r I a | --. --n"o---- | The Osharon Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, 86 King 8, E., Oshows, Om, Thursday, Merch 23, 196) Page 4 Dogs Can Cause Damage In City And owner whe really cares for his pet will exercise it and discipline it, ss well 88 house and feed it; he will not keep it tied to » backysrd post, dey after dey, month after month, but he eer: tainly will net permit it to demege property, scare and perhaps hurt chil- dren and others on the street, place its own life snd thet of others in jeopardy and generally make & nuisance of itself Moreover, people who live in 8 large community must be prepsred to secept the restrains that go slong with ad- vantages of living in such a community, snd regulations governing the conditions under which animals can be kept are Country in favor of restisint of dogs In other then when sress, The Depertment of Lends snd Forests completed the first of # series of detailed investigations of the killing livestock by predators It covers the Little Cloy Belt in northe enstern Ontario, sn wes of 18 towne ships with spproximetely 1600 farmers, 300 of whom ere sheep breeders raising shout 9000 enimels. During the nines yess period from 1950 to 1959, shout 25 per cont of the fesmers suffered losses of cattle, horses, sheep or pigs Dogs were responsible for more then twice as many of the killings ss were wolves, In 1958, for example, 125 sheep ond lambs were killed by predators, end domestic dogs were by far the most serious offenders, causing 60 per cent of the losses, while timber wolves snd bears were each blamed for shout six per cent of the incidents The Department report states; "Even if all wolf predetion is elimineted in Kearns Township, there will continue to be sheep losses which are often quite serious to the individual farmer involved, unless some means is found of control BACK TO AN OLD TECHNIQUE OTTAWA REPORT ec] the number st "ground That Vivergl spokesman bio TORONTO ~ In Hs later ve GAN bh THES, Travihas, Maver ", wer 7 HaR 1H MA wh oinah win 8 Boh gov eremant - time # wae rr 1 ¢ Tot the the Opposition BE For The Oshaws LONDON = Britain is legeing behind in Industrial expension, wnd, pecording 1 the Nations) Production Advisory Coundtl on Industry, the chief repson for this 16 An short A led workers snd tecrhmiotians this siuption Is brought 19 the fore by a ministry of lahor re port tn the effect thet there sre fficially recorded vacancies tor WM building craftsmen end engineers plone, In excess of those unemployed AL Ms lest meeting, the Ba tonal Production ABvisery Council hed before it, a report that there were four obs vacant for every unemployed skilled man, This figure probably un derstates the shortage, herpuse of goide £4 the find ders Witising had 11.000 vacancies for cipfismen bot ciuding brickiayers, electricians end todmekere. Wis especially severe Wn the By welied crifis : Indusinigl firms have given nities of vacancies for ne fewer than 15 times the number of wn employed machine tool setiers six times the number o Srangiismen and, €: wm vin ter, 19 times the pumbher of car peniers Only in Bestiand where the unemployment rate is double that of the nations pyer BEL, pre there more skilled men out of werk than vacant jobs UNION RESTRICTIONS ar 13 f oF § ia ft hal bi i § i BEng stronger dreams of thelr appsrency to Premier Frost Hore then ever they will be lying to prove ther before the premier and the colleagues they hope will spe port. them Cleaning Comme Hel polish remover aid new be wied 15 1smove wots of ned -- essential to the general well-being of the community, Indeed, there is considerable evidence mage © i GRITeIS Percy Hellyer estimated the yo ¢ Ary clasnsl 1emore HENS Crowa at 1300; bul then he briefly--was 8 member of thet many firms do not notily "he In trying to assess the reasons smployment exchanges " vi: for the shortage of skilled work iheral cabinet ¥ 4 _ ernecies which they know there 1s ers, one frequently sees the re i SR inst Which 2H i no hope of filling strietive practices of labor wo metic and common sense that GREW IN LAST YEAR ions mentioned, In some cases posed the famous question This scarcity of skilled work. limits sre placed on the ratio of "What's 8 million?" ers and technicians has grown Rpprentices to Journeymen, eth potion Let ys property "COTE BY ling our favorite pet -- the domestic dog" Ambulance Services All Quiet After Fat The Medical Association's report on highway traffic accident am- bulance service, compiled from a year- long study made in the Cornwall ares, has brought to light a condition which should be a cause of much public eon- corn, The lengthy report was prepared by the OMA's committee on the medical aspects of traffic accidents, The detailed work was done by Dr, L. A Caldwell of Cornwall, who received full full-scale co-operation from police, hospital officials and