The Oshawa Times, 21 Mar 1961, p. 4

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i of TEE GSHAWA Times Tuessny, Marsh Ei, 1991 _'Commencement ' Held At Orono TAFFY TOSSER IN ACTION Linda Brunelle enjoys in stant tofly, produced by powr ng boiling maple sugar nto | the snow, as about 200 teen agers celebrate the coming of Maple Syrup seRsON NERY Penetanguishene, Ont, Her face is blackened with char coal. » ceremony ending the traditional sap - gathering party LF Wirephots Dismiss Charge Hold Service At Dunbarton Against Youth AJAX (Btaff) A charge of failing to notify authorities on the purchase of a car was dis missed against a Don Mills youth in Mag in Ajax on Monday Dennis Green, of Don denied in court that he told P( Robert Joel of the Ajax Police Department, when he was stop ped by the officer in Alex on Feb. 11, that the car that he was driving had heen sold lo him PC | Joel told His Worship hefore by Fred Kowalkowski of 231 Colborne street, Toronto In connection with this case, # charge of failing to notify| authorities on the sale of the car was laid against Kowalkow:| ski but was dismissed | Both accused told Magistrate] Guest that no money had chang:| ed hands between them in con nection with the sale of the| ar, In dismissing the charges His Worship said "You should have heen charged with public mis chief." | OVERSEAS TRADE | In the eight - month period ending March 1, Australia had| a deficit of $400,500.000 in over:| seas trade DUNBARTON = The regular United Church was conducted Mills, [PY Pr. W, A McKay. The choir! parts. Mrs sang the anthem, "For Thy Dr. M, B. Dymond To Be Speaker UXBRIDGE Dr. M B Magistrate Crawford Guest that| Dymond, Minister of Health for, Green said that the car had|the Province of Ontario, will helped ena ii wos moved been sold to him three weeks the guest speaker at the Fort SON Perry Junior Farmers' meeting| to he held in the Port Perry| High School, on Tuesday, March |26, at B.80 p.m The members of the Brooklin, | Uxbridge and Beaverton Junior Farmers' Associations have) heen invited to attend this meet ) In addition, an invitation has heen extended to any rural young men and women in the| Port Perry area interested in| Junior Farmer Activities, to al tend this meeting and to lake part in a very worthwhile and interesting Jrogtam The evening program commit-| tee members are Keith Bacon, | Morley Davidson, John 1eask| and Neil Raines, There will he a recreation period and lunch will he served i Pay Tribute To Warden BLACKSTOCK Friday eve ming, Mar. 17, the Recreation Centre tastefully decorated with shamrocks, green candles and daffodils, was the scene of the hanquet in honor of My Bruce Ashton, recently elected warden of the United Counties of Durham and Northumber land he ONO Club served a deli cious and bountiful dinner to about 260 guests, The were gay with shamrocks, green runners, place cards and sery lettes emphasizing the 8. Pat rick side of the celebration Mrs. Lorne Thompson was pianist far the evening and, af: ter singing Grace and The Queen, all enjoyed the dinner Mr. Lawrence Malealm led in a sing-song of well-known Irish government an 7A Highway and and help oul tables| | | ing and educational. He thank ed the county council for ap pointing him warden, Mr, Ash ton is ane of a family of eleven, seven of whom were present with their mother, who at this point presented Bruce with a signet ring, The warden also intraduced his children, Larry Doris and Dennis sented the 1061 couneil Merrill Van Camp, Mr ence Malcolm, Mp Mi Lawr: John Hamil clerk: My, Victor Malealm, road superintendent Mp Merlin Suggitt and all their wives, The warden was pleased that work {was heing done hy the pravineial | He then pre:| Dear Name We Raise with 4 strate's (10 up {/MOrNIng service al Dunbarton Mrs. Vera Freeman and Mr David Fantham taking the H. Stroud aeeompanied the choir which directed