30 ow rs ot nt kh 9. (BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange | Bonds Offer Be 5 be Nn Se to A AN. WCE y a Wigs ow p.m. CF go » ¥E Wigs fom p.m. KW gp dd LE BE EES - Horn boiry Birr pasy a Prep Fiest 5% ® ' Fasy Bb € pF pu fe NE, BFR WITIOE. Amen in Viaunsio ¥ Mepvis onriy) we heowy e snsmoncs Toe INDUSTRIALS fr RAL a : podd ¥ Fanny ¥ Ax. om : | Hore bwivy gh Low pv FW go Ford Som Atews Generyi Wowptwi. Thode 19 WY ' bord | * 8 LE pa BE ows rer LH 23 EL INNS {ERE - | x w » HERE RIOR SY TY sstae sd L Ad he a Wetivann ons Wondie oss AP yp fatiners rd ge ou Gon Bove el &F Bei on Boren fone A Gi. Figes 5 | Power i, Pow » £7 fogs 65 6 Fw for WB s " Won 9 forey nna Washer Happen py wwe Boyne PY lio Img Rane ime lov A imp Inv Wap | fmw ie Ima fm my Faw ind Aberey Inglis Imand 1 py imana fig brad 1 A BOWELL -- At poh ten / Wily wie (5 powsaner (Re pervs of Be DE # Awighier, Avigse Sogne, pi Gens 7 Konerw Woe di ri Wesnewey Wovrs i A Ag 92. 109s. Thevke to Br. Row Hg ben w yA fudy snd ' a hep 2 Adon B Apa Rar Adige Mer Bus Komi A GOOD SERS FIORY Wien gow Bony VE sonouses (he Wein of Jone hil rd Ket Frome HE GEE [ies CIHPRI he po ae te pee bomiovis 107 Voor s Bors Bow 0 px smisy Tree Recovhe pad 16 mel gow Bani frends poh IEEE E (5 (Rove (#¢ poy | REE ETH PABA OR wari § WHE FSW? v FElvenaiansd s Fiveshbeienaeia! ¥ aealE, AR | ed v w r 3 wl SE 3 Yorstrnhopaenaatnongy » Si NE » » Seabg A Baighew A Frsoen » ¥ TR - Sedtaiadidetabnai banal Adopesin Y cid Am Larne Am Tephe Api A binadia Ad £ Fag Adge Vu - RL Ae § labret} HIS SEE EEE I ET ats Ie SNE SEN EN SRIMRTERE 3 3 ? N N 338 - hn SY i EREEE EIS IEEE ? ¥ Hoses 7 pr (ag boo Times (oswilies pone RA 1 DEATHS BEREIER. Dagnivan W sudden y Intay PY #0 me remdener, $6 Fades Sire p nt 84 FF Fan, Wnews, on Wednesday, Karen 5 Ino Bon A 957. Dagmeon WH. Bermies, wis ed Ws ; y Jelieiion Wana 4 Jeaneiia | penennie . Bedi ane i". ; Gove & of Pavline pnd Andee. Rens Brother of ¥ Mew A J Lane (Rpnetie;. of Fw awe. IE Bie Sn yess. Resting #t (aw £. Town Fusersi Chapel Whit for remwiern mass in 8. Jon The Eon uliat Cmarnh, Cottord Birmei, Wit on Beturdpy, Marek 5B, » § ow 3 N 3 > 1 ETT TE EELESY N veiled STE Ey $3 3 - A To sul * NE IRD INT TE $$ THRE | 3 ; _ $8. 4 3 WEEE SU ERE § 3 SW TIE INN d EE TR feslold wtrelrlostypit laste, £F Frod | 9 729 . y £F Prod & p 126 4 bz . Wale oe # - a. 7 (4 b A Temporary emiswmment mon (ame £ Gus np tH J 7 we y ' ' 2 A ¥ ! ' 2 7 baiiveh . Wntarment later in #5.) (Gee iw WH ; Wh wd | a" pW SPs Ws 2 : / A Tanren Lametery, Whithy. Mmsier £ MWashy ad ' 7 7 fren 4 : Austin. Batghis of Coven ! © Mushy ww 20 § Bue Do. W035 snd the Roly Bame 86 €H, 7 mety will assy (he soem FRarsiey eve fan ih ds J mag Mh pm VR wh "wu Wont Loew an Fei pr UE #4 Hi ARNIR Enteoed inte reve. 0 LAE PF windemiy in Whithy, fmierin, on Tier 4 Any, March Fist, 1050, ime Lovimne Wiles, beloved wile of lessees PB! GF Mines cept of the coumtry's Working Metnarmi, and mother of Rompe snd Prac sess ' i y s ' " 4 £5 apdiie . Witsey orce is unemployed ge 3 Bridge » 4 y » 4 ' po A 2 : 1 4 iti: Li ions us ha %. " Eom Fiect ! psi Bh 494 ¢ y 4 pug - s ? ole Jans 3 ' 9 the latest of the er 4st sear. Mesting ot the Armd 0 Frdey pe 2 hens A v3 Lag : : 24: ry Dominion Bureay of , 1 a i 2 Page-Hers i » ? i 2 2 be | ' y P y oa " ya When we predicted Ne wisng Funersi Wome, Oshaws win) CO0F LL oes Poise 4 vember that there might be over 0 Pp T0000 iohless we were called memorial service in the chapel Fride f 7 Ys " Pennine 5 3; ow i : p-- Moreh Wh, & pm. Interment Wows iii Ap 9 82 Pas ' dix w 3 8 Bn Inepiratn 1609 Boles to 1 paw. M05A00 spreaders of gloom," seid Mr, WASHINGTON (AP) ry - 4 04n.; § 38 st an The spokesman for Wook, pounced, Claude org 2 dent of the Cansden prot NET EARNINGS |e vo mpeotins io the bot nd om a of Paper Mills Unions con- vention