The Oshawa Times, 25 Mar 1961, p. 10

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ES EE rrr Respiration 'Romans Had First ee Must Be Quick Easter Parades lm ta a . FORTE (CVPiThe Waster the 140s 2 fran shave foxy Hee ile gris" shoes ox Wy THE. ASSOCIATED PRESS. begins mre it & ater Parade mor have Jetted pu % dhwrchgsers in the cw least the buckles; he gris Pregmng halls pass | IRGGE of Mla a wonid oh 1 ine seconds racidly lower AONE 5 Fi Avenne ht yard proved & Wig Wt and the he Posy. saps. Ing the doing, the dampers | 0 Ee wines [0 163 Gide originate im Sew Caeom continued well imo (he Lost pe WEE f of shhmg and # challenge (o od po v R FRE INHER Loess ih contory. Why WK cossadi fon 5 sal Payment A ly T5 DRE CRBS BTVIVE Prana Pnirries graioy oH A . CANIDATY,. FOR A CAST arenting card fiew's Waterco BREATH OF 1IFK i sore am Amalewrioh {asttection, sys the credit goes CITY oF OSHAWA How long walter WeastWing = waskens sider, substitne # lo ancient Rowe p . 4 person he Fx y 4 ahr TTI TL en am Sor anhsats | Of corre, the. Romans oi NOTIC F yon he est Mid non colette Waster For the West chances, Sart © Rowe Sanday #5 sh. 5 was their Bew Year FESHSLIIREION RE TOOK 7% Pos OF (Re some 0 men on heiznd they made i 2 time for sie within not move (haw 8 | Dartmouth sii SER, Herr gay new clothes and elaborate Discharge of fioof Walter fo Sanitary Sewers iias Gitar Wasting Sous, | have been oly 1o6r BCRP CRIN says an erpert in the Americ | tating iwiwries in the lest fowr The Romans (elt that new BYAAN NO 8 of the City of Cohows provides het, wan Medicwl Association Jom yenes, R Aoctor reports, TRes® dothes on the Ray Bow cele softer Aprit 100, 19 t ell be on offence 16 Siuherge roof wa eR (rain toe Bowes # 087 We: buated as Kasier Wrought the water 16 the WGrnery Sawer sysdiam 6nd persons comvicied of iatistics show BW per cent | sipping Wn Ociober wd 75 wearer wood luck #5 the foliow 16h 16 comply with the provisens of the byten ore fighie { rasuseriation | howrs a week from ate De + oH t5 8 mers pengity sf $366.66 ne VER y CEMDEE Of. TEL IR HASHES | The custom Tater spread 10] Duing percds of heavy 16m, ref weter Guhich does net rer KINGS WEAR WEIMETS for one SHIRE HRS the Be: other parts of Karope and even During Derods « Jay 1970, ih iter Shieh, does 208 Hie EDMONTON (CF) = Helmets HORE #55 patrol CHWRRER (ually to the New World Trestment Plant snd causes Hoong of the sewer System will be worn by a members of Shes ids Boll Rly Wile ths practice Was. en A owners of buiidings in Oshong hold cory ot on ime the Kamonion Of Kings, Aetend 3 : GEER, SHE RTE, ARETE Wave mediate check 15 determine Wf water fiom he roof of ony Ing Wedern Canadian (Wammpon ME ART SHLDDERS passed from the scene lnldng 1s being run wie 6 seriery sewer, ond W this is jirior hokey chil, Saring nex One way 16 Magne heart in Ih century England. for found 16 be the tae. the roof wets lead be gent, 6 was annonces Flay. trouble is » device called the CERMpe Wing" was #9 the ently disconnccted liom the ienitery pbb gis HA i ys Lin §eclere, (FF Kings ManReEr,. batlistonms eral. § mess rage. This represented Chist Aori 161, 1961, Rook weter may be deposed of by runing sus i 15 hoped the Canaman' ures the movement of Your Weng fifteen theoweh Reswr it on the ground snd letting w flow 16 the nesrest street Amatewy Hockey AORN body caused by the tiny tm TEU. A hill decorated with Gar, Bitch Gr water cowse, or by wstahng 8 Som sewer will fallow the Oi Kings' lead pret and recoil of Wood PCRmers or rihons and Vined COONELTIn, Wh pEAEching whisk Row 1s Ie squeered 0 by the heart ("0 6k OF satin was carried Aryne 16G4rng eddiionat information shodd colt RAndok only unprotected part of the muses the first Bay hy young men 55153 and lesve Wis nae and address with the City Ene new allistocardiozravh Each gird they met had 10. sit Wn ginesr's Department, A rep eseniotive will be sent out 19 g Astro 2 Sa Hw © men lifted her as BEE GY BIERlEms f ; made by stro Space | ahori oi 5. they roa Net da clasat (nens Fhe enjoyment tones, Ine ses some of the A 4 WwW. R BRANCH, i was the gins' turn 10 I the Choirmen, Practice Was APEN many of those being Topics this week: Revi can he revived MRYEY 5 WoakYy 4 of ser) IRTIOEIMANEES BF LeCPigHes 1ERINES IH space modest competence gt home i (light 10 60 § wh less than it used 16 he, and this the table © whieh em es te