The Oshawa Times, 24 Mar 1961, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Padey, Merch 14, 1967 #i= THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS - -- : 37 tale Welp Wontsd A4A--, , & Flots a , & Flor AbA~--Apts, & Flats 44h . & Flot 44h--hots, & Floste NEW BUSINESS : Wa win cur lo pontion pee i Rent For Bent 5 Rent or Rent of rib SY. (Re Whe S86 Ee By oe 5 af ow pe [0 + BR da aig WEBI RAA asl YIN e we 6 VIE ts Britis #8 19619 RY, Ions T0008 THO = ms Bwetment, foeniohen, 18 # apes Lyd IREE Foss et slew 9 a tor Bw, Won or A ! a 4 ( wiaphane y ad Hart Ta Inlisted Numbers ! PEE (0 Wart: 168 4 SERINE, VOIR sons, WHERE, [5.481 Het SRA TORR, VEVY gr Fie TR nms, Bi faites BRIER ClaTh, SREIEIRTE JOWELL Tol |, lei of irind BER, (5 ima. phy 48 Warm Sienet a. Gonaipl MAGEE, TIRROE FO%. 1s bus sow 114s ' 7 Gonede, Wak. seve 4 # ' FEGACER 6 BIneREe WH balks CI RCE WINE Relient, hpy Ti WARE Ave ¢ Wwiven Ayes wy E5148, (AAW eniisnes. BERNIE HA Fah popes Work. Mae hee Fee ABE sg Wag CILIA WO hkinmm, rol sont ined makers WONT en vise page, Boo AR add , « : 4 gy =» ARAN, TIRE HY iv om ere etpment, Witehen, Wong room, Went. Saw 1 FS IER APPLIANCE SERVICE Y 4 ' ' wring fb paetanary TRIE SOON WERIaRt, Rewias, Rest pune RA C4346 hetwesn © 6m. #08 psig pore Piao: Bis yA i M8 FPRCLIERL, (Henk «© pats Baty. sephe EMELIETELY pig / 5% Oo Fines BRR CARLEE, rie Bop, GRilnE. RA 5am " F471 FE wR Rin ad giiink 5 Row fd] i" SHI rr RA 2s ' Asty BA S916, 6 stn 10 B o.% ano gor inf Bs sag oo # ind prin dglild, flower CGETH Fash -- ---- - ide ) - SARLISHER Wekin's rote svat TWO wetameed isms #8 fhe Joc WEW fio tons potent, Wy 4 f ve Price g+/ or Dip 4 FOR inn Time for Egster" od hp wn time, sadents Pssoss TWO fsmiohad imme, P59 Me ERIMRER sok fami, Sh mm ly, dose W som Via fos Bes shen fv EWG susiinents. the thive rom Park A 5 ie Soto i is, Motte ME OL s LE ' Cd 57 Fatwre satin Fann V0 per B90 DAE, BEL WeTses BF opie J Goanarit Motors. Apps Bh (re yo sons, BiG mong. TS Lerdetown 11 Forme HH SOT EE . {AL iy . Siaaer West. Aviaries mow. KA Bi f. Bake ad sp i. Bus #0 Soor SPECIAL ois oF more. Tewhone Wh FE TRREE : foam self cosioined Sport Drive WA Bid pra A ay pia Ply Ra i all he Ee ie, # € RAS 4 i176 EASTER WAEN'S Si ITS IHN men 16 Lewin for spesialized sell wast worth, caste. Veaghone BA AFARTWENTE Gree toem 3 Servants pith {a Fauy Tove the femity ts the ' J ng Weed cay aod AHN PRE WEER § ! ODER) £5123 WE sm emianiRs, BAe 166 fe | Wr East, Frigs is Gri 7 PAIR OF Wig aornings then seewied. RA IN MO 5] to Boh Pent Avaietie on a EPs BOER LE WY ~ IWREE - room Speriment with pric Wi Lomors Rost, hit, § TWEE BEIGHT MODERM MORERS fheee - toon A SICKROOM EQUIPMENT )- wi : oh EQ i BO-PEEP TROUSERS " APARTMENT ie mnie od a meters G8 why, antirmased woes; sow 4, OWE AND TO BECROOW | Saovinent, soe gels" » FOE BENT OF FOR SALE « y / pA ; J = Ww! why o " y Yaad Big Hestite PvE, 5 f od bad RESTAURANT i 4 4 Cols A CAREER WITH ins thine anf T9 wiles, ars of iin To rr oh AFAETHENTS WONERY 1 ludsmom ad AA dd rig Geng "hy rg Cartre k Bil (hive Aysmie 4 So ARIE Wl rg f S168 36 to A PURPOSE y # Furnished, and wntunished son hy 1 piss a " WRIGHT, gtrastive, (hice | 100m WOR: CLONE lo hoping conive, these br balconies, laundry room facili EE omy, il