hy My Fanthom. Mrs, Dorothy For syth conducted the Junior Con gregation Next Sunday morning will be the quarterly communion we Following the church congregation 5010 Bganist Wis SETY service meeting Nel Westlake and seconded hy David Lennox that Johns-Man ville tile the ceiling with 12 hy 12 painted tile. The motion was carried SERVICE HELD The morning service of ship at Bt. Andrew's Church, Pickering, was well attended The combined choir entered in| the processional Psalm, "That! whi who Walketh not Astray." The minister, Mr Heron, conducted the service PERSONALS Visitors at the line on Bunday were Mi Mrs. Bert Jackson, Lois Tommy of Agineonrt Tugh McConachie returned home from Oshawa Hospital on Sunday Mrs, Leonard Mills of Bacons field, Que, visited her mother. | inlaw, Mrs, ¥, Mills, last week, | rs, Irene Plite returned home from the Ajax Hospital last Wednesday The Horticultural meeting and and Chureh Sunday Hehoaol last Tuesday, March 14. Mrs flower arrangement demonstra {given hy Glen laceordion | Mrs, Morley Black left on | Naturday for Port Credit to spend a few days visiting rela tives Mp. and Mrs. Dick Trenton visited Mrs Gibh on the weekend This is the last notice af the {Base Line Bchool's Fun Fare {whieh is heing held on Batur day, March 85, from 2 o'clock Cross on the Gibb of Oliver (thing planned for | Fish ponds, white elephant, nov {elties, Faster gifts, tea and {eoffee, pop corn, hot dogs and raffles, Why not plan to attend the Base Line songs, Mrs. Lawrence Maleolm thanked the provincial govern: Home and School Association? sang two Irish melodies which were well received Deputy-reeve Bert Gibson in troduced the head-table guests Mr. Anson Gerrow, warden of Ontario County, and Mrs. Ger row, Seugog Island; Hon, hy M. RB . Dymond, minister of health for Ontario, and Mrs Dymond, Port Perry; Mp, W Carruthers, MPP Bowman ville; Warden Bruce Ashton and Mrs. Ashton, also Mrs, Ashton, Sr. Dr, Vivian, MP for the United Counties; Hon. Wm Goodfellow, minister of agricul ture far Ontario, and Mrs Goodfellow; Rev. and Mrs. P Romeril, Blackstock; Deputy reeve Hert Gibson and Mrs Gibson Mr. Robert Carlaw, reeve of Northumberland County, pro posed a toast to the Parliament of Canada. Our government is founded on law and justice but a government is only as strong as its peaple, Dr. Vivian re plied Garnet Rickard, reeve of Darlington, paid tribute to War den Ashion and the Ashten fam. ily who were raised and edu cated in Darlington township He described the new warden as a nn with both feet an the grouna. Mr. Ashton replied and {ment for their grants a native of Darlington {joys Hving In Cartwright Deputys-reeve Bert Gibson spoke words of praise for the (warden as a township official Fx-Warden Lioyd Hooton pro | posed a toast to the new mem {bers of council and Douglas MeMaster responded. Mr, Ivan Hobbs, Bowmanville, proposed A toast to the ladies, wham he sald should share the honor of their husbands' sucoess, 'S (iearge Dean replied Rev, Romeril, in offering a toast to "Our Guests", spoke of the sense of community spirit in the township, alse of layalty and kindness My, Gerrow Although he en Dr. Dymond, Mr. Carruthers, Hon, Goodfel: low and Mr, Creighton Devitt all gave short speeches. Mr. Devitt 15 an ex-reeve who spent twenty years in township and county councils Merrill Van Camp thanked the ONO Club for their efficient service and President Jessie Gunter replied The "Pauls of London" pre vided half an hour of entertain ment and the "Rive Diamond" archestra of \Lindsay supplied musie for dancing Pleads Guilty 'Careless Driving AJAX (Blafh) In Ajax Mag Istrate's Court on Monday, a {West Hill youth pleaded guilty 110 & careless driving charge he- fore Magistrate Crawford Guest In giving evidence, PC Thom as O'Grady of the Ajax Police Department, stated that on Sun day, Feb, 19, at 0.40 pm. he Was on eraser - patral in