The Oshawa Times, 22 Mar 1961, p. 7

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The Oshawa Times Pubhishes by Conndion Wewspopers Limited, 86 King St. E., Oshews, Ont Pog 6 Wedresisy, Merch 27, 1964 May Be Final Attempt T Discussion of possible means of reaching agreement on 4 ban of puclesr tests resumed in Geneve on Tuesdey, President Kennedy has seid thet this is the "one last effort" towwrd seeord with the Soviet Union, and presumaily if no agreement is reached, the United States will resume testing Mr. Kennedy also stated thet the United States has prepered ney pro- posals to put before the Russions which he hoped would lead to "the first inter- national arms control agreement in the puclesr age" The Milwaukee Tribune notes thet earlier talk of a deadline for agreement is no longer stressed, but the US believes that the first siz or seven weeks of the cw should indicpte administration rent discussions the prospects for agreement The talks were scheduled to resume Feb, 7, but were delayed to Mer, 21 to permit the new administration to review previous negotistions and reassess American policy Progress in 30-month-old talks hes been slow not all the foot dragging has heen on the Boviet side The United States has insisted on carry. ing further tests before entering into an agreement banning hard-to. detect underground tests, The Boviets have refused to agree to this unless given the and out Ban Nuclear Tests the opportunity 19 inspect US, explosive devices, something which the US, etomic energy net forbids, The Soviet have erected & formidaiie roadidock by insisting thet yearly ohe thespot inspections of seismic distri ances be limited to three, The United States and Britein beve held out for # for more realistic 20; they can be exe pected (on continue 19 do so, The Bussions have given ground on the composition of inspection teams 19 be stationed pt proposed control posts, Originally they demanded thet the twenty-odd posts envisioned for Russia be staffed by 29 Russions and one outs Now they agree to 10 Russians 10 neutrals, The Soviets still insist, however, thet & Rus sian be in command of each post, The Americans and the British have firmly sider 10 westerners and opposed this While continue, they are not insurmountable, these barriers to agreement There are good reasons to believe that the Soviets genuinely want an Agrees Significantly, they last spring when ment on & test hen continued the talks they broke off all other negotiations after the U-2 incident. The talks should et least give a clue to the extent of Boviet willingness to negotiate, current Tough Penalty May Help Ontario farmers are happy shout 8 proposal for stiffer penalties against offending hunters, Baid William G Tilden, president of the Ontario Federa- tion of Anglers: "Ontario farmers will be pleased to have the amendment, approved by the Legislature's committee on game and fish, put into effect, For the past few years, our annual conven: tion has been the centre for strong protests by members and delegates over the careless hunters and fishermen who damage property and main or kill live: stock," The proposed amendment to the Game and Fisheries Act reads; "Every person is guilty of the offence of hunting carelessly who, being in possession of # firearm or airgun for the purpose of hunting, discharges or causes to be dis. charged or handles such firearm or aire gun without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for persons or property, and is liable to a fine of not more than $500 or to im. prisonment for a term of not more than six months or both," Careless and discourteous hunters and fishermen have been directly respons sible for the closing of a substantial part of southern Ontario farmland, A farmer who finds his livestock mained or killed, his buildings full of holes, his his creek hanks tramp blamed for fences SaAERINE led and littered cannot putting up "no hunting or fishing to try to protect his property, he Signs The pity of it is that most farmers are not spoilsports and most hunters and anglers are not slobs, When they ean meet each other, they can generally reach an understanding. Members of fish and game associations and hunting and angling clubs almost invariably go out of their way to establish good rela tions with the farmers in their and an atmosphere of mutual respect is created, We have fished in many parts of Ontario and have yet to be refused permission to try a stream by the farmer and asking the ATEAS, owning the property farmer for permission is only a matter of eommon