The Oshawa Times, 22 Mar 1961, p. 17

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16 THE OSHAWA Times, Wednesdoy, Merch 32, 1960 Coll The Direct Classitiad Mumber RA 3-3492 CLASSIFIED +0 RATES Com § AIAG IT IE fel y [ AG Yr Tar iE Tavs $75 449 # of pms wwe 7 dom We Chngrge rote wl BEey ye ed chr tind wae CIR HN Rr Ir EA alo dite Bl IE id iar BRie KER AE § FEW EIR aad Proteins Rovwge $158 bw marty for § hres gevy Eady GR arnt hme BI 46 ger fare Brew crge Wx $e Pl Ea wohl lnttey $ ond £ poo hos. 4 [oN DINE | ouT FOR EASTER Yoke the fomity 15 BO-PEEP RESTAURANT Oshons Fnpping Centre FASHIONABLE SHOES For The Family MEW NG COLORS BURNS SHOES EA 54611 re GATE ET SN Ae 5 & fore pA eation vee? Wammernmms Caine of Trerrs wiih » SR lad om Gxcative for Lost srs Found ord Torvaictione. B38 sm did 85, Sorugny BE ' Times will not be resooneiie or ris Ww REET e pants BETES CIRErwes Wen Ww wring, mor lor mers then ene mcirreel Wann of GRY Ger faoment, re beyond We pres oarged for 8 pogle weernien of he SSVEITeement WN Wh SI ssi . Ag ® adil d re re to clastity 597 nG BEES 5 #7 150g Hs own Elias COE od dd Jar ABTA Trew forgws 5 : Cownmtonn Chews, SEWING MACHINES 1 reek $35 Brand rew £ ring ward and fore /h 7 arg J fientione pe ow the cote Sf BEA & ss Tow Tunes wi pet for hn #rtiid ce rela MAE SESE THOR - rt eI RIS ROGEGYS p> wh ON SALE $44 50 PLUS 20 YEAR GUARANTEE | YEAR FREE SERVICE AT CHERMEY'S WHITE SEWING CENTRE Dowronwn Oshans, BO King $4. E 32---Articles Weonted "wo NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO fo BERNIE'S | Warts cars r wrecking | "tn Time for Egster" SPECIAL MEN'S SUITS 2 PAIR OF TROUSERS Mewes Sofas ond Colors, aks 3% ts 44 EG $39.95 SPECIAL $2675 AL'S BI-RITE STORE re Speer Hor RA 951 in gr ad wi wn Soh pant yo. Sows FREGATE ogortrent aia bead po of vs [Mahon 8 Flos wr hen, "Won CLARE (5 Bowel 40d SRE Sank THE foorr donk roomse, privates i Sad nd Ld ie, BRIA 24 fhvan Bary » ed Horns #7 iad Revemonie rope. Wee Box $f, [totems Times FREES ed FIVE same pith senna "entinses ewan, hath AY oom. Cal ie paen Rh 4106 messin dd oF _ FARE RESORT WAAR, EPH bowie, § WORERY ew (wohedinmm pasitment Ww APRILERE DARE, TEINEETY Fas PRRs Fava. BE Fark Red Sows br Telephone RA SORE (on WAONTREY Giese Fone BpRitinant, Lom IRE BIR Gal ERIERRER, WRISERISR (eh, mk, cwioniie, said en wel (ane. 6 Bassett mr BA SV0W NE anh (wn WeRinem Resitiments h ade ad fii TREE AE, ad BR Vi se Bo. aviection to chases, Teephone LL : FARTLY forniched there (large) rom | BIRETIRERE , WR ath wipslates, 18 pine wes wate 19 Bown Leper Haisre. | Bit covpie ar we gentiamen. Tels phone BA SRW or RA B-641, MANOR on 37 --Maele on Wented BO oom want te be BEEVR ENS ETE WIR #8 I8iEe Rmise hin Reckesities Wb yh» was. We oiler sow pir RINE AEERET , Ban % Bowe, 9 Bey trig, ste Famh wets, BEA. §, WH Belormier, me, Ph EMEE clark IRRiIRA 14 8 FE pied » 4 ow REEIEIIVE YORE re py pricy work. Mam Eh BRON BRGERIIOR, Lo ing Ree FEplY, KORE IW pRetiew to Box 638 Oskaws Times A CAREER WITH A PURPOSE Yoried well poid work GLE CPI gr f trove! end qdventure. 30 days poid ho doy e8eh yes, clothing oliowence, free medics! care, the chance 15 J #EE B wh wr ties for see Conade or yer own hose? ge of aad BA LRERE TIE hw x Pind sivas th Homi. wan Telephone BA F404 RITES BACHELOR bportment he pa TWO furniched rome, privsie a) LERRRE SRE TAR, Bi RGESEE OF EO. He, 108 minis fiw IowE EIRErs. Avaiiatne now Teiephone BA RAVE WONTRILE in spertment bling, FRILL L AER REA Bath snd entrance, Bewly Ae Contin. BA B6405 I BERILIRERE, PIIYME #R fiom Fie Cetin bist. | SAGUENAY AVE FARE FD DISTRIC ! LL] ple 1E510€1114 (3 ke a C } we dua d r FI 4 we es IY et v0 ONE fA "trig 5 Rew spent 4 ~ PREREE MA Arar hit ' AIRE, KECIIERNT RAF PRA m hE Wom Riis Apriy is Montrave Avenve, Pi pe 87272 pod og ww Voctha ATR ad Fag 5 "PARKWOOD APARTMENTS NUE LE KING 87, rest, 2Akdiom