The Oshawa Times, 25 Mar 1961, p. 6

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The Oshawa Times Fiaviisnas by Canadien Vewspopers Limited, kb King 5. &., Osnaws, Ont Page ¢ ___ Setwrasy, Merk 75, 196) Rights Of Individual Take Another Beating In the opinions of # god many people ~~ many of them classed se oxperiy in ther fiside ~ (obsess is # aise of cancer, candy 8 ease of tooth decey, wid liaguor & couse of PInEToNs wilments, There is loo the claim thet VES RABICISING CTERIES B COIIRin Pumber of unnecessary widows, end overeating # cerigin mamtmr of unnecessary widow: ers. But even recognizing some validity for sll these claims, there remeing the belief thet the individual hes certain ngliensble rights with which the state may not temper nor even for the citizen's own good But sre such rights inslienaiie? Consider this excerpt from the report of # committee of 8 provincisl legis feture in which it is argued thet elected bodies accept responsibility for the pro- tection snd improvement of the public's physical snd. mental hesith: "Such » right to bodily integrity is recognized hy lew only to the extent thet i is not qualified by statute interference with bodily integrity, spart from law: ful restrnint and punishment, has be come » political and socigl problem only in recent years' In the same report of the tame coms mittee it is noted thet meny Canadisns assume the existence of certain fundas mental rights thet enjoy complete ime munity from sete imsrierence, But is srgued in the report thet these rights Ee hot guerenieed by constititionsl dociment snd therelore sie wibiest to low miaicars Limmnmtions on madifications; "Bone of the recognized civil rights or liberties sre shschute and unqualified, For example, one of the most brsie rigs ~ freedom of speech -- is himined by laws imposing penaities for sedition, Wlasphemy, ohncenity and crimmingl libel #nd providing ewil remedies for defame tion. Restrictions snd qualifications upon the free exeicise of any ght sre ese sential for the purpose of protesting vitel community merests and, in the fingl snelysis, the civil rights themselves, Under our system of government these rights sre not placed beyond the control of the Legislature, which can from time to time modify or alter them atid ROVETTINENL Cammities the fluoridation of municipal water supplies on enacts ment of locel bylew and without # referendum as # means of reducing "tooth decay, The provincigl government necepred thet recommendation, Whether These excerpts are fron of an Ontarig thet recommended or not fluoridation ean achieve all that its proponents claim is still & matter of controversy, What is certain is thet the rights of the citizen have certainly taken a licking As Others See Us THE REV. E. A. BOMBAY Pentecostal Church, Oshawa What is 8 Christian? During twe years in East Africa 1 had to answer that question honestly many times. Africans and Asians assume that anyone whe goes to church is 8 Christian, If one is not Muslim er Hindu then one must-he 8 Christian, But is this se? Not only they, but all the world is entitled to an explanation, The distinction hetween Christian and non-christisn is more than 8 matter of color and geography, A Christian is, in the words of the Apostle Paul, "a new creature", He is "horn of the Spirit of God" does not "live after the flesh, but after the Bpirit", A Christian is not se by the accident of birth or an set of unwilling baptism. He has taken Christ #8 the Way the Truth and the Life, All his lope of forgiveness and eternal life rests wlone Jesus Christ. From his daily life flows the fruit of the Spirit, To call anything less than this Christian is dishonest and misleading to sll the in non-Christian world Other religions point to their morality #8 being as high our own, This will be so until professing Christians become Living Christians, When this is so, the world will be treated to a spectacle the like of which it has not witnessed for nearly two thousand years, Then the chief complaint against Christians was that they "turned the world upside down", When Christians become Christe jan they will have the same impact today whether it be in Oshawa or Osaki, Protection For Trout The Quebec Department of Fish and Game has announced & han on sale of live fish including bait fish taken from waters throughout Quebee pro- vince, Transportation of live fish, in cluding minnows lampreys, has been prohibited in most areas of the pravines The ban was ordered in an effort to keep trout streams from becoming in other and fested with perch, sunfish and undesirable species that may he carried to trout water in pails by fishermen whe like to use live bait, A spokesman said the department will "tolerate" individual fishermen taking minnows for bait with a small net, He "There is a tolerance, but there are conditions, The minnows he the person netting them