courtesy It is to be hoped, then, that stiffer penalties will impose some caution on the careless and the discourteous people, who are not and never will be sportsmen but whe should be able to understand the meaning of a §500 fine Want-Ads Barometer Newspaper classified advertisements have established a reputation as a powers packed method of advertising. Less known is the reputation that has been built up over the past 40 years as a business barometer, the Sudbury Star notes, Under the classification of housing aes ecommodation for sale or vent the elassis fied ads chart supply and demand in this field, The measure of truth was applied in the immediate postwar years when there was a general housing short age across the country, The "For Rent" ad was a rare item indeed but the news papers were publishing eolumns of he Oshawa Times be WILAON, Publisher and Genes) Manag 6 GWYN NINSEY Bde Ihe Csnawe (ime sambinin he Gihawa. Times Mabished 1871) ond the Wonitiy Gazelle and Sheanish eatablisned 1883) in published dally undava and alatutory halidays sssepted) Members of Canadian Dally Newspapers Publisher Assogiation, The Canadian Pres Audit Bureau Ciisulation and the Ontatie Pravin Dailey Aner cation The Copadien Prem 0 exchisively entities NOI we fr maublication af all ww dmpatchea Nn he pape credited to 0 or ta ihe Anociates Frans o Star and ala the eal news published herein AN sights at yoesial despatches are awa aN vea Otto: Thomaen Building. 445% Universit x @ v 4 ty Avenue faronte Ontatia. 440 Calhcam Street. Mantreal 9 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Whithy Alex 1am Parry. Prines Hesind By same Oshawa Pekaring Bowmanville Brees hin ABS. Maple Grove, Hampton Franshwans Bay Livepenl Tauntan, Tyan Dunbarton Ennasilien . Leskard Brougham Burketon £ laremant Columbia Greshweod Kinsale Raglan Blackstock Maneheite: Pontvpael and Neweastle nal aver 45 EY Wal Hin. proving oF Ontario) evtsioe sarrian dalivary aaan 1300 ghawhets |S 00 - "0 Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 196) 17,223 "Wanted" As construetion caught up with the demand the pendulum swung the other way and the classified ad ealumns told newspaper readers that at last they had a choice of accommodation at rentals best suited to the family budget, advertisements, housing In a period of recession or unemploys ment there is a slackening off in the number of "Help Wanted" advertises ments and an increase in the number seeking jobs, They tell a story of local conditions It is noteworthy therefore that in the past week or so Canadian newspapers are reporting an increase in the number of "Help Wanted" classified ads, This Is interpreted as a sign of a business up turn that lies ahead, This is the classifica: tion that is reported to be extremely sensitive to general business conditions ==not only in Canada, but on this eons tinent, Economists, financial and business trade journals all attempt to asses bus mess trends and economie health, but the role of the classified ad pages in the daily newspapers is an important one in telling of conditions as exper fenced hy the people themselves Bible Thoughts We acknowledge our wickedness, O Lord, and the iniquity of our fathers, for we have sinned against thee Jeremiah 14:20 pA _ Repentance for aur own sins and aes knowledgment of social failure are both essentipl 0 doing better in the future INSIDE YOU 73 When Tourniquets Get Tight Inside By BURTON HB, FERN, MD fidgeted nervously as her turned ghostly while she demanded, 1 fool two years Ago Um here now hecause my fin Bers hurt 56 mueh She didn't know that pushing up under her shoulder might have injured those nerves which were now triggering spasms in the blood vessels of her fingers An extra rib, arthritis and old frost hites can all sharpen these nerves, When the underlying dif fieulty ean't he found, doctors call the condition "Raynaud's Disease BUPERSENSITIVE BPASMS Anxious worry and cold tems perature spark these supersen sitive spasms, As internal tour: niguets tighten around the fin. gers, they turn chalk-white and lee-eold, They feel as though they've heen crusheli hy a glant wringer Gradually, bloed seeps back from tiny veins, and white deepens into dusky hiue. Final: ly, the blood vessels open and hot blood gushes into the fingers to color them lohster-red A eonl head and a warm hoyd can prevent Raynaud white, hlue and red fingers and toes, A relaxed life on sunny southern sands 1s ideal, if you gan move Your family doctor calm inflamed emotions, Nerve soothing medicines work like lee cubes to