The Oshawa Times, 22 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Bome motorists take good cir® rr 4 of thelr aprs, RA key pedese trians i gi IRE E CM 56 G % VOL, 96--MEO A ---- S$ ' » me Cd Sun CRUSHED CAR REDUCED TO GROTE, \ | { 5 ; WE PILE OF STEEL OSHA OMTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH Cloudy weather, with drive 18 eomtinne for 24 4 expected 1s hors, Apis 188 -"- Ligee Maw Pow fee ST THIRTY TWO PAGES Hint Kennedy Plans ' Big Laos Aid Prog WASHINGTON (AP) Presi ni Kennedy reported plan ive more effective mi stance to the pro-West government of 140s unless sieeMy Agrees 19 RB iplomatic solution of Were Close the presi helieyved increased embrace trang of sed government military men ang n hire WOYIBINE MAKE of conventions) ah mouthed 1n0ay ot's des Was fon fl fiat sid POLICE SEEK WITNESSES Anyone truck Win hard hy pronmani { re af (he Ra force Highway treet clover whe aw accident HCFERS 401 at the Brock leaf, Whith (7 noon asked 10 comact the Ontario Provincial Police of fice in Whithy, MO BA 88 Ask for Corporal Ray Wil liams m through IW ED mane pk Aa firey e Wed PON id aa Cap { 1orees gre Vientiane Pro-Commum yRNCINE 1OwWRra ial of Lao Should the situation in the hil Southeast Asian kingdom velop int an emer fie uddenly a¢ Three Jailed For Spying Three men it has the characteristics of were found what is called a thriller and i of spying on the there is a great temptation fo [a Nay for Hi Woviel Un- all of us to speculate about the fon and sentenced lo prison number of ends which are left terme ranging up to 9 years united, . |" Gordon Lonsdale, central fig:| It took the jury one hour and LONDON (CP) = and two women {uve in the ring in one of the 28 minutes to decide that the MRS, PATTERSON WEDGED IN DEATH CAR Photos hy Warren Barton, Times Staff City Woman 'Dies In Crash An Oshawa housewife wus The truck and the car, with killed instantly and her compan the front wheels of the troeek ion seriously injured Tuesday viding atop the roof of the Mg afternoon when the ear in which Diarmid car, skidded along the they were viding was stvuck and highway to the- west, knocked almost run over hy a 20:ton con: down a 4foot x J-loat highway erete trek sign-at the cloverleal, and came Dead is Mrs. Lois Lorraine to vest in the island hétween the MoeDiarmid, 41, of 336 Montave two legs of the Oloverleaf Ave. She was the driver of the Seconds after the car and was pinned in the car's horn started to add ils wreckage for more than one shattering note to. the gsly hour hefare her hady was freed. soene. It was three minntes b In the Oshawa General Hospis fore it could be silenced tal, with stomach injuries Ad 0} Passing moto dsts tried de ations and bruises is Mrs Patri sporatoly. ta free Mrs. Patter ri Joan Patterson, 31, of J nl son, stil conscious in the front Moco Bt. Who Was 8 DIN goat her face abave the dash senger in the car, She Was 11a poavd and her hody wedged b ped for more than half an hour sweep the hack of the front seal W the wreckage, She is Ww fang the dash board. An acely sition, lene torch and jacks 0 Lohan lig (brought ta the th tavior. RR 1 door frame was out away hofors \hiRitved she could be freed, still eon selous, from the wreck. nearly The aveident acourred about] 145 minutes after the accident 1:30 pow, Just east of the Rrock op he atelier Irueks needed SL oexit from Highway 401. Pa | Two were 10 live that the westhaund! Pull the truel and car apant to Car ruek in the why | Mrs. MeDiarmid's hal the westhound cement truck {0 pulling the truek backward some distance east of the en and the other anchoring the trance 10 the. oloverleal. on thelCTushedin car. When 'the (we driving lane. 1 is believed that/Vehivles were separated, the car an unidentified transport was/Polansed in a pile of twisted parked an the deceleration lane | Metal leading to the claverieal Al nine bn. Tuesday officers of the Whithy Detachment CITY EMERGENCY the OPP. whe investigated, wore PHONE NUMBERS still trying 1a loam the caus of the collision Taviar's load POLICE RA 513 FIRE DEPT, RA 3.6374 HOSPITAL RA 32211 | crash, th Curran and track, Ivan Claremont, was! scene and believe was Ve Hes 0 of ready mix HE 10 a Cone le was on construction job In Dunbarton Husbands of hath women were Al Wark at the time of thy acl dent, y way sensational British spy defendants=--two British govern trials since the Second World ment clerks and three foreign War, received 25 years {ers=-had violated the British | Lonsdale, 37, possessed a Ca: Official Secrets Act {nadian passport hut - was ae: They were accused of hiding {eused of being a member of theia powerful radio transmiller Soviet intelligence service {capable of reaching Moscow, in Peter Kroger, 0, and his an innocent-looking London sub wife, Helen, 47, were given 20 urban house years each Twa of the five were formerly employed at a British under MARRIED IN US waler weapons centre on the The Krogers, named as Lons: south coast Kennedy ring, said they were married in the United Slates in 1035 and Seeks New 4 Aid Plan most he for act new delegate emigrated to Britain from Can ada in 1064 The two British admiralty em ployees, Harry Houghton, 5 and his fiancee, 46 » year - old Ethel Gee, were sentenced to 15 years each Police evidence introduced he fore the sentence sald the Kro {gers were known in the United, wasHINGTON (CP) Presi {Btates by the name Cohen dent Kennedy asked Congress The sentences were handed today for a drastically re down in Old Bailey court by yon ned Jong-term foreign aid [Chief Justice Sir Hubert Lister program == the most sweeping | Parker overhaul since the Marshall {The all-male jury was oul fori pian started in 1048 one hour and 28 minutes before!" 