The Oshawa Times, 27 Mar 1961, p. 12

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U2 THE CSHAWA TIES, Mendy, Merch 37, 1961 SPORT OUTDOORS -- By Jack Sords Tops Oshawa Majors Penalties Westiall 75 THIRD PERIOD , Oshawi: Westlahi fiowr (Arnold, Edwards) ,, 046 car race, GERRY BLAIR { Oshawa jwmped Prosperity proved 166 much manding 40 lead at for the Oshawa Majors 10 cope the inf period and with, on Saturday might, in the (9 9 Whithy Community wrens o the Lending the Nepenee Comets, laved 14 with less then 19 minetes middie frame cig Able od , the ri erally 14 wp om of the Majors as the ly Tom Me A (mets in five goals in #84 Don Bellrnger, inte » com following the game, Ted O/C, THE 4 51.80, HH ody his 5 ' rredivie tually win the contest, 87 The Majors quit skating after viously given Oshawa Iiiding their substantial lead, margin. nd cow with the sudden The Majors eame to Wile once sree of power from Hapanee, more st sare of the third {onnd themselves in the role of period and scored we mare A the underdogs in the series once [rom the sticks of George West| OSHAYA -- i; fe more. fall and Byd Amold, two fence; Smith, dnaras; for: Napanee now holds a 21 lead old wer horses Don Bellinger Mla, Garrard, Roman in their best-ol-seven Eastern and Don Senior took over, seor- Wk; Alls: Rennick, Mae an Ontario OHA Intermediate "A" Ig Wo Kowls each slong with Eran, Wills, Westie Arma finals. Fourth game of the ser: Gerry Brady's singleton give Tureski, Barrage, 1awson, ies will be tonight in Napanee, the Napanee Comets the vie FIRST PERIOD with & ith game also in Nap. tory, 1. Oshawa: Tran gree, on Wednesday night, The MAJOR WIGHLIGHYS , , | (Maclean) Comets won the (oss for the Mike Cirka was far from being 2, Oshawa: Wills extra home game, thus the brilliant in Saturday's loss wl | (Westiall) freereres reason for twostralght home ter playing standout hockey fn| #. Oshawa: Maclean games, the preceding play-off ECO | (Kennick) Oshawa's inability to win their ters , , , The defensive wniti 4. Oshawa Lawson home games in this series may floundered badly in the fatal 19 (Romanvk, Vestal) ' he termed ss the deciding fac: minutes of the third period and. Penalties -- Ma Fiin itor, should they fail to rally and appeared to miss teammates Green 4.16, Calver and \take three of the possible four Sam Ashton and Bam Smith, rage 12 7, Kdwards 13.2 games remaining. The Majors Ashton was sick in hed, while mani, Lawson, jalver, are scheduled for only one more Smith started the game but Inger and Brady 15.24, home game in the set, providing injured his wrist in the Opening SECOND PERIOD they eapture at least one of the period and had to retire from) 8, Oshawa: Mills next two contests in Napanee.lthe game . , , Napanee secom: (Westfall) terriers 24 (erowded fixture list next season {But on past pertorman es, the plished the victory Without the) §, Napanee; MeAllister 4.2 , home game element in play-offs services of their two mor e| 7, Napanee: Senior {without the League Cup, They in Ochawa's instance, can hard: prominent 0 il, 7 (White, Jackin) +..v0 1056 will be representing England iy be anything for them to get Toppazzini and Tom Good 8, Napanee: Beliringer in both the European Cup Com excited shout iellow , . . In the dressing room re , Oshawa: Amoid | Phil Hill, 93, from Sante Men (BRINage) reveeveee 00 ica, Calif, was at the , Wapanee; Senior when the car the checkered (arin, 1660) 1, 110 1 ot. he Tol ne om th / Navanas; Fenian 2 - ms Sirve AWE) srrrveveeeeee BH ' BERIT apanee; Fredy of the nearest contender, (GIR) rrr ereee 1800 Ferman, , Bapanee: Beliringer BRIAOEY si rrerreeeee , Wapenes: Bellinger (Jackin) rereveeere 1851 Penglty ~~ Cirka 10.50 Goal, Cirke; fe = Toe rine ee, WA fot Ts M0 76 WITHER» a A vefer to roll-your-omn... ROLL WITH THE BEST! YOU'LL ENJOY DEALING WITH ~ SPECIALISTS! SERVICE STORES "BEST BUY" NYLON TUBELESS! reser OLD COUNTRY SOCCER English Soccer Players Say Agreement Not Kep By M. McINTYRE HOOD bpecial London, England, Correspondent to The Times LONDON =~ The row hetween 4 I 174 LH Bar 2, Ro Bell With come smokers, only @ cigersie they have rolled themselves ghves them the satisiastion they went, And you usually find thet meet of smokers favour one 1ohocse above oll others, That's Player's Ciger / famevs for queliy, new and flavor, and the fr needed for perfect rolling, In pocket pack or holf-pound tin, rere (Senior) and Lakeshore playing perhaps half a schedule A date for signing players was set for Wednesday, April 12, at the Legion Hall, A 'movie, de signed to stimulate interest and knowledge in minor hall, will BUS RADIO 2) 3, on JSRIHUR. ont. (OP) = v 1e Public Utilities Commission np © { here is considering installing ra: ey V hn] dios with spomkers on transit [YD buses, The PUC will assess the | p success of the neighboring elty of Fort Willlam, which has in stalled a radio in one bus on # Majors were led to a