PF parime outlet, ortinly 55787 5 FERN rts grimy, Have, for Repiat, Wha en, | One and Two Bedroom om i APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5-3815 [LAA er Flots A a lg Ww Ri. oe! biidaad Fis Boro Cor 3.) pre RA 5 MOOERR SELF CONT, , Rest, Stress fA seins esis jr Fe 2 Ay A ess FIED APARTMENT VERY CENTRAL | $68 PER MOM TELEPHONE RA 5 TH 55433 or RA 5 52267 hsnnt, wo o'% TWO BRIGHT MODERN ONE AND TWO-BED APARTMENTS Furnished, end wk begin gs FOO misned, Gundry room $6citis , excellent location, from $85.00 ~-- phere MO BBIRE ADELAIDE TEP Frew maasmm Adprost BPGIIMmEN 7 if 0 hove g6f 22 ne site Ave #923 ' ENCRS wishes 1 feng 15 329 Adela Teleg oe FAS gs Apt RACE Vw 5-5 G30 Go f, oh tenant fw» Aophy 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Er PAE pr es oF ig mings Vr Td, ui a Ta a ry ae, of maaladidn MIEIRR WF RVRRINES. (FRIVATE #5 A Have, Lomdvomet. ¥, a LL CL EATER THREE - e isomer, TY pert Rh {hand Beh = EE FE i Er inbuiad ; Ar TE a ie vg rm FEET Sy EER is i EEE ad "w ed srEing A il LA ARE tani. #18 Jervis Waeet, zi $48 Rooms For Remt AL heme, , Wath, heey Se vote i A en in arts bits id, Van bed oiing room [Wentworth wt ie Ay i rah Bor Ao AT APARTHENTS one fone room iow a nd foes, AL rn wr pri "fre FRR OR ER Leiiitins, #5 Enver ences, oF. 15 Verdun Bond Tove "Greet; Bp snd 100 ~ room sesstment, wlldlosny i! » be bok LARGE hove fs ELA ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Wy remndeiien y: vale (Rivonia entrance Ampie parking. Wid ile saed cove A [RA S432 Le (Teieshote FOUR - 150m apartment, bath, FRIng. en, includes ¢ Ttrgorsis 4 rior, move, Ares, TY owtiet, cop honids Ww ly ponte, Cp ad esnienl, $716 cited, on Fo Pri vi v io i } {renee mn "Tr Pig 4 [¥ 4H | Available In private home $2 Pork Rosd MNorth, Coll between 5 ond 7 pm, RA B-8671 ON BUCIINE ~~ Cares romm wilainished apartment TY iii ReAvy wiring ieundry rom, #4 (epee Besson pri vies paar. Alits, | fl +r A BA TIRGAETR Eh edieom Bar| raid wg. Tele (6h6 pew | meant FRIFVEET BAY, Hove wha 4 tes sop A, pavid parks phone BA Hy BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY alern we Wedivon srt | Rew spariment buliding, re HOVE, FRYER PRINIRE, Ihe 9 sehol or ehovping 72 West |Assountonts INEW " Building Maeterials Gardening and Supplies _ Furniture Repoir __|Rug--~Upholstery Service APPLIANCE SERVICE | LB SIMCGE NORTH (Resn ir faetiry au der? for Fi Mafia, 3 E., Westinghouse, etc RA 5-1179 LEN-PEL lpwns ent FURNITURE repaired ol Yovphel| STOF diesming of » hsihess mf your PICK UP AND SAVE nA cared 10 Rew plaid. Bee our mpleriple Ior Fe-cover: \OWR and Mart checkin ng - 4 " wh ng Hie H. Delion, 16 Charles Brest, portunities" in Classilied, Boon gowy Mew Low Cash Prices on (BA [RA # |Srsam wil be & resiity 4 xB Plywos od UPROLSTERY ot its best for tees, We Va" G.I | specialize In cheplerfields, recover G Toy | 1 od teld repaired, Frees sotimaiaty Ar berms, BA 53604 gnifen service FRRsORANIE Fins IRRChcainng & sp sipity BA $9106 visit Iascingting oversees countries IN CANADA'S If 25 sok per ad yi A wi rar Avenue, Kh MONTEITH. MONTEITH "Em TOM RPRILINER furnighed, (6, Chartered ERITRREE, Services sipped Simcoe Breet PRrking, wviillamie April Is 08 Drew Bireet or telephone KA 56198.) NEW modern one ton bedroom snarl: and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bid (ments, in new spariment iiding, Fark tario ireet, Oshaws, Oniar.e [A £ sil) Farts for d metal " ale £ic he North; Cper TWO poo fea LL WE. PEWAR and Cn, As Griied ser Fr we phir ne BLOOR 3 RA 5-2311 7 SHAWA ARMY 17 ond ally fits "0, i £ "Vern: Services 5.84 som INDIVIDUAMAZED hogar € you ore between ong e prysis ? ond 4 {CASH FOR SCRAP! ! WE BUY METALS, BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, etc Open Af Day Seturdey | M, GREENBERG & SONS LTe RA 3:7333 308 Blo 35---~Employment = EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Ap! ply In person anytime, Town snd Coun bry Restaurant. 