11 would include §7,300,000,000 returning Its verdiet, All Ave iy five-year Ioan authority to had pleaded not guilty make the 1060s the 'decade of R nD & mn ) [development |THRMED Ary THRILLER ol The Ren proposed thal I SUMmMing up the case ear lthe long-term program he en lier, Lord Parker called it a spy|!h® !OnE-erm Progra ! thriller of the first water and, Yisaged replace Rlonemed ab one of major importance to the ects and he directed hy a single tate administration embracing all alate the present agencies concerned After a two-hour address with foreign aid instrueted the jury to retire Kennedy put no over-all price its verdiet without trying to tag on his program, but officials like "amateur detectives estimated the five-year total "This case is of considerable would run several times the importance not anly to the pris: §7,400,000,000 proposed for eco oners concerned but the state. nomic development loans over "It has been full of intrigue. seas Easy On Russi GENEVA (Reuters) he whieh would be set up te con United States today prepaved to trol the test ban spell out in detail its Beitsh- But American and British del hacked proposals for a nuclear egates emphasized the Saviet test ban which involved major] proposal was made hefore the concessions to Russia {West granted the Communists Sources said American dele: PANY on the commission gate Arthur Dean will probably At Tuesday's session, the fist spend this week and mast of 8ince Dee. § Dean outlined the next elaborating on the general Western plan, whieh in proposals presented Tuesday ta cluded concessions by the West Soviet delegate Semyon Tsarap: Which would Kin I. Allow Soviet scientists to British David 'spect American nuclear de Ormshy » Gore named to Viees to be used in vesearch pro preside aver today's meeting Sam the 278th af the test ban confer ence which began 3 months aun Tsarapkin ment lly Tuesday seemed WHA Lengthen the maratovium on small underground nuclear explosions to 38 from 27 months bringing it closer to the Soviet proposal of four 10 Ave years Grant Russia 20 annual in spections in both the United States and British terntories--a total of 4 {. Increase the contvel oom mission 10 police a test han three member @ each fram treaty to 11 countries. Four each the East, West and neutralist fram the, West and Communist counlies=for the commission bloe andSihree neutrals, used 1 on the proposals but said there still to be 100 many ifs The Russian suggested to the conference the "administrative ! a cam armation of an canncil™ of on C BEATO MEETING thregt 19 the |aoti inet EERLY fre f £% tenes ment WOM quickly gzeney of ih LOVER) ¥ to eon HR 14 be prepares As an for ems Fe AHEAD #4 on & ilk But offic aid 4 ent there 1s Mirect inter The que inter no serious thou of ention hy forces tion» form Montreal Cabs Move Again MONTREAL (CP) real"s axl meter mally today, ending bid hy the Protection drivers to have the dr off their joh Six men were are ending Tue ssocialion drivers publicize Oring ein of fom ticked no i trong Association for the 0 fontreal el ilk ted | day ought n thu zhi up 24 hours n the a of in improve He {port tions and Lions Organizers of the demon tions said st one time Tus 2,000 of the «city's 15,000 drivers were taking part Association president Jacque Lefaivre, who tried to win sup port for a brief which was to he presented to city officials sald he would not go to cy hall today, "nol until | see how many men are still supporting me." demonstra grievanvi cong ira day taxi Iam ER Wi £8 y may & [orEign mms Hepsi! Ma ation Mon ckok, Thailand. Slats Husk to 7 meet leaves atiend ferved for 99 min th Busk, De Hob 1 Mc oF ana ght Kennedy en THeslay w SeCTeLary Al military maker White House Rusk met with Brit Sir Harold Cac French Ambassador pre dm anny Her and umably 10 a report, Britain and members of SEATO United The Philip and Thai manag the Blates Pakistan nes Zepland tana ATO membership ha what kind Laos, Britain heen strongly kind of oulsioe and The The 5) heen Hit over of| in ave sotion to take Fr opposed intervention and nee ¥ fo any Thailand feel thet the US greater use of the machinery interven Philippine haoulad make BIEATO allignes which id lead tion The attitude on this point is said to that if of oul side frees hecomes Necessary to vrevent the country from