The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1961, p. 12

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$2 THE OSHAWA THA, Therdey, Mere FV, CAUGHT IN ATLANTIC STORM # second fishing host; the Mu- | other vessels lost | managed to make it salely to fice panownced (9day & new 75 The Miont Quehes Cy dragger Musquarg founders in the Atlantic olf the const of Nova Bcotin. Five men shoard viel, were feared 19 have thelr Wyes when heisvy seas swamped the vessel Wednes day, A search wis on for three INTERPRETING THE NEWS Tough Approach Lacks Support By DAVE OANCIA (limit. They apparently want to Canadian Press Biall Writer | keep the Laotian pot hoiling #s The United Biates will find!long as possible by hacking and little support in Paris or Lon supplying the Pathel Lan forces don far & tough approach to halt| Premier Khrushehey seems to the Communist-hacked military have conclided that he has Wt advance in the mauntainous|He to lose and & great del to southeast Asian kingdom of BRIN from this course Laos If the Pathet Lao are victor While American officials have Ms the Communists would gain heen quoted as saying no direct leontenl of & land mass that intervention is planned at pres: [COMA he Used 10 GXEFL PIRSSUTE ent in the Laotian fighting, Pres:|00 PEIRRROFING Neutral oF pre {dent Kennedy 15 veporied plapn-| Western € a un | Figs including ning more effective assistance Thatland Cambodia and South to the pro-Western faction wn: Viet Nam less a diplomatic solution is]. This situation will make the yeached speedily Laotian crisis the No. 1 item on Despite reports that the three the agenda of the BEATO eon powers are closing yanks, the ference opening in Bangkok impression in the British capital Monday is that there still Is disagree: |WANT ACTION ment between the French and! The Philippines and Thailand British and their American al- are reported to favor strongly lies on the issue decisive military action to pre: Observers feel that Moscow, (vent a8 Communist takeover In and probably Peking, are deter: (Laos mined 0 exploit this 0 the/ Britain and France hoth with SPECIAL begins today BUY A 36¢ SUNDAE GET ANOTHER FOR Let's all go to i the Dairy Queen for this week's one cent sundae sale! Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 23-24-25 RA 59792 RA 81162 233 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH 1347 SIMCOE ST, NORTH AT TAUNTON AB) |ackoss I on font (BFE EOINE 14 penetrate the King: card desenhing the mal | Asserts Truth Now Distorted TOROWEG (ECF) ~~. Bmw Davies, & member of the Bord of Brgadeast GOVEIRE, SA Wesneshny FRGNE BRA Ers pe ming fnistian Lwk Ww Fahiny Bil NEEY ISM Pr. Davies, 8 Baptist clergy Wiser the Lmieh Chih Postion entice gaat Konid ol intormation nd slew A Rita awity Wn the mich whieh ways Bes Ween BBR 84, Beyer Bas Ween WATE Rasy Yd ih than When ane bers the Clasing voices of speakers of schigion on TY wd rade' ERG WANE 16 WIKRE 18 pt al Ms resonances wh the Ssposil oA the church wn order 16 pre Sent BR Wmagr wiieh 1s pA Bs foried, wt 59 far there have heen few resents" He said the scene of confusion and Bistortion rpesemiesd by the BORAKETS Was RB Megrece 18 he name of the Christian chick Service Planned 'By Post Office OPIAWA (€F) Bk " ar H #h gx The Musquarg The post of cent pula Ah VERY BETVICE for registered meth, COD, pereels and shovi-naid letlers 19 gn sn effect April | Under the plan howsehalders Halilax ACF Wirephots from Nation al Defence) w years of experience fighting jw gle wars oppose ts. The wha were nod home 10 receive sparsely settled land has 19 such mail when the postman first rallinads and roughly 30 called can telephone to request miles of rords, The terrain 15 another delivery, Cost of eich ered and difficult delivery will he 25 cents Ball EF Oups can Brugge. AL presept postmen make two But military sitempts to deliver these ems unsuceessivl they leave # and ex fastness and remain Wg pleining it cen he picked up af the post office ow WW a 19 Mm 1 authorities sey no big srmiesi lf Ia Agm's AEIES in CAKE MIX You're sure it's good, it's Robin 1 Hood [ae at ot usa Good Things Come In Little Packages WHITE + + +» Perfect in flavour , , , perfect in texture and goes so well with any choice of leing, delicious when served plain tol CHOCOLATE... vu, asians and fudge-like, So luscious it's everybody's favourite cake--anytimel oc ------ Theiy erticisme AHIRE # commit ies of the eal dd Portia, BRIAoIES from 4, B. Bimonets leis hAMBEIR) that Lipset ERDIRER. he the thicker With Ina TORRE Mack ined 19 he & o 157 FRR ARS od. BERNE Wesueshny (hued wy SR MEO IsRE SRiss Fox Aut WEE YHLER thi sa tums Rebate We WHE RE THE EORGACTER the Ra ation Wy section ner 18 By fang & Wik 1 GEAR FERBE John Bedk, winieier 7 WHI Fargas ¥ ron CrEIIALR [Toi LER. YY BRE "Khe TRIIORAS RIE IRE WH rel Optania" Mr. Boot 4. "RE BR FESNE The LENORE WHEY 6 DECONRRE WETERS WW EEBERLIR) 14 the re Td Charlies Melsughton (PC wron) sid he conidn'l wader iand why ielephone long Mist ik EHREREE WEIR REEIHIA When FVILE ERSTERS WEIEW NYT FOR TAKURIES Provincial Treasurer Allan re bed thet the levy wasn't Ae WENIY Lak he "Ws BR sRIES Ip) sin AA RE BRK NECESSARILY RPE 3 many things that sre hse le necessities," Wik BIEN'L WER J0SINE OWL oh It of revenue by Erepping sa ng distance charges!" Mr claughion asked "Such a levy would he @most wassibie 1a collect) Mr, Al n replied, "parbicwlerly on calls 19 points pulside the prov wg" But how ean you possibly de cake every time! fii 158 WR ROBE 1EIVIcE ERE ERD B46 1RIEIINE EERE EL i dd thie (marty ative FRI IRBLT AT REAR These CRIES WIE BPEL Gly WAIN ER waiam the Ref on of tensile Derionet Dive erty towns Wh the pet, Mr. Allan FEks, "oil WER we Acfine H Ba LABIAL ISIE ETL) & Lapin personal ppperty wae NEW FAEMPTIONS Earlier, Hr. Aan wiroduces % ong A BEY RELEASE Be intrndunchd an sinkulment dau rebels #h or part of the tan UREA BY NIDA KORRES RN BRIBE Ih KR REPER RURIES AR GGRGO6 RIBEBRINEI. 14 thik RIMERRIREN Was Aelewled is 2} Froposes by Benneth Bryder (ECF Foromtn Woodie), # WIA have made the rhs wi IVR E OB RI} EEpensinies by ihe councis ana bhosins. The Liberals vided with the CCF the yale Hoss Whicher (1, gesied the at he smended 15 CEEOL RY DHTERGSES NBAEr ¥3 WW cents, He said the ons LEE LE RpINEaE on V] PRIERRERS WHA RIB BEAK ph. Jey Y Vd Ay thet i ¥ felt Lisfied Mr. Alan But you wonidn't he MENTIONS COSY In reply to & suestion from Andrew Thompson (Le oromn Dovercourt) the provineial trepsurer said he dian't think the cost of edminisiering the $INER) BRE Wr Lei iv # YON 8 Fephes the government. 15 £ 'Some Tories Support Sales Tax Criticism TOROWED (£F) a Ps Te PY REL WIA. Hipp 1h a Fos phe f A ATE A IRE KRESS Vie tex, sect Fk RR Ki MH 1% the imp Wi 1508 Yad JERRY WE ERitA PRE pti LEER hy AkiEls RB PIO iaan FEaRnng (ax 19 be oh IR BIE MIR ER RE Rh IRE EYER, RELATE WhEIR thy shiped 15 the percha ors bone by the vendor Ur. Bryden A he me Wh Dh The 17 IR NEN Eke WHA Ritinlivish 1msaif rom VERY REE EAVIER WB (iene Be said the provision wis "wh eploresabie"' ASKS RE 140K CLF Leader Machonidld asked {or £iR I A li RAEN oh preseried medicines, What WA Bepuen wm the cask ¥ # Bodnar Whe Prescriied Wwe 1a Wiespoons of Brandy B Asy for Ws prbiem'? Viewer Fine rephed REOF BO RB BAHT S § Me RESIN io hd § aan py oF HE the 1995 HA & das 4 kik RECTAN wimg nen" Was 14 rise ne ah BK it with | say pads, H he CORBLIRIEE Th wy 4 Lakes reply Ihernl 16 Mr. Allan v I on ss fat ad 9 #& Ruestion trom BAKE Yiplermeyey said the sais 1 BYRNE BRA KARR EINE Ini. Weying OF INTER RE a # Ihe Bats THAIN TINE In 1864, rRIIW RYE BETOSE North America sdomied the BLANRAKIR Lime sysem, nyeniesd by Canadian Bir Sanford Flem ng The answer to your request ,,, New Hasy Mix, the top quality cake mix with no extra frills to pay for , , , and a perfeot Yes, now you ean serve White or Chooolate cake every day and still save money because, New Hasy Mix comes in a convenient packet that is moisture proof and pressure sealed , , , and fits into the smallest corners of your pantry shelves, New Easy Mix is made hy Robin Hood Flour Mills, makers of the finest and most popular cake mixes in Canada, In every package of New Hasy Mix you get top quality ingredients which guarantee you suecess with every New Kasy Mix cake you bake, mix in town , 5) VE New Easy Mix, Today have fun , , , bake a layer cake, a square cake or lots and lots of oupeakes in mix or mateh flavours with the newest cake Te TH coo a ARIE 1 OFF | on any 2 packages of New Easy Mix Mr, Dealers Our salesman will redeem this coupon for 15% plus 3¢ for handling providing you and the sustomer have complied with the ter ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LIMITED, MONTREAL, pa. (15) Se ns of the alter Aifind § wi, fon George Medal 'Shipowners Given Problem To Parachutist WATREM, (CF) ~The C8 IVTEN A (EF) ~The Cummgs piling Boreham Services Lon Wid hkl mw ihah 14 (58 Wahnashay Mhrwel the Waoisy Cvial, 38, #8 Virs | avwrsnes Bey He wh WOE he Wa of @ ew in nt ine of Borne LEW rai tset. ak (pat, 18,00 rn ing nme of RETRY BERRI ITATE RAR aly WES th. Sika with er W chunky Ratan le I | Eke citations sys CI, Conall o Brineney Woyer Gk A koh ations were The Relion token # he KEATIER NRA THE a1 if GIRS ail esting, 1& 19 KIER Coiata MIsRgihen & Remand Wy Hyer NEL IR of We WR slaty alana a at ated yA His sleny ohh Reieivg aa 1640S Te IRE ined oY Hons wie B CIedit 19 rk im Thee sastah of the a sl wh the RI Ep ners Wed wamied ¥ re BOW RUKKRE # WIR Case whe mimy s enginesr- The EWA represents show Ry shod Bt Yehaer Cinsaing, 1198 Back, Ravigation and on BL, hl Bonk i Bre 19m the ERE « 1600 Hears W Eavem Wimp hee 15 free George, Yiu Lanads, nciwiing gesrty #8 of Kommeion oH Woks whe the 277 members of the Vederse al Wecome (owes Ww the Kae tom of 8, Lawrence Biver Wi WHER bike JIRA hs hasnnimtions, The Bue broke pad both wen fi) tisk, C9), Conall pitied wen 19 Fie EOE 1nies 8 on Yan Biosmeimy wl alge, fe Besa) annie Bota 11 ay 4 ar fa Fhe 14m ays have serves mo RWRY trom Wm wid pied We ive tht they en 19 § POIs, RARE Was the bosrdspmoved rae evel of Wh vais 4 Bandredy | #ffen Wye Ait 1, The rate, show 79 per cont hove the present oped RHEE 19 Brn moves from sHorage Envios om Ge bey to Helen Went OFF AW A (CF) = Westery 7 #04 Saint ohm, BB, farmers will Vrohy hive Cle j (OMMEMS mom {oh the ll lor Wgher freigm FRIEE BULHOTVIER IR EXPOIL BERD A pe Rrasikd RIAN [6 IE PNG Gk CREE 18g Aid Eh LHrEn Lad pond . Farmers To foot Boost In Rates nawled By ail from Georgian RY IRVINE 1h Ablaibie pars the Banid of Transport Commis Soners sid Wednesday The barrd made the comment BR VpREe FTeDoIL on ME IE cen. gpprayil of 5 CPRACBR big" yd add "YOUR CLEANER 1% YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRING Gerber Beef for your Baby! AEE a Onee you taste Gerber Strained Reef for yourself you'll know that here is the smoothest texture this Not only will you notice the luscious, moist texture, but the true-meat flaver as well. Because Cierber Beef is 100% pure meat, with just enough broth 1o smooth the texture and bring owt the good beef Maya side of a baby's smile Only selected, fovernmentsinspected Canadian beef is wsed, ( areflil processing removed most of the fat for easy digestibility, Like all Gerber Baby Foods, it's prep hy specialists who really know how te preserve the utmost in flavor, quality and food values, rod We invite you to taste Gerber Strained Reef, soon, And don't forget to try Gerber Veal or Chicken You'll find them Just as superior Rabie 8 Pe OUP DUSINESS Our onh husinesst | Ferber BABY FOODS NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA

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