The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1961, p. 7

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| | INDIANA SCOTS | ed srrocamy Chief Justice INIEANAPOLIS, Ind, (AP) | A banter cominend Judge io wh G. Wonk Wednesday thevs yA ne Adestitwie Basie men Wm Iodine WINNIPEG (CF) ~ At (he polities Louis § Eggert reported ie (ender ages of 16 Catyert Chari-ito be & chief t find any Sestomen to He quay for wid from & frst ond set wp wn he 1957 wil of | James Proton, loasl business | : Scout 'Mothers' t Auxiliary ULPLE GROVE ~ The regs We, Eugene Dobbs reprasent- f menting of (he of the Maple Grove Bey Scot Sat Wiiserw Association at the Comnell Bn he ganipre Commitianman § Cranes py cmv " A TREACHEROUS 0B FROM HIGH PERCH BUFFALO BY. - Workmen brave & windy snd treacher- street Wednesday to take | down the top of » construction pressure of # Wit cable, The phetiure was made from an rd ous perch 29 siories shove the | scaffolding thet buckled under = joining office hwiiding tower Council, Ratepayers Meet To Discuss New Industry BROUGHAM A number of Pickering Township ratepayers interested in locating industry in the Township, met with Counetl on March 16 st the Council Chambers in Brougham W. A Willson, general mans ger of the Metro Toronto Indus trigl Commission spoke to the group, - mentioning that the Township's two greatest assets were is proximity to Metro, and the fact that Highway 401 runs through it Recommendations were made by the group, one that the Town ship buy some industrial land in the south end for resale, Mr Jobn Campbell suggested the printing of & brochure; and either a full or part time in dustrial commissioner for the Township Mr, Willson thought & bro. shure did not do & great desl to attract industry, and that it| was an expensive procedure, He concurred with a suggestion of Councillor Clifford Layeox that strips of land slong Highway 401 dnttor clears u be zoned for industry, y sal Gordon Hepditeh, County ofc so inet traffic was not Ontario Assessor, told the meet: HE a ing fot; miso that it had heen| of every aroplication for the bresking of land "It is going to add a little bit 00 much red tape," seid the Reeve, "as far as a single con sent is concerned. Otherwise | am quite satisfied thet it is not unreasonable, It strengthens the motion we already have thet no development occur until indus trigl assessment is assured." SNOW GRIEVANCE Jack Chapman, Road Buperin tendent, advised Council hy let ter that it was Road Department policy to clear the roads of snow, piling it between the shoulder and the edge of the property line, and that it was impossible to keep driveways answer (o a complaint, at a pre recent storm being piled on thel remises of a store operated by r. A. Hart, of West Rouge, "I don't think Mr, Chapman's anything," sald neillor Clifford Laycox, He d that the snow was piled In| ris dation that ranted a kennel licence in her plan was not svetiahle unless no other hospital was eontracted for At the request of members of the Union, #8 motion resolved that no member be eligible for any medicgl or surgical plan other then PSI with deduction of fees hy the Township Treas urer < ZONING CHANGES The Planning Board recom mended (0 Council several changes in the Highway 2 area poning bylaw, which has had two readings, and awaits approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, One such change permits & veterinary clinic to locate on Rosebank road north, Mr, Dyke |elear without delaying the snow|of that street, advised Council {removal program, This was inithat he had ne objections to & veterinary hospital, but would |vious meeting, of snow from al object to a kennel licence being granted, He was advised that the use would not include ani: mal boarding or extemal ken nels A Planning Board recommen rs, E. Polson be ocation between Highways 2| and 401, soned commercial, until development occurs, was dis pushed from all directions to) this location, and the