in the same lake from whieh they were taken, Ontario could restrictions, The transportation al live al water ta added used hy they must and must he used ¥ well consider similar minnows fram one bady The Oshawa Times OL WILION, Publisher snd Sanaral Manage 6 GWYN KINNEY Editar nana [mes SMB fhe Ganaws Tine bi. (87) and the Benito Gasstle and enc ablianed (8831 WB BuRinhed daily (Sundavs snd stalulary halide ated) mbes #0 Canadian Dall pare Publishe Phi bin The Canadien bio wdil Bureau #f Chisulation ana the Ontaria Pravingiai Dailies Awe Flaten Canadian Pren enshasivaly entities "hs pleation af all wes dapalehed In he poem a mn oa ta The Ancciated Prawn » and alsa ha leeal news published hare oe at wesial derpatehes als ale vee namaen Buia 445 Univers Avian " Ware #40 Cathcart Sheet, Mantieal, RQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cangwd Whithy ant Perry Poines Franshinan'y Bay Evan Hen, Llargmany he Co Daliversd By sar en Aan Ne. Bowmanyitie Breakin Hamptan . f We Dunpartan Leakage ovanam Button Greanwend Kids Raglan Has iiack Pontveaal and Newsaatia nat aver 45 pravingg of ORtanal suteide 200 shavers 1300 om Maps Wave 1 Lh i . Liverpea Mana Calman Manshei ie week By mal Wn SRrTiene daliviny SSN wa Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 1961 17,223 another is now forbidden, How effective this ease it does not make much difference is, we do not know, and in any in the southern part of the pravines, where trash fish multiplied to such an extent that their eradication would be virtually impossible, But in northern areas there are still thousands of lakes and streams still free from the prolifie goldfish known as species, And there still to be perch, the overgrown carp and other coarse ather extensive fare RIBAS opened up ta sports fishing A highway now rns fram Bault Ste, Marie through Wawa and White River to Nipigon and the Lake. head, This opens up a new and splendid narth area to, the sports fisherman, Those whe have penetrated it hy or canoe that of it Is an angling paradise, with speckled trout, lake trout, walleyes and pike providing the sport, Farther north Vast region, full. of superb water, still to be opened hy waters must he protected can only be protected by more severe restrictions on the plang report most there is a to fishing outsiders, These and they use af live minnows as bait I'he logical method of contrel would be ta farhid the under any areas al the province Bible Thoughts Am I a God at hand, says the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can a hide himself in secret places miah 23:23 use af live minnows elreumstances in designated man Jere Sometimes we think of God as anly far away that is a mistake Sometimes we think of God as near, only our own but He us equally concerned for all people I will give them a heart to know that ¥ am the Lord shall return Nn me heant Jeremiah 24:7 or they with their whale Te know with the heart the heant blessednoss abbey fram that & the way to complete BOOK ENDS New Techniques Helping Newfoundland Fisheries (CF) New ANA new pre are neiping stim ecomomy of SOUIN cosas BURIN fishing cessing mam Wigte Ihe IREREINE the MNewlomundiand The fourth such ship built at nearby Marystown since 195% is the: longliner Cape Ballard It was launched recently and now 1s heing outhited for the fishery The Eisler Cape will Nfid YREBEIR and three LaHune Matthew fish and a New Cape Ballard ships, the Cape Anguilie and supply fish 10 Ba plant Harbor Breton lant at Kose Blanche on Fam Bi § southwest The vessels, approximately #8 tons, are heing equipped with the latest fishing and naviga tional equipment. They will he powered with 186 - horsepower diesel engine The fleet of vessels--10 are in hullt==and the new fish olants #1 Rose Blanche and {arbor Breton were 1ecom mended hy the Southwest Coast QUEEN'S PARK salt 1 il coast hr Commission sel up hy the pro vineigl government a few years BEN 10 INVESLIRRIE thE ELONGIHI CRILY BEPFESSRA BOUIN CORK BRIER of Newfoundland REVIVE COD FISHING Both plants will he in opers tion next summer Harbor Breton and Rose Blanche were chosen as sies for the new plants hecause the settlements and others nearby are the hames of the largest numher of deepsea fishermen in North America. The long liner fleet and the plants will give impetus to the salt-cod fishery, once & thriving indus try in the area bul practically non-existent for the last decade Despite gale force winds and low temperatures, the skippers and crews of six drageers nner: ating from Burin's fresh-fish processing plant have heen carrying on since mid-January supplying the fish that keep the machinery humming, It puls Premier Can't See Need For Penalty By DON O'HEARN TORONTO Can you he » fgentleman" and be practical? Probably the hest debate of the session was on the amend ments to the Municipal Aet It centred on two points amendments to