FBeiow tures em gre predicted for Fa Canada and coast in the W-4ay the Upited States ather buresn from mid-March (0 mid-April. A warm expected over the Prairies The outlook, based on long range predictions, is not a spe the we ak of WE area is Brougham WA Meeting Held BROUGHAM The Women's Association wis held at the home Wm. Knox Mrs, George Willson, the president, welcomed those pres ent The tea bag project has ready brought in over $50 The new project, Aprons," is under way. They are al home of Mrs. Connor who wishes (0 purchase may call at Mrs, Connor's home and purchase one of My [1 the devotional Mrs. CC. Wonnop gave an in teresting reading on "A Mim ister"s Wife Talks Back." Lunch was served by Mrs Pascoe, Mrs. R, Knox and Mrs Surphlus leen Robins celebrated her nineth birthday with a party on March 4, ! Miss Busan Miller of Whithy| spent the weekend with her randparents, Mr. and Mrs 'nglish rv, and Mrs, Jim Gray spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Ken Pascoe REGULAR MEET The regular meeting of Joy Rebekah Lodge was held on Monday, March 13, Due to the| had weather, a number of mem: hers were unable to attend, The meeting was opened hy Bister Phyllis Ellicott, Noble Grand, assisted by Sister Jean Ellicott Vice Grand, The secretary, Sis ter Florence Carter, read the minutes of the previous meeting, also the correspondence which was delt with After the meeting closed Sis ter Surphlus served an angel "COLD IN EAST March laying on meeting stay closed the meeting with the 4-H Pledge wm home the market has been found for Anyone| cally one ment Ihave been shipped to California, |the display, sald they are very first Mrs, Mathews had charge of market food cake and ice cream, which was enjoyed hy all present Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Jones called on Mr, and Mrs. M, Annis| "Sunday evening Mr, and Mrs, P on Mr, and Mrs evening The sympathy of the commu: nity goes to Mr, Rawn and Mrs Roy Miller on the death of a dear wife and mother The third meeting of the Brougham Busy Beavers (4-H) was held at the home of Mrs. | R, Harden on March 11, There were eight girls present. The president, Mary Lynn Black man, opened the meeting with the "Lord's Prayer," The girls altered more small Jones called Mutech Sunday TP AAT IIA [rrr Liked In Br W. WANTYRE WOOW Sperial Tn The Oshawz Times LAIN € TY a at ah GRETICIATYY RES on NEN Gk MAKING 3 IRAW anh ers ait. o% Me gotcha Tis was oH pions when | vowed he (36 dian section at the (dew Home Foahibwition a § and § (Ny mga in this section gery of Canadian fond Grofeuets yoga Zbies 16H Rovry Wn aRA ft "I FY # rik sf there # Eregt pickles Was ate he Kesey WA A British public wn hes wets, ai of them familiar | Canadian howsewite, Wi maw CRIBS Canadian pickles omions, of whieh deles ples were offered 19 VISAS There was some Biscnssion of the suesrss of Canadian Ackles #2 reception held ot the pew Sir John A. Macdonaid Bwid ne on Grosvenor 56 The host was Bertram Butler Man CAITR TITY ae London. He held the give a send-off 10 the Canadian Aisha the Hymp tion DID WIG BUSING on Tie, EEG VhWL AR 44 Wa and ER HERE las der arty in py, a rubibi A year, aceording to M Butler ' / hk did five milion Aollar Business over (Re CONEY @ ideal Home Exhib He ed for sir r SH fis year ad of fhe anadia 4 0 f Wo a { Can ol Pr MH wih ay £m lt a during the oi * riesiany Vor nanih given in Ope inch of nehes of snow (FP Bewsmap) tion arti ¢ i mal precipita " inches of rain rain equals 19 British » Canadian Jenks f » Denis tative or firm, said "Last 'year the firm | repre sent brought over 08 holtles of pickles for the show, and we sold out in the first three days We completely underestimated the demands of British pickle eaters, but we won't again. The demand has been (remendous and we are going to take full advantage of i Testified Mr. Butler We make wonderful pickled onions in Canada, | like pickled onions but the British ones are a bit ton strong for me they just about blow my head off MOCCASINS POPULAR Keeping pace with the pickle sales is the unusual demand for lo- Indian moccasins. R, ¥, A, Mal reinforce. Hinson, who imports them from 2500 tons Canada and was in charge of of the stitehing pattern and The president The next meeting is to he held April 1, at Mrs. Harden's NEW MARKET VANCOUVER (CP)--A new manufactured steel, Some 0.8. popular in Britain "I am puzzled," he said to he sent to a "hy Put your Hearing Loss "= behind vou! The smallest Hearing