high banks "Once the bylaw to provide for this is gone," he sald, "so are the industries," Wm, Fertile, of Frenchman's Bay, suggested that advertise ments be placed in the Financial Post, Albert Hull recommended close control on zoning so that an obnoxious industry could be located in a proper place, Reeve J, 8, Scott thanked the group for their interest, and sald that their suggestions would he studied PRESENTS BUDGET Fred Hunt, chairman of the poard of Pickering Township's largest school, School Area 2, submitted a budget of $530,607 18 to Council on Monday night The rate required is 20.3 mills an increase of 80 mills, Clerk L. T, Johnston advised Council that the debenture rate is down 87 mills, which sets the overall mill rate slightly less than last Vear, Mr, Hunt declared that he felt] the school board should be pub: liely commended for their care: obstructed the view of traffic ADOPT PHI Union employees of the Town: ship advised that the PSI hos: pital plan was preferred hy 20| of the 26 members, but that this! Expulsion Sparks New Labor Fight By M, McINTYRE HOOD cial to The Oshawa Times LONDON = Bo far as the left: wing group in the British Labor Party 1s concerned, the expul sion of five prominent members of parliament from the Parlia. mentary Labor Party for de: fiance of the whip's Instructions, can be regarded as the "last straw that broke the camel's hack." There has heen immediate and furious left wing reaction throughout the country to their L] ful study of their requisition, and admitted thpt "they were running close to the line" | Mr, Hunt advised Council that| tenders would be called next week for the building of the new 1-room school in Bay Ridges FLAN URGENT | Reeve J, 8. Seoll announced ta Council that the Ontario Mu nieipal Board had approved al $400,000 debenture for Hay Ridges School, The Board re quests an undertaking from the fownship that no further sub division development take place until the Official Plan, now under process, has been passed, until the goning bylaws have been completed, and until @ study has been made of the fi nanelal status of the Township Moreover, the Reeve continued, the Municipal Board request an opportunity to approve -- or dis Rpprove of any Planning Hoard consents for the breaking of land Mr, Scott stated that he had conversed with Mr, Kennedy, Chairman of the Municipal Hoard, who had declared that he had no intention of being un reasonable, but thought that his) Board should approve any fur party if they did so, But they hand ta eriticise expulsion, It might well be just what was needed to spark off the "Clvil War" within the La. bor party which has threatened it for the last year It could bring to a head the) Left vs Right clash which has| been simmering since horough Conference last Octo ber, when Mr, Gaitskell, the party leader, made his promise that he would "fight, fight and fight again to reverse the deci sions of the conference.' MICHAEL FOOT OUT The five members read out of the Parliamentary Labor Party are Michael Foot, Sydney Sil: verman, Emrys Hughes, § 0, Davies and William Baxter, all extreme left wing unilateralists They committed the unpardaen. able sin of calling for a vote in the house on the government's armed services estimates. It has become traditional never to divide the house on service esth mates, heeause that would put the opposition in the position of voling against the defence of the country, The five recaleitrants were specifically warned before they called for a vote that they might puted hy members of Council, who felt that such a use was contrary to the bylaw, They passed a resolution that Plan ning Board make a definite recommendation regarding the zoning of this area, The property was previously used for the Faye-Don kennels, presented a motion that the five members be expelled from the|, party, There were two and a half hours of heated argument before the motion was carried The significant thing is that it was