declare fliet of interest" and the Ing of meetings But it really covered the hasie philosophies of the government and the two opposition parties on municipal affairs And at root this was the main point=--can you he a gentleman and also he practical OPPOSITION STAND Roth Opposition gued firmly against the confliol of interest section They tried and tried ta drum hame thelr paint that the law wouldn't work hecause it didn't have any penalty clauses This, they declared, made it impractical NOT RIGHTY Hut the government inferred this wauldn't be the gentlemanly thing to do It might mean fiolals would he minor affenees It wouldn't he the right thing Public opinion would take care of any culprits Liberal Elmer Sopha of Sud bury painted out that members of the legislature themselves are lighle for penalties af $3000 a day for infringement af the Legislative Assembly Act Hut no. This didn't budge the government WRONG ONCE Premier Frost, of course very much of a gentleman Rut fram time to time one has to ask whether this does nat unduly influence him There was a time a few years RE0, for Instance, where he just couldn't see Any wrong in a cer ain official Nearly evervhody else could And he since has landed in. the nurs DETER MEN There Is another pramier's which 1s arguahie He feels that a Hon would deter good entering Phe apposition disagreed And might it net be righ I'he eantliel of inte esl Clause presumanly 1s almed al the standard of munioipa! And some mon must certainly the 'eon eins parties Ar lnoal of far very that hurl 1s point af the PERAILY seq nen fram paditios whale RISING ite FOREIGN COIN LONDON (OF) he raval Min is 1a produce drachmas for Greece, the first non British O0IR 11 has made In 20 years A stall of TH men now turns out 1.000.000 colns a year he kept back now hecause they feel the standard Is low? In any event why should an honest man he afraid of poten tial penalties? GALLUP POLL a inte eireulation thousands of dollars thet help holster the economy of 18 ar 12 settlements in the gres WEATHER BAD The weather since the hegin: ning of the year has been the warst for many winters. There have heen days when fishing Wak almost impossible. Despite this, most drageers have heen returning from the Grand Banks with good catches, es pecially In recent weeks The Burin plant was started #glmaost 20 years ago and now Is operated on a year-round hasis. The modern draggdrs and the - winter fishery have heen playing an important part in the economy of the Burin Peninsula for the last 15 years Hundreds of fishermen and plant workers are steadily em ployed and earn good money when conditions are favorable, Monty's Memory Being Questioned LONDON (CP) A British hrigadier says Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery's memory "played him false' in describe ing the planning behind the ill fated raid on Dieppe Brig. Bernard Fergusson, In #8 A00-page history of wartime combined operations called The Watery Maze, recalls the "eur ous and fateful' decision to pro- ceed with the Dieppe rald Aug, 16, 1042, without an early al: tacking force of homhers Lord Montgomery is quoted by Fergusson as having sald in his memoirs: I should not my- self have agreed The de: maoralization of the enemy de: fence hy preliminary bombing was essential , bd Opposition Indicated To Government Control BY CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PURLIC OPINION Canadians don't wanl govern ment control of the banks, nor of thelr services, A solid majority almost six In fen ohjects to the suggestion an even larger segment than did 80 len Years agn I'he passing years, however, have narrowed split of opinion in regard to government owner ship of the Canadian Pacifie Railway, Today almost half the puhiie 47 per cent dislike the ddea. In 1951, & majority A pw cent thought this way Reactions te the thought af government running the meat packing Industry remains al a haut the same levels as they were at the beginning of the fifties When the Prime Minister told telephone GOVECONTROL FOR THE the Conservative conference In Ottawa, last Saturday, that So olalism would be the next elee; tion issue he reflected a solid Canadian belief that free enter prise 1s the best control fop these services and industries They have heen used hy the Gallup Poll as & test for publie attitudes on government oontrol versus free enterprise for many yours For each study, interviewers put the same question to a na tional sample of the adult popu lathon "NO YOU THINK THE FED FERAL GOVERNMENT SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT OWN AND OPERATE THE FOLLOWING THINGS IN THIS COUNTRY 1" (TRLEPHONE SER VICE; CANADIAN PACIFIC RAVLWAY; THE RANKS MEAT PACKERS) CPRT A comparison of national attitudes in 1051 and at the present time, shows a slight increase in the number who would like to see the government running the Camadian Pacific