WHITBY and DISTRICT Whithy Burcan (Wiese: 111 Dundas 56, West Manager: Vioyd Robertson ------ Te. MO, BTV COAX PUBLIC Ignoring Disaster No EM Man hais that he is go file wi in BE Fung RBI BERR F ERE Pin i FIFE Aving FRAREEE THE pall RENE Were in REEINE RHRY these i Fhis aE staf people pemping life members of he gency Measures rgan Ca-nrdinatar of the wil Defence far the Omang, Cob. ¥. 5 ed yesierday of position taken hy ETAVE OFF DEATH People hate ta th nik IREY RFE MER 1h prevent i Many limes | members are frustraied by spparent lack of BICIPRE CRURE} cation hr adopt the view (hat "eoulan't happen Neie f if 7 IR HAL Win wie Fey FENIAGRCE Fi a Pen tn am the future" Fhis thie Ed, KRars th fa We ABE! a 9 SRYE YW Vane Hale EMO fC anty Talk FOmicR Ll wm Watt ne He iE of Aying an FEIN gM ne 1 ai Viefence 17] Mu of edu Y 5 WOTTON Ferner Frond are ACRE hie Ie Boar ain ann oy fu hase IRroughmi | ana ol em Whith placed br hy the Aj of # natinna the all in he ) artment. The Pal mild 1 he responsible for nobif of the | a Nise 3 ning " f |] Bensil) Fug olf ihe i horrars of tack, Instead In praviae mihi nually he emg physical care inthe Fin they er reANrE even! disaster Wallon He which mani En Aer } VATE estahlished J] RUECIERAE hamh # / Ihe a Ie n In io wil WE Na Hey Tif i a Are content heer of Aollars an artment educalim EYER and fond nin wha in aie} 12 guy Art i AVE FREAMMENAEH in nf #& natinna! nften pre ih regional NE fi) ni rm Hairman whith he chairman ipal Aeparim Whith plan Nol i nuthingn euler nie IL ed mum fine mal aslel Cal. Wallan Warn Whithy is pam established Palice Chief Lenrge Frankl I dant much ahouyt all ni N. Mel for Whithy) iw finan id fAepariment Fede I nave Ihe A ral n f gad and coax fl IABINE hr to establish lems and | can ad | 8 munmecipain ml NECESSAFY MEASITE adequate warning EMEIRENCY | If the municipality - doe want his advies then he thwarted "| tale #dded Emergen Iw non fn n n sh vill he anes know van (EMO mem We iT y cannm fi are preparalinne anon Easter Seals Mighty Weapon here are 226 service club Ontaria dedicated to nothing short af the unconditional sui vender of disease and deform ities that prevent little children from running and playing with their brothers and sisters a veritable army who rallies every spring for their annualils Lrealed and assault transportation and the The weapon they unleash on and appliances the general public 1s the Easter hy Wis disability heal a symhol of hope and nppartunity provided hy the On tarin Society far Crippled Child ren. Everyane will have naw rf ceived their Easier Beals, and this year a target of §875.000 in voluntary contributions must he realized ar same of the more than 15.000 handicapped kiddies acrass the pravince of Ontario will he neglected. Fram the simple act of sending tn evel nne a letter and a sheet of Easter heals, to the important husine of farming the society's palicies In Hs expan sion program for crippled child memh and acl he ee elun # keen interest In ren 1) lake pari hey lake pride the official lasen helween local health authorities and hociely in provided hraces m NeCessal in the than dus previous history VEIYONE Is ankes made Yeu has heen Iwenty five the whale mankind. | help the