14 THE GOHAN A TIES, Mendey, Merch 18, 196) usw THE E OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS A TET Abb A (A48--Rooms For Rent As--HRasl Enore For Sole 45--Raesl Estate for Sole (Ab=--Asel Eatete for Sele Ao--Roel botete bur Sey CLASSIFIED AD 2 AS ad LARTLY formionns besomomn wk Wick B95 - room busses, fly Aeeoreies TE 008, ® gorse 5 low ere aro ss re cop pe-- ERS porto; A PRIVATE SALE SRE A nd L. ion GR Ba, (Gee es WB wien, hess, Bie, Wer [enenh, BIG, VME BRIE, SRE BORN Ler £ & fe fri 3 CREE #); hes Bh 0 CONF ig iked. On Faiimines. Thephone Bh gage. lw Awe semen, WIK 3.99% A service Hation « weer Ber Rit he RAFT AY. 1s im re hme PRs Lin Fn I a Groeary Store = Fivevroom + id dy 7% NLISTED NUM! ll idea des tad Howe - FOO oe ai aE ts AR 5 5 a, Voy. lng guerners, ples ves = 2, Cy - RT HAs i840 Tari, WHR hth, Wl ees ny fads frimeied ange didi Er Sri d rh . sd SPH GRIGGE, IIIA InG BE 4 i fy wa PERe abd a dad A / 7 Epil er Binet py (wiegione RE SIS prvi Regs A Teiegnmne Wh BRINE shiser % ys #4 T9674 fed wh HOUSE "i Churge rote wil apehy 197 Mire Reais pi yogg PU tence from Chews less When Parl 16088 FGhy VY 15 GF GRR , E © 7 pap [ron b A LL 30 miles. Smcrifice price EIGHT ROOMS 7 ro A "is iw ete, BERNIE | ANN'S FABRIC BEEF ied Bok entrance, Sok OE tommionet room, Wat Weschens Heh Hest Hots Trim bk as, SR SOD -- down permet SOLID BRICK "AA 3 Ckosaumt (meeriory Rend o & CED ved cashes 18 ienen. i Athet hE prorieges Swe cople oF 98 ovis #5, | 1 e 1 $1560 BA Cond] iter dete corerite «row wrgndl | ADP IANCE SERVICE SHOP bit RE ho, ri YA ra ded Ast Het gues haoing vith oh 4 HOWE RY Thves - 105 sRRitament, 7 TI Wes M Li ord $ $ dd i$ 3 REN BAA fii ah "© # I. " Lad ome nae Ti 0, Ja oF | 48 sch WORTH Ber | vn wynon 81 8. (i har rr i pms, tet gn trt MO, TINDALL | Rp VICKERY | 'waa 720 fr ; | : i fren Le, Honest hee B46 co mer 4 WHITEY = MO B£152 wih homie wontons, Warren powpve Forking 0 Bsns sorte 11 ¥ sim vice dept for Prvies, Mofigt, (bpsie. Bh 5300 REALTOR apd sb imah: FIVE - mom ppeiiimept, W5 monily , } por a GE, Viesinghone, #6 | Knitting wosls, Spring print, Belding Beat, BIAS, Wier, Wie £8 LARGE Bona kas ing TOOW ; BEV pe REALTOR INSURANCE = Esch wtiel (otter oro - f, i FL igh 4 i AR wan fine, BE Cen et 43 BOND ST WEST 3 RLF ESI 45 Ar Ay ve 1 poo B fg RA 5-1179 le per ye iy Ab feet, oH bn Teiepmme Bh 505 ' y | PRR ESHONA £ ALEAER A w % " BRR, Bi Ww 4 Aeon, sions (9 Bowl rv dtl - i i " aon Py 2 A SEE +» mom hoes for A with #8 in. Aes 9 Thomes © po ow BREE EN REE NE i p RA B-6228 IST WITH LOYD wa AA Co re pone ae if Trerws wn FRAY REWER Ferpiied for favs rage, pose to Bork GH 9 APY . v oo Ih BRSRINONS, VEEY EERIE $11 500 Bown, broom, Hip | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER A # Th, Hamer ome. 40 Hae worr. Was be Eos Livi AY. of Freh Novis # whe pteTns rs Fonts 96 Loniok Wires! best Street 4 bedrooms, | CPEN FRIDAY MIGHTS : ¢ LAL : s Korte Terms iy . 4 o Rion id = a Rand pene tivbinn een RE d rime with / » fopaating Io ro ond Fond ord wrtiAg 16 Boz 851 yo RA Timed, 19% pau m - room Bosssiow, st UE Biogr 9, Inciudes Best, By siiatie lor TWO luiniohed Bedrooms. one Aowkie four-pvece loth, bl celigr, BRICK i 6b ROOM BUNGALOW + it vx - y A pers, Hews Doty 85, tet dey § maw Pinsesnion Morb |. Trieshone SEECIML brcheinr spsitimeni, IF sport || C75. Faewnone RA Boh evenings es. Owner ry mente ol "] ig FECA T Ror EAFRRIENCER middie - sped poe OR ' a 3 os ows tores. Owner gerry PRESTIGE HOMES | GARAGE ON ROSSMERE i» . wi log we Mayo g i RETR al a7 15 mphiies re meso - svrrtls tor sree in advertiser Nien hone Rh S954 lox mars pri A HE rom Brick hovee tn THES oR pA i donet, Ine Manheim. i Andie Central Pork Bivg, Soph, $16,500.60 buys this wel Ee -- wring r tor mors Wen ne Atv W/ Whos East or teteshine ih THREE spo Wid gists ple A golow, B veers od, Sone 1am, MaRsIn kitchen and 4 mortgage. MNetwel pes oce " : pic oth, freed 0 oh ot, | pun" dng. im. omer | DON 5, SMITH Five room Bowes, wi hesied TT etre ph ming in Av (A . ipsement. Lovege WEE distvict lor 1® be Titres ss wtirers \5T Femele Welp Wanted Houses For Rent om sine ho VERNISNER (ws rove. Wek wah RA 5.0429 ! 