The Oshawa Times, 27 Mar 1961, p. 9

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ed, In George the picture are Murle left, first | president of the Oshawa | group and William Edwards right, president of the Oshawa group CONVETSInG with | Michael federal mini THE SPRING CONFER ENCE of members the Junior Chamber of Commerce from this section of the pro vince, st Holel Genosha on Saturday, was largely atlend Pilots Fly upper nf vies Blarr To Niagara Holiday Skating [Of Pakistan Sunday morning a squadron Although many people of private alrerafl owners ook thinking of getting out in their off from the Oshawa Municipal gardens, and the children are Alrport and flew to Niagara thinking of playing ball and Falls kipping rope, the Oshawa Chil The group included Arena Commission an Trick, Larry McLean, Dean nounced today that the arena Kelly, Laurel Gates, Mr, and will he open for the children Mrs. Percy Griffin, Mr. and every afternoon during the Eas Mrs. Chuck Kemp Jimmy ter holidays Henderson, George Roche, Keith) 4000 Manager Bill Smith sta and Larry Wilson, Bus McCul:ioq impe Oshawa Children's lough, Ronald MacKenzie Arena Commission feels the Enroute they visited Hamil: children of Oshawa should have tan for lunch and continued 10l(heir last fling at ice skating Bt. Catharines Flying Club andiand the Easter holidays offer watched a display of Bky-divingl hat opportunity, The arena will and parachute jumping he open every afternoon during The aircraft circled the the holidays from Monday April American and Canadian ¥alls|3 to Saturday, April 8, from and viewed the ice jam adjacent|1.50 - 8:40 p.m." Norman dren noon Kurelo LE} 1 cul dry ol ATS group We WHS | group number \ who thelr uals me The meet W he held al Wednesday, Mar 20, in ie council chamber of the Civig Administration buildin 1] was of of 5 CAr wa if the eo the to the new New York Obhserva Many of the leagues and mm tion Tower, Other interesting)... ...tions such as the skating sites Included the new hydrojo,p "nchawa Minor Hockey As generating plant and oats pass: oqiqa ion = Church Hockey Lea ing through the locks at the Wel gue, and the CYO Hockey Lea land Bhip Canal gue will be winding up their ac The RCAF Air Transportifivities this week, However, ice Command exercises were VIeW:iwiy ha kept in the area for the ed at Hamilton with a displa¥|oniidren to skate on the after of Otters, Harvard and Ex specified pediters , Next Sunday at 0800 hours a HELP PASS TIME breakfast flight to Brantford As holidays for children at will take place where the pilots Faster last a week, many par will have the opportunity of in-lents will find that time hangs struction in glider technique heavy for the children and they " are looking for something to do » 0 the arena commission feels Probe that hy keeping the arena apen Police in the afternoons, the children will have a chance for some ™ healthful recreation 5 Accidents Children's Arena Commission Chatrman William an Total damage was estimated nounced that the arena will be al $0145 in five weekend acel glased all day Good Friday and dents reported hy the Oshawa Police Department. One woman was slightly injured J. Pauline: Snudden Rally To Study Farewell avenue, received lip when the car she wa » oo was involved in a collision Integration of an Albert street, south af Olive | avenue, Sunday at 1250 pm . me aero war aver Ethnic Groups Karol Foruga, of 243 Clarks street. Damage tn the « wa \ of Oshawa people estimated at 8750 vill meet with representatives An estimated 8320 damage ve: of the federal and provineiall sulted from a three-car eollision governments to discuss a pro on King street, east of Simeoe posal from the Ontario Welfare! street, Saturday at 83 pm Council that a conference be (ne car was driven hy Helmut held ta help in the integra: Granden, of 122 Bowman tion of Oshawa's various ethnic nue, Whithy, A second cal with other organizations driven hy Benjamin John Malda \ of Oshawa eit of Newcastle. The driver of the have demonstrated other car was Kenneth | interest either as individ: | Crawford, of RR 1, Oshawa br through their organiza. Two cars were involved In a tans have been invited to the! collision on Simcoe street south, meeting