close victory by Tim Nelson, as the little rearguard hooped 10 followed hy Olinyk and Gra: ham with six aplece, For the Collegiates, Gunn played standout game as the Donevan > " ve Ax |DEtition for league winners, and -- ciation and the ng 11 n| te Kurapesn Cup Winners Com ' . EIR " F WHE petition ue whic strike was u angus, in viich hn January,| These contests, coupled with Legion Meeting hes flared up again with re-|the regular league and cup newed violence, Unless there is schedisles next season; will give » 8 radical change of front on the|'Ne Bpurs ahh 6 ie Eames H ) of the League clubs, it will they can possibly squeeze Into 5 a part ¢ Ay Leng hi Bp next One Season a (®) in [he Shown Stor on for the hene-| 5 at # { 7 Df aspirin naye yo i 3 ie y Jodivion to he ream CHANGES The Oshawa Legion Minor Having recently returned : Mier iki] fgets was dis new threat of 8 its wi Tonic| At the last minute, many im: Baseball Association held a from what was described as a posed of, discussion turned to might well bring Bhout B BPI portant transfers took place, to meeting Sunday, at the Legion constructive convention of the the difficulty in locating coaches within the English League enable. players to turn out for|Hall, fo elect officers and dis: Ontario Baseball Association in for the various teams in the In January, an BEFEEmEnt | (hejy new elubs for the rest of cuss the fortheoming season Kitchener, Alf Brisehols report Legion ASS0C, Any of you was reached between the play: this season, Bill Dodgin, Ar-| Afred Brisebois was sean ed having tendered an oral in-\fathers out there caring to ad:| ers and the I4 ague On NEW senal centre « half, has been elected president, with Bill vitation to the effect that the vance minor hall in Oshawa, terms of contract nd Whgts transferred to Fulham and help: Langton and Ed Gibbons first next OBA convention be held in by giving 8 few hours of your To put these into e ot, the ed his new club take two valu-land second vice respectively, Oshawa, with the sponsoring of time & couple of nights a week League Management ommit:| ahle points from West Ham. |Ape Cockran drew the post of the Legion Association, A mo: \can inquire by calling the Le: tee had 1 Sav up hey Jeger Stan Crowther, former England secretary fn an unanimous vote, tion from the floor was passed gion, You are not expected 10] ons, ant A Ay declar |inder-20 Jing halt has moved To strengthen and add sup. that a written letter of invitation he Casey Btengal's out there, 8 ne ff ogame {from Chelsen to Brighton sorting weight behind important! be presented to the OBA exec, | after all vou will he eoachin ed to be wholly unacceptable 10! Sian Bieele, crack Port Vale! § welg ind importan after all y g the players, forward, has gone to West decisions of the executive, Les Which convenes In Oshawa, few Mickey Mantle's, Bromwieh Albion Harry |J0hnson, Pete Muzik and Bob April 16, at the Legion Hall | Coaches are needed for these NOT IN AGREEMENT Leviand, Blackburn, goalkeen.|¥elton were elected executive] To give young players a great-|leams, plus the liberal support | The claim of the players' re: igi laved in the Tri bi directors, {er opportunity of ecompetition,|of parents in general, in en: resentatives 1s that the regu final 24 been transferred A John MacDongld of CKLB, plans are afoot to affiliate so|couraging their sons toward the ations do not implement the Tranmere Rovers Bob Ed. along with former Viee-Presi-|far as a schedule goes, with the Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball agreement by which the Janu-| Sova tir, cri tend has dent of the OBA, Ab Walker, Lakeshore League, , , , Even|Association, ary strike ae averted. ( he one (0 Northampton "Brian| Were elected honorary directors, 'though this may mean Oshawa Saturday svaning, 4 n 1, ayers were opin irch, Oldham { ard has P------ Again at the Legion Hall, a hat the vital right of player| TEC0, m_lorward, na Sportsmen's banquet has been to Rochdale , , , Neville " p to change his club at the end [id tor "Bolton fins lanned for 6.80 pm, If you of his contract was conceded by| Bannister, Bolton forward, has or - t Tr have not acquired your tickets Aneoln, struggling st _ the league in the agreement, fone to I b as yet, you may do so during m of Division 8 , , , ' {he Langue In 1a" new. regua Bl Niaon, of the Irish li . . oly TAR tions Distillery, has crossed the Irish Jou HK y Ys d pul 8 to become a Norwich play: 1n ene 1 ame ---- Mont of. the most Tiwari er , , Hearts of Edinburgh iii of hr TRE men of have acquired Maurice Klliolt| priday night at OCCI there some of them have intimated high-scoring Quien Of the South was action galore as the Major ) ' Y that they will lead the opposi-l oer caiented player from Btir.| 1) "ars defeated Collegiate tion when the regulations are All - Btars by the score of 44 presented 0 the League's gens| 5 Albion, fo" 48, with all proceeds going . 