the [vicinity of the Ajax Shopping [Centre parking lot when he saw [a car driven at high rate of speed along one of the parking 'vanes, He sald that the car at {lempted 10 make a left hand {turn in the parking lot but skid {ded around and blocked other traffic on the lot before he again sped off to the exit af the lat I'he driver of the car, Michael {Ruddell, 18, af 15 Noncourt road, {West Hill, was then stopped by the investigating = officer and charged Magistrate Guest fined Rud dell $50 and costs and suspend | ed him fram driving fm month the [FR ORO The Crone High SHA CATRERCETRER. Wik WE W ehneshay £yeming in the (rms Town Balk, Despre the Wr #ik RIA ROW FTIR TRE LETT. WARE wast Plensing and the BERET G MH EWETIERIREI. WRE TERIVY #R oye E. 6. Witherspoon, BA, pm cipal, spoke @ lew works of wel ak RA SHR he Was Piersen Ih sek $6 WARY preset 19 honor the graduates who had come 15 rReEive thelr awards IE npr art mE Cantos Tamblyn, vie har man of the Durkam Cowmty Ths trict igh School boris, sated thet he had represented the High School hosed for five yerrs, Dwnng this time i had been # greet expenepce. He congratulated the Wah schol om their wonderful work, pRyng the chawmin. Miz. Edwees abl Dates for the 19 festivil were oft #6 September WB 2 and W in the Yowneiwy Wall hud i was Aecided 1h RHE Re festival at # leler Bale I waar 19 FI REt WHE FRIES # forges wwliencrs ps the (Fone Far Bowed has Wg plans or the pone Far evenmngs The Durbam Cemtinl Agric tural Society wi HW # the festivel and the Commies connisis of Mrs. Les. Auett puilicity. Mri. VV. Benson tickets, Mrs. KB. Barlow. prives Mrs. Bobert Chalsr, Programs Pon Staples wud Mrs, Favward Samuel, emiries nl aAdicR rim Bt mitiee 16 keep the RAISE (BRITISH BRIEFS ' Small Decrease In Net Savings By MM. WaANTYRE WOO wt In The Oskawe Times LIT ~~ With 41 weeks Wa fimanaial yer game, the imal SRVIRES RRGYEIRERE Heh wg VOB milion 8 posits by the people of Wine this 1s # Bitie less Ww the previews yess, the "aim weeks of 1991 added mithon 18 the Iai, the 6 # level as in 1999. Hal the this yer 50 far has heen Ww Wig sething Aclence bonds ( a a (BI48 mii on) ow nthe R R LE £3 | i] §if E » § Total savings yaniawe Nations! whol. W108 347 withion tebe 16 Orone school for oh- prices at 75 cepts (OF aE props FOR WORKERS fRiming the Wenest Mark WH # PIOYVIBeE «- Wilk SOEREE PERI ation in 1968. He then ntrs Buced 8. Butheriord. the Science teacher The presentation then fotiowed For highest scholastic ing for yer the County District High Bosrd Awards: Grade 12, Con stance Tyrrel, Grade 11, Paw Tamblyn, Grade 18, Margery Furrell, Grade 9, 1 estie Hopper The presemtations were made by Carles TamWivn The valedictory rAdress given by Constance Tyrrell after which she was presemied with a bouquet of red roses hy Douglas Martin on behalf of the Student Councl The commencement RABIES which was (0 have heen Ewen by Roy ¥. Ward, Vice-president Bulova Watch Co., Foroms given hy Rey. B, Long who sib stituted at the last moment when Mr, Ward was unable 19 make the trip, owing 1a had weather condiiions Bev. Long congratulated the fudents who had gradusted from high school, also he gratulated Connie on her dictory address and as words of her address said 5 just a beginning. He said, no matter what your profession is alm Meh hiteh your wagon to a star. Do your hest and keep on going. Whatever you ehonse of Rss sand Prurbam Sahm dd Was the the or: enter it with enthusiasm. Enjoy Meyele ambition hut he master of Hi Ta accomplish things there must he ambition and realize humil iy Is nece no matter what y nur profession is. Another word of advice (on rememher the world does not owe you @ living, You were placed in this world to make it a hetter world SEALY contribution your parents and your teachers' have given you The Township of Clarke Coun eil met on Tuesday, March 7 Monday, when they finished the