being oversan by pre-Comimn nist rebels the decifion should he made and the action taken on an allied hasis rather than hy the UK, alone co 7) Kennedy admimstralion s he introduction MAFIA-RUN RACKET | Policeman Tells Of Bri TORONTO (CF) A provin cial police constable testified Tuesday that a Mafia-led gam bling racket was being pro tected by bribed Ontario Pro vineial Police anti - gambling squad men Constable George Scott, who acted [IL] undercover man and worked his way into the organ ization, gave evidence al the preliminary hearing of former OPP constable Rohert Wright, Joseph P. McDermott and Vincent Feeley, They are charged with conspiring to give money corruptly fo Seo with the intention of interfering with the administration of justice MeDermott and Feeley are jointly charged with ating a gaming house All three pleaded not guilty 'More Clues In Balsam Murder Case Murder: vigtim, Elsie Mia garet MeCausland, 24, was seen in a red and white car at Gor vard street east and Parliament street, Tarante three hours be fore she was strangled, Sunday morning, Police said Tuesday Mrs. MeCausland, mother of twa children, was found on a lonely road in Pickering town ship. Police believe she was thrown from a moving Her lower denture was found on the Audley road aboul nine miles fram the scene, hy police working under Inspector DA Nicol, of the provincial police Police are checking a list names and telephone numbers found in the murdered woman's rooms. Mrs. Edward Garner of Toronto, Kisie's mother her daughter years ago, but her hushand Ms. Garner alse told her daughter had suffered from an involuntary shaking, since childhood, a disease called Hun tingdon's Charea Among her belongings they found a letter addressed to evangelist Rilly Graham asking hm to pray for her cure. There were alse clippings from new paper help wanted ments. She. had dor a job as a nlso oper Cu ol said five fron married separated padioe advertise DORKING wWallress v heen be Tries feoll sald he was offered $200 a month to protect two gam bling ¢lubs=the Ramsey Club in Niagara Falls and the Veter ans Club in Cooksville=hy tip ping them to raids. He said he was told other officers on the anti-gambling squad were tak ing $25 a week for similar warn Ings He told of a meeting he had with Wright at a Belleville mo tel nearly a vear ago. Wright was still on the force and sla tioned there Wright told him, Scott said that an American was fronting for a Mafia gangster in the op eration of the Niagara Falls club, This alleged Mafia hood lum was one of the 20 men sen tenced to prison after convie tions of conspiracy in 1050 when agangland convention was cracked at Apalachin, N.Y., in| 1047, Scott's evidence continued that prior to the Belleville meet: | ing, when he learned the Mafia was involved, he had heen given| four $100 hills by Wright as two months pay for his raid warm: INE» Brendan Behan Back In The Brig TORONTO (CP)=Irish play wright Brendan Behan appar ently forgot his pledge to drink only tea early today and after a fracas at the plush Royal York Hotel spent the vemainder of the night in a police cells without refreshments He 10 Appear in mags trade court this morning on of assaulting a police nftioer, assaulting a hotel secur iy officer and creating a dis urhanee Sketohy botsterous himself in me aney voromonies siival here He apparently then Mavor Nathan Phillips given Tuesdny-=that have himself He had said Tuesday after his with the mayer at oity he was not fooling mu eh publicized 10 tea from the hig Was charges reports indicated the I vis hman behaved Toronto until some his job as master of al a week-long jars forgot advice he be neetn al \ ho swWiloh {stutt h POLICE DRAGNET OUT FOR BOY'S KIDNAPPER l Ransom Note Demands $25,000 BELLEVILLE (CP)--An ll out search 10 find a I0yerr-oid belleville hoy kidnapped Mon day witernoon under way east of this Lake Ontario com munity by and provincial paoice Police identified Thomas MeNevin alderman and Mrs Nevin of Belleville they feared for his Adding mystery to the kid RAPPING the death Tuesday night of Warren Williamson about 35. whom police described the intermediary named in ransom note to get in touch with the boy's father regarding payment of $25.00. Police said Williamson died from mr self: inflicted shotgun blast in the chest Police said Williamson 100k his own life in the basement of his ranch-style home on South: jew Ave. in the northeast see tion of the city after being ques: tioned hy police concerning his part as intermediary The young MeNevin hoy, a pupil at Queen Alexandra school, has not heen seen since 4:16 p.m. Monday when he left home with his skates saying he was going to play hockey He [ailed to return at the usual supper hour. A few min: utes after 6 p.m. the phone in the MeNevin home rang and a male voice told Mr, MeNevin his son had been kidnapped "If you want to see your boy hain rae nétryetions closely," the volee on the phone said y " phon sald he had found on the sun Mr. McNevin, owner of the ¥is0r