Ver f THE GHANA. TIMES, Serarber, Merch 38, 1964 9 ' ' ' " Mos. Carli Gramm spent 7} Jesus Gives His Life ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON uy sve mer FONTYPOOL 5 i" LAX us. Peace Pi bu ud Manx on Fridey evening whieh Was Doresn CRmmings nf FONTLTON, -- M1, 08 WIE. tinder toe fashions sh us the?® OWR 8 CEVOTY fim 01 Roy Potor of Oshaws were So sda em we isiur] os Eagitann fall, Rethawy, ww Fi oA Rn Eenie Wilkeston 777 Vioony with Wr. and Wes poi Bg po ' H hay aw ~ WEIR BRART SRT EES of TREE CREE Ae family # x REAR ww Ban tis ? i" MA IAY Wer Cortie Mclinr sentes op" os ses Wgese Dearborn Richens. Spencer celebrated , fie fers of fer comin. We. ot Pr ut Wether on Tieshog Cities Mckay wd WHEeh Sones, Port Howe, on Thorley pes i 4 {ita honn wiamdn the wer Mus. Fohw Denlioer s cone. Somes Awmped (oy Read a po Woes sige 5 A gf oes Fete Ea ie, vised with he salons on he north side of Lonstonnl charge tw Ye erton Fienlioer family over the werk Quaker Toad" Rese he Ered Townhomes wah CEDAR CREEK fond Freie hrs berm in Canada Racor Sem (ier haf them is a é OF TRE [Ral IRE IRORIRE 0 40 moved: If the weather Rad t hori cation tory loos met oh Wr, Hoist CERAR CREE -- Mr. oot L0ORGE PEORIA Ts en ohh cold ave comes 4 ( heh idaiksd d fRImErs, We wis WIKRE O0 # & sere SIRNAS Cain. If Witches home 5 WRT Yrs Victor |rrocgwe were last farm wt Ladner. BL. He sated is against Beak Frownaing fan ! . ' y oy wm g Sdiey ner anests of Mr. onl on ew Yank ow Wedneshey 1 Awmp Herd amimals mm the EFEGRIR Erg WF Mis. Bonmie |.croane. Toros for his in Hedand polly i | hie CHT op Unnday a4 on Komi Weston was # sudent. By ond Wes E Wem. i iiided Wisnnes wg 1 Fhe teacher wt Adeiwide Mal awaibin jor and Agu pl of To PRE WEAIRET. BRARET Erling Pi g . a i Wie Belo, (Rani. 199 sonin were Sunday visors with swe J § vhs Ve krpynd Him ¢ y wil AA paid ly Tew Then fhe Wand aR8 TRE CRAGIN #06 is fa CRIER sew Koma werk Au sw Wham Joss bad sooke ¢ Judas wisn, wiih Betreyss WER forth wa # fo Ie CRE 5 id Mr. and Mrs, Victor |aimeqne BLOOR by, ioe. "He went for with Hf d knew the Wace Judas. hen, | Whom pesk ye? They snewered Him wificers of the Jews 160k Jesws. and Jt is reported that Alert 7 ol p ae vie cies over the is hot r g TRERIvER R Bnd BE IH cos Of Nazareth, Jess smth wots howd Him, aed led Him ave) Bain as soil Is Farm to Wr, oo Rhige, Poem ol eng Sit whl (mits MISSION %. in wth thwther with lanterns nd torches vers, § am We!" bud they 168 (9 the fom IEE 40 wn Mrs. Mattar. They aie (ohm: hey Ad ER ion 183 simi ihn 1h 4H ANID TEXT fon EE "m fRERERS 4 4 Line Scnast Mr. and Mrs. Borman Boyn ! oor oF # Mr wd Mis. Ken. Moses | endl bi Hi i IN A AN } 4 RY erst shy is rrtended WAVE TEINIRER Rome resin wiley on Mr Mrs Bend od Im RI das EER woe ¥ and Mr. and Mrs James Wilson 166 AM BIBLE LESSON ; 1 BROOKLIN wr. Sug Kirkwond wd Hn SOE WEEE I Fiore the Commiry Style FELLOWSHIP ORIG WORSHIP family on (he SHARER PRONE Curtis Mika hah ¢ " wits B y wilendes he of OHA Wr and Mrs. Chuck Hewith Hf We brother in Scarorn over Sportsmen's Show in Torome on HIAHA ME. RRS GRAHAM # ge : ¢ Swbiiina BY ) JE £ n 7 and amily, Bearers, were Sun: he week-end wird ' . &i isis BYNG AVEN ADELAIDE 40USE 2:66 PM Final Moments QE 7 ccs Mr, wd Wis Vese Ahem, Sohn Water, gis, #08 Mes Seven mig | DENTECOSTAL 199 CENTRE ST EMORY Sahoo Ferry Cain Koger Baley, Dor Long, an cod Mrs, Fred Simian, on Sal CHURC . Mid-Week Service Ken Fdwrrds, were the only wry EYER HURCH it om Sundey March Tbh Wednesday ot BHO PM a Mr. and 5. Bw «semis In show for # rece