temporarily numb anxious warry Ear muffs, heavy gloves and woollen socks help keep you warm, Long underwear under heavy slacks ean prevent white, aching fingers on cold wintry days Your doctor can alse pre ferihe medicine to prevent these attacks. He may even SUH: gest an operatign to disconnect those oversensitlve nerves No smoking aloowed GALLUP POLL Bh fingers Look! broke my eriuiehes ean help Hven against painful, pele fingers, But now you're entitled to an extra nip now and then i your stom permits The glchohol warms your fingers as well as your stomach This Is one of the few times when you'll find chilled cocktails warmer than burning eigar ettes PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM A woman columnist pointed with pride to the faet that there are far more men than women in mental institutions. She wouldn't be so proud of her sex if she could know what a large pereentage of men in such in stitutions were driven nuts hy women If you are struck hy light ning, you never forget it," rays a person who was struck hy lightning, Most people who are struck hy lightning, however nevey remember i It is rather evident that the various factions in the Congo don't believe in the doctrine of coexistence With reference to using striet measures to prevent further de monsirations at the UN, it Is hoped that if and when Khrush chev atlends any: future meet ings of the UN, he will he re quired to check his shoe at the door Asked how he managed to keep a wife and three children in one eity and a mistress and two children In another with: out running into complications, a man told the eourt, "I'm pretty good at lying." In these days he also must be pretty good at making money, No Election This Year Most Canadians' Guess By CANADIAN INSITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION What's the hest guess of the political "grass vools' to the fa vorite guessing game of the day = will My, Diefenhaker spring a surprise election this year? In personal interviews with a representative sample of all vot ers aorass the pravinees the Gals lup Poll established these facts Rather more than five in ten voters think an election will not be called this year. Some of them say "Give them four years," Others comment "Re cause they wouldn't got the suppart of the people" ar "Tan much unemployment." However, three in 10 voters think there will he an election in 1961. Among this segment are those wha expect husiness condi tons to worsen and look for a surprise election, as one man sald: "Ta put them ahead of the New Party Will call election iss vss Will not Qualified Can't say Heve's haw the voting public stands when ticketed as favaring Will call an election ,,,, WIE AO yvyanavaeass 131948) Qualified Can't Say * Bess than 1% The remainder, just under two in 10, have no opinion one way or the other Palitioal Way a voler alives believe, hy more than three ta one that there's no chance of a 1961 election, On the other hand among those who say they would vote Liberal if an election were held today, opinion is split more evenly with a far greater expectancy that the Government will go to the peaple same time this year, than among Conservatives, Ads herents of the COF party are most likely of all political fol lowers to look for a 1961 vote, Reports for the Gallup Pall put this question to a national eross seotion of the adult population in all provinees "Some people expect that the government will oall a federal election in 1881. Others say that it will not, What {s your best guess?! the Consery: Interests affect thinks RLS M vey | 1h TRA RAANRA ANY 100%, either the Conservative or Liberal Party the Liberal HY MN ih} 100%, 1% 2% YEARS AGO Alex 8, Mel eese was elected chairman of the Oshawa Wel fare Board for 1936 Oshawa unemployed and part time workers staged a demon: stration against the welfare hoard on account of cash relief being discontinued George Hart was presented with a silver tea service sl a silver jubilee dinner of employ ees of the Oshawa Dairy G, Weldon of Oshawa was named as the third year repre: sentative ii the Engineering So clety of applied science at Queen's University Mayor John Stacey and Alder. man A, B, Mcleese were ap pointed to represent the City of Oshawa at a conference of the heads of municipalities in Oita wi The Woman's Auxiliary of the Phi Delta Gamma Fraternity ene tertgined at the Granite Club, Tarante, in honor of Mrs, H, A Brown, prior to her departure from the city, Mrs, R, H, Dey: man, Mrs, ¥, Bradley and Mrs 4 M. Mundy attended from ere OTTAWA REPORT At first, aby