Rallway, and a solid decrease in those who would abject to the idea. Those who can't make up their mind on the matter have increased Ves favar it, No, disapprove it, Undecided \ TODAY AT% 47 18 1951 3% aM 12 GOVECONTROL FOR THE TELEPRONE ? Appraval for public awnership of the telephone service has drapped considerably Today almost ane in ten fewer Canadians endorse HH praportionately as did so wm 1831 Yes, favor it Na, disapprove ity, Undecided \ " MN TODAY ny, St} 1951 M 10 GOVTCONTROL FOR THE BANKS * Attitudes towards a socialistie approach to control of the hanks have remained stable Yes, favor it, No, disapprave 11 Unsleoided inl TODAY ne 2% a i 1} GOVECONTROL FOR THE MEAT PACKERS ? Least favored of the quartetle, is the idea of government ownership of the meat packing industpy with a solid drop of approval revealed Yes, favor it Na. disapprove 1 Undecided 1051 AT, a 1 TODAY AER aM 8) Warld Copyright Resmrved UK. OPINION Butler Popular Choice To Succeed Macmillan By MW, WAINTYRE BOOW Bpectial London (Eng) Corrsvpmdent he # # Times LOBIOB ~~ In sie of The BPA DIET Fak Tern | OR CARE mimeters Wie r wun Lied. len Maclesd and Fnecan Sandys, B. A, Bitler is Hil awey ow in fromt In the rack 16 sereed Warmd Wacmil: fon as leader of the Conseryie tive Party wand Prime Minister of Britain. The three others gis wisn rans. In fact, Mi. Hogs Aes Rt EVER REL B MERION WH # pie opieon poll In which Conservatives were asked whe they thought wowld make the best succesenr to Mr, Macmil i. A Butler was the choles oh. per cent of these BYRNE their ommion, In second place was Duncan Sandys, with mine per cent, Ilowed by tein Mas lend with seven per cent and Emest Marples, minister of transport, with @x per cent That very definiely pinpoints Mr. Butler as the man who will step up when Mr. Macmillan de cides to retire. from the party tenner epee eree UM Fonp he dissension in the Labor arty over defence policy has apparently had little effect on the statue of Hugh Galtskell as party leader. Labor volers were isked 1a stale which Socialist they thought would make the best Labor prime minister, The Srprising thing ahout the opin ion expressed was not the long lead estanlished hy Mr. Gait shell, but the glmost complete lack of support for the deputy leader of the party, George Brown Mr per named hy man whe Gaitskell Cent as Wis 0 the INSIDE YOU Spray Treatment Of Shingles Pain By BURTON H. FERN, MD Can anything relieve the pain which lingers for years afier an aitack of shingles? Shingles (herpes-zoster) 1s # virus infection like polio, While polio destroys muscle-stimulat ing nerve cells, shingles infects nerves that carry pain-messages to the spinal cord and hrain The skin tingles and burns, while reddened hlisters hreak aut along every hranch of the infected nerve Usually, the rash melts away snd pain evaporates. Occasion ally, the mgony lingers on Never-ending pain can turn any healthy soul inte & helpless in- valid MANY CURES TRIED No wonder so many different eures have heen tried! From aspirin to X-rays every possible remedy has been used -- often with some success. Injections of Novacaine and alcohol have numbed the painful nerves Nerve - protecting vitamins, nerve - destroying cobra venom and skin-damaging whacks with electric vibrators have all shielded some shingles-vietims from nerve-piercing pain, When all else falls, the surgeon's seal pel ean destroy the pain path BY-GONE DAYS 40 YEARS AGO The Seventh Day Adventists purchased praperly on King street east for the hullding of a ehureh Herbert C. Treneer, blind or ganist of Knox College, Toronto was appointed hy the hoard of management of King §t, Chureh to hecome organist following the resignation of Prof, T. M Harvey Whithy's newly organized Board of Trade with BR. N, Ras sett elected president, approved a site for the monument to the Veterans of the Great Wai Thomas Henderson returned to Oshawa after a trip to Soot land with the Canadian eurling team George Miller, well-known Oshawa sportsman, was elected wesident of the Oshawa Central eague Baseball Club Mrs. William Jacobi tendered her resignation to the Oshawa Library Board after 33 years of lihrarian service The Oshawa Golf Club, in pres paring plans for the 1931 season, arranged matohes with outside olubs and elected the following officers: President, Fred W, Cowan; vice-president, Dr. A. B Foard and seeretary-treasurer, Thomas Henderson. Mrs FW Cowan was president and Mrs MeDowell vice-president of the Ladies' Executive The Oshawa tax rale was struck at 40 mills, an increase of two and & hall mills aver the previous year , The Roard of Park Commis sloners requested the town coun. ell to set aside $25,000 for its use in park improvements The Oshawa Gun Club held a special shoot and the main event was a sweepstake under handicap wiles. M. Gay came first and F. Warden placed seo. and The Oshawa Library Board ssed a