15 Bond Street East {36-~Female Help Wanted THIRTY Jor brand new ANN'S FABRIC SHOP 113 BYRON ST WHITEY MO B-B152 Spring print, STEE Knitting wooly f 39¢ per yd 16--Business Opportunities YARIETY Blore of Oshawa's leading variety stores, weekly sales between 0 tn SiG Excellent money maker. Siiupied in wn excly sive aren, with ne competition, close to a large school. For sn appointment to inspect call the owner BM RA B60) 17=Women's Column one wiles ladies Wanted chemical product, 45 cept commission. Apply Genoshs Hotel, Saturday, March @, from 0 8.m, 0 § pm. Mr. Prichurger | Call or write ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE (ARMY) 27 5, Clair Avenue East Torente, Omerie A) Phone WhAIlnut 4.7345 or see Army Recruiting Staff of OSHAWA ARMOURIES Each Tuesdgy Between 10 em. and 3 pm 41 --~Room & Board ONE or two gentiemen or beds, willing to share, clean home, three mesls 8 doy, TV and "raundry. ins, Lingle only, | Ropd, Adeipide BSireet; brosdieom, [tasiclully decorated, ciored hath, re WILSON snd BURROWS, (irigerniar, save, washer, Aryer, paved Accoupiants 3% Bimene By FRrking, Must see 19 appreciate. RA Oshpws. Ronald ¥. 1 Wi Vhs G. Edmond Burrows, CA, R THREF Fin APRTLIMERS, Privele £0 iBOR CLANCY'S [trance, heated heavy Auty wining, TY Service Atenns, central, furnished or Whine: ice pished. Ressonatie rept, BA SRL OF Res RA 52680 THREE room |bath, stove, close to [able April 1. Cail RA {COMFORTABLE ment, apartment £ Entrance Trustee In |atler 6 King Birest East, Oshawaj J {FIVE rooms, $0, heat, hot walter, Ba fii ¥ Friedlander, B. Comm Ontarin 4 Bond Eireet West BA 57608 Aectuplanis, | Oshaws § apartment, private, (ied Public bus sop. Avall Bireet East bho ho infurnished reasonkhie rent, Telephone RA hase PriCn , Aseountepts and Aud B98 censed Compieie Bookkeeping WOFKINE nd Company, Optarie Bapkruptey Chanere wet Bouih ison, CA A B21 Acemnting Serv BA bi 7% iors i rh Cert) ne BA VALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER ond 64 Wale, | 4 " Va 8" Rough, | V, $6,725 = Doe ' Mails agany | 2% Mak y $3.95 Portland Cemen $1.10 ¢ J Tile, 13 Vinyl | x 4 Floor Spruce 1,000 bf Reripl, Earage 290 Albert el, | ground floor. To Inspect RA Rh [Architects HEATED hacheior apartment, 18dies AYER and Briniowies, three rooms, save, FRINEEEMOT, ne" Himes Bullding bulltin cupboards large closeis, | New unlisted telephone' drapes, central. Immediate possession, | Arch (shaws, sili Building Trades FE 1270 Simeos $t lots McCULLOUGH BLDG. SUPPLY 5%" Rough, $5.09 G,. Mahogany $2 99 | 50 Ibs ond up wer Leg each $83 £ N [HOME LANDSCAPING Pruning of fruit trees and ornamentals, 176€ surgery end each person In Lf did nd u {BN supervised, Ingsirs a A : " Reon meh on oid] Tahioned var ety . ¥ Ld oom, Cheek the wnwsudl oilers under 16Mo Expert work guar anteed RA 86366 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Ir, RICHARD BLACK, {Optometry | EOniaet 16n0e8, Comore By {RA 49 JE, WN TUCK, KO, fviametriet (pay sceounts pt downiow {Bank or 74 Burk ja Tog amined st home, Dipl ! --- 136 Simons North LA Ld Doctor of like new the examinption of aves Miscelianeons" in Classified CHESTERFIEIDS Why 78 reasonable. Bal Hairasees rebuilt Bond # Co. 14 br. a. |CWESTERFIEIDG pnd LyX eh To mere Hike naw Gat the best (oF less Ipholstering, hi fad i | Loom, Send and Fill, Digl RA 5-5279 Painting and Ie |[RorEssion al hiner and paper | South, Call BA 30051 Jor » CHROME CHAIRS "EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE DODD & SOUTER Free eollmies, Al Conroy, BA B06, RECOVERED FROM 3.75 UP hy ert Workmanshi | HAWA AUTO TRIM 03H BOND ST. WEST RA 5.8042 SEGERS RUG AND UPHOLSTERY $5.50 heat Hatidressing iki - or (814 per week. Central. RA 59087 [Apply anariment Ba, I, 1 Gibh Bt, | EXPERIENCED saleslady Foqiiing {oF RA 8.8180 work