of his ear, read: "We Are (len Roy Creameries in Belle. holding Tom McNevin for ran. ville, ignored the caller's warn: 50m. You know him. You will ing not to get in touch with pa-| be the delivery man. Do as you lice, He got in touch with the|#re told if you want to help the Belleville police department at| boy. Take the note you will find ance, Provincial police and the|under the front seal to Mr, Me: Kingston police department aye Nevin and do as he instructs, co-operating in the investiga: You will be fold what to do with tion this and other notes k For ately Feasons, polive - ept the kidnapping from public Gas Blast ' Injures Two knowledge unfil today "With the safety of the hoy al stake, we couldn't take the chance," said Police Chief Wal ter Probert CLARKSBURG (€P) = Three The chief said police have , heen working on the case round [men were hurned, » least tut the-clock but that the depart gasoline storage fank wes blown tn pieces during a driving shed fire at the farm home of John Walker, 8% miles south of here Tuesday ment has no clue as to the hoy's In Meaford General Hospital [] imerview with Williamson, por lice were advised of William. son's derth Williamson, » WMedong resi dent of Belleville, was a pariner in a disposable towel firm and an elder in Tabernacle Upiied Church Crown Atlomey John Pringle said the phone call to Mr, Me- Nevin Monday night saying hs son had heen kidnapped also in. structed him to go 10 the corner of George and Dundas Bis. in Belleville where he would find # letler in a newspaper box The Crown attomey gave this account of events that followed: Mr. McNeyin went (0 the box and found a sealed white envel- ope. Inside the envelope was » sheet of paper demanding $25, Mh ransom "Get $25,000 in cash in used fives, 10s and 20s," the note said, "Pack it tightly in brown paper and tie it tight. Park your Cadillac in front of 241 Ann St at 3 p.m. Tuesday and stay for 15 minutes tn show instructions completed, You will receive a call again anytime after § p.m, with further instructions.' On the reverse side of the note were the words 'do not contact police or anyone. Fol low instructions and your son will be home shortly after mid- night tomorrow (Tuesday). Tuesday morning Williamson brought several notes to the Me. Nevin residepee which he sg he found in fri i One note, which Williamson city the hov as son of [ormer Donald Me and said safety } as - JOHN F. MEAGHER Meagher Spotted In Toronto John Frederick Meagher Oshawa, Canada's ted criminal, was defi hy man who on a downtown To a detective ser the Metro Toronto M of second most nitely knew ronto geant on Police said today Meagher is reported to have bleached his hair. He has heen hunted since April 9, 1957, when he escaped custody, He slipped from his handeufis while * +h taken from the Bon Jan to the York County Court building (0 face a charge of robbery with violence Twn others were given sen tences of five apd seven years for their part in this $6000 roh hery at the home of a Searboro car dealer Meagher's father was forced sell his home in Oshawa vear hecause he put it up a $000 property bail while his son awaited retrial on a ear theft charge The armed robbery took place while Meagher was awaiting this trial, During the robbery, a man was 'pistol-whipped." hin {reel in last Teens Bruise Toronto Man TORONTO (CP) A Toronto man who early today asked four teen-agers in a Queen Kt, W restaurant to stop using ohscene language suffered a five-inch gash in his jaw and another that almost eut off the end of his nose when the youths al tacked him Alexander Hickey, 441, and a companion who came to his aid, Kdgar Brown, 80, of Angus, were treated in hospital, Brown suffered deep cuts over his eyes whereahouts Police said Williamson, cub master of the pack in which the MeNevin boy was a member, went to the MeNevin home avo Herbert Maxwell, 72, Tuesday morning and reported hrother - in = law of the farm he had found a note in his ear owner; Ted Kentner, 40, and naming him as the "delivery william Tannahill Jr, 20; man" in the ransom demand Maxwell, in poor condition tos Williamson told police he had day, suffered fewer burns than heen driving towards Kingston the others but was apparently when he noticed a note in the struck on the side of the head sun viser of his car. He sald by the tank. Kentner's condition was poor and Tannahill's only fair Witnesses said that after the blast the air was "full of the note read that Thomas Me: Nevin was being held for ran flames" and two burned men were "halls of fire." inflicted by hottles som and that he (Williamson) Mrs, Rosalin Thorpe said she was appointed intermediary. He and the two men were in the said a second note found under restaurant when four youths the front seat contained instrues and two girls in a nearby booth tions for the boy's father Cause of the five was not des hegan swearing A few hours after their last termined, ssl BEHAN HAS HIS SROUBLES IN TORONTO

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