hy Mavar Christine at Highway 401, at 12.30 am. Thoma wha will chair the Saturday. Damage was esti mated at $175. One car wa driven hy Charle Mervinig nm Gaines, 30 Arthur street The ny driver of the other car was Rob ert Ennis Hanna, of 228 Na street An estimated $300 damage ve collision an Simeoe street north sulted fram a two-car callisionjal Alma street, Sunday, at 1.13 on Centre street, north of Atholla.m. Damage was estimated al street west, at 2.40 p.m, Satur, 8500. One cay owned hy dav. Betty B. Brooks, of RR 1 [Robert J Armstrong 150 Oshawa. was driving on King § ast. Th cars. The driver of th | q car was Jean Achmataw whey 1060 Somerville street J ca \lired Dayle, of "Two cars were involved in a 434 Clendanan street, was Frank | the ster of lahor, who spoke al | Robert Winder the evening dinner, In picture William Hart, president of the lower second from left the Oshawa Chamber of Com, talks with a group of Aare merce isitors, From left Arena Announces Club Told are Faster Sunday so that the staff may spend this important time home with their families, The CYO Hockey League will play its playoff games with Tor onto CY0O Leagues on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings during Faster week; while the Oshawa Hockey Association will wind up activities for the year five and juvenile section of the league Minor Monday with in the midget Easter games on hig FRIDAY NIGHT SKATING Arena Manager Smith stated "Regular The ular this year, is closing this Wednesday from 84 pm I'he husy place this winter are ually busy summer of roller skating, We peaple of Oshawa facilities, as we have 10 use try stated the manager Friday night skating will finish for the season on Fri day, April 7, while the under 12 years of age group would fin ish on Saturday afternoon, April a] pre-school skating ses sion which has proved so pop out Arena has been a very and we looking forward to an eq schedule invite the our one of the finest sport centres in the coun CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and dis trict who are celebrating their hirthdays today Mrs, Marion Clark, 153 Ign street east; Ralph 180 Na street Wilbur, HR 2, Osh Fackie Rogan, i864 Humewood; William Dray 4 Bond east; Colin M5 Trent St, Bars Atkinson, Courtios Brock, RR 1, Narth Mrs Lillian Hows 242 Conant street; Mrs G. Morgan, 364 Arthur St Betty Molloy, 8 Gibb street; Jack Semenko, 428 Centre street; Debhie Cows an, 457 Dovedale drive, Whithy: Bonnie Broome, 426 Perry street, Whithy: Robs ert J. Peters, 1143 Cedar street; Margaret Lewis, 63 Highland avenue; Richard fackson, 772 Whitman Cy Henry Jackson, 503 Minto streel; Caral Rosenheck, 603 Gibbons St; Arthur Cale 533 Masson street; Jane Chesebrough, 78% Hortap and Mrs. E. Warren, 832 Myers reel The Iarvi iu Nhron Wil ton Chase hara Louise Oshawa ard W first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good far a four-week period. The current attraction is "The Angel Ware Red" and "The Flame and the Flesh" on hirthdays will d y the Reparts h ceive ¥ miv bhetw wours of 8 am, and 10 a Phone RA 3MN m Duties Of Police Officer Defined | Acting Crown Atiomey Bries Affleck sid Saturday thet the Auty of the poRae is to PIRg #R pecnsed 6 nal, MRE he crown FUGIREY § [RETIN 18 16 sek (hat evidence is fairly and propery adduced. It is the duty nei ther 18 get convictions Mr. Alfleck was speaking 19 members and delegates atiend ing the Jumor Chamber of Com- mera annial Spring Conlerence for Drstniet 7 at Hotel Genosha Avprosimately #5 Jayeees pe presenting seven chibs atlend ed the weekend conference PUTIES DEFINED In developing Ws theme "The Adminstration of Justice ond the Police", Mr. Afieck went on 10 define the three main duties of & police officer The first consideration is the protection of life and property AL the scene of a hit and run accident, the police officer must first be concerned with the life of the vietim, rather than the apprehension of the driver of the errant car," Mr Affleck said The next consideration is the prevention of enme, which i unsuccessful, can lead 10 the third aspect the detention and apprehension of enmingls IMPARTIALITY ESSENTIAL In stressing impartiality Mp Affleck said Those persons