ambulance operators in this area in gathering the essential data on highway traffic casualties and their transportation to hospitals, It was, in fact, almost a community effort, the Cornwall Btandard - Freeholder com- ments The study has stressed the need for suitable legislation to make emergency ambulance service more efficient, The fact these services are decreasing be: cause they are unprofitable alse poses #8 problem because of the increasing number of ears using our highways and the resultant increase in accidents and Injuries The OMA committee has suggested # 50-cent levy on driving licenses might Ontario provide an answer. Funds crested in this way could be used to subsidize smhbulance operators who on the average are paid for only 10 per cent of the work they de in picking up highway traffic cases, The report has made it clear thet provincial regulations and proper medie cal supervision are required if emers gency ambulance services are to operate efficiently, It is in the public's best interest that a uniform code for ambu- lance operaion adopted, Under present conditions, ambulanee drivers and attendants in many parts of the province have little or no first aid training and lack equipment; The come mittee's report, it should be noted, paid eredit to the ambulance operators for carrying on at all, under adverse cone ditions, The blame lies not with them, but with a public that doesn't pay its hills or with a government which should have moved on this problem long ago, While it is true that enly a relatively small area of the province was selected for the survey, the OMA committee's inquiries suggest that conditions throughs out Ontario as 8 whole are in a "deplors able state" Remedial action is needed at once if the situation is 0 be prevented fram deteriorating be Enterprise In Russia Even forty years of state-regimented socialism, it seems, has not sufficed to stifle the urge of Boviet citizens to acquire property of their own and te engage in private enterprise, Bo reports the Moscow correspondent of Britain's leading leftist weekly, New Statesman, In fact, so great ia the en. thusiasm of Soviet citizens for private enterprise ventures and for the aequis sition of property that the efficial organ, Communist, is engaged in an all-out campaign to denounce "the acquisition and possession by workers of real estate a8 well as of privately-owned vehicles that is, of property which can be used for deriving unearned income =~" as The Oshawa Times TL WILION, Publisher and Sensrel Manegs 6 GWYN KINSEY. Bditee The Oshawa limes sombining The Oshawa Times aniished 1871) and the iby Gazette and onich (established 1863) I published dally wdave and statutory holidays sscepted) sot hing | papers Publish Amociation, The Canadian Press Audit Busan of Chreulation and the Ontarie Previncial Dailigs Awe sigtion. Tha Canadian Press is exclusively enlitied ta the ue tar republication of all ews patched the paper credited ta I or to The Asociated pss of Reuters, and ele fosal news published therein. All tights of aes! despatches are ale wae rved. tices. Themen Bulking, 43% University A Toe Ontarias 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal PO SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ale ary in Sihawe Whithy, hth roaklin, 1ort Perry, Pring Hampton, Frenchman's B Dunbar Pelivared by ickering, Bo Manchettat hy ie ond | week. By mall fn nee Son delivery wieay foe year Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 196) 17,223 "not in keeping with the prospects of our society's progress." This flourishing of private enterprise and private ewnership in the Boviet Union suggests two things, One of these is the failure of state socialism te satisfy people's wants and needs, Private enters prise, including trucking, according te the New B8tatesman's Moscow corres pondent, is apparently encouraged hy existing shortages to fill consumer needs, even at considerable political risk, The other thought that comes to mind is the rabid intolerance of Soviet socials ist officialdem in Moscow of any at tempt on the part of Soviet citizens to acquire property, The reason for this blind jealousy is simple, Property, when it can be acquired, gives the citizen in the Soviet Union some measure of economic independence of the State This is seen by the Kremlin as a threat to its socialist totalitarian domination of the lives of the people, and therefore not ta be tolerated but rather suppressed, Other Editor's Views HUGS IN ANTARCTIC (London Observer) Pure white insects living 6000 feet abave sea level in Antarctica have been discovered by Keith Wise, a New Zealander working for the United States Antarctic Research Program, The insects = primitive "springtails® wowere living under loose rocks at the head of a glacier near Mount Gran, This is the highest altitude at which insects have been found in