members of the clubs tn keep thi al Bram in aperation unt crippled child in Ontario has appartunity of happies and the chance avhis dependence. That they da Hinge neiel i in hd thelr f graw In plage in i olf taimin nal and contributing a habit making it their duly ee thal every handicapped child with praper el ans heing nationg a Jef he m I BOHR fir her he en en Rankine nn hey warking fr Ive AUBUMING the the 1 ale Mare progress in the care and : x treatment of the crippled child WEDNESDAY, March 20 past hl ne nl | In ef wn ery thi fife mn will rightiul healt mn eileen Hall WHITBY PERSONALS and Mis children Rickie asl weekend Mr, and Mrs Perry streat Lat | A118} Ihe Vi and and Frank Pel lahnny, Frag af Oshawa, s) with her pare Fred Brooms hid pany unde; their captain, Mrs, W. Allan entertained the residents of Fairview Ladge with singing and an Irish play, Lunch was served hy the Guides and alsa ba candy mad the Guide presented ta the resident evening ended hy singing Night Ladie Rev. and entertained Fairview teresting af shids the | play fn Manday, Bannie, daughie: of My. and Mrs. Geavge Broame, 15 celebrating her fifth birthday. Her friends wish hey find the Guides Cam leadership al al danghter af Anal, 1s | hirthday family hest nn Lay her Th hy wi Fh Linad hi hrating Friends of the londing thew Lorre Lynn I'he hey Ann Peel nels If Anne Grace Wal sisted ry aly Wishes Mi Hh (1 vichalson residents al Lodge wilh an in talk and the showing Craft wark made hy Kino alsa on di weekly euchie club me mel al the home of Hatherson with Mes hnste I'he lucky fn Mis. Hl (hhliawa acand Bathersan, low Higks, A deliciow wived hy the hy members i i wa Wile a \ hostess I'he nk kif ent 15} al My "i nay fix wm My ars Win Bart I Mis neh a devine LLL] NONE Cochrane street Solution fine member of the town of Whithy rouncil said JERHEIRRY fue Mid nek now whe this vepr's EME cn nrdinator wet fo Wty ob. Watton Wi FILES have heen competed FRERYA (9 What DICERILIONATY HEREHIE shania he LREen : He listed SEIVIEE Kh huiches. Words of EANERIIGN EANREN, TRIER) LON #08 ress, ridin ann TY ie 4 IE i Ld PREPARED SHELTER Becanse of (Omang Cowmy ig target wress fo) y The Nationg! FREIMINERAS TE { m / FRE RILY WEIeRy # ¥ [akin FY sryival J fallow Prepares ARAN hele fuge he # Naseem Nees Fre AY ging wind Mirection the Flan. mi sorth Bay in danger from radin agetive [alla of & hamh 1@his or me the mai Iargel area ) the United Bale Random hamh matfunctions in | RIMMING Ae CRS LONI CRUSE ROME Ek to he far fram their iarget Therefore CORINNA Hh Plan | CARSIAEY R FAN dam hamh as an ALEEPIEA Fisk h the knowledge thal being ar shelter will aur chances of survival from imal effects af Wasi, Has ar radiahion AUrNg eXpAsi Being shelter silpaied within a 10-mile vadius from the almnst 1M per cent projection from Wlast, ying lethal fragments nf material Hash harm f al radiation flash hhindne and residual ramiagiion i were in the apes Ih miles distance either one a eamhination of these danger will kill you." states the Plan Importance of a hasemen! helter heightened when fall oul is considered. Since the fall mil will decay 1a hive per ven! during the first 34 hours, Ihe first day 1s vital | CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, March #7 | [United Church YPU |e Baptist Church Expl mares wh 19 caused bh i] Ff a 1 WE mi I # hasement HRPIRYE in a nis f nm A ny bird Beouts and Cubs adie Auxilia Beauts and Cubs MA Chapter Ridge LOBA ith Laslie Vimy Nn, hig TUESDAY, March # Whithy Red Crass work nam Whithy Baptist Chureh CGI Faith Baptist YPA Dundas 81, E.. H and § Asane Whithy Girl Guides Asan Whithy Baptist Church 8 B's Tohn's Anglican Church WA work meeting Bl. Andrew's Freshyleens FHURBDAY, March #0 halvation Army Wamen's HI NEW PARTY MEETING in Thursday's edition F'imes repavied that Val will address a meeting al ew Party Whithy Union Broek street south, nex! I'he meeting 1s heing held Maveh 36, at 8 pm \ slog the Lhe al vieek an sunday al the hall with hasles af Mrs. Hicks Woodward a Maryn, daughter Kenneth Roman 1a her siti birthday Far the aeeasion heen arranged Mis. Nellie Hirst, of Jackson Michigan, 15 a guest al the hame al her nephew and niece Meo and Mes. Wichard Bonsall al Pavedale dyive Me. and Mrs, Jack of hillgloe, were the My. and Mes. M for a couple of days vine Jahn, son of My and Mis. Ross Woodenek, 1a cele hating Ws second hivthday an atu day. Many happy return af the day wishes are extended Mrs, Mary af Mrs celebrating an Aunday A party has Hayward guosls ol MeCannell My Leslie A. Luck, | have returned and Mus many happy returns of the day euchre will he held at the home fram a five-week holiday spent BROCK Evening Shows At 6:55 and 8:35 WHITRY Saturday Matinee At 1:30 cn SRS ny ENGR | RAN, Second Feature Attraction In Color PLUS "FRECKLES" with Martin West LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 3.35 pM Wn Lake Warth and Hollywood Flonda On Wednesday noon the (lg ver Leal Club members were en lertained alt a hat luncheon at the hame of Mis, BE. Nevtham. | of Part Whithy. All wembers were present. Alter the lunehean the members discussed ha hy SUIS 1 be BIVen. Games were alsa enjaved. The next luncheon will be held April 19 al the home af Mys. A. Barnett, Pant Whithy Mis. A. Bamelt has 1a her home: after spending a couple of weeks Wn Rexdale| visiting her daughter and son-in Mw, Mr. and Mrs. James Ste phensan. alsa wm Scarborough! With her daughter and Ww. M and Ah Wilthia 1 Punbaiion W guest of her son and family, My returned san 1 a And and Mrs. Archie Barnett 'Kenya League | Reply | mERting # the Cadei on Tiwirs mews Hh the Wh by Vienmug FoRiR Reve RIMMER 18 WHE DEB # commie WH 1he (1577, Ee can at add a ERTS RB $5 KH Pine wae ng of he ham Ie WER td 1 s (WR HES (WE Wome WEEWEy sel tion Army Home | azene Nes ARy BRYEPRE. The DOoRin wi iherge MH Mrs Ve ie Fhe mmies were regi (gion eh by the Bevmiionzl pened with Mrs. Eair pRB her gion aking Pre Lritain Babes £8 WHE DIRVE fining 1he business meeting Wi {, Bik er read # Ie er from Benya. Mics Home FARE HE IRIE E IRE BIW CHRG Eng Rerties their Mission wo hia a FhES 4 Damn the Fir Twi Bert Foie haiies SHalinid hey wrk wk # Chamber Wy i 1] add eS sedaded IRE BER WHRLY IBGE. WIR FREIBERG fr Wicks # The Re: siting WW the town BREA hat ty TIE BARREL received for the Petey GHRIR Bl 18. Becrelary Eien Witte 18 the merling J Al RITRBREME] WErE : 2 thie Fn inRlinne Rave Bee, for the