The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1961, p. 25

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| 48--Rent Etats for Sate (A5--Rast Estate bor Sate AS--Rast Kstute For Sate (WS--Rast Rstate Vor Sele (4) --Aatomohites For Sete | THE COWAWA TINGS, Whomdey, Mend 39, W675 LGR FREE. price. Ave - 1s WEA puss ERNE inven We wae. PRI ATE wie BE toe. PVE why. ww 5 9 WWI ad lr a oe | BW (EEE SERCIARG BAT WO is EE TE PITTS FRING A OIA IE RRA [I NOE SR Lerma - WARES, (ORE Ry cea (i (5 Ale A afl A yi Cdl nd Aor # cc 4 WEEKEND MARKET BASKET OF TE Cdl ma. oe rt fh oh LE lt 0 A ww # v ov gy SRR S.A. GATES GLECOFF SUPERMARKET A -- AY # awe 3 mic? beck FT Lr bly Ay Pee FOR REAL ESTATE BUTCHER SHOP | For gg SHE ox BA CES mime AA Bez St p, CRT STEOFDENT Fags Dwr, i a i tld iid har wh Ey. | Open Bom to 16 pm Ooty DOM SMITH Locst killed fresh mests | ol ad. Gann ond home cred homes cl "tee Bari stcuiad or ve fossil -- " a FRAY ar Filih Aevrrpnivng gameg oF sw fory Gens gs forwg & Ps Gres Roses Br BH77% pot 74 PFED Fr BAR T Worried Booms, AO HOUSTON GARMGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SRACE MOTOR TURE - GF AND CEREBRAL. REPAIRS 67 KING STW fr 37872 Aen a Siatated Pa wg ait nme, fy Aemaek. WA oA] ARE RY ERE pt itd ssa dha WER vind Fi tad we Ree Yatton ARTER FY Dwr yl aeriin RA Tow / ity ary rie fomgh AND GIBSON Soreas Vest region a baad EE fre rma, pa fas Fits HEEL ERA ars i » 46 Ger - From Bri TOME. ge 3 9c as 2 Ay " i 4 y We wl 3 : funn Aechr tah PERV S SHH Th le Ax Fr Z for 95 PURE Linn TEL TOMES Esty Pc Mase ww Folamd EIVLERS YALE BELOVETS 72 x Bh cre--Feg S985 978 BITTER, Firs frane. Wo. 65% SUGAR, Cramdwed 18%. T9« wre Moers of (AELLFFS Pat and Don's $ CLOVER FARM MARKET 432 Simcoe South 9) ? brag 77 preren rr WH IW pAFE TRS Ww $5.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE 22 SIMCOE ST. N RA 3-3732 MB--Rooms For Rent " Tyo Py agp A si LORIRINERELS . WF FENG 1a By bo Tis Forms Bios wa B PER WOOTH for thine wlio £ Soave rows, meee Btw. Wes +4 WE Re eses. aR RA 4 v BREE Twumicheh 1m, Prowse bod od iid ane TC a Sans, / Nerney Lines 19 dry for Fasy yo gs ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS ates 82 Pork Fond between § or FA 8.867 Vo--Reol Entore For Sole Som sed over Ferm sh PEANUT BUTTER Ble Borner Yellow 4 PALRL SRI MALLEORN or Hrsg ta Grange Feros iis BAGS 4 Kk Ei FORK PORK CHOPS CELERY STALKS lorge hx ec Z for 2% NORTH-WEST Gr rms F ysr pr bral ome, $12,600 SW SER SY F ATE gsr. Prosre wie pA WRITE BOK 444 SATA PTE DON HOWE FEALTOR LIA IE ARCE BARGAIN FOF (APG ELOME HOI FAMILY MOETH WE 7 STED § ' wt | RE | it Hh TO RENT | near, Ghitaklo APPROS IMATELY 50 ACRES OF WORKABLE LAND roy pr of CR add fom For fw fieey daa GR CL rd Bi 55976 wy BA 55919, ar write BOK £37, OGAWA Tinrk?, DO YOU PLAN BUILD A HOME ? if the worries, ike ag Taman WIE SR Yaw oR oF a dd ay the est meters in Arrenge for yaw pralierme the MHA e hore of yo jer of or Joey anys ade mtr ERs Felieve yone of bore 65 E4p pt A. JUDAS ERECA ST. RA 58404 WILSON MG B35Z1 Arwtime Owrer Posies t sn BEA dred Floren - gars a wir ws $665.60 aa ¢ Three - wedrsnmm vamp iow wile many erties. (oveGe ond work do V2 v TB, nese sew High Somes On ighwsy te. 7. Income ptome ard tws Gees of lend Priced for speck oie Portman fer etre, [vr