The Oshawa Times, 22 Mar 1961, p. 21

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20 THE OSHAWA TIES, Weinesiey, Merch 33, 1960 ! Dr TE TEASE. Drug ops Blood Fat EATON'S n OSHAWA By THE. ASSOCIATED PRESS AGMISST BILOOH FAY A new Swe 19 lover levels of cholesiert or fa Wn the boss can be prescribed wn = Canzda 19 id heart Mecise Vis ms The dng (Lrsde pame. oho loxin) is derived from thyroid | hormones, and lower choles | fersl, the WREY shstance some Aoctors heheye collects : | on the loner watts of Wood vessels, causing Wecking of the prieries and heart ptlack Wi may be weed on men Rs Yong is UH with bigh chic terol Levels ps protection puminst future best or rain i Eelastiovhes seus Dr. Compr ei Moses of the University of Pittshmrgh 4 ma RALOWS EDGE Bazor Wades take off fowr {19 15 times ps much skin as electric remorse, sey Boston reseprihers Seven times Rs WeDY Com: plaints of plier « shave bum | ome (rom FRIOF WEES RS from electric shaver wsers in fests on 29 men mpd 1 vomen, indicates g report in GP journal of the American Academy of General Practice Once g person leas 19 use electric shaver properly, diflerence in closeness of i ye compared with a razon PICTURE or THE MONT s almost pegligihie, the doe A phots of five firemen run- | Solel took the picture from | wike the dead" We turned h often fall victim to one ning for their lives from a | 100 feet away At a muli- | and shot, Martineau, #8 4: | of man's big enemies, heart ? tumbling wall won February's | million dolar warehouse fire | year veteran at Le Boliel, used | disease a new report shows, 4 Wy CP Picture of the Month | Feb, 9, He wins the $25 prize, | a Bpeed Graphic and Royal KX | A study of 100 dogs by Uni: 7 ? award, Chief photographer | He was talking 19 & friend | Pan film and shot at 145 #08 | versity of Pennsylvania vet: LA, Martineau of Quebec Le ) when there was "g noise fit 19 | 1/200th erinarians found 299 with re. al om lable signs of heart disense ¥ [od ' M e Cloth and 22 others with suspected Or es RISERER Go N ative o COMMON, COMMON COLD There may he ns racic | Less Kitchen Val cine a the common USE THIS HANDY SIZE CHART WHEN For Adventure 'For First Lady a hn [are AI ORDERING BY TELEPHONE OR MAIL mon enlds Toronto (CP) = "Go native" |Bouth Africa, he returned north' QUEBEC (CP)=Mrs, Jean Researchers report several, M you really want to see the on a tramp steamer, crossed fesage has had to increase her Perhaps many, Viruses cause world, sa Peter Stollery, ad- the island of Madagascar, 190k wardrobe and cut down on her eolds, And the prevalent vi venturous 26 » year old Tor- a freighter to Kenya and eon: cooking since her hushand he: ruse in your neighborhood ontonian whe has just returned tinued on [not through Bomalie came premier of Quebec last are always changing, Chances from a three » year globhe-cirel- and Ethiopia, June are if you pick up a particular ing tour through four contin: Early in 1060 he was grrested. Otherwise, her life has end, you won't catch the same ents by Arah soldiers after a sall- changed little me pean that season, since He did just that, Wearing boat was nearly wrecked and, She has lived since childhood the hody huilds up defences shorts, sandals, straw hat and the captain put him ashore onin an atmosphere of politics, against that virus A Linking' "T-shirt, he hit the the edge of the Arabian desert. She met her hushand, now 48 TOURISTS COMPLA trail with 8300 in his pocket and He persuaded his captors to re- when he was campaigning on Why Ao so many tourists a return boat ticket just inllease him and received a per: behalf of her stepfather and has. come down with digestive dis case, sonal apology from the Sultan always enjoyed the rough and, orders when (hey travel From kehind the counter of of Lhad) Hamble of the political sphere, abroad? Doctors just don't his father's midtown haber:| His wanderlust took him to! The former Corinne Tegarde| know, The answer may lie dashery where he now works, India, Pakistan, Kashmir, Ne: admits to having once had) with as vet unspecified baer the tall, nattily » dressed tray. pal 'northern Burma, Hong hom § " Af 8 ni er CAFREY.