The Oshawa Times, 25 Mar 1961, p. 2

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2 THE GSHAWA TIES, Serwrdey, Merch 9, 199} GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN WASNT MISQUOTED INST Wish NOERSTOON The dogs took i ambers Monday might 3 3 GE & PER as £ As & result, the city bylaw Bas BOW Be LIES Wp 5x me to Sept WW) imstezd of thie Alderman John Dyer (one of Councls fiery orale) didn't pick up any with the deg-ivving population with bis performance. He came night out and suggested that the city get rid of the dogs #ltogether, i they had be Lies wp for Sx mont Then he RAGER 1 $19 npr y Lis solar ps ines were KBEE FEE CAFFHRETIE » ing "There wie dogs in Oshawe whe have nothing more to do then tn nin trouble Ld . ERK YALE i tn Kf by thousands of a £5 RIO WIE L the RNRREIGNE, ALYii-i EpiF RY CRITE CEPHAS GAY Alde ' meh AND THE ARTIST ahlishen Contre ' brides styien Forontn met bas nifered on Cherry i hack Opposition Charges Perzion Plan Stall i RR WOTE showid AA WRIA io hy | the oly 504 ws Bt. ta ' give "My be LRieme placed I wnien cEleq ines to anted WV Ore on pure excep g all yhody Alderma CcRUS! the nunie Bre BUILDERS POW-WOW BIG HIT P Wow din meet iilders Ass especial weren Ww Howard But £ L courage tn mention fig Mr. Pearson With enough ponsibility not to do so Mr. Hogard said the | won't cite a igure hecaus are afraid of ald the Liberal Is hece atin i By DON HANRIGHT OTTAWA (CP) The mons apposition 26 government Frida d holding up pens re the | Both CCF and levelled the char noe immediate ply. Health had said still was heing Fhe reference recommendations of Vr {Robert M. Clark of the sity of British Columbii the task of whether American contributory scheme is suitable He reported that cost Frank Skeena) nowt 1 | ne Lon ie ar quest ace i of de re action INerals ately Clark hefore The fail they controver He howd know { tablish an arbitrary figure "and campaign or that figure or nothing will he done." Mi one great ent ire of Charles on aisappointy W. Mages formation the proposed $21 g project for Industrial Ps: More than enough pul has to the project; mn wrt ne elects y I to giv 600,060 ai Wi heral here ent t bi } ary 1o « EENera the oid ised for fore ayern elect Minister Monts HE the studied was Io 1) re { 1 hes h A ARE £1 IE NOTE st vast potent are 0 FAKES SAMI) J Paul Marin Ihe I I pre re Pearse CCF member in form the that make not only ex m retorted that the ne hard fac make can vier ip 3 B government and their statement ggarvated and unre alistie hut ry y 10 make" He suggested the electorate has een through "their wild and iy ponsibie statements." and of hop FACK (hk 55¢ iberal heal ni direc lorate farmey mn Look )" He (41 the on fa hi DR, VIPOND ABOARD FAMOUS CLIPPER Ve Dr, Claude Vipond is due home Sunday from i unigue trip ~~ he has been one of 24 passengers abogsrd the famous clipper ship, "Yankee" on a 10-day Caribbean cruise, The passengers also served as crewmer ionally (Dr, Vipond even took over hour last week) when not indulging aying | He ng until the hefore Fr wail election Is he notwith need that the prime ministe of #mo pen in mua for ( Ads thi Hin re neea for sport 'd Ho Amie 1 (ey ft the prd the ted tha wheel eh an i Hg Con ir as durin course of an elect wo take ivaniaee INTEPRETING THE NEWS 'Frost Pushes 'Private Bill EP) Frewsies fe "yq AA iad a fom tae Fst YEH Frost phat # Way CRIN EZ TRG sAGY RR SRI KREWE WINRAR FRAREG The comtipversat Wl fhiamn (0 CORR the wher Hy 19 gr [#5 FTE 5 27 the Kiama Cin Service Bros abitmat Basansilitm, Wak POGRcrR AGIIBE FOE A FRAAN erat and CCF members whe Zi # iA Tk FH EERE princsiie Whit cid Wa fa RACE na A rrts Mr. Frnt sald meme yale Frerty withows wis from the party okie. The Wa fo V7 th the Pip CReRTY A viking BEEBE Yernon Birr rer A sit mean Mary amber WA Be DI kadar BE IR. RAR aor Werk ac yificrn CLR ATY ' WALT fot ; yA ed Ww SEs 4 ® fs ad IAA