Mes. Elion presented 8 pF io Mrs. Lithian Peters, # former Grade § \eacher whe recently \ LODGES AND SOCIETIES i615 the teaching Matt ¥' Pupils Present Program "At Conant H&S Meeting I"DACGHTERS OF ENGLAND (by Sister Habend 08 Commit' ss Shuts semmenced thet! ie The Daughters of Engiand, 146 the official opening : The March menting of Conent (hele vaviows wets Bnd Bese "Empress of india" Wo, 15, hele The next ragiar mesting Will os with | Home and Schoo hssnciation TER is due (9 thelr lencher its regiier mesting Wn the a held on Trieshey Api 4 April, ot which 8 was held recently with » large THe, VISRULEFS Fepars whilOrange Temple, on Wess) uum WARY LODGY, Wil hid open 3 attendance, Mrs. loan Smale tend by Mes Teniong. read hd evening, March 7} The Fegwior Mecting 1ov Parents #9 : president, opened Mes ui 4 «8% with the | Mire, Senate and, OT President, Sister VOWS piace recently Wn the Orange their oioren's Wilh Baldwin, #0 Tre y A ayion, presided with Vice vrest Temele of Creer Mary 108g. teachers the oo am Mrs, Fred Vesorchu ave Stand | gop Sister Vana Haband, as bg 4 with Worthy Mistress fis ing the convention in Toronts. | Chagiain Sister Hy pda A ar 41 The teaching Hatt hab CRETE zs dutegaien, A HOmMMOING com | os \ter Dovothy Philips pr ' of the enteripioment ond Wao mista wae formed inciting] TV" 168 Wn the devotional per" usristed by depty mistress, He 4 the "tumbhng classes" tor The Mes, Thomas Kidd, Mrs Fred! 98 ter Margaret Martin, ™ first part of the program | Britten Reter Sister Jean Wilahes yeporied. Prayers were read hy fhe rie' class were trnined by Mise by on members whe were il, Sister chaplain, Sister Gertrude | Mrs, Donald John Gatraith introduses J ander, Wiss Bowes, assistant Ni Aes Hardoand was regoried to and the flags were prese by id On Fora Sneed fren pi ; i%l in prea Wor {Sioters June Goodman and Ne teacher, The Bins were aes Guorien #1 Melaughim Public]? 0 hospi 5 in white Wiese and Wack shims fara ne ik ditayery| Fy District Deputy, Sister Han tie ¥enion b : wd periormed with grace m8 rules and regulations of the Kirkbride reported on & visit, Sisters Kisia Chimbley was re | AEiiity, The haste sleps In 10m library, and nviied parents 1s|'? Hillsdale Manor tn present & ported (no he & patient In hosph ne were Asmonstrnied, lead go their children sual neque for instalistion of Inter tel ing Wp 10 the WIAIRE of & PITH heeome members, She read pas | 167 the rooms | Final AITANEIATS Wes mid sages from several chiidren'sl Discussions were held on var made for the Ly Ad Wah The hogs' class was trained by hooks {ious projects for future welfare Whe ¢ igi Pon pu ed iad 8 Mr, Michael Banks, Grade 5 Mrs, Bertha Edmunds' class setivities vg A ] at the 4H nd § teacher, They lavked very| was, the winner of She roam ol A [74 o arts is jo be neta co 27" P rt in white jerseys # ack! tendance banner. Mrs, Witham on We y, April 5, com oan, Two Ay ed #5 #2 Tymehk won the door prize. | mencing #t 145 pm, convened oF Ther suporis Were Wade by tramp and & fat lady, added, Tefreshments were served byihy Sister Marione Carey, Past 0 or sions for Sm hae much comedy and received Wig the mothers of the pupils In President Sister Mary Hurst pro Ponaues +4 Mar 4 Appisuss. 'Te hoys excelled grads four posed (het the group Wolds # "wus draw prises donsted Wy past presidents' might. Kt Wasigiiers Vi Ambrose, June Good | dee ied 10 hold on Tuesday, man and Annie Toms were Won May 16 hy Sisters Mary La Mere, Fler | Jo Aldwinkkle, Women's Editor Dial RA 35-3474 174 Ritson Rd, 3, ~ Open Daily fo 10 pm. Specials! Mon., Tues. & Wed, BUTTER "™" "" . 