Aid ever from Zenith! | Imagine a hearing aid with all the clarity and realism you'd expect from Zenith-yet so small, so slender, a ring will easily fit around it, A marvel in miniature ~ the new Zenith is worn inconspieuously behind the ear yet lets you hear the voices you've heen missing | The new Signet includes all these quality features to bring you Zenith "Living Sound" performance~miniaturized tran. sistor circuit, volume control and separate on-off switch, Bea the new Signet today at your Zenith dealer, He's listed in the Yellow Pages under Hearing Aids, Zenith = the World's Finest Line of Quality Hearing Aids. from $50 Ie Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. All so/d with 10-Day Mone p/n 4 I Ds $550, ch Guarantee Zenith Radio Corp, of Canada, Lid, Dept, €4ER 1470 The Queensway, Toronto 18, Ontarle Please send me complete Information on the all new, smaller, more powerful Signet Hearing Ald HEARING Al ARDREN £Iy PROVINCE patterns for practice, Mrs. Har ZENITH HEARING AIDS e available ot IMPERIAL OPTICAL CO, LTD, 11 ONTARIO ST, RA 8-6239 | den discussed grain of material, | Canadian Pickles : Britai fie REBT ACTBZAR we Bao Wad wes 53, 14 aad 15 We weed to gat asked (ov hem SERASIOMAINY . Twi 8 one Bay we figor had seders for 18 pases of the large suns" Mr. Uattimaon WEBS F574 is not worried by these ot demands. We 4 me The company that makes them Pac # regular order for size for a woman whe [ies some where around Wadson Bay. On the stand at the Fon ant sire WH om Bs ay CHHPARA for # for owe ing far is yd o- aE 3 2 Bt Zit off #2 FIRMS EXNIsey in al, 92 Canadian firms hay Wits at the Ideal Home Kx Wiintion, the largest mwmher on reer. Showing everything from maple syrup 1a baby clothes itm rd modors, sified botlers and electric equipment for the the Canafian contrition faruest singin shew Ps: ome the I xm the Wig # There is a compieicly Cana Ban pn ievel Rome eptey wh the British Columbia Lumbermen's Association, ' and trating the British nous types fry Aemon fo wine the gsr of v2 of Canadian lumber for home building. AY day long » steady tream of interested visor viewed this spacious and yet compact home, like many 16 he cen in British Columbia INTEREST IN CLOTHES Women siors 19 the exh g bition were taking a keen inter est in the display of children's clothes in the exhibition. One remarked "These are the pretiiest chil dren's clothes | have seen for years. Canadians obviously res lize that these days children are fashion conscious, and i is good to know that these clothes ean he bought at shops in Eng and There was very keen interest @lso, in Canadian curtain mater als, which had that different look that housewives wan when they are renewing their cyriains One thing which surprised me wis the pop-eyed wonder with which many of the exhibition visitors inspected a Canadian) tri-light lamp, such as are por-| mal equipment in the average] Canadian home, They were amazed at its three different degrees of lighting, something they had never seen in any OPENING THE FIRST DAY OF TORONTO'S ONLY DOWNTOWN MOTOR HOTEL Jarvis at Carlton Street Opposite the CBC Tower, One block fram Maple Leaf Gardens lan F, Munro Manager Dead Sea Gives Up More Scrolls TEE, AVY, Isvnet (Rewters) Stimlans Sanday ergrassed en i r # new Roses Hl Fnad cris accident aby wnvered by am amateny arek iN EIR. act wrk The hosed was wnewvered in the same cave where he "ar ehives" of the seosad-arptary fewich fepde mon Wav Kochba were found un Aoi ed i com pes Bea 5 of I fraghie . bave mot WRIER, REEERRE FRACYIRE REFER The find member of # aad dat SE Tg serine the Judesn Aesert near the Dead 56 He stom ER 98 7 FOCK, ERC H pside io revel an clongaied, reed she sheath in winch the papyn docsments were stored 18 con tries The Lat yet Bees Cf dl tat sad of Wi br # od aad AHR Yh errs # Ran search party direction of Violessor Yigae Yadin, wn bsraeh archaestogst 5 aomerptiating is searches np the pres of the Bar-Bochha caves in which pumerows Jew ish is and refugees from Boman Bawinatim them to have Widden during the ond cepury A second cave nearvy als yielded numerous skeletons and ARCIENL CANS AUPE Ihe WREK § searches Caches nacre 7 Ri ghf of Dead Sea scrw written on leather, first Wer discovered along the Jordanian border of the Degd Sea in late 1940s and early 199s. Israel the electric stand lamp in this coun try Many lems quite new 14 ish people were on 4) the #2 Canadian sland Judg ing from the interest being