y t$ ie Finmaih Mer mw Went) swaggasien hal LIRAR FEAT RE FANS REE TIONG AR WRE RR TERRIER aRt--tr TRE TR VRE BRITE of Cotarin to ahsmh the ~~ frow wits (rm Eermesiary and ses RBRTY SERRE RG WEIR fitind for acalemic Wades / wise. they wood wn the bx of the unemployed Lande wud Forests Minister SOIREE GA aR RCTERie IR the vice of gd wowid stimulate Aeyeiopment of the pork. He sii 7 Seng (eeling preyaiied B Timmins anf Kriand Take thal ORBIIRE REAR IK IE ems wn United States wold fore the Bennedy rAmigistrz ota ~vaae IE "GR DIE wove $95 RIB R . FIND CHD LABOR . wort of the ar Ae ment. tabied by Proving al Secreipry Yarewks, said cases of cid labor were Ms covered by the Aepartment in be ar ending March 1, 198 ! siers wnder 1 austry Shon Some 134 dads iad ere oy » yA Mie L. Es 1H AREA VA PVE (SYR a w aad § of KOI ETER teh 1 ask tox hat rn for wity lL Res @r wt pass Faby bower mb raise kf 1 ¢ of 4 © RIBIAGYES n of the Fa Building Act yiedl me Ww and WETE Act F JIRERAI Jig COMPLAINS er (Ff ) fics oH Pr rng. ry hows bry s Ld ates Fwa em WE Vi Ww whe had sed not 19 WRIE DINsk ERY RY pe heen adv "hid es dd MW A oo CLE {1005 i £ A Whicher Becrea an FEIN EK § difficulty Bb Pheer oi FY £4 from 820 HH yearly 1axe apnosition Fs that Wintton £0 from FERS py ihe TT the member in Th wild amount of Although Mr Frost Maver Charlotte the b the premiey aid he had not had any offi al neotest from the 1961 cons He added that it would he wiongl with the cAaunerd whether the fa eEemin 4 he ed neal in ihe i Wren irged ator mad race fon Lak re tically emmloyment and 1h of Ontario an in turn ay political responsibility." he There is too much time in. gnimats ad political ero SHOULD LOWER COSTS He said industy and would have to hear the re hility of reducing costs sn Cana dian goods conld compete an the vorid market Bemor cizen J f the Ihe minded annnsed NEW United YORK A(P) The States unemployment roblem has deepened despite he general opinion that busi nut of the re il wm Wa is chimhing mn The | i werk hie y is ne Alhert bhudaet (fl, tn forget and about ful Ie Kenora) the tar ha £ $5. government reporied that the number of increased hy 320 0 in ehruary in total of 5.705 om, and that two-thirds of the 150 major industrial areas have ubstantiagl unemployment Ta help alieviate distress memployment," President nedy signed dslation which will provide additional pay ments up to 13 weeks for job Ie workers who have used up their henefits The al will f me 17 Fl we de elopment In the an e for vals from ald nent fire we are | from I Ken I 2 Jahor pom payments, which may 10 as much §1.000,000,000 go to 5.000.000 persons In another action aimed al ountering the recession, the House hanking commitiee ap neaved a loan and grant pro ram of pearly $400.000.000 10 rehired thi ll fie Wi n own politi] that of . his of im rder tn enhanes I a pronn skin-diving, swimming and fishing al position and | Parliament At-A-Glance March #4 FIVE MILL HIKE WAS PLANNED The city's new mill rate didn't some people had anticipated ineludi Couneil == but it eould hardly he de hine Budget" As the residential taxpaye mill hike, he can he grateful for he almost had to pay a five mill hike This averted at a last-minute Monday night meeting mediately before the budget was announced Mayor Christine Thomas Alderman ho frequently cross swords h attention of the new budget Her Warship (in the ahsence of Mr, Bint who aut of town on husiness) sparked the controversy Wed nesday night with some political remarks at a dinner meeting of the Oshawa Builders' A that than stole the spotlight from Charles W. Mages president of the National Corp, Lid feature speaker of the evening She said a budget report read in Council hy Mr, Bint (as vice-chairman of the finance committee) creat» 1d an entirely inaccurate picture of the city's finances necause it was based on a proposed five mill residential hike abandoned by