chen, wove ann fridge IRB IR [ERENT PICKERING TOWNSHIP Fed ine Ey FAG wrt: Tow om, ir to Snger Be Pamee Yen saree PEW Hr GIG es Wa from F rg V dar LC aula foro mies woe Gt GaIner corigge, GoIege 26 = 74. Om paved Foo sere fend frye rom WN ad Fen sere $256.60 Scie ana per fiw BE Ero puso oe wer Aver wi Leone A Fg , We. Pelep. £ x Aud mr el Yat dndeatd a, od (ate (ow Movs is eg we "rE ato dl ioiidod APR peyment Ie sdeiuad agente. RE GO PRIVATE SALE FAL PRICE $12,500 $5,100 BOY ortew # Wy op Carries for $51 "monthly ph HA Vo 0TH teres, 5% ge. Three dd Ladd ce. Large gavage. For par nehors, phone FA $7674, McQUAY & KIDD FEA WHITEY PLAZA 313 BROCK S57. § Open 59 WHITBY MO B-5668 TORONTO EM 3 TORS 9603 ite, iw os (il y oil [owriate PE ETT EAT bs aan, rok - Hoes | J "ERE VRNET "Aeivae fon Wack ith PIE Bane, spiese Rene ROE SERAT wr. Ane and 1 '8 $0.0 RE rove, mE E id vei anten, oe at IN er wa expt biade nA FRenas cormings RA #10 9 FONTIAC for Aaoy Axipae, PHORM. iE trade and Pasnce. BA 1m ieee Riri eremmes fh * benah Wo FONTIAL siation Wagon, (Wn 1aRe, eit Gok RAs SHEE ERR anmn IR tion. Phone KA Ww BECK Acivae tondow Beri ow, gresiest Fadia, TEE EERE hranes, heswiifv LB iditad pits oa ei ralin, ore BWREL, STAG, #5 Tied Ad rest While ANDY MAGES . Vl vo roa Frame ys es po bg "omens Jo 5 i ESS A Eg ETE a pm Ta o Biel wnt snd Waligeper, Wietusas, winnigie 4 King Wen Rebates (iayains #04 AREF Beticies Tom hl rei 6 ani Musi" ev | EAA Tn" Arhrite OF hesry Anty drill press, [223 aa HAA i ite ot Loimende malo { TREMENROE gad fp Pattarie lose om horse. Smeg £ a Stamps free with oll pur ly chases. Save for valuable Pr EMILE A5---Reol Estate for Sole Iv id Leds ed Stren! ys Horny, lr is wm §) 4 is » I haidwond Ronee Hy serviced ors 4 we Wedvooms Mrs ahont * on y yor "sod CORRE 0 $60 Sor. fumth Coli "Mary Robbe. BA TH. Jobs of _RA 8-1720 . Wacks Reghor | uted {Con Sonne Ra R377 evenings, WA sowie por font. New ya ress, coven {6 eur ud i Pier whasie sed sverdvive, PWEERaee Figm i Immony more salens, Boing lor wy be Mog Xo hg iow cost price. BmiNs i of Moi uid mista by fhe 401 i Ah Poy Test, comer Conbin Bond # Street Borth. KA 89098 -- machines for rent ¢ Be 1% An tn sow own Rome. Yibisiory MERCURY £ panel, ovr exten side windows, wx Wy fies, septs Moe, a brite, rol ogy Logis 4g 9 a" hs " Friel AB fi! ? Cal [ot ek $72.00 per month. Call My, | wy. PART. la, [ye sidware Con Mmenae. | CHEFER pel "" » - LTD Parkhel Vi OREVRM EY enetom INSURANCE die Iran, Hester, white wells, how Gees, Tews EA BHIT8 evenings. RA Li WW VHLESWAGEN Wicrn we $13,900.00 3.00000 fil down poy ment. S-hedroom brik Bune go oy ph corport, tesla: wily decorpted ond fully andusped One HNHA mortgage ot 6% cares for REALTOR Oshawa Shopping Centre iced RA 5-6568 ALSO $55.06 Open 700 am. 169 er infor Ecrie Alle NEW HOUSE EIGHT ROOMS, SOLID BRICK Hot woter hesting with olf, sy grey FRING JOM A. J J BY 06606 66 15 HERI ACEO, Cle Elesper 06 pr rlesn FEATURES THESE LISTINGS IN PORT PERRY COOL LAKE BREEZES re REALTOR 167 SIMCOE & EA 5.7782 Kom ROOM HOUSE! KING STREET aompetely Gunranieed PAUL J. BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE BROKER 228 BRUCE STREET Member of the Oshawa and RA B-4171 | Districe Reg! Esigte Boord Carmegie Ave. $13,000 priced 10 wll with 8 down payment of $i "Goh. Situated only one block from Rosslend read and Simcoe Aly school and bus st comer 1a delight your family living in @ refined district. For this B veer old brick 6 room bungelow | with 6 festure of 6 two storey beautifully decorgied Tully medern | home, with 4 large bedrooms, living reem thet 1s 21" by 14 feet with g stone fireplace, large modem kitchen with a dinette, 2 bedrooms on the mein flew, and g Ape, tiled bethiaom, full gosemant with & recregtion room, and & ene piece bothreom, oil heating, storms and screens, Tully landscaped with & paved drive way, Owner will take back one mortgage for the balance for ten or fifteen years, at monthly payments of $75.00 Mortop Ave. just 8 few doors from Rasslond reed in 8 very nice strict. Priced ot $12,900 with & reascnable down peyment, or this appeoling 5 room beeutifully decorated bungalow, feoturing 3 bedrooms, specious living reem with a fireplecs, modern led forge kitchen with dinette, large glossed In win porch, 3-pe. tiled bathrooms, fll basement oil heating, serms ond screens, paved drivewey with @ lergs sturdy garage rk rast. close to King Street. $10 500 esking price with mn, for this very well kept end nicely decorated room Foe Jor with ail heating ner will take beck one mortgage for the balence af reasonable monthly payments Controlly located neor King storey family brick home, Aski down payment, For this well For the Town Line read Nerth ar Town Line South ares hemes, we have 2 five reom bungelows end 2 storey and a half homes oll fully modern and serviced with oil heating, priced from $7,500 te $12,500 with down payments ranging from $500 10 $2,000, ond terms to suit the purchaser street East and Drew street, 2» price $11,300 with enly $1,000 ecorated home For the Meadern apartment investment we now have ta offer in 8 premium select location at Simeos street North, surrounded by distinguished homes of prestige, and this Apartment dwell ing features 1B very modern and fully decorated suites, each a il tiful corns A trees Well situcied LORY RIIRNC RE with Phone YUkon 5-2336 PORT PERRY DUPLEX $4,000 down, five rooms end four-piece both on first floor, large living room with natur ol fireplace, dropes and cobi net, ook floors, brogdicom included glse five good reams an second Hoor with four-piece bath, divided base ment, recreation ream, forced Air heating with gil, paved drive and garages. Closes te school end Simcoe St. A eed home or Investment, n for offer $8,800 full price must be sald this week, sight reoms, on twe Hoos end we kit chens, large lot, on Simcoe Street Merth, needs decorats ing, Terms DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE _RA 3-7607 LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 RA B-5109 Five pormms, while clapkonrs 7 -shorey nome In geod Bes with ol the necessary re Grif aGrge Asking price GLISIIES ke lendscaged ot $10,900 ADD TO YOUR INCOME Six-raaom home on Boy Street With SPRCIONS 106ms, Eee ment apartment, 16 gs gar age. Asking price $12,900 A STARTER FOR A COUPLE Four roams in this white frame bungelow, large ef, low taxes, all Eonyeniences Asking price $7,000 with low aown payment TALL TREES Nice B-room stucso, 2-storey dwelling en & main sires, Flore 1% Aehools Oil heat, args landscaped lot, garage, re price lo, 96d" i terms 