68° BREAD ""*" 2 ,. 33° EGG SHAMPOO on. 49° SOTTLE SLICED Draw prizes were won by $6 nor Mitchell and Mprgaret Phil ters Wilda Constable and Wink lips fred Mills Hefrashments were served hy Refreshments were eonvened Sister Mary Hayes Talent Night Draws Large Crowd At Cedardale H&S Meeting w tka THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Merch 25, 196) The March meeting of Cedar J dale Home snd Bechool Associa Wkiwisidisiiiia : BAKED SUGAR-CURED HAM IN HOLIDAY DRESS Build Your Easter Dinner Menu Around Ham Glazed and Garnished With Fruit Compote the time of year fatty part of ham and spike it Brown 4 tablespoons flour In when the artist in every hostess! with whele cloves. Bake in un: oven. Put 4 tablespoons of hin really comes inte her awn And covered roasting pan, hasting ter In sauce pot and make hot tn capture the spirit and spar leccasionally to get a beautiful Add brown flour 10 make kle of the Faster season a baked brown frosting roux, When cooked and blended ham is traditional for heliday| Ham is usually served with 84d enough brown stock and entertaining. This recipe 18 plan | cider ar raisin sauce apple juice to make a medinm ned for ten people, HW 15 not toa thick sauce and whip well, Add difficult and can he halved for] GARNITURE FOR HAM eniugh honey Ly sweeten, y+ small families ar doubled for & IVE ! ou BEI, cloves and elnnamon 10 big family gathering wiirve fii aad ham taste, Add enough tomato puree Easter is BAKED SUGARCURED HAM | (Ham=10 = 1% ibs.) ! Place the smoked ham in cold compote; brussel sprouts sauted in butter; fried sweet potatoes) leider sauce Fruit. Compete; Boak valsing deain sprouts until tender and| INE to give 8 nice color, Cook alle: | gether and strain through fine strainer Brussel Sprouts: Conk and 8t, John's WA Barvinok Branch Tour Telephone Co, Prior to the March business meeting, the members of the Bt Women's Association ok Branch" met #t Telephone Campany. There they had a conducted tour of the vast network of switches and wires which comprise the tele phone system services in Osh awa and is link with distant cities and countries, Following the teur the Barvinok members were served refreshments In the modern, spacious calelevia Far the business of the meet the members drove ta the nd #t home will he distributed Master Ud (whieh consists of Mrs {Grigorenks and John's Canadian Ukrainian ada, Mrs. John Masiewich and formed as follows "Barvin Mrs the Bell Charge o tion drew Br record crowd on skills using playhalls and skip Png Fones Miss Dianne Phillips, Grhde BREAKFAST BACON .. 59° 4 and §, danced two square dances, "Turkey in the Stray" and "Double Bashay"', A eho from Grade § and 6 sng six selections under the 'direction of Mrs, George Drynan and pssist ed hy their teacher, Mrs, Kpth leen Foy, st the piano The choir closed the program with the singing of the national] Talent Night'! with Mr, Daniel thodex patients in the hospitel Shutka, principsl, acting Bs of Ceremonies Preceeding the program # Waller candy sale was RB great suc Koren a Mrs doh ' cess, under the convenership of Woe ey memners wi Ge 8. George Thomson and Mrs assist, Barvinok also agreed to Mis, ph Pha 4 eater to a tea following a re gional meeting of the Ukrain! Mr. Bhutka nounced the ian Self-Reliance |eague of Can. YArIous Rcls as each ¢ lass per PURE mn 19° 148, PKS, FREE DRAW ON BABY BONUS CHEQUES Will refund the smeunt of your