The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1961, p. 3

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r 7 EPI WY, 7 id " (CAPSULE NEWS States Guilty In Mock Trial TORONTO (CP)~'The United isters of Russia and the other States was found guilty Wednes- seven member countries will day Wm 2 mock triad of breach atiend, Tass said. The other of sovereignty of Bussia se a members are Fast Germany, result of the U2 flight over Bus- Albania, Bulgaria, Crechsiova- siz last May. The ternational kia, Hungary, Poland and Bo moot court at Osgoode Hall was Sha we conducted by students of the SAYS PERSECUTED public and internationsl lew VATICAN CITY (Bewters)--A CONTER Vatican publication said Wed nesday the Communist world is CALL PACT SIGNERS suhieeting the Boman Catholic LONDON (Reuters) The Church. to perhaps the most first top - level meeting of War "widespread and pe 1 {| Sous" saw Pact signers in more than persecution in is 200-year his # year will take place in Mos tory, The unofficial weekly cow Tuesday, the Soviet news newspaper 065 € ryptore Aelia agency Tass reported Wednes- Domenica singled out the Com- day, Foreign and defence min- munist regimes of Poland and Hungary for examples of the .- ] latest anti-church campaigns THE WEATHER OFFICE Church School Has Fine Start PROBE DEATH says Ontario will continue 19 Twenty five children were en y % forecast for Friday in Quehes, Maoths wilh not set frashiy-clesnsd coming, Never pA wey soled § clothing. Hove them freshened by § dry clesning. TYGUR CLEANER 18 YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" OFFICERS OF NEW BROOKLIN BAPTIST ent anized Ba formally constituted at special | the officers of the new church, Wig Fini 2" Brookin A services today, Been here wre From left are RB, Smith, | Basketball Night Will Aid Chasczewski Fund By JOANN BARGE WE CREAN PARTY - ida are a he The Drama Club ice-cream Wy Aircnd Maren 24 Air parties have hegun Fach day at Central Collegiate Institute after four o'clock a few forms All proceeds from this game will rush to the cafeteria for their be donated to the Tom Chase free jee cream These forms rewski Fund sold over 50 tickets each for the The three Drama Club for Central Pre wre sents, Over 1600 tickets were schools have chosen an all-star oq setting 8 new record al team which will play the All cy Stars from Simeoe Hall, Mush MNicholishen, Stan Sencen and JUNIOR BASKETBALL Jerry Tymoshik are Central's. Prior to our exams, our Jun sli-stars. All the cheerleaders jor Girls' Basketball team was will be present from the three tied for first place with Done collegiate van and (/Neill, The first game A gymnastics display will be in this playoff series was held held and Oshawa's champion last Tuesday, March 21 al ship basketball teams will be in- (O'Neill Collegiate. Central play troduced. Come out and support ed O'Neill and was eliminated a worthy cause at Central Col- from the playoffs as we lost 19 leginte at 7.90 p.m 14, Jane Galea was high scorer for CCI with seven points, Our GAA DANCE Juniors and their coach, Miss Last Friday wes Klub Kil Did You Know , , » in the mein Dining Reem of the GENOSHA WOTEL you con nave 6 Full-sourse Dinner for ONLY 95s, EGGS~ PENSIVE TIME OF THE YEAR! Oshawa high preerpret reer are Investigating the hit-and-run Friday, Light showers and | death of A on was! drizzle and snow are ocewr: | eral) i 4 mi pimp ing in parts of Ontario taday ' showers or snowilurries ar Lunney, BR, Roxburgh, the pas walking tn bis home when he church school sponsored by the -- WEATHER FORECAST Unitarian Fellowship of Oshawa ! pecording to John Naylor, of Hosts OBITUARIES Whithy, chairman of the re- aycees : The second session will start Di trict Rall MRS, I. B. McDIARMID | oromptly at 11 am. Sunday 18 Y | The memorial service for Mrs. March 25 : . Leonard B., McDiarmid, 56 "Due to the known interest,' The Oshawa Junior Chamber pe on mues ; ' 0 0 p ave 6 A Spring Conference 3 vary ciom mi fil very led in 8 motor accident at the ed that we will have to form the annual | ! . 