carried hy a majority of 00 to 68, This made it appear that Mr, Foot and his colleagues had plenty of support within the group of members to continue the fight against the official party defence policy Within 24 hours, reports of widespread, angry reaction were coming in to party head quarters in London, Many con: | stituency officials were in touch | with their MP's, protesting against the expulsions, The unilaterialists do not re gard the expulsions as a penalty | the Kea {fon an ordinary hreach of party] (discipline. They see in them a reprisal against the five mem hers for their unwavering fight to uphold the decisions of the 1060 party conference at Scar horough What has happened is that five "martyrs" to a burning| cause have been created hy the action of the Parliamentary La: bor Party, Michael Foot and Sydney Silverman, in particulary will be hailed as "political mar | Wenn vd io "is "perents present wif prrents pr Treasurer, Wes. Brice MeDon- aid, gave her report and hank Walanck Mr. end Mrs. Bon Wooler, Devic and Brenda, Ax, Were weekend visitors with Mr Mrs, Ralgh Debos iN S010 Wes. Tom MeGuirk snd Mrs Melvin Holmes attended (he Kiwanis Music Festival in Peter: borough last Monday when Kathy MeGuirk competed Wn the piano solo class Mr, and Mrs. Frank John stone, Oshawa, were Saturday evening guests of Mr, and Mrs {Leonard Foskitt and family | Sorry to report thet Mr. Ed (Holmes is & patient in Sunny {brook Hospital, after taking sick at home Miss Carolyn Mann has re turned home after a few days stay in Oshawa General Hos pital j Mr, end Mrs. Robert Schwager, West Hill, called on Mr, and Mrs. Jim Laverty and family Congratulations to the follow: | ing successful contestants #f the Music Festival; Misses Di- anne Hosr and Bonnie Beech, | who placed third in the voegl duet class; Lynda Martin, third in vocal solo class and John McGuirk, whe won first in his class and went on to win the Mortlock prize, in competition | with winners from the other classes Many from Maple Grove' at:| tended the St. Patrick's social,| held in St, Joseph's auditorium, | Bowmanville, on Friday eve ning Mrs, L. C. Snowden visited Mrs, Schofield Irwin, Oshawa, | on Saturday evening, Mr, and Dinner frosts with Mrs, W, H, Brown on Frida evening were Mr, and Mrs, C, Le Valley, Mr, and Mrs, Mar: vin Meteslf, Mr. ¥. Paquette, all of Toronto; Mr, Coyle of Peterborough, After dinner they | were guests at Mr, Brown's annual Case Show, Mr, Donald Wilhelm, Hamil ton, was # weekend guest of Mr, and Mrs, Tom MeGuirk and family, NEWS IN BRIEF GERMICIDAL CURRENCY PARIS (Reuters)=New hank: notes now In elreulation In France are believed to he the only germ-resistant eurrency In| the world, Disinfectant was put| in the pulp from which came the paper on which the notes were printed FAST FINE | RENNES, France (AP) = In court Henri Jeusset admitied| falsely reporting he had i") robbed because he wanted to sea how long It took the gen-| darmes to swing into action, | the judge promptly fined him 10, FAT MAN BELGRADE (AP)=A Zagreh newspaper says it has found the fattest man in Communist Yu. goslavia, 472-pound Stjepan Kre. nar, 22, of the Croatian town of | Risaki, The paper sald Krenar| weighed 110 pounds when he was three years old | RI'CORD EVIDENCE VICTORIA (CP) == A bill tof permit use of sound recording machines to take evidence in court cases has heen approved man So Judge Wood accepted Bg gert's plan to spit the §10.599 fund among seven charities Proctor's trust fund was fn in principle here, The machines will probably be used first at| interior points where shorthand| reporters are not available, GERMAN SCULPTOR VANCOUVER (CP) == Ger: | hard H, Class, German soulptor who migrated to Canada in 1057 has heen awarded a §2,000 Can ada Council grant for a work in welded and soldered sheet cop: per, He is working on a seven: tyrs'" in the new wave of hitter ness which has been injected into Labor party affairs And about half of the