shogue MW your name bs drown, Ask for deteily in our slothing ond drug deporiment, the hospital commitiee |anthein hil | Mr, Shutks thanked the ¢ Joseph Maga will be in| A musical play entitled, ""Theidren and teachers the arrangements. Three Bears" by the silernoon| A short husiness was presid:| Mrs. John Kostick agreed (olKindergarien class, under theled over by Mrs, Alyn Elliott! convene the hame haking sale|direction of thelr teacher, MIs. president, The minutes were) whit h wil he held furing the Joanne Kerr, A dramatization vend hy Mrs, Gordon Beaton Toaing hasanr sponsored W Blof a Bible story, "Noah's ATK" The (reasurer's report was ' _ hy Miss Pamela Blone's Grade given hy Mrs, Gerden Me Mrs, Walter Kuch and Mrs. 4 class |Quaid, Offering to act as nom Dyt Abe wil a Ri chat he ake Mrs. Alma Widmeyer's class, ination commillee were Mrs © (Grade 1 and 2 entertained with Donald Leavitt, Mrs, of vetlve candle stands for the | ehureh Refreshments were served hy the hostess, Mrs, Donald Sade The April meeting will he {two dances, "Bow How Belin (da, an American Volk Dance and Children's Polka, a German Folk Dance, Miss Karen MeDow: James, Curran and Mrs, Peter Doi- Veen, The room prize was awarded to Mrs, Joanne Kerr's Kinder:| Fragrance this EASTER water overnight, Then put ham|until seft. Cut Peaches thick | sg : {home of Mrs, Donald Badoway | WaY into hot. water And SHE! Hien, alin As fag i icy Joule inter "nti slightly | foe president, Mrs, Nichalas op the hime o fim V8) slowly allowing 20 mins. per I0-lsmall pieces, Cook altogether in| Nweet Potatoes; Pre-cook| Bemeniuk opened the meeting '€F HYigOrenso Ham is cooked when smalliheavy syrup with cinnamon, | sweet potatoes by boiling or with prayer shank hone can be loosened claves and a little lemon Juiee. | steam until tender. Cool, then| The secretary's easily and remaved Herve oold In sauce boat peel and eut lenathwas's the|read hy Mrs, John Drain ham and take skin off.| Cider Sauces Make 8 brown same size and shape as french|and an aecount of the treasury Trim off surplus fat {meat stock sauce as follows =| fried potatoes and cook in deep Was presented hy Mrs, Jahn Make up # paste of one-haltlroast hones and ham hones, fat approximately 850-478 de: Dutchak and Mrs, John Masie mustard and enehalf brown chopped vegetables and stewed grees, Remove from deep fat Wich ell's Grade § elas offered # garten Class with #7 parents | [demonstration of ¥hythymie' present, -------- TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA | report Wah Gareglad| bh) " sugar to a consistency of may: lomatoes mulade, Spread evenly aver thelmately seven hours and strain. move excess fat and serve hailed for approxi: and place on clean cloth to re GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES ONWARD GROUP The Onward Group of Hay | mony United Ohyreh held its) monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Gemmell | The president, Mrs, Earnest Jukes, apened the meeting, The devotional period was led hy Mrs. Norman Gemmell and Mrs Ross Edwards The secretary, Mrs, Alistair] Fulton and treasurer, Mrs, John Maile, gave thelr reports Mrs. J. K, Grosjene spake on the latest beauty tps and re freshments were served hy the hostess 17TH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX The president, Mya, Clayton Hewer, opened the meeting of the 17th Beout Mothers' Auxil lary with prayer Mrs. William F, Clark vead the minutes and alse a letier from - the assistant provincial eommissioner extending