| teria oF Viruses eller recalled some of the high- (Kong, Timor, Australia, Mar: [d7Tained as a aramatie soprano. , . lights of the trip tinique in the West Indies and she has performed al concerts M ONLY M, REALLY There were 2 ba A and with the Quebes Symphony Men between the ages of 8 There were some had mom: finally home I : ents, such as when he was ar:| His worst experience was the Orchestra, She gave it up, how:| and 50 are the most frequent | 4 § when he bt experience was the) | Hind » in| Mars about their ages, # study rested by French security beating by Indian police, He) THE 1 favor of marriage In) Cote But women. although forces on suspicion of spying at had missed his train during a mi i wed! they lie less frequently, tell the Sahara desert nuclear lest: brief stopover near New Delhi 18 plump, merry » eyed) Lo bigger lies. ing centre; was stoned hy na: and had tried to hoard the next Mother of four doesn't feel that d BE tives in Ethiopia when he tried one, His haggage and tickel effects on the lives of her ehil » to take their picture; was were on the first train hut they ids MiB vi "of a. beaten by Indian police In aleouldn't he found (homewnrk ~ hahits of the two! om 1ps mixup aver (rain fare, and cap:| My, Btollery sald he doesn't|oiger hove | a... polities has had any harmful tured by Aah soldiers and held blame the police themselves hut prisoner in a desert fort, Is annoyed at the way the In ATTEND SESSIONS ested An Safe Travel I 1 3 | ey are 8 niereste | TAUGHT IN ALGERIA i on a government, she sid, that they When Mr. Stollery left Can: written apology, then threat. attend sessions of the legisla-| VIENNA (Reuters)=Nuclear: | / i ada for Yurope in 1008, he ened to arrest him for resisting ire in Quebec City nightly, powered ships ean he made one . J \ i i A ss ------ planned to stay only A few arrest {Jules 1s 21, Rene, 18, Marie, 15, of the safest methods of trans:| f i months, In the summer of 1058 and Raymond, 4 (port, according to experts at the he went tu Africa, hitchhiking NEED FIVE YEARS Mrs, Lesage herself attends International Atom ie Energy from Tripoli te Cairo, He has written a personal{school for an hour's Instruction! Agency headquarters here, "Phen | met this Yank, Helletter to Prime Minister Nehry/In English every avallablel But, the experts admit, the had got u teaching fob in Al: asking for compensation for the morning. Bhe says, however, time has not yet come when ny glers and fold me I should look beating and for his ecameraher publie speeches In English|cleay powered ships ean om: Inte it." {equipment and film which were|@re still Hmited to s8YINE pee economically with conven | Peter, who had left high!lest, He has had no reply, | thagk you for the flowers, (tional vessels, although the eco: school before the end of his| For others who might like tol, Her hushand come home f0F namic gap is closing, Mare nu: fourth year, was hired as a|take such a trip, Mr, tollery| neh whenever ho f Rg clear + powered ships must be language teacher In the Alger:(says five years are really APEncS W m yt ant hulle to provide the experience jan town of Sidi Bel Ahhes needed, You should have at pha fA Hh, i WE necessary to make them better headquarters of the French For:|least 8500 = though it won't he|® Ma' 3 ve A A I oy Nod and cheaper, eign Lewinn, Within eight/enough = and be willing 10! health and eniy of sean are, The e Xperts say nuclear months, much to his surprise, work at anything that comes cconiial' in polities and the powered tankers seem likely 10 his French and. Arab charges along, Bome money earned Byiy ccacoc toy 1a retire by 11 p.m, (he the first type of nuclear ship had learned some English and writing arveles for hometown gvary night, When the premier to became commercially opera: he had learned to speak French newspapers also helps {must go out of town, Mrs, Le: (tive, But, they add; much re:| He saved as much as he could| "But most important, you'velsage accompanies him search and development still is] fram his wages -- §120 a month got to he awfully interested Ini Toa eopktails and luncheons required before this ean happen plus hoard = observed the Al:\What you've doing or you'll keep their home life hectic and| The ideal nuclear = powered revian war swirling around the never make it, You alse have 10(a cook has heen added fo the ships must be capable of ma: desert outpost and wrote the|be interested in people and have household ta help [noeuvring at least as well as a firs of many stories for Tar oie. of Riitnee, | "I like to eal ad there fore conventionally-powered vessel, ante newspapers | "The trick is to get accepted 1 like to cook," she says, "bull om "& raasiop " In 1050 he hitehhiked through and to do this you have to go/there just isn't time any more v Tke Wits ol leaster being the Sahara and headed for Ae:|native, You don't really have a| She also attends numerous dude the aurized. water ora on the west coast, walked good time until this happens." |functions--she is particularly ine ude he Rati Hao al d through the equatorial jungles! Peter is through with three: interested in social welfares eanian the hotling Wales Vg of The Conge and arrived ativear trips but is planning toland describes the prevequisites oF, the ovganie ak arated re Zanzibar on the east const 80(lake tours lasting severallof her new role as actor, the gas turhine reactor days later [months, The first may he on| "Hats for all the teas and the @as-cooled steam reactor) Then, after travelling 3000the jungle voute of