ow " tw Arvind Is 2 lo Partly in answer to pif Allsop. Him of ir. 50 that i moves freely. Delicate Beyices sense = y y We Rave & Hew hook Fs ia ; ; YOU, 100, CAN SING, hy the movements of the tabi "STARVATION FOLLOWS CONGO TROUBLE g Mv Frat nd Kms pocron i THE, WOU, ten specifically to show Bow 10. sometimes introduce 8octors that compigint hy My Starvation has followed in | phes of food ing flown | thousands of natives have # wfy TR we the wake of in tribal | by United sations aircraft | ready died. These natives gre | § (CF Vhatay "HITOVE YOUT Yoel for singing oF, medical problems ing he awaiting food distribwmtion st a p ind speaking. whether a 500 plat. But how can they he sire ary hathiuh hantone (or moto: what the doctor Bos or says he Foreword b Sir Vornest can he dons without loss of 1ON€) oF # practicing profession: is techmieally corres LIBRARY WORLD MacMillan megrity. tn nareow the gap he ® Here the voiee 1s examined Now aualified doctors and THE FUTURE OF THE AWTS, tween modern artists and the howing how I functions, and experts will check their ma 4 v 4 "how HW ocan he improved hy re terial or suggest maternal, MW public? These are some of the moving sich obstacles ws strain! the writers want them 10, Bs ' hy Bruce Allsop Both ama Odd Bio Tra h eur and professional art are AWESONS discussed In Is WOT ang venression, The fundamen: part of # service of the New dealt with in & refreshingly ob: HER hut by no means exhan tals of music (and speech) are York Stale Medici! Bociely jective way, touching on all the MWe study defined. and profuse ustra artistic media ineluaing Music has gained more than tions clarify the exercises that thoven BH A a NE Numte has Etim Jor Santon, clot) the sheteiver tit leaning Comments -- tgraphy, painting and sculpture, (ment of radio and recor@ing. learning to use the voice ki Ln Is art a decoration to life, or More people can now hear mu Music and speech are natu Horus > pi The (allowing Feviews Were A companion to the ghove, Pero a fundamental need? To what sie well played On the other gl gifts to all of us hut 2 pa ative clashes in The Congn. Bup- | inte Basgl Proving Where written hy a member of the haps, though presenting an en: extent should an artist work hand, familiarity with high pro: (ew " p Te { 2 staff of the Mclaughlin Public tively different viewpoint, this for himself, and what bir tassional slondards of ry ow peopl ie tat heir "YOUR CLEAN 15 YOUR Iihrary 15 another navel, comprising the obligation (0 make himself un- ance have made amateurs more pleasure to others as well #s he CLOTHES BEST FRIEND ERICA, by Carl van Fidoll. likewise ostensible memoirs of derstood hy other people What shy of performing, even for theirla source of self-gratification." Of all the biographies of Lud: Beethoven's notorious nephew wig van Beethoven that have ap: Karl, Derived from notable doe peared, (and there are many) ument wh a letters and none sounds more authentic, or notebooks of conversations shows more understanding of which were necessitated hy the character and personality of Beethoven's deafnes: this EVERY THING GUARAN TEED the composer than do the os: story on, remains true to his tensible memoirs of his close toric fact, though offered in the friend and confidant, the Count form of fictitious memoirs, Bul Nikolaus Zmeskall von Doman: whereas we usuglly hear the nvelz, who was a Civil Servant viewpoint of the Emperor of in Vienna, Here is & biography (Music, who is Beethoven, to the with a difference; remarkable detriment of the nephew, here in the fact that these imaginary is presented with compassion memairs are not meant to, andiand understanding, the story of fin not constitute & biography. [a boy who was dominated bh » Prue, the well-known establish-{the tormented Titan whom he ed facts about Beethoven's revered life: his deafness and despair, THE WISTORY OF MUSK his notorious rudeness, frustrat- IN CANADA, 1515:1004, hy Hel ed love affairs, and his disap: mut Kallman, "Music has late pointment in his nephew Are|ly played an important role in all integrated into his 8c Canadian life, hut this is the count, and Nikolaus Zmeskall first serious endeavor to trace was in actual fact a friend ofits history, Creative musical ae Beethoven, and himself 8 musi (ivity in Canada goes hack far clan. But this is a novel, Inher than most people suppose which the