ai Anah, REWly As BBR, plirpished ER, REWy Sorvit, fiat. steel ert. lacation. $rom Fant at ies, ercellier Aor s ASHIONABLE. SHOES SPECIAL $26.75 VIER WEE PG WK (rine Worth of King Street heavy dots wiriog, TV verte, pie Lael ape, pri Bon $65 00 ni TR isan a SRE Ll Aviigiie now. Apphy 96 King Piso add reil-oney bad copntuninies for travel end 5B 4 AL'S BI-RITE op 8 oe rave on LARGE 2-BEDROOM vem wh sos West i Tmo eek Phone Aid Bemgls BA 5.1644 For The Family adverts, 30 devs pe CASEY'S BARBER SHOP NEW SPRING COLORS STORE doy S450 wai, eaming saqrilg af Urn, marern Wliehen, sieve wad 1e| MOBERM SELF CONTAINED ADELAIDE TEPRACE |ME¥ iow + 1 wiomarce, free med dh EGE Avg e April Tot, Excel ERSTE, BEWT AREHEaiad, wit Toes vie hath phi i BURNS SHOES = "iss VIET Tescnaing owies | "a ee tore is Cum roe wins APARTMENT | bor modern owottroam 788 00510 Lh fh 5 951 iis " SING OYEIEGS i 7 of LLL if bi "Jan wrtown Ohaus, BA E-A461) ; iti S D. HYMAN PARKTOWN = 1s, ious 00m spat VERY CENTRAL piri Arid sl Aaa unin " : v p i £ RELI MEIER, WE BAREIS " Preheior » EASTER LILIES IN CANADA'S ARMY REALTO i fir and second. sors [romans $68 PER MOMTH wishes 10 have garage, | i y 2 r daa re av akie A SVE f lo res Free porving Aad POTTED PLANTS g FO" / WEAK HWE, ye soome, He bath TELEPHONE tend io bla one. Apply oo \ J f you ore between 17 ond HOME RA B-6286 Ak oom; g an 329 Adelcide Ave, Apt RA 8076) NEW Easter Cut FLOWERS | 75, engle end physically fr, | 35 PRINCE STREET its Teh gr dover Rosen pp 55433 or RA 5:2267 | Telephone ih 5-6943, So Oppornin (EXCLUSIVE DEALERSHIP) Fé uf FL 26.9098 0 -------- re ------ eres rrr -- ud ~Businers Opportunities cov | ME FIBERGLAS REED'S ARMED FORCE! a andes, Th CHAIRS FLORISTS RECRUITING CENTRE | 1 Bi Po Bd 17 DECORATOR COLORS | v.00 STORES TO SERVI 27 & ARMY) y . 9 Avenue Eas TY nS Jaret PRESTO APPLIANCES YOU IN OSHAWA ABT Sud ETEAM EON COFFEE MAF K Sey d sil : === ---------- - A ---- # YX i. f er " ¥ y Re g Stef Accountonts Building Materials Fuel ond Wood Mortgages Rug--Upholstery Service ¥ ia oe? " - ---- iid RELIABLE f WONTEVIR HONTEIN IK » nd WATER proving, Wasiering, rooling, BARDWOOR f(actory ends. Telephone CIIENEN money 10 loss on list mort | fam ieee ares hy! RY TURE 5 BLOOR WW VHAWA ARMOLURIES Charisse ; Winn, PRPET RARELE ARE heise A BAIA wage. Morigaie snd spresment of sole SEGERS AR Bi vise J : . f he Hindad 5 Shencoe Street North 4! o% iy Rl [i ------------ il buschased iA marae seranfed wlio, #8 0 4 ' 3 po ho SERIIC tonks cleaned the sanitary | FUTRIRUTE Repeir yi pa 9: TR A TY RUG AND UPHOLSTERY sention, EpeE 3.7926 y parlor or Law 5 5 ond 3 p 5 Pe w Cc WH. E. WEWAER pnd (a Aer auninple wey, Rew baivs Installed Waller Wark, VEN ¢ din KING $7 SEWING wid hudilore, Coder Glen Bigg, 18 On: 15 Chestant Went, hone M0 85, FER EE hE ay hone Nursing Services CLEANERS MACHINES SUPERVISORS tari Bisset, Oshaws, Ontario, WA REEL | Cle wepnizs and stucen, BA BAWH Professional Cleaning of BUILDING SER VICE WHAON sud BURBOWE, (harigred (ree esbimples, werk Eisranieed INRIVPUAML care for eaph person In hod £4 whe psy 6 y FURNITURE repaired snd me wihol: Bupnyh [i 5 RE : Lower P, fp pA: Rw 3 nhybrse of shawn. RN sspervised wer Vrces, Flor Ines / 7 $s J Erond #" wh Hr 4 wr v got 7 ud telexnone HA