The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1961, p. 2

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STARS TOGETHER AGAIN Marilyn Dimaggio cabana ney Bt. Velershurg on Wednesday, They Monroe and Hown Loageiner Hedin foe in 8 Bearh Florida were for wm mw } mer grest New Exemption merty married bt remained friends piter the divorce, Miss Monroe 1s recovering from an Hine Dimaggio, for outfielder of the while Sales Tax List TORONTO treasurer nounced tions sales fective Basie ¢ the budget speech H foodstuff children edi (Ly) Yrovin Wednesday new ial an eXEMp in i that ef un, | 18% nDecome mio announee March § m LJ incline candy SOrinead | ana oplice ery tangible clathiy used ject to rela Hels ton nee Rigen un arviers in foreign on Inter-provincial trade, or reps to aircraft used for this Road-clear anicies Alreral BOYMANY eng eamimon WISE fight hy the fi ing and fire ng as defined treasurer Besides classroom text hooks when pur school supplies lias defined bh aj | that ron graceful yacht that saw World War service in the Royall struet a deep-water seaway he Canadian Navy has heen found! tween Ottawa and Montreal agnieultural seeds as defined hy the treasurer York Yankees, is on his annual the baseball SPrIng training camps (AFP Wirephots) Ottawa Route | Study Scouted New visit 19 OFFAWA (CP)~Prime Minis ine off the mortgage at B rate mel ter Diefenhaker said Wednesday he is nol impressed with the suggestion of a commission 10 (More Spending On Pollution FORPVTEO (CF) Wanbehpel hes Ib & «5 WB & move" pollution CSOING' [Gal JERE BRE sent OYE MOREY ON SCWRER Wala) fatima Thaw on wer swpoly fa eNties, the Owtane Water Ra SEES (ON on repevted Warinashay The commission s fifth wang FEpOrL, taies in the [episiatave Wy Provincial Secrstary Yar Howe (Rat walter works instaliations Aropped (rom $47 22TH bm 1950 to SIO AVLNT [ast Vlad Erpenditore for sewage work mcresaed from $13 407 3056 wn 1999 16 an estimated $804 146 564 jest yee The report, signed By Com wission Chatrman A WM. Smider of Waterion, showed BW sewage fraptiment Plants have been built 15 serve 190000 person sink (Re COMMITS Was filgh Bahed in 19% Severe MOTE sewage Hanis Bre WRAY CORSLERCIIGN 18 KETV wn sdditiongl 4800 persons RCAF Operates Gas Station OVEAWA (CF) ~Five RCAF personnel gre empiayed oper ng BR gas station on BCAF § at the neprby Uplands Force Base, officials said nesAmy The question of RCAF person nel being employed on such 06 ties was raised in the Commons by Ammold Peters (CCF=Fimis kaming) whe nrsked whether Group Capt, €, H, Mussels commander at Uplands, had discharged civiligns at the ga station and replaced them with RCAF personnel The gas station was built by Canadian Petrofing Limited which supplies the gas, It sold the station to the motor club on the RCAF hase which is pay Wed of $2000 a year. Petrofing holds the morigage The club is run hy RCAF per Binder twine, haler twine, ba. Sdy the possible route, depth! connel as part of Uplands' rec from Ontang"s new retail ler wire and harbed wire and poultry fence the treasurer i) agricultural products ding h tock, are exempt Mr. Allan deleted a provision would have made the yahle on livestock purchased anyone other than the pro Farm, hog All n [; fax aueey Old Yacht Discovered OFTAWA (CP) A sleek pecond plying the Mississippi River and economies of an OUHRWA River seawny "f am not all with the suggestion further than that he said in & Commons reply to Lionel Chey rier (L~=Montreal Laurier) Ur. Chevrier pul tions to Work Walker prime relating fla al impressed of Ley A series Mini minis Tues (jie and the peach made Paul ina bh iy er meh parliament Diefenbha Mi Martineasi I fold astern Ontario that oon and wold eon LJ ZONE meeting of he ition fudie WOrKS it tn ie hased on feasibiii ducted hy the transport department about $100,000 060 elopment 0 philic Cost Mr, Walker sald his depart chased hy a school hoard are\for the New Orleans port au- ment is making an engineering #lso exempt Oi hearing seeds and seeds that will produce forage, cereal, union and fruit, root epetable and (0 hacen ero Fertilizer insecticides fungicides, herbicides, rodent ede and their various combi nation