Council after some ng herself and Alderman Branch) gh 'h i reement jump Bas h ( tl hel ind CCF partie debate VOTE | paint of the Liberal during a three MneIwige h 2 Ong g [" ihed as ome an A Neen er hon vhen Lh throat old a (Hd colleagur navahle eryone 70 ar over vithout test, should he viised to 875 from 855 a month. has had precious little say Opposition Leader Pearson re There could he no hetter il itereated his part proposal lustration of the fact that Can far-a pension inerease--hut said ada's fiddle is being played to the amount should he related to somebody else's (une than the eeonomie considerations statement made in { nang Thursday hy FAVOR INCREASES ister Diefenhaker Mr, Martin at ane point We are in favor of increases Canada 18 prepared to serve the old pensioners of on a reconvened international counts supervisory commission should the governments concerned (agree that conditions exist which would permit the com mission to play a worthwhile and effective role" | In Laos By JACK REST Lanadian Press Stall Writer Canada's policy has heen shaped hy circum stances and events in which if Friday The CCF mands for from $55 in the 2) pension payvahle me Lo ever or aver Opposition 1, ¢ ri said the Liberal view is that hu manitarian consideration first in providing social secur hut this must always he recon eiled to fiscal and cconomie ideration Monday, The Common p.m. EST males; the until 8 p.m Bl eat il Ir ponde the new three thing Ww 1 J { repealed | fl oun EroM| Over propo al least one an omerease no 8 pen Leader Aj the on un I old aur a8 only and hi pension without a ed 70 im aid tnward laos ans le ane a 1] no ey # mean and n Cecil Bint focused adi arson W Council ave A came Vii oon i} n 27 Prime Min meel tn debate henale Tur snciation more Mareh i i i" upp! 1] adjourned 10f 1] the ( Toy this Proprietary it fay ape members (includ thought it was ten Isolate Hogs Try To Stop Cholera OTTAWA (CP)=The heart of Quebec's hog production aven was isolated Friday hy a federal quarantine in an effort to smash a lingering outhreak of hog cholera Infarmants said an embargo on American park exports to Canada 15 being cansidored hut emphasized that such a step is hy no means certain The outhreak in Quebhee and Hastern Ontaria five months ag0 is thought ta have erupted from scraps of imported Ameri oan pork getting back to Cana {dian animals Placed in quarantine Friday were all hogs in the Queheo counties of Nicolet, Yamaska Bagot and Drammand lying south of the 8, Lawrence River with the centre of the warst in fection at Drummondville, 60 miles northeast of Mantreal SOME IN ONTARIO Since the first authreak December WHR haps wen destroyed. Up ta Thurs day, there had heen 216 cases 03 in Quebec, nine in Ontario three in New Brunswick and one each in Nova Scotia and Prine Edward Island Ontarin's outhreaks trolled were around awa area In 1983 posed In vin She said several other harsh: things about My Hint's statement and charged that it was never shown ta r ("In my opinion it shows the finance committee's lack of co-operation"), (Mr, Bint had "no comment when he returned.) . Alderman Walter of the was a co-signer of the budget report, but despite this, was blunt and forthright in his denunciation of it He referred to it seathingly as "a No-Progress Budget" "mare money wasted down the same municipal drain." Mr. Lane's pel peeve the planned creases for municipal workers which would fogee the cost of administration up out of all propar- tion to the work being done. In Oshawa ("I wouldn't want any remarks of mine to be construed as being | 'anti=labor,'" he said after Council "but Oshawa is or paying more than Hamilton in many wage categories" He said the taxpayer wouldn't mind a three=mill in« crease if it was for more jobs and needed projects, We in Council have allowed circumstances te push us into the expenditures we have made, rather than