i Pp p Ts ae RA B2426 76 # i yh Ww ! f nd MeB eid LT womb od aiid PAH ow FA In Hol y Drama F Ay au CHIGEER IAOIER 16 (HR IRPEE BIE ARB RE RR TRWRIR fhe Aria Se er re (4 uit Foster REY, 6 A CARROL AERFTURES Ww RELIG AE # wend the B8Y their Assistar Smit Maser, Sy and Mrs. Charles Mele 766 FM EHAORER: Chach Schoo) i b ¢ i 4 y % FERS tread - = --_-- By SEWMAY CAM eds iJ Tha © was know » th p 4 i bone le! Ww TE Mr. Minor, tresied them 19 # Mr, and Mrs. Alred Johnson EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Everyone is Welcome When J 0 aay y : J ; 4 4 pds : N y Bay wt The BROTISIan "Row IF are on their way home (rom hn 4 WESTMOUNT { i Mi 5 Wi y W " Lex Kowier ac: Horan Florida wlter spending the win 006 FM companied by Mr. and Mrs, Len , Tyre y fram Ly Mr. and Fhe hia / ) J £F #t 1herr Bame wn Kionds BAY SCHOO UNITED CHURCH 4 i § i 14 Fi Phere will he a service kgf Bg BE Wend dawcres schont on March the United Chmrech vend fh A ss HARMONY FLOYD 61. AT GIBBONS He Howry Hace Hes ' HG WORS } HH Mare Tovier, AREF. RMT MWh, with of 1h {hh Fritay Orn Clik Ravyiew on Friday might, Wh, with so he Ma «wh am EYER Om 4 rid Er | aden Con srl i' p heling ai ver ome corthially invite EYERYERE WHLCOME | UNITED CHURC H | REY. FRAME HH. WARD BA WEF atibatinn J ud --, nas 2 Sr VIE i . attend | 166 AM nae aM [7 awier on NATION ny, y / " Rev. M WIRE fi Fi @l | ld lai " gn : i . . 5 ERT OF Rose Malco ARE | BEL MW AY COMMING i Mi af ames, | Nsdiadii ws . ww du PENTECOS T Al firgan wd Eheimastey od / BE Ck HAAVD | EHERTE hart 7a Haglan My Gani gn he Eng f fishawa WEES ; ; sisiaginid Sinday en y ' and WM Henry asi and windey Sehool 10 a.m a fing . h hes or wi ind family eaneiis | Kindergarten Class Item | 16:60 AM were Mrs. Brye y J i Ji kb Comer Sundry Sches Danna Reey and Mr. Darrel Mr. and Mrs. Harold ide Merning Worship ion wh p day choo MoM aster ' John Foard, Bonnie and Ronnie were veces THE SACRAMENT OF THE | §ry Kindergarten, WNurssry Linda and Jackie all of Oshawa. guests of Mr. and Mp GW LOREYS SUPPER GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE ; HH ar ' Graham Aldred, Oshawa | NI HT 7 [ p A RECEFTION OF MEMBERS | MARCH 31st ot 7 PM and offi dp : dag ME ' Am na einer: B wna Meredith 0 G A) ' W, | A HEARTY WELCOME TO AL EVERYONE 15 WELCOME ME WH ha Lid I EE 2 and HE KOGA sheimerd gIVEEH Te and son Danny of Part POPULAR ANNOUNCER : | £ 4. 4 im ane p i 0 hither wits #13 4 a / H Ww 0 / Hugh Down ARNONRBEEY arch and wu ) hi nem FRG Wg | J n 4 A son and FV's The Jack Paar Show, wa 18:24 eae i; oo Hy w recent guests of horn in Akron (hin. in 1821 and SIMCOE ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH bess therctore, Knowing IIR Cu tee Sm Dwell ME 0 Hrs, Dr, Dhie, Wh, ean oe sar a ro Aguligliihiiy CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH things ha ddl 4 sd hen bib > ia ame mt nouncer there when he w 17 145 SIMCOE ST SOUTH, OSHAWA Him, went for a J ( 0 he death of thi 4 A them. Whon y was faultless, Bo He Vas lr ) : Ue : Ls ed in i ei _ CPEAKER REV ORI AN WEL [3 of ORILLIA Waren G. Dickson, B.A. Minister Jesu of § £ rucified, with a crown of thor 7. / Na } ERIE & yal 6.3877 0 ' ork | Wy R K. Kellingten Organist Cheirmastar arn wered an his brow. He arose from | k "h y @ : . SPECIAL MLISI OSHAWA MALE QUARTET -- Chris said i m H dead, however, appearing first Hel en Knox | 4 4 HISPEL SINGER FROM WHITEY 10 AM . John 18 fF n Mary Magdalene, who was Mr. and My Li of | LOST: ANN PEMICKA d aay aches 7 PM. --~Young Peeples Union Simon Peter tried to weeping before the