Fodder Hime grain Elliot Lakers Criticize Co. we m W geared eal of of Rie Tinto board who wish to unseat the federal hy suffering and hardshiy I'he I was worried that Ria 1 policy was "influenced by sons whose primary was to embarrass the federal government for political or pay isan reasons," Mr, Moore sald of direction present government CRUSINE homeowner executive per mill and other| motivation whieh Ottawa was on a fael tour partment Orleans went Land toy thority, The the chance re WHMCS Husky who served related in The story of hetween ian officer aboard her is Crowsnest, navy magazine finding the public works de While inspecting New harbor facilities, he ahoard the port author inspection yacht, Good for I'he rain nes other of the vessel and aspects of her med to be familiar so I in jired inte the background of ship," he | was talk gsually to the captain sel phe wa me that she had ed hy the port gu 1 the Canadian gov and that she had been Canadian navy dur suid $8Y whal a niee vi | then recognized have heen one achts, On furthey found that she ust armed ioning, 1 1 been (he heen f the commissioned as C8 Husky. You can imagine that there were econ iderable changes In the vessel and that she now is much more ixuriously fitted out than prio however Orleans " GUILT IN MICHIGAN Mr, Hurst, a leutenant-com mander during the war, pro inta's| vided information for a story in the port authority's magagine desorihed the ship as swift and graceful and ap parently conceived In luxury luxury," Sa a survey of the proposed water way J. R. Garland (L=Nipissing) asked Transport Minister Baleey whether he had anything to re port on a possible Ottawa River Powers, medical officer of places, nominations were held A year ago, Charles Hurst of Project extending from here toi health for Oxford county, feels) too close to the election date and [Georgian Bay, 'Probers Study | PUC Tenders, Fulton Reports OTTAWA The matier of identical tenders heing sub mitted hy different electrical companies for supplying equip ment ta the Kingston Public Utilitie Commission is heing studied hy the federal camhines investigators, Justice Minister Fulton sald Wednesda He was replying in the mons to CCE Leader who asked whether the (C1) Argue povern Vild Dueck, whieh! ment was prepared to order an (AP)=1at Hawley indiont Wis oper Investigation of reports ini that a combine alng Walter Pitman Party Peterborough) sald outside th (Now "1a hersypehase by the Port of House he had received similag information ta Mr, Argue's from the Public Utilities Commission of Kingston mdicating that olootrieal firma submitted (don teal tenders on four Hems of street Hghting and virtually tdentiond bids were made hy if Torent fiom far wire, eight fm conductors and five formers fon | hy El i WN Hy HIGHWAY DOOMS HOMES | Engineer John RB. Wilkes of the Ontaria department of highways shows residents of Armour Heights in north Tor onte how the widening of Highway 401 will affect their hom About £1,000 000 of medium and luxury priced houses will be razed, { var) Ld | reation program, Every three years the club calls for bids on gas with the stipulation that the will £0 00) company winning the bid must of th take over the morigage Officials said the club, using non-public funds, forme ry hired part time civilian workers to operate the gas station They said it reached the point where these civilians were working full time at the gas station something never in tended under the club's regula Hons Group Capt, Mus civilians vol Are As A result sells had replaced the with RCAV personnel who unteer for such work and assigned to it for three months The gas station is open 10 a.m to 10 p.m, six days a week Mass TB Surveys 'Said Unnecessary WOODSTOCK (CP)=Dr. 0, € that mass tuberculosis surveys are expensive and time-consum ing and should he ahandoned in the county In his annual report he said ly one new case of tubercu losis was revealed by a mass survey conducted last spring Dr, Powers suggested that family doctors should conduet tuberculin tests and arrange for positive cases to he x-rayed hy the local tub er culosis ation ALSO) Barriers Fail To cn Betor From His Sand LAGUNA BIKEACH Call folovis