resolution hanning all SATSL Magazines and news: papers fram the lhrary, WE mEke he Test pre Iimeler in Nace, with § per cent, were ard Wilson and Michael Foot. Anthony Cresnwood, five wiaghan ad sernnd four my oWiectives win fon per cont that mder #y watll | metieve wd fight sent Askar whether (Rey Were pil " iefich or Mevntishied with Wr Gatskell us lender of the op position, W4.8 per cent of the So Riss questioned that they were satisfied ne, satisfied pacommied for 1.1 wont of these voting. The of a per cant had ne opimions 19 &7 REBUKE. FROM CHAIRMAN In view of this demonstration of faith in Mr. Gaitskell, some: thing of & chock (a the party lendership was administered by Ted Bill, chairman of the Gen eril Count! of the Trades Union Congress. In twa siatements, me In B speech # & conler: ence of Ir whlonists in Lon don, and the other in the month by report of Wis union, the Bole ermakery' Society, Mr. Hill de clared Wuntly that leaders of the Labor party and the trade union mavement must either seeept conference decisions or get out of office. In bis London speech he said "I will secept no ROCHs-POCUHS pent to Mr. Gaitskell, he cluded: "I tenet my eo wt top level will make » [ete now and net wall the wind Wows' LITILE TV IMPACT In # hook witten by two level research experts, Toneth Freneman, of Leeds Univer TV resenrch whit and MaGQuall, Wis assistant, they publish findings that the exten sive use of television in the last British General Election made very little impact on the minds of the voters. They found that even after a period of intense propaganda in the eléction cam. paign, public ailitudes were found to be very hittle changed and extremely stable The two authors. alse found that the function of the press remained undiminished by television. Nor is there any less reading of newspaper reports, They say : "The printed word is still the only form of communication in which the receiver can have full freedom of reference, read #8 and where he chooses # when he chooes "Only the press can adequate: Iy report the detailed and loos) wspects of the campaign, and set before the elector a full and securnte aeeount of what the parties are saying" (leaning Comments- The newt hing te new cloth: | 8 lytieaned slothing Sew your wordigke By diy cleoning "YOUR ELEANER 1% YOUR CLOVES BEST FRIEND" with conference decisions, whe ther they mre decisions of my own conlerence, the TUC or the {abhor Party. | hope my col leagues al the top will recog mize this problem and come out as good democrats, In the upper strata of the trade union bureau: eracy we are faced with peo ple who have decided that con ference decisions are not deel sions they personally like Are we ROINg to have the same Em ways In the brain snd spinal cord Recently » preesing spray spared 12 out of 16 English shingles-sufferers from the hot lights of the operating room and sent them home (o treat their own allment THREE OUT OF FOUR Cortisone or a plastic eosting of silicope cream shielded the skin from reddened blisters sometimes brought on by the frosty spray. After the first few stinging treatments, three out of four patients breathed freely for the first time In years, And they were ahle to bask in this pain-free paradise for many months, Four of the sixteen patients found this flash-freering did not put those stabbing pains inte cold storage. But never has so much shingles-pain heen helped for sn long hy so little! PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "From the time you are horn, till you ride in the hearse There's nothing so bad that It couldn't be worse," . Anon Query: Was the author of the foregoing an optimist or & pessimist? epee Hearing Losses HELPED WITH NEW MAICO BUPERIOR 600 HEARING AID Remarkable new & transistor hearing aid makes pessible hearing less correction that was formerly "just a dream", Step inl See this amazing ond powerful performer, - - - MAICO HEARING SERVICE #10 YONGE 57, TORONTO WA 5.2317 Write For Free Booklet | A military official says the 3 NAME ih Bd next war will be fought in out: , ADDRESS .... er space, If so, the foot-soldier ' will join the cavalryman in ob: § CITY | livign, as there's nothing to ' stand on In outer space . Another dark disillusionment has heen suffered by many re tired persons who thought they cold take it easy and make a comfortable income yunning a mote! pet Y TRANNY veeess PROV Or/muzases/e SE Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. Chartered Accountants 135 SIMCOR ST, NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO » RESIDENT PARTNERS ® TELEPHONE: Senden W, Rishi, 6.4, RIA, Shave, M A Alex WH 3. Burt KB, Waters, 6.4 Bowmanville Taith 4.8750 PARTNERS: Hon 1 Wo Monteith, FEA, MP. A Brock Monteith, § Gommy Gorden Wo Risk 6.4, BLA. oh Hobart W. Lightfest, €.A, un | Tethewey, 64, Burt BR, Waters, 6.4,

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