in local musie store BOOM apd hosed or voom only, newly in person hetween § and 11 a.m id decorated, gond home conking, B. |FOUR » Jom | Apartment, refrigerator, day, Wednesday or Thursday, Wilson #even minutes' walk to four corners or |tlove and ring. Available April 1, (hospital, Apply 240 Divislon. | Telephone A ER 1] and Lee, $1 Bimeoe North | ROOM and based, five = day ook, FURNISHED three-room spariment, TYPIST single bed, share Foam, with All gonveniences, suitable for twa or parking. Bouth GM, central. HA 5400, | 4% eatiemen, 'of o Ane couple, ROOM and hoard, young men, friendly | GENERAL OFFICE WORKER Articles for Rent TELEVISION SETS HUMIDIFIERS DEHUMIDIFIERS RECORD PLAYERS RADIOS & SUNLAMPS MEAGHERS § KING STREET WEST RA 3.342 PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Paperh A wil roll, fin Shaping, Thinning of Fruit and Omemental Trees, Van Belle Gardens MA 3.5757 » BOWMANVILLE (3 miles East on Ne, 2) waves |WATER proofing, | painting, paper hold repairs. SEPTIC tanks cleaned the way, new tanks installed Walter # "A Chestout West, Fhone MO 82563 | PLABTERING repairs and sheen, free estimates, all work guarsnitesd Telephone RA 65-8383 COMME ROTAL and Industrial "building a specialty, New homes hilt to own er's requirements, Hess Construction BA B-6637 HOME owners eavesiroughing, Fhil Harper, Whithy ALY types of carpentry work done, building or repairing, hy experienced carpenter. Call OL, 5-482 PRIVALE teacher, student eounseller, RATHRONME tied, eahinels huill, aj) 18 years' exnerience, by interview only types of Mesations, No job tee small. [Act now, BA 51054 ALT Tv i TARRY, PARCR, SCARENT PES of home repairs ah ve: Tap ave calamy, Balle {modeling, yeereation rooms, roofing Regisiter now, 444 King West, RA HH J ATANL te dally gasrapieed, "Free a1 LEARN ta dance, expert instruction In = BUREAR | ballroom dances For appointment, tele cessories, [FERAMIO tile and white) phone RA B:-5388 RA bathroom ym Loon oovered, Om | |plete $100, H, G eal, CO 38951 a r [] YOUR local chimney cleaner oni INV ane Revs bullt and repaired, gas linings in: (hlled, furnaces vaeuumed, Free est) h ee RA 502007 ALL plumbing snd heating BUpRling Phone WA 8.3381, Harold K, Stark, Fiastering, Fooling, | JNanging nd house SPECIALS enid rmanents $8.50, Page bv iA Fine Avenue TEA Cup Reading, authorized oper alors, 2 ta 4 alternoons, 7 ta § even ings. Monday ta Friday st 183 Simcoe Bireet Boulh. 19-~Personal | FREE rent, for middie-aged couple, 14 Hye in and care lor twa Behanl age | children, Write Box 688 Oshaws Times, | ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous heir Marie Murdutf will be in Oshawa, April 4th end Sth, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. 25-~Pets and Livestock BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Broad, 114 Elgin Street East GERMAN Bhegherd, male, months, spayed, price $60. RA 65758 26--~Farmer's Column WELL sarted Yorkshire pigs for | sale. Telephone RA 84530 | DEAD farm stock picked up promptly, | Phone eolieet, Hamplon, €Olfax 3.2781.) Margwill Fur Farm, 1s FARMERS NEEDS Best in Mastitls treatments and other Animal Health Products Injectables re. frigerated Syringes Now avallable at SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN YOUR FAMILY DRUG OL 0] Open Mon, Wed, Friday evening for your convenience 2Rn--Trailers UNFINISHED 16fanl house Bargain. Telephane MO § 3673 5 for Paintin Gyprex Soro 107 Wa, RON 8 $ ons Migte A i: 7426 Personal Service PETER PAN Dey Nursery, or hall, dak. 30 to 5,30, 561 Simeon North, BA Hairdressing lo WETOM permanents, distinctive hair |entiing and styling, KA 32912, Huyek's Hairstyling Studia, 11 Bond West, heme, separate beds, good cooking, Tv CHORE (0 town and school, three large | Foome for vent, B'4 miles north of Cour: (init BA b7687 or AH 81 Colborne ce, Phone RA 56008 a ROOM and board Tor one