husiness of the township Council learned that a writ had heen issued against the township from the Supreme | Court of Ontario ve Burley ver:| Burley is claiming damages of $1750 Mr. Burley of the fourth line of his property has affected his property adversely and taken action in the Council referred the matter tof the clerk and road superinten dent who are to discuss i with! Loavekin A hylaw Lo horrow $40,000 was given first and second reading matter sary for the construction of the new proposed school at Kendal hy Clarke Township Bchool {took place in Dunbarton United| Aven Board, The hylaw must go romsite the municipal hoard for its |approval spoke of the ten years he has Les Beare of Markham gave al served in township and county| eounells as heing both interest {tion, Musical selections were | In the matler of fire protec [tion for the Township of ( larke| {council took no action, A letter| was received from the Clarke I'ownship Fire Protection Com mittee in which they requested that the township carry out the) recommendations of the fire} marshal A resolution was maved and seconded hy J, Stone and R, Bavery in that they with:| nd 25 cents for children Last year's festival was most sickest with two entries (rom Crone Mr. 1, Aslets has ofler £4 18 try 16 cast # Play for 19%) AT TOWN BAL, On Tuesday Durham (ential Agricultural Society met @#l The Town Ball in Orons Suggestions or new 18eas improvements for his fair were hOronEmy Mscusses BNA SOME MRE EHRNEES decided wpm. Since the 18 | ZRILInE 50 INE IRIE ARG the timetable is crowed on Satur Ary for the Grandstand features i was decided thet the Fan would he held two full days, Fn aay, Sept. §, and Balurosy # and that exhibitors woud wp displays on Thursday Sept, 7 Mr ang YERF Werk set 0 Dairymple the local RENCUNNTRL FRPFESEHIA tive, spoke on Junior Farmer work and made some excelent suggestions [or competition in this field including a rope haller competition for the Jr. Dairy Call Club, On May 5 the Jr Farmers Club will be using the Fair building for » cosching school on showmanship The Fair Board 15 most terested in encouraging Junior Farmer Clubs and hopes 10 have the first day of the Fair as Junior Achievement Day with 4H Clubs, a school parade, a Roaden and a dance in the evening with the crowning of the Tobacco Queen Again this year there will he the Black and White Show, the Orono Band, the Tobacen Com petitions and the Midway Another hid is to he made on the 2th of March to sell the Orono Telephone Company Lim in WAS Also, you must never forget the!ited, A meeting for this purpose will he Hall has heen called and held in the Township Orono Two meetings have Fl hy an appointed commitlee hy the shareholders Thigty-one members Orono Mission Band the om of mel LAFON Poy ees Betlordsmre ~ Km of Yewrhslh Motors "eV en mare ng scheme, The RYEIRER PRY: WEP Per Worker wis abot #1, whout the same ws last yesr Aesiie the recent depression wn he industry, and the feel thet i mere employees than last VERE WETE EREIME 1H PHEIE shared hy VRWERGIE WOTKEES JOBS FORK DISABLED LOBDON~The Disabled Per ans kK mployment Act hal nol fewer than three PRYOML Was 24.5% per cent of people In EOVErRmEnt Fins will give the employment must he disabled For the (asl Yegr REL OF Misahied persons in gov EENment. Jobs was 4.2 per cent the whole chain of sores compared with Bn average of SEEK ASIA TRADE 440 VES Very BANDKINGHAM, Noriolk The Queen's estale at Sandring ham is 16 he sprayed from the alr, 'The fist Job will be to fer Whize #0 aeres 19 be sown in wheat, Later in the season the sugar beet crop will be sprayes ind then the potatoes, The Spraying will he done hy Liger Moth planes BOURNEMOUTH, Hants Pupils at Boscombe Becondary School al Bournemouth CER In the previous Russia. Headmaster 1. 