Home League Bally ids We held wt PEterorameh mi 2. Vocgl members wil ening. FriRer RITRREEMES were made for the Mere h WHE HIWWET IRIE WRlk #& CHRARE, PIBLEES gn he wlficers Was served Joleen By MEmBES clases Ww DIRyEr Wi Hans Io § LI £ fk gla ade 7. Ve ¥ 1a £m 4 19 MAREE & IRIN Mrs JiRGrd Wireiiny he inyee Bw 4 ty fn 1 WHAFIET } H) (3 bf neh Wy ; # MEELING WEEN Wm nes form of ¥ Wainer Baber WEY form | he IA "i dol ey mes nny of Forme Ladies Society Easter Meeting Fae Fray of PY Reformed Lre NE an esiden ed he Lk Ane vil Prams Hie ia Ear Ann ang will eagle he ¢ in #arn and wn f ef av; m Hehron nf Kase Aarch 4 Melis wWeienmen Ihe art wo mnig i He hie { J hi f wh wi Elizaheth did H mes Fhe nen hren held Fhrsaay Hr MEELING present rani an Interkmenipl will 13k; (IF an India Eg £0 a wm { I Mou DINER i pr pit) and / Fou 3] f netuding BHF Fhe meeting aller Ir named #l ema Iasie Hanrda allie) Parade There will walsh and Ul of the fans pair abaling Fean nh 4 mings ie WEE which a hey He Ihe A ny Wis: Hall BUNE NW AEA Mi A mkeasuetinn read h 4 which a shart Inllowed Hing ram INBIE nl the mane duels fram Mi Melles and Mis. Meima, while Mrs an Per Heyden recited & poem he closing nraver was given hy if Verkuyvl and uneh i cial eommilies ed hy the HOLY HOUR family Holy How ed hy Brother Maurice 0O'Can nor of the: Whithy Knights af Columbus Council 480% was held on Sunday aliernoon March 19 al BI. Francis De Bales Chureh,! Pickering some 70 families Whithy In addition in the there will he prolessinnai siehnlls and he uh pros Richards Nichol) professionally in Bullale, Boehe Petevhorough, | nthe in her regiigi he will An far which FERNIAT an hale wh gi Meulen pang h # Flaine Barbara in Bmith Klaine khaled hows m | Ll] n in i CHBBION ey The vit yall filled hy the and h roma Fhoma addition Finite nimnei known Baharia Medallisl Wednesday euiel and Lilie a he 1 h Ann Binh | First Bai BVENINES 1} ana his A i BIVANE hers In fIguERs. HANS cating. Bhe is also a profs al at the Newcastle ville and Oshawa will again teach al Shore Summer Baling Ard Petre and Millie nat only planned (he lihs the and (hel ent fram Pickering af the Hal Knights WEIR IE Alas and Rev. Falher Tro fihast Valthers, Toronin, con ducted the Holy Hour and spoke an "The ahhigations and dul of families 1a God and In each ther ising rehearsal, anly a annthey lary IE Inte Dianne Mie magle Duncan gastume 2 Burkart, Mi Pilkey and My Laur Mrs Mrs h ya (£8 lie ahBeR By BERL LC GWEEr fH mew Kaley he gram hut have spent long hon Two Groups To Work On Mall alate) SEL w COMIMETEE AR Wane (oF # 99 Fok 5 wh hi Fi A a wt "Hl as ry 5A BVEE 18 B DARREL BE RBOBY INOW Skating Club To Present Carnival ~* colariul and eplerigiming wi YEF A) ted Police number and Ping fn fichard Ahn inal ha f in in skating nme well a Lian m Edi has mstiucted some of the mem and free nn Bawman ann Laks Behan Tacohn Hin alinieey WHITBY SPORTS PARADE Hy, GERRY BLAIR fie CIshaw a entertain then th Whith nl nf Kaslem OHA Interme s actin commences alt 8:00 p.m, ih, The Majors' abilit mueh pvidenee dawned the each pul SUCUABRIVE I'he never-sa f Majors Napanee tanighl the third Aldversarie fram il Canmunit Arena In game a hes! Ven far the Cnlarin ale ri title A tedad