life colon lust eh | Oily again vesldent of Crave Iald fuare mile under the the 10h won actor who entered the of this artist with a loud thud has outwitted the I'he 80yeur old nenthy Harden | elatm to this SUN | womshore community | Homestead Act contury He offered to sell the two mile long ocean frontage valued at BE0.000 000, hack tie the city for 55.000 000 hy Foam not vily wiley of nonrly grey wuthion i ILL Huth 'Embalmed Dog Trial Evidence NY DNEY, Australia (renters) I'he embalmed body of a Pekin ONO Pup was earried Inte the court Wednesday where me | chante Ntophen Leslie Headley | Inoon triad tor the Kidnap muy der last summer of Sydney schoolboy Graeme Thorne The dog, sald to have be longed 10 Readley, wax boing kept as lve evidence for Ha prosecution case but 1 was van over hy a car and killed a week Alo Police bhalmed Police witnesses sald Wednes day hates like those fram tw dog were found on a my wrapped around elpht veut old Gracme when his body found on a suburban vacant last August, six weeks aftey disappearance white on hi 10 school he mg, which police say be long 10 Bradley's wife, also was produced in court Bradley, MM, has pleaded not gulty to the murder of the boy he bay father, Rast Th received a ransom demand fo $4,000 then ordered It om Wis lot | his Way ne aml | Bank's Annual Report i Sparks House OVEAWA (CF) CHAIN Fender Pearson says the Bank oA Canada and the federil gov CITRENE are ont of fame WER RE GROEReT There has hesn & "Rocking lack of coovdination" Betwess the (we on means of Asaling with the wwermsployment prob fem, the opposition |esder (94 the Commons Wednesday He said Wank of Canada Gov ernor James Coyne inmaaied in & wnat report that there wre answers tn the nemployment rien Mr. Parton said the governor shold he aoked 16 ElaHoTRE tre & COMMONS CONMIIER Wr. Pearson demanded het Wr, Cones wna report be Herird 16 & COMMONS COMM tee, He miso said the governor showid be called rs & commitiee Wi ReSS Earlier, the Senile mangower eommitiee asked Mr, Coyne 10 appesr before i today to give ns ideas on means of Hghting ETRY EN SPEAKS ON MUTHN The Liberal opposition leader spoke on & motion by Finance Minister VFieming for imenm sols of SEIS IN to cRITY LOY ETHImEnt. operations (Rrowgn April and May. The figure rep esents howl onesigth of the thal federal estimates for 1961 [73 Reluciant Okay By Hog Producers TORONTO (CF) ~~ Ontano meeting passed the hog producers agreed Wednes | anyway day to go slong with & new| Other resolutions called on the hod of marketing their an- producers' association to "con tinue to resist all attempts to weaken the marketing position of the hog producers of Ontario and said provincial legisiation is "being used 10 the advantage of the processor and to the dis advantage of producers In Ms final resolution, the meeting secused some livestock truckers of carrying on activ) ties unfriendly to the producers interest and threatened to dis continue making deductions for trucking charge unless the truckers mend their ways within three months Toronto Arabs Picket Movie TORONTO (CP)=~A clash a most developed before the first the Farm Products Marketing showing of the movie Exodus Board to provide a more demo. Wednesday night as a group of {cratic method of electing county | Arabs carrying anti-1sraeli ban {representatives to the produc: ners picketed the Tivoll Theatre ers' marketing hoard {in downtown Toronto " Vour policemen restrained the LIST COMPLAINTS de / monstrators, some of w Producers complained that MONI me of whom wore traditional Arab head there were Insufficient polling Goce we they walked in 8 circle In front of the theatre until most of the patrons entered, Signs read: "Zionist terror," As the demonstrators dig persed, eight Jews who sald they wanted to "take their signs Another resolution demanded away" hegan looking for the Ar withdrawal by the Farm Prod:| ghs Board of "insinuations" | Phe movie is a fictional ac that producers didp't RIWAYE| count of the struggle of the Jews sell their hogs to the highestia the birth of Israel, hidden Charles W, McInnis, retiring | ems president of the Hog Producers' | 136 SIMCOE N The | xamination of eyes The motion