THE OSHAWA THES, Monday, March 37, 1961 § WHITBY and DISTRICT Tells Role Education ATE ER Whithy Burean Office; 111 Dundas 51, West . ition Unt wis «wo Would Mean To World Mardi Gras con on Sin Conan wu $d ough ox he 105 9 The SROBOEIm of CONE, Huge Success a fact for wail DER E WaE wit Whe Rat Im He suggested that 1 might. he Bned to members of Bhs 4 1 Wise ihe YRRID 1H EWE 8 Bs JOAN CALDER we can #8 look forward fn the : : WE.WAN BEING fod : a Dew Party Ch on Sender WORE TY o Jt the year-old get owt and. bu wir of Dew OFIEaRe EIT: Beit (oTmal Aance METRO By TB SEH I rd ' ' gn 19 work i he 15 bored vil ment saliraied the AENerWe Ys . ' 4 or frd, 4 wi said y y, . Vere 8 44 wing 9 beskethall, the Beght, whe 18 Pes IRR Y 0 ; wid if # gu We pnd then AHH Bom 16 TEER of the Henry Sree High Shock CORSA male, eid inthe Henry Of #0 EREIREETING BIND, 18 #60. J _ : ig hin wher he 16 BB Wh on Frida CINE PRE OW Shrent Be t " > ' i 7 # % BE vont 5 4 ya . wel 187, ETRE IRAN he gd gig " pu NIT of w education grees id ie a" " a. hey JE semi dormel BRB EE MRIS gave the lowe eam the Viclory CRRLREIN CRITTER A TRE ¥ pig ik # Re OPPIIY 16 REEVE IRE oso to 158 sudents 4 friends. | and the New Party Pad dla id VETS WE ultimate Ws lication, the time 0! i HR wis. Henry played sganet Following on mcaduction | CRHCRIRA, Te sin. Tecan Be 6 ing of eRaracter The Mark Cres. ae BH wis Bellevitie, the Owtans BAGH IE RI p WHEE BY a bums HR a 3 AERIRER "mn f way Thomas Edwards, of With , Be ot 10 SOCIM, GOSPEL # Wis Acemes # rr ait for the Desf and hers Yr Senit asked bad #4 rf fut o (3 # " 7 4 " i» ' 0 PERS ANA was Ihe sasha 18 JHE the RABI a4 Ah TOF be comaneren gah # bt He admitted that wh be ors & y y of Ry . lstaners ever ROUGE of FONER- ruaher rs 7 PHERIH noses Was # MW ommorh took wt A Sve of The rem! Peter Kyerison of the Camers tion as henge for the peavie, Bf the lure alll £m y © raed Wis Beers 19 The typical mardi gras theme Clb. took many peiuees of the the pespie #08 BY IRE JEHNE am convinced thet # way (orth and prezch the soca gos WAS ACEERINAIER thr omghont the Bris wn achion 8 the basil as they think of ACWOLTAEY can he fend tn extend the Be pel, Bie said thet #5 met 0 WHR the Aecorations of He seems 19 have the knack of Kor, hie sail, elucation withowt tional riucationgl sysem (TOM enough st 16 echo pic opm EIAEAHE MATES WINCH ABER KRIIRE That sheiier Bt just the ACIMACTREY worthless and (uli parsers schools 19 Wl wi ion but the people whe are the He ¥RNe nA Bright sicsmers ng moment. 18 captire the Aemacracy Who EONCANION sersity CONLIN esi, hackhone of the free nations ™ YEHOW, PRC, Pk bine scene on fim 2 barely functions Most denariments Wl educabion, are the mes whe work and #08 IMEWVE WEIR SIeRd RIAA. - --n ---- 4 $ 4 Aemacratic eaucatinn. he Be Sif, TERRE THE RIE OF (Beir prize 15 ner seremty he room. A large decried # said. must Bol st He RPINEs PREEEry £1 where. on There are ust not enough Pole in Ihe ceptre of the flor i 4 # in the academic nstitutions, aren sar at Dy years of REE. of ws 19 gn Around," he said, Mahe Wp Ihe central base for poop k SOUTER ol ' M " " must miso be apphed on he nt ind we mney 10 we must #8 pRItipRie the streamers 16 flo 19 eYETY PREPARE FOR ROTARY SKATING CARNIVAL home. church. the tReRIre ana in GOER TREN The fan he RIA We have heen prying 160 corner of Ihe Ru0N Wm PAINT ond : { § {if £5 W BY RTY Ie hr attend to th $y 2 . . sep t °] walks of le by " Ahr i dis . Abi 2 ow o. 4 a DraamA We swe this beauty nd color WALLPAPER STORE i Yunior members of the cast t wival st the Whithy Arena from left Io Pgh ars fer Heffr g. ond Diane We must make sure that the » ' WF FRONEN 18 THE PEL. 104, 6 the creative master 3 107 BYRON 57. §., WHITHY " 4 Whit eo g ¢ d Ma 4 ¥ 3 : mass education 18 gond eon R oily ded a Laat FOG WIEN he 4 . A ¥ aia +r By of "Spow White and the Wednests March 28, Are Andres Rundle Cynthia | Henwood na ' Big i ess and ind © heen left in ton few" he # minds of Grade 121A. Balwraly Seven Dwarf # he present een here wn IRE last. prac Rundie, Sally Burka jen ion, he sau " * AA aid are pow lak R pa i is very well 19 4 ss THEY KRceiven the precemng MO 8-523 od at the Whithy Skating (ar tice session Saturday. Shows / Lishawa Times Photo EOMMAn Sehomi lo o" eliea I oy hi Pus IL Rid he idl " ro alternoon of school 19 Durie on apphie J a 2a 4 4 4 P nm applied n A ow recoanied that those who need th know. In Ihr decorating and thelr re C.I.L. Paint Dealer Ahada " 4 Ah WA » " ' draw p eemenR) £9 ad of seeing mir mistake, we is proved thet the gpligtieg Yous ' Wong, Be sale mw A a out of the nmiversities. blame others for beng blind, Wme #iwaye hey on these reshold. A half-century Ag ) ng Wing ' 8 hh hi h 2 4 0 Sal 4 not We are afraid of beng con WAGONS HCLRHIN sinting & Decorating e sail, # good edu alhion Hid P fas ted py Ww Contraction . Ey Nr. Athouzh expen. HW ) 4 Via sen hy Ie MEAE IH Vhe welcoming reception bine Gypter, Papert . . e he said, a bad education i i Watts : welcomed the couples as they Full Well 1C e <1 are REDE A yf y | rT WE Weal mw HY entered the dance tom wad Musele a jy) fie in those Ve me i u inemploy ment ove a 00 por LEISURE RUIYIIE Ye ne y The consisted of our student council mime. The only thing nie ¢ He aunted A mie # A £ New Va Wa " or thas oF. president. Kathy Hamer, her TE ---- A 4 4 ny ¥ } # ' Some 18 hoys and g ep Parish, presented the prizes pensive than an eu ep 0 e wise wee Of Ck C ion for mental PH wily escort, Ron Bremner, Mr. and esenting the top public speak: 1h Ihe Winns ai BIOVRILE ish / 4, in ( . : Ars. Lloyd Gilson and Mr. and F ; : te The 1 bre that Nr onchiding, he said thet pes ; Wo F A . ach e Bepari h olan fl) 4 ore ; ratiy 4 i A oni | grein Gach A ih part of On he fing "IE 0 BE CONSIDERED & ery ple ave apt 10 Judge themselves 111s: DOMES TU Schools in the south part o i he | ie Tre are there matiess tn heed 10 greaier eUCAOn WOW iL, pal hey feel capable of The musical stains of Bill Try A Kioney { el ay 0 } nl : rl al a0 # ' ey artery wo Ja P " Hp bith Flomte Big Te 5 he considered when disci Ah HEL eooie 10g. while allowing others to Richardsons Orchestra provid ; doh a h na hy n ay oO 4 Bu "w education, said My. Scot a4 he bind : . ' midge them hy what they have ed excellent accompaniment (oF big Rog ent. two hovs oohia Wail 7 and Tom Clea them as expense, (he sab fos PF already done. He called on the the couples ta float around the | <iDl two hoy ovhia Woilasiew and 0 d { wm . . ia J were named as Foresia { Hedwig's Meo ate need of the amin } Aig od Ch memner ia share with dance floor. Although they aid Re : Ad all speakers, whe Schonl, Oshawa and the immediate need of a EM oniertain Tiers what fey have VRIES not play continuously everyone Phasages, Bione (one Hy A had heer ' nners in the sem Ingrid Vollme and Michael the chia Ad [we continue an educated AemacTacy