nf Ianight mn usual A 1a came fram hehind Vel hue 0-H earl Ir {1 piviterd Wa lay night in Napanee al the am le the Ale the second period drive netied them Fivs vaulted them inte A-4 |ead nine mare tally befare the end af the middle frame, hut Majors | ['} ME In the final went amgts, =1 to riumph In games, including twa In seVies al Eame I'ratling n LIshawa an whieh a goals and » Japanese managed Lhe continued rall and autseored 11 ineing fashion, The last and the apening have seen the Oshawa Majors overtake appanents at ane time ar another in each af the faw pantests the four tilts ended Qshawa's Monday's Eastern Ontario final's opener far the Majors, It appeared many peapls have talked the lightly mesmerized hy 'A plavers oh the Napanee rosie that Oshawa lacked the much needed produces winners, 1m the Hest in Manday® Fed O'Cannm in all probability instilled detyactive their minds as the complexion of the game reversed eampletely in the thivd perind. Oshawa ned ta then wl aecounted far the anly twa goals af the final frame, They the hut See minute any foul with they with Taranto twa encounter Napunes I'hvee af mn Only fed to produce a victory Tavoauy au and we with Majors . wer the numbers al proven I evident fortitude whieh AON AY Wa and weeand period nf the Malors thoughts game enaeh nin ret 0 angressive, farecheoking game ; similar taeties avertime San a defensive allowed Ted Tapp asain 1a scant in unmolested an Mike Cirkay and score the al 48 A sixaman attack with Cirka an the beneh backfired as Bon Bellingen fmply net with andy ane second TOWN AND COUNTRY United Union Hockey League All-Stars vpped the champion City Hall 4-1. on Thursday might in Part Perry ta wind up led lod Wl All EY al Skating the fodlowed 10 (RIL lake Ray Lanning cantinued 1) it undartunately winney seared intn the Femaining wi uh A MOSH aIerIaINInG season Calvin i Y wilh pa goal hy 1 fami | ol fly first wauld president Reig, Bill I Ww 0 Rang He tempus Hin we thank Hm { Veal He Ke 10 ih publicly play ar Lind axepuiive W \§ Hay 8 1 Kingston Frantenaes and Sault Ste. Marie Thunderhivds opened their best Eastern Pro R0es lamarraw ammunity. They pe thie Clase: and Ls ein elionts HL Mak) 1OARUE & SUO0Y semi-final series HTH game afternoon Wn ia A \! ih | Wa ton and A Our choices are bain ners Watering, 1 gh \ hihe 'TB Clinic | THE GHANA TIES, Reverbey, Weis 19, 961 Scheduled Yrs Bree Cowell (Bore) of (F wipes. Benak. Wes hier Row wink (Roam) onl Win. (vken Forsyth (Rary) bon of Soll . . sie, and wan 1 FARCTRIAT AR FAA AHA Five TF £m IE yi of Aisw we be Beth 0 (he Pisa cons Mes ¥. Roncow (Alwme Ree Mal mm Ari § ns d%). Yandont. Mer. § Lottie (Wiwwikik; Fini Wet 4 gd foe Bw Fibaioivi py an). Forms FECHITER [10M RR MOR ¢ Cenrge of (ikawe. Goion of We EERE WBA We kaiser in Fioriks West Will, Abert. Toros fie pase ation mM the 2 MM A / Wr nd Mis. HM. Aw Miz. Banion. called ow wid. Mir. We i i be was avid family cates mw Mrs. VW. Sadier and Wis. Baiden m0 Sande) . TIT wt Highland (eek on Sneey Wi. Waker Both nw Gk Ferry wa be 8 44 Bobigny Wr. 204 Mie ARAET HR BIE sora Oinerdi Hospital # the RI BRA rs. sper BWR oupsent time We 16 wished # Ay with her wsier ahd (amity HIRRAY FREI ETY Yr and Wis. BE