sepulchre Mi org Mebhersol y if 11 AM --FPALM SUNDAY SERVICE { i ana Leanna rang Val § Ey YOM > Jesus, as he had Vi hut which she found was empty, and } Be i hrist told him to put it away. with Jesus' hurigl clothes laid ited Mr. and M } f J Sco p THE EASTER COMMUNION WILL BE GIVEN Then the hand and the cap: aside bAMEFY | SA ma i -- The Reception of Mew Members will be held tain and officer " When Mary told the disciple Mr. and Mi took Jesus, and hound Him that He had risen and she had and family visilet i 10 AM INBAY SCHOO 9] wi its . i John 18:12 een Him, they did not believe with Mr, and Mi ny (9:45 AM. FOR MEW BRANCH ON RO in ki ni EVERYBODY WELCOME A eter followed us her until He appeared among Brougham : - rey ir or niher eile, them HAM MORNING WORSHIF dhl. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH CHARITABLE DONATIONS 7 PM FAMILY GOSPEL HO Whar js . Philanthropist Jahn D. Rocke £40 Simcae St, 5 SS Members dh Tort ari] 0h 011% Pret ve iro wn wowent -- waar NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH the time of his death in 1060 SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD Given Awards | ncrgasen seewomve [T S-------- SUNDAY 7 P.M, ORGANIST "ral Eln YA MELLOW BA Lenten Prayer Service an Wednesday af B pm Bince 1958, the combined es / 1 . . 5// . SOLINA -- The following Sun und children were Sunday PONAUreS of the provincia and BAHAI'S BELIEVE , , Wha May Abide The Day Of His Coming? SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 930 AM. & 1100 AM, u ( 4 & 7 g Mik y municipal gavernments in Can ; day School members were pre- guests of Mr. and Mis, Ray ERECT Bootie oe A Sermen that "will make SINNERS and some CHRISTIANS 11:00 AM Reception af Junior and Adult Members sented with attendance awards MeGill, Enniskillen 8 ve peapie Bf the warld!. Yhe virtue af this. mast lakes WYNNE a 0 on Sunday morning: Janice. Miss Marilyn McCarrell, Ome. M0 per cen ve people o ) y is m shty uncemfartahble ( f 3 & J :] 4 ' J 11) { Yellowlees, Dennis Broome, mee, Mr, Tom Westlake, Peter dh Manifestation h that We hove #Haced fram the 16.00 AM Bible Classes for all Ages i flare Service by COME POUBLES CLUM . ' ; ah sne » Wa m-- ---- 00k whatever was cause of ¢ BIENECE, COrFL Ellen Cryderman, Walter Tay: borough spent the weekend with whatever was the cau HHIerenee, corrup 7:00 P.M.--Na Service at Northminster Tay Sally and Mrs, We 5 isd on an 560 scarde at whi 00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP and PRAISE lor, Lawrence Taylor ally Mr. and Mp Wes Hills and ' tien and discard, and recorded therein that which | 11:0 " 3 In 14 Langmaid, Shirley Westlake, family Hebron Christian leads to unity, harmony and accord. J unto th 9.08 AM MORNING PEVOTIONS by Rev. Mellaw aver CKLB Brenda Yellowlees, Nancy Knox, Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman who pracfice ! Tuesday, 7:30 p.m Young People Karen Yellowles Dean Knox, ville was a Friday tea guest of Reformed Church f Wednesdar, B. p.m.==Midwesk Prove James Baker, Herbie Tink, Ted: Mr. and Mys, KE. BR, Taylor o k th ef highway Far further infarmatian Please Write ' dy Broome, Joan Westlake, Jean Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker were y We If riday, B p.m.