concerned with the administra tion of Justice must see that rules which are established for the protection. of the individual are upheld, even though it may seem periodically to allow oh vious erimingls to escape with out punishment "But considered ally, it works to the panoramis benefit of Concert Honors Taras Shevchenko This year, Ukrainians through out the world are commemor ating the 100th year since the death of Taras BShevehenko Ukraine's most outstanding poet and thinker: the man who was at all times a champion of the greatest ideals of humanity | freedom independence and hrotherhood Ukraine, due to its geographic location and unusually rich na- tural resources, has for cen turies heen the target of greedy invaders, Each of them (tried to overcome it singlehanded when this proved impos sible, they united and divided the country between them, Thus Ukraine's history through the Nelson Allan, RIA, execu. centuries 1s a constant battle against foreign oppression Ontario vice president of Jaycee , Let man, president of District 7 Junior Chamers of Commerce and Lloyd Delaney, Ontario vice-president Oshawa Times Photo tive vice-president of the Soclely ot IRANDA of Industrial and Cost Accoun-| Jt 18 these events that Taras tants of Canada. who has re. Shevehenko has made the foeal / p f gtie erealivencss cently returned to Canada, after! point of his poetic crea a visit to Pakistan, where as Simultaneously, he is keenly con part of Canada's contribition in|scious of the needs of other nas the Colombo Plan, he partici: tions, With this prophetic vision pated in -the foreign aid pro.|he saw the emergence of a gram for that county gave family of free nations of the members of Oshawa Kiwanis | world Club an interesting insight into " . Yh 'APACITY AUDIENCE the husiness life and conditions| Al ABITY Al RIEN seal 3 & SNAwWA seal of Pakistan, as guest speaker were left unfilled at the Regent at the club's weekly meeting Theatre Sunday night, as the Speaking from first - hand d " Hh el Wii the speaker related UKrainian-Canadian Committee's the tremendous growth of the Oshawa Branch staged A enten: inial concert to commemorate city of Karachi, which grew in m population fram 200,000 to 2,000, the memory of Taras Bhevehen 000 jn just 10 years, creating ®° 3 tremendous economic and social] Alex Shestowsky, president of problems the Oshawa Branch, told the The three agencies contribut. gathering it is 100 years ago) i / [since the death of the Ukraine's ing to the development of Pakis:| greatest poet, painter and think tan are. the Pakistan Industial Development Corporation, con:|®' cerned with establishing large] "Above all industries, the "Small Industries was the awakener of the 1 Corporation' for the develop:|and we are here tonight ment and assistance of smaller|honor his merits of heing business and the foreign aid/the father of his country, program, to. which through its/ president said Colombo Plan, Canada is a ma He read a letter jor contributor John Diefenbaker The education business ster of Canada Taras Shevehenko from prime in kills and administration, of the|Diefenbaker said it was only fit: afterwards the commander was tasty 0 was de- ting that a statute of the poet be Insidiously assasinated, Soloist and Alex Badowy) soribed by the speaker, with the [erected in front of the Manitoga =lhor Zaifert people of Pakistan Canadian government supplying |leglislature to commemorate the technical personnel accountants, to Pakistan and ain imigrants coming to Canada) bringing Pakistanis to Canada |and the 100th anniversary of the| for education and business train: [poet's death | ing CHOIR SINGS HYMN In concluding his informative : | and interesting talk on condi: The concert apened with Shev:| hymn tions in Pakistan. Nelson Allen chenke's Testament, a declared that the actions of Written by him The audience countries like Canada is making 800d in hushed silence while the| 1 O0shawa Ukrainian Mixed Chair sang the hymn, It lasted about | 1 minutes | The Mixed Choir then sang] SPrametey" and "In The Oreh | ard," followed hy a half-hour| poem hy Mrs, O. Lysyk, entitled] The Dream," hy the poet being honared The Three Paths," and "The Open Grave," were the