4 . iia ; ud ery ie a oath ery 01 Cloverleaf, near Whithy, additions! classes in the near [or District Seven, to he held at TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts with periods of snow, changing wr y Rid of V's top gun, in- Tuesday afternoon, will be held future, We have, therefore de- Hotel Genosha, March 24 and issued by the weather office at to rain or drizzle in the alter: id fing rho was unable to #t the Armstrong Funeral Home cided to keep enrolment open 25, will atiract approximately 5 am EST noon, Friday cloudy with occa Interment will be in Mount parents within the community chibs to the city over Ontario today as & result temperature, Winds east 15 19: [ne il Bh iy on He Lawn Cemetery may still register their ehil- Bearboro, Toronte, Etobicoke, of a low-pressure area that has day, light Friday, ARESNNTE v . 4 ' pt v 7 ote a ally a y 1 p shiv 2742, Marian Stefaniak The former Lois Lorraine dren J : North York, Pete rharough and Practically stalled wer the Kirkiond Loke, Timmins Ka: played an excellent game for Wies, Mrs McDiarmid was a The new Sunday School will Lindsay clubs will each be rep- Greal Lakes ower activity puskasing regions, North Bay, and Mush McConkey, iam Wiles, of Myrtle Station. Adelaide House, 199 Centre bers, In addition, other inter- Friday. Skies will remain "0s oo rain or drizzle to- Congratulations to coach Far. She was hom at My rt I € street, Oshawa ested members from these clubs cloudy ; day and Friday, little change in rell and his boys for a first place Station, June 18, 1020 and was will be in attendance. Oshawa Lake Erie region, Windsor temperature, Winds east 15 1o- tie and for a fine basketball married in Oshawa, April 2, Tayeees expect approximately Cloudy with occasional showers| qo. "sou" griday and deserve plenty of credit, Of Oshawa since her marriage, Four business and executive showers in fhe morning. A few embers antam Les Besides her hushand and her meetings are scheduled during sunny periods in the AIErnoon : ay: Me mhers of Joy Bantam, pin parents, Mrs, McDiarmid is the two - day conference, at and pot much change in tempe- wis Aig, high day. Plancke Marian Stefaniak, survived by a daughter, Bonnie which fund raising and traffic rature, Winds light gm ancke, Ma } Blefani Lake Huron, western Lake it Thomas seereer Ted Marchut, Mush McConkey, 8Wa, Alin Surviving are a sister The Hon, Michael. Starr willl Ontario, Niagara, Georgian Bay KilChener roreereer # Rick Stewart. Benny Jagnda Mrs. Frank Makin (Kathleen), speak at a dinner, Saturday al : i Ron Kroll Allen Smelko, Bill of Oshawa and two brothers 7.80 p.m. and Acting Crown ilton: Cloudy with sccasional Wingham H 4 vk Joe Fileiti, Bill Fed. Orland, of Whithy Township and Attorney Bruce Affleck will ad- periods of rain or drizzle today. | Toronto yranyt, #40 7 won| Friday cloudy with a few show: | Peterborough +o.» Truhela p.m, luncheon, also on Batur- ers and little change in tempera: Trenton tions and we are proud of them 4 FUNERAL OF . day, : lock gnd her committee did an GIRLS SPORTS WILFRED F. WILSON A late howling session 1s Friday Hamilton +.reeseer excellent job on the decorations EXTRAS | Saturday, March 25, a tourna-| The funeral services for Wil: planned for Friday evening,| Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- MUSKOKR +rvereress for the dance, Green and white) Career Day will be held next pon will 'be beld at O'Neill Col-| fred Frederick Wilson, of 28% burton regions: Cloudy 1008Y Killaloe ,rveeerreer | streamers decorated the ceiling, Wednesday, March 29 BarAN seeerereere Preparation For IF OVERPRODUCTION 4 IS YOUR PROBLEM, BEE SEABOARD 19 CASH LOANS $50 to 55,000 see Oshawa Jayeees and their guests on a tour of the National Stud Farm, | TRENTON, Ont. (CP)--Police. have cloudy skies today and | ; tor; 6, Long and I, Bradley, rolled last Sunday in the new yas struck by # ear : A any | Dull And Damp Monirave avenue, who was kil: Mr, Naylor stated, "it is expect- of Commerce is expecting that play the remaining game, Done- # 2 p.m Friday, Mar. 2. for another few weeks so that #0 Jayeees representing six Synopsis: Overcast continue sional showers, little change in Nay em g Aq e ' Central as did Larry Plancke daugniar of Mr, and Mrs, Wil- meet each Sunday at 11 a.m. in resented hy two voting mem- should become less frequent Sudbury: Cloudy with periods Seas e ho aptised hard 