The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1961, p. 27

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ries fats "oieally awed seit fate Retains presmovon{ THE SER WA TIES, Tiershey, Mert 33, 1960 3J faom wil Cees Sawiove Wat 4 : ind - Se a " . ne 458 055 : Fabians AEs Ee og AYN Vetucation tof' fem wx hE 7 Canadian, Tow may nor Biltmore ~ "Cone of Slemer" asm. han compose eq : be aware of Wie. Suess fe L98. 495, 1.05. 108 pm ove we me longer ee" fis the Se. wld (als (iv Be ower Wty on Britain" 155, 58 Pare ~ "The Gress Tmpos . aneng Wel rater haw overs. owt wil £58 pa. "Wan Petes v LONDON (CF)An # Bosk-anl what Me regis fe He 1 Te SE BO I of pas 2% $5. 08 pm L515 68,19 08 HICH SR 7 REBT ITY (IEE WEFT of The rer ge Gentian" & Sune he higher loved, for wane, [ast cmgieie show at 545 Pw. Les compete dow #0 fom the Ronse of Porlament, [ton Ww regs (0 wok Mn or gees' rest i # Littie Lava w Te seryiaes or fhe G91 sor 5am. "em # G5 JONRE Wienke ress Rah (Famtiarpy rome fo bas vice. There ME We RoE WOrEey Wpary chs Te Wlelen FEARS CONFIACENCY ss? one, Bae not wavy, Ww miss Broek (WREER) ~ "The REGS ~ Fown dufly SH SIREN (Hl. WORT " sid a tex" Canadians" 655. 00 pm. # 18 685. 786 05 pm. Mae fie Sessa t mantles ME gota parties, die leis. PRESENT 66-GEFTERS ol Precis" 5% pm Last "Term on # Teaw' i the news gomeration oS SL I . p 4 op, ic dow wt 435 pw doty 5 2 "6, 9 Lanicng heyond present. SHY ngs 4 GHELAGNER. WORDS Br, ww L asmpiete how #6 wing of Brsain's Lab parr peep" The : i EMA Wo OW sporty "Pypmie leek" D8 5m to # slatatres fore is , 4 ' : : " -- TE ---------- yr Au wy Wilkiome, Wyss of Froftessor Cation, mecently # Wag Unt sdainy is Bors a8 mes versity, md wher Vers Bek -p Babiiey. We dows i" a po" Was pu Teh howe. 9 ple : Be Ags, "This fs own great i 1 vil poe * on i's mot erik : _-- bys AA gsi @ low owe (ime, pW off WREOPR- sae boreiom palvidien w- As # leRvng my, Mah i of WREST cis whe WF Reaiaions tithe ad that BEng (99 Hf COMERS OF Boers the Labor move. "There is # lack of personel mach of # fier iB Come mE party oyeities TRH. ER. WT. RR. assim. TReTE RIE BISH RFEas merce 6 SEE RELY Maid seryRtives, oF the offer and, 3 lete Vicionen (mes ARE.SL SCENT Wo WIR ROSEY Teer American, Wh fect" eve fhe (eam sown of Whose pioneers Wanted Gevge fares Wnte with sRIWE #6 Mes. Willioms has trareied Woorling schosl" | Bernard Shaw, Rewnce ant yar as critioem, Te We gidely. As # OIE, he Was AREY Weil onl SRE Besant. Rew soRpers Ther ve ng Lo evaevated » he Vict fates Comments es food Hee WYRE Wy roe Byes wily fem they Were Dg ot oy fe 4 Wey RIE URACE With Vestal Wrion a Gestapy Waddist -- anf et coves ore coianly mot 35 loss weerestod wm Sociales Tens wae efcated Wn the U5, Bort | Seve. Vor cm be fous dor iodey comemversies over he wonid fice to see @ Move an aed Fovingal, Lad sven Lig ping am ey Alanis whl Bat ORT iOR thal DRESORRE RY AERESE Of resent she vieted Toros, (Kiawa wid ad H > Ww longterm trends. Her pres. ARF DIWems, wneiuding Wontret "on Alyginig hss ent prescanpetions wmaude Bot 1. How complex Industrial. The somenhet Comp FRA P'S ie IR KRGRERE WIA sociaties Cam WEaRsiorm Them Wackerowmd Eves Rex aR Wa" LOUD OBJECTION AT UN cupped to movih, | Seated with Martine is Egidio | meeting. Gromyke denounced Ps uy Bri Martin voices | Ortone, Haly's permanent | the Congo federption proposel | bls disagreement during the | delegate to the United Na- | pnd reopened pilacks on see | speech by Soviet foreign min- | tions. Martine, @ member of | retary general Deg Bam ister Andrei Gromyko to the | the Maken periement, heads | merskiold in the speech which | United Nations general pssem- | bis country's delegation 19 | provoked Marting's outburst. |} Bly Tuesday in New York | the current general assembly --AP Wirephots) | a BL st BR. Rls dis would believe them," she said Canadian Girls [fi 7is) "How do you tell people at home that the pir conditioner or n on (8) {broke down and boy did | sul fer! But that's Leopoldvitle, Vm amared." LEOPOLDVILLE (CP)=Twe| A UN official said some of the, pus 11 wv 5. Didterint Canadian girls have arrived In|scheduied (rips. might wave to! LI IN BOE SRY § CL The Congo to bring United Na-ihe cancelled because of local gudgen changes in schedules, no tions troops in this Lense re-|Lension, "hit so long as there's [1oied Nations efficials were at public their first "live" epter- no danger [or the Epertainers poopy NDjili girport 19 