next two numbers on the program Mrs. 1. Luchak and 8 Tykajlo were the soloists for the first of the two selections and Mrs, L Hueculak and P, Nowosad were the soloists in the second selec a very favarable impression ane nol influence in south east Countries such Canada and Australia are help ng the under-developed coun tries to help themselves and he cause It is recognized that there 15 no ulterior motive, this assist ance 1s accepted without fear ay prejudice. Mineral Club Holds Meeting The meeting: of the Oshawa Hon Rock and Mineral Club was The chair was under the di held recently at the CRA with rection of 8 Huminilowich tho vive - resident, Julius Zn: oypvEMENTS OUTLINED sky, presiding YR ANE Re b Dy, # Sahan, president of Dass Jack el and History at the University of new ea #5 Niagara Falls, was speaker of A the evening. He outlined the Tune 17 was announced as the \ shieveme: \ e Ne L} date for the banquet with fur REeverments of the pot fn krainia ther details available later The chairman informed mem 1 d ollowing | te Sddrens hiss bers that an exceptionally good Tainan a hy grou display of gold is at the Roa) depicted the ward of Taras in Ontario Museum in Toronta song and music played on their Julius Zilinsky a lecture 30-stringed instruments which on the different svstems of originated in the Ukraine mineral classifications Mem. The Bandurists have been bors were supplied with pe. viewed on TV and all across tatoes and knives and asked to/Canada and the United States out each as {t/ They originated in Kiev, the was described Dutheil capital of the Ukraine and are thanked th now centred in Detrait The d With a panular Ukrainian Arthur Haske Th 1 meet: sot 10 words by Taras Shevehen ing will be held April 20 at the ke about the wide Dniepr and CRA at 8 pm great Asia Rrown welcomed gave orystal shape Mauries peax SOng won hy lof the handurists oppressed, This song tells ahout and KE Ikraine|# lyric song, set to the words of . to/Taras Shevchenko, in which the about the romantic adventures been appointed to the senlor| called beauty of the Ukrainian land is/of a lovely girl, = Words: Taras ¢ltizens committee of the Ontario| "(hel desoribed Hon, music hy Dennis Sichynsky, The mini: [scout in which Mr.|Nechay, that danger is near, and|in 1018, Music hy Hryhori] Ky. he completed on time including [60th anniversary of the Ukrain:| ROOMS" = a humorous song|Shuliga, | society ae # whole, ss or 95 lem is predicated won the pre mise that i is better to let i gilty persons gn free then in comer one IBRocERt Re, Mr. Allee added COURT ATTITUDE In Acgiing with the aifitude of the conrts (owrids B CORYIEL ed persons, Mr. Affleck s#id the nature of the individual is taken ipin consideration, as well as the nature of the enme." From the five agencies wiih govern conditions of an The Hon, Michael Sarr, MP, federal minister of labor, speak | ing » 4 dinner Messin shend | © ent ewe officials @ ndinidual's Behavior, RE deieoates attending the Junior home, school, CECH, COME Chamber of Commerce annie) ana matates of convention, we Spring Conference for District get some iden of the KT, said that Canedians showid grownd of the convicted Person. (ace up tn reality and admit that Knowing just what makes IWS recession has # snowhaliing person lick, and the CIFERm:| oifoot stances of the enime, we ther ~'iye have faced this snow: apply the sanctions of pWeh- wong situation since immed ment ~ deterrent, reformation ately iter the war when the and rehabilitation, prolecion of cool out hacks came in 1649 society and restitution," Mr, Al 7+ d des Sui / The Blunt fact is that we were flee said saved in 1050 and 1954 hy three Oshawa Jaycee Verne Morion things ~ the Korean War, the thanked the speaker for an in- Marshall Plan and American teresting amplification of the ap. defence stockpiling," Mr, Bar plication of justice wih Head table guests at #4 DELEGATES luncheon were: W, Girling Mayor Christine Thomas and Oshawa unit, A Oshawa Chamber of Commerce president, Etobicoke unit; Fresident William Hart Ke Edwards, president, Ogh- head fable Jaycee execy awa unit; BK, Wunder, vice-presi- [ves to hear Mr, Blarr speak at dent, Eastern Area, Ontario; Hotel Genosha, Over 45 