1940. She had heen & resident 25 members to turn out today, Cloudy Friday with a few season. The hoys practised hard Valent ce NARIE Dave Shewchuck, Pete Kilistoff, #nd a son, William, both of Osh- safety will he discussed regions, London, Toronto, Ham-| London ,, a i tule ere zenkn and manager Zwonko Stewart, of Myrtle Station dress the Jaycees gat a 2.15 Nugent, deserve our congratula larney night at CCI, Sheila Pol ture. Winds east 15 0AaY, HENLISE. CatharINes or... while Saturday afternoon will d h I it Don't forget the big Benefit legiate for the Grade § haskel: Oshawa boulevard horth, who ANd 8 WIShing Well, and ree ) p R ne Sudbury sreeevenrre North Bay rreeeer Kapuskasing White River By la hall teams of CCI, DCI, CVI and died at Hillsdale Manor, Sunday, set in @ garden scene, made up Night this Friday for Tom poy manville High, The tourna: Mar, 19, were held from the the centre piece "Choo" Chasczewski ment will take the form of 8 Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral At 11 pm. the big moment Again, congratulations to our i 4 i ; round robin tournament with! Home, Wednesday, Mar, 22, al arrived when Nancy Esposito,| Mixed Choir and its director, . each school entering an A and|2 p.m, 12B, was crowned Miss Central Mrs. Stewart, for winning first 5 team. The games will start at!" Elder Frank Knutson, of Kan: by Fran Minacs, Miss Central ne place in the Peterborough Music| yg ow' Good luck, Central! |dalwood Seventh-day Adventist #0. Runners up were Lin CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Floods Urged The danger of flooding, par: ticularly at this time of the year, has heen drawn to the MOOSONee rr rrer ASKS BYLAW TORONTO (CP) ~~ Toronto SEABOARD Festival, | In the fenior color, lean Church, conducted the gerviees, , 12A, and Helen Debickl, | ' | games, Red defeate ellow 10-\ He was assisted by Elder T. J, ww, : g J AE , Green defeated Yellow 5 Bradley, of Toronto, During the The Laurentians provided the ule, Central wound up in 8 fit and Red defeated Blue 6-4, music during the evening, Door place tie wit onevan, | h Blue A and played Thursday when ie Hand, ot and SOF nh e first game In 8 Nomesnd oma) oy Green. The championship! Interment followed in Oshawa SORE E J) {game will be played next week. Union Cemetery, The GAA Is lo be congratulated Monday Ponarall nanira Foe Grade § Color teams Pallbearers were Monty iv first nant gs it ended 22-4 Congratulations and hest wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis- trict who are celebrating their birthdays today: Mrs. Edward Giles, Sr, 100 Warren avenue; Mrs, K. Hopkins, 128 Rosedale avenue; Estella Gibson, 806 Kent street, Whithy; Chris. tine Gren, 224 Montrave avenue; Mike Ruskay, Han: cock road south, Courtice; Donna Bint, 172 Mitchell avenue; Peter Henry, 24 Elgin street, Ajax; Randy Rector, 862 Jarvis street; Nancy Carroll, 525 Crerar avenue; Paul and Shella Sabyan, twins, 802 8t, Eloi; Brenda Emmons, 006 Mas- son street; Jane Bassett, 300 St. John street west, Whit: hy; Patty Anne Oldfield, § Bloor street east; Gail Mot schenbacher, 108 Conant street; Mrs. E. Wakely, 860 Athol street east; Jerry Penfound, 308 Euclid street, Whithy; Alan Pierce, 250 Cedar Valley avenue; Mrs, George Lee, 100 Stacey av: enue; Mrs, Ralph Kemp, 187 Patricia; Debra Edey, 703 Gilbert street west, Whit hy; Mrs, Marie Rogers, 20 Burk street; George Floody, 420 Ridgeway avenue; Thomas Wragg, 261 Jarvis street and John D, Bourrie, 1682 Adelaide east, The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays eaeh day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The current attraction is "Gorge and "Terror on a Train," Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m, and 10 Phone RA 3.3474, attention of the mayors and reeves of Ontario municipalities by W. M, Nickle, minister of commerce and development for Ontario, The minister stresses that he does not wish to cause alarm but that, in view of the sudden: ness with which floods ean develop, municipalities should be aware of the potential danger and take steps to deal with the situation should' a flood occur, Hw suggests a flood commit: tee should be set up and that an inventory of equipment / 4 should he made, It