--~Men's Prayer Meeting Broome, Joan Wenake, a ering etry nt Me] srwwent" 29 GLADSTONE ~~ PHONE RA 6.7578 : / i A Er ES | tree} 8t, Andrew's United Church Murray | ERA. ---------------------- Fink, Marie Flett and Phyllis'awa " . Amn Wes lnk Migs Helen Baker, Toronto y SUNDAY, MAS -- MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORR, MA, PP ' ie: 0 Hit lotel Mina Nios ; a -- - TE ---------- Organist and Cheirmaster; MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. Gail Baker sang 4 solo Blows Mi " th ite (Tn, Howe 10 AM KING ST, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | iba aly BE This House Next Sunday almanville s weeke 3 : CRM " : pepesentalive of the Temper: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Raker and [ REV: J Yon HARMELEN THE SALVATION ARMY 611 KING ST, WEST 1100 AM~--THE SACRAMENT OF THE ance Federation will speak at famil IARMELEN i LORD'S SUPPER ange eran A | Mv, and Mra. Tom Boker wer in HARMELE! SIMCOE AND JOHN §T8 " ' Rev. J, M: MacKnight--=Pastor 930. AM maenior. iernedias 1] el oF hell Hamer and lisa Sunday visitors with Mr, and| GO RIGAY ry 18 AM MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officer A 5-166) Residence " 36nias, Intermediate and Junior Raeh Vor ithe married in KE) Mrs, H. Ormiston, Bowmanville in HARMELEN : v 4 : Church RA 8 an 11:00 AM Nursery, Beginners and Primary Classes f J J ( in Saturday i ike As at Ay | SUNDAY AM PALMS "ROCLAMATION oo. % 4 Eo hy Hh i ili wy Slat Baker Wats Quway gen a P n 1g -- I spin Ll BIBLE COLLEGE PAY 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN ST, ANDREW'S Reed, Attendants were Mr. and . tadel Band and Sengsters = Yocaleftes Male Quartet 11 am Rev, C. B. Smith CHAPEL Mrs Charles Hamel Rrogklin. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 2 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES President of Eqstern Pentecostal Bible College REV. G. TELFORP WILL PREACH Pat Davis played the wedding 7 ; i pme~--The Heme League EASTER BLESSING 7 p.m music. The reception was held Mrs. C. B. Smith in Baling Community Hall i The Mathes Gheich / : An evangelist you should hear The flowers at the church Ah The Fi re ap FRI B PM--"EASTER MERITATION : oh p dal Sangster, CARTAIN JIM REID, ( PLUS TOR STU E y service Sunday Morning Were SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M ALL WELCOME IP STURENT TALENT NTI sStyeet lite Ohirel fram the Hamer-Verleysen wed VOCALS == 3 ! on f ' EUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM SUBJE( ttt --_-- . CAL INSTRUMENTALS 2:45 AM UNBAY SCHOO! Mrs, Bruce Tink visited her (Ipc '4 REV MERVIN A BURY MA BB Minsler mother, Mri. W, A. Orimston R E A L Y - I a a Far Transpartation RA 50318 Mi Rhyedid Williams Cheir Dirgster and Qraanist f - i. Hrooklin Wednesday evening meeting at 8 00 o'cloc ides \ | | SURERVISER MUR FRY TINY TOTS CHURCH IN BOTH SERVICES YOUTH DEPARTMENT BABY CRECHE. NURSERY AM Mr. and Mrs. Ray Langmaid testimonials of healing through Christian Science l | | 5 | I" Al J ] is P |] ( |B { | | AMPLE OF STREET PARKING 10:00 AM CHURCH &¢ fodt 1h Ae Mr, and Mrs, Charles Langmaid READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE THE. CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM PALM SUNDAY -- HOLY COMMUNION Haortop lenwaed a" a Menday 7:00 pm. ta 2.00 pm " wor ¥ E---- ---- -- d 1100 AM "THE BEGINNING and Praise FIRST CHURCH COLBORNE Tf A pm Prayer and Praise Meeting . -- Tuesday and Thursday 2.00 pm. ta 4:30 p.m MN. Frank Swackhammer, B.A 4" " EXCERTING HOLIDAYS 2 " Minister 7th in Lenten Series: "The Seven Words from the Crass GRACE eo -------- - He Pile, Musical Dissic nl tv ba LUTHER AN ; \ A M.