Jayeees C, Letman, president, District from the Lindsay, Peterbor Seven, B, Affleck; A. Tock ough, Bcarhore, North York ard, Oshawa Jaycee L. De and FElobicoke, along with ap aney, executive vice-president, proximately 25 Oshawa Jayeees (mtario R. Fair, president, attended the dinner, which arborough unit; G. Bradley, closed the three-day conference president, Peterborough unit, | Mr. Starr went on to say that McNaughton, president, North the big Asiatic and European York unit goods producers are forcing Canada's hand. "Thus, our free enterprise system will have to he geared for intensive competi tion, both with other similar ystems and with the coercive ystems of the satellite nations Mr, Barr said, "When you eon ider what West Germany has dope with a wide open free en terprise operation, as compared 0 the stagnant condition of satellite Vast Germany then you must he impressed," he added the SEL YELATY Ran ddd W WETE with as hackground, narrators fold of the events which took place throughout Ukraine's history In the finale, the song "Live Ukraine' hy contemporary com: ECONOMY GROWTH poser Michael Hayvoronsky was, Mr. Starr went on to talk performed ahout economy growth. "There Narrators were Stephan Chor: are two ways in which it ean nij and Alexander Sadowy) he made to grow faster," he were P, Badowy, 1. a' Popow, B, Kossak EK. Kosikowsky, P Eoloists Zaifert, G ¥F, Pohorily Pacholuk The Ukrainian Chorus condustor Potapenkn CHILDREN SING To open the second half of the concert, the Ukrainian Mixed Children's Choir, under the di.| rection of 8, Tykajlo, took the spotlight | When the ehildren completed their part in the program, the| Bandurists took aver for the re: mainder of the evening Following are the musical] renditions they gave to com: plete the program CANTATA hy the outstanding Ukrainian composer Mykola Ly: senko, written on the Both year since the death of the poet | Soloists: P. Pacholuk, P, Sa:| dowyi, 1, Zaifert, 1. Panasenko. | "THE WIND BLOWS , , "| and carries into steppe the song sass i Bandurists was Peter STAFF MANAGER Sam Black, agent for the Prudential Insurance Co. of America, who has been pro moted to staff manager at Budbury, A resident of Bow: manville, Mr, Black has work. ed in Oshawa and Bowman ville and is keenly interested in juvenile hockey, SONG ABOUT CARMELUK= a folksong, Karmeluk appears in many Ukrainian songs as the herole protector of the poor and| romantic adventures Karmeluk. Soloists Ciura "THE SUN IS SHINING" = of Ustyn W. Kucher Shevehenko, Music; M, Fedo rw SONG ABOUT JURIJ TIU. commander, TIUNNYK, fighter for freedom BALLAD ABOUT NECHAY = warns his Soloist: Peter Sadowy) E, R, Huculak was program "PICKING THE MUSH director and settings were hy A, Pa Seen here pretty girls is chenko centennial concert in the Regent Theatre Sunday the group of who acted as L ithe endless steppes of Ukraine | usherettes at the Taras Shews ® night From left are Donna | Petrowsky, Teresa Kuchma. SECOND SECTION MONDAY, MARCH 27 196) anadians Are Urged Face Up To Reality "senior Tye Oshawa Times PAGE MINE seid. "Fist by increpsed pri "This is why we are teking vRie expenditures and second: sleps, In cooperation with the br by increased public expendi provinces, to double present ve: tres cational and (echnical training Mr. Starr disagreed with the facilities in Canada. We have economists' view that demand put inte motion considerably for goods has fallen off creased BOVEIMMEnt COMM "What is happening is thet ments and expenditures in the demand for Canadian - mad e field of housing, sewage dis 200s has heen siphoned off into pesals, municipal incentive pee demand for goods made in grams, rural rehabilitation, other countries ~ that is why when renewal which is sll now maniHactieing employment has getting under way," Mr, Starr not gone wp," he sa said Mr. Starr cited examples of He added, "This massive come the measures heing taken by mitment in the public sector the government 16 stimulate will help to take up the slack manulactunng: changes in the until the privaie sector of the class or kind made in Canada" economy gets rolling #t (op anti dumping laws, making capacity." loans available; allowing ex Head table guests were: 6 