Is also 4 y suggested a corps of river watchers be set up, The Canadian Army and the Emergency Measurers Organi zation in Ontario are both stand ing ready to assist should con ditions merit, It is suggested also that copies of plans to cope with flood con: ditions should be filed with the department J, T. McCauley, of Bowman: ville, is the conservation field officer for the Central Lake On. tarvio, Ganaraska River and Otonohee River regions, FINANGE COMPANY 29V4 SIMCOE §7, §, OSHAWA RA 8.6283 hoard of control instructed eity solicitor J, P, t W to draw up 8 Sunday movies { p.m. and midnight, Provincial legislation on the subject has received third reading, Mr, Kent sald, and royal assent Is ex: pected the day legislature rises, he|service, Klder Bradley sang {semi-final Senior games will be\"Precious Lord, Take My / - A 16 SIMCOE ¢ BLADE BONE REMOVED, WELL TRIMMER re u)y Breakdast Bacon Ib. 55¢ Corned Bee! Ib. 69¢ Chickens Porterhouse Rst 1b. 77¢ Corned Beef 1h. 37¢c Apple Dumplings 9c This seal 1s the hallmark of quality in the Rug Cleaning Field, As a member of NIRC, Nu- Way Rug Cleaners have the knowledge and equip» ment to da a id professional rug cleaning © NUWAY RUG CLEANERS 174 MARY ST, RA 8.4681 "AIL work done in Oshawa by Qualified Oshawa Tochnk slans "Rasie Conversational English BINGO at the Avalon, 7.30 p.m. North Oshawa Park, Thursday, March 3, #4, 810. Seven Jackpots. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM, at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert end Jackson Sts) Games $6, $12, $20 s May be doubled or tripled |Frontier College approach i $140 JACKPOT INCLUDED adult education could be applied| Doar Prize $15 {in the city to reach and to teach -- {these people, ANNUAL SPRING | He suggested that Civitan FLOWER SHOW Club members personally enter : ! bl [hy sinking 58 freeze pipes, 250 neighborhoods where there are|!hs at a hoard of Mires HOTS foe) long; 0 # circle around the AT heavy concentrations of new:|[MCCUNE a8 @ project far Civil gag and running a lithium ' comers and try to reach some tan, {chloride brine through them, REED S lof the peaple who had little con:| The Civitan club now sponsors Freezing the area look almost GREENHOUSES [tact with the English speaking the bicycle roadeo, help with the|a year, but when workmen be- BLOOR ST. WEST {segment of the city's population [school for retarded children and] #an penetration "Palm Sunday", March 26th SEE Beautiful Floral Arangements, of the Hlair | wees [Me suggested further ocontact/will sponsor Citizenship Day in|more this spring, it was frozen poor working conditions and The first committee meeting | {could be made through parish May Potted Lilies, Tydrangeas, Mums {at minus 50 degrees, Actual|sub-standard wages [to plan far Citizenship Day on| priests, ethnic group Organiza: - shaft sinking was accomplished! In the slums of Montreal, in| May 19 will be held this ovening| tions, and individuals who are HAS NEW COURSE EASTER PREVIEW REED'S FLORISTS HAROLD PHILLIPS Local Lions "wy Harted his wet, Yellow 3 de, | Myers, Lloyd Gifford, Lyman A, At Zone 4 but came back strong in the feated Yellow y A Seo (Gifford, Alex Melntyre, Robert Last Wednesday's Assembly coo 4010 10 give Donevan only +4, Red defeated Blue 11:5, {Russell and Harold Lofthouse, " was 8 Sombined assembly, The! an eight-point win, 81-23, | The Grade 10 Color playoff VUNERAL. OF eeting senior band playe Severs, mn i" In the second game, played at game will be played Thursday, ERNERAL OF bers and the members looke Central Tuesday, Central start: March 80, when Yellow plays A of WH " niin quite nice in the new Jackets, | oq our strong and gave Donevan| Green The memorial service for| Three Oshawa Lions attended Mr, Murphy introduced Dr, A - ---- Ernest Bramley who died at the |the annual Zone 10-Bouth meet E, O'Neill who spoke to us on |Oshawa General Hospital, Mon-|In8 held at the Hotel Benson Fdueation. He sald that educa A day, March 20, in his 76th year, |!n Tindsay, Tuesday, Mar, 21 tion was knowing something n i] asses was held from the Armstrong| Those representing Oshawa about everything and a greal Funeral Home on Wednesday, (Were Harold Phillips, fivst-vice- deal about something. Dr, March 22, at 8.15 p.m president; Dr. W. C. Sands, O'Neill's speech was very in: . Interment followed in the Osh. | third vice-president and Gerald formative and enjoyable, We, at Y ere awa Union Cemetery, Rev, Clin- Hudson, tailtwister CCI, thank him for coming [ton €, Cross conducted the sery.