6 IBY BAYS We hope Lo impress on our commen with their friends. Perhaps then, the next generation will live in peace," FARMERS NIGHT SHEFTY IPSWICH, Buffolk --~ Many farmers in Suffolk have equip: ped their machinery with flood: taking advan- and are of Hghts lage the fine early spring The Buffolk agricultural central authority te make an order that the workers should be paid an extra 10 cents an hour Wednesday afternoon with Shar-| {Man Hath Perfect Blessedness| 548 the Township of Clarke Mi {on Allin conducting the meeting The meeting was opened with Kenneth | [rom the township in the amountithe Mission Band hymn and the Mission Band Purpose. Valerie Mercer and Margaret Middleton Thompson's|of Clarke claims that the new took up the offering after which {and MeClement's of the Base: [construction of the road in front the Offeratory prayer was said. County Junior Mrs, Melaren suggested thai needles or thread (0 put into a hail, The children also suggest ed that they consider placing some good used clothing which they had grown oul of packed in the hale also Carol Gilbank introduced (he enacted out hy The meeting story hy Mrs Benediction Eastern Star Group # closed with a McLaren and (he 'Holds Meet The regular meeting of the Whithy Chapter No, 248 Opder of the Hastern Star was held in the Masonie Lodge all ye 'Skating Party 'At Cannington UXBRIDGE Farmers' Asso: ciation held a skating party in hasihe children huy a package ofthe Cannington Arena, on Fri day, March 17 tendance The program the evening with a good at committee for wis Alan Ross, A very interesting Inter-Club hroom hall competition was (hy council, This money 18 Nees: soe for the meeting which was| held. The elubs taking part were | Brooklin, Beaverton, Port Perry and Uxhridge, Following the | broom hall games, the group en joyed skating The evening concluded with a {fine lunch heing provided by the girls The "At Home" dance (0 be held in the Port Perry Public Hehool on Friday, April 7, will he the next social event of the Ontario County Junior Farmers' Association, The theme for this year's dance is "An Enchanted Hyening", and music will be wovided hy the well known larry Hawkin's Orchestra, hold making any further de: cently. The worthy ma t ro nl lndsay cision an the request KPONKOR SAFETY | On Thursday, a meeting of ton, My. Bert Gibson, township/until & o'clock, There is some-|the Orono Drama Festival Com | 8 ¥ everyone, [mittee was held at the home of And the flag was presented at Variety Night AUDLEY AUDLEY The WA met in| the chuveh on Wednesday eve: ning with the president, Mrs, G./ Astley conducting the business, | \ hale of clothing is being sent to the Women's Welfare Loague, | Oshawa, and a donation to the Overseas Relief Fund, The WA [Else Goose in office has purchased & vacuum Olean: | or for the church, The roll call was Usacrifice'. Mrs, A led the warship assisted hy Mrs and Mrs, Fred Puekrin, Mrs, G Astley "and Mrs. A, Hell sang "When 1 Survey the Wondrous Cross', Mrs, Fred Puckrin read a letter fram Allen Knight, a missionary in Angola, Afriea Refreshments were served Mrs and Kevin left on Monday from Malton atrport to spend a few months with her parents at Do minion, Cape Breton Island Gregory Winter spent two {days In Oshawa Hospital last week under ahservation Eileen Guthrie is recuperating at home following an operation [on her eyes at a hospital in To {ronto an Tuesday of last week Mr, Milton Pawell, Oshawa {visited at the home of his son | Stanley and Mps. Powell on Sun {day Mr, and Mrs Roy and Colleen, visited on Sunday af Gen and Mis | Downsview al the hame lsat Rell] service, | John Puekyin| Brian Churchyard, fran] Kathleen Hrown presided and was assisted hy presiding pal ron James Martin The meeting opened in form the altar by the marshal Mar garet Barnes and was escorted to the Hast. Minutes of the previous meeting were vead hy seeretary Julia Thomas PM, The Canduetress ehair was occupied hy Elsie Goose PM due (0 the absence of Louella