had adequate Hime In rest aller iA Wisner 44 ly Mad 4 ' fina also received the cop Donne of fosent chool Vxpense, he said Ano y 4 leisure in PIaYNg in a discussion period whieh each number Dida wineliy starts ln work imme hai } Siw (shaw mporiant factor and Wany 77 / ' f i ® followed, Mr. Beall was asked goo Ik he ilk i 1a hen 09 tn ¥ BATE fy " mendation of the Junge J a olf and wi gels om, » f the universal education he balloting for the Queen and Sip Teme Serial isiating Rok J ed top he was Bobei I & 14 adn and Garry claim tha he co i ho ing eon 4 i ! ii al i aH Wi Princesse conducted Auring pecific germs in #514 coRaitione H Hag afd Lent of Pi School prohibitive. To provide better ' cual Proposed was not similar io a ? eves Roeymatic #int 404 reg, sehr smith, of 8t. Francis De Sales Osh 4 oo dialed 14 . impossible hecanss He sag tha Ah ACHR wnsal by the communists of the intermission, resuied in the A Laine hd ' Pickering econd was Tom AAW { ig uy : si therd fact that the public now GOS ag "Coors sgn choice of the icky girls, Marg vee! [remiept of 5g PRSIREES Forestall, of Si. Hedwig ! VE ithe Bi doe! and Frank the maney ie Jor THEE of know what to do with W d d Tweedy was the recipient of the | fA Fen Geiter a Ym 21 ¢ " 8 { p id J 5 of " " (Oshawa Girl wIinnel Vers Bk IE n John's hon! il he said : HVE MW ieisure. A recer i he wii A NEW 100K much coveted regal crown and ed Mary Lou Anderson, of | Whith Vien. Med ol spending UT the bi oh en ndizated that 6) pe) cen 0 he Mr. Scott sad ig he wae her princesses were Kathy . -- Mary's. Rosebank, and Agath Mal J cAnengy and men ave reveal 1A Fimen rejected the four-8ay we unaware that i was bul in any Hamer, representing Grade 12 Whit ( Wilton 8 INA: every 5 p fh § { y Bardoel, of S. John's ir whith wordon Wiltor nf Berna: every $1 spent on educa on, $45 Sgnifican #7 per cent of the suent. he said that democracies and Joanna Wensing, represent (EE ENE NNEE NN ro) is dette's Behonl, Alax is heing spent for WEhways. In women did the same will have 10 take # new look #f . The public speaking contesis = 4 4 | J e situat amen fi Vill May 4 ing Grade 11 NH Wn and in the Mary Lou Anderson and Dan: Canada, he said, the sHuabion = s.comation and new Work communism ™ in 2. he A a 0 ny Irwin, of 61. Mary's School, !is not that had, but there 18 still oocots he smd, will shortly! 7'f don't think we should run Phey were each presented Hove Lett School . 4 finals wer Shans) Wane: Rosebank that trend have the four-day week UPON away from everything the eo with beautiful houguets of roses Without Completing - ' & BrIOUS op aie, Bn Suzanne Mcetiregor and Rob AL present, he said, one-half munisis support tee," he wy and the remaining floral ar:'® TO TB SURVEY CLINIC 14 Agus I Mh 7. and 8 ert Smith, of Bt. Francis De of the Canadian budget goes fo) ' ' and cited the case of sincere TRNEEMENIS which adorned the - 00L » I 4 an fp h 2 and Li . on Gra Ry Sales School, Pickering defence. Money, he said Benefit Night people who had joined a peace royal dais were presented 19 » Plans are rolling ahead for | Christmas Seals contributions Boho 3 Tune Merrick and Billy Coro available for the military, which . movement only to discover later Mrs, Lloyd Gibson and Mrs ® you are invited to write for . . hy fe Yoko) Ahead oF | Christma fo ie £0 putions. Judges for the finals welt vigan, of 8t. Joseph's School, also uses university trained For Chasczewski ihat