fled to come 6 # vote 7 the hail dey Welnes day sitting, despite We. Fiem WEE WRITING TRGL woloniged As ta ight Jesyeivie the gov EERE 5 AMINty to isswe mid April pay chiens Wr. Fieming noted that he Covmenoms pigs newt Wednesday for the Easter recess, md said there is = lot of Bwsiness 16 transRet In the mesntime Mr. Pearson was joined By CCF Lender Waren Argue Wh exlling for referral of the Bank of Canada govemor' s wanna re port (6 & Commons commities WANTS EXPANSION Mr. Argue in Bis speech #ise solid thet the way to desl with anemuioyment is 16 (axe Ration similar 10 that taken by the war time Liberal government -- &% pend the money supply, W CIRRSE DWICHASInE Power ana promote Canaman investment I PRSOUFCRS This lowed Wy price NECESSETY Reminded by Vinance Minis ter Vieming that Aunng time dehates H . whale policy cold he fol contEnis Wheres war A Wh ; f oniia not he enforced without Mr. Argue said pon-artrery wage controls flow . naturally from price comrols thet price comrm Wage COntIms resolution imals but passed 8 number of defiant 7 & 5 0 lutions protesting agsinst efforts to miter their or ganization and practices The main target of the reso lution, passed al the closing ses sion of a two-day joint meeting e Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Board was recen! Association and Co » operative provincial legislation widening government control over pro ducers' marketing operations One resolution objected 10 A provision of the new legislation giving a government body, the Ontario Farm Products Market ing Board, veto power over dis posal of funds hy the Hog Fro ducers' Marketing Board. The olution called the measure restrictive' and not in the best interests of producers' associa tions A second resolution called on re rules of voting eligibility were not specific enough to limit the| ballot to hona-fide hog produc er ues Association, told the meeting] the hoard had already with drawn the "insinuations." The Keep Fitting of Contact Lenses And Glasses hililren's Visual Training Huwley knew the Homestead Act required a land elalmant tn move seven cuble yards of SOLE within 60 days tis make Hh elim valid Authorities havricaidey anlranes In the Fo put up mpeeind and padlocks wn nll | to he pith rent Hut Hawley fon trph heneh honeh | ul tan tented i" fun he (8 BR LT) " thnvw aw nlley win efi e ' row, pNvale hitting aml | He and | landdid His | ved Hh wil Megan | wn whey LER TT (RUN I CET UIT 1] WE mid hw Hie LNEUTITHAR 11 hay HEHE TI wil SRL hivsivh wl Hin ee Poles vara mers wn Ha fn fd ow siiliig Hawley walling wpe he sed | walk exclatming OF did | | Ordered To Set | Fire To Store, Witness Says HARRIE (C1 Donald Alton | anders, 30 testified In magi | trates court Wodnosday that ho! was instructed by his employer, Gerald Nashiman, 38, to sot fire fo the G and G Surplus Sales ly 5 pointed owl | ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS eo THE AKISTOCRAY OF ROANTS PRIME RIB CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF STEAKS { Mark Limit Debated WASHINGTON (CF) ~ Theses Attack Cieating Wher fusing gorments ow for PA GIT 5 Gus el ey will clan; cieraetiifly merhers of the ways and Pal Yartin (fF ~Ksses 7 wh Yartin (I~Fanex Kast) moons' committer of the Wome claimed that the government fs " . ahlaating its rrsponestiity of regyasemtatives said Wednes fetting Mr. Come mak day the United Mates govern serhes wide ir Uartin WoN's WIE (0 reduce tart fran sia, wre contrary 19 govern. MEY of lownst goods (6 $I6 meant policy from. $00 may he modified by Indians Suffer » Inquiry Told instead of the $100 proposed by President i « 5 p ody, Congress OFTAWA (CP)~Charges that Wan Frank Tiard, Texas Dem. non-reservation Indians are sh. PTR, reed joes 1 racial dserin in| Cong Hoah Mason of thetr search for howsing and Winols, top Republican on the that medical services avaiable commities, seid he is prepared fo all Indians are inadequate (6 vote for the $100 manimum were made here Wednesday wt added that some of Ws aol Phyilis Burns, director of wel- leagues favored r larger figure fare services for the Canadien and that this seemed 16 have Weitare Council, 10id the 10int the best chance of passage