pared. Bes our maleiisle for Fe-cRver Tnanirves invited A re HA RA 5 B Bakes bg bo ho ; + oh q 540( CEQ 40 0 Edmond furxons. Co. RA Bast) BATHROOMS tied, cabinets built, oiling Bryce H. Dalian, 76 Charles Brest, 5.20: v 74 6 Fime Pa Vol ) vo) 7 yes of Rieralion © 10h tow sinell. |BA 721% p-- TR . pe ar B " = won ' Aeeounting Tele hone RA 67186 -- vist rs wd 7 ny # ' 9 5 b ' pfodyiblg hid [ ' eaut y/ Salo J I ae air EAVESTROVGWING ashing, #nd Gardening and Supplies ~ | Optomet ddd RUGS A b CHESTERFIELDS: # A collection contyes . INagEr ? Tes, BA 57606 WHAInk, FeERiEs SRC IE ork ALLEN EL, garden service, Towne ent l) boii p i if i -+EANED / scome.| $8.50 Permanrents $6 00 OM SALE $44 50 ent of Put * Halty Wusranieen. Estimates RA\GEe cored Yor, reasoneiié rales, new! Nil ry the examination o A Professions) Cleaning J y J ih ir (EMES [ r JOFKING and Company, Lord a gibt Vislon, 1AROSCAIAnE 8 SPRY. Colborne VERIDKS BOROLMERL Home or Plant 0 ? ts $B ( (EAR Af : NT AR rh AA at in RAMA TYPES boring repairs, rooting, MA SEI or RA W9IW hh 3416) ug $l Permanents $8.0 f 20-YEA ANTES i ) rest Ean, Osawn, 08 (8rie, RAIA TV ig revelry Tooling, i - Members of the Nationa! A. to A B0sd Gordes C }, ape LIIH "lense nefityet © i A8anin WRK: How " dads id OSHAWA BAY wecounle al downtown Domina 9 ning THIS MAN 15 RA 8-5677 CHERNEY'S | penurer in bing maior. 12 Buble" 300, Bt emer HOME LANDSCAPING ted n sti ia vil, "| NUWAY==RA 8-468) ON THE WAY UP for a WHITE SEW ENTH / ' i Pruning of fruit trees ond Featoting ond | Pecaration Surveyors ROGFING, sidings (epves HongbIng) GrnamentGgls, tree surgery ang - an ] ' y g ysiness ale eidmpeys Tilt and repaired, Work removal, Expert we gue Ind you can be 100, ' Pek for Bala 16 (he TmaRMHID. WIAFARLERA. EXDEHERGEd. OHH nov PEI Work Guar PROFESSIONAL punter asd paper GT. MORTON snd Assoc } Classified Section y awn workers, HA Budd with TRAIN ING . py N 6 0 ' antes uaRReF Kusranieed & and materials teria Lend Burveyors, Profs y aor snd sor: | JACKSON & RAIKE HARDWARE LTD, | - aremers nd uaiticaions, |Z eles ~ (oomwnnovg i uty ie RA _8-6366 TRAN Re TORE Bw | # speciaity. New homes built to own DODD & SOUTER DONEVAN AND NET ; Al Copsey, RA 5-006 fineening, Wh fuadne re 6 are under way at al nol oy MAYER and Briowowicz, A §., fFF requirements, Hess Construction tari 14nd Surveyor, eom meres | Ont TA 5 HUET | PAINTING B&B DECORATING |pribhing, 12 Bisor Street East : | 3 € J > ' f 3 ! yi The I £8 Buliding ¥ the time to become OPEN FOR BUSINESS ' : ANT Of 1] unlisted 1 eihone. RA is FOR FREE sstimates, Interior, sexier DRIVEWAY | COMTRAL TORS J |b-oh32 A HEAVY - wr ar, FRNRES, room Aividers, fireplace Paint) f . H. FLIM ANB YROLLO in 3 y 2 Adsl Guren Breet Eas A SIPMENT OPERATOF : * Bl p i . Articles for Rent oy pimaht fire escapes sinatra» GRAVEI | 4.00 a # wn nanging, Lend Burveyust Hi 0 | Jes ! : one ole We have " oved to our new location in the ROSS T2014, i TELEVISION SETS OME dui Wali, dle, bud Rte Sarav: Painting 1] 3 filmer y. vite yo) +] d wr. { PUEIERS a ar ation ling i! Aa I 3Y ROI fF. § py SHOPPING PLAZA, and hereby extend a worm wel: 4) Room & Board HUMIDIFIERS ini Hares, Whit, MO. 84000, Fill 17 BYRON Wo dip 3 ITRY TV. Radio Repain 4 ming construction J t . { DEHUMIDIFIERS 4 