taken in them by the thousands of visitors to the exhibition, this Canadian exhibit will he fruitful in providing export business for wide variety of Canadian firms Brit om A FINER BLEND YOULL BE PROUD TO SERVE! Behan Arrives Bragging LE wie) ; ss aod Piendan Rehan said, Canada SE 2 BEd Maar fay peseie whe want fo gst wm waria. Bw he doesn't want 1a get the world That was one of " FVRE BG. FRIRAIES TRE AVE irish playwright gt off his Snday MB press the wore of the SoeRE bmpiae, mB JR77 PERLE Mr. Behan in the wowonted role ¥ H CRYRIROWIAS Vm the conferen the fellow whe inter Mr. Behan explained We don't gots know how the ad sng 19 29. The pei" formers are gang to have lots of fun. | hope the pupters--ihat an oid krish term for the pespic whe pay 18 get RTE Eng 14 Wave fun ton. | think they will The playweight suid he nesety « emigrated 19 Canada nee bit Rangel Ws mind #4 the (ast aa Al active for I 4 hr Cadaie' the res wi tan Vm rR RIK swift yous people hie fk Fit ed _ Magn ed ld WAAR | 2 Commty Maym man iE Their Vy Vm fist eonsin to the Pope henith miwistry meat packing want Was Ern mest THE SIMAWA TIMES, Mendey, Merch 18, 1967 § LOCAL SERVICES familiar with local sspviaes FEW IRSA WW RS SER 2% PROBE reinbry of police Hil Rgiaily lesan; ahh fink REGAINS, wit y Again -- L RY RT TIE Brass soiinh har Fekamicm WERT (AA fs a NAY . ¥ Jock Xs Lp Somty 174 Ritson Rd, 5, -- Open Daily fo 10 p.m. Specials! Mon., Tues. & Wed. ons mayor of Dablip. Foe wid of 7 Protestant being loved BUTTER ™ "* 65° 8 BREAD 2m 3B LOAVES of Dbion Fini he sw meat HAMBURG 3 .. 1.00 CAULIFLOWER 23° EACH £5H wn #@ Aa Pst SIAR 45 1h Whatever else | am. I'm not fragt iy show business. | be Ve bern in i prac ically alk my We. | don't know Rey Rose me (19 pes uw impwise) except for the fact DONKEY MEATY MEXICO CITY (AP) The reports M nas sed the Flower of Jalisen, The plant making hot Aegs from now has possession of seven of the snigingl » The ongingl scros he existence oH # we of Jew ih 1eREIoNs COMMBILY in the ROW J OTRGMAR CAYES KROWR @5 the Fasenes, whom some sche prs claim prefigured Christian teachings. The discoveries also eluded varying versions of the Fis indie aies WHITE FR CUCUMBERS wn 19° GLECOSF Instant COFFEE "5 1525 AR SHOP ond SAVE of GLECOFF'S FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT / FOR BEAUTIFUL ORTEAITS oll. alll 77) Siritn 4 King E. RA 5015) ad Old Testament book of Isaiah A total of about 98 scrolls dating from the seventh century medieval times, have heen uncovered since the first discoveries, Many sre still wn the hands of the area's Bedouin tribesmen £4 y Comments et fre Cleaning War » nA ry clesming "YOUR CLEANER 18 YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND' MARCH 20th, 21st and 22nd, 1980 ] Centre Cut Loin PLASTIC COATED Sun worlhy PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS SAVE YOU HOURS IN DECORATING All you need Is Water Tray Sponge and Scissors Ask for aur simple Instructing Folder, i's free! EDGAR"S PAINT and WALLPAPER 34 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA RA 3.7351 Want to know about GAS HEATING? ASK YOUR NEIGHBOUR Ask the man who's enjoying the quiet, carefree comfort of completely automatic gas heating, He'll tell you there's nothing like it for real luxury--and for real economy too, Ask your neighbour--and then install modern gas heating right away, CONVERT YOUR PRESENT FURNACE Replace your worn out burner with an inexpensive, easy-1o-i Conversion Burner, $05 RENT for only on your gas bill MONTHLY nstall REPLACE WITH A NEW FURNACE If a new [urnace is required install a modern, low-cost gas furnace, EASY TERMS Ne Dawn Payment = anly $940 A WEEK on your gos hill For Complete Information Call (Consumers' tas 48 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 3.3468 IPORK . sCHOPS COOKED AND BREADED Halibut Steaks - EF MEANS DEPENDABILITY CLOTHES To Look Your Best, Have It Cleaned and Pressed, MOTH DAMAGE WILL NOT OCCUR. To your clothes if they are cleaned regularly, Never put soiled clothing .away , , , have it cleaned first, J Satisfaction Guaranteed by the following members of DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARI®) and CANADIAN RESEARCH. INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD., Whitby HARWOOD CLEANERS, Ajax PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS, Oshawa WHITBY CLEANERS, Whitby ALDSWORTH CLEANERS, Oshawa BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS LTD, BOWMANVILLE