Business A, (THIER room unfurnished apart ment, bus stop at door, close ta Bouth In private home, North section, lose ta FEN S04 SOR Avily 300 Thomas Bt bus, Telephone RA 5-405 GENTLE fr SELF + contained unfurnished three GENTLEMAN, ples sleep Gerinai yom apartment with hath, $75 month Bl Fark Road South PP iy, includes heat, hydro, suitable for wa adults. BA 87414 Room " Mare, Aenileman, with hoard, {| PEDIAL, hachelor apariment, In apart: lunches packe sundry, home priv po eges, parking ! necammodation Toe ment hullding, private, (desl [I enuple, phone MO 8-605 ave, refrigerator neluded, TV outlet, Parking. BA 5.4345 [ROOM and hoard, clase ta South Gen | ! eral Motors. 14 ONE and two bedroom aparbments, plenty he hat Home a, MEMS avallanie In modern huliding, Stove phane RA #177 and refrigerator supplied. MO 8:3068 [after 5pm, Apt 8, 101 Craydon Road, hith, 42-~5tore Spece and y | Garages ON Lawson Road, ment, unfurnished 5K) TT, |water heated. Children welcomes, #68) 195 n IAVATEABLE In office sulle, MORern| m ' #16074 gin, huliding for suitable tepant, psd Telephone RA 3-036, { # private office and adequate space In i three-ronm apartment, In apart denra) niflge are or stenographer, [ment 1 Dilding completely private, {Barristers Call RA 8-808) central location, near radio station, 870 SCoYRBON and BASTEDD, RArrister ---- monthly, available Mar, 30, HA $1808, | goiiofiors "Oillenia' funds available for PARTLY furnished, three-room ground | Hirst mortgages, 80 Simone Breet North [Naar apartment, self-contained Apply [RA 5.3506, Charles C, MeGilbbon, QC; 238 Athol Street Fast [Ei Kdgar ¥. Bastedo, Qf lumhing, heating and enginesy: fad, p Ly oh Simeone Street South FURNISHED second floor apartment ny MEPHREYS, WOYORYN and WILL: ete _Bireet for vent, private entrance and hath, Barristers, Boligitors: ®. HW, |BOOFING repairs of all kinds, new heavy duty range, refrigerator, Avall iimheers, ac 8. Royehyn, BA; |(Teoling applied, All work guaranteed ahle naw, Telephone RA 56476 A. Hillman, LLB; 36% King Breet Free estimates. RA 3-6d15 i 4 p 1) UATINETILE, ot aa, SA [i ar tlc wiehy Wog ewne "Sor te ent, p ' J N Mal garden, eAVROrt, stove, tefrig. | 2808 Maney io loan (mates, KA 8.0850 After eralor dryst, $05 manihly [} "I0iN A, CAMERON, Barvister, Sollpl PUMPING HA 34108 [tor and Natary Bublle, 18% King Bireet i SEPTIC TANKS tf RA NHA d val TREN iirvihet, FL Ths pls ht LE Wad in BERT TOMPKINS NEWTONVILLE Pisd children weleame, 865, RA | AREER and Kelly, Barristers, Kolipl 6 Phone Clarke 472) UPPER and bi nk, LOWER DUPLEX TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING J. M, Greer, HA, Bo, HA 5.8068; es | enge V, Kelly, FA, BCL, RA 6588 | Mary St. North Available April 1st Clean outs and deepening, COMPRESSOR WORK, RALPH 10NE 5 BA and THOMAR W GREER, Associate Barristers and Soll: $90 Month PHONE RA 8.2418 RA 8-3864 HOME IMPROVEMENT gifors, 190 King Siveel Hast, RA 86846, Mavigage loans available, ONE MONTH FREE RENT SERVICE Have vour home remodelled THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, fern ene » and twa » beds and improvements done for pitar and notary publie, LULL] apartments, $85 and WANTER {0 rent, three, or four-hed vou by Beaver, From the Street East, Phone RA 8176), JAMES A MaeDONALD, BA, LLB, Best location. Phone foam house, North Oshawa ap Whithy, near separate school. Phone BEImont| RA 8.8676 planning and estimating to the finished job, vou deal Barrister and Bolioitor and Notary Fuh 1:4881, Tarania TWO BEDROOM only with Beaver. Budget Ile, The Cammbreial Building, 308 King WANTED in real -- country property in APARTMENTS terms arranged a Beaver West, Oshawa; Ontario, Client parking the Paiawa Whithy area. About five Excellent location, New builds __Lumber, MO 8.58 avallahle four « hedroam, geod gual ing, with or without lease, A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? RURRELLT, Grazing