fustry, Complete new mod come to our many customers and friends whe com TWO completely furnished rooms RECORD PLAYERS ALL types of carpentry work Aone RA 5.5279 NIGHTS RA 5.742 9 TV, RADIO car wadle repaiey. wy RD PI ) 7 3 g progron for to visit our new store BEFRLOE, slove, mink and cuphonrs 4 ADC L SUNLAMPS wilding or FEpRiring hy experienced AE ----------S---------- makes Thompson Vlectronie fen Equipment Operators ' ¥ d shen, near North Genersl M RADIOS & SUM A srpenter, Call OF 5-9812 | : { Holt Avenue, RA 3870% (Fred), 4A $ NOW offersd Easy bridget | \ reid Ahmtainers only, Telephone HA MEAGHERS ALL TYPES of home repairs sud re EXPERT PRUNING Plumbing ond Heating We pledge ourselves 1o continue 16 p "i \ i 8 KING STREET WEST adeling, recrention wm, rosfing | SERVICE PLUMBING and heating pipes, te SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT terms arranged i ENTLEMAN ples clean German Workmanship susranised. Fras esi We S1TG% 1 informa ond most courtesus of service ¥ bea | #lean Germs RA 3.3425 mates. BA 3-8418 Ing fixtures, new and used, chang IT -- DAY OR Alar Ely Shapin Thinning of Fruit Ing from septic tank (0 sewer » spe T. {Park fond Bouth SI re YOUR Tosi chimney sissner. Onim 9 9 ud claity, (mstallations at reason hie V. and a Pu | end Ormamental Tress, #. Inlormation snd ent HEAVY EQUIPMENT [Lor ersone! 32--Anicles Worted oir Sse, i i nse Auto Parts TV TAB" TRF | | fod Conarane ale, iol to Sa CALL WA B-5286 AI Ra ante Tabiets | WANFRT for + chides a haan ey Clan BOE, CONTE WENTERN TIRE = WUAFAR: | mates. HA 33007 an elle Gardens [5,3 Voies M Work Guaranteed, DIVISION EIR "ep ug'! thousands of men, Wom: bovks In tegaras to his E00 S16 wer week, Central, RA §-90H7, 3 0 ne AA Messe | ing RIE | MA 3.5757 » BOWMANVILLE , DeHAWA lorthwest Schools, "» mt 9. Only he, M At ol | druggies Me. fthat p w ig ROOM and hoard or room only, ne A ve hays bi serve you" Pio of A Ho Harold 1 Alar, (3 miles East en Ne, 4 BEATTY APPL AN IC ES El ECTRONICS decaraten BARRY HY kdl d 146 umbing, hestin A engineer | TN. E---- . 1 Dept OWT 2 25Pots ond "Livestock 35. i he w y SEVER mil walk to * Barristers ing, 46 Bimeoe Bireet South H irdressing Barn, equi en PUMPS dab LA 1k B10 ' \ Empleo ment ante hospital, Ap ior Ne ir | 4 | y J 17 Bl OOR ST WwW EAUTIFUL aby budgies vepdy for 35--Empl y i ROOM and board . day week, BOWMAN, DAVID 1. Barrisier, Soll Rook fo All " 4 oy intend, OUSTOM ermanents, distinctive hatr| EX id DO IT NOW TORONTO 9, ONTARIO al tle ses Apply Mrs, EXPERIEND » Weltrass ete Tl Ve «= fay werk, | AN ruth RA 5000, | Free atimates MA 3.0818 ptr 4 Neving WA S018 Huven's| oil burners, hot ier of LJ gin Kline ¥ fey Restaurant 15 Bond mint Eau parking, South ohtER 59450. | Resldence, KA BU CERAMIC wall tlle laid reasonable Halraty Bladia, | 1" Hand West | forced air furnaces, be y install "heavy AX Spalding Barvisters, rates, work guaranised Fires fixtures parts i Tower in 3-ft by deft. €an mes 'e |PIGEONS, Birmingham Rollers, bred o ROOM and hoard } en, friendly MeGIBBON and BASTEDRD sll fn Address ' ve lio valli Graham, MeAres, hall strain, RELIABLE woman will look alter | ¥ wis, good rooking, TV | Soligitors. Clients' funds Available for| mates. HA 80840 | Instruction | PAR NES ' rensonaiie. Phone Bowmanville, MA