Mr. Jodoin noted thet 11.3 per ¥: ® LR ENE ASE > fiean Mines LG apt Uk Con Gar Eartvy v8 silent Lown Cemetery fiom Fax pr Corp # x REONMAN, lirnrge In fhaws Beaubien, vice-president of the drain si oassired |'Theatre School ini Operators Rap ipie Alier [de snd A fat of Mes 3 niin Haider "ronines' Ane 1a members are Joseph The iste MW TIS Other une i Anderson Ry My Pl gp A ADVER ING Breen, president of Canada houses of Congress Wed- ho ped d i } the Chapel on Fridss, Maren 2, wi om. Page 25) m ome rue Cement Company; Senalor ara e£ aw {nesday and went 9 President Council recently set g Interment Union Cemeinry Continued from Page Mark Drouin, Speaker of the Kennedy, crease employ opportu. For nihian Lage wil oi an senate; A. DD. Dunion, president | The House of Representatives nities on THRIEsdny evening at 7 ©einek 2--hegel MONTREAL (CP) Seven of the two main Canadian cul of Carleton University, Ottawe | By ELSA STORRY have the bylaw prepared. They passed the bill first by & poll ------==== ROGERS, Waiter ~ Suddenty #t the YEATs BRO & group of theatrical lures Lawrence Freiman, Ottawa de-l BROUGH AM -- Pickering covld not reply since they had! call vole of 361 o- 31. i Val Scott i Hamilton General Hospital Wednesdsy, IN THE MATTER OF THE personalities began [0 give Foday their dream has be: partment store owner, Willing township Garage operators Mot received the account, won Senate 4 #pproval on » voice March 25, 1981, Weiter Rogers of Pin ESTATE OF FRED HOLL. form to a dream that Canada come a reality with establish- Gagnon, chairman of the hoard! thronged into the Council Cham: "We think of it 8s an unfair vate: 26 the first major mn Was admin. ville, beloved bushand of Mildred Mel . - p ay A p ie Na al Thes y ewer] : ax 7? ; y H hing wpe Bo gyi BUR 30d Bag BENKO, LATE OF THE C TY would one day have a pro ment of the Naliona Theatre of Dow Breweries, Dr. F. ( A bers on Monday night 7) pro- tax said Mr. Cooper, peting istration measure 10 Pass Con-| 7 the fate Mis Rogers of Ponars nhs OF OSHAWA, IN THE [fessional theatre school School of Canada Jeanneret, Chancellor of the test before Council 8 garage by-|that an operator who handle a y th year sing at the Ballad Fu COUNTY OF ONTARIO They re . 085 4 school was opened in University of Toronto; Maver law which aweits its third read- the classific ome 18 B ft il 0D ' hey recognized the necessity he school As open 1 iy ol ; Fl ssifications would pay a » Trunnville, ide funeral service on Sates. SHOE REPAIRER, DECEASED, of "(raining professionals for November by ifs artistic ad- Moore, Toropte critic, author, ing considerable licence fee, He ue bill provides that 19 davs aay. 8 Da. nlerment Wiveroe NOTICE TO every type of theaire activity viser, Michel Sani-Denis, for- and director: Alphonse Ouimet, "| helieve we should have an #214 that business operators al- ployment. cheques would start CREDITORS and were aware of the growing merly director of the Old Vic president of the CBC, Guy expression of why the heavy ready had a substantial business going out 10 persons whe have AN ey east on Wek of importance of the stage in the Theatre School in London and Roberge, director of the Na- fees," said Charles Cooper, of oi = his was $265, and a $25 been out of work so long they ew sesday, March Zand, 199i, Catherine! ALL PERSONS having claims cultural life of the nation director-general of Le Cenire de lional Film Board; Johnny Claremont, spokesman lor the Tre from the Department of pave "exhausted their present Quinn, widen of Hernaid Mierdan ara against the Estate of FRED They drew an outline of a VEst in Strashourg, France Wayne, the Toronto comedian; group. "Why so many classifica- | Kanspont, for which we get'ponefits. Val Scoll, executive see erine), Mrs. Douglas Vann (Dene)! HOLUBENKD, late of the school that would enable the By Robert