46 King ©. West ES Ar wh Ti of A Sb swe an fore Blacks Irom APR ! rain es 38 77 freer Wart West, ghinis, oh Vornees, Wh 07 sents BA FT0EE ph whe BREE pe ATRL of Fest, prvete Gre, low {WITH ATTACHED er 0 8 or chet Tre Geneve Times wi not be jpeser Wor amet sit Larne. 1AvE A 4461 HERE IIR nE, Frese, iden for age, BINGIE inom, bombed, Womid op gece. $10.800. Gord terms ned 1 : merits wan ired oherwie Wen wm fie wi, 015 month sen Ent A shes, parking secs. Teieprone RA $11,560 Fiva-room lpn near Aol, 2 siorey, § bed kept home with 8 5Vi% FOR REAL ESTATE dusts, RY nsertion & #9 ) ) 4 # Et ¥. A B15 AOE bright spaces heh sHlRE room ont 4 # nie both, a avard \ | : py 10% Wing Bigeet al oF 1 h 90 piece " wk, bor ® Pre mart INVOICE ehed o, Brae Enlai | vis, ers Torviam Tiedt vont 4 a ronsterred 15 Toroms, GavarTaernent Wh wel ere A = oie tenant, sosiamie Mork 13 i] THLE, Bot Rises oF £m sf Ihek 4 Men only B® Veron lorge lot on Meador [7 : bosement, POvE WE = worth your while 10 see Ihis ; fed ge Jers a rgd T YPIST A sie H : Gils Svaiebie pow. BA BHA (ECR. T0r WA 47009 "TL Recscnciie down poyment, | p% 0 yeor mort -- rome Phare for Bin Willer Mer. Vickery Res! Estote We own Elasehicoton FIVE rooms v wit, re we op; parker Hh ATTRACTIVELY a ow down peyment ( rry of RA B-5173 or RA 52587 Business BA B-6778 f { Bier GE/8ITIe ce MNecgsss ares eth pled # A . io ui ] " ostiss ar o 3 J the £oie © id ¢ ik . " #4 #3 Mary Bessel. Telephone B : ¢ FURMISHED ROOMS ate de, good so, Centre! Pork Blvd Forth, PRACTICALLY MEW Res BA BARST WH 2.2120 thier # BB i Jr IRMIG JOM Oot 54 500 ei. To TICALLY CP es Sires did bedroom, oi heat, beautiful #4A--~Apts, & Flots rAd, ! H Cooter brant Avian nw ole. home SOB ners avo sl. beroomed red Treiman | Excellent resale of 6% ul DO YOU PLAN North. Cg 3 begrooms, lorge : N od f 7 fF . / J or Rent vi - io } 188 yard, close 10 Coronation A Sawares fF id # " " pe / a hn wi deed L any maces - form LADIE FARTIY Torniched 1 ire BERYY A i wile any Mme! betreen B ond 7 po 0 0, Ww on School and pleyground fo y ectrs yi " i TO BUILD a y wand SF ord Ged ' tment, with by ib # i # + ¥ hans BA BRYV/E ( y aod ish "me arotif go extra gin dg , io Bonin oehersi Wolo Are RA B867) op, 10 6 oh th, y @litying don Bhan HOME ? a mer? AYER COGMET & Wille gr 140 BERET oR THe ens y Ww AIRES CERIN, hot im Ay / King Street East near W EA BE123 Rel f olf the Mya on phone WA BRE : ik tise. BA 0161 or BA AS --Resl Estate for Scie 4 ood wn Ra. VV share), 2 lore 3 ; elieve you oh " worries, Becresentotive and (THREE - rom Fiat, privele snirence, + 19/8 . rer . or Go Redon. aire orp WH NORTH » EAST have on experienced builder 17 Women » Column { nade h lite her pew) decorated Wt THREE INO Wes ment spar ment heise dard ! ¥ y 6% NHA RESAL E pt 8 home on your own let ¥ . ' oi sopremenees, moe mimsle to shop OrEed ir OW, silent sn thes, ed os y VE Yr Neg / IE A J Ampie ph Ain y " - ng room, big modern kitchen ¢ Jn JI Beh SPECIMA cold waves S500, best u Jit p ) £ be Irn ala ve, lum {(@) RENT oved sundry tubs. forced iF. of oom brick aed stone rene) n any lection in Oshews rmanenty 9804 Fr¥ Halohresoing Fs : 4 seen e Im | " 1 4 eh ' We buy the best materiel in w Vine Avene RAT bas Act / i" 3 fl f- l 7 eho 10" fi ; i Wl dy m od, buildings tei, Broomed ha CYRIYINING IN BXLE on ' ' not bi elas stock Arrange for As 60627 € LEA, winwies om COIRERS a , sk, two berms, hydin, wet ent repair A 9 me exlig. hing i --- oF THERES Tarnished spsrtmen ( , PHYRIe, ' money problems the N.H.A kes he Re nr, 44 er IMMED A FEL 4 We hore Telephone Bo §345), ia [Al Pid PH raion APPR IXIMA TELY on top. $27,000. Good Al ' id 950 denn, balance we } (4 the home of your ho Hands! Io Frdsy st 19% Simeone bdicdadid eka WONTHLY In svestment baliding, PRT*IR nimble Ior comple OF Gwe 50 ACRES OF | | w lor sole As, terme, NEHA 6% mort: id i the Buide 1 i Ve ve Re rm ApEn, | Bir shen | BI Elgin East. RA 33807 WORKABLE LAND Income homes, apartments alt Bill Homer ot RA Ne, £4 / ri A 37 --Mele Help Wants privaie hath Bad entrance, newly Ae. SELF - CONTAINER, newls fecorsied n d os on Celine Rood. Pes motel end businessess after howrs RA better homes, Ses the JUDAR 19--Persons! SORERSIVE . . ht, COrmian themughowt, Central. BA S609. piodern thiee Om BpRriment, Duis With use of barn or complete 9 ' mo buildin HOMES in the Cedar Yalley 4 machinery, ple TWO" room spsment. privele en if) 1. heavy Buty wining, pivelel form with howse. For fir S450 Bar SETS: y Persone! Service, -- ereq. Don't delay, coll any FREE pont, for elderly coople, lo § y covvorien, TOF (ramen, mow flare, Wh Eeling Soest hr Jha Includen, RensOR | shor information telephone oF Mas Cottre MO B-2497 Lioyd Regity Lid, Resitors time la apd gare lor 180 BERG J : £ pi gs Wi . oo Ladd 0070 RA 5.997% " re | ot Doneven RA 3.7313 RA 8B 5123 ka 8517 ' Write Box S18 Ushaws m N on ohne RA 55570 or Y- 9925 | WF HAVE OTHERS - 2 does pte he BACHELOR speriment. Ta new apart |FEEPISUER Bescment _ spermeticl of write BOK 637, OSHAV/A | IAVE ERS { Don § Smith RA B-4B7% RAB-5 | A. JUDAF TO CHOOSE FROM Wm, Irvine FA B-2868 101 SIMCOE ir, N, | 283 SENECA 57. RA 5-8404 ment biiding, electrically ennippet, 1 | Reauired | lLarae fir a or J $ week) clude, TIME ELECTROLYSIS quired by 1.0198 diate Littell it ul Wty te ly Us 2g wr TG TO CHIOC MORERN [our - rom spariments (tee 4 )# facilities, Hive minites 0 ovel of superfluous he 5188-7 fed rd VWFi A Wedern t oom # / Remo / y pF f apartment, Bewly Aes 4 riyate ® bri ern Motors, avaliable pow Marie Muyrduff ww Le 7 ed : ot private bat mines Oshawa, April 4th and 51 86 SAYRNEEINGI WITT § vin Ao enlown. Telephone HA #40 end three - oom partments fiture, compiele EMPIGYRE | Lu STSIINE = Mires room Unig nished § 8 b didjisd: bo Wd, parking, his Phone Genothg Hote ¢ benefits. Apply person 16 BREINER TY outlet, hes wiring, * of door. Telephone RA B-3489 these detes for appointment the Manager Firestone Stores isnndry room, sorsse space. Adults, * 0 | Oshawe plegse Reasonable Telephone BA PRIVATE ain Noor spartment, four! r------ r---- od "i sto refrigeralor, hest, hath 25---Pets and Livestock a LT apartment, hres. Rwy Kiee prt "8 Werné| Accountants Bookkeeping 2 (artags Mortgeg (Rug--Upholstery Service ag | I AE ah ens BEAUTIFUL Baby budgies ready piece hath, garage, TV anienns, heal ind £0, Aseounients WN'E Moving snd Blorsge, many, FIRT 30d second mo vgn [a SEATERDLELRS rebuilt, recovered, ne LY VO ninks Gaining, iallang slain. Apply MES | SSRTEI en or girls, single hot water, Avallbhie BA BO3LL RA THREE nom apartment, private en W- F. DEWAR | ie! Bid / 5C ( {am Ressonible rales. FU ed. W, Behalamann, Mo #y eres Our» Broad, 114 Elgin Birest East _ (ote Tuilite YT "ha [ean home, 3: 1348 tr WW T aerial, 555 month. 