0 the "Tom Chasczewskl Bene Or meckin® on ADEA Neaders| ADVANCED 0 FINAL [fit Fund", are saying nothing, but are waiting to see how far their hard - won agreement is im. lemented in the rgulations, { the regulations do not give them what they had believed had been agreed upon, the bat. tle will be on all over again, OUT OF LEAGUE CUP Tottenham Hotspurs will again.refuse to take part in the League Cup Competition next season, They will probably be oined in this by Arsenal, hel: leld Wednesday, West Brom: wich and Wolverhampton also staying oul again next season, These five teams did not enter this season's competition, There is justice In this decision #0 far as Bpurs are concerned, Should they win the League and Cup double, which is quite likely, they will have a very PERTH, Scotland (CP)~Can- ada advanged to the world cur. ling finals against Scotland hy defeating the United States 14-9 Saturday, Scotland, Canada and the U.8, wound up four days of competition Friday in a three: way tle to force the first play: offs In competition history, The Canada-Scotland final will be played Thursday at Edinburgh, FOOTBALL ON CREDIT EDMONTON (CP)=A watch: now-pay-later plan for football fans has heen arranged by the Edmonton Eskimo club of the Western ¢ on ference, The Ed: monton club announced Satur day a deferred « payment plan for season tickets that will give subseribers until Oct, 1 to pay, The plan covers FEsks' elght The game, played before ap: proximately 8500 fans, started out with a bang with the Ma: fons applying the pressure with lynik contolling both hack: boards and taking a 28-10-18 lead at halftime, The best for Col: legiates was Garey Gunn, as e hooped no less than 10 n this half while play: ng a standout game, fn the second half Majors eon: tinued to play heads-up ball, as the Collegiates wilted under ressure and the Majors led hy pase took a commanding 40 to-27 lead with about five min. utes left in the game, Then with the erowd urging the oCllegiates on, they "went-to-town", mueh to the delight of the erowd, and pulled to within one point hut hut they missed a foul shot with 10 seconds in the game to blow Joints home games in the regular schedule, a hard-fought game, player got 11 big points, fol: lowed closely hy Etchells, also of Donevan, with 10 points, We would like to thank all the people who participated in the half-time show; the hoys at Central who did a terrific job with the running of the big event; the cheerleaders from the three schools; the players, the referees and everyone else who helped out Including the coaches from the schools, COLLEGIATE ALL . STARS = Gunn 11, Eichells 10, Higgins trial basis, Do you know the full meaning of The Lord's Prayer? It is a short prayer, sasy to memorize, but what does # mean! In April Reader's Digest a well-known clergyman starts with "Our Father , , \" and, §, all from Donevan; ) Nicholishen, Tymoshik 8 from 0CCI, Goldsteln, Kutziner 7, Reeson from OCVI, Totel 48, Fouls 11.0ut-of-28, MAJOR ALL-RTARS = Qlinvk 6, Graham 6, Boivin 8, Clarke 2, Winters 4, Nelson 10, God: dard 6, Kelly 8, Brady 8, Total 44, Fouls 10-0ut-of-10, ph by pl , reveals the depths which underlie the fami. liar words, You'll find more meaning in Easter this year, and fill your life with new freshness and hope , , , by read: ing this thoughtful article in April Reader's Digest = get your eopy today, Want a new boat for the family? IMPERIAL # BAN K #7 swe bite Anelent Wooden Mode of 8 Bhi Bund, 1000 AG. Ape Oates Museen, Toreats YOU... hop inte an OK reconditioned car and enjoy this long Easter weekend to it's fullest! / o) Here's a glimpse of some of the outstands ing buys now at ONTARIO MOTOR SALES + ++ all set and ready to go! 1960 ONEVROLET Deluxe A heautiful door model In shawreem ondition, SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE 1957 PONTIAC Deluxe All set and ready to gol 4-door sedan (n smart 2-tona with custom radia, SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE 1985 CHEVROLET Deluxe Complete with gas-saving overdrive. 4-dear sedan complete with radio, $845 SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN , , , Buy EASTER SEALS OVER 90 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED OSHAWA $2095 140 BOND WEST, RA 5.6507 A 750 x 14 670% 15 PLUS RECAPPABLE TIRE Here's double protection for you at a price that's hard to beat, This Goodyear All-Weather gives you the extra strength of 3-T Nylon cord and the added safety of tubeless design, Only Goodyear can offer such quality at such a sensibly low price, Choose @ pair new , , , enjoy worry-free driving, NOW !! oousLe auanantee!! LIFETIME~PLUS-~ROAD HAZARDS BUY NOW -PAY LATER OAR RADIOS | 0.0.M, BIOYOLES Reg, 89.50 From 0.95 | 39.95 IS THE PRICE YOU PAY THE PRICE YOU SEE , , | NO HIDDEN EXTRAS OR GIMMICKS GOODSYEAR SERVICE STORES 162 KING ST, EAST RA 5.3512

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