Whitehead, Toronto tions? Why the new bylaw at!'o8 Of service", Labor d ep a r tment officials of the Society of Ontario Hy Men Mobert Wersbeck (Margprell| City of Oshaws, in the Couns | ariists and craftsmen of the VNIQUE OPPORTUNITY theatrical producer; Mrs, al? We are controlled now more said the measure means nearly| Professions! Engineers will be w Wi oo LAR ty of Ontena, who died on or |Conogion sage (0 get # COM Fhe opportunity to rain Donald MeGibbon, Toronto, im- The bylaw in regulate gar- than any other business you can! §1,000,000,000 in extra benefits the main speaker at g meeting me, Othaws, with high resuiem | about the 71h day ef Decem- |i Slt Saigon under one voof both Enghsh mediate past-president of the ages, prepared by Township think of," said the spokesman, (0 as many as 5,000,000 joblessiof the Whithy and Ajax + Pick: BRA cin a an, interment sc ber. AD. 1959 are hereby and French-speaking students in Dominion Drama Festival, Mrs, solicitors, sels oul a schedule during the two-year life of theiering New Party Clubs on Sun Green's Comeiary," ment BL notified to send full partic: 52 Lege! all phases of the theatrical art, Oo Korner, Vancouver, who of fees to cover six classific- Wink TOE "pe PYOSFAM, The two years start day, April 1 at 2 pm e meet. wigrs fo the undersigned, en ~h8gl and in their respective 1radi- has been active § ions: ! he it a1 mn. ! - : 5 hee n promoting " '" (with last July 1, ing will be held at 211% Brock EYRRNAL brome memorisls, Seles| © before the 10th dey of ti tions, is something that could the city's annus) arts festival, Service Station ($10.00); $4, "that IIs 8 hard Job 0)" ation of the extra benefits Oy le ot 317% Hon nvited Yor spring. Wand finioned | April, AD 1961, after DEPARTMENT OF happen In no other country," and Mrs. James Richardson |B © #nd D are parking sta- poco rgd ud hat people doi ood" vary in the different] Mr, Scot whe is alse fires Dr wat fasta abn. Ie: | which dots the Estate will be C WORKE [he said Winnives, associated with the| on, # place where vehicles are NOt WAN: OF UKE In 8 democracy | sigies hut could run foF # MAX: vice-president of the York Exciunive ranraranioinas| distributed, with regard enly PUBLIC WORKS, Fr ita Bara. Iormer dire Winnipeg ASH a *Ikepl for sale or stored, oF @ 4s wager in a short time your|io un of 1s weeks, tre New Party As old ya mnipeg Balle place where vehicles are kept, yiaw officer will be hollering In its fingl form the bill was #8 speak on "Towards sn sompany, James 10 claims of which the under OTTAWA i hell th have h tor of the Strashourg school, One proble , 1 0 : ge 1 " ' dat Fanta sh Wun wove ied who advised directors of the Ne problem facing the school for wire, For less than 10 ve:|[0F help' He went on to remark| on oromice of slightly ditfering|cated Democracy'. a a mt | netics is # shortage of money. MV |hicles. th fi that he did not believe public : Mecrac LOCKE'S FLORIST DATED of Oshawa this TEN DERS {Canadian school on curriculum, Gascon says most students HL ¥ foe in 210, lot mors, garages should he singled out| heron pisid bivieusly W¥| Born in Ching, Mr, Seoft Funerel erangements and | Seventh day of Merch, AD SEALED. FERIEES a7 : wil Join the fa ulty in October, he subsidized, The school gets hicles ($20.00); F., vepair shop| [oF Special tax, "Why not tax) Ne House b moved so British Columbia in fl 1 ] 6 4 ERS addressec or Jean ascon, S8-year-onl 0.000 a year { [¢) | 44 4 TOCErY SLOYes, ) . 