favored material, smooth ar textured, smooth and very soft in feel, followed by lustre finishes and ) textured to perforated leathers, in the main, it of the New in shoes for Men, Women and that you'll find just the shoes that you've been MODEL SHOE ST 5 KING ST. EAST (Formerly Bond Clothes Location) This Is Your Invitation... To be fashion correct, extremely fine toes and high thin heels are for dress occasions] As with all Men's foet- wear this sprinf, they will be light in weight, soft and Flexible, ----