15 ACRE LOT Just the perfect location for your future ranch typs bun galow, 185 minutes from downtown Oshewe LLY frontage with a depth of 660', Terrific value at enly $6,500 with easy terms Hurry call today CALL RA 5.6588 TODAY | After Hours Please Call Bick Young RA 3.7183 Lloyd Corson RA 3:2837 Charlie Rankine RA B-3682 Wes Elligh RA 8-058] STACEY AVE 3 bedroom brick bungaow On furnaces 4-pc. hied beth, rage Clean home, only #9 2%, Coll Jack Appleby, RA 6.6544 or 3-3398 COURTICE AREA Clean white clapboard bun golow, well decoraied Well planned kitchen ood gar age, lots of land. Low down payment. Call Bill Ratcliffe, RA 55-6544 STEAL A HOME 3-hedroom brick home with ottached goroge. Built-in sove and oven, e living dining room ne corated, storms and screens, plus many extigs. $14,580 or offer, Must been seen, Call now and ask for Bill Sware brick, RA 85-6544 or 5:-8342, BEAT THIS Value == If you canl 2-room brick bungelow with double ettached garage. Beautifully decorated throughout, medern forced air ell fumeee, Located just west of the city on a 7 200 ot $11,500 with $1,000 down, Call Ted Cun- ningham, RA 5.6544 er 5:-7358 For 51 OWNER LEAVING COUNTRY Must Sell Duplex apt, on each floor, separate entrances, in new condition Large fenced lot, 60 x 340 Open te an offer; a real good 4 -reom AIGET NER 1G] ANGeIGw ih large bedrooms ! block high basement read to finish and screens MHA carmes for $7, Ask for Mr, Farikhe! Carport Maortgs of District Real Estate Bogr: I vy Aluminum some The #0 " Ht Member of the Oshews end 4 FORD eupiom tudor, {matie, new Hires, £8F ing Centre per een months | personel services st your home pH bun Hon, very clean " FONT gresiont secept tr oF Resrest iter TY ne ATR fe idle, ys Fi E conadion, Phevrniel, sulomatic, power Hu 6 ty 7 Horns WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IY NOW WITH » LOW LOST LIVEINSURED MH OIPEMOBILE, Wn sagefient condi while, » really Ry $86, King West Motors, apposite i 1 ! {47 -- Automobiles For Bole | |'#_ later, bes low mitiesgs, sets 16, (finance. BA #0311, RA F417 »® hat, dress Fl , - BUY YOUR CAR FOR CASH | Rh intent al service, convenient levi iF 44d Ld Finance, Wh rir WH BUICK Andon, Fad) india, (owner, exeeile seen at 78 Whitman Crescent I' ORE YRoL#Y, £ erin, re Weel sller "Wo "v9 | WILLIS outing. Must 0 be apprecipted. Private HA S668. | x x i Tow mileage pov a MOTORS TAUNTON RD, E, Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-033) hind Cars, 1eiephone RA va WavsEROL furniture, Hmm ning, oh or Fwnione, ane whe yy oe We have 4 Sond assortment Sales and service, open until 9 pm, of RA 3:7132 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES + BENZ » DKW| Showroom a vy eo mitilens, E71 tor mars pei living» hve pari chairs. Pletyres pA ; Avenues Fast | REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, In petect w FUR lockel, muskrat, new. Telephone fre particulars GENERAL Pleckils Tg LL) oh ition + Kd di IA A me 2 : RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE The home of lity, tn tional end m ege niturs, Complete room available, 295 Simcoe atm "et , Far BA MIMS tw Cd 40B KING ST, WEST CAR AUCTION Good selection Pontiges, end Buy or well available RA B:-5179, CAR INSURANCE '61 Good Every Saturday 10:30 a.m. Chevralets, Corvalrs, terms 