children and do ight housework for ihunue, RA 8.7681 oF apply 81 Colborne, frst morgages, @ 8imeos Bireet North -- | PLUMBING AND HEATING crete hose, with Crown reter 5.3004 afternoons and evenings only orking i ' hone RA 8-072 1 868. Charles ©, Moliibhon, QC) [LILIAN MAE MARSH, dance sducaler, OM 4 - | end Taco antenna, plus far F, Basiedo, 6 J & R dancing schol, ballet, tap, hitan, 4 2 | ORONO 1782 Da 0 Night channel 9 trap, rid GERMAN Shepherd, m Ae Dine | TET ne -- | OOM 0 #have ' ard wabatic, pre-school, character - . y ple phon -- Aches Parkes 0 privill HOMPHBEYS, BOYORYN and WIKI 1 . ning, 8p od pelos 460" (Wephone 36~--Female Help Wanted [ir nicke basin, Toie, MAN Ernie Sehetort | SEPTIC TANK SERVICE |iurdsy. Masonic' Temple, WA 37488, Rug--Uphelstery Service | ON TIME IF YOU PREFER trom ta | WOMEN Interested in full or part. Phone MO 58606 Hum phy ths Hei a. 8 Hoxeh fe BAS 4 . [PRIVALE teacher, student counsellor, conn oo nn" 0 0 or vans EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, AF a | i] ih ng ee ¥. i A sin 3 |26---~Farmer's Column Ce ork ie Suara op SeRvati ng ral Mim Ro £ase 10 Buth Goh Chonan: office, RA 8.1177; Reb Septic tanks pumped 3 years! A bid. by Interview only |awn and start "checking "Business Op p er - L d i 4 pm, and bere ators i conker meals, i id oF Whitk MO B27 HA |partunities" in Classified, Boon your L d Li ERVICE BEAD farm slack picked un prom pl | wanty of hot water, Varking, Tels ay Thuor. Wa 24 hr, Service HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY-Baton, [Aresm will he u reallly | Len an ous - P lect rr Olen i J Eva ane HK c Rent ar atone: Lie. 110, Rr VRENCER female hairdresser | were FOTN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Sollcl| 0 , go ao RA B.2057 |iesi A A ir Mo WARE mraroneinins and old chairs Fe Cit T Vv yTATION muneration, Telephones MO §-8184 2 Store Space and far and Notary Public, 10% King Btreet| RA B-3294 A 4 SEIAI6T NOW, [¢ avered like new. Get the best far less | y + Yi P A 2909, NHA and private LEARN tn dance, expert instruction In|8t Modern Uphalstering, 148. Simeos FOR LEASE FARMERS NEEDS ey EE ha or It Jak Garages un hu . : ans de PUMPING hare Ra'¥ 3088 For appointment, tele [Hout Call RA B6451 for a frem od FREE SURVEY ¢ days » ' 0 Clarks AYMEABLE in affies sulle, modern and -- Best In Mastitie trae Btieet. KA 8126 [ ) i ne | Jitable tenant LL Bimane Steet Nauth CED ve: UPROLSTERY at its best for less. We RA 5.7844 Residence phones EPTIC TANKS Insurance Specialize in ehesterfields, e-cavered, ; and ather Animal Healt WANTED QUATITIEA hounakORRar 105 | ature) offen hdeqiate space in 1 ¢ Be, HA B-3868; Ter Joo | i tim ates, | Products, Iniectables re: | Tamty of two, WA bites or WA ¥itno." | EGIFHA Fay "0 00 MORIRIMT ug TT ialy, PA, WEL, RA WWII pny yoMpR(NS [SVERTATE A Vase seve un AED RRL Tee SERN GET THAT CLEAR frigerated Syringes Now | TTI RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS W. | 5 ~ [to 20 per cent, six months te pay, For | available at EXPERIENCED i GREER, Assoniate Barristers and Soil [personal servies ab your home: Call nrowsy threugh an ald fashioned var PICTURE NOW available ; of PERIENCE] | - ~~ oo ~ pt HEER, Asso Barriste hand flan: NEWTONVILLE {RA 5.9418 [faty stare fn your