they were surrounded hy Donald Tull ® Free Booklet thet shows you Alba id Vey | 388n 1 Ath orne Rey, |, J, Wall, Director of Ihe yng, gee men, and if education. is gond ' communists, Instead of SIBYINE From the looks of the facial @ No 19 earn a High Scheel in Whitby. The survey is he: with one of the arrows thal Taranto Archdiocese of the = hy (h . By CLIFF GORDON in the organization and im: aks of tie faciali® ing conducted by the Ontario « will outline the way to the CWI, EK, F. Donald and Mys, | Sublects chosen b i peat A! ACE? On Wednesday night there pressing the group with their expressions of everyone at they DIPLOMA AT HOME hd County Tuberculosis and clinic nearest you WW. J, MeDonald, Rey, Lea tr Hii fram ite ee A RECHRY ACE? Lou ¥ 1 he another big exhibition ideals instead of the communist dance It can he truly said that 8 0 Prepare for College or oa ® .. YOUR ns i i / J Vi f J M n » ¥ Health Association through Oshawa Times Photo |Austin, of i. John the Evange: o A X11 Pe OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)~100 Hoy game. This lime it is line, they had run away from good time was had by all, and ™ better job. This is ¢ Cone: g - " " Kretlow, former. majei |ehgie nth onh wa Children's arena, il : = dian High School Course, 3 d now a golf profes. In the shaw Ad AOHERE mm . » pilchi Loi 8 4 427 Ro Mole in. The game is a henefit game He warned thal such are the TEACHERS CONFERENCE, ® AMERICAN SCHOOL . [ ig Sanday and it could he the for Whithy Hillcrest defence: tactics of the communists and LONDON (CP) AMONgE a ® Ll Pundae 81, Poreronts, W I | m pF y ski, we f : ol nterle ee ees core 11 HSE TIME onion "evord." Kretiow's man, "fom Chascirwaki, who we mist mech thom S0E0Igvoun of more than 100 Cong \ g ' ace came on the par four 16th 10st an eve earlier this ver 1h Rue) OT i § Mal monwealth teachers allending # y trrrtrerrinr hole. al Lake Hefner course # playoll Jane bg he 4 ot possi on the un conference at the Rovel Over ADDRESS 1 1rrnrrerpens with the help of a strong wind. [Belleville McKarlands 0 dd ; seas League were 40 from Can |@ ¢ od Best records available show the Eastern Jv. B groups pployiment of ware \h a llada, The visitors will spend a Ws 63rd Year" s : 4 » wr 63rd Ye B | I S A n vente . he game on Wednesday 700,000 Canadians, he said that boc Jon ud Qc Lo n eries gal longest. recorded, hole.) ' one night will pit the Toronto SG this was a national disgrace |yenr {aching ih Britain under "EERE Ww For Years ih Yiu WI avdwell on the Michael's College Juveniles But, he said, Canada is part of an exchange plan diddy inth hole at Hillcrest Country bolstered by a number of Jr. Bla world community and right pith : players against the pick of the now two-thirds of that world By CLIFF GORDON final stanza. In all it was a(them tonight as they have gol at HUESst Lounin) Emilie Club at Winston Salem, N.C HESCE BRU e teams, or in goes (0 hed every night hungry, Whithy's crack little Pee Wee|vastly improved effort hy the/to pull oul all the stops and 5 » staved off elimination here on!entire team and if they play as come up with another win REGINA (CP) = Mrs Aoril 11. 