25 Grenfell St, RELIGIOUS [unr eh that ARTICLES ery : Bibles, Prayer Books, Statues, NA, an i ne Yo vay Bible sold, ane x pies, GL Filla, Twe Piece Foe i i ok plone "FRRKView sTORE 0 cron 5 Ss Stet yx] 98 OLIVE AVE OSHAWA ~ RA 56365 a Tr Feud BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL |z STOVE OIL Expert Service JOHN F, DEWITH Realter and General 4 Insurance Newcastle--Phone 3341 248 Acre farm near Beth any, large L-shaped bank ham, drive shed, hen house etc; 9 roomed house, All buildings In goad repair Price $10,000 with terms suite has Is own modem tiled kitchen, 2 bedroom and 1 bed room plans, with a 4-pe. tiled bathroom in each and every suite, the price and alse the terms of this brick apartment dwelling with a full statement of operating costs and the yearly revenus may be had by calling this effice, to Inspect and see this apart: ment at any time by appointment enly FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE fer a six room house. Possi bilities unlimited far this new stare in one of Oshawa's newest shopping centres, al ready estab fined Alsa twa bedroom modern apartment aver store, with about 1100 square feet for owner. Am ple parking Ta inspect please call Ray Flintoff, RA 3454 deal waiting for you ta ins spect, Call Anthony Sibloek, A B-6544 or 5.4362 We Speak Slavie Languages Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board S.D. HYMAN REALTOR RA B-6286 NASH ROAD In Oshawa's beautiful east end. One and a half years young, Mx spacious roams with an attached gar age, All canveniences plus a low dawn payment. It's a bars 03" 5 ball Harold Segal of (fd wrist watch (English ber mien ) lite shormind i Centre, on i 2legel NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Crediters and others having claims against the sstote of JAMESIE BERYL DUESBURY, late. of the ity of Oshawa, are required te send full particulars of such claims te the undersigned, seligitar for the Executrix, on or before the 17th day of April, 1961, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed hay- ing regard enly ta claims that have been received, ERNEST MARKS, QC, Solicitor 17 King St, East, Oshawa, Ontario, TENDERS FOUR CLASSROOM SCHOOL used Harmony Stratatons foi Electric Guitar, plek RC. S55 NO 9 WHITBY TOWNSHIP ups, complete with case and cord , $99.50 used Harmony Stratatone SEALED TENDERS properly Electric Guitar, 1 plek-up, identified as to contents complete with case and Tender for St, Paul's ganar cord | $89.50 ate School", for RC, 8.8 A 92, Whitby Yownship will he used Kay Mandolin De: received by the Engineers and luxe Model Venetian eut- Architect up until 4:00 PM, way and case 49.95 Thursday, reh 30, 1961, | 1 . ad 130 Gun for op | Ha nian apd wr Guitar and case , $114.9 from Engineer ond Architect, used Gibson Southern aig, Short a ong, Jumbe - Guitar on sue 5385 Yonge Street, Willow» 129.9 Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% en their ear In suranes, Half-year payments Call us teday and compare- ample free parking, SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Lid, DIXON 3 bi LETT FHL Bef ed 360 KING ST. WEST LOAN THE BANK OF TRA 3.2265 NOVA SCOTIA "BUYING ¢ OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN SPRING MOTORS SALE 607 KING 8T, -- OSHAWA No Prices