Cook The past matrons and patron present were Anna Patterson PM, Mae Phair PM, in office Julia 'Plan Irish RURKETON = An Irish var {ety concert will take place in the Chueh Friday night, Mareh 2, at § pom, The program will consist of the following: Mr, Mel Smith from Oshawa, Mrs, Reg Johnson and Sunderland, My George wolf will show pietures {of Ireland | The CGIT will meet in the LH 18s for Mgt. work, Bl presen, hey f andon. BH pus APRA digi Bid LB ur PBB fox working ater fark s 3 3 y [Plans for wong those owned BRA PIETRIR bonds LEE #6 er parks on open BoRrts Federation 15 16 1008 # Regom ~ "Kage of the City", sphees pre eng Mecnssed, : "wu was Aeicided by the wom: BRYIRES EIowps Row Hand #t HEPRIEVE OLD TOWER her Wren tower on $5, Alban c ment that # genersl province Crh, Wood street, the second sles (x I0r CANCRIION PWIPoses oldest of London's churches, howd he levied, The federation i phe Lith & Welory Bong Pack 10 has Deen AAVACRINE RB RERETRI Sens Limes, of Janam he ve Jit line 2 - comary, cr / he ¢ 4 toh repriey 7 Weng -- naer the company's profi-sher aiid Tor HoAd W tower of the Wired church wil The FIVEDAY WEEK FRAMTES 1904 shops the percent CEPETINENL Proves B SHCEESS, _Aelegrtion is 19 VisiL SEVER COUN g | In tion two POFL 10 the government and 19 "COUNCIL CARAVAN BITE RTE sham rural council has decided Corresponding with pen pals ni spend $112,000 on seiting up C818 its own caravan site at Wheipley [considering setting up # second ips how much they have inlsice and its officers have been HAssIan inetructed to submit details of | 2000, have heen advised by their ilready | weather to work throughout the and adjourned this meeting 10 heen held in this connection and night study has also been made wages commitiee is asking the) | | The Ontario ta he! Dean Beatty and Frank Barkey,| | Thomas PM in office, and pre: Church Hall Tuesday evening, | siding patron Jeff Martin The reports o f sick and sun shine were given and exppes slons of sympathy and get-well {wera given hy the worthy mat von Kathleen Brown, During the reports of special committees a reminder from the Renevolent committee was given for the Rummage and Bake sale The bake table {5 in charge of Mae Phair PM, A toueh-and take tahle will he held at the next meeting of March 80 Many events were arranged for coming meetings and notices to this effect "will he given [hefare each meeting, The meet ing olased 1 n farm, the warthy matron Kathleen Brawn givin the farewell, A lunch was served {hy the committee ROUGH SOUTHEND A greyhound RACER England (UF) has heen sus The The is canipe competitors hound's racing name | {Delinquent Kid March 3% at ¥ pm Mr. Thomas Trick home again from Hospital, Bowmanville, [much improved | Mr. Chester Hoskins veturne home after spending a few days with friends in Niagara on the returned Memorial feeling Ake Mr. and Mrs, Opville Greer and girls, Oshawa, were Satur {day guests of Mrs, H. Bryan, Mr. Fred Carter, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mo: ther, Mrs, A, Carter Mr, and Mrs, W. H, Crawford, Enniskillen, were Friday tea guests of Mr, and Mrs, A, KE, Rihey Mr, and Mrs. Frank Allison and family, Oshawa, visited with Mrs, Pearl Avery and Mr and Mrs. George Allison Mr. and Mrs. RB, Power and family, Cookstown, visited Mp and Mrs, Cyrus Ashton, and Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and Orval Nelson, [pended 14 days for fighting with family on Sunday A number fram here attend of a board meet he at Enniskil {len Church on Sundav evening (HIRE, CANADIAN PILOTS mempers of fe races hare 'ven ried 9, THEATRE GUIDE emailer the Soir of ator fie IRA Y of fhe (RHEE, 55pm age = "6 po (They Wowie work Ws The FNETE. glances" $1.40, 39,7, Ln lof personal reiationemips PE oo i Paseonet 1H fA italy We, in Wah There WE 55 505 508 om. Fight LARRY TRERREIAS [OF WONRER faves, 1.98, 5.25, 8.40 pM. PLAN TH BEAT FILOOWSE