con- cientiously planning such a program according to our ability to pay.' Alderman Bint said that Lane finance commiliee he and was wage | he said, the Board of Works had maintained a consistent program of road, sewer and sidewalk repairs, but Mr, Bint failed to say that it was constantly inadequate for a growing city and that the department's budget had been cut again (21.88 cents of the tax dollar in 186] instead of 22.2 in 1940), ALDERMAN BASTEDO IN SUNNY. SPAIN The Oshawa branch of the Ukrainian committee is sponsoring a concert in the Regent Theatre tomorrow night ta mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Taras Shevechenko, Ukrainian poet and advo cate of freedom Alderman Cecil Bint delivered the budget news at City Council Monday night as Alderman K Bastedo, chairman of the he sway in Spain on a business Wren Blau here this week Mas Ont. where his team (the start play in the play-offs at the gate and on the ice, last cents as have Canadian all the oan Of A quaranting Southwestern WL 000 square nd the D (8) \ Wh ak in Ontaria in 17 and the warst of all in 19841-4243 in Ontario Was im Untana in { finance committee in p \ founder a pleasure Pave mile TEETERING STATUE 1 almost har en KN was aul \ ) Ww no oll the modern sehool movement knocked aver hy a cas Sunday W Queen's Park in Torante op vd a4 go Woyear ¥ Was Wirephoto) Little Choice help provide job opportunities in chronically depressed areas As for business conditions, the consensus was that the economy 5 moving toward recovery. Bul the question When would it he reached? The president evidence of said 1d Was is He tell he sald there improvement fon early "In whether the progress will ufficient to reduce ment and launch a economic growth The Chase Manhattan Bank cited a pickup in retail sales, # gond vate of investment in new plant. and equipment higher government axpenditures for gonds and services, strong markets and improving farm income. These factors, it ind, indicate the economy is at or near the hottoming'out phase 1) Plan | Fl time after the anada India Poland com mission adjourned sine die in fuly, 1808 at the instigation of the Laotian government Canada anpeared to resist all efforts tn have it reconvened It stuck ta its guns even after the national government, which was supposed to bring unity-in bil tn the southeast Asin kingdom, had come apart, Ney trality was enjoined on Laos un der terms of the 1064 Geneva agreements which ended the In doching war In steadfastly opposing the re convening of the armistice com mission despite recurring flare ups in the Laotian civil war, the Canadian government found it sell at loggerheads with India which along with Poland wanted the commission reconstituted For long sustained Small Homes ARS ' ne Business RA 0-010 {Kiama Aer whee frre Winhay Limi au Jobless Trouble Deeper In U, S. unemploy:| Canada, U.S. To Push Foreign Aid Plans By WAVE Ad lh / -- Frases Bibl Wiaiker LAPSE RS (EF) amaka od fore Fypian Batrs aia "A iw wl for [OREET ACTIN WE grains We the eid of wd 16 Ww ACTER Ces # # ald Es Catt baal FI wire opt. Basic Grek grew mek of Read Wasting HH The TH-MENer mW camiration (ox Firmen Few Cotimerstion wt Pare ast year. We goet is 19 am WERT KIAROWTS GIT RIRARE KR ries SpRTIRg Wl 1h walerie vi eR Rabie The United Satis bs believed Hung # # FVRVERE FE HH THR 1 Spit the yearly wl ihment now week in DAG. Can aha [RYOIS SETAE the vegily aNotment ad is Be level 19 be thinking of # three TRAE PENETRATE 18 that WE Eero Rer HA IAEERmE woder the Colombe Pian The Canadian view Is said tn bat a longer term wow yo fechmical a AVESO TS and those cowmines wiih would re ceive wif B chance 16 man ow the sort of wil most needed vs FAVORS wy $ Wir The bo Rump for # ih 1x wl hough i is not known whether fos id agree tn the Byr-yeRr an by the Upited or favored meeting will be the DAG wes Srgan ized. Wabions represented wil he