Yiler iu Fil Mis Georg Kom ow Hampton cahed mw hn ' Wer ms & THROUGH POPULAR DEMAND Aldsworth Cleaners are pleased to announce the appointment of Boss Knox on Swndey Wr and Mes. David Liscowh whieh on Mr. and Mis. KB. Her as sales routeman for the Whithy and district ares, AER FREERNY You may treat Wim with full confidence, The regwier Merch meeting For all your dry cleaning needs dial direct 19 f o the Women's Wissionsry 9 ety was held Thursday aller RA 51812 Whitby Churches ; EMMANUEL Let's All | pepopupp way be im Mes. J. White and Mis tee tn he EERE had charge of the Be Vine #8 PIORIRm WER cominned. their theme he IY. CERRIT BEZEL AM Go To THIRD EEREESEIN, YE, GF HIGHWAY 1} Ch h 10:30 AM This W Family Monuments Erenied Tp ae Y Fag srameris STAFFORD BROS, Meorviargemat Works BIR PUMEAS EAST MO 8-3552 HERRERA That (amber em BEES ARR FRESE SEs TRERt 16 # BH RYEIRE I The Berry [5 WIE REA IATET RREFTETE BEER £8 het Remi fm Feier Verry Fibtin 52:4 het the Veils EARLIER WY The IRE LHIRRE - ERY Mi. (Wentnitie wie hor jakR NE Mesias, 18 Ay rani the panel of Wags IRE gh We 11 ae IB ERIE RRIF IN IR WHEEREE WF the Feier Verry Awaif shod WE EH REA The Feit he wight A #7 nw iy # ha " at i { wy ¢ @ sre were ma FRE THR} HRIHER, (R@t # Wi} JERE E MRC ES RB Brrr W EC awkay " # Fi Fh Fi wi ta dat Wik FIR Wi With £8 Ihe RIVE ' / Ls dl 254 how bu PEER Ww HEHRER iF H # vel 4 Wi Tank he RIFE MREME 'we Lied [or verses # 4) hes with nknfle wm Ai RE Serves EVERIRE © Valierson # he PEAKE) Band # I PIRYInE Mrs. Res Mi 1] ARiny WEIR (ray (7) A who se) f } rg frien mm d Wuneh Ihe Won Viekerning elem wha Nes BONE # ladies of the Brougham Institisie mel he Township Hall an Yuesday aliernonn the larch meeting. The president Annis, presided. The min of the last meeting and financial report were rean prayed Fwn minute eyven MEemnry Mis. Gordon Hodge her nf the Wamen's My ie Cen mE 7 beal ' NHL President Sends Cheque But No Fines Hacks in PT man @ Ya ha wn Bolanian BIER BUF AWN ne present al gf i Can wil Jost neal he { nimy ¢ "Hoty Week Wi i. Malcolm presented i) Emily Avhnston wih hey Life Membership' pn. A boweh Mrs. Johnston hes heen [6 member or Ome YREFS HEF Ler 1 16.30 AM day School, English 2:30 PM ghsh Service 2:30 P.M had nk previonshy received Warship at Bowmanville i PM ie Sin HEART) . Wi LY . ny I ann f Whithy mh lal silane of he an. A mem Institute fm M. Ellieatt hymn He Wa wm F EVER # Har way Schaal ror ik LY WELCOME man Fal iT A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAM MORMING WORSHIP BEGIMMERS CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION P45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL Whithy Baptist Church Wehh FAITH BAPTIST ory Black V1. Ns Vito ang her fa Leardeth Me All sanding convener ha their reports ready for the April meeling Mrs, M. Annis has the male Knowing of the Chasciewskl| vial for the guilt hineks for any Fund, Mrs. N. Melntyre wiolelone wishing tn make ane tn Clarence Camphell, NHL Fake police, ladies, the Apr) President, requesting he 10r: meeting will he on April 4, & ard part of the many nes week early as the hall will he handed out tn players during used for the TH tests on the the TorvontaLhicagn fracas ve: regular dale