1030 Saturday afternoon with a tre- well tonight and stay away A tie is no good, . , . Personally Engel, 04, altended a public AF y other words the Oshawa Juve: In earlier days, he said, those mendous team effort as they|from the penalty hox (hey we feel that the locals now church service Sunday for the |nile All-star team, We feel that people met the 'rice - Chris win first: time since the Second blocked roads of refugees ahead. | ic chouid he a veal thriller. [Hans Now they are heing ap: whipped the highly regarded should he able Ww win and tielthat they have lasted a ' against these fellows will give World War, then told of her life After two months, the ehil:laae ime is 7 pom. Please proached hy the "rice-com:| Richmond Hill team 6-4 before the series some 250 fans. The series re it all they've gol We are hehind the Tran' Curtain dren's grandmother died, Paulipore the early start as all con: munists JACK TURNER sumes tonight in Richmond Hil [EARLY LEAD not sure where the next game She arrived from Russia just Went lo work on farms and 18ter capped have taken great time "If you supply the food and 8 win for the local team is hie Whithy feam was faced wouid he hut we will keep you 10 hours hefore the service he: hecame a chef. The childrenand consideration in planning they'll buy the ideonlgy," he SIREN a must with the (ask of winning oF pasted as soon as we find oul. gan in Grace Lutheran ehurch/lived with sympathetic Austr: iihis game and feel that the said. "If we had a world federal At time of writing the Rich.|Nanging them up for the sea 80 fellows, remember, gel and was welcomed at (he aip:|ans and Adele attended se hooll fans of this area can go and government, we could solve the RIRECTOR OF mond Hill team holds a won twa, | 00 #8 they headed into Ihe qu (heye and play your very port hy her son, Paul, daughter, through an international refugee see this game, help out in this world's hunger problem hut CUSTOMER I Jost one. tied one record and|Bame. They lost no time in Gel: hey Thepe is a fine vip ahead Mys. Adele Wagner, and some Drganization worthwhile cause and still he these problems can only be RELATIONS home in time to see the fourth solved through an educational vi B p oy ay "OR ' gina mayor Henry Baker. Mrs. and joined an uncle, Fred game of the Blanley Cup play Program offs 3 To prove this last point, he top « { Seal y i top WA big Meg m fon Heh 4 Engel and her children had |Krutsch, whom they had learned 0 wh miake.u BioR Gh ¥ y : heen separated for 17 years. (was living in Saskatchewan "fan é i quated Compe. du Nowy 'when ting in the scoring mood. Br) : need only a tie to oust (he for the winning team, and we 200 well-wishers, includ a hav: i 5 ) i 40 L ing Re They came to Canada in 1050 { classy Whithy team, The locals ant blinked the light behind a oan think of nothing better fo : § ' y ' g Fo Ibewildered Richmond Hill on the other hand, having lasted) = * the a tor the t their first victory over the Rich:|Boalie al the az mark for ti SAYS: I mond Hill team have high hopes] fastest goal of the series 100whihy's colars the farthest of behalf of the fiard working men a neaple have the same general "mt of knotting the count up al even dale He Joored Nix second gon) any team this year, right in the With ihe surreride of pv Ger Meanwhile, Mrs. Engel was|in Oshawa who work (0 make aducation and when they nhey | h I8 S| SON we | y yp oy h terms tonight al the 1.a mal and the WHY semi-finals now and we hope man arm al Reims, May 7 \iaken hy pro-Soviet Czechoslo: hockey Canada's finest sport 10) ihe same moral rules, and think BL | \ gL N hd If a sixth game in this serie spin were really Wiagping i i right inta the hig finals vi Mis, Engel