meet tainment since the UN operation we'll do our best to put the (por" when' they landed from began last . we on." Paris or pops singer Mae Sagan of pp apy AUDIENCES The customs officials at the Montreal and magician Cele | An indication came soon slter airport promptly seized their, Evans of White Rock, BC, arrival of how welcome the en-' musical instruments and was & hit Whe old home [reek | tertainment was 10 the troops prodded through all their bags, ! made tours "from 8 dozen nations serving ... " years entertaining (roops | ith the UN here 4 UN GOT THEM BACK 2 | i. shop a, Japan, the Middle East] The troupe flew to Matadi, # They were really suspicious oer every week, yous friendly Der and other countries, In Leopold-\oonc0 "River pore seme 175 7 J0¢ Bankin's xvlephone," sald ' minion store manager has") ville, they exchanged IaWENINg| miles' south of here, and had to M58 Fovans. "I guess they on exciting variety of "grand s United Nations conti 000,50 hundreds more UN per- like ham and eggs! Bome ahoyt tours '| sonnel It took UN officials an hour . tural combing wr in voverd) A fie Come 0 the aren waned 10 see and a hat} later in the fay fol 5 RICHMELLD -- UNITS JAR hatufal fone In : |" Miss Evans could net over Argue the instruments 6 | . 6 and Both girls now lve In New|, modorn look of paris of Loo, Congolese eustody, We ; PEANUT BUTTER And sd ork ond It was through fhelogi iyi one of Africa's most| Celeste Evans was horn in the loz, ue these family favourites and make United Nations thet that Thy, Sriking cities Fraser River community of & : JAR doublosavings ~ ot Dominion , » » 0% YI haven't taken any pictures White Roc up mage! choice of "Gr; TA he aaa bere oi" 8) ecuuse no. one's he of ine. i EF BREAD over yea or Be ane co rt wie re 4 pt is Ry full of mins or) , couples' , , , items that ge ment troupe, 4 13% an, iedike hru-| » i OZ olise Kagan, o pixies bik | cs WIS TRUE LIFE STORY MAKES FICTION SEEM TAME! DOMINION uor 19 stances as she and the vivacious | Miss Evans relaxed with some NY CURTIS of the Canadian officers "\T0 . a h (1 i. 1 AS a -- "Celeste called me up and ; . said the UN had just " THE KING OF ROASTS BRIANA oT crioctRe EAT ANILLA phoned her. 'We're Boing to The Congo,' of (i -- . [J [J] 8-0Z RCM fs room mmerul [3 SH) a Prime Rib Roast QUOTA DIET 7, 1.09 [ SALAD DRESSING ' oidy iT Vg dg GOLD SEAL SOLID WHITE 16:0Z, 35¢ | of Yh were on our way." 1 el ! J IDEAL FOR A CANADIAN BOILED DINNER TUNA FISH 3 J 1 00 " Miss Evans said the death, of ; J LN J Tine , ""HEAD LE tomer Congolese premier Pal § / [1 ECONOMICAL SPREAD BLUE BONNET == 2¢ OFF HE TTU fi Lumumba hit the head: ; Wi Bruising 1 S J M ARG ARINE QUICK 2 8 59 (2 Maes almost at he same me a. ; : We COLOR PKGS 2 Fa 30 aera wv ve sot OMOID OOREN: ARTA CONNELL or we. ms . is A aoe the wer svn ah in| FMI MAGSED sw so wt AN MALDEN Skinless Wieners 8 TEA BAGS o 79° of what Was Sehaliiied lo be oF WILL CHORE: SLID LANCIA STIVALETTI TRL [is 4 C les FINES: M 2:18 18 Mare ian a deter Conguita .~- oi . . ACARONI ,. 31° were. wccordonist Tug) AD Fi Beef Liver : FIVE, OEcias Haya Ve ret and m Li A oe Ran -- ew. sad DY En Ab RABI VE DATERANGE RRS YNN ICE CREAM POMING CHOICE TOMATO JUICE Ungraded PEAS PINT 25¢ IT TOWERS oF BRICK TOMATOES ies Tine A0e 8'v% 1.00 "SLice . es MecCORMICK'S BRAVO PLAIN PPLE Wetue SNACKERS ne SPAGHETTI SAUCE' 25° » "r DAIRY MAID SAVING AT TIME OF PURCHASE SURF 48¢ OFF 2 : # § [EASTER CREAM EGGS DETERGENT we 99° DARE'S PANNED WHITE, PINK, YELLOW OR UE == DELSEY Bill WILLIAM SYLVESTER MARSHMALLOW EGGS a. TOILET TISSUE °° 31° INSTANT COFFEE SAVING AT TIME OF PURCHASE -- STRIPE TECHNICOLOR® FLORIDA No. | MARSH SEEDLESS RED TOOTHP AS ECONOMICAL SIZE 78° bor 700 ADDED FEATURE TUBE * GLENN FORD in »~ 2 Gir p fr it 10 IDEAL FOR CREAMING COFFEE "TERROR ON i ¢ u S DELICIOUS DESSERT ASATION MILK A TRAIN" FLORIDA No. | FRESH GREEN STONEY CREEK ALL Celery Stalks 2 "i" 29 | oessear oe CALIFORNIA No, | FRESH MAKES DISHES SPARKLE we Jungle Thrills | Talleg HALVES POMING Liglip pL (Green Oni J. 25 DETERGENT OPERATION "PYGMIE y pr A : 166 nions BUNCHES ¢ PEARS 24.02. ) MAD . ; V 4 ho 1.00 DOMINO mw id ow. bot UW 88 NOVELTIES JONNNY WEISSMULLER : ANN SAVAGE A From 29: VALUES EFFECTIVE AT YOUR DOMINION STORE IN OSHAWA AND WHITBY UNTIL 6 P.M, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, DOMINION STORES ATD, ALLAN'S FASTER CHOCOLATE

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