secretive and (empes: fore is a large-scale unified tious genius is considered Ser: siudy of an impressive amount Inusly, tastefully, and with wise'or well-documented information understanding et down, nol in scatlered af Whether ar not such memoirs counts or dictionary entries, hut might have been written, 1s, part of a continuous narra ol course, heside the point, asliive which is meaningful in re I5 any speculation as to Wheveliaion to a wider historical con fact ends and conjecture he: (oy Through extensive re ging; the vesult is a valuahle|goarch Mr. Kallman has and moving contribution 10 0UF brought to light many little understanding of one of the known facts, some significant most elusive and remarkable cove curious. some bizarre men that ever lived Little has escaped his obser NEPHEW TO THE EM: ant, enthusiastic, thorough and PEROR, hy Jacques Brenner, methodical industry from Ingrid Still a Outstanding | vogue Hy CYNTHIA LOWRY of acting pace and highly re NEW YORK (Al) Ingrid warding : Rergman arvived a few minute In the theatre, you have an late for her interview date, en. apportunity ta improve your per trusted her umbrella to a hovers formance and Impact as you go ing and beaming restaurant along he sald You ean MONDAY and TUESDAY captain of waiters and hreath- change a bit here or theve until lessly blamed the traffic for her you have it the way you wanl delay iL In mation pletures, you can Al 4d==she is frank about her do a scene aver and aver until age=Ingrid Bergman 15 a tall, the director is satisfied, But in shim dark:hlonde woman who television, when it is live oy lanks and acts like a woman taped as iF 11 were live, you truly enjoying life, and she has rehearse and then you play ile PEPS emerged fram mare than 10 ance. Thal ence you must de ODENT years of personal tragedy and! your very best international notoriety with dig LIVES IN PARIS nity intaet and professional rep ; ulation, if anything, improved Although Miss Hergman feels But those long years, begin that the weal working schedule ning with her impulsive vo far her now is a play ar mation manee with Halian film director PIotre every 18 inonths or twa hie the aw om " : a is hv al the h ta Years and a vear off hetween aie hie uu oo Sr Ng a asstgnments=--she just finished working in a mavie, 'Gondhye SHangiing wre h outa ot tel Again, In France Leader of the youth group, head of his house ™ that's The Schmidis live in a ve scars. For one thing, she will : the man from Mutual Life, He takes a keen interest not talk about that periad of hey modelled ancient farmhouse in life. She never mentions Ros. & suburh outside of Paris neay in civic affairs and lends a helping hand to his sollini's name Versailles, and alsa maintain an BOOTH neighbours, As a family man hé's aware of budgets, apartment In the oily sell MADE TV SHOW Schmidt, scion of 'a prominent ; babies and bicycles, At work he's an expert -- a life But references ta Lars and wealthy Swedish shipbhuild R : J A insurance counsellor, A valued friend, Schmidt, her present hushand, 'ing family, started importing van like golden threads through American stage hits after th her Sentences WH Ne og World War and now is LB. | The Swedish acires Ail her ane of the cantinen mast n | "ihe Tuninh aires sd her ane af 1 comin mst hod THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA weeks In New York Waking a mans children are currently : HEAD OFFIOK: WATERLOO, ONTARIO television drama, Twenty-Four gang to school in Haly, bat An outstanding record of high Hividends Hours in a Woman's Life they spend much time in France x bP television with their mathey ; Tu some periarmen, Rh y Wilh the he RH Ril 3 Branch OMtice: 49 King Steet Bast, Oshawa, Ontarie, Tel: RA 5.6344 acting Donald HN, Meare, CLU,, Branch Manager experience INVAIVIRE tures my family \ ¥ \ a 5 . ilding Re AVE-CAROERITA: travelling with my Bhushan Prices effective at vour Dominion Stare ot Oshawa and Whithy until 6 PW Tuesday, March 28 Representatives rion. Miss Bergman hOawev ey z lavely } h Donald M Polson Roh McDonald, A. George Cunningham, finds an occasional TV Hing think \ DOMINION , ORES LTD 413 Manan Street ay % shi 12 Buckingham Avenue, a sirable change fortunate woman. ® ' . RA 5.9444 stimuliting, & deswahie § * bh Whithy District Representative; A, G, Robertson

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