Canada, Britain, the Upited States, France, West Germany Monday's (ourth snes and could produce an upturn by mid-year Signs of showed in industries Auto production this week climbed 23 per cent ahove the low level of last week, Esti mated output was 87.008 passen ger ears. It was a far cry from the 157.000 turned out in the comparable 1060 week Chairman 1, 1, Colbert Chrysler Corp. said With the first signs of a real upturi in business and employ ment--and with a corresponding increase in consumer confidence the automobile husiness hould improve rapidly, My own feeling Is that this improvement could come early in the second quarter Steel output held its own for the fifth straight week af ahont! M oper cent of capacity. The trade publication Tron Age pre: dicted a higher industry operat: ing rate in April Faster shopping gave rvelall trade a shot in the arm. Merch: ants in most maior cities said (volume was satisfactory Cleaning Comments There. Is d not look well-dressed qll The time "YOUR CLEANER 15 YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIENR" mild improvement the auin and sleel of ne reasen why yeu shoul | Attention LIE RTRREE ERG | nf wai. Weigiom wok Fre wanes Mf the Press wien of the Ears amen Market trade . ww Mens Tha £ ~ Hf aden wiwiation here is that the wil en try 18 have laa iad the merers eke Refine FARING I aaTl hire (OF RRERY aarti an ORGANIST WIGHTLY 9.92 JONNY MANN Plan Your SUMMER VACATION NOW RESERVATIONS FOR , , , Resorts Hotels Tours-Cruises Special Events DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE $00 DUNDAS £. WHITHY Whithy--Oshewe--Brosklin PH. MO 8-3304 WEEK'S SPECIAL AY OSHAWA STORE ONLY KING 57, WEST JUST E, OF BREWERS RETAIL A. LEGERE (BARBER) Formerly of 333 Ritson Rd §, Has opened a shop of 330 SIMCOE §. Corner Simcoe St, Bonded e-Lining 130 and Olive Avenue AWHERLS For Mest Gan Canada stood on the techni cality that it would he useless to recall the commission as lang as the government of Laos {which hy this time had become strictly pro « American and Was | apenly accepting huge quantities | of American arms refused to invite it hack In those haleyon days the Tg tian government thought it Re the military situation in hand Now the pieture has changed with the pro - Communist rebels evidently winning some import ant vielaries POLICY CHANGED Also changed is the Canadian government's policy, Last fall, as the civil war in Laos warmed up, Mr. Diefenhaker let it he known that Canada would he willing to consider on its merits the question of vecanvening the armisiice group Havly this year, as things sol still warmer in the jungle King: dam, the Canadian gavernment announced It would agres to have the commission recon vened if formally requested hy Britain and Russia, co-chairmen of the 186 Geneva canference Now the government has with drawn even that nominal condi tion, In fae it seems almost eager ta have the armistice commission reconvened Again Friday Mr. Diefenhaker stated Canada's willingness to serve, adding that the commis sion would have "an important furetion ta perform! in imple: menting proposals to conclude a permanent settlement in Laos Thus Canada has full circle fram the pesition vd vod 1a until last ye ne A SPECIAL MESS | are free and ¢ serve you in tt came in Thi an strategic clase 1a \ § I y that the situation in Laos has come gery AGE FROM , , , BOND CLOTHES To the Many Friends and customers of our Downtown Oshawa store In an effort to increase and improve our Personalize ed Service to our customers, we have decided ta concentrate all our efforts in the Oshawa Shopping Centre Store, where parking and all service onvenient We thank you for your patronage aver the years and look forward, with pleasure, ta continuing ta e future, Yours Sincerely, David. BOND CLOTHES SHOP facilities (Crotin., {geting out of hand

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