own living ream on ROOK Y HAIRDRESSER OFFICE SPACE [silars ik king sirest East: WAS . | [nee the hui osrs ander 00 Use a CHANNELMASTER N - THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister. soli Phone Clarke 472) AUTO INSURANCE | Miseelianeous' in Classified ANTENNA attached to a vOUR PAW AAA ITE js, guar FOR RENT Fie BMA Rad TR al [CHESTERFICLOS vetulll, recovered,| STARLIGHT TOWER and . Sn 3301 ih W Ap Blrest Fast, Phone KA 6-170) | If you are a carefu fives like new Why pl HA Our alow | vou'll have the best | | - 9 ih ¢ pre reasanahle Isfaption guava ¢ r 4 Me "WOoOoDL YN # ¢ 8 hart ba ahONAL. ry TED VEENHOF 9 ig hey A $0. 4 {] i hl het "Wes hd 4H ort GET THAT CLEAR nadian Petrafing Ltd pe f } sw building. Centrally Ie fie, he Commeroial Building ab King 30 fe ba, 10 Nond Bireet Weal, Hial PICTURE NOW! ¢ | ] y te Commeroia sidin ie \ 20%. Preferred [5.0811 WELL DIGGING | beter then | avening ter veur cor | 4 Wh t downtewn area West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking drivers enjoy the lowest rate Use a new aluminized plature PO Box 68, Port Hope -- d 1 Kicention: md 1? a= Trailers "| BEAU TY LOUNGE Moderate rent. Leases now | AM00ARN ' | Clean outs and deepening in Ontario through this of | ROME CHAIRS tube installed by expert TV : Mo [UNFINISHED 16.000! house trafler 81 SIMCOF ivalinhie AL Teo REY A I COMPRESSOR WORK fice. Half-year payments CH er hy technicians, and you'll have OR | Bargain Telephone MO FH . a | East, Oshawa, Ontaria, HA 8.8671 gd e ] Call us teday and compare | RECOVERED the finest Madest prices TU 5.432% POE ------ -- Q "lar THE TIMES CREIGHTON, FRARER, DRYNAN ani | RA B-3B64 ample free parking | FROM 3.75 UP | call us for service: 29-~Summer Properties Steno-Clerk MURDOCH, Rarwiees, folitlary, To SCHOFIELD INSURANCE | rw T.R.1,0. TELEVISION " ) A Punlie, Bank of Cammeree nanshi For § BUILDING | Blimene Breet North, RA 33480 TK OME IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATES LTD | 0SHAWA AUTO TRIM | 171 BOND STREET EAST 17--=Wemen's Column treet § Rl es 85.00. Weat| FOR SALE Piv d X nou [bryan 6. L, Wuidoch NA mon SERVICE 360 King 81, West RA 3:2265 62 BOND ST. WEST | RA 8.678) APECIAL . Page Hairdressing 4 2 RA 5-B042 By avy Wining, dable oi. Apply Rox 4 § Have your home remodelled Maney to Loan § I fw \ \ r ONAL HEARE nonn Barrister . . w-- 7 Cuhawa Times P bho ne » RA 3-3474 | Nalioitor, 8646 King Siveet Kant. | 9nd improvements dene for [FIVTV 10 five thousand dollars. Any | Pareonal Service SAMSON tharteed ope 4 : To 8 even: TOURIY business on Highwa fi yo Hiv "-- ---- errr 1 oi Business KA 30801, Hesl vou hy Beaver From the | worthwhile purpase, lowest Fates, fast| AF 103 Simeoe open year paund. Will sell veasanahl with than ane A Wanted Teo Rent dence, HA 85378 planning and estimating te [service Seahaard Finanee, $0 SI: PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or halt F. AWARTE Harrister, | finished deal [eo Btrest South, RA S088 day, 8.90 to 5.30, 861 Bimeee Nocth, KA V 1] 1] po healt For information write a MANNING the 1°18) you our RA B8-8180 erly. 10 BOX wikh SEK or trade welding nul BOWMANVILLE : p four bed | JOREPH PF. MANGAN, 90, Barrister G0, 37 King Street Hast, Oshawa, RA| BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Rox 