Listed, (Just East of Wilson Read) All reasonable offers accepted, RA 34494 GOT A BEE IN YOUR Let to be cleared by March 31st ' 'EASTER BONNET FOR A GOOD USED CAR '59 Buick DON'T GET STUNG automatic, buy where you ean depend age 5,700 on what you get Chevrolet Station Wagen radio, automatic 1934 PONTIAC 4:DR gE Chevralet Sedan, nN. awner." and ivery, Chevrolet Four 1958 CHEV Station Wagon Sedan, In two-tone matic transmission and ivery Vauxhall Super Sedan, 1953 PONTIAC "Economy Car'! luxe Sedan, very clean, Hillman Sedan, Mileage ust 21,000 . Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, 1958 BUICK 2:OR, HARD: band BO Bure on afew vanmien '56 Pontiac Station Wagon, Jodi, il ely peaken GIBBONS STREET NORTH standard shift hd Fivg Hum bungalow wih ah Chevrolet Deluxe Coach, SEE THESE GUARANTEED 10 Wo N ™ 0 d warm and semforiable, Sell Immaculate candition USED CARS at ing at an amazingly low Pontiae Deluxe Yclan, ROY W. NICHOLS radio, automatic rice, excellent terms A ¢ COURTICE CAR LOT ney for the money, Call vellous shape." Bob Stevenson at RA 8.6284 '85 Buick Sedan, Autematie A8--Automobiles Wanted SPOT CASH "Clean and sham.' $547.00 FULL DOWN PAYMENT Beautiful five wom hick PAID FOR Good clean can Trade up or down, ata" oft bungalow, Why pay rent only $87.00 per month DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § ieipel, interest and taxes RA 3.9421 $ALL CASH$ 4 of only $10.949.00 his home is brand new and For glepn cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off SALES a7 must be seen. The best buy NICOLS MOTOR WHITBY WILSON & LEE LTD, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TRADE-IN SPECIALS used Harmony Arch Top Guitar, built = in electric pick-up, complete with cord |, $19.95 Please do not hesitate to phone our office for an appraisal of your home at any time witheut any ebligation, satisfaction and courtesy is the keynote te our pleasure in being ef ser vies te you in all phases of Real Estate PLEASE ASK FOR "KELLY" BOLAHOOD Phone RA B- 4171 or RA 5.6382 Daily from 9:00 AM 10:00 P.M WHITBY CLASSIFIED ha RENT = Modern, self contained, COMPLETE beds for sale, apartment, refrigerator and Salvation Army Theft Stare, Waves Foam cuphaards, very central, Street Bouth, Whithy aviallabie naw, Call MO 83368 DRESSMAKIN sulle, eonts and dresses, A and slip cavers. A fect fit guaranieed irs. Toms 47) Ral] NEWLY all canvenignces, $63 Biel, Whit BERTI tanks cleaned the sanitary way w tanks instalied. Waller Ward, 304 hestnut West. Phone MO 8-3363 WOMEOWN Roofing, vestiaugh Aig fnsulation Inter prices. Phil Harpe: FRENCH STREET FULL PRICE $7,950 Spatlessly clean and well maintained two bedroom bun galaw, with new furnace, al uminum storms and screens, garage, TV aerial, Small down payment, and owner will carry on ane mertgage Call Ray Flintaff, RA 5-3454 ALBERT STREET Six room, brick, plus utility room, and a new sunroom All large rooms. Farced alr heating Beautifully ated well ma until 100 Acre farm Oshawa, partly residential goned, large bankharn, ele 9 roomed house, all modern conveniences, Price and terms arranged 2 miles from Live 100 Acre highway farm with U shaped hankbarn ete; 9 roomed stone house In Im maculate condition. Large gravel deposits, Price and terms arranged 100 Acre 8 ta WY 147 Book used