the Amazon many pairs of mloves far all the And the steam-eooled heavy wa miles to Port Elizabeth in River from Peru to Brasil, (hands I must shake {ter reactor, Home Sales |Caviar Wastes Too Slow Fine Fish Food ROME (AP)=Hvery time you price to spread a little on thelr VANCOUVER (CP) = A 8¢:| The panelists pointed fo a eat a hite of that delicious|ioast? [ EATON leoted group of architects, mort: number of major ills afflicting caviar, a few hundred pounds of It cannot be frozen or ster | - for gage men, realtors, forest indus: the industry, one of the world's finest food lized by heat for preservation. | try officials and housebuilders| The federal government did fish goes to waste, [It must be kept fresh and eold| Special 18 attempting 10 find an answer not eseape eriticism, It and pre:| So far no one has figured how |" fy preservatives must bel to the slow vate of new home! yi 'or or ) added \ US governments were aes ta prevent it; adder : P i mit "Heltah Sambi K cused of using housing as & Po:| phe United Nations Food andy Usiially & Ri) Preserved in ' ce, 0 experts feel gimmicks ities N | A nrie ald, This is accep n # litical foothall ta regulate Ahe | cviculture Organization and the M7 § This is aceepled | and gadgels are being substi: gen J all countries except Germany | RAL ; nomy i ; Al countries except Germany Y ranian government both ave | eac y 9 and the United States, two big) huyers of the delicacy, Their] laws do not accept preservation tuted for sound design hy many B.C, housebuiiders Architects, governments and This, said the 10 panelists, has trying, But a solution to. the made J industry unstable, sipange paradox of delicacy and created a fringe of unsound was ] 0 J! § ng f WW iwaste does not seem near, [with borie acid and the oaviar| housebuilders came under sharp erties 5 Wh marginal operators in hoam v a eritielsm when the group met NMER sll BERL The problem is this [is preserved hy addition of salt, hore trim off the fat in Joaner tes | The world's eaviar 1s prov which chanies the fiver, © Carefully-tailored shirts of fully-combed cotton broadcloth with approx, 144 x 72 Housebuilders were warned duced from the roe ar eggs off Dr. Rudolf Kreuzer, chief of that in the present buyers' mar-| Boh Harrison, ehairman of} ¢ female sturgeon, almost en: FAQ's fish processing service, | threads to the square inch. "Sanforized'! for a long-lasting good fit. Neat short-pointed hy in : the bhi | J D ket they must face competition the Vancouver chapter of the tively from the Caspian Sea was sent to Iran as an advise from consumer products, New[Arehitects Institute, claimed The Russians produce mast of 00 how the caviar might be pre fused collar, Soft two-way cuffs may be worn buttoned or linked, Securely-fastened homes have to be made more that Canada 1s not "getting a 4 ' desirable han new cars. steps AWD 10 the problem of design the caviar--and eat the delicious Served, and the waste of stuy sets and holidays abroad ing houses for all levels of so Wille meat of the- sturgeon -as B90N prevented, He is proposing chip-resistant plastic buttons, Sleeves plea ted above cuffs, Clear white in sizes 14 (6) bi wel, cloty." to the Iranian government that he pane as rade : ) ) 80 ) a A Ret NS Sided bY Professor Phillip White of the! The Iranians produce §0 1a 115( 010 es he set up 10 can tx 17%, Buy sevel all You save an extra .28 on two! moderator J. BE, Dudley, a 1ead ha ' : sturgeon ng Vancouver architect and University of BC, sald it is tons of caviar a year--and 1et| Phat would make export pos [ chairman of the housing com. harder to hay houses, especially 2000 tons of sturgeon ga to!sible Neck sizes 14 to 174 : | ve len th 32 to 35" mittee af the Architectual Insti: (older houses, in Canada than in waste, Under Moslem law, the! And what about some ehemi 3 Slee 9 S tute of BQ either the United States or Brit: sjurgoon is not accepted as an eal ather than borie acid te pre EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 PHONE RA 5.7373 No enough attention is being ain edible fish, Along with the/serve the caviar? f Pald to gocdpesign of smaller] He sald many people -wha/wasted sturgeon there is another! "Ah said Dr. Kreuzer, "if homes the panel said, Instead, were better able to afford an knotty problemi: How can the!l knew that I'd be a rich man NHGerS ate using gimmicks older home were forced into caviar be preserved for expam'A substitute for bavie acid, other Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 m i \ i "a | \ N . 5 O § and gadgeis to make homes new property because of lower sale to the countries where gout than salt, has not yet been , ] ) P mM nday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until ? salable, |NHA down payments, {mets are willing to pay a fancy found."

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