Antarctica. Besides springtails, Mr, Wise found a dozen small mites living nearby, What they live on is obscure since no plant bile of any kind was found in the area Tory Excitement : a i yo x By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA~Our natignal eapi tal is hack to normal. That is te say that the guests in the famous Chateau Laurier Hotel ean onee more sleep at might, now that the Conservative party's liberal wassallers have dispersed to their 265 uencies; and carnations can once more bloom as n intended, after three schizo phrenic days when, chameleon: like, they were dyed blue or green in honor of that com: posite personality whom Liberal Leader Mike Pearson named "John Patrick O'Diefenhaker", To have Bt, Patrick and the triumphant star from the Comes monwealth prime ministers' conference hoth arriving In Ottawa on the same morning was indeed an event The Royal Canadign Alr Foree Comet airliner landed st 7.66 am. bringing Prime Min ister Diefenhaker home from England---and from both Ire lands, The eloek by which | regulate my life does nol recog: nige such an hour, 50 I am un: able to give you a first-hand ye port on the veception accorded to Canada's returning hers am informed that the INSIDE YOU cansiit ture red carpet was duly laid out; that the welcoming erowd contained four elements, in which the dip lomats outnumbered the press, who outnumbered the eabinet ministers, wha in turn outnum hered the conyentioneering Tory delegals and miscellaneous well-wishers, The great cade of automobiles carrying the delegates and Tory hanners had unfortunately heen incom pelentiy briefed, and they went to the wrong airport BIGGEST MEK) the annual gener! meeing of the Progressive Conservative Association of Canada, held on Thursday, Friday and Baturday of last week, merited attention on several grounds First, there were the dele gates, gathered from the four corners and from this heart of Canada in about equal numbers What numbers was never uite clear, 1 asked various of ficials of the Conservative party as late as Baturday noon, bul there was no official eount Party President Senator "Bolly" Thorvaldson sald there were 2,678 on Friday night, and some hundreds more expected Satur day, Pre-convention predictions cave When Food, Acid Enter Esophagus By BURTON MH, FERN, MD Could a stomach in your chest be causing that ehronie indiges tion? Food glides down & long tube w= the esophagus = to reach your stomach, At the bottom of your chest, the esophagus pierces the thick diaphragm muscle to enter the abdomen, Here the esophagus makes a sharp left turn to reach the side of the stomach This sharp tum = almost a kink == prevents stomach con: fents from bubbling hack inte the esophagus. Over the years, the diaphragm loses its grip on the esophagus The esophagus stralghtens and shortens, pulling part of the stomach up into the chest, Squeezed hy the diaphragm muscle, the stomach now resem» bles an elastic hour glass, with the esophagus flowing straight As An arrow Inte Its tep PAINFUL PRESSURE Now food and acid ean gurgle up inte the esophagus, Heart burn, sour stomach and belehin now make. you miserable, bloated "upper stomach feels like a painful pressure just bes neath the breasthone Your heart pounds and you have to gasp for hreath. You waske up in the middie of the night, walk around and drink walter for relief. The water gents ly pushes the stomach down inte the abdomen Ordinary barium X - rays won't show this trouble unless the doctor tilts you head-down and presses on your abdomen He actually forces the stomach into the chest while X-rays are being snapped SMALL MEALS You ean avoid this breath taking pain by reducing pres sure inside your abdomen, Eat small meals six or eight times a day, Avoid space-taking rough age, Irritating sploes and gas filled carbonated drinks Sleep on an empty stomach; the kitchen closes three ar four hours before bedtime, IM you need gravity's help, sleep sits tn up, Creamy acid-neutralizers should extinguish any hear burn Consult your doctor about any Persistent indigestion, A shory 3 ' straight esophagus isn't hard to stomach, if that's what you have! Something just over half the Over the last 12 months with & delegates were visitors to Of Meher level of industrial activ: tawe, gathered, as we were 117, In December, 1999, vacan told, from every constituency, Cies and imemployad hiilding One of the largest groups and engineering tradesmen were came from Orillia, The popular MF, Doctor P, B. Rynard, and his sweet lady, seemed to have ghoul 40 dedicated supporters from the loin] Women's Asso. building workers, compared with ciation, among others, | was 15,700 unemployed men, Fyen honored to meet Mrs, Annie Bithough seasonal contractions, Bheppard, one of the oldest her, 1060, there were 20.000 une filled jobs for skilled and semi skilled engineering nd ship roughly in