7 oral requirements for ell | 196) $40,000 a year (rom the Canada ($10.00); G, Paint Shop EFacery £oa} dealers, 0 served in the Merchant Marine, ¢ occasions fo : to Secretary, Department of actor and director of Montreal's council, $50,000 from the Quebec } : lumber and hardware dea): OSHAWA SHOPPING SOPHIE HOLUBENKO, | Puphic Verh Room if Ay Theatre du Nouveau Monde, the phil Bd and ie Suse ita); oo oblle ad he asked, ate ptren He attended the Shivormty of xecuytrix Nr waries Tupper Building a p 5 a way. a A ' i Pr fig y 4 ! , i. CENTRE By her Seliciter Riverside Drivel ana any (national school is, In-& Way, # (he Nova Scotia Talent Trust| Mr. Cooper suggested that Provisions of the bylaw re Joronte from 19a to 16 hi { do "TEND C personal accomplishment, 10 ang private groups and indi-|the solicitors did not know much|88rding the type of article that, Api u HOLR PHGHE Service JOSEPH P. MANGAN endonsd vent a ¥ K, 2R he has worked for years to gon I ale Xi pik other prov- about the garage. business, and| may be sold in a garage, the e ps ar e Canadian Ar Pores. a o TIONS, POST OFFICE BUILD. Vince theatre lovers of the nec: jnops are being asked to con: asked Council what it cost to| 818PIeys, and ear washing regu: yervone is welcome to ab I ---- 2 King Siredi East, ING. CANNINGTON, ONT." essity of such a centre tribute lations were disputed by various] TORONTO (CP) -- A late tend the meeting. OSHAWA Oshawa, Ontario will be received until 3:00 In recognition of his con members of the delegation, By: afternoon recovery by indus: Law Enforcement ~~ Officer|trials brought the stock market ' ; Ta ---- - PM. (EST), WEDNESDAY tribution, the hoard of gover i MONUMENT COMPANY | oasis sme weed your services aie APRIL 19, 1961 mars chose mm as executive. MARKET PRICES Cuban Policemen Harry Ashton explained that|slightly higher during moderate WHITBY SPECIALIZING IN Jasified right now. DORE miss Plane coef | the bylaw was prepared hee trading Wednesd, though all Monuments, Markers his dy made business. Dial RA ns, pak) ications end ldirecior { Ask For Asylum y "Mopar ig ' Nesday although ol Memorials Cormpisionia 3.0408 today to start your low cost od forms of tender can be seen, He will he assisted hy the TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale of the new ning regulations, other segments were down, DAY-BY-DAY y ) «| oF can be obtained en de \ { the Frenel A ad Ah HAVANA (AP) --7 y and that any who have an exist:| On index, industrials gained Statutory of all types . pasit of sum of $50.00 in |AYMstic divectors of the French fruit and vegetable prices al NA (AP) =Twn Cubanijoe' ce Continue as they are|l.44 to 560,00 and golds fell 48 RR 4 KING ST F NOTICE TO CREDITORS the farm of o CERTIFIED |and English sections -- Jean: 10:30 a.m. today: Apples, MeIn- holicemen guarding the Urugu- ot Sh at 82.86, Base pod dipped "13 PUPLICATE BRIDGE SCORES 0 WAS Vor WA babre | AND OTHERS | be cite weil |i onl win, bs Lh nh 38 0 ish, ly a, Engh ore, nad on Bop nerve Wagar aman fn 1100 nd We (470 ola] NORE AND SOUTH Mrs . In the Estate. of GEORGINA y oY LEE Nan) Bua A Bar ary "Hic a5 . . To |who occupie e chair in the|slipped 40 at 101.13, unter and Mrs, MacGilliv GERROW FUNERAL in the kale. Pride CANADA, through _ [Broups, and Powys Thomas, 7 Spies 4.50 h, Russet 4.2; for political asylum. Uruguayan absence during the early part of| The final volume was 1,878,000/55%, Mrs, Freeman and Hid . Chief Architect, Room D715, British actor and director who beans green 5.25-650 a hamper, diplomats argued they would be| iyo" ooiing or Reeve J, 8, Scott, shares compared with 2.000.000 Bowman 5016. Mrs. Spratt and CHAPEL | All persons having cloims p Charles Tunney Building came to Canada several years beets, Lo # husnal ig Der hl} ud without Joes Jrokestion ltold the delegation that it i traded Theaseny, I, (Mrs. Wilson 5614, Kindness beyond price | against the eitate © diverside : ive, Crowe, Ago pound hig, new hee § | per I en SIgResiec "| their privilege to object to the| Industrial Acceptance Corpor: EAST AND WEST: Mp, J | Georgina Alex, late Ont.; District Architect, 228 i pound hag; hroceoli 8.50 a diplomats call police headquar [a and that consideration|ation rose a point