complete show wt 548 9m LONDON -- London Cots pooh (Whithy) ~ o Commeti io wnderiaiomg # VIO "oer wise" 708 and 16.99 pm. shame (6 refeve fhe fooOnE et is 7 City", 890 pm. : Last complete show #8 30 of Avwing will be enlarged. oo oF dwphenied and Hammer SHR PRI ng Hation eminiged Werks = Howe on Waonted Hil', 145, 710 pw. "Tal Sony", 685, #0 pm. "Vier let Setwrdey", 115, #49, 10.10 p.m. Last complete show Emm ] Plaza ~ The Great imposter" READY T0 MARCH 1%, 4.95, 50, 1.98, 9.98 pm, , BE BE. QUEREL (CF)=The (ueher [ast complete show #6 9.09 by Province Boman Catholic Schosl PW - v RA akermiieh. A repovt Says The (amber wel rene wn 128 in Wammer fionded if ™ Song Bk the there wre ie peng the Commty Commeti and pri KERongion » Sisregm bie "march on uehes" by school bored members Thirs LONDOK ~ The Bir Christo O8Y 19 impress wpon the govern shown Baily wt 1.30, 4.50, B95 pm "Where the Het Wind Blows'. shown Sally ot 106 628, 5.40 p.m. Lan complete show # B15 p.m 1368 of the province's 1951. I repre} 509 school howrds hes been shies tox since re ------ , the we LAST 3 DAYS ce WS TRUE LIFE STORY MAKES FICTION SEEM TAME! ". TONY.CURTIS he preserved as # cty land mark, A previews decision 19 pull i down met with sirens ie press 3 LONDON = Bainshury's, one of Britain's largest food store Chang, 16 19 expenment wilh # five-day week in eight of Hs 260 These will be en every Monday Employees a week, UM the tirely closed five-day, Yihowr the change will be applied 10 EOMOND 0 BRYN ARTHUR O'CONNELL wemnt AAVMOND MASSEY - so oso. see won JT ALDEN LINES tv Zing LONDON = A British trade! tries in Southeast Asia in April! 19 explore prospects for ex port trade, the Federation of British Industries announces he decision was taken in con with the Board of The delegation will re TIMES; 1:85-3:38 §:30.7:50 9:20 Frade naustry AMERSHAM, Bucks -- Amer: Hill, near Chesham, It Is now 7 4 / ly a TL 3 / LAEPF any sites they feel suitable BOYCOTT OF BANK | COVENTRY = Local govern: | ment employees, numbering | {union that if they have accounts) in the Westminster Bank, they) should place them with another bank which recognizes » trade union, The Westminster Bank recognizes only its own organ: igation, the Westminster Bank Guild PATTERSON INGEMAK JOHANSSON OIG HORS MATIN Charing | GT TH tower or BIH MIT "Carthage In Flames" In Goler "Passport To Chine" LONDON = British European) Airways have recruited 87 Cana: dign pilots te fill vacancies caused by a shortage of com: mercial airline pilots, A BEA spokesman said they had inter: viewed about 100 Canadian pilots, They had signed con: tracts with 28, and nine other contracts were ready flo be signed COINS FOR GREECE LONDON == Far the first time in 80 years, the Royal Mint is making coinage for Greece, It has heen successful with a ten" der to produce 20 million 2 drachma silver pieces, This 1s the first European coinage that the Mint has undertaken since the war, It now employs over 700 men, and produces 700 mil: lion coins a year AIRPORT PARKING UP LONDON Airline passen: gers who park their cars for more than four days at London Alrport are to be charged $5.60 a day, an increase of #5, The charge for cars left from two to four days has gone up from 60 cents to $3.80, Cars parked while their owners went on for eign trips have been straining the parking capacity at the air: port CALL TO WOMEN CHELMAFORD (leaning Comments se The cheapest thing today is the orice of cleaning your garments, fy renews them ta arlginal Treshness at a law cost "YOUR CLEANER 1§ YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" METRO GOLOWYN MAYER presents 33 L A] GoGo TECHNICOLOR shang BILL T Women Torro, 2° | ih 4 Taig | IT HITS LIKE VOLLEY 15 SLUGS THE 13 GREATEST SHOCKS EVER FILMED! GontuiyFay Presents \ Han ing VINCENT PRICE INEMA ADULT ENTERTAINME Avnrring N VIGTOR MATURE!

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