103 Combeimers, Onl X bt \ TOUR foam apartment, viens of isolicitar, Notary: Maney to loan, Ase: | only with Beaver Budget (WE WAVE clients' monies avaliable 004 fw wna OSHAWA T.V, Whithy, |Saiigitar: Monny fo [nan Office 1 | A MOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? | dflas . Chicken plate, half chicken J&1 GIBBONS ST ------ 8 Fargo track, N thes : 219 B . eho ho REImont King Sireet Hast, Oshawa RA 8 8339 MArket 3-3312 RINE Arent Han SE A BOATHOUSE? with french fries, fish and 19-=Personal hone HA ER ARDE i -- WANTED 10 toni -- country property 1a MAN. DAVID 1. Barrister. Salt A NICE GARDEN WALL? MONEY TO chips, hamburgs, het dogs i p " Neha For Rent w Ouawa Why aren About five (Vat Rode avath, RA AOR HB | REPAIRS OR REMODELLING bid ah i (Well Drilling LEC TRO! YSIS gw ere TYPIST I home. CALE ABA hath ar thiep (ences RA 8:0i04 LARGE OR SMALL | MODERN GRILL 84 halfton plokup truek offered arses WY Wn ta i per 3 RY ALMERS, BA bhaveister, soll ~ p 3 AA & 47 a Telephon Mo FINA NEAL Coat harwin, Wl, way bn tn 4330" nae month B, 1 _AALMERS_RA. hatte Soli CALL AJAX LOAN WE DELIVER ~ RA 8.388 WwW, WARD ERAS $ avaliable. Call Lueas Peacock, HA Olfles A FATAL Realdence HA S804 THAT'S ALL SHIRT UNDERERS WELL DIGGING By . 3 IRT LAUNDERERS _ M ACHINE Maris My be in |32-Articles Wanted WORKER heal Ds} a FIVE Holstein eows, three of them ave Must be gecurate with RUAINELS uenlleman: Telined, desires Bookkeeping | RA 8.3103 | Monies for all types ot mat ZIPPERS REPLACED | in 30" Tile Specializing . In i AMER a. or hr § furnished thom, breakfast aptional NG 3 § . ARLE TB BRB a iui with risk gh LEY al onal SCHAPEL HOUMAN | 110 KING STREET EASY, | gages; for first and second Shorten ar lengthen garments WHITBY, ONTARIO | Dial ben ¢ immer poltage at ams nt FENQsing o ¢ a IL WILSON WHEN BrranEed 4 . $ehian ound flpar prefer ie oy iA. Hen --Loan Wanted appointment phoy Haun ginte, Wryee V. Maghoy, BA. Henry (ar Ioana on ATs ad veeaivl morleades | 30--Swap & Barter ved h BA BORTS wher S00 iook, 306 King Blveel Eas, RA| 1erms aranged, Call Beaver | 1EAER CE LA ca of Morifains and RY | LL RPONSINY ne uple need FAY. Hesidenpe, Dial KA 3.4080 Lumber, MO 8.5818 a of sale. Louis Hy man information 3 Abhi ol \ Write Box Til Oshawa Times mortgages on all types of real . \ USER girl's bievels, d eanditian nmensurate with ability skin. 0 ---- ( n OOKEERING | : § Cuffs and pockets renewes A Bra I Bg A \ 44--Houses For Rent GOR ; Te MET N AJAX REPAIR AND sitote including vatant landat bomplete Hack of nition Mee 2 = a 8 Hd n FOR hone RA 32788 \rite WER Li N hia Bg bhi) shor erm martg 0 ™ ADS 2 . J 4 CHILD FOR BOX 740 FOUR - tom hundalaw. sohenl ohil RETURN CONSTRUCTION LTD builders; first and second GILLARL - CLEANIT SER) Ick LTB wal ) - sale I ---- d Ly ' REMODELLED seven - vaam brigk In - TOWN'S Moving and 8 + Oshawa, ¢ 13 King Street d 10 de or 4 RAP IRON POUL IRY 37--Male Help Wanted eame hame. Large fonoed in Ehvden | RA 5 9953 Whithy Ronee lig HY ¥ wan 24 Tr ine RA the full? ROSS is | AND FEATHER TICKS and lawn "Double garage, two blacks [equipped and (nsuved. Phone RA S384], WY awa, Telephtn B E G. | N N | N G M 0 N D A Y seh py Neal Sana ary , Heasanabie vot Building Trades SOOVIAN Cartage. for