hes Iwo chit vakian troops and sent to a refu:' come out to this game in he universally, they do nol easily . M is needed it is not known just| Bremnes made it iA for the ren, and hey mother joined gee camp al Prague Oshawa Arena, It pits two fine! aocept the idea of fighting each! . | de at the 3 ith on SUMMARY hattle-we sfugee » d AL nl Gam | B 1 CAS 9 ! what ruling the OMHA wilh ie "effort i ify W hitb | Ist Period halt ia Jiigeey Ji tie} In 1066 Mrs, Kngel managed leams i # hone Jams fo other ( 1H HH I'om make. The Whitby team has had{# 8 ) id [1 wh A \ h il, JF erring 0 Sure 00 got in touch with her children Tam (hasczewski, known as ie eared fo be headed for hithy: Bryan der to the British ) " i only two games at home and|'fam appeared 10 he heat ) ' ; ¢ to the British or Amegicans Saskatchews Chon" hy his thousands of tonight's will he the third time!# Fun away Keenan, Bremner than 10 the Russians in Sassatahewan friends, There was an exhibition] CITIZENS" y that the Whithy crew has travel: 110% over the Ri hand Hi ? Whithy Bryant Mrs, ngel managed fo got Immigration Minister Fair game here in Whithy last ook) ¥ [ ed to Richmond Hill, Sn in oup|team fought hack gamely ane Keenan, Bremner vo LAD ahoard a German army track|elough has guaranteed a "min: and it attracted "a crowd 0 Discover the "Thinking of gif way of thinking the next game E01 two of those back. Broderick] 3. Whithy: Bremner 1... 3.45 while her children and herlister's permit' to allow Mps, nearly 1100 people, let's see if o' ng of gifts to buy, holiday expenses , ' and should he here heat Adams at 0.18 and then} ¢ giohmand Hill: Broderick, mother climbed on another Om the one Wednesday night ean 2a} wondering how you will meet the costs? As a Citizens The winners of this series got|dt 14.30 Dyson found the range A Nal B15 TRUCK BROKE NY Engel fo remain in Canada on (hat figure magic in a wor budget counsellor travelling throughout Ontario, 1 meet a fine trip, as the next round ison a close in shot 5 Richiond Hill: Rvsan onthe man of Stay 18 Mrs Mrs. Engel has a heart condi: Remember fans, game (ime . many wha are worried about holiday bills, I'm pleased away up in western Ontario! The Whithy team oul vored BrOARHICK + ors riers re. 14,20 Hngel's truck broke down and 1100 which normally would make! is 7 pm. and Rives you lots of of raise! 0 recommend the friendly, convenient Citizens loan d near Petrol. " may sven ie, ¥inoiry wi ah 0 AN he Penalties = P. Brown 240. stopped. Her relatives passed hy her 'ineligible to remain in the Hime a Jv Jina 2 oe ne hgh service, Call today, see how quickly Citizens arranges \ ordie owe whe 18 a heel hi Hed alll ih HAD gradkerick 5.40, Wilson at 14.20 2 night 2 Aa . Kame an f LLL V Da you know the right way wr | loans of $50 to $2500, at tern " hooster of hockey might peared good lead as they in the night and were lost in the country, I'V ¢ | h FMS 10 suit you best, « paler " Jit hs ; wg ! hin) 2 a nd Period h pay A sompliment without get over lo see them pla or: headed into the Tim i . ' h x n \ ing accused of flattery? , | , tainly if the Whithy team win Phe Richmond Hill team was 8 W hithy Rremner how 10 use praise la give your out and makes the trip we will paid well in cheek in the last Bryant copii B08 | youngsters soll-confidence" In in Ti Whitby Rigsa. Whithy, MO 8.588 send along a note telling Gordie period until the 18.10 mark when! 7. Whithy: Bryant