ports 10 he sold on credit terms; Murless, first vice - president, the setting wp of the National Oshawa whit; W. Girling, secre: Productivity Council; lahor and tary, Oshawa wnit; C. Letman, meetings in Otta- president, District 7: W. Hart Wi president, Oshawes Chamber of In the public sector, Mr. Commerce; Mayor Christine Starr said the educational facili: Thomas; W, Edwards, presi ties are not up (0 the standard dent, Oshawa unit-chalrman; required for the conditions of M. Starr, guest speaker; I. De. our time, "There is no doubt in laney, executive vice-president, my own mind that we must do Ontario, F. Ball, conference more, much more, in educa: chairman; F. Upshaw, second tion," he said vice » president, Oshawa unit, Red Cross Aids Family Reunion The March meeting of the Oshawa Branch of The Cana dian Red Cross BSociely was opened hy the president, Fred Roberts John A. Cameron reported that after prolonged negotiations by the local and the Interna: tional Red Cross unit in the United Kingdom, Mrs, Anas tazia Fil was reunited with her son, Makar Fil, who resides on Wilson road south, and his fam: ily, Mrs, Fil arrived in Oshawa via Moscow and London and was looked after by the British Red Cross, Mr, Fil has ex: pressed his appreciation for the co-operation he received from Red Cross, PRUGS SUPPLIED management March clinie, the monthly quota was not reached. Six hundred and forty-one telephone calls were made and 417 appoint menls were made HOMEMAKER SERVICE Two hundred and thirtyfour and one half days of service was given In March by the Red Cross Homemakers, Forty» nine children were cared for, was reported by Mrs, J, Burns, chairman of Homemaks er committee The loan cupboard service continues to be popular and Mrs, Hoy, chairman, reported all hospital beds and wheel {chairs in use al the present time, ALLA . The 41st annual meeting of mere 4 Vie omar Dolo To Cami Drugs were supplied for a diss 11Vg. 'concert hall te {abled veteran, a number of 18M: york Hotel, Thursday and Pele ilies were supplied with groeer-| gay" ois "andy "Lieutenant ies, supplied transportation for geist 1 "8 "Burns, DEO. a man to New Brunswick at the app "Nee 2doices fo the Bove time M his, fathel & death and |oenniont of Canada on disarmas 1salied lwo layelies, ment former commander of the inl wil servioon; 0 MAMIARD Pores in seus ordenel J ' Ces LJ] first aid class of 80 students he the nehher at the et Is being solducied at Ihe Sal: on Thursday, {lege Park Church an e Osh: | 10 awa Missionary College, THOTE pin My Mabe ¥ was also a class, intermediate, |gonnody Anderson, Mrs, J. of 12 students al Bt George's gyne "Nps N. Hinds, Mrs. 1, Anglican Church, Approximate: you "'n "if "Stroud and Mrs. ly 100 graduates of first ald and |p") "aroun e will attend as home nursing will receive thelr goroeares. certificates and pins at a recep: | EM y tion to be held June 18 at ih It was reported 1,656,556 Ca. Gregory's Hall [nadians have received one or ind, {more free blood transfusions AID SENIOR CITIZENS |since the Red Cross service was The senior citizens of Hills: established, The Oshawa Branch dale Manor continue to he sers/i8 proud of its part in this |viced hy Red Cross through|worthwhile project and this ser: the Red Cross Tuck Shop, Mrs, vice 1s made possible through W. Baldwin, chairman of the the co-operation of the Greater citizens committee, has Oshawa Community Chest, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SURJECT The ever-availability of spirit, ual enlightenment was empha- flged at Christian Science | The Blood Donor Service ve: church services on Sunday, Mar, (port was given by the vice:|26, The Golden Text was from |ehairman, Mrs, C, €, Murty, Psalms (87:11): "Light is sown [Because 162 donors failed to|for the vighteous, and gladness {keep their appointments at the!for the upright in heart," Division of Red Cross Mrs, J, Swindells, ehalrman| of Women's Work, reported the sewing of the yearly quota will & 3 RARE TURES | NERO 8) (18 3 TTC Re PRETTY GIRLS SERVE AS CONCERT USHERETTES | Kuchma, Gloria Sworik, Lynda Engenia Nedozytko and Ca | Mandryk, back vow, Luey ; " Steaik, Oshawa Times Phote

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