¥ "n a CAPSULE NEWS Steak Aids | Fraud Squad | TEARENTEE) (EF) BAR DRRIES (a0 (Lanhe (AX ZWRE Fowise AE owt DTI was cREER Ars Twrsdey MEht on & CREE of ALORS # CRATRE Hf IIRMCTH WEBRRE (WH Hews (105 #8 BN- CHPRIR. A Jy loge (Rise fermathet Inepentaon Jone Wik posadas 1h wont Wi. GTenam of he Metingoision Toronto of the charge wd by Aiorney frnad sak 55d FAY WAlies (aneimi Boverts (owing & re Eman PL. was wanes wm con pont By Faker Jose Sweet on Resting with Actinadiog Yoni York Towneing and swies ewl Sowis of HAN K5 COSTS A WH ETS 12 YEARS LONER Ry #0 TRE HEARNE FRR fo ary feiguie onght from Bat wn a 10H saiiek wy he iver Faia wm 7 cwwtasy cai Friday 2 gave er he Germ hatjang fal Bae Was po VE IF BR EREREEREN. I he Fiver Plate #4 Be wart of Me bermid Wowid Wav FOIRY Evie FIPROINTEPR (CF)-- The (ah EI (TRAE REA REET TER ingmens Fray as un wowed wy 7 hveeAay | thowsange of Woon of 7 COR Gran 8 7 dengiier wond Me i SPRL RELRTIERE WAGE. ST Iie G6 [ RIRONE, BIR, 1R5 (tame BIIARER : The program hopes 19 eal Boy. 10. Sevepiarn sLudents wad fhe we wer les. The finde of The BowiR wid he wh wwe rR fim Hawa . ERLER IN CRASH TORTIE (CF) Witham 6 Grant. WH, president of W. snd £2. (1b. CARE FRETION (RGR) Toronto Starts | Allergy Group TIROWES (EF) ~ hb Cama Mian fark of Hema flert, wi HEANOR WROEE RETRNETS, wars Aoglags Netmg thew wi eppes 1m Revgs, wis lawnches Friday #6 # meshing here | Ay Wasi tiers was fownded ni Catorma by Br. Wane €) WEY ES TRE 5 Cole, Whe ERew We (ERAGE ya fish an IETRRIRENY © TRIBE | wires symbol, The Cilucess, on orRaxies om wines RE ERITREA I Kase of ERNer id ow 3 Abt 9099 persons In the WASHINGEON (AF) --aher mas lilieh Fides wien lie cor 10.5. and Canada Row weer he, TORONTO) (CF )--Fnsamh El- prices (on meical care and (008 shins off 7 wel 1938 We Sh TER IGE HL B RAKE ERIWIRES: * (ors Beckett, 5, wae semtenced pushed 15. Sng costs back W5 sven Barth Tove Townshng show. # salt, Dr. Colas said Fndey to 12 years tov wan io & record level in Fevrpary £7 IR the beating Rests TRE [ahr AEpRitment TRpores of Bathieen Medien last Bo Fray is conewmer price iRaex ¥ He wae chargef ong Ie Retenth of whe per cent nally with mwrker Police testi (9 1215 per cent of the 84746 fied Beckett had been Arimlong average. The put The Wwdes 0 The A8y oY ThE HEYIRE Baek we Peter fered u i Vike 84 EN SY MAY ASK LEGISLATURE TO PORE TORONTO (CF) ~ Wiham GRAF SPEE VISITS Graham, (ormer Aepwty reve of BUENOS ARES (Rewiers) York Townehip, said Friday he The Graf Spee, # West Ocrmen COMING EVENTS BINGO HERE bf ree rea Hoe nada © 4 ed Pa Baoneoreh Wy Frion ene Gime CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, MARCH 25th BINGO 24 Gomes tE AT SHARE- THE WEALTH UAWA HALL 4840 Jackpots $180 Jockpot To Go o $180 Jocrpu 14 & SAT., MARCH 25th 7:30 P.M ANNUAL SPRING 20 GAMES $10 A GAME FLOWER SHOW $30 pe REED'S GREENHOUSES BLOOR ST. WEST "Palm Sunday', March 26th SEE To Go 4 GAMES OF $20 $40, $50 IACKFOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH UMBLS UNITED CHURCH NNUAL Becutifyl Florgl Arrangements ANNUAL Ported Lilies, Tydrangess, |BAZAAR and TEA Mims 4 oR { Gtk EASTER PREVIEW | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 191 REEDS FLORISTS | evenveony welcome KINSMEN BINGO 20-920 GAMES $150 Jackpot--$20 each $50 Full Card 5-830 Gomes; 2---$250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 55 and 53 Extra Buses-- TEAM 2 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSIOMN-~TUESDAY, MARCH 2Bth ~ BINGO EVERY MONDAY, 8 P.M, ST, GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING E, AT FAREWELL 54 NUMBERS $100,00 JACKPOT CONSOLATION $20 20 GAMES - 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH ADMISSION CARDS 50 CENTS GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, March 29th, 8 p.m Bus leaves Oshawa Terminal 25¢ Retymn SPECIAL GAME OF $200 (Must Ge) $20 each horizontal line $100 a full card $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $325 IF WON IN 59 NUMBERS § games at $30 ---- 20 games at $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES Ist==52; End--54 Nes; $30 Censelation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Doar Prizev--Praceeds go to Building Fund WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE SUPER BINCO MONDAY, MARCH 27 $100.00 DOOR PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 54-59 2--3500 JACKPOTS IF WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS. (IF NOT REGULAR $250 JACKPOT, Nes 54.59 1--$300 JACKPOT IF WON IN 52 NOS: OR LESS. ($150 CONSOLATION). Must Ga 20 GAMES AT $40 IF WON IN 17 NOS, OR LESS. ($20 CONSOLATION COA line plus THEN GAME IS $25 § GAMES AT $30 | $2,350 PRIZES RED BARN ackuission 3100 "THE NEW" BRA CERENER HA BR TIER ALRITE CIIEF TORONWEG (CF )=A $58 MH ahi fon IIEIER Sndents wt the Emoernity of Toren, 16 be "eatin internation Howse; wif he wilt by the Rotary Clbs of Meatinpiian Toros, it wes as fwiiekn Fndry MOTHER LEAVES REGINA (CF)~Mrs. Emilie Engel, 56, left Moscow Fndey for Canada 19 jon ber son Faw A serial momher identifies the © WERIEE & fame fie wn Caltorme on the Canadinn shiiie 19 he incated here Relgh E. Finkle of Toroms oC was_glesten_prsoden. of. he, Canalinh WRAY CITY AND DISTRICT Charles M. Gainer, 21, of 5% THE GEHAWA TINGS, Sorardey, Mew 35, 1960 3 B, #8 wo hoy worker i" Ke Arthur street, Ohaus, was the One. fh cable [rom the CoRR anger of o car invaived 10 § cob Man Embassy Wn Moscow Wat Loon with another receives pAvisng Wm of We} Robert wii mother sdepartire He bes oD vt kK. Henna, #, Hf 78 itd for five yemrs o dai Nasty Sirest, Osawa, earl be filing Mather from bhewing Simeone street south Rear the he HOR CHIR Highway #1 cloveriesf and Will, SEEK ARRESTS caused estimated $175 damage LISBON (Rewters) -- Premier "0 Wh _vemeies Antonin SaIsrar's EOVEIRMEN announced Friday might uw will sek extradition of the "mar Aerers"' of an olficer of the Por fuguese cruise lner Banle Uaria when she was seized wn January. The hand of men whe (0k the Sp BYEF WEEE BIBHIRA political asylum in Brazil last nih SEY RECORD DENY WASHINGTON (CF) ~ Presi dent John Kennedy's nudge 7d visers Friday estimpled the United States government will £0 nto the red this year and next, raising the national debt to A yearend record of some $200 500 500 99% by June, 1662 we Anven. | A resident #t Hillsdale Manor was presenied with & wheelchair Thursdey ment when representatives from the FRilway emplovess (tran crews) of the CHR, paid # swrprise visit 19 & [ormer fel low employee, KE. WW. Howard formerty of #4 Priricia ave nue, now RB resident @t the Break-In RAILWAY VETERAN GIVEN WHEELCHAIR manor, wis # CHE employee | for #1 yer inchuming We last eight yeers with the tran crew in Oshawe before he swf: fered & siroke and the even: | tual amputation of Wis leg a | the knee. Recently i was Mr, Howard's oth Wirthday and Wis former eoliengues donated the wheelchair to Mr. How: Talked, | ATTENTION LADIES | North |warmer Sunday WEATHER FORECAST Sunny, Warmer "All Weekend TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts cloudiness and warmer Sunday issued hy the weather office at with showers likely, Winds ght 'Nets $3 | The Oshawa Police Depart ment reporied this morning thet Henry's Barber Shop, 21 Prince street, was broken into during tthe night. Tvestigating officer, sirode along Victoria Ave, with | Pe K. 1. Dawson, slated entry two men who have never heen {was effected hy forcing a lock identified. Then Mitchell van lon the front door ished ; Money in seversl open Mitchell's name eame Wp NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP) In the early mormng of Oct, #1 1956, Peter (Scrip) Michell Emiljanowicz 1 A { the preliming bam ES becoming southeast 9 Sunday | ATR7Ers was left untouched, and per nt sorte tor hice men charged with conspiracy the western United States Is gion: Increasing cloudiness (o-| CARS WIY and bribery spreading cloud into Northwest: day, becoming overcast with! Two cars were involved in # ern Ontario and will cause rain, (rain or snow tonight and Bun: collision on Bond street west at sleet and snow tonight and Sun-\day. Not much ehange in tem { Prince street, Friday at 10 a.m 50 Attend few showers may peach ita Ing southeast 20 tonight was estimated al $165. One car | Central Ontario late Sunday but at sunny and warmer his Ml Low tonight High Sunday oT Lansdgune drive, Dm At Euchre due for southern regions Windsor ¢oeeoveee 88 BS awa, The driver of the other| ara, western Lake Ontario re: Kitehener ieee 28 of Lot 6, Con. 4, RR 1, Bow: p gions, Windsor, London, Hamil-| London 2% BM Imanville, ' J Party, Sponsored by the Home ton, Toronto: Sunny with cloudy Wingham ,reeeer 26 4h Alexander gp 300. Mellon was held in Hh RL Bl TLL eid 20 18 exander Junior School room, Approxi- 4 inf 104 LaSalle avenue, Oshawa mately 50 people were out io Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali-'Trenton .rrri000 4 hurton, Georgian Bay regions, 8. Catharines ,,, Bi [Was involved ina collision with recently polished plays ' Bay, Sudbury: Partly Hamilton E LL Jones, 19. of 1510 Simeoe| High ladies' prize was won hy cloudy today, sunny and Muskoka f | street north late Friday after M1* Stattord € oay with w ' "Ullow ladies', Mrs. Metro Luey 18, becoming light this after: Earlion 4 . 2 : 0 noon and southerly 18 Sunday | Sudhury A 4 |eauasa fh imated W230 dam: Goon rane with 89, low men's, imkiand Lake region: Partly Kapuskhems oe, 18 35 |fimee north near the Alma/wy Jo, IROL WIL 00 ' I LB [street intersection Ld " am Kay hurbanie avant TE Karuskaoing Te. only 83 is helieved taken hearing in Toronto for three day over Northern Ontario, Alperature, Winds Nght, hecom:|No ene was injured. Damage Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niag:|8t, Thomas rere 80 bo |vehicle was Nellie Hooyer, #5) cor UMBUS:- A Fuchre Sunday, winds light Peterhorough +. 20 wag the driver of a car which challenge their neighbours with Winds north| Killaloe , noon. The aceident whieh ZF "i high men's, Mr, Don | cloudy and cool today. Variahle/ White River ,,., orize and Mr, Mike Lueyk, the ueky prize | The regular meeting of the Home and School was held Mon March 20 with Mrs. Walter Lueyk President presiding, | Mrs, Grant Wehber gave her Treasurer's Report and it was stated that $26.00 profit was made at the Euchre Party, Another Euchre Party is plan: ned to he held on April 21 H and 8 Convention details § (were discussed but no delegates will be sent this year, Other dis: d [cussions concerned the school pienie which will he held on the school grounds and a com: | [mittee of Mrs, Frank Simpson, Mrs, RB. H, Love and Mrs, Wal: ter Lueyk was appointed to get informallon en the purchasing (ofafilmprojector It was maved by Mrs, John Miller 10 start the meetings at 8.00 rather than #40, The theme for the program was Local History, Mrs, John Miller spoke on the 'History of east for Northern Ontario to: night and Sunday (CP Wirephotn) / / J | THE WEATHER OFFICE | says it will be mainly sunny and warmer