April. Reader's Digest, discover ' : Open A NY 3 0% Man tru Thurs of the hig series they appeared to cate fire SANAIONA 2:2 verse saess BOB the secrets of an ark which can | 4 Loans made in Oshawa Ao Pickaring or Andy Bryant was the hig gun Churcher seared on a pass from: § Richmond Hill: Wibion | Win now rietdu, heal old | and all nearby towns a in a searing wav far the Whithy Acomb and the Whithy lead wa Harrington ei 14.40 wounds -- and bring you an | Saturds 5 he fired once again cul to a single goal Bh 1h much pleasure as (hose Lo Of i 1] i K Jam " - ih pa Bre 1 The Whithy team i hiened i Penaluies Nane Hon praise! Got your April an Offices in a Principal Cities in of goals H 3) J NE ghte ) 5 1 4 TN st had twa with hard working their defensive play and held rd Period Raader " Vigont ey an -- es Mike Keenan firing fhe insur: the visitors we Im cheek f. Richmond Hill Churcher | Articles of lasting interest. ance tally late in the game Keenan who was a hig scoring Acomh SRT IT 15.10 v prs SASS. su Far the losers it was Brad threat in the previous series had 10. Whithy Keenan on erick. Dyson, Wilsan and an opening and made no Bremner Yee 19.25 st Churcher with ane each mistake as lw cored what] Penalties Rawland #.04 : 2] The Whithy team used John Proved the clincher at 19.23 of G Adams in goal far the first twa the final frame ALS SIGN DIMITROFY 8 s m eriods and then used Charlie ICE CHIPS The Whithy| MONTREAL (CF) -- Tam Di AND ON d vown between the pipes in the team has a rough job ahead of witraff, former quarterback hb n -- ; with Ottawa Rough Riders, has 0 heen signed hy Montreal Alou SIDEWALK SLABS ( BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 8:15 sien, § Nan anced That : any iro SUA Braduate of © WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8415 Miami University of Ohio, was FROM at 0 (with Ottawa of the Big Mow \ Sa \ % ; \ [Football league in 1867-58 He 1 Brooklin Concrete Products L EVERY BLISTER Al 1 m Liat ING PALS sat aut the 1958 season and last 3 . dy ER EVERY SEARING F (year played for Bostan Patrol i 2h J WL. 70 SENSATION laf the Amevioan Football 3} . ver a \ A RATE | ETI League | | ate I st : BEST RLLR WON ROUND EASILY m : 5 ON WINNIPEG (OP) == Hamilton . \ 8 ' . 'T 5 § 5 x ) - THE SCREEN! Pigerelttes easily' walked off NEE N $i LAS - hb st [ with the first round of the ( wl ; =r ' i wilh te fos sound of he Co PUBLIC SPEAKING WINNERS OLIVER " layoffs Saturds ght t 4 ak Dave W | ' With } ge 3 Ap Say twa boys and the southern portion of On | Mary Lou Andefsan, of 8§t cA Ee or WA 8 eg 4 § two girls, were named, at the | tarie County competed, were | Aayy's § 50 1 J wee Ra ; ARNER anos. | 4:84: Hamilton: wan: the: twa cancision of a South: Ontario: | held Sunday. aternaan i the Vy chool, Rosebank, and i Adult Entertainment total : Public Snead ( wb SU Toh n am Farestall, of St. Hed \ ane total paint series hy al \ Calin ontest spon Jl ahn Parish Hal ; ROBERT LOGGIA | with ANGIE DICKINSON | noints after 1a io 0 bby Pho tie | Wiithy. Shown above ae-the Wigs Schaal, Oshawa. Front i ELLEN PARKER EFREM ZEIMBALIST JR, Friday night 7a Tigerettes Womens League. The Hal four winners. Back. left 1a | Rabert Smith, of St. Franci now advance to. the second in which 18 pypils from Grade | vight, are Agatha Bavdoel, of | de Sales School, Pickering against Saskatoon ( 7 and 8 in Separate Schools tn | 8. John's School, © Whitby, | wOshawa Times Photo |