constituencies | will resent what they term the) use of the "mailed fist" hy Mr, Gaitskell in an effort te whip! recaleitrant members into the party line | The expelled five will now sit in the House of Commons as independent Labor members, | and will not be recognized as be. longing to the official Opposi: | expect to be dealt with hy the tion, They will now have a free not only the ther development of any kind, [went ahead, The five named des|government, hut alse tha party ultil the Master pleted The Reeve advised Council/Position division lobby along that the Planning Board, at a bor members went inte the op with them meeting last Friday night, pro: #1 WERE AGAINST Plan is com: /manded a vote, and 18 other Las which has kicked them out { | - | CROSS.CANADA | BARNS! EY, England (OP)-| Rrie Jackson, Yorkshire busi: hy-eight-font seulpture for perm:| anent display at the University | of British Columbia, | RIRD EXPERT EDMONTON (CP)=Dr, EB, 0 Hohn, assistant professor of physiology at the University of Alberta, 1s one of 28 world ex perts on birds who each oon: tributed a chapter to the hook The Riology and Comparative Physiology of Birds, The work was compiled hy A, J, Man shall of Australia, POLITICALLY MINDED REGINA (CF) The late Rrnest Freyman's will leaves $20,000 to the CCF party and rewards scholastic achieve ments by any relatives named Freyman, The rest of the Qreenstreet, Sask, resident's tested the request of the Munie:| An immediate meeting of the NeSSMan, plans to compete in Board by motion, feeling! parliamentary Labor Party was the oross-Canada Auto Rally that they were carrying it 160 called at the House of Commons. [Ap 20. His navigator will be tar when they sought appravall Herbert Bowden, the chief whip, (Mike Kerr of Toronte, {money will set up a scholarship {fund for medical students who {Were CCF party members in RE / y LEAN MEATY SIDE SPARERIBS SHOULDER PORK STEAKS » 40° » 87° Best Buy~~Save 9¢ SWIFT'S BEEF STEW Best Buy~--~Save 19¢ SWIFT'S (10¢ OFF PACK) IRISH STEW Best Buy~--Save de YORK ~~ HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER Best Buy--Save de AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP Best Buy--~Save 35¢ ALL VARIETIES PARD DOG FOOD Best Buy--Save 83¢ 45¢ OFF PACK SURF DETERGENT Best Buy----Save 8¢ BALLET -- 4¢ OFF PACK TOILET TISSUE FEATURE == BUY 1 TIN, GET 1 TIN FRER - UNICO SPAGHETTI SAUCE FEATURE ~~ SAVE 66 ~~ YELLOW QUICK ~~ 2¢ OFF PACK BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 2 ,.& CUT RITE WAX PAPER SAICO MANDARIN ORANGE SECTIONS SAICO TUNA FISH *"° "MLM save 5, FEATURE SAVE &¢ HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS BAKERY FEATURES SUNBEAM CINNAMON BUNS AUNT MARY'S SLICED BREAD GOOD VALUE PORK LIVER SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD SAUSAG SWIFT'S VEAL, PORK & CHICKEN LOAF, STORE SLICED Feature! Save Ade ED:2WHITE aly SHOULDER . 36° | FRANKS a0 FRANKS 2, 80 » BOF Mac. & Choose Loa! Ib. 59° Vb. Calle Phe. COUNTRY STYLE Spring Carrots NUTRITIOUS FRESH Ls, 49° 2, 49 31h, 17¢ hous BHUBARD VELOW Gong =o» Poly Bog CALIFORNIA SWEET JUICY = 138% SUNKIST ORANGES oun 49° A HAPPY, NEW METHOD OF KEEPING SLIM 6 tins 6.99 FOR WEIGHT CONTROL 12 tins 13,89 3 Flavors == Chogolate = Vanilla « Banana " "129 100+, ne 3,00 RED S WHITE BONUS BUY FATURIG 11s BE "Trim" Brand y SAVE 4 Tim 1.00 ese BATHROOM sw SCALES 10.08, Pky. 19¢ in attractive 47¢ pastel Colours ROLLS 9 3 YIN BOTH FOR 20 | QUOTA hy QUAKER 120 Pkg. 2, Loaf 24.08, Jar Ves, Jar SUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING FROZEN to en aa AER FOODS Vive eit conn 300 tb. Cupasity LIBAY'S MIXED VEGETABLES ¢ FAMIL 13-08, ph Never Before Offered at 33¢ 3h $FaVehive Lia BEANS » SPROULE'S CORNER KING AT RITSON 948 SIMCOE ST, N, McKENNA'S MARKET SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL GROVE MARKET MAPLE GROVE BROWN'S MARKETERIA | MAPLE BROOKLIN good standing at least one year

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