| The zone meeting Is the an down to our Assembly and talk ices {nual meeting of the 14 Lions' ing to us A challenge to lead the city in opportunities to acquire the 1an- "noi vors were William Clubs in Zone 10-8outh, This in . the promotion of the teaching of [guage Perry, William Davis, Ralph cludes the clubs of Ajax, Bow GIRLS' BADMINTON English language classes to im:| Once a number of prospec: ook' "gam Usher, N. Bramley manville, Brooklin, Cobourg, Last Wednesday at 4 p.m, the| pm icvants was offered to mem: itive students are contacted, he and i Anderson Lindsay, Little Britain, Mill girls' badminton tournament pe g of the Oshawa Civitan club suggested small classes he start {hrook, Newcastle, Omem ee, took place In the Senior. on oie reaular meeting at Hotelled in neighborhood halls, and FUNERAL OF |Oshawa, Port Hope, Port Perry Doubles division, Marian Ritzie Genosha, Wednesday, homes JOHN PAUL DURANT and Whitby. : J and Jo-Ann Barge defeated the 7" : 0 Dok] The memorial service of John The Lindsay club was host for team of Donna Hobbs and Shir-| The speaker, Emslie Dick/\vppn pRRSONAL INTEREST Paul Durant who died in Dar. the meeting and Zone Chairman ley Hickey tn capture the cham education reporter with The) Tipp speaker sald that he fell A Whois Marc |Cy Bassman, of Lindsay, acted : i ) p Civitan o | ship, Sunday, Me ay ahaip plonship Oshawa Times, told the CIVIAN 4.0 hoot way (g, overcome the lington township Sunday, Bren as chairman For the Senior Singles cham. members that at present ap: .c. .i.no6 to learn the language ly fi Arial WE ie Lions' officials from District plonship trophy, Jo-Ann Barge proximately 115 immigrants are was to shew & genuine personal Hom. ihe, SIs Tha {A and Lions International defeated Kathy McRae. Junior/learning basic English at night interest in each individual pro-|g n 4 inesday, il ve Dalt Higgs, executive see trophies will be played off next|classes at OCVI, but that hun-|onooive student, In other words I ent followed in the Osh. |[Te1Tyi Dr. Jamieson, inter. week dreds of immigrants have never someane had to approach these! awa Union Cemetery. Rev. H national counsellor; Bob Gar: | ade in hy the opportunities ati,eonie sell them on the idea of A, Mellow conducted the serv | den Boiig Mid Jovernor COMING EVENTS Li learning the language, prod jos | distriot ih Yan denuty ' ' Two ANGLES [the m into attending classes reg Pallbearers were Dave Rob: | Ra including club finan RUMMAGE sale dt Stmeoe Hall, Osh | He suggested that the club id 3 nd elt do he al ig hy Nr pat Reb ces, yearly elections, convention ANY Lianetias, FEY me hawsehotd| Members consider the approach Le aay Ay approach them Tather| row. and Liavd Stienfickl representation and expenses and shildren's clothing, Jo iit the problem from two dif-|yar aiwvavs expect them to! ann {hublie speaking contests were ha LL packet novels "ferent angles, One to promote| ova to us | aeussed, alied tor 4 4 y ar ag | R K ace 3 e WILLING Warkers rummage sale, Fyi-|the present school classes K T P t h YH Pace | She lay March 84, 130 pw. a Harmony | through personal contact, news: : Bog iid e 0 0 as Offi 8 of sone chairman, The United Chureh \ : . a0 (ean be taught by the lay teach [two candidates nominated were SPRING musicale at Northminster paper stories and spot Suid er." The speaker said that he| | Hd Nicholls, of the Port Hope : pi tes i ave #412 RoHne m fh eC Rl a (had personal experience in Io em oun Lions Club and Jack Anderson | RUMMAGE. Yr TN WT a I os Eur. leaching basic English to mixed ESTERHAZY. Si p of the Oshawa club. The result Tiron Dascmunt. on Fray, particularly those of BBE raups of immigrants in mining! FSTERHAZY, Sask, (CP) -- was a tie vote and final de: hd Maren #4 opean music, camps In northern Canada, International Minerals and cision is to be made hy the in-| RUMMAGE sale, 130 pm. Friday, | Secondly the speaker noted J 4 oF in wiih Chemical