single wins will Wi Comimony eaith A Possible In 1962 By DON (VREARN TORONYO~Flestion talk! Yes, even though » genergl election wonld not. normally he held wntil 1995, the talk is wl Feady with ws One observer even went so far #5 to predict thet Premier Frost wowld go to the conmtry this year, This is most improbable But a vole next yerr tainly Isn't PUBLIC REACTION? Most of the speculation Is cemiening on sales tax and the possible effect i will have on the timing of a vile Liberal members have gone 80 far as to say they think the government will he defeated on it And they have the opinion that Mr, Frost will go to the COUNLEY Bs Soon As prachieal to avoid the damage of & pro longed public had taste for the tax Others in thelr own party, however, Lake an opposite view: point They helieve the public will gel used to the tax and that the longer the wait for an election the better so far as the gov: ernment Is concerned, CAN DEFEND I'his ohserver, at least, is con fident of Mr. Frost's ability te defend the tax as such, He has demonstrated in the past great capacity in showing the public that undesirable steps BIE NECRESATY There is no question that he needs the money the tax will provide, And, generally speaks ing the public will see this, MORE MONEY But there is another angle which is more pertinent This is that in the very near future he is either going to id Healthy Deposits Lying Forgotten By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA = Did you forget half a million dollars deposited in your hank? About 148,000 depositors have left $586,170 41 lying dormant at Canadian banks In accounts abandoned In the year 1051 alone, While much of this is in residual amounts, there are some very big sums among these banking wails, seemingly ton large even for a millionaire tn forget about How did it happen, for ex: ample, that a certain Jens Hosenmeler, of Copenhagen, Denmark, left $8686.01 lying in fn Toronto branch of the Royal Bank of Canada? Three other sums over $4000 have apparently heen forgotten, #8 have 16 accounts in the $2,000:-54,000 range, Abandoned fooounts between $1000 « $2000 total 19 in Quebec, 13 in On: tario, 4 in HO, 8 among the canny Seats of Nova Scotia and likewise two each in Raskatoh: owan and Manitoba, one each in Alberta and New Brunswick, but none in PRL ALSO FORGETFUL Nearly all these accounts were deposited hy Canadians, hut a considerable number hes long to clients who have res turned to UNA, leaving their money hehind, Bank accounts have also been left in eredit here hy 21 Hnglishmen, 2 Scots and a like number of French men, Belgians, Norwegians and Hong Konglans, Others belong to individuals from Haly, lee land, Finland. Greenland, Mex» lea, Sweden, West Indies, Is. rael, China, India, Denmark, New Zealand, Switzerland, Crechoslovakia and. even St Plerre of Miquelon, The department of finance has Just published a detatled list of this forgotten wealth, as required hy the Bank Act, This list, as always, covers hank ao COUNtS naw in their 10th year of total inactivity This romantic list poses ques tions, such a* what happened to George Bdwin White, of R.R, 3, Coldwater, Ontavia, who aban doned $2600.37 in a Savings Ae count at the Orillia branch of the Bank of Montreal?! Da the heirs of William Mel, Milton, of Robinson Avenue, Guelph, know that the Rank of Nova Scetia In that city holds M88. for his estate? Why did Howard Farrel abandon $297.37 in the Bank of Nova Scotia in Pembroke? And who 1s "Marlene," for whom $20.76 was deposited in trust at the Bank of Nova Scotia In Prince Albert hy Gladys MeBeath of 160 156th Street West? Bophie Bieber, of May. view and Annie Grovu of Leask each left three-figure deposits at the Hoyal Bank of Canada in Prince Albert; while William and Alice Ann Cooper, of Carvagana, Bask, are among several others whe left money in Prince Albert banks--~$120 24 in their case DO THEY FORGET? How goes Stefan Remminyk, since he left the Salvation Army hostel In Fort William? Does he forget the $08.23 deposited In a bank there? And where now is Marilyn Johnson, who was pers haps a nurse in training at the Gall General Hospital when she opened that now-forgotten Ravings Account at the Toronto Dominion Bank in that ety? Does anyone In Welland remember Verniacotola Doms ented, who did net remember $1406.08 In a Savings Account there? And how come Clarence and Margaret Smith, of #4 King Street, Guelph, were so absent minded about their balance. of SUI7.07 in a hank in faraway Edmonton? Kurma Dunko, of 27 Macbhar Avenue, Port Arthur, left $1193. 