The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1961, p. 4

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A TVR OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, Merch T3, 196) (HIGH SCHOOL NEWS WHITBY And DISTRICT |Report Cards wn Are On The Way By EHEEN PATTERSON Liswisnsnt - Commander Com rowne, Easter examination reswts nor of the Royal Canadien Wavy tary rest 8 SWmmery Pd 7 (9 ARGETIOR was Introducsd 7s the guest pois given by TIODEToPr | School 6 wantihy Me. "Rr meatog of the Vier Gresnwont ss ; h ii ) i 16x ODE wes Reid on afternoon wt the United Hail with the Bagent, : Ii ars, | id i 3 R 1H 3 R ] : ? $1 ot 13 id | if | Street Satins sludemts st . i h wi a ave Atel meker fox the niternoon. Mier WHCrs of the 0 fish Waring the pRinrs TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE DISCHARGE OF ROOF WATER INTO SANITARY SEWERS BYAAW MO, 2801 of the Town of Whitky provides thet Misr Aoit Vat, 1960, it shall be on offers to decherge Co ae cy ol Ete vik comply wh a d ors holies 19 a penaity of $556.66, During perisds of heavy rain, 195f woter (which does " ®» > g | wHiesoing the necessity of an. Mrs J, A, Swronscs whl 5 CANCREIOR 108 7 Position in the panied Bo 85 648 let we brenthe sighs of TERE OF navy he showed ws # film spon 10s Rie heing Made we decide 19 Work OFS cored by the Navel Air Arms Poissy Yew! . | entitled "Wings of the Flest" Looms Saude, Wh be Ve) Ar the i we were Wie tery repaied 8 : [irimated on tie SDDOIHEIGIES Wh wed 9 or parents od ¥ prEse i the ' 5 [16 Wevy [or scontnry whom Yiu chinem schon A the Wednesdny RIRGURALS RIB WT TILY 1 RAH lost Week OF wipal Mr, | # The BOY was cxplamed Andrew made aaowcements 8. wviiiie schoboromps © id the boys and girly | ade known, This was of cowrse V9 he at hoskethol finzls thet Of Primary inierest 19 the boys OPE were 19 be held gt both schools) PH the sharp wislorms tract: Gey, : | H] ih st 4 ie ii : I i N 3 § i t i i isd t lx in Ih i ! $43 will 2 i } Lg i sil : 3 iN > _--- ~ SC 11 #4 Winners of the second draw of the Whithy Invitation Mixed Bonspiel held at the Whithy Curling Rink are shown here They are; Mrs. D. Jacobi and Mrs. B. Palle, standing wp are skip Hal Butler and Drynan, directly behind! He A coroner's jury on Wednes: Mrs Daniell-Jenking day night attached ne blame to Mr inquest into the death of a the rear window when the im Rouge Hill man Dec. 4, 1960, pact occurred The jury at Whithy, heard evi-| She said that she had the im dence surrounding the death in pression that the right side of 8 two-car collision of John H./the Drynan car was very close Daniell-Jenkins, 49, at Altona to the north ditch. Bhe said that oad and the Pickering ix looked out the rear bridge Townshin houndary window she observed a light The fury, out for 80 minutes, shining under the ear shortly pled that Daniell-Tenkins had before the crash but she had died as a passenger in a car not oh eryed any car coming riven hy George K. Drvnan, of from the west riven bn in the eollision and Donald Benson, 20, of BR 1 added that "from the evidence Claremont, hearing scars not ped it while she coming aller Wednesday's games. | of 45 points In thelr threes games. Another Oshawa Rink skipped by Rey, J. C, Pereyma won the over-all point standing Patle. They collected a tote) | and the first draw, Jury Fixes No Blame In December Crash jammed She said brakes, he said, and a wheel one at the conclusion of an that she was also looking out locked and his car went into SRYONE Al the LO } the north diteh out to the road again and stop Joyee Lewis mont, whose home Is shout 400 feet west said that she saw the two cars ghout four the other cars hed lights on and appear ed to he driving about 5 mph She heard a screech of hrakes she said, and then the erash.| Saturday. Congratulations 19 the Henry Street s who won the LNInamen i was wise announced that tithe "Mardi Gras" formal was i to be held wt Henry School Fn. ARBETSOR School students were invited and encouraged 19 pitend day man Street Receive Group United Church A number of YOURE people, who have received Christian training in the Sundey School (and youth groups of the Whithy United Church and who have recently been ptiending the Young Communicants' Classes, shin of the church on Sunday morning by Rey, John M, Smith, Those received were: By Con firmation, Margot Hamer, Susan | Pollard Douglass Angelica Fggert, Michael Eggert, Glen Gartshore, [James McClellan Steven Charles Snelgrove and Douglas Ross McKenzie, The new members were welcomed hy Bev. A. M. Butler, Mr Erle Bond, Clerk of Session and M.| G, Mifflin, Sunday School Super on his own intendent The morning entitled "Thoughts About conciliation" and the : with Mr, V, Williams as soloist, | He brought it Re- 15, RR 8 Clare of the Intersection, Communion will he observed at| morning and evening services| next Sunday, and that adult hehind members will he received hy sald that hoth nrofession of faith and hy trans: fer of certificate at the Prepay atory Service on Friday evening from the west car-lengths She mi | : x iif £4 the I Ssotsd : gH ald o r) Bor presented our schon with a United Chwrch Hall, mements of Wis viel, 8 picivre, Three Rew members were of » navel destroyer, Mr. AR-lunanimonsty received; Mrs, Wilk GIEWE Recepied the DICseniation ligm Clarke, Mrs. Alan Mae which is now hanging Wn ow Lean and Mrs, H, Welsh. Sey: us frastmant) FEGIEA AN mesiala £ Pen seriously tones the fecilities of the Plant end csuses of Buildings in VWiithy shold ck 19 determing ff woter ally i fniiong w being rm ie 6 sen found 19 be the case, The Rest flooding of the sewsr system oa on im roof or tory sewer; ond Mf this ster Lenders Mant Be from the serilery sewer not loter message was § anthem, | was "Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me", |} It was announced that Holy |} fice eral members will attend the ur eng bisiathall Joos LODE annual Provincial meet: Sc plaved we [0% High ads P r baskethpll teams here ast ne in Homilton Apri 19, 70 ana Thursday, In spite of owistend ng efforts of hoth teams, An derson was defeated by the Anihiem hiought the meeting 16 slightly superior Alex squads No further games have heen Mrs scheduled in the future ' RCL Singing of the National hostesses were received into full member: | Victoria Rowe, Sharon! % , By Baptism, | § CA ' | "e DTT 3 ; SETHI RRRNTII YY Mrs, Joseph Conwx's Bird Wirth Larry, son of Mr. and Mrs # close, Mrs. N, Cormack and Vie, Tumer, is celebrating Ws James Ross were (er tenth Wirthdey (sda \companions and friends wish) thon April Ist, 1961, Resf water moy be ning i on the ground end letting i flow 19 the nesrest Issel quitter dich or weler CHIE, oF by instatting o storm SEWERS ELREREN IGN. Aone requiring additional infsrmetion sthodd col the Ene Grasr's Deganment, LM, INKPEM, Chairmen, Health & Weltors, Harold Dodd, in honor of » His school | BEEEEEERARRERR ERA EAE EES TOP QUALITY - IMPORTED LAMB SALE LAMB LEGS SPECIAL LOW LOW PRICE STOCK UP FOR EXTRA SAVINGS AA AAAS A AAA AAA AA AAA AR AAA LA) JACK SPRATY'S = Vo), QUALITY Q 6 legs or breasts .. 59° 118, PKG, ONLY Continued by popular demand! of witnesses, no definite respon: only of this accident but of an When she arrived at the crash sihility eould he assisned' other accident since, In whieh soene, she said, the horn on the George Drynan, 402 Masson! he was a passenger in another Drynan ear was sounding (ieaning Commen Call the stiention of your cleansr §t., who anpeared hefare the car, said that he had picked his fury sunported by crutches, stilliear up at a service station vecovering from injuries ye. about one and one-half miles he, his wife, and Mr, east at atiout 4b mph He sal and Mrs. John Daniell-Jenkins, his car's headlights were on, | of Rouge Hill, had left a He told the jury that he could 8 pm, Adducing the evidence was |Assistant Crown : 4 s accide scene { p fleck. Coroner conduet-| eived in the aceident, said that| west of the accident scene. He Bruce Af pas hn 3 45 of Dee ' ahout said that he was proceeding ing the inquest was Dr, J, Al | Patterson, of Oshawa | fo oll stains. Fresh s16iNG Bre SAHF to remove than eld sigins "YOUR GLEANER 18 YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIENDY Attorney | friend's home, north of the town: | remember nothing of the aeel: line, tn return tn the Daniell:|dent, In fact, he sald, the last Jenkins home thing he remembered Was pass: He said that they drove west ing through Altona, ahout a half: on the township boundary and|mile west of the Altona road he drove past the Altona road| Dr. G. Woodman, of Sunder: sideroad, which runs south of the|land, eeroner whe examined townline, and Mrs, Daniell-Jen:|Daniell-Jenkins at the scene, king pointed out that he should|said that he had died of a frae have turned down that voad. [tured skull, PC Ray Goodwin, of He said that he hacked his car|the Whithy Detachment of the to the intersection and was stop | OPP, said