468 Park And Audie dar filen Kh ¥ i pi | HAPEL H SUMAN | ensierea snd Insured. Phone RA dan] Whithy Professions] Bul bi ill ii / action 4 es thiee n Bd Laundry, 684 new, modern | hed 3 COMPLETE BOOKEEPING | Thaw -- auth. BA »#778 farin Bireet shows fmiare ------ # # J ; 26~Farmer' MN Column $14 per wee nteal. RA S008 ent, refrigersior, stove THREF mom furnished apartment | winson " BURROWS, Chartered p ' vy [se OLIAN Cartage, for Ia pend - wr So Btrest est. Di ROOM snd board or rem only, newly (eeiiilies supplied, pavid parking. Tele: convenient, central. Apply 36 Gladstone. Accountants 34 Bimeoe Street South, | ERYICE, INC OME TAX Ishie service RA 83014 ie nr 100 FIRST 8nd pri PEAR farm slack picked up prompily rata ane king. eentral,| phone RA 5-6674 Avenue tor more Inlormetion oh Ronald ¥. D Wilson, A RETURNS big or oo small 1 ree ments Ai i, RILDE pr EA iA hone collect, Hampton, COUR Ridge 1B py iF ENTREES OF NEW modern (We Wedroom sper: | THRE room undurmehed SPAREN: | Edmond Burrows, CA. BA 8357 . ck and Hepnick Loa n |v iy 5 « the host Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Lic. 116, (BORER SHIR ui ih ment In Rew apartment building, Fee wilh (wo -piees hath, heavy duly wig, (mom CLANCY'S Omir Accounting | 686 OSLER STREET Dressmaking : | Birest East, BA 3 Ri (1 le Lg og oF lose Room of hoard, five da eek, | [FIgerator, slave, paved parking, one Zi i sink 1p Wighen, ooh E000 Complete Bookkeepin CIENTS money ort frit or » '¥ # "NO FF S| Hogle Wed, whi with Ty. block (a 'school or shopping. 78 West, i Jarvis Biresl AVI: Bond Sireet West THA & | RA 85-9953 CUSTOM permanents by gh Mortgage » ah In Jie Jn a mle, ew » br | arking. South (GM, central. MA 84463. | mount Avenue, KA B-4/53 bedroom, sell-coniained mod. |FKes, HA 37608 {Walrty ng slain 14" 1 Bond W f thated, fl marty Sernged | UPHOLSTERY of its LH for lon Best In Mastitis treatments (ROAM Gnd board, veins men, friendly (TWO = Croom apartment, furnished, ern apsriment. itehen, living room. |= lob mmr ari Building Materials -- |Crelghlon, Fone," Brines dd ieclaisg beg Chasteriel ii | n hed od conkl TV separate entrance, services supplied, (worth at Ravine, Avaliable Apri|# mn | BLTERATIONS of Ly Kinds for "men, {och Ri and other Animal Health (Rams. A RA Liab pr FB apie parking, available April Ish]. Apply BA S741 6 am, lo 8 pm {fied Pubile Accountants, 178 K{ 1 | women and child Ae N THe ey rm, 04 Products Injectables Wi ¥ {969 Drew Breet or telephone BA 38108. | Lup sri NTS one four room pe pi [Brent East, Oshaws, Optarin RB PICK UP AND SAVE Reversible skirts § cially, = MORTGAGES --- FURNITURE 7 repaired eT [| frigerated Syringe wW d hosrd, close to Bouih 6 MODERN (wo-bedroam Aparsment re: five room on ground floor, Teundry fa: . . ! had or BR ° ailable Ro i Ef Ah re iiss |frigerator, slave, hot waler included (eilities, wll conveniences. RA $3008 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, BUNTER and NEW LOW Cash Prices tried JHlermens c prianged. Bought be oh Hi bella 1 dig Fi SHORT' ¢ FPHARMAC Y of hat water, Parking, Telephone RA | washer, dryer, laundry tubs 239 Mon (oF 165 Verdun Rosd \€o, Agoountenis and Auditors, 14-| price RA Boo empany RAS 54 [] nies 4 BROOKLIN | jis trave Avenue, Apsriment Mo, 1, B Twn room apartment heated, new. | ened Frustes 10 Bankripiey | PLYWOOD LLL LI Edd 50191 remodeling. Privates bath, semi. |KI08 Bigeet Kast, Oshawa RL. Yala, ALTERATIONS #i Ma y! Gs (i Ho private home, North section, close YOUR ols. DRUG STORE bus, Telephone BA 36408 ments, In new apartment bullding, Park dle sged 4 couple preferred, Ty OPIONS | MONTEITH, MONTENIN, BIEN] Rough 4x8 $3.00; 14" 4x8 nm ree stim : ; », BAOM and hoard for one hisiness gil | NEW modern one. two bedroom apart | privale entrance Ample parkin ia | ATF Friediander, B. Comm, CPA 4" 4x6 G15 $2.60; WW" Revers) and children il B 0 y | v Fe 0 nD SEGERS Road, Adelaide Stree! broadloom, RA 56 ' i Hi : 4 Realt ' RUG AND UPHOLSTERY GENTLEMAN, ale clean German lly decorated, enlored Bath {and Co. Chartered Accountants, HA G15 $5.64; § Rough 4xb [DRESSMAKING Indies' 4 