and VHA for Hires LLOYD REALTY A BOATHOUSE? artisan and Sallgltor, # horses. Wil pay up la 935 RA 8.5123 A NICE GARDEN WALL? ast, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 8 On twa ta five.year lease i PAR KWOOD REPAIRS OR REMODELLING (REIORTON, FRARER, NRYNAN anid avaliable, Call Lucas Fea LARGE OR SMALL IN MODERN wo CRN, Ran anmatis ide, A435. CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL APARTMENT BUILDING 1 Simeon Blreet Riki RA 33146; ' RA 8.5103 North of King Street Creighton, §C , Fraser, a i a Drynan, 6G. L PRA N ONALD RLAKE DORDS, Barrister 110 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA LARGE 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT fae arranged po Sallgitar, 34 King Street East elephane ahinten RA 33001 esl Available April 15 lent location S. D. HYMAN MANNING KWART & Harr REALTOR Salteltet, or A 10 loan. A Bruce V. Mackey, BA, He PHONE RA 8.6286 39 PRINCE STREEY Professional ni ot Lower . Prices, RA 5:7468 RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE wheel chairs, Must figures commensurate with Salary ability, be accurate 5-day week with Roofing, insulation Pn MO 84508 9 Instruction siding, Ha "| MILIAN MAK MARS dunes edueniar, TRY OUR ARCINE school, halist, tap, Ron, Bk: poballe, wegacanl, eharbeler Foniey| BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN " - " Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish end chips, hamburgs, het dogs, milk shakes, MODERN GRILL __WE DELIVER =~ RA 5.3887 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Shorten or lengthen garmen Cuffs and pockets renew Complete stock of buttons, GILLARDS Write BOX 740, OSHAWA TIMES ACCOUNTANT Capable of taking charge of small office in retail jewelry Please reply giving age and previous experience to; 4 BOX 633 OSHAWA TIMES INVOICE TYPIST Experience Necessary 'WH 2:2120 LADIES need af mare AVON COSMETICS helds the answer. Become an Avon Representative and erve your neighbors during hours ta suit you Act now, Call LE 6.0627 COLLECT, IMMEDIATELY Steno-Clerk An opening exists our purchasing department for a competent yaung woman, Must be an accurate typist with work For Hospital beds, invalid walkers, bedsides, commodes, crutches and canes, alse rell-away beds Phone Ald Rentals RA 5:1644 Aute Parts ] KENT'S WESTERN TIRE self-contained, hot [teed automatic parts and Breet West, Oshawa "Five hays to serve you water, L} four-room apart hlack Age ning store Telephane " Save up Far eal] ALLSTATE: Auto Insurance ta 30 per cent, six months ta pay personal servies ab Your home, RA #7418 OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT Approximately 12' by 337 er larger if preferred, APPLY 23 CELINA ST, OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger alevater service New building, Centrally lo. cated In downtown area Moderate rent, Leases new available 2 THE TIMES BUILDING Contact 7, L, WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 43---~Wanted To Rent -- CLEANIT SERVICE LTD, AUTO INSURANCE RA 5-135% If you are a careful driver you may save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or better than 20%. Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rate in Ontario through this ef: fice Half.year payments, Call us today and compare sample free parking SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD 360 King St, West RA 3-2265 Money te Loan io] FIFTY {a five thoysand dollars. Any worthwhile purpose, lowest rates, fast sevvige, Beahoard Finance, #04 Sim eae Street South faa § RA # WE HAVE olients' Tyrone, Lic Plumbing end Heat PLUMBING 7) heating tings, fixtures, "FeakonanIe Free esti elalty Talet on ype hing, iH RA dl y Foley, BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps, E850 STORE Are me n oll burners, hot water end forced air furnaces, bathreem fixtures, FARA ind service, PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day er Night monies avaliable for loans en first and second moi + Boats and also PUFEhAS of | aheriaeg it] -- ---- Airenments of Hyman, vg (KWOOD boat and traller hoat Qu, 87 King Boe PA Oshaws, KA 14 feet x 60 inches, with seering RUT wheel, Telophone KA 8:8087 for more I ---------------- - | Infarmation, "MONEY T0 LOAN Meonies for all types of mort: gages; for first and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; shart term morigage for builders; first ond . second marlgages and agreements for sale purchased, Aply M. Swartz, 2613 King Street yw VR Oshawa, Telephone RA Mortgages FIRAT and second mw " fd, W. Schatsmann, Mo Whithy Professional Bu | rt LL CLIENTE monsy to Ian on first mort gage Morigage and agreement of sale furenased NHA mortgage rang y velghion, Fraser, Dynan and Mur Tad second , ar doch, FIRST ge ai sa Agreements purchased a nick and Nehniek, Mrs 1] oe Stree a » MORTGAGES Ea Arranged, Bought, Sold Company and Private Monies 6544 John A, J BOLAHQOOD Limited Realtor Member Ontarie Marigage Brokers Association - IN the marke! far 4 Mobile Home? ne able hy Wk re 10 oheok the exceptional hy Nw replaces. ak ings offered everyday in tha Oshawa Nan, es fas . Phone RA BNL {Classified aection. East you soll in traller 29--Summer Properties gi For Sale FOR SALE Five-roam fur simmer cottage at William's eavy wiring. double lot, Apply 8 Oshawa Times TOURIST husiness apen year pound. Will sell reasonably | paar health. For Infarmation write | Bax 102 Combermere, Ont , J, NURFRY, BA, LIN, King! Street shed taint Has Mo room up n Frama monn, KENNNNNNNXNNNN on Highway 69, wll oi HHL $10 TO 30 DOWN. Tot ar entiage = camplele with lot. Lowest terms in Can: | ada Pitts' hundreds of satisfied pur | sehasers and years of experience are w30UT guaianies of veal saticfaction Yaur choice of hundreds of ints, many with lovely beaches, priged fram $500 UP, low as $10 down and 510 monthly v Lot camplote with a brand new family Size three hedroom eattage fram $1488] Up With a $30 dawn payment and a anes 850 monthly plus interest SAR serve vou hest Decause we are hH erikinators of this low parment FIR | SRREE men ia work, § hours per day and own tight hundreds of 5 flan properties on Ontario's best i] Ji ok Witte Bax 74, Gaba a vivers within 100 miles of Tarenia, ESTARLIAHED Watkin's voule avail ee h igeon: ¢ hemang. | 'alivmple, SI Jahn Otonahes, (able, fall ar part time, students aceept Fature Unlimited. Eamm Bh lirance, near sohonl, Raspiia), furnished Fenelon and many athers. Nate | fogations are suitable for retire. Maur or mare Telsnnane A Pr OF unturaished: an hus line, RA 5.633 hame: W fan raed Md wived by A Re ae OPENING for full Hime ada will orn FOAMS and sunroom, private en sound, all ts en Government average 'Tne, ground fear, This apartment raved Registered Plans We als Phone M5 has basement with strest 0 lise or standard eottages fo belween france, joned C.1 eammereial. Could viduals and eq Petal cama he used for small business ar office : h Second floor, three-toam, private en \ranes, In same location, corner of Bond and Mary. Reasonable rent to re WANTED | mona tenant. Apply 74 Bond Strest | ENERGETIC MAN! [aries srs conveniences, lan school, store and wies 0 Oshawa OO 338%) SIX + room brik bungalow with thpee hodraams, and fall basement, equipped with all heal, hat water, electric range TV antenna, combination storm and | sopeen windows and doors, paved drive | i {way, close to schoal and Th: on Claverdale Street. Telephone RA 3004 ay A ATTRACTIVE five em bungalow ihmead A, half block aif Simoes aaiefully ted and landsvoaped Re of a & slave WH WOR Wo sl fn and Quickly figures appointment phone « BOWMANVILLE MArket 3-3312 37-~Male Help Wanted shorthand, with DON'T PASS UP THAT BARGAIN BUY YOUR ROAY NOW WITH A LOW.COST, LIFE INSURED io bd TH FL LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA anry Be , King Street +o y RA ! 