that he had found ped when he suddenly felt the both cars in the south diteh, impact. He said his car was on |some few feel east of the Altona the north side of the road road, He said that he found a He told the jury that he had gouge mark in the pavement, on his car lights on and he did not [the easthound lane, or south see anv car approaching from [side of the townline, and some the west, debris around it, This, he sald, Mrs. Devnan, who was in the appeared to he the point of im- rear seat directly hehind her pact hushand, said that she was look-| Stephen Wideman, 41, of KR ing out the rear window of the|d, Claremont, sald that he had car to make sure the ear did followed Benson that afternoon, not enter the ditch when the im-| He also said his car's headlights pact neeurred fhe tan, [were on said that she was certain their He told the jury that he had car was on the north side of the net observed any westhound car road. She said that she had not|on the road but had seen Ren abserved anv approaching ear. |sen's tall lights "fly around to Mrs. Dorothea Daniell. Jenkins the north" and knew he had sald that she was seated bheside'struck something ROAST BEEF FRESH CUT PORTERHOUSE WING OR SIRLOIN STEAK orp, ROAST SLICED COOKED HAM Ib. 89° Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast Round Bone Shoulder Roast 39 Boneless Plate Brisket FRESH CUT BUTY FRESH FRESH Namburg { Country Steak § Sausage OPEN THURS, 'TIL 8 -- FRI, 'TIL 9 -- WED, 'TIL 6 PM, Fresh Bulk Wieners PORK CHOPS Ib 53° J Stew k Brisket 35.29: Boson sm-- ---- ARNOLD'S wo | ¢ Beef w 0.59: 115 BROCK N, Just North of the Four Corners Ib LEAN Point Banani lA | Collins Shoes 119 BROCK ST, §, Why Buy Children's Shoes From Us? There are many places you ean buy a pair of new children's shoes, You can pay just about what you'd like for them, too, Does it make any difference what kind they are or where you get them? You bet it does! In fact, it can make the difference in proper foot fit, oom for growth, and montha of extra wear, BUSTER BROWN, SHOES have been famous forover half a century for quality, dependability and fit, Buster Brown dealers are chosen for their integrity and experience, We fit every pair of new Buster Brown shoes with the famous Buster Brown @-Point Fitting Plan, When you buy from ua, you can buy with the confidence that you are receiving the finest in quality, style, and shoe fitting experience, Be sure to see us when it's time for new Buster Brown shoes, MO §-3474 WHITBY OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 § For another money saving week! iin sor is (1©% POT or PEARL Baneey vz J ©) foiter issues U©)° HABITANY 15 08 TIN pEA or vEeTaBtE Soup ©) ARCHWAY PEG, COOKIES 1@©) 0 oN 2 DOZEN -------- ORCHARD KING FANCY 20 01, romano dugg 1@S . 2. SURGET FINE « WIDE « BROAD 19 OF, PKG, 1@©)¢ NOODLES USI eed ons LO) GREEN LIMA BEANS i AYIMER CHOICE A een peers @0 ©)¢ NATURE'S BEST CHOICE 10 OF, TIN I ---- \ YORK 10 OF, TIN FY MeNAIRS | Muare SAUCE 7 OF, PKG, BEANS with PORK CREAMETTES REDI.CUY MACARONI JOLLY TINA 10 04, IN POPPING CORN | PER CHICKEN + BEEF » LIVER 16 04 TIN D0G FOOD EXTRA PINKY EXTRA 1 [+ ]s] PINAY" WL Rh SEMEN " i Re \ AM o ULL A 4, OF } + 10 04,41 eo 4 EPS| COLA 3 A 0F JAY OF SMITHS PURE STRAW, JAM GOUION INA '4\ " ALLS TIN OF HAWES PASTE WAX EATRA LL RELUH A208 oF UNCLE BENS WIENERS WEL ai TI tL EERE ELEELLE gerd Waele BY.10: Y Or} Se ihrool [ETRE [1070 2] Chicken Pie b Turkey Pie 4 Beef |Pie EERE EEE ERE REESE EERE. Farm House trozen APPLE PII 39° 10¢ OFF DEAL EEE EE EE EE Seabrook Farms frozen 2 O00 Sfjuash 1201 PRG Green Peas HOr ro Peas & Carrots 1204 FKG Whole Leal Spinach VOI PKG French Fried Potatoes YOUR CHOICE FOR frozen IA 01 PKG 10 OF PROG French Green Beans or Cauliflower ORANGES: 49 IMPORTED U.5. NO, | VINE RIPENED IMPORTED U5. NO, | FRESH FIRM i IMPORTED U8, NO, | CALIFORNIA ICEBERG Lettuce ix: 229° Radishes J::c25°! IMPORTED U.8, NO, | FIRM GREEN HEADS IMPORTED U5, NO, | FRESH GREEN CRISPY Colery 329° Cucumbers 2-29° IMPORTED U.§, NO, | SWEET EATING IMPORTED U.§, NO, | FRESH GREEN A BUNCHED 6 LARGE 6 Onions ~~ 3-23°| Cantaloupes:::29° ALE EEE EEE EEE EL EEE] | A beautiful 24 Inch EXTRA "PINKY" STAMPS for FREE QUALITY GIFTS! HARA 100i, WR WET A ANY FOUR Light Bulbs Sa LE Wi The £0 . FL § OR MORE OF ANY VARIETY OF pefruit While quantities lash, \ AREER EERE ERT ) OPEN THURS, & FRI, UNTIL 10 PM, "host WHITBY "N% ROUGE HILL

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