The Oshawa Times, 24 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Fanning expense Val oF Tid Wihe. fn the WN Voh., 90---MO,. 70 $ rE enally peed of ones SPRING After winter slowly hut with i wm which ended fs Yebruary a tart with # astaling and ed hang storm two major novwilalls March, a mild | real is in couple of days of ont ring weather first nrougnt Ens of Fricw tat Grr 16 Conte For Copy ARRIVES IN MONTREAL Mar han Mitchell of Bruna nurse her Wirephotn are mur 3] CEOS growing along home Kennedy Gives Reds Warning Over Laos WASHINGTON (CP) Fresi dent Kennedy has ealled on Bo viet Premier Khrushehey stop the Boviet-hacked rehel of tensive In Loans, cautiously ft the 1 "have (a cons ¥ sponse' to keep the tiny South: east Asian kingdom out of Com: munist hands The president was careful to avoid any threats of military action as he outlined the "diffi cult and potentially dangerous problem" of Laos hefore a tele vised press conference "Thurs day night He emphasized the desire of the UK. government io find a peaceful solution, hut said ab viously the security of the United Slates and Southeast Asia would he affected hy a Cammunist takeaver in Laos The president defined a three point UK. policy on the orisis, giving the Boviel premier a plain, but softly-spoken warning that Soviet-hacked military al tacks "must end if peace 1s 10 he achieved in Southeast Asia." BACKS INDEPENDENCE He made these points I. The United Ktates supports without reservation "the goal of a neutral and independent Lao tied ta no outside power of group of powers, threatening nn one, and free from any damina ton The president implied this position: now should he clear all nations including Russia EE ful solution Little Hope For Fishermen LOCKEPORT, N& (OF) This south shore fishing town af 1200 clung to the haope today that 12 missing fishermen would still he found alive samewher in the storm-tassed waters of the Atlantie. But the odds were against 1 Wreckage helleved to 1a ane of the twa missing long liners was found Thursday. An arange-calored barrel with grey paint spats hearing the initials IN was found by the dstrayer Sioux. Residents here said the Hmmie and Sisters, ane of the missing boats, used lo cary harrel hut recently Ini fo tn he a the there is for peace Laotian belong grey changed to arange Alsen spotted of a font dary known whether it belonged one af the missing boat Five men member erew of the Muriel! Kileen already esumed dead. Week axe dla boal wa found | Halifax hatiam was not a was the hat 1 of the af the 18 mi ll] Wednesday. Suid INE are the Junmie and wists and the Mariarie Byrd carted A trew of six CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1138 FIRE DEPT, RA 3.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Ahan With im Are | | lerisis "there must tion of the present ne Boi armed al Lr Communists,' Kennedy added: "If these al | ted Bates tacks do not stop, those whe|senied hy {aot bt $n fi L pag foreign 1oinis: ter, i A . ave to consider sponse, The shape of this nee essary Pethanse will, of course he earefully considered nol only in Washington but in the SEAT conference with our allies which begins next Monday," 8, The United States is "earn estly in favor" of international negotiations "which ean help Laos hack to the pathway of in | dependent and genuine neutral {iy Specifically the United Blates supports British pro posals to Russia for a prompt lend of the fighting ta he fol lowed hy an international con ference [AWARE OF TRUSTY As Il speaking directly to Khrushehey, the president {added on this last. point We are always conscious of the oh {ligation which vests upon all members. of the United Nations to seek peaceful solutions to problems of this sort, We hope that others may he equally aware of this responsibility of the jungle kingdom, Kennedy showed how the Communist-run | Pathet Lao held only a few small horder aveas last Aug: ust and how they have spread| their contral, with Soxiet help, | aver mueh of the orn and| eastern sections quntry The United" bliga tens under the Preaty Ovganigalti () itn deal with aggresston in Laos, and no one should doubt our resolution on this point." We will not be provoked trapped ar drawn into this or any ather situation ACT IF NECESSARY But Kennedy expressed confi dence that the country would haek his decisions, made in eons cert with the SEATO allies, to Act if necessary | know that every American will want his country ta hanar its obligations to the paint that freedom and security of the free world and ourselves may be achieved." The aver-all impression left-hy the president was ane of patient British in Laos while the a cease-fire walehiulnes appeal fo toltacks by externally supporied is being considered hy the So viel government The cease-fire appesl was pre- British MiLastado aienw to Nikolai Firyubin, Britain and Russian share responsibility as en-chalrmen of the 1054 Gen fva conference which restored peace to Indochina and ereated Lans as one of the independent states But British foreign office offi elals feel action might take weeks since the appeal first must he forwarded to Khrush chev, wha is touring farm lands in Siberia, and Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyke, in New York for the UN General Assembly meeting Britain's supported hy Kennedy revive the old truce eommission--India, Can ada and Poland--which would supervise a ceasefire while various countries involved in the strongly would three-member proposal erisis would meet to seek a forces In the Laotian civil war peaceful solution LONDON (Reuters) The British government said today that it hapes its new proposals on Laos will lead to a peaceful settlement and that it has not discussed with the United Siates the passibility of sending British troops ta the Indochina king dom Deputy foreign secretary Hd ward Heath told the House of Commons Britain 1s "most anx ious there should be a peaceful settlement of this problem.' Talks that have heen going on with the United States on the orisls 'have not been concerned with the use of British forces he said But Heath noted Britain had obligations to Laos under the Southeast Asia Treaty Organia atlon. He refused to give an Opposition member an assw ance that the use af Hyitish LATE NEWS FLASHES Naked Patrons Watch Robbery TORONTO (UM) While today awner an with a early pan Patrons peering Alex Melnvehenke gun PORONTO (OP) A head first through a window ¢ policeman doing a routine oh RUMPIONS OUls, was caught charged Robert Gough, 22 Date Set For New TV PORONTO (UR) i will begin aperations in thee announced today. hreak-in parly today with hreaking ANnada » 43 naked patrons looked on a masked man robbed a Bathurst street steam hath of $300 through clouds v hand aver the of steam money saw in rach! Suspect Dives Through Window hurled himself when spoited hy a fhe man, bleeding from A shoyt chase. Palice and entering suspect eek alley Network second an network olties next September, § was elev A ini. hope 'wa BL HiRka Ve | fay ignited gas which aeeum- of an area of high Using three glant-siged a Britain Hopes For Laos Peace 110 duty hy the troaps involved in it Miserable, frinity weather wilt carry on until at least Setovday wfternoon TWENTY TWO PAGES MALONEY DENIES ANY GAMBLING KNOWLEDGE | Anti-Gambling Chief Recalled Mac Starts West Tour LOBPON (CP)=FPrime Mi ter Macmillan eft by mir 1663Y for # 19Aay the We Indies federi United States and Canaos ni# with 0 thie Ke [RIE Bho i" aid has "meh 19 President Kenney Aides EF Ake ERE said th Aespith wreency of Macmillan Origine Ye TT visit first We eration and meetings with Ken needy April and April B. BH f I $ J { the RINE 17 48 J fii in Laos worse or Prem Khrushehey rejected the lales! Britick nroposal of followed an inte oni conference, Maemilian could an his Washing mnething like res Aefense ECONOMIES ang the fam ah EVs AARETINE calhng indies fed oe MW ha for a Fh West them Ammon 16 the wm é) east ant ef a ceasefire hy na Explosion Rips French Assembly | PARIS (Reuter ion and fire ripped through the National Assembly building early toda CAUsINg an est mated $20 000.000 damage ince BITIVAL 0 on he f nw nou up hy cannet risk mimsier wep after ha ISN 5 my heer ahoard plans few ing ency sion and Kennedy on Lans at hs ne leep an emer mia S85 kept yf om th Laotian fatement conference CABINET MEETS It was the second cahinel meeting within seven hours Laos mise was considered the earlier meeting Maemillan did not Lans in his girport But the critical situation in the Southeast Asian kingdom un doubtedly was much in his mind when he said of his forth coming meeting with the Amer ican president: Ww pla 1] The explosion storernnm out window and knocked doors off their hinge Firemen fought the hlaze far more than three hours The blast first was helieved Lo have heen caused hy a homh But officials said later it was probably accidental. The fire ehief sald a dropped eigaret pos sihly smouldered for hours and In an assembly hiew mention statement Britain Denies Laos Troop Plan LONDON (Reuters) == Britain today denied It has discussed) with the United States sending British troops inte war-hit Laos Deputy foreign secretary Kd ward Heath told the House of Commons that Britain's consul tations with the United Blales ahout Laos "have not heen con cerned with the use of British forces." Heath was answering ques: | tions hy Opposition Leaded Hugh Galtskell following signs of - alarm In the West over (he war hetween Boviel hacked troops and Americansupporied | ulated Parliamentary documents in the blaze, which also dam aged an ante - chamber and some upstairs offices ATOM BAN TALKS To U. S. GENEVA (AP) he mara thon three-power nuclear test han talks are expected tn carry on another week hefore the Rus sans give any official response in the new Western plan to hreak the stalemate Boviet delegate Remyon apkin so far has Lnet enolng nn the Reitish compromise outside the conference, hut he sald he would hear them out without saying an official word I'sarapkin was chairman of tnday's session=--the 277th since the negotiations hegan 25 year HEN UK. delegate Arthur Dean ha taken the initiative since ype sumption of the talks Monday after a three - month recess Hach day he discussed in detail another point in the program Western sources say it will take Dean at least eight more days ta spell oul the new West ern proposals for a treaty han ning testing of nuclear weapons 'NLIGHT ADVANCE! Talking to reporters, Tsavap Kin said he detected "a slight advance in some aspects of the Western proposals, but he as serted that they contain ten many conditions, ton many ifs.' The general hellef is that the Soviet delegate is waiting for word from Moscow hefore tak Hit Sicily MESKINA, Sicily (AP)=Seven earth tremors during a ane-how perind today spread panic in this Siethian city and Reggina alabria Communioations 10 the wed disrupted immediate nth Which were an earthquake 75,000 died and. mast vielent felt at 11:38 am MN seconds. An shock came at third tremor at tremors weve fell Tsar hown a dis joint LB proposals troops In Laos was "inconcely able." FACES VERBAL BARRAGE Heath faced a barvage o questions from Opposition Leader Hugh Gaitskell and other Socialists and some from his. own Conservative parly Lord Hinchinghrooke, Con tive MP, raised the ques tion of Laos heeoming another Korea, He urged the govern ment to hear tn mind in its talks with the US. that Korea was 'an idenlogical war which did not serviee for the Common wealth except for the devation SRY Heath replied that "President Kennedy sald yesterday that he Was most anxious for a peace ful settlement as are we Britain ealled on Russia Thursday ta join it in an appeal to the leftists and rightists to ond their oivil war in Laos. If a ceasefire came about, the three:-pawer truce commission on Faos would he revived and an international confer ence would be held an the future of the ecauntry The eahinet ecanferved until after midnight on the Laotian erisis hefave Prime Ministoy Macmillan left this morning on a threeweek rip 10 the Weal Indies Fedevation, the United States and Canada Maemillan ond cabinet meetings in hours at midnight Thursday aight. Ministers had a transoript of President Kennedy's A settlement In Laos With is. warming tha the United States would nat al low the Cammunists 10 take over Je Indochinese Kingdom cities heve part Cilles raved hy 1908. when he Hirst remor was and last other Was nn re wo de mn OF Casuaiie both convened his se seven haul sharp HA and a 12:4 le { mm between Apparentiv the most public appeal fog wpe ramoy Were Messing, where reported in-several Severe in oracks were buil®ngs {ward and more settled weather the storeroom were destroyed No Red Reply TORONEO (CP)Anwyer br thir Maloney, MVP for Toronts Parkdale, today 1914 a prelim nRry hearng thet he has mo knowledge of & brief concerning ERMWIRGE prosecitions Wien tioned Wednesday in testimony against three men charged with CORSIITING 19 obstruct justice Mr. Mzloney spoke at the opening of the (owrth dey of the hegring for Joseph P. MeDer molt, MM, and Vincent Feeley W, charged with conspiracy and BECIWIE BR COMMOR RAMBLE house, and Bobert J, Wright, # former Ontario Provincial Po lee officer, charged with brib ing RB police officer The Progressive Conservative MP, who appeared hy permis sion of Magistrate Joseph 1, Ad dison, said he had not seen # transeript of Wednesday's evi dence, But, he said, aceording {10 newspaper reports it had been suggested that & brief concern ng & method of conducting a prosecution of gambling pre mises had heen given Mr. Ma loney and that he had passed it on to his brother, James Ma loney, Ontario minister of mines who had given it to 8 high of ficer of the OPP "I wish to stale eategorically that I never saw or heard of such a brief," said the Progres sive Conservative MP BROTHER IN DARK TOO Mr, Maloney said he had heen ga hraneh of the Toronto hank Donna Wright on the made employees and Marvin forced 16 he wh men plier BANK Burhan Dominion in Bethany Ont., Thursday floor while their Cy Bethany Bandits' Car Found RELRWRY rabbi Wirephotg Showery Saturday Sunnier Sunday TORONTO (CP) A sunny Sunday is predicted for South ern Ontario with afternoon readings in the 40s Showery weather, which per sisted this week is shifting east: lin ed the get-away ear used hy two Sen nor heard of the brief, men whe robbed the Toronto. | in Bethany to & statement by special will develop with the approach Pressure, | says the paminon publi | Dominion Rank weather office Clearing is expected In south. The ear was found in the western Ontario Saturday with Peterborough Civie Hospital a few showers in eastern re. narking lot, police said today glons early in the day It was the same ear that had heen reported stolen in Peter {hovough, Wednesday night The two handits, one earry ing an automatic pistal, held up the hank at 11.40 a.m,, and left with about $1500, There were four people in the hank al the time, three staff members and a customer The customer, Emory Smith, Io Osa of Bethany, managed to gel the license of the car used for the gel away, He and the staff ing a definite stand, leaving, members had heen told to lie on Premier Khrushchev room to the floor while the men left Nanoeyyre on the Russian posi:| Provincial Police have set up tion until the last minute roadblocks in