chil: Limite salar Open Men Wed, Friday ome, first class ond Parking As tastefully plik Weg Big Ry ™o f ores HAAR shed Foor sink |b-3587 wi' Wd Breet North. | th wh "oB 6 15 1 24; fren ' weak, pliesanions ol pil Finds, Member Ontarle Morigege CLEANERS evening for your cenvenience Park Road South parking Must see lo sppreciate, RA (DDE SUUDUSTER U Kilcher bhi wel: Max | 214" 'Commen Mails 80 Ii din Brokers Asseciation Prof I cl y ' 0 wi | 8 og "TN A ' rofessional Cleani Wanted {50d peer in new Home. Bs ht oor | UNFURNISHED three roar apart |Articles for Rent - $6.25 and Weed [Nursing Servi Lower Prices. ng o Lunches packed, Apply 91% Olive neil, with private entrance, avaliable | ardwood ends, suitable for fur | --eeo momen] ihee [Modern 2 Bedroom edintely. Apply 84 Fairbanks Sires. | CETE LUAN Meheginy Doors ol Heep ole . IIVInY ieee how, TILA care for RA 5.7488 soar wd' tite" oilhase iA ROOM snd (TT for Fortiaman in| TW beds am Xr mn Wimeos) ; TELEVISION ETS $3.95 and up STRAPPING, ell ered Phone BA 8 he BC erviend by id fg ether Ie roam. Geed los | Ld he tui Liddy od ele | {UA | A x2 f } bl = LES APARTMENT FE LERATE wiih, © | III ee a RUGS b, CHESTERFIELDS TED [Loot dtr, gona, 1 | "RicoKo ruven 4700 HORT AEE Rd sri Tg] Optomenrn CLEANED oh Gene otare, Ww WEST END = spacin pom | sk hd $2.99 ea RTL ! C8 FURNITURE fred snd seuphol: A WAN [i Mil Street, RA BIT. | Stove, fridge, wash and drys |aUiRL Bu newly WHI thine | place RADIOS & SUNIAMPS ment. BTVarlb. $1,010; [sieved Ses our materals for evr: bd YW TTT] Professional Cleaning SCRAP IRON, POULTRY ing facilities, Available [hath heavy duty stove, private en MEAGHERS Vin tl in nies Dalton, 78 Charles Stresh | x minatl H or Plant SND FEATHER TIEKS 42---5tare Space and J {1hne, §arags BVAIARIS, Felephone HA INYL Floor Tile, 13¢ ea; [gf IR matY 3 iene hme ef ND FEA KS Garaots April 1 in | § KING STREET WEST v4 Spruce, $83.00 per M, | il UI Hine Nonoin Members of the Natiens! . 9 | 4 | RA 3.3425 Suppl ' Instituet of Rug Cleaning | TURNER | jvaiiomie uo sic an PHONE RA 8-626 TERUEKL foi shims sect | j | MecULLOUGH L0G. supp, (Gardening end Supplies MURA VEIL: oS SER) NU-WAY--RA 8-468) RA 3.2043 RA 3-3374 Rawntown hui ne jo ultabie tenant | t » eurners, $68 monthly . . | 1270 Simcoe St. N Bilte 3 Th ne r ep Ab {gellect) 8 rv ifs da Tor Webel tsb D. HYMAN ror ae viet | SICKROOM EQUIPMENT | OSHAWA Wash, Wnithy. MO ba87t: cos S------ on oul Call WA #6081 Ha Bo ream apartment, hath, Tid | FOR RENT OR FOR SALE (Building Trades HOME LANDSCAPING hy "yok. 0 oa htametrt. LT . " iE I CASH FOR SCRAP x PS boards, sink, healed, ential, 878 menth-| Hospital beds, wheel chairs Sr Pun of fruit 4 , ¥. ORTON snd Associates, One ! 1 : 1 eential, $74 m | aspital bec iy j \ ees and 74 Burk rast. ft WE BUY | OFFICE OR STORE REAL E 4 TATE 1A 3-06) | in Wy walkers Hbbiin ral A yout Mice fhe A Fiuling 8 ul hes ane [amiaed" home. Pig) ho Surveyhrs, Frolees a LS BATTERIES | 39 Prine p FOUR room spartment for pent. sta J i * led under "Offigs Equipment' 1a te | Ad A 4 0 h 081 Ajax 788 STEEL METAL JE | cP ACI FOR RENT 39 Fi LR LLL A 3 A ger or a Ir A Avalabie| commeodes crutches and | day , Classified section pho al Expert work guar Painting and Sa ic hg wish } ; : J HE - wri 1, Felephane 3.373 | raise sollngway. bed ME where Roofing, siding,| °F Land § ! Open All Day Saturda Approximately 12' by 33¢ or : MODERN 2 bedroom apt refriger sto ines, also roll:away bed Foi BLL fl FRapESMONAL painter 4nd Lane eran, i GREENBERG & SONS | larger if preferred ONE MONTH [monenx 2 veto qu reimwersiars | ppc' ala Rentals RA Be] 644 | iud Henmniihys, amaitien, SaIaNY RA 8-6366 HATel od Winer wien M EEN } & fe 00 80 anti SIE ond 3 dh. * mates. AM Conroy, WA . LTD | APPLY | FREE RENT