an In vitation to the Central Confer ence to he held in Murray Street Baptist Chureh in Petey horough on April 14, Mes Clay ton Hewer and Mes. Kenneth Whiting, the vice-president, wil attend Mrs, Gordon Jackson present ed a past president's pin th Mrs James Morrison expresaing the appreciation of the Auxiliay Mrs. Garth Gillespie vead the treasurer's report Plans were made for a May tme tea and bake sale Mra Gordon Jackson and Mes. James Morrison to have charge of tok els Refreshment Mrs. Jahn Buveh and Mis rick Chappell WEST COURTICE H.-R ASSN West Courtice Home and School Asseciation held 1s monthly meeting recently It was decided ta have a sec ond hake sale on March 29 Two delegates will attend the annual convention at tha Royal Yark Hotel in Toronto an Apel! band 6 My David Savage SOCIAL NOTICE | ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Hilts of] Oshawa announce the engage ment of their daughter, Bar para Ruth, ta Ross Wilkin Gra ham af London, Ontavia, sen of Mr. and Mys, Norman Graham of Palmerston, The marviage is 10 take place an Saturday, April] 1. at 2 a'cleek in Christ Memos tal Church AT HOME Mr, and Mrs, James Kellar, NT Albert street, will be al home to their - relatives and friends on. Friday, March 3 fram 3 to 3 and 7 te 8 pm on the occasion of their 8th wedding anniversary, were served hy Pal managel | interested to hear was guest speaker : Interesting talk on "Citizenship and Brotherhood" CHEERFUL GIVERS Mrs, A, W, Brown presided at the regular meeting of (hel putheran Church, held its busi: Mrs [group served refreshments, (of the Odeon Plaza Fheatre, of the Group to he formed In He gave an|iheg her| B. H MeMillan and GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD The evening Guild of Grace ('heerful Givers Group of King ness and devetianal meeting re Hireel United Chureh Wednesday afternoon The secretary's report and roll eall were given hy Mra, Russell Mallon Mrs, Jack Perry led in the devotional period speaking on Easter, Mrs, Ross Glover sang two solos "Near the Cross" and "In the Garden" accompanied at the plana hy Mrs, Douglas Lander The following announcements were. made on Mareh 27 at 8 pom: a meeting for all women under the chairmanship of Mrs HR, Bury for the purpose of explaining the New Group United Church Women, and to set up a provisional committee April 4 at 8 pom, In Centennial Hall, The gues! speaker will he Mrs. H.R. Hare of Whithy On April 11, KB pm. the WA have invited the WMS and all # speaker the Vietar Home for girls Mrs. Lawrence Allen ex plained same of the highlights CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Southmead Park Pleasant Mon, Aft. Club Past Matvans' Club, OES 10D (Prince Philip Ch) Castle Chapter Alumnae 14th Seout Mathers' Aux Oshawa Lionettes 10DE (Golden Jubilee Ch.) 20th Scout Mothers' Aux Willing Workers TUESDAY TOPE Club He-Behe Lodge Pil. Peter's WA SA Home League al Matthew's Guild Christ Church WA Canadian Legion Ont, Regt, Assn Haly Trinity WA H-8 Council Jessie Panton Aux Court Oshawa, 10F Albert Street WA Calvary Baptist YWMO Sth Seoul Mothers' Aux King Street WA Arvilla MeGregor First Baptist WA Friendship Group Darcas Group Hela Sigma Phi Darvas Group Nellie Dearbam Gp THURSDAY Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Chueh Eve. Guild Aux Aux Aux Aux WMA cently at the home of Mrs, Amt March Mantynen, There were 16 mem | hers in attendance The president, Mrs, Vietor Hartwig, opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer The minutes were vead hy the secretary, Miss Margot Knox and Mrs. Jack Steffen gave the treasury report, Mrs Clarence Hansel and Mys, Ivan Mitchell gave a report on the slek and visiting Mya, Leslie Curvans eharge of the devational iad Refreshments were served hy Mrs, Clarence Hansel and Mrs Mantynen The next meeting will he held had pay al Mang HOUSEHOLD HINT When vou Include eheese in your meals, vou're providing vour hody with valuable milk nutrlents=protein, caleium and riboflavin, 11 the cheese is made | fram whale milk, there will he! vitamin A alsa { the home of Miss Carolyn! The Sunday school committee eansisting of Mis, William An drey and Mrs, Peter Dohroshin sky will be In charge of the breakfast to he prepared for the ehildren following Holy Communion on April 8 Mrs, Walter Kuch and Mrs Nicholas Semeniuk agreed to approach the ehureh executive ta see if badminton facilities Youth, A short discussion on the annual "May Dance' followed John Kostick, executive member, distributed tickets to the memhers present Faster baskets for Greek Oy (leaning Comments You ean't wear dirty slathes if yay wish 10 he held in high regard cleaning casts little and Is effective YOUR GLEANER I§ YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND! ------------------------ PLAYOFF HOCKEY 3rd GAME OSHAWA MAJORS vi, NAPANEE WHITBY ARENA Saturday, March 25 8 MM, (J) reduction an all pe dung marsh ane of jutta'y medeling \ 4 hairdo 9 aff create a haw sonality an 5 ¥ tpl |pPEINTIEnt today RA 5-4321 \ ita BEAUTY SALON leauld be provided for 81, John's | Precious remembrances of 8 joyous season! Perfumed tressures by Bilssbeth Arden, wrapped in springtime's pastels and gally rinboned for spasisl giving) 1 will y4 OF BB OF Pi RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS NOW ... say 'CHARGE-IT' | BUY NOW! PAY LATER! Read all about Zeller's 3 easy-to-use "Charge-It' Plans , , , then open the account you choose for Greater Shopping Convenience, Credit Office opens Tomorrow ! J PLAN NO, 1; THE 30-DAY "CHARGE" ACCOUNT WITH OPTION TERMS + You get a "personal Charge Card" for fast authorization, When yeu get your menthly statement, you decide - the method of payment far that menth, and pay in your way, Pine Grass Perfume Mist (a heavier concentrate than Flower Mist) PLAN NO, 2: CRERIT COUPON ACCOUNT « FAST AS CASH TO USE - Tell us how much you want in handy Credit Coupons; $50.00, $100.00, $250.00 or mere, Pay no meney down, Small regular payments fit your budget, Blue Grass Poll Puff Dusting Mavis with PLAN NO. 3: SPECIAL ACCOUNT FOR LARGER PURCHASRES ath Boap ==\Jse it when buying furniture, appliances, ete, Make your selecs tions; take your sales check to the Credit Department where cons venient terms are arranged, No meney down and take up te 15 menths to pay. aster Basket lue:basquered Wieker Ine Grass Petal Waters Hand Sesp lower Mists) on, part Seep BRING IN OR MAIL THIS SIMPLE APPLICATION , , You'll have the "Charge-It" Account you choose, almest immediately ZELLER'S LIMITED EERE EEE ER) NAME ADDRESS ciry PHONE | WISH TO OPEN A (ERE EERER] PROV, | (EEE EEE EEE EERE ER ENE "CHARGE: IT" ACCOUNT PLAN NO. State V, 2 or 3 with Blue Gram Bath fuwuries ' | Signature TERRA RANRARANANY EMPLOYMENT Open | Cloved [Fivm | | | | HAVE ACCOUNTS AT Store | | ; jo Long 'CHARGE-.IT' ® No Down Payment finer te ZELLER'S - LIMITED 2» HKING SY es . PHONE RA 3.2245 USH AWA "SNONE RAS: RAS Ah4¢ SHOPPING CENTRE TEVENSON'S RD, § PHONE RA 3.220% ROSSLYN Py 21 SIMCOE ST. § PHONE RA 3.23%