4) Jo Aldwinchle, Women's Editor Dist BA 53-3406 | B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, Merch 23, 1961 PERSONALS I | About 225 penile were servediterest in this column, Write,| | andi in Chinese ""Ricksha® supper ielephone or visit the social de |Bundey evening, March 19, in pRrtment with yowr ems of ithe Oshawa Missionary College news for which there is no ! The occasion was charge, Telephone BA 30474 | |the Nil Sine Numine girls' clih " ? (held recently wt | restaurant £ = ic Woit id bia WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY Pictured at the reception following their wedding re cently ot Bi Georges Me morigl Church are Mr. an Mrs. Errol Barry Bruyes, | Son of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Formerly Miss Beverley | Bruyea of Oshawa, The cou Jean Garrow, the bride is the ple will live in Scarborough daughter of Mr. and Mrs ~Fhote by Ireland "FABRIC TALKS" Be Wary Of Belts That Can Limit The Lite Of A Garment By BEA BRIGHT | Avoid buying garments that A belt ean often limit the lifelhave belts with hackings made of 8 dress, so do take note of lout of cardboard, imitation lea the belt on an outfit before you ther or paper. These backings purchase the garment often come apart in dry clean There are many belts sold ing or laundering. Other helt with clothes that cannot he dry|problems are bells that are al cleaned or laundered. Like the/tached to linings and buckrum rest of the garment, the belt facings that fade or bleed he will eventually become soiled cause of inferior dyes. Another and will require cleaning or problem is a belt or buckle washing. If your garment hell backings that are fastened with cannot be dry cleaned or laun- an adhesive or glue that dis dered, then the only solution will solves in either the dry clean be to replace the helt. This ising or laundering process not only expensive, but it 18| When vou buy & new outfit, often difficult to suitably) ue & close look at the belt thit, match A helt to Mm ou dad | Make sure the backing is sewn Tips On Buying to the helt. A good indication of # serviceable belt is one that is Spring Fabrics marked "Clean as the Gar ment", This will that the belt may be either laun- By ELEANOR ROSS It you want an early whiff|lo the recommended procedure of spring, just step into the|for the garment, nearest yard goods department. Whether belts are attached to Fabrics for spring weal al: clothes that are to he dry clean: ways arrive early--and a good ed or laundered the hell should thing, too! For it gives you a|never be cleaned wilh the gar: chance to plan your home sew-/ment. When a helt is put into an ing with care {automatic washer It seems fo It's entirely too expensive to| have a knack of getting tangled grab up a last-minute wardrobejup with the other clothes in the when you're in such @& hurry oad, This will result in exces: for new clothes that nothing| sive wrinkling of the garments is planned to go with anything| Special care is given to all else, The woman who attacks bells received by your dry clean her wardrobe that way usually) er All belts are removed from ends up with a lot of garments, | the garments, handbrushed sep: but "nothing to wear" arately with dry cleaning solvent When you go shopping fabrics, here are some tips on|caution helps to avoid such what will lead the fashion pa-|minor disasters that ean easily rade oceur to belts SOLID COLORS land, Ontaria, formerly of Osh awa and the bridegroom is the Lome David Garrow of Mid- | ensure 1} wre Youise "and Mrs |dered or dry cleaned according for| and a cleansing agent, This pre-| reception. The pris chose an oriental theme, decorating the wien ditorium with eniored lanterns and paper cherry Wes "Com t ' soms, In the centre of the hall For e Doubles # smell oriental garden was eo 3 " rented, Aer the supper the wae Come Double Bg a gr presented & shart Pay, "Mheld a "Get Better Aas ong Man's Fancy" A movie meeting in the chure entitled "Seventeen" brovght FHT the evening to a close Fun and Games ainted', cently. The couple i | cently eovples were paired (off and Jed to identify eer- : tin fain advertisements without t 8 "Ladies Wight" dinner iy. A 8 "Ladies ner trade names, clipped from mag: arines, the management of" et Ithe General Motors Acceptance, "Aer members were given Corporation of Oshawa and To- paper and pencils and instruct Fone were hosts {4 thelr female ed 10 get as many signatures 8s fla Wyain We NEY 8 poscif tour was made of the General possible in» given length of Motors south plant. Among "me The catch was that the those present were Mr. LL. H.