Corporation (Canada) coming district governor, Mareh 84, aospices of Astra Group, at that many immigrants, particu To show the manner in which Limited has announced it has! in - = A, Slmeoe Uniled Church larly construction workers, immigrants can be approached solved the problem of gaining| EUCHRE, Scout Hall, Gibbons at Buena ] wives | those And taught, the speaker outlined) access to huge potash reserves| | Vista, Friday, March 34, at 8 p.m. Six laborers, house wives, and those i i i 2 | prises. Mofveshments, Admission Se. Lact the age of 80 when they |? number of his experiences as| deep in the ground northeast of | Io us am RADIO Park, Euchte, Saturday, 8 BW. | 000 onted. had very little? Frontier College laborer this eastern Saskatchewan town Sx pres Refreshinents. Admission in a "of the English lan. teacher in mining camps atl Saturday will see the finish of \ know hoo ie, . a a a Knob Lake, Labrador, and ata 4000-ton cast-iron lining which * . [] ' juage and by [Manitouwadge, in Ontario, north! Walls off the 200-foot Rlairmore| 1vVin n learn lof Lake Superior, stratum, which occurs at Ester | These people, he noted, were| Waa, wanker aackided that/182y - between the 1340. and {the real challenge, this 8 Sea le & uch nicer| 1430 foot levels, | WINNIPEG (CP)--Conditlons keep eggs, no place to dry ---o la asaya AEs ih : ta live if x of ua Oi | The stratum is composed of | in bush camps at the Grand|elothes, no sanitary facilities FRONTIER COLLEGE n ice 10 live i more of yt ¢ ana water-bearing sand and clay| Rapids hydro electric project/and no place for & bath Ths, | | Mr, Dick suggested that per: dian orn Citizens were fo ean | layers in this area, were termed "inhuman and dis: he said, applied only at the! lhaps something akin to the|C6rn ourselves with the pro 'o sink the shaft through this| graceful" Wednesday by David|brush-cleaving camps, BROOKLIN BAPTIST CHURCH MINISTER: MR, R, ROXBURGH RECOGNITION SERVICES TO BE HELD IN TOWNSHIP HALL Today and Tonight: Thurs., March 23, 4:00 p.m. - 7:48 p.m, REV, E, CRICHTON (Formerly Associate Minister of Moody Churgh, Chicago) to/lems of the newcomers Hayer, IMC used a freezing tech During the discussion that fol-| nique new to North America, lowed, & number of the Civitan FREEZE GROUND [Club members expressed their| Before the excavation could linterest in the projects outlined, | he started, the entire layer was and it was decided to discuss | consolidated aver the shaft area Orlikow, COF member of the] Meals for the bushworkers Manitoba legislature for 8t. | consisted of bread, wieners and| John's ; hamburgers, said Mr, Orlikow, He charged in the legislature Utilities Minister Jdack Car | that the provincial government| roll, whose department is ve and the - hydro-electric board |sponsible for hydro, said many permitted the conditions to exist) conditions at Grand Rapids ave in sub-contractors' camps, poar, But the problem was the Indian workers at the gavern- many persons didn't seem to ment project, 300 miles north of know how to camp properly, here, threatened to march on! - , the- legislative building last win ATI ERNS . ter to protest what they termed| CITIZENSHIP DAY SPEAKER: | with pavement breakers, the sharecroppers camps of the/at the secretariate of the Osh: " \ y I The potash beds ave located southern United States and awa Chamber of Commerce respected among the ethnic peel pPAWA (CP) -- The Univer at 3150 feet among the Jamaica sugar work-|Those meeting with the Chamber ples. Thiough these people We cy of Ottawa announced today might cohtact persons who do's new five Potash is used in potassium ers, Mr, Orlikow said, he had!{to make the arrangements ave not speak English, and who are ing 1a a BSC degree with honors of hard glass and soap and in vear course lead: compounds in the manufacture not seen conditions as bad representatives from the Civitan { There was no place to keep Club and two chapters of the [not making use of the availablelin natural history, |making fertilizers, soLoisT; MISS NORMA BOWEN A SPECIAL INVITATION TO RESIDENTS OF THE DISTRICT TO ATTEND THESE HISTORIC AND INSPIRING SERVICES {milk in the camps, no place to{10DE, 2

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