to 53, Steel|Sanderson and Mrs, Anderson yet within reach of all Cit of Oshawa, Jarvis Street, Tarente, Ont HAD 31 STUDENTS cave: cabbage old 85-1, new !ters for two replacements, who iu : v h R County of Ontario, Widow and can. be seen at the Post For the first term the school 2.75-2.88 ig 50; carrots yi soon arrived and promptly would he given to their objec: Company of Canada rose 14 fol46ls, Mrs, Kennedy and Mrs, A 8-6226 | deceased, who died on or Offices at Lindsay, Newmar: nad 81 students from six i washed 1:} 15 a bushel, washed [asked for asylum with their) 190% Tha, Dominion Foundries and| Pringle 4814, Mrs, Watts and 390 KING STREET WEST | about the 22nd day of Feb ket, Orillia, Peterboraugh, ines" and ahout eaually divided 1.80:2: cauliflower 2.75.8 8 "cars| comrades 'Any man who would open a Steel rose 5 at bl, . Mrs, MacDougall 8844, ruary, 1961, are hereby noti Oshawa and Cannington, Ont, [EES HIE ERE Be to: celery. California 4.4.95 a| Police headquarters declined Pusiness in Pickering Town Abitibi and Argus Corporation Se Hed tn send in 10 the Gnd? The 'deposit will be released |DEIWREN VYEnch and: Linghshe lon, celery, Galiorma i440 8 fp (ship, said one member of the|took losses of 74 to 40i§ and UN PRIZE IN MEMORIAM A a el Ry us on return of the documents | SPenking: background ase, Cranberries 44.25 a eal ime) Aha delegation, "would be thrawing|i7%, Falconbridge was down 1 EDINBURGH. (CP) == Ritehl EB A in goed condition within a | The School has received Gi loni queen sige cu umbers 5.25 : (his money down the drain", [V4 to 4414, Consolidated Mining, Ide foam I inh Ra ivy B11 1018 Qeveaiey a month frm the date of re. applications for the 196162 leym 330 per Ms king sice 370-4; a bushel, washed 150-175, spin. Another, Charles Wilcox, on/and Smelting lost i4 to 2314, and| Calder, professor of interns: dehy ANS = In loving moony of #1 40 "00 FN particulars ception of tenders. If not land expects to have at least! leeks 2.25 per 1 quart basket, ach, cello 1.65 per 10:-pound Highway 2, said, "I suggest Hudson Bay Mining and Smelt: liona relations at Elivhurgh ABD Evans, wha passed away March of their claims, Immediately returned within that peried 300 hefore the deadline for ap: lettuce 80s 2.2.35, 245 2.50-2.75, basket; rhubarh, No, 1 215-225, that Pickering Township charge/ing fell 3 at 48%. University, has been awari 4 ge Ie Tar date the Per the deposit will be forfeited. [plications April 2 mushrooms 295-285 per S-pound No. 2 75-1.00; tomatoes, cello $5.00, as previously, and throw| International Nickel led min-|the United Nations Kaling Prize Aud while she lies in pecely) ig OE Raprasntatives will dit | 0 be considered each tender Between late April and the Mag: onions, cooking 1.85:1.50(1.85; turnips ynwaxed 80-1, /this bylaw in the garbage." ing winners with a gain of 5 to(for the popularization of sel: San Larne, Bada and tamil tribute the assets of the said | -™4 ond of June auditions will be Per 80 pound bag, chile Spanish waxed 1.25-1.85; pineapples, Cu-| Third reading of the hylaw|66%, followed by Denison, up 14|ence. The £1000 prize is named 3.004; pears, American 5.25: ban 12s 2.752.085 cantaloupe was delayed pending further(at 1015, Venture was up w 0] fw the Indian Wing of ity study hy eouneil, hHEA onor, B, Papniyak, held across Canada--Montreal a onl a) be accompanied by one LOVELL ni eer abo m deceased having regard only 1 ov Ing Ww fo of May: 200; parsnips, unwashed 1:1.2510.50-11 | of the alternative se dear hushand, James LL. Lovell, whe ta claims af whieh they shall f e alternative p ) 2 the e Passed away March 21. 