the Peterborough near here Dean made what he called a and Bethany area, Ahout 80 wear ete Wollnestay boy's dis new offer Thursday in asking men, under Insneetor Kenneth fraught father, said this mor the Koviel Union 10 join the Grice, are working on the in: in. hf BA 4 wl Born West in a program of harnessing vestigation ng | ere would he no cubs at nuclear power for major earth Rethany is avout: 12 7 the funeral, "I never want to moving projects to henefit man ethany : hoo of lies see a cub as long LL live," kind south-west of Peterhorough and he said, I'sarapkin afterwards told re has A population of 250 The funeral is at 2 pm, the porters the Russians "no not! The manager of the bank 18 same time as private rites for want any (nuclear) explosions Glen Wentworth, The other two Warren Williamson, 41, first at all" stalf members were Marvin considered a go-hetween in a heen adduced against any BELLEVILLE (CP) = Mem hers of the Frontenacs, a Squirt division team in the Belleville Minor Hockey Association, are to be honorary pallbearers at today's funeral "of teammate Tommy MeNevin, 10, found dead from exposure in a wood touch with his brother, who is indisposed, and had heen as. Provincial Police have local. Wired that he mise had never Mr, Maloney made refersnce OWN shortly before noon, Thursday, [prosecutor Gordon W, Ford Thursday that no evidence has er sons mentioned in the iM i and is still missing, No Cubs To Be At Boy's Funeral {Wednesday night, nary besring except the se cused Mr. Maloney said as far ws he and Ws hiother were eon cerned, "not only has no evi- dence heen adduced bt iu fact no evidence exists" Magistrate Addison seid his permission for Mr. Maloney 1s spesk should not he construed as an invitation te al others named during the hearing 19 ad dress the court. He said if such persons wish 10 comment on references to them, "they will have to do so at another time and another place." STORIES CONFIICTED Mr. Ford said no allegation of wrongdoing was intended hy the Crown against Mr, Maloney or his brother, As far Bs the Crown was concerned there were conflicting stories concern: ing the brief, but none of them confirmed the story that if had passed through the hands of either of the Maloneys, Sgt, John Anderson, officer in charge of the OPP anti-gams Wing squad, then resumed festis mony which he had begun late Thursday after OPP Constable George Beott had given evidence for nearly three days, Const, Scott, who for four months played the dual role of (gamblers' watchdog for police 'raids and undercover man esl lecting evidence, said Wn referved to 8 man named Seript Mitchell, whe apparently lived in Niagara Falls, | Wright is alleged ta have said {he felt { after he bad : Mitchell talked too much, Mitchell disappeared from Nisgars Falls in October, 1050 Williamson, eubmaster of the pack to which the boy belonged, was found dead from a self-in flicted shotgun wound in the hasement of his home hy his wife and two adopted daughters about four hours after questioning hy po: lice about Tommy MeNevin's disappearance, Roth the boy and Williamson (Will be buried in Belleville eem: elery, Corporal H, V, Howding, iden. tification officer of the Belles (ville provincial police detach. meni, said the clothing young [MeNevin was wearing when found dead would be sent tn {Wrightly and Miss Donna Dur: 825,000 kidnap ransom demand Toronto with other evidence for ham Wage Dispute Brings Pickets To Project PICKERING (Staff) AN man plekel line is parading around the Ray Ridges develop ment praject in Plekering town ship today Represented in the picket line are union members of local 1190 United Carpenters and Joiners| of America, local 40, Interpa.| | tional plasterers and cement] | masons, and local 811 Interna | tional Hod Carriers, building and common laborers union They each hear signs which state, "unfaiy contractors are violating their agreement" \ spokesman for the picket line said that the trade union ists grief is hecause the eons tractors are not paying them wages sot forth in the original oantract grief with the solidated huilding corporation who are promoting the 23800! homes in the new community Constructed on the Ray Ridges hailding 1s a 10 font hy ign which states the fol heir is onn Hes Hn fant lowing Ple in note oul the employees of aur sub eon tractors, are not on the sivike ploket and their husiness agents| are not our emplavees. Wa em- play year raund employment fap our hailding trades." Tt was the Consolidated Build Wainy amplayees, aned ne Coy T'a date have heen sold In the community wark has ceased on these homes alippery ist seal at the London, Ont $00, Was awarded an insur ance policy against escape to | day, G, E, Jackson (left) pre | sented the policy to Vern Me | Killop (centre), general man ager of London's public wtill | Ues commission, Zoo curator 10 homes from the dead boy's father, | examination today, r---- INSURANCE FOR SLIPPERY the famous escap Don Smith gave Slippery a | special bonus = a juley two | pound salmon (CP Wirephoto) or. Mitehell ud McDermott thet

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