balance. By Decem-y er nationglly or lneally employment officers do not he- Weve that in genersl union re strictions are a major factor in limiting the entry of apprentices What is helleved to he 8 more serious cause is thet employers have not felt the need to {rain enough skilled men, Many firms, mainly the smaller ones, train no apprentices, Yet they are in the market for skilled workers delegates here, and my old friend Mrs. H. 5. Page, the Ontario president, among the BY-GONE DAYS many Orillians p " ' From Prince Albert of course #0 YEARS AGO came Ed Topping, whose mem C.D Lyons took over as ory goes way hack when in manager of the Oshawa hranch these political affairs, And with of the Canadien Bank of Com: him was Vie Baker, while merece Prince Albert of course wa also represented by Roy Hall, The Bir Francis Drake Corps # former law partner of the of the Sea Cadets was a prime minister organized in Oshawa We all saw, and most news paper readers saw photos of, i "The Beard": Johnny Friend, Cobourg Rotary Club on the from Watson Lake, Yukon, He subject of the Bt, Lawrence wis sald to have made the Waterway development at the longest journey 4000 miles, €lub's weekly luncheon each way-to attend, Another Yukon delegate, pretty little Pat Kerry, came a shorter trip G, D, Conant addressed the Members of the Cemetery Board of Governors met, A, A 400 yards only, from the Var. Crowle was named chairman Wament Building where she P. A. Blackburn, treasurer and works as secretary to the VF. BE, Hare, secretary Yukon's MP, Erie Nielsen And of eourse John Diefen Lieut, Charles Rutherford, VC, baker was everywhere: On the MC, was guest speaker at a walls, on the pamphlets, fen National Week dinner of the times lifesize, miniature size, Oshawa Kinsmen Club wherever one looked, there was his photo, Even on special blue Fourteen General Motors em: tipped Tory match - books 1 ployees with an Aggregate of thought I recognized his pleture, over 8300 years of service were but beneath was printed "please honored at a Toronto event elose before striking." John Gibson with 44 years Hut the keynote of the con. Samuel Gummow, #8 years and vention was that no blows were Walter Danlels, #3 years with struck==for anything, And now the firm, were among those in they have all gone home, happy, the party, an have steed after wish SAVE 375, STERING CO with springs AT NO EXTRA COST! The foam rubber cushions are ABSOLUTELY FREE, Order now ALL FOAM CUSHIONS For a limited time only, OSHAWA UPHOL. are making this tiuly great effer, You 3:-pivce chesterfield sults re-uphels ------------------------------ Mrs, J, €, Young, Mrs, 6 Norris, Mrs, E, J Miss V, Langmaid were pointed Oshawa delegate tn als tend the Federation and School Council meetings In Toronto, George Weston Limited had acquired the Regal Bakeries, with plant at Toronta and Als: tributing warehouse at Oshawa, Winnipeg Eimwoods, junior hockey champions of Canada, pald 8 visit to the General Motors plant Oshawa electors passed over: whelmingly three hylaws to sell the municipal gas plant to Ben F. Yates of Chicago, to grant the new owner a gas franchise, and to grant » fixed assess ment Mayor C, KE, Bowman and Reeve A, W, Jackson of Whithy were guests of the joint meet ing of Oshawa's three service clubs The Salvation Army conduet- ed anniversary services of the opening of the Corps in Oshawa whieh commenced 42 years ago The guest speaker was Mrs Wood, Luke and wp of Home k C.K. MacGILLIVRAY, F.CA The Public Acsountents' Li for the Provinge of Ontenie ew nounces the election of My, €. K.0 Magioiliigray FEM, of Hamilton: os. Is redident "w Wore H, R, Macdonald, FCA, of; Toronto, Other officers were Yiee-President, Mr MacDonald, €.P.A.; Secretary, Mr D, A Ampleford, FCA; Trea? surér, Mr. M, E, Sheppard, CRA. oll of Toronto elected The Council draws te the attention of the public thet all those whe practise as publie accountants In Ontarle must be licensed under the Public Accountancy Ast (One fario) 1980, and must observe the Code of Professional Ethics lold down by the Council, Any infers mation regarding these marters and the penalties for non obsery ance of the Act and regulations may be oblained fem Mr, Doughty, Registrar, The Publig Accountants Counell for the Fre vince of Ontario, Room 32, 2 Bloor Street East, Toronto 5, Ontario, * --_-- FINAL OFFER ! Have your suite covered later if you wish == but order now and be assured of . All Foam Cushions Free! ) 4 or your foam cushions in plese of your wern-eut Toke advantage of this great have vour suite severed later If you Payment Until May # Have eur consultant sell and give you » free estimate SU 3-PC. $ FROM ITE RECOVERED MATERIAL INCLUDED LRHAWA Take 34 wonths to hay $10 monthly 10 BOND ST, W, RA 5-031 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY S.YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEES