THE OOAWA THES, Toomioy, Worth 3, WH) (8 8 rere a : Sens Ravoeth, oo To To Quit Meeting 7 of fhe hekef that # Aspirin a An emiooary of the "Mgerion Two Cou les mt" Giver By Pry, py CE Font of TIVE ve Sil bu sid tons ot 5 he at ry RI. ECT ond Hos, Kimer Vorks Srnds 1s the fakoms Comm the Window metippoias health ™ WHAT 18 CROMCHYY Westeh. LMBON, Om. (CF) = The fees ow ears (odey, wd fori Fed here Wednestoy Wight to g i Friday iam Wes. A moy on Sodaey erm, WL. WRGRImney Soak Wn fever Wa said that i wk & yoia homie pr Be Lh Saat piety 1 1m tht Shumpent fey growndwork fox Me forth ed 5 rom #8 Move see Yerton Wem wes woh A Aetion shar Saxons one jovial Aurion. he word ehnestoy or A br masicsl. By RPVIch A IVS So IEG Aberin Franek geans © et Th Ih wae raat eens Guan. of Ws Yromms 08. of ie Fans, Rent. Wes KK. In the pasion 19 19 he REit of men Wer. acrsyl wei (the on pom 5 Cer on oS fon the Sumo Rah Crone, Wavy fangonse fie Woh sok (20a & Spws GY IRA o8 The wv (aR ay OReT ER0IE MERAIRR. conetitiuant of RETR) Was Tem tonvies sai, Taint KANYE ~ Lpday The so The ladies of the Wh serves Co WIA pret shisss He wie Meg fovaeh to wih Bx. 6, IB. Warwick, resistant. estimates (9 be @ least 11000 the ewissery. is expected Bary opts sree wi cat ot cl, Ts comers Zl" a cd PHOTRICY Beports A4, Bnchowes void #4 Toes drow paso medians wt the I ponds, ov aon 100 908, mass. wien oifisials (elegy, z 1 Fe 1 dolla Agesanss -- Ws the Lower Baki of Kah (or the ereming were rs. Lome # tom Stet Chuech on Votan Vroguons, Woe, Eimer Voris ysl wae ts so: Dug Prices Down IS hem we Jog wd ry, Voom Witness, 19 & Cisse s hose, The marries congies, Me. wk Wis Kelron Fibiie Behodt, WER coe "ios ot their 5 gs TORONTO (CF) ~P) ; } Home Nortie, 8dr ly eonpiorad ia J. suctomesss, With Kavos Kobus Five, 18 the leridiatmes w RE LL = f » Doves ; 4 eins ROAR Re The Fao. prolss Reshay Rive Driers in the pmy ; A very meweing pon of the REA on Oven Hower 8 Frise coy a nx pare since the WHEN YOUR FANCY TURNS TO SAVING AND FINE FOODS... Program wes the Hapng of # I 19 Wark We WRGE O96 TOY Ls 4 0 y evening wt 115, ISAK S Commies I! '5 ork wetding in wich Wis 6. FOr fhe acsasiion Ihe 6600 oy goneid (one will Well en PVG PISS Wie REPOS byon Hawry wh the por of We VEE) wiiractive WIR WE ol yl iy truning class TER, 2 0p the bride, Mrs, Gram (lover, 715 of Fowers ior % Schost teachers we Wr. Frost wes replying ! » YI the groom; Mrs BI Ssowdsn. On hand to grest fhe guests 4 The mesting wi Liber Leader W A i] : the Wrideomeis; Mrs, Timer were the enmers of the Fall pore by 515 he geen whether there w i Parks, the best maw, Mus Wikthy Bond of Education | poitive evidanan a. I : Ben Witchens, the winister, Rovers Putts, Wows Fars pERSOWALS iohies were fang the = i re Lome Tregwns, the fa Asie, Bort Susith, Leonard Bios, Mr, ond Mrs, George Pidduck hosoial mpsies wm yd % 7 [J od ) I ther of the Wride, asd Yrs, Bass Vernon Vowel, wd the secre and Ronald, of Ohana, W & £ & WES, Corl on sn ®., ' PA : » 3 Les ployed the wedding muse, 1eryircaonrsy, Barvey Viscss guests of Wr, vod Mrs, Bt Thee premier sik the matiss, oH b ny i hr ----ht PNR A " : A igh Calvert sang There was ho formal openne Ogle and family wm Friday eve raised Tuesday by OOF 1, "d ' P/ ae El tw soles, "Galway Ber" ane STEHT, Wi peiens BRE Yachione'd, vil be : You Moays/ wes GHEE WEEE SRR RIGA the Me ond Mas, George Saostt Wy Wie select commie, | leh by her sieier, Wiss Linde how 66h, WA Were DYER WE yong caflers oh he hows of, mr WHY PAY MORE? { Calvert. opporimity of maong the re ir. end Mrs, Everett Wow ieaning AEP Sido Milk Powder Reg. pig WoBAVE Me / Mr, and Mrs, Norris were fain anck of the teachers, Kar joy this week, 79 preseptd with » sep ond we, Wis, Roy Boberison and Wy, wh Mrs, Tom Anderson vor pa ower srty dothes. The INSTANT MILK Hogs ad i table, # colles table, 3 siainiess Hrs: Wargid Werry and ther five eiidren, of Va Sos 0 (0008 B08 SP Tok Krott Orange Reg. for Be~BAVE Bo i steel flatware set, and on ob Tanch was served by the Ked ridge, snd Mr, ond Mrs. JOY yoy cosas dosnt reshoy RMALADE 9 '4 tenetive table eonirepiecs, Wr ron Dowie Ci in the class Knox mid family of Bons Were)" mous cess 1 Youn MA Peri BW " nd Mrs, Mekal assed, pom Wikéh is i vd for Sunday Juste oh Yr. wd Yrs CLOTHES BEST RID" Pitidury, Cassists, Wks end Orange Reg, pig Be--BAYVE fe SALE i tables Lr ; your, tables Gri -_ ' LRA yin Be were siractively decorated Ww Mr, end Mrs, Bardd Werry' -- CAKE MIXES Borde T De AE SA -- - Sil Bie Bonnet, Yellow Quick Reg. 2 tos TTo=BAVE fs 1b bog 3b bog | MARGARINE 2050 39 : Fancy Honey Pod Reg. 2 tine We--~BAVE 4s 1 0 | STOKELY PEAS 210m 35¢ SAVES: | sAvEro. | | Frozen Food Features ALP FRENCH FRIED POTATOES Pry [ Reg. R for Bie = BAVE Bo Reg. phy Ma--BAVE Be large ize 39: Chum Reg. 2 tine Ds--BAVE he DOG FOOD Brsoin3Se The. Yolden. Book ILLUSTRATED GEISHA TUNA FISH 270m 49: DICTIONARY Help Your Child in School Bole Regular Reg. 2 Vos Foe~BAVE Ye With » Mew Wustrated Dictionary MARGARINE 417059 Se Designed Specifically for Young QUAKER OATS SOUTHLAND FRENCH CUT GREEN BEANS y Ro XI With Free Tin of Master Horse Mest Reg, Mc~BAVE #e ALP KIBBLE DOG FOOD 5% sksbom ior 4 36 Yés | USE YOUR CREDIT - NEW BUDGET ACCOUNTS WELCOME - WE DO OUR OWN FINANCING SIMPLICITY " I ow, hy Bis we SAVE bo LICORICE ALLSORTS rors 29¢ | Foople in Grade Schock WASHERS A d nt ¥ r a This Week's Super-Right Quality Meat Features 8 volumes | (---- NEW eer epama---- CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF only 00. sach =o Ta BUY A BOOK A WEEK BEEF ROASTS SHORT CUT SHOULDER SHORT or PRIME RIB or BLADE CROSS RIB BLADE BONE REMOVER WELL TRIMMER 59. | 45: | .55. Frosh, Boneless, Bolid Mest PORK LOIN ROAST 7.1 [J Schneider's Country Style, Pure PORK SAUSAGES 49 JANE PARKER JELLY or 2%" DELUXE TABLE TV REGULAR 279.95 JANE PARKER QUALITY Bakery Specials A AS eh WAY PUMPKIN PIE | || wd 5 Reg. 88s = BAVE 100 JANE PARKER IRISH RAISIN BREAD 16-08 loaf [] Reg: loaf Be ~ BAVE eo Fresh Lean MINCED BEEF »39 Grade "A", Ready to Cook, 4 to B:1h Average BOILING FOWL +43 tl OSHAWA'S MOST FABULOUS PRICE with LIVE FILTER Action ® Mow BIMPLAFILTER Gives Youi ® Bulltsin Full-Time Filtering ® MNon:Plugging Fost Flow ® Durshility == Light and Bireng Super Right, Brawn 'n Berve, All Mest SAUSAGE PATTIES s.erphe df 3¢ Whyte's Bmelked | WIENERS hohe 9 Maple Leaf, Assorted Features: ® TOP FRONT TUNING ® SUPER - POWERED CHASSIS with Beyer written warranty on etched clreuit board | SPECIAL | BEEF KIDNEYS +37. | LEMON ROLL hI Je wh 2D Fancy Quality, Bliced Reg: 8% =~ BAVE 10 PORK LIVER Liver & Bacon, Liver & Cheese ® LintFree Washing Best Filtering Action Available on Any heart of your ADMIRAL TV, 249% o FULL FIDELITY SPEAKER ONLY 10,00 DOWN YSTEM with rich FM tone 2,50 WEEKLY TRADE NOW , , . TERRIFIC DISCOUNTS ringer Washer . Nw "GOLDEN Hens + + 1 brings In distant Reg, 199.95 stations clearly , , , ne dis tortion, ne "snow", seicia. 144.88 Complete with 12. YEAR GUARANTEE , 4 4 8 YRS, FREE SERVICE OTHER MODELS ".;°" 09" BARGAIN CORNER! USED TELEVISION Reconditioned 17" and 21" 95 399 models, SPECIAL , .. .., pl ADJUSTABLE | SPECIAL | THIS POWERFUL=BRAND NEW F U ! F MODEL 08:8 Powerful % WH, P, Moler Paper Dust Bag * Clip-On Tools Vinyl Swivel Hose Light * Quiet » Guaranteed oNNa woaRD, | ame 9.99 All metal Senstruction 1.95 PORTABLE HAND MIXER Hamilton-Beach Mixette, port- : able hand mixer with remoys 05 able beaters, 3 speeds, in smart LJ Kitchen White, Complete with Psplese [Yl o cleaning teels FIVE-YEAR WARRANTY REG, 14.93 Q.95 BFGoodrich 88 KING WEST DIAL RA 5-4543 DRYMASTER hoi Umbrella clothes dry n J NEW BUDGET ACCOUNTS WELCOME hiest heoona, for quicker ore ling in lows wool, Plastic drying line, COLD CUTS Haddock Hooke 3 Pe FISH STICKS 49: Allgood, Bmaked, Rindless, 8iced SIDE BACON +p 59: ["AcP BIG 99¢ SALE A&P Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE Gheies Red Pitted A&P CHERRIES AAP Fanoy Quality Reg, tin B7e~BAVE 12¢ ASPARAGUS TIPS 3 nein 99: Mitchell's Vitaminized "3 tin 88e--~8AVE fe APPLE JUICE wari 9 De BIG SAVINGS! NEW all-purpose cleaner GIANT SIZE Reg: tin Be--BAVE 179 4 480% tins 09: Reg: tin Rie~BAVE 18s 5 15-08 tins 99: 0 SWIFT'S CHUBS 1:0 23s Cooked and Breaded COD PORTIONS Super Right, Smoked, Thick 8lised for Brelling pkg ¢ SIDE BACON JANE PARKER "39. | TWIN_ROLLS 2b pkg 9D Fresh Fruits & Vegetables at ASP Golden Ripe, No: 1 Grade ) BANANAS 2-29 California Navels, Finest for Lunches, Fancy Grade ORANGES +79: APPLES A" Flim, Farey tree 340 colo bog 9 GRAPEFRUIT" Roan th se" ™'* 1010 49¢ ASPARAGUS "iat i™™™ #29: SPINACH Yom Guy Ror arate & Yelm, 2 10-02 cello bags 2 5¢ CARROTS "fan Sav" 2un25¢ CELERY HEARTS "Want bobuoh 19 LETTUCE alten deta bos fn © Se DATES 2 8-01 phos 29 24-02 cello bag 3 9 Reg: pkg 80s = BAVE be Calif, Fresh, No, 1 Grade Special Faster Offer! Canadian White Reg, 1b 8e=BAVE 4s OLD CHEDDAR CHEESE |b S5¢ 30: OFF Kraft Reg: Jar 83e--8AVE 6s EACH PACKAGE OF 2 PAIRS or | CHEER WHIZ 16-02 jar §7¢ Tooth Paste--20s OF Deal MERRIMOOD NYLONS STRIPE economy ize tube 78¢ ENN THE GREAT ATLANTIC & MEINE 184 COMMNY (TH, AP Super Markets A NN. AA MEA Bere (OY \ Baby March 28th, 1961