47 in the Canadian Rank of Commerce at the Lakehead; while Antoni Pietvawski, of 87 Wood Street, Kirkland Lake, left an even larger account totalls ing $1845.81 In the Royal Bank there In Sarnia, the Rank of Com: merce holds $158. 8M for Norman C, Higgs, of RRA In PRI bank depositors seem to he more careful of thelr money, yet John Flayd MacKinnon for got a small sum in a Charlotte town hank So the story goes on---adding the monetary flotsam and jets sam of all years together, our banks must hold well over $10,000,000 of our forgotten wealth EA shin WEE a, Tihnies Red | FL Athiote's Foot are qule XODRRM. Stans Tian (nw R Rn AeASs Makes R N pi XY nt a Het: AARNE AMA Sonn. Revivals WE SRR, TOuk MII TRAN a shin safes, have to reise the tex or rin wp some really whopping additims to dein Even the opposition growps 19 date havens seemed (9 grasp the (act that this three-per-cem ax 1s only & first step it 1s nok going to provide an thing like the money we will need to operate ny $6 FERER # reasmmabie deficits, Rerlizing this Mr, Frost may want to get an election out of the way next year By 1968 his gradusted pro gram of per puphl grants In education and Increased hos Jit costs 16 really going to hii Under his system in look had Given continuing unemploy ment and either additional tax or & huge deficit and the public might he inclined to see him through dim eyes Bo 1062 has its possibilities present thal year financing he will trmwing. The tysess (6 be hasel tampmneiiy Ww Aad rahve wil he fiom here from Walegw and Eater, # Wo plowed 19 WHOA File. gE FIs 15 (mila whl hastiaiia oF wow [aeting Ir 4s long ae thee tant REASINS VOR WOVE Mr Wats fis Aasided E To tron the srstegie serve win BAK (raneport come ERA. RAR THESE Res AA Cations wits [oF Emergsney Find - the - Wonk LEooy Mover idan "Leet" temps # Eo prepare roms 1oF sii miles wars in any He conditions from the to the tropes La dg og Wegivinr Army Fecriting fering soldiers worid-mide travel and Raven Wore withowt long overess postings and, @ the same time, citing awn the pwmber o PEEmanemt. quaners mio, COMING TU BRITAIN There is mother inter facet 10 the pian. Wile Bri beoops wie Ring throughout the Commenwesith, troops from Camm esith conmnes will be flown 1a Frilain 19° widerge iraimng here. Among the first to come wiki he Gurkhas from Malayn. Troops will wise he flown for training to Aden, North Borneo or wherever the IErrain ana chinale necessary for aechimatization can be found, Ome reason (or the scheme is the view, whieh is gaining wide support in Whitehall, that the most immediate threst to world perce during the next five years is Wkely to come In the Far Fast Cleaning Comments-- Math damage will nat Geer 19 Youn clothes if hey are clacned regis larly. Hever put sified clsthing GHGY "YOUR CLEANER 15 YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" JACK TURNER CITIZENS RIREGTOR oF CUSTOMER RELATIONS SAYS; "This season we suggest quick casH from CITIZENS" *Thinking of gifts to buy, holiday expenses , , , and wondering how you will meet the costs? As a Citizens budget counsellor travelling throughout Ontario, 1 meet many who are worried about holiday bills, I'm pleased to recommend the friendly, convenient Citizens loan service, Call today, see how quickly Citizens arranges Inans of §50 to $2500, at terms to suit you best," Whitby Figza, Whit MO 8.582 Oren b A 10 § PM Win hry Hid 9AM 10 6 PM Fri Loans made in Oshawa, Ajax Pickering ond all nearby towns Loan Offices in all Principal Cities THE STORY OF PEAK PROFIT PASTURE Three years' results on 65 controlled pasture tests prove that AeraUrea nitrogen fertilizer makes profitable pasture, Grazing days, milk yields, and extra hay production were carefully recorded and evaluated, The results shaw that on the average the Aero Urea Pasture Program will return aver $3.50 for every $1.00 invested in fertilizer, You get your cattle out earlier, keep them on pasture longer with proper nitrogen fertilization, Here ave the Three Year Averages Pounds of Aera Urea | Foi Age 160 MO { All rates | No. of Testy 2% LER) n LAL) LH] Nat Returns pes Fortier Dallay 18h This is peak prod pasture, your cheapest form of feed. For detailed information on how to use Aero Urea for better pastures, and the anmes of co-aperators in your area write: Technion) Services Departs ment, Cyanamid of Canada Limited, 160 Bloor Sweet East, Toranwe §, Ontario AERO UREA ET -- ee VANA NM TB _ GYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED NEVROGEN

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