6 THE SSHAWA TIMES, Wadneatey, Maeren Wu, row' Sv g Bs H [strc SHOPPING CENTRE TICSAV » | ATABLE COMBINATION OFFER! ; : td Rl SPIN-CAST OUTFIT CoLLApSIBLE GOLF CART A ---- Rod is full 6 11, solid jlon ond hes Shree Woinleh wed Here's on o veel sollopible tort fats Jub Jot ALL WOOL . Ist QUALITY guide ond Suide bn a with a bravia pia - Pocked with festures -- fis ony sine H A ND M ADE LY 1 VF PRE-PASTED die-cast housing ond red anodized aluminum heod cover, golf hag, Wrong, rugged construction -- Hes 10-inch push-button control, enti-reverse rubber-fired wheels, A terrific lever, To complete this really fine buy of this lew price, ' 1 Q 5 / WALLPAPER outfit you got 100 yards 61h. test REG, 15.00 - 4 5 pinning line, MATS Wide selection of pat- x Yonm colors from which fo REG, 17.95 terns and decorator 25" x 45" Reg, 995 ; choose WEEKEND 95 WEEKEND sive 4 SPECIAL SPECIAL "ou &, 4 [ ALL WOOL 4 City" lavel wind reel, 1 | of lus fib hide. This excellent design in major league hes really 8 Gian City, lovel wind oul. | spook of line pias igre wonderful pocket form and finger Fit, Solid trap, hinged 9 ONLY ti. ew We rst sot fo oe E16 wing od sor, eur' poi " nw. 95. i "iG. 6.30 2.99 ""™ REG, 9,95 4.98 "m WEEKEND 05 ay Sporting Goods wen. 10) Russ are Oshawa Shopping Centre | | see oun BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF TRILAN G.0; CARPETING Weekend Special " roan a EADIE fo BMK, & SANDRAN CASTING Conada. This set consists of MAJOR LEAGUE GLOV E CARPETING $. on} 9 Red Only #. A a A AE SAA al Fa v |SWAN © HARDWARE Shishi OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ® THURSDAY, 23rd MARCH : o FRIDAY, 24th MARCH yx IRE [ron tot per | Ale, Aas Fink, Turausise 0 and Yellow, Reg, 1.49, SPECIAL V0 o SATURDAY, 25th MARCH [iS itil ig : IL 9:00 P.M. al TY , i -- t » vO a 3 Sulla dl u WE Hh PRR RW ok FEEDER PLANT SET Perle: \ : 3 SERVING TRAY 0 Gig 4 TISSUE RISPENSER. Beautifully § RUBBERMAID BATH MAT, A "musi" § INROOR-OUTROAR THERMOMETER, ¥. METAL WASTE BASKETS, Colorful alanters for variety THR § aie 5 BALL: 36, SAUGEPAN SEY, Handy sf, white tour tray, giant size, heavy:ge 14 syled ieakable, scraleh-proef, for wyary hems, heavy weight safety Uni ake wall ot windew Jhermanmalen designs and sparkling metallics, Size ng planter and twa reund, each with Satin-finished, 214" diameter, Smeathly ~~ with red trim, heavy durable enamel yrange of calor 1,00 or eer mal 2147 x 13 aval any Tar, AMIENS 70% 1034", all 13" high Colonial @ Trav and wick, for, "unifarm selfs ravaiyes on real ball-heeringh 1,00 coo wernivee wl, one 140 sien tival patte 1 00 Reg. 1.3%. SPECIAL LJ able In white, pink, turquaiss 1 00 installgtian 00 oii blus Scrall white, Metallic LAE A co a, Round Rew, 1190, SPECIAL (1 and one 1-Al sigs. ' Reg 145, SPECIAL i Reg. 179, SPECIAL ' Reg: 135, SPECIAL ' Reg: 149, SPIGIAL 1 00 and qos 1a The sel, 1 00 Re SPECIAL ! 0 3 on 107, SPECIAL [|] SEV E ' a FERRI, | 3 Gi i Y \ LN INET Artist Rose Bin Fes * a ' i 8 i of i am 3 \ { ANN ww BRIAR \ 10. MEASURING SPOON ANP TABLE 11. ROAST MEAT THERMOMETER. In 13. PRIVEWAY OR GELLAR BROOM, 13. HANGING WALL PLANTER, Large 14, CANBY THERMOMETER, Ideal for 20. WARTERARKEY, Durable unbieaks 4, OBLONG POLY BISH PAN, Smartly o We A SALY & PEPPER SEY. Seven-pieem dispernible aid fo cooking roast meal For indeers ar auidaars, hrewn fibie aitraslive brass pal == sturdy bran candy, ising and deep fal feeds, salid anise plastic. Will net mar or serateh afvied, Pusirenstant, Fils mast sans a attach, tacking ¢ # Copperione A im set, litetime fin rare, medium, well dane. A145" heavy hiistles set nn Ry" x 13 hang-up hiackel, complete with thes maple handle meunted en pring lip any surface, Size HAY high, 814 ¥ dard ainks, sant rat, dent er ship aliminaled 04 . graded fram 14 teas tube, heavy gauge alumin arnished handle 1,00 strand brass ehain Recipes and directions included with 1133" tap. In Pink, Yellow, Type 13 x 11 x 87 Cara Yellaw, pink opening and closing ard table N 4 (WIE finish A F plete with skewer and recipes Ren. 14%. 3PEGIAL Reg: 110 SPECIAL re wach Aline Hirguaine 00 Reg 1.35, SPECIAL Ren 144. SPECIAL Reg: 133, SPECIAL 1,00 Reg 119 APEGIAL 1,00 Reg: 100. SPECIAL 1.00 Rew 139. APEGIAL \ § &, i Bay ' N x } NN SN ERR \ ; en SAG LP -t . . 4 hl w wy SRE A . oy 3 ALS RUBBERMAID SINK STRAINER, 16 FLOUR SIFTER, 3 sift, Tonle action 17. CAKE RECORATOR ANP COOKIE 18. POLY CUTLERY TRAY. With @ 19 STOVE MAT ASSORTMENT, Pig 30. RANGE SALY & PEPPER. Copper 31. DRAIN MAT, Apron style, prevents 30. BREAD ANB UTILITY BOX. Um handy; Site ph i hie v no soldered iaints na @ears 10 wear MAKIR an al designed. Na salarful ~ d-compartment farmetitting te I Asai! hee Hiacaloration heavy rane Aluminum set far the Range. new shipping of shina and glasiware Se hieakabie air seal fig keeps food (rash " ck drain a 1 a . was pa ¥ nplete set x ioe ap, ashesios hackin papular \ and alecty diainhoaids a Lae a *ad hax, vegelanl 1apar age sink, Sandalweed, : d-cup capacity. Red or yellow 1 iterchan Vins siore cutlery tray, unbegdkable, sanitary linen Hind 7 raund WW A HV) havens! lack caver, ne thisads 1.00 VAR, Ch . y Yellow, Pink a boi WHR, a x YE : Natal! i dam slaw and nirquoine floral, desig arent bharel assorted calor 4 grey, pink, ha Reg 13%, SPECIAL ave ¢ ols Hirauai Reg. 13%, SPECIAL 1.00 Reg 1.30. SPECIAL 1.00 ih 3 SPECIAL 1.00 Res, 13%, SPECIAL 1,00 auaise. Reg E19 SPECIAL 1.00 dy a9 EC AL 1,00 Pu] Vas SPECIAL h INI y CERNS TI MORE SR EI VAY: BP AL