|signatures had to he written Stacey, manager, Toronto With the left hand, These two branch; Mr, W. 8. Nurse, man- BAmes were successful in pro ager, Toronte Up/Fown branch; Viding an excellent evening of Mr. W. B. legate, assistant lellowship for the club manager of the Toronto hraneh,| A short business meeting was and Mr. George Loveday, conducted hy Mr, John Hunt {manager of the Oshawa branch. Worship was conducted hy Mr At the home of Mrs, Oakley Wired Jittle The Reverend (Crawford, & meeting was held) f Ellow spoke on sayings 4 "of the prophets and gave an | recently of members of the Ja | enightening explana H dies' section of the Oshawa Golf| one g explanation of their Ciub to make plans for the p g: Tee-Off Ball, to be held next n March ih, the club held month, Mrs, George Taylor will|!1s annual visit to Red Win act ms dance commiltee con-|Orchards. The evening starte |vener and her committee will|@t 7.80 with howling at the re: {be composed of Mrs. Drew Ja-| Creation hall. Later, in the dance leobi, Mrs. Robert Patte, Mrs [Nall, a combination round and K, 6G, Tipney and Miss Mar [Square dance was held. Mr |guerite Vice Charles Snell was master of } ceremony and the club's own Mr. and Mrs. J. Blewart Mac (Joe MacMillan called some ex Fariane of Port Perry celebral-|eellent square dances ed thelr oth Yeading Anniver Dr, and Mrs H. M, Sanderson ary ot» cng F "ai iwon the elimination dance, Mrs alwood recently {Mervyn Perkin won the lady's The Humoresque Blind Bowl Eh bowling prize and Mr ers were guests of Miss Pat| Clifford Bowes the man's, Low McConnell and Mrs, J, M. Mc-|Er068 prizes were won by Mrs Connell, William street east, on| P. Rose and Mr. Kenneth Saturday night, following howl {Farrow ing, Those serving refresh. Box lunches were supplied for| ments at the party were Mrs [the refreshments George Fallon, Miss Lottie] As always this evening was Newton, Mrs, Ada McDonough one of the highlights of RE a and Mrs. B, Elliott, Mr. and|President Jack Hunt expressed Mrs, Rufus Lambert, Mr, andthe thanks of the club to Mr Mrs, Jack Anderson and Mr. and Mrs, George Perkin for and Mrs. Ernest Wilson, mem [their work on the evening, | hers of the Lions and Lionette| Clubs were the chauffeurs for wreh § SRE HAPPY "Patti" whe is four old today, and Kelly, was two years old earlier this month, are the daughters of Toby Robins Told To Relinquish Role Toby Robins announced 10 day that on the advice of her doctor, she will withdraw from the cast of "Love's Labour Lost", one of the three Shake: spearean plays to he presented this summer at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival, Miss Robins was to have play ed Rosaline in the production) which Michael Langham, #ar-| tistic director of the Festival, years | \will stage with Paul Scofield] John Colicos and Jack Creley| in other principal roles, Mr. Langham, at present in England where he is directing "Much Ade About Nothing' al the Hoyal Shakespeare theatre at Btratford-upon-Avon, has not! {yet decided on a replacement He hopes to have an announce ment concerning the HRosaline role shortly, however Miss Robins and her husband, William Freedman, are expect:| ling their third child in the fall BIRTHDAY, PATTI whe | Oldfield, Bloor | Kindness, An Important Virtue | 'Pastor Tells CWL Meeting Joh Myers, wary wp lo sanderd, Mrs. Sher ian miso spoke the | The Reverend ipastor of 8. Certynde' s Roman Catholic Chweeh and the Bese let rack lobhey of tor of the athe Wormers bet td d Meeting it the March mesting He first hig, reminded (he of | eapressad lis SinCETE Ap REIR tion for thelr cooperation and these willingness (5 mest RY of Wis requests, He id that fants shold be sipimahed 5 | have eriticnl of will make wp my mind 1a be f I will be ond' Friendliness ' that Ll sider it & privile Church thrangh in CWi. Be ples prmounced that & the crier to the sonusl Common Wreskinst in honor of Owr Lady Mee. John Polity . 8 Mo sume of the wavk dong ut ward BF, Gedtande & penal preity to he held in the sw aor m Wednesday, Wang prizes and favors hasik seestvas, Wii Mare Prom: of hn Revi i in the BL ticket on the Frank Doreen, ttiaon | re held the mantinit/ Mrs grep of men of the parish winkd, Steven LA Wo, Fred ¥ du nd is most The wellare work riendly, if | have heen wend, wil We Jom Adame conven: ing. Shoes for school boys and and londness ghowt ifty articles Ag . yirthes (6 Be were supplied (0 # needy | While your pak the Fitieen te serve the boys, FONT linen were donated and made vent windstrewn shes and fiy- pwnd 1a stihs on by the sitar commitiee of Ing sparks , . , lenge, convened by Mrs folks not 19 and reported Inning BIAS of Good Counsel to he held on |Sunday, Apri 16h, and the | gmest spesker wowid he Mr (John Brady, Alderman of the 3 (City of Oshawn | Mrs. W. BR. Branch presided at the meeting. A Lreasyrer's report was given by Mrs, James | Kraemer and the minutes resd Wy Mrs. John Polman, record-| [one searetary. Mrs, Sidney Sher:| idan, convener of education, Fe ported that the eoliection of hooks for the school library was continuing and that more) were needed to bring the N-| Mr. and Mrs. F. W street ed' east, (Oshawa THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION Annual Ball 4TH SQUADRON BAND Friday, April Tth at 9 p.m, = AT == $7. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT PRIZES AMPLE PARKING ~-- RESERVATION RA 8-8997 tickets available of Ward's Dry Goods Ltd. ADMISSION $5.00 PER COUPLE SEMI-FORMAL the bowlers, Mr. Wilbert Merrithew was| {the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party for 14 teen {age guests at Sandalwood, The party was given hy his parents, John P, Merri thew, Mr. and Mrs, Angus Mitchell, |Bimeoe street north, have re (turned from a cruise on the [M:8 Gripsholm to West Africa, |South America and the West | Indies Teas, birthday parties, wed: {ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests and your own {holiday plans are always of in: Cleaning Comments Dirt and grime have a cutting §| action en fabrics, Brush garments frequently and remember dry clean. ing remaves dust, dirt and grime, "YOUR CLEANER 18 YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" Solid color fabrics are appear ing in the greatest variety ever This seems to be the trend--the| solid color fabrie | Next in importance come the stripes from awning ot narrow| seersucker size. Stripes have) ousted the checks and, to a certain extent, the plaids It's pretty safe to say that] many of the fabrics you'll take a fancy to will be completely] washable. And many will come | out of the automatic dryer need-| ing little or no ironing. In fact, | you'll have such a cholee of fabrics for home sewing that} you won't want to settle for| anything that isn't easy to wash and quick to dry As far prints, florals, as al ways, are prominent | The pretty flower prints show| two distinet trends this spring Oue is the soft, water-color pattern with a very fragile look and the other is a very definite design, with flowers outlined in sharp black, Backgrounds are likely to be white, very pale pastels or dramatic black. In addition to the smooth textures, some of the new fab ries show an Oriental influence, such as the slubbed shantungs, pongees and lacy wools in straw ar pale bamboo colors. hen shopping for yardage for home sewing, see to it that all the findings are alsa wash: able, The thread must be color fast and linings should wash at the same temperature and in the same manner as the main fabrie, : LINKED LIVES WESTPORT, N.2 (CP)~Two New Zealand women, Mrs, A Haworth and Mrs, § R. John ston, grew up near each other in this west coast town. Mar vied at the same time, both re- cently were in the maternit ward of Buller Hospital, eac with twins, Superbly packaged in golden metallic boxes Jreat fady A Parfume of Elegance and Persuasion Perfume: $3.50 10 $150.00 i 8 | Gf ty Cologne: $3.50, $4.50, $10.00 ; (bdtitig Disp A WITH THAT CUSTOM LOOK! For the discriminating Homemaker who is hurried, EASY TO SELECT you try them on your windows before deciding ECONOMICAL, Many dollars less than many so-called free making offers NO WAITING FOR DELIVERY -- Hundreds of pairs in stock in all sizes and colors SOLID-COLOR FABRIC Two delightfully woven drapery cloths with just a hint of any decorating scheme Beige, Oyster, "Coloray Turquoise, color is locked in forever captive color process Perfume 3.75 - 13.00 Cologne 3.75 to 8.00 | 48" vod | 2 panels 9.98 12,98 PLAIN PATTERN 31 SIMCOE ST, §, Colors will stay gold Lurex for high lighting 10 Decorator colors by "Colorray" ta compliment most Gald Nutmeg, beautitul with Pumpkin, Rose, Mocha end White, for years as the "Courtaulds" exelusive Green Your Decorating Choice In Two Populat Lengths 54" FINISHED LENGTH | 72" wd 3 panels 14.98 19.98 96 red 4 panels 19.98 25.98 MAN 714,98 | PATTERN [716,98 | 39.98 | 51.98 | 69.90 All above draperies completely lined for greater sun protection and lasting beauty, PATTERNED FABRICS Seven different patterns on two excellent fabrics selected for our customers by Ward's because of their beautiful draping quality and luxurious ep: pearance Calor combinations include Beige with Brown & Gold, Ros beige with Cherry & Green, Green with Dark Green & Rust, White with Brawn & Tuquoise, Whi with Green, White with Bluse White with Brown & Rust, Turquoise with Gold, Green with Gold, White with Chetry Beige with Brown & Turguoise, ige with Brown & Green, Rose 95" FINISHED LENGTH 48" vod 96" rod | 1447 rad | 192 rd | 3 pamels | 4 panels 6 panels | B panel 2998 | 4498 | 599% RA 5.115) NOW. EAU DE TOLETTE SPRAY MIST IN ALL THREE FASHION FRAGRANCES Surround yourself with these exquisite fragrances the meders way...the Spray Mist way. Cannot spill, look or sveporats, CHANTILLY 3,75 FLATTERIE 4.25 QUELQUES FLEURS 3.78 HOUBIGANT PERFUME RR BIER WIS MITCHELL'S Drug {xd Stow RA 3.3431 1 ALBUM FREE with every purchase of 2 albums +++ Regular LLP, or Living Stereo = classics -- pops = show tunes -- take your choice among the world's greatest pop and classical artists in their most popular performances, You buy any two RCA Victor LP's that sell for $3.98 ot over; and you receive one record of your choice in the same price range, completely free, But act now. , , because this, offer is good for a limited time only, MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST, WEST RA 3.3425 KING §, PRUGS RA 3.4610 KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION ~--APRIL 12th HOUSEROLD WONT To get baby to eat a food he doesn't like, mix it with one he At Athol dows like. Free Delivery WARD'S