34007, Residence, Dial RA 3.4000 ORERH PF, MANGAN, +, Barrister, nlieliar. Money ta loan. Offies 14\4 Ing Street East, Oshawa, RA 88333 Residence, RA §-3408 ROWMAN, olay | 10 Rarilule ay Simone South, denee, RA 50364 LR HALMERs, WA. barrister, soliol tor, ele, 134 Simeos Street North Offlos RA 3741; Residence RA 33340 Bookkeeping A4--Houses For Rent EIGHTY ream house, fully modem, Annapalis Avenue, $80 manihly with 1aptian to buy, Telephone MA 3.5388, iil [HOUSE ~ (hres bedroama, alsa hres Ham apartment, hathroam, private en r, Sollels 9388, | | Real ahal, R10 many ment hard for abave PATMPARY § and § ing 0 w noame, wilh MO #400 Aw a build logal * 86 HAPELHOUMAN! COMPLETE BOOKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 86 OSLER STREET RA 5.9953 Cartage AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD, Dressmaking ALTERATIONS of a1 Kinds for won, women and ehildren. Formal dresses, Hoversinle skirts a specially, RA 3-346 and allerations en ladies' wear, Teasanable saywhere in Ontario and supply finan ing. Write for free lieralure PITTS Homes and Collages Lid, P.O. Bax 233, | §ohoury Ont, or phone Terentia AM) FH day or night F2--Articles Wanted VEER girl's hioyele "regular size phane RA 3 "Wel soniained. | y floss min To dari present C ruction Co, a large promotion, Exe i cellent income may be earmed on a commission basis, Pere sonal supervision, all leads supplied, eustomers unlimits ed. Car helpful but not ese sential Call My M:MULLAN RA 35-1136 DRESSMARING |ohiidren's ane [ries RA A 2aes ALTERATIONS of all Minds ww "en, FORN'S Movin, rr 1 wamen and children. Farmal dresses, WARY IK Hat Fat Reverainle skirie--y specially, BA 3-38 equipped and insured. Phone RA 83061 [DREREMARING - oe' and eh} SOOTIAN Cartage, far dren's wear, Maranon of hi kinds Ast depend: able service. RA 83014, No son too Werhans 1A § be ar We small AVE you read ""Parsanals' In today's Fuel ond Wood hy 1assitied section? Don't mise the fun 18 PRY Rardwood ends ihe Interesting messages you'll find neces, staves, there delivered. lost In good candition No dealers please. Tele 1 WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS |. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3-3374 eollect) rveyors ¥. RORTON and Associates, On I, Land Surveyors, Professional neering, 308 Dundas Street VRithy MO 5.5001 Ajax "8 DONEVAN AND FLEWONMAN, On. fare Land Surveyor, commercial blue: Nt RE If Bloor Street Bast. RA RETO, § Omari ane a. [Bu Excel West, A Professional Cleaning, Home or Plant Members of the Natienal Instituet of Rug Cleaning NU-WAY-RA 8-468) TV. Rodio Repain_ "WARIO oor i | makes 0m pson Fhcthonts: i lott Avenue, RA 307603 (Fred), SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | IT == DAY OR NIGHTI T.V, and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Wark Guaranteed, OSHAWA ELECTRONICS DO IT NOW | Ih AX | di LR crete base, with Crown reter ond Teco antennas, plus channel 9 trap. ON TIME IF YOU PREFER, EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, Len and Lou's City T.V. FREE SURVEY RA 5.7844 GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to oa STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the best GET THAY Cl EAR PICTURE NOW! Use a new aluminized picture tube installed by expert TV technicians, end vou'll have the finest. Modest prices call us for service: T.R.1.O. TELE/!SION 171 BOND STREET EAST RA 8.678) SAMSON RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIBBONS ST, Wall Drilling _ i IF your b truck ~ oheek "Trucks Rona Classified Section waht Away, W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE WIV in 30" Tile WHITBY, ONTARIA MO 8.256) « MO 8.2800 204 CHESTNUT ST, W. y refrigerator, RRR A)

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