fast fependsc $ I. TURNER 19_vespaninie ht ON ; able service, RA 83014, Ne fob Veo! RA 3.2043 R 3374 CONFEC TIONERY |N6W bingaiow. thre hedvoams, Wil PICK UP AND SAVE bE oF lon small [Mortgages 2, 043 RA 3-3 . . ' AUTOMATIC ADOPTION WANTED OSHAWA TIMES Brew Braet tor further mrtietars '@ 686 OSLER STREET [Cart ig as AR gl RA 5-155! Personal Service son and Richmond Sireels, References > - 5 . (aallect please. Reasonable vent. Write Box AM New Low Cash Prices on Dressmaking rea al teoand mortgages fran | led, W. Nchatemann, Morlgage Sroker SALESMAN rd LT PEERY agi, 4 X 4 ply wand [NUTRRATIONN of "sil Winds tor Woh aaa Peoisasionat Ruildiang Mo COIN LAUNDRY SERVICE Lave . | ! CASH JOR SCRAP " shaved Bath, heated hy ove Apply : 4 $3 84 nomen dad children tarma dreated {0 | Marv Sirenl, Telephone NA 810 a Ql, $8.34 BYSIMRIS Anite & speaiaily FIRST and aepand marigags, sale STEEL. METALS. BATTERIES to cover Oshawa and 1444 od $2 NRESNMARING and allerations Of Agreements parehassd and sold Hen PICK UP AND DELIVERY 4 Xx 6 al \ \ AP 3 wi o use. flly | med Widren's and ladies' wear, reasonable alok and Henniek, Barristers, 31 King PAPER, RAGS, etc Ay 34' Rough. $3 00 a. RA H-8006 Street Rash, RA 37830 Ba pa Battin outside territory ARADO no : ; : Open All Day Saturday ton to "Tolaphon : 3%' Rough. $5.09 ALTERATIONS of all Kinds for men, Have yo thes washed, dried and falded, No mare days at the hv | M. GREENBERG & SONS (Established Business) RW inABvile t ) 29 go |WOMER Ad eNiidren Fatal dresses. | ow MORTGAGES | washing machine, na more hanging out clothes, hoping for fine \ we LTD SIX © room Brick WWREAlOW With Wires V, G, Mahogany $2 99 [Heversinle skivis--a speciaity. RA 3-36 ol n os of ma [ ) p | ary and commission, must [MSR eRmA, and fil hasement, equipped] 214 YY Nails, $6.25 50 lbs, [DRESSMAKING = ladies' and obi} Arranged, Baught, oid weather. No mare needless hours of waiting at the laundromat N.S nan Making | RA 3.7333 308 Bloor 8. E, | ih all heat, hot water, siecle fang | + Aahaoany Doo dren's wear, fleravions of all winds! Company and Private Monies | dust sort your clothes and our driver will gall adivsiment 10 a perman | a. ar. Reply by letter TV antenna, combination storm and Velophane RA § R356 SS RA 5.6544 | home through adoptior ! ! 10reen windows sad doors paved drive $3.95 and up c good. It vou are | SHAW stating age, previous expert Eick steel Fonte ATK, oh Portland Cement Th FURRIER B 0 LA HN 00 D | 25¢ FOR FIRST LOAD interested in AUTO WRECKING Co ance, enclosing a snapshot 1a oF RA S60 Vinvl Fi ) 13 SERRE Bo Mi a! + land DRESSMAKER | un ee 85c EACH ADDITIONAL LOAD Wants cars for wreckin i -- | 4 \ Fite Parts for sale, alse scrap | oh 14A--Ants, & Flan 4 h a 2 $ 183 Member Ontarie Mortgage X. hy one mites nn Chuckles For Rent u 4 ww, Remade! Brokers Association MAXIMUM LOAD 13 years. Get a weittdn and MetGi, ole ah ee McCULLOUGH 1 Prices mate Without shiigation. Gd oy" rb LIMITHL at tt on. ving WAR 22 ROWE STREET [THGRLE uta sod tout wivions at entime MO 82060, wi2311 89 BLOOR & | KITCHENER, ONTARIO PES 1 Beads' satis naj BLDG. SUPPLY "RA 86706 | a ads "Nonna Bal "aN wo {CALL RA 51053 l AM. to 9 PM. oH Pasitle Avenue 1270 Simeeos $0, N,

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