sent Mri Burton and Mis. RB Mr. Campbell replied This Miller were in charge af he cannot he done hecause of the piogram an "Home Economie fact that these funds are alveady dnd Health The meeting committed for the NHI, Players closed with "The Queen" fal Emergency Fund which takes 1owed hy a dainty lineh served care of indigent NHI hy the hostesses, Mrs. Wannap nave Mis, Harden, Mrs. BR. Ellieatl Slinwing and Mrs. W, Hamilton fram more The community was ( hell on Friday, March 10 Anph learned of the passing anal Gordon Hodgson al fane who take ex the NHI, brawls ean consolation from the 1# cept action of a Courtice woman ep finn raw 185 AM Radio Brogdeast CKLB B45 AM Bible Schasl Hour 1100 AM. & 7.00 PM Our Paster Speaking SPECIA. MUSIC Everyones Welcome 1 Y WHTRY UNITED CHUAGH Assistant Miner Beaton, ARTA former thal han nne fnrwarded ey cheque fol Contributions In the total ta B167H.44 CUE Pilkey, Oshawa Council, él Clarence Hi valer flow Mi own sailden when nl he HIee his $ih Hale el I Mi home The Ti mith Ww fig Mrs Mir Summers, ATI mhs 187 M Re k hring 4 | Mis Grganist late Mrs. Hodgson was In Women's groups, he ng a member of the WA and ident WME of Bt Jdahn's Chureh Beh. Brougham, and (he Wamen's Institute, She was the former ' Ethel Hamlin : ATTORNEYS WARNED Mrs. Hodgson is survived hy HAMIL. Fla, (AR) s=Federal pop hyshand, Gordon, (wa son Iudge melt Chaote warnet al: (ged of Brougham, Russell of Inrneys Friday to conclude their ojaremant and three daughters lax case against Ingemar Jn | [08NINg COMMANLS ween hansson hy next Friday and let a Ihe 945 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM REV, JOHN MclL.EOD Lahn MORNING WERSHIF 1) AM. HOLY COMMUNIEN TPM HALY EAMMUNION UNBAY SEHOOL $48 AM Girls and Bays ® yearn and aver 1:00 AM=Girls and boys under Year 11:00 AM intant Care Camphell, prs 0 personal donation Junier Warship | the Bwedish . heavyweight gn home. dohansson has heen al nearhy Palm Beach since his knackout at the hands of heavy eight champion Floyd Patter an March 18, The goavernmen! contends that Johansson owes S408. 181 far 1080 and 1060 and S4L1690 far 1061 | LITTLE ® andally. piumBER LET US REMODEL YOUR... BATHROOM ONE CONTRACTOR-ONE JOB wall an 8 drasind me man wi IH J i garments eg ian I pissin YOUR GLEANIR 18 YOUR CLATHER BEST FRIEND leaned 8 TOWN OF WHITBY TENDER FOR OONORETE BLOCK TOILET BUILDING Inclusive af Sanitary Conveniences Approximate building dimensions 10h Spacifisations and Plans available fram: IOHN R, FROST, Clark, Tawn af Whithy, 201 Brack St Whithy, Ontaris Sealed Tenders marked "Toilet Buildin Sddired as above, until: § pom, THUR 1941 » IW i will be received, PAY, MAREN 30th, Any ar lawest tender not necessarily accepted CHARLES € HAIG Town Engineer, WHITBY ROTARY FIGURE SKATING CLUB PESIGNING PLUMBING FIXTURES TILING FLOORING MEDICINE CABRINEY RECESS WALL FIXTURES ELECTRIC HEATING CARPENTRY WORK NO EXTRA HIDDEN CHARGES WIRING Wednesday, March 29 8PM, WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA Professional Guest Stars: ® ELAINE RICHARDS NICHOLLS ® BARBARA ANN SMITH at NO MONEY DOWN 3 YEARS TO PAY Admission--Adults 75¢ Childven--23%¢ Alber? Kondall « Sina V HOD BYRON SES WHITBY ONT 710 A008 2091 \ \