~Things Mast Certainly Believe ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA : Saloist Mrs Fon orate Appa | I Christa and Missionary Nance \ hi Ess CHRIST 15. KiNG - SUNDAY SERVICES ; ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENBLY FAMILY wh M A RELIGION THAT HURT ST GEORGE'S CHURCH E. A Lavell } hmeng $1. §. al Cadillgs f A] § 5 wl H or i am hl hae 4 ATE Wag f hi Bible Schaal 948 CENTRE AND RAGOT STREETS Rev, So A" Rarloshens ERR ---------- SS ---- ---- Affer-Chuieh Fellawihip Hour Kk ( [ON D. CROSS, BA, LTh \ Alb t 8 uU d Ch h 11 AM--'THE AWFUL CRY OF QUR |'_____ " CIA Raye "Whe the Shien Seg SUNDAY, MARCH 24h. PALM SUNDAY er treet nite urc SUNDAY SERVICE | ~ | ARM 9.00 AM-~HOLY COMMUNION CH ATKINSON, Minister 10030 AM DYING LORD 11:00 AM.~--~MORNING PRAYER REV. €. CROSS ° MRS BROCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-Leader Next Week The Joyful f Our | i Lard R= nh 215 AM : i" . _- 4:00 PM EVENING PRAYER == REV. D. WILSON 11:00 AM ---~LENTEN SERIES SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 PM THE DIMENSIONS OF THI 3 HTHE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST (8) "CHRIST THE SAVIOUR® "THIS 1S THE LIFE" CROSS" Carvany BarrisT CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH 7100 PM--THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR REGULARLY ON BROADCAST CKLB < \ ] } IHN § § MARY AND 'HILLEROFT STREETS TELEVISION Wednesday, 8 PM. 4 Mid week ellawshin CENTRE AND JOHN STREET wv THE VEN. HB. Cr EvERBON --= PHONE RA 3.570% 7:00 P.M REV. H. A MELLOW af Natthminster Church = P.M ------ Affiliated with the Fellowship at Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada and Northminster. Choir sur . TT Paster: REY. Ww NIVEN AITKEN 8:00 AM = 11:70 AM = 2:00 PM 2:45 AM JUNIOR TO SENIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL ------ -- SR rr ------------ 11:00 AM =NURSERY, BEGINNERS, KINDERGARTEN, and PRIMARY 2:50 PM FRIENDLY CHAT CKLB 9.4% AM BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Mid-Week Lenten Service 3 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA 11:00 AM. --"THE CROSS SATER TOuRT ANG ARM ARI ILANG WOK Sash 08 aig a --_.~ Qa IN THE EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST HOLY WEEK SERVICE -- - OX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S 7.00 P STER : PAL SUNDAY ks ih \eeti ew h NG ST, § & WiLso J Mimi ET RBW ' 1" 00 gil BLE ne Ao TRIBUTION OF PALM SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH Nn Aur New § Derek Allen or of Nipigon M CHOIR UNDER DIRECTION OF WALTER 4 LANE aaa Da UNRAY PROGEION, JUNG SUCHAR V The Church in the heart of Wa city W " the World 4 its heart : - : iD WED. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFA ; EASTER BIBLE CONFERENCE ; ighie oy RAY AND WEDNESDAY Director of Music: Mi. RB. G Geen LT CM Rev. Walter J. Main, Ext Moody Bible Institute, Chicag 5 11:00 AM---PALM SUNDAY COMMUNION and RECEPTION AT 45 PM GOOD FRIDAY ; ZT. MATTHEW'S CHURCH OF NEW MEMBERS CHURCH SCHOOL | 9.30 AM WILSON RD, SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE Lenten Theme: "The Divine Answer ta Human Need" | : UMBENT: THE REV, R, A SHARP » RA 3:2044 (6) Meeting Our Need For Sepurity 11:00 AM | YOUNG PEOPLE'S LA : "RUN FOR I; 00 A M, RT WOODVIEW PAR) HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 2:00 AM = 11:00 AM, == 7:00 P.M 2:00 FM JOINT SERVICES IN ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH YOUR LIFE" n i 1351 CEDAR STREET Pr. George Telford will preach 00 PM EVENING SERVICE ST. MARK'S CHURCH © SUNDAY SCHOOL 1.00 P.M WE "ARE NOT i $ RAM! 1 Of Bed star -W Re ih Re drilled nk : . tai Wtevadiate. dnd .N THE ANSWI OL R ( TW N \ i CHO i i p ; \ wn \ ant ied tor in he Ha TO ATOM al Mh Week New Members