Harmeny Amplifier, ROXBOROUGH AVENUE 2 intakes $29.95 Twa starey brick, Unbeliev able selling price, Excellent residential area. Must be seen. Call Bob Stevenson at RA B-62864 SPANKING NEW Bungalow with garage, Bi fold mahogany doers plus full length vanity with plate alass mirrar, See this NHA medel. It's a must. Hurry or w'll be sorry, Call Glen Kae Kinnon at RA B-4186 TWO FAMILY DWELLING Simcoe stree tnarth. School and bus at frant door. Large roomy home, modern con veniences, tip top renting area, Don't miss this one 15 Call Doug Bullied at RA 84 WHITBY Cain Laundry, agitators, wash 88, dry 10g Speed Queen Hein this | ad in for free wash, 106 Brock Strest | | Bouth FOR RENT used Magnatone Amplifier 2 intakes |, $29.98 farm south Port Perry, creek, 70° x 40° bank barn, hen house, ete; B ream ed home with furnace, run ning water. Asking $12,500 with $1,500. down 180 Acre farm near Pont Hope, with creek, U-shaped bankbarn, drive shed, ete} 7 roamed house with modern conveniences. Consider hoyse for dawn payment 200 Acre dairytarm as a going concern with all cattle and machinery. Large L-shap- ed hankbarn, stream, ete. 8 roamed brick house with all modern conveniences. Asking $33,000, terms arranged 150 Acre dairyfarm north Oshawa with large L-shaped = bankbam, water bowls, sile, drive shed, bulkeooler, ete 8 roamed house with all gan veniences. Price $32,000 Terms 10 Acre farm Grove, 70' x 30' bankbamn pig pens, drive shed, etc, @ roomed house with all modem conveniences. Asking $14. S00. with $5000. down 10 Acre farm bam. 4 womed bungalow with oll fumace. Located 9 miles from Oshawa. Asking $6.500. with $1,500. down building lots on Road. Prige $800 Warm. furnished light | housekeeping roam, with privaly en tranee. Apply M3 Mary Bast, ar ele. | phane MO 83333 WANTER fentleman boarder, bed. | § sitting roam home-cooked meals spect Phone MO 83608 or apply 1131 Dundas i RA awn, R Fast . | Wing, FOB RENT Thies reamed self pon | ¢ S PANLING, [tained unfurnished, heated apartment SIMCOF MO 84858 [Heavy wiring Seale) Heasanahle rent, | I eferred. MO 374 | SERVICES -- Campiels wakkenp | adults preferred ViaY ar servige for small businesses. week FOR RENT Twa. newly deparated ly, monthly or as desired. Statements {twa hed ream shartments 1 at lebhane | im Hatel ane pel 1 phone Fa Income 18% returns, MO \nimedialely I One room. tw vod apartment, oe bedrooms, FOR RENT Three roomed apart-| foam brick, with new AY hen, balcony, newly ment, unfurnished, heal, light included age, hardtop drive reatoed yi laundry facilities, | gan venient neation, proving hace, room has natural 8 1a Rehaale, yaad ms Call MO 43108 aller pl family sized dining room a a ey lay vl hes Foam ARRFWS ly : din QOMm, i monthly fh 8 We HRY rest | JEON RENT aa a of Ann and large moder kitchen hithy Anes Street, Whithy, or te AB Oil heating. A perfect fam FURNISHER ROOM for rent, private RA 1330 Oshawa i Hy home, with a large and Lotrance, re respectable home. Telephone : beautifully treed vard. Close laws a EASTER PERMANENTS to OCVL. Terms to sult pur appeal: 9 mately £30 sheets of iy Say Levit FROM $7 UP chaser, Please call Lucas per (news print) for only . Ap " Peacock, RA 5.4330 Y Oshawa Times Office, hithy Soft gurl or firm curl fl LI Sires) West style ar high. style