Commons Senate commities on. The ways and means commit: Indian wfiairs thet the problem tee, which must first approve of of Giscrimination is Rot WREOM- (orig legisiation before K can ON I TROL. Communities WER pe considered by the full House wltract Indians from reserva and Senate, has been battling tions v over the bill Indian showid nd 8 postive ae BME embers have wg " : [gested it may bring counter-re- titude toward him," she seid He showld not face Miseriming. Prctons by other countries partiewlarly Canada and Mex ion in Ws search for suahle hnising a Medical services available to Indians on and off reservations US. interpariiamentary group goods may go to SI50 or $299 Ikard, member of the Canada rep have meas GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNE BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-2 HOTEL LANCASTER V=0D {iddNS QUIN ® 3/1 KING 57, WEST JUST EK. OF BREWERS RETAIL Bonded Brake-Lining installed AWHEELS 13% For Most Com were criticized by Guy R, Wil sald he feels Canada would lke Hams of Vancouver, president of 10 see the American tounst ex ish Columbia, and Rey, Peter R,| apadian Finance Minister Kelly, chairman of the brother: Donald Fleming enticized the hood's legislative commitiee Kennedy proposal during joint ministenal talks on trade and » Less Severity week, Canadian tourists spend mare in the US, than do Amer leans In Canada American legislators TORONTO (CP) =~ Ontario aise heen critical of the magistrates - will be asked 10 ype ease up on penalties kgainst sl coholies and permit them to pay In a letter Wednesday, Deputy Attorney-General William Com- mon said it has come to the attention of the department that jailing persons convicled of drunkenness even though! the Liquor Control Act was! amended last Jan, 19 (0 reduce! The amended act provides for # fine up to $50 for conviction of i first offence J Mr, Common said that any! in default of payment of a fine should he as short as possible to conform with the depart | ment's program on reclamation the Native Brotherhood of Brit- emptions remain as they are economic matters here last In Drunk Cases resenting border states their fine in instalments some magistrates have heen penalties | term of imprisonment imposed of alcoholics 1278 SIMCOE 57 5, ond Lasemen! apartment, Centrally with $2900 down, Call Ossie Martin, FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL CONFIRMS You ON THE sroY ALSO ALL OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGIMENTS RA 8-6201 786 EASTROURNE Beautiful Mar Only decorating needed, A real buy BLACK, O.D. AT COLBORNE EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Appointment Please Call RA 3.419) A compact dream home with etigched ment, Carries for $92, Principal, Interest and Taxes located to all services, § fies ORCHARD VIEW $900 Down, $11,600 Full Price, Loaded Ji aman, must bod id 0 appreciated, in for Inspection ol a? Ask for Hi MW. MEARE OIE MARTIN SALLY WALLACE or PAT PATTERSON DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR RA 8-465) ights, Owner says sell many bh of oH with low down pay GOLDEN YELLOW WH 69: 79: SMRLOIN, T RONE & ROUND RED BRAND BEEy GRADE "A" store. where bath were em played, Nash man was sales manager Hoth were charged with arson following a March & explosion and fire at the store Nanders pleaded guilty ta the charge and was remanded for sentence to March 3% Magistrate Gordon R. Foser tssued a bench warrant for Nashman's arrest, Innisfail fownship police Chief William Brown sald Nashman was under | FOIE prychiatrie treatment in a foronto hospital, He was freed on MO prop an valor court LEAN MEATY BLADE CROSS CUY SHORT RIB LEAN BONELESS BRISKET SKINLESS Colla WIENERS on 3 Cash erty bail after appearance, ow | 29: 69 49 39 Loose SALE FRESH PORK Shoulder . 43° BUTT . 49° Loin End . $5 Le (HALF OR WHOLE) 59¢ [43 CENTRE Loin Chops . GS* C CHRISTIE'S 2 Ib ¢ Ib io 4 Ibs, FIRST GRADE BUTTER BREAD ® EXTRA FEATURE ROASTING OR FRYING HICKENS FOOD MARKET. 34 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ILE THEY LAST 39: oF In your sentainer Fc wit 2:29 SMALL SIZE pox 4.02 39: Ave, \ :

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