I HA iT i: Resend foe o fi fd " is wry my chi h "yi an. Ashe | -m hid or repalr y 4 RA 3.7333 308 Bloor &, E, | 23 CELINA ST. Madern ane = and two » beds [THREE - roam apartment, two blacks Want Ads Don't | ivi MIR Hig PRY DRIVEWAY PODD & SOUTER au Fhrvexant Hn Adelaide Avanus -- " | re ---- -- room apartments, $85 and [tM fur camners, self-conthined |CUsTOM rmpneAte Qstingtive halv PAINTING & DECORATING SHAW mm ig up. Best location. Phone |e} Arated, $62 Phone NA 31148, | . [entiing and st9iin 13, Hugok's CONTRACTORS TV = Radio Repair auto wrecking co. | OFFICE SPACE | RA 8 8676 hatin ana. maine stturmianed, cone | COST They Pay [ti nens bi 4, oe Hi GRAVEL Painting bapsimanging AY, I ' b I lngatior AUR , A [BATHROOMS tiled, cabinets bull, sii Loam, Sand and x | ural 3 Thompson Electronics. 157 [} lncation, ground flaor, S80, heat | | types of alterations. No job ten small fn Dial J gynie a Wall Murals, Ei A a7ee (Fred) ¥ Wants cars for wrecking. Parts FOR RENT hot water noluded. RA 86434 A ry Part | Telephon RA 87180 for sale, alse crop iren end THREE roam apartment in new |AAUTQ Far ' . 107 BYRON ST, 5, WHITBY mule, ote. bought 00 | pe oo nie | TWO BEDROOM firinen iil elie' aod | unvs Wessun Tine = sua: tidine tectston: Hong Seog RA 5.5279 PAYS Mo és). SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT W ) levator servi n throughaut: Avaliable Ap ! INES As and' accel , 4 . oid Savy 34 oo 8 OOR : | New building, Centrally for APARTMENTS n_ shan and hus Li A Sy 14 wing "Hew Wea! Orhan AA mater RA Dac wow Free EXPERT PRUNING NIGH i T.V. and RADIO - ® ated fowhtawr rea : roam apartment, groun nr i ve W \ |e ) ite) - Moderate rent, Leases now | Excellent-location New build [priviie bath entrance Very clean. Hb I PR SERVICE Personal Service CALL RA 8-5286 ina. ath Thad ld [Faber tiie, hardwand Roars, Sls fais ) y PETER FAN Day Nursery, aU or hail. 4 fe wi OF W i Tease (Barristers plete 3100. H. 6. Heal. £0 3344) Shaping, Thinning ef Fruit day. 5.30 ta 5.50. 381 Bimene North. HA All Werk VY) SHAWA | available 4 [room in hasement. Avallable May UNWANTED . 4 LLOYD REALTY [ssinu |UuMPmREYS BOYCHYN and WIL TOUR HR FI, "oat and Omamental Trees. 030 wall Van Belle Gardens R ELECTRONICS LEON . ; THREE oom unfurnished apartment CLES? [HE TIMES RA 8 ho | 23 {three Place La Akishad periment, tidngaress ara "8 "Bovenyn, BA; [sialied fimaces vacuumed TRY OU fimits, 460 anil 1 Fast. Ph ities, 5.117%; Res Tumb { inpiies | MA 3.5757 . BOWMANVILLE A DUED CHIC ; EA ARTI : BUILDING PARKWOOD 10 aii Ra Tae I v ho whi Mh patel WA IA WA ip 4 HY LJ (3 miles East en Ne, 2) BAR-B-QUEL HICKEN apartment. eleetneally equipped, elas " Conte Lo Wi { [10 shim pA AR Ru i PAL JOHN A CAMERON, Barrister. Salto | is 953 Simeoe Steet Bouin, Instruet with french fries, fish and hf M! Phone 'RA 3. 3474 | ade} aofing applied. All work FUaTEnteed. (PRIVALE teacher, aby eller, ¢ STORE THE | APARTMENTS | reas ren hii ELL Rn iM ahi "private Free HLA HAD : | Jean' HUE by terion Ply milk hake, GRILL Tower in 3:41. by 4 Crawn Sone ---- 5-703 laid, nahle Ast now ¢ 13-~Wanted To Rent | | hd GREER and Kelle, Barpisters, Sollol | rgias wank it fy #00: (LTELIAN MAE MARNE dines educa: | WE DELIVER ~ ~-- RA 5.3887 and Taco antenna, plus Y \ 8 i] $ Ors iia mens } 0 A (WANTED Wont vee ar lurked | LA SALLE COURT Eh ar A | {a Mi Btiest Routh |inales WA 84 for, dancing wohadh, allel tan. Baiod channel 9 trap, ( wid ie ' ir, Mave, Paved Hark 9 3 } Ip " acrohatie, pre-school, V . THROUGH AN [To mathe kel Pine whims PHONE RA 5.3815 [Sin ater Read ™ 1o0 (1 Big 0, 0H tanh SF | LAVTRAING, TOR C0 EE 20 di," Wve 'Toma, Wa SHIRT LAUNDERERS Foy, ere, } {1'3881, Taronie , [4h " : WA 3 Bap 0) | TELEV : | ' {CLOSE (0 Sauth end factories, four -reom --- ; 0 . ? LaRaviiman RALPH JONES, BA, snd THOMAS i ARV "PANCE ACAD OSHAWA Noun Jor Runt A 8 3 : Bl aie bi i Hid Antes Lai ery hoi KE Tw Hh Raral he, dot Rin o | Eanes lengihan pa Len and Lou's ETAHT foam haus modern fights included. Apply 31 Whitin gars, 130 King Bireel Hag Id repairs Hg a ad 7 prion 10 hy elephane NEA 5.3368 THREE roam upstalr tf, pri: [THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll TIMES Bowmanville ate airance duetritad "Hicker Ba sllor ae notary miblie, King TED VEENHOF phone CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. ATIRACTIVE © room hungalow Tw badroom A tment uphoards, avallable April 1, parking, [Street East ane RA 5.358% . Southmead ares, half hioek off Sime {oentrally Tocated, reasonable. RA 34888 | TT Insurance FREE SURVEY Wilsan Rd ith of King \ ar set month ta stable | A lo. The ¢ 1a} Buildin 3 a 30 per cent, six months § . refrigeratar, $8 per month th wiitable ; Ag BAVA hah RA AN 113 Waar Berane Bniarts Clio pitting] Clean outs and deepening, [psrwondl sovio ut Tour Dame: eal) PLUMBING and heating FE) {FIVE . room immaculate brik bungs kitchen with bal er TOUR reom apartment, garage, hut from he i! | heated, large lot, #88 amonth { rod : va RUSSELL 1. 1 MURPHY, BA, LIB alal nat Bank te a AD {eh Ra ave A "1 locking private garden, Tiled dvoarated, private. In tovely gown, (RUSSELL 1. 1 MURPHY, BA: LUA, RA 8.3864 (Money to Loan : filly WHAT on dow 9 il PICTURE NOW [INCOME house. mine roams, far rent,| bathroom, lots af cupboards phone Orang 34-R12 far fither infor (EAM, Oshaws, Ontarie, KA 88971 I ---- -- t NE HAVE Sens mains ay bie gn on Any Ree of hime ng. Yailahle Row. close nation : " af Ioana on first and second wm TURN THEM INTO [89 Fiena Sivesi Availabe i tove velrigeralor. washer CREIGHTON, FRARER, DRYNAN andl HOME IMPROVEMENT i a chase Of mOrigagge and ANTENNA atiached. 0 {#1003 dr V. ar a . | pe a 4 nk q IN MR 3 of sale, Law m GI ARTICLES | dover, TV, antenna, packing. | ADELAIDE TERRACE Bima et oh RL S30 3b ERVICE Rika seek wit. 'omawa AA [BEATTY APPLIANCES a ne he or and avallanie April 1. 8106 wonihis. Tel Mrs. Lahae, 549 Lansdowne | m two-bedroom lpeyvaan, Mturdaen WHA' mort | and improvements done for lie TV In five thousand dell Any GET THAT CLEAR | phone A ATT between 8 am Wn : h | RA 3 3492 { Ro Drive, RA 8-066 convenien iH enant oe - service: Seaboard Finance, 301% Siw, dba hot \ nd ia A 3 ance es RONALD BLAKE DORDS, Barrister| planning and estimating 19 1500" Seat Sant. RA 48 oll burners, het water @ Use a new aluminized picture {hath, near Shopping Centre, bus And TWO BRIGHT MODERN end to bulld © Apply: [Telephane: Business RA 33301. Resh TO.DAY | schoals Heotrte. dave Sel wity fo ONE AND TWO. BEDROOM 26 Fria Phy Apt 3 dance, RA [THY " me bi Beare MONEY 0 Saft a NER A tha Hint lig {space heater and (we ail drums. Tele APARTMENT Telephone RA 5-892) IMANNING ¥, SW ARTE Barrister Lumber, MO 8.5818 PLUMBING AND HEATING A pig ser A5--Employment Wanted {phone RA 308% ; {Sallclior, Notary. Money ta loan. Asse : - ORONO 1782 Day gr Night G vice vy ie Wor Pan Qriving. of foam parisien, Sadho, Seva on alconies. lan MODERN SELF CONTAINED [Wiook, 34 King Stress East, RA! A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? LOAN wn Unhohte T.R.1.O TELEV!SION \ hathronim, private ef bly 3 arb VB by i 0 \ 3 OLS nen v red. Phods HA [(Fatige, Waar sehoal: Mosnith furnished! ties. excellent location APARTMENT LHONEH MANGAN. 