CENTRALLY LOCATED Wat lephone used Stewart 2 intakes decarated apartment for rent decor Amplifier Apply 1015 King ? Sedan, radio, ' $29 98 actual mile: and intained nvenient financing. To in call Irene 3867 ST. NORTH If you are looking for a well built home, in geod condi tion, and in a tine location see us about this one storey taur used Les Paul Jr, Electrig Solid Body with case cea 300.90 please 50 '50 "One 4-DR, DELUXE mareon Door aute 5a Seven hed aar Living kL 4-DR. DE ne FOUR vi sr fireplace 'ss basle You 'a8 dale, Ont. upon reesipt of depend of a certified cheque for $50.00 which will be res turmed upon the retum of the plans and specifications in good condition within ten days after tenders close, Each tender must be accoms panied by a bid bond of $7,000.00. Successful bids der must fumish a Perform ance Bond tor 100% (Ones Hundred per cent) of the amount of the contract, Tens ders for a stipulated sum only will be considered. Lowest of any tender not necessary accepted. MR F. J. MOLONEY, Secretary, RCSS Ne 9° 'Whithy Township -- "(Continued a Page » on Seven ron name it. We can de it Three bedroom brick hungas low, with garage. Beautifully finished recreation roam, al uminum and screens, fireplace. Nicely hedged lat, To inspect, please call Mrs, Miller, RA 5.2993 SHAKESPEART NHA 6% One f the mast attractive bungalows we have listed wo year old brick. WiLL EXCHANGE FOR A THREE BEDROOM HOUSE BE TWEEN OSHAWA AND Southern ond cose $114.95 wed Refinished Gibson 4:50 Guitar (like pew) $125.00 used Flat top Guitar and case 18.9% Other Used Guitars and Amps to choose from, TERMS AVAILABLE WILSON & LEE LTD, MUSIC STORE w 5. N. RA 5.4704 Gibson Guitar used Jumbo COIFFURES BY KEN MO 83124 FOR SALE boat io We years of he April 1. $100 monthly RA Lill from § to 3 WANTED Used boats, meters and tralk ers. we will sell your equip. ment on consignment at your price. For Rent Smelt nets, coleman lanterns WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas EMO 8.3336 PLANNING TO storms near Maple Other Cars ta Choose From, No Down Payment te Responsible Parties Used boats motors trallers and AVE + Box, boat and Sawa Canoes FOR RENT cabin trailers, chain skill saws, sanders, ale WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas EMO 8-3224 Easy Terms TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA RA 3-4494 RES, RA § | Um owt of Wiken Resa |, with small AN EASTER PERMANENT BUILD A HOME from BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR BOWMANVILLE For further Bring your plans er skeich to STYLIST. Leaves nothing to patticulars, please call Mes per Eric C. Branton, Builder of 4 puired in foundation Miller RA § 2093 custom homes in this area | whtva hair shaping 15 years. Gel a wiitien @ ) 4 ¢ | hw Meinl { ¢ mate without obligation, Call style MO 8-308) or RA Real Estate Bo anytime MO $2660, 86722, x! Wa list Photo Cor Op Appraved Taunton fot BE A SUBLRBANITE Sacrifice! & oom brick bun galow with attached garage Only 2 Id Beautifully uate an a 1. Con tact Doug By Wied for hu ther details ot RA 8.6284, AM ; MA 950 ars Sime RA 5.3924 Clarke 2231 | in town, Call RA 9.4284 at 313 BROCK ST. N MO 8-8001 5574 Frank Hunter Eastern Ontario's Largest I LA Perrault, Musie Gontre,

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