in most parts of Ontario and Quebec Sunday. Rain, sleet and snow 1s fore: Disappeared (David Love won the children's) M prize, Mr. T. W. Seott, the tt of thelr new son, Brian | ord on reaching We retire ment age. Dongld Munroe left, is shown making the presentation on hehall of the other employees while Mrs Howard and Lawrence Knowl ton, Another representative, look on epprevingly ~Oshaws Times Photo | Then I I Const. George Scolt of the provincial police anti-gambling squad old of » conversation with ex - constable Robert J, Wright, 28, accused of bribing police and conspiring to obstruct Justice "Wright said he told (Joseph P. MeDermott (another of the) accused) that Mitchell talked foo much and MeDermott agreed," Seoft testified | Prosecutor Gordon Ford psked: Is Mitchell alive now?" THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL cordially invite you to offend ANNUAL MEETING to be held in the HOSPITAL CAFETERIA OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL on TUESDAY, MARCH 28th AT 8:00 PM, Reports will be submitted by the various committees ond deporiments and election of Yonerary officers and Directors for the current year will be held. Your presences will sdd to the interest of the meeting. Flesss plan te stiend end learn mere about your hospital, T. L. WILSON, President Replied Scott; I don't know "| Mitehell's ear was found in an) (alley near where he was last seen, The alley provided neces {to the Centre Club which had heen raided twice by police, Just 8 month hefore he van ished Mitchell had heen convie {ted as a found-in at the elub, | City police looked for him for weeks, and Canadian and United States police agencies from {enast to coast were given a de [tailed description of him, Columbus' since 1651, Carolyn Webber played the piano and (sang "'A Silver Lining", PERSONALS Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Gord Pereman on the ar: Thomas who was born Sat March 18, Proud sister and brother are Marilyn and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs, Al Hutehison, Jimmy and Gary, Oshawa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Grills Miss Grace Webber and Mr Jack Mountenay spent the week: end in Guelph visiting Mr, and Mrs, George MeKensie and family Mr. and Mrs, James Bellinger and Ellen, Toronto visited Sun. day afternoon with Mr, and Mrs Walter Dowse and Mr, and Mrs Frank Smith and family, My, and Mrs, John Lehane accompanied hy Mr, and Mrs, Doug Klein, Orillia have re: turned from spending part of the week-end in Buffalo, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Neshitt welcomed Mr, and Mrs, Frank Griggs, Cooksville as Sunday BUEHL Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIMBEEF 12 King E, -- RA 3.3633 MEAT SPECIALS! MON. and, TUES See What 1.00 Will Buy! (21bs.) SLICED SIDE PORK (2 Ibs.) Shoulder Pork CHOPS (3 Ibs.) VEAL PATTIES (21bs.) sliced Breakfast Bacon Any Of The 1 00 ® Above Only 2 lbs, 80° SAUSAGE PATTIES TUESDAY ONLY! LOIN PORK CHOPS ib. 59« dinner guests, Miss Ida MeCullaeh, Toronto, apen the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Oliver MeCulloch, = ~~ Channel © Toronto, Tonight: NAKED CITY Starring Paul Burke at 8.30 P.M. MIKE WALLACE 9.30 FIGHT OF THE WEEK | : FLORENTINO FERNANDEZ ; vs. MARCEL PIGOU (Middleweights) [IA A) 1 \ ADMISSION TICKET GIVER YOU FREE CHANCE ON $100.000 | YOU CAN a Wh hd $1600 REPAY AS LOW AS 35.00 MONTHLY ALLIED INVESTMENTS | ! 51 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA DAY OR EVENING APPOINTMENTS RA 3.3993 17 Attiliated Offices Across Ontario - ¥ * Member of , , A J ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS' ASSOCIATION PHONE ANYTIME FOR