1004 then have notice curities called for In Aj nl to the end A heautiinl memory, dearer than gaid the tender documents. (Ottawa May 7; Winnipeg May OF & hushand whose worth can never DATED at Qshawa this 7th (hb) be made on the printed |§; Regina May 8, Edmonton he told p Alone 1 We stands by my side day ef March, 1961 forms supplied by the May 10; Vancouver May 11-12; And whispers Dear, death cannot divide We walked together, you and | In sarvow and in joy JAMES POULOS and C. GUS KLEON Executors Bepartment and in ac Halifax May 20-21; Quebec May 20.98; Toronto June $4 and cordance with the con ditions set forth here 10-11 We shared our pain and happiness ieite With lave and withaut alley By their. selicitor, The lowest or any tender And death shall never end our love McGIBBON & BASTERO | not necessarily aicenad chosen for the school is that the IER, A Vikhugh the is Fo SR Barristers & Solicitars, ROBERT FOR governors wanted it in a large | Far all eternity 20 Simcoe Street North Chief of Administrative ity where the French and Badly. mised by wife, Madge OSHAWA, ONTARIO Services and Secretary {English cultures merges LOUTES = In loving mes and where there ave theatrical Patricia Pickett Lantis, whe do companies, radio and television | th ie Mareh Bh, dear Land AJAX AND PICKERING stations catering to drama in 44 over iol her be both languages Messenger ol ave 4 4 Between her loved anes' hearts and A three-year course is offered aoe GENERAL HOSPITAL In addition ta the 31 students NW . The reason Montreal was Channel © Toronto, Tonight: PASSAGE WEST F317) AJAX, ONTARIO already envalled, 48 will join the 0 . starring OUTS In loving memory a ranks next fall, At that time] f Rainsh kent 1 + i doparivd technical and production Youth for an hour, ANNUAL RPORA Lpourses for student divectors ave fe Gem that tales the stage managers and those in| world Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the share terested in scenic. costume and! 9 LJ May God keep her ia Hiv tender care holders of Ajax and Pickering General Haspital wil be held lighting design will begin EA remembered. The Ariss fam at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28 196). in the Nurses Residence HAS WIDE sUPrPrORi NS = In loving we wi o 9 y 3 A ins i 4 Banned Thay AND FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given ta consider, and if During the course ne pupil March #1, 830, aproved, to confirm with or without variation, a Special [MAY Accept any outside engage COMPLETE NEWS, 6.30 WEATHER, SPORTS P.M IR RR Rl Resolution passed by the Directors ef the Corporation on ment without permission from A A hen the 17th day of January, 1P81, to amend Section 12 of the the school divectors p i 10 00 1 fa net think of you By-laws 10 now read The list of officials for the THE REBEL FM Pa ude wii "Eight Directors, of which a majority shall be the school is impressive | - lames de HW. Bomville off COMPLETE NEWS, 10.30 WEATHER, SPORTS P.M JOHN PAYNE a: M. " elected Directors, shall constitue a quorum at Tavonte and Montreal theat _ ara 0 a antrea a {18 Al TO SELL ' WA o Board Meeting vical producer, has been ap WINNIPEG « P) enol AND FURTHER NOTICE 5 hereby given te conuder, and (f pointed administrative director manager Jack Perrin of Ihe) conned 10 confirm with or without variation, a Special Chairman of the hoard of Western Hockey League Winni Resolution passed by the Directors af the Corporation on governors is Tom Patterson peg Warriors said Wednesday, he 281th day of February, 41, approving a Bylaw founder of the Stratford Shake. he is willing to listen to an gonsider qualifications of Board Members ali a wi a \ vin ® : hay interestel lg fo Bo Members and all intersaled persons are eordially iny Bourassa president of the Da drew 434 fans Tuesday night as' 10 ottend minion Drama Festival, is vice they edged Spokane Comels ¥6. K DD. Morley Maclin chairman, David Ongley, presi The crowd set an all-time club Provident and dent of the Canadian Theatre for empty seals, Chairman of the Board PTY (Centre, ia secretary, and Claude]