90 STREET RR ug--Uphalstery 17] BOND STREET EASY . A LAL mis £ - ya : h Rone L " |Salicitar. Money to nan ities 1414 | hi . " hs Busianey deve . alt tn the RA 8.6781 Linh insuchaen of Rte an general Foun Er KT "ttn MO 8.8384 VERY CENTRAL [Ring St: sel Fast Ouhawe KA aati | REF ARS oR ase Monies for all types of man io Clasaitied Boctlon FEW faway. ---- - { \ oo estdence Ra 8 3 3 14] SXPRRTENCED wallress wand Ap | Fanos, aed ©} ww n mercial call BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT TELEPHONE far, 34 Svs, South RA S083 Rest Pond and Mary. Reasonable * " } alleles Wents' funds available fo builder first ¢ cond 36--Female Help Wanted APOBMRIS. tenner. AnRly 1 Bond Sirest PY ER list mArleages 30 Sicoe Miwet North | 110 KING STREFT EAST nora phi tnd ond FROM 3.75 UP ] FARERIENCER dF Teauived | Ban on } Rooms Far Rent RA Sa Chace © MeGibben. ) Siteemen RA 8.8180 M § in loos! sore. Apply DUPLEX fo 3. weikcontained 5 CAFAN furnished i quiet Edis Hastedn, Qt 0s 4 { 1% peraon between § Abd 11 Am TWON (All canveniancs #6 garden. close RA 5.0243 a waled. cantiatous & ¥, SALMERS. BA, Dagrister, solic AJAX REPAIR AND M dna 3 2812 King Stree! OSHAWA AUTO TRIM OSHAWA T V div. Wednesday or Thursday. Wilien'te school, stare and chureh. 10 Win " L Waleh SW gentleman Tolaphons ($05. ele. 134 Simoes Street Nom | ANSTR f East, Oshawa. Telephone RA | 62 BOND ST. WESY | 1¥s and Lew, 81 CONSTRUCTION LTD 3.4697, RA 42 341 GIBBONS ST, {heavy wiring, garage just sant olty |W Hillman, LER; 3614 King Street Males RA 3 | 4 TWO bedronm modern hassment na Mone: tn ladh fad, plumbing, heating and engineer: Chicken plate, half chicken DO IT NOW DON'T One and Two Bedroom hid I_Avenie , Apt, | fot A Rotary TUB, 10% King Atvest ROOFING repairs of ll kinds Wow - --eee| chips, hamburgs, het dogs, Install heavy AX (Spalding [hans [CERAMIC wall tlie nm house. North Oshawa or Wi Dial VaR e. Residence Bhan Vee phone . Mortgage loans avaliable _. nl Complete stock of buttons A A van A manthl th : K V ge fo denies, expert N ia SM Ll mn ¥oin DUPLEX $10 ) TE " - Aim ds dances Vor CE BY GILLARDS City T V. o i fastehully iesorated and andscaped. A Wi You hig Lin MES A MueDONALD. BA, LLB IGGING wn iy ---- CLASSIFIED [home to be groud of with ave and| 18.61. living room A, yore at am anariment. | eentrally JAE and Saligitor and Notary fu WELL DIG ALLATATE Avia WT . - Plumbing Heating i i i RA § 7844 tenants. HA § 8708 cious bed ns, la ami aide Avenus West \ COMP OR WORK fA tings, fixtures, haw an used, he |avalishie COMPRESSOR W A | Ro GET THAT CLEAR fy house, 15 minutes ta Oshawa ele Use a TANNA ASTER {tn Pediar's, and hus Telephone HA VOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No | YOU NEED THD gar old seremram hie | April It possession, Call | 7 LC i Cralahon, Ge | Pras {a £|. Have vour home remodelled | Hin . . Barn, equipment, pumps, wndpree! apartment. all [gages arranged vou by Beaver. From the {worthwhile \rpase. lowest Tal fast ESSO PICTURE NOW! 518 MONTHLY Tour rooms. (heed piece | withes 1a have garage, | in and Solicitor, 38% King Street Ea tha finished job, vou deal forced air furnaces, bathroom tube installed by expert Tv , venetian bunds, Moar coverings Modest pricesy-- "HOUSE -- (hres Bedionma, alse three heel, and HUN Is Banee 1. Masher, HA, Hen | yoar + old stenographer, o 180 unfurnished: on bus line. RA S838 | $85 00 ih Any pe of work. PO Box 30, OShawa. fal has basement with street $48 PER MON ! A ) gages; for first and second on 368 PE AONTH BOWMAN. DAVID : Barrister. Salich | CALL AJAX mattaages on oll traes of teal SAMSON pn 18 parson saytime. Town and Coun. od and Done. Tee reat . Two-bedroom, large liv [denee, RA &0 THAT'S ALL estate including vacant lands; Wu Nettauraal Wb Woad Sumet EAM (rice. in same | location. | corner 0 oder Ri) RA 55433 ar RA 5.2267 [Meniunox snd MASTERS, Barcisiers. | RA 8.5103 short term mortgage for T V TOWERS \ v Va OSHAWA § wehased Ap Expert Workmanshi #1 Sumees Nel (Wise 0 Ouabaws, CO RSI | holisld Real Estate UR Ha Qition BA HT, Reskdance RA +3301