The Oshawa Times, 18 Mar 1961, p. 7

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Hews OF wich here Ww ey B14 sus Britis Bol wi charge, Telephone BA 30474, |The Art 6 YORE § Dre. . view for members of the OSA Painters Mesandin Take, 4 the Gallery, The exhibition | (Mrs, €, BE. Melanghiing Kazue Wi be open (6 the public from 'Makamura, Albert Jacques Saturday, March 18 to Sunday, (Franck snd Tom ¥ and 15. A selection will then isculptors ¥, B. Cox, Josefiht went to London and Kitch | , and Jacobine Jones ENEF {are among the Ontario artists iwhase work was on view when MORE, MEN Dr, Claude Bissell, president of Male students outnumber the University of Toronto, open- women 19 to | st Cambridge ed the 8th annual exhibition of Unmeetnity England and 6 to Jo MAdwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setardey, Merch 18, 1967 7 Need For Market Research $y : | Explained at Club Meeting | A look inte the field of mar- very Nttle difficwity deciding research and the vital to purchase ¢ 0 anadiar with television » most part it played in the € lant advertising medium, lmper. economy was presented 10 the the race for the consumer's dol University Women's Club last! lar hes reached a frenzied piteh, Millions sre poured into advertising yearly and the pro ducer must chart the progress of bis product and is recep ance by the public, or lose out 4 on bis share of the consumer § ¥ b it Li \ 5 s, Margaret Gillis, director personnel for Elliott snes 14d, gave » Hvely and informative account of the value { market research and of smumerable surveys that must made on behalf of their y ehients, In these times of | Zing tastes and trends, the) must know mt & place his product) teen an ever increasingly! titive market Ellis holds sway over fi septiered RCYOSS ion who assist her in the many opmion ersonal interviews and reqiired by producers to increase the demand { for their merchandise i The past 20 years have seen ¥ \| BABY BONUS Ee © DRAW FREE! FREE! Coth your Family Allowance Cheques of Kresge's, Fill out a ballot, If your name is drawn, Kresge's will give you a FREE Merchandise Voucher for the value of your cheque, - As conditions change and ex pand so will market research As & science is main alm Is 10 complete the two-way eirewt be producer and public thereby serving and meeting the needs of both Mrs. BH, D. Cleverdon int duced the speaker who wi TR thanked by Mrs, €. MM, Filo rs, G, K. Drynan presid ed for the routine reports. Plan were announced for an supper to he held later in the spring at the home of Mrs, E M. Culp he HEY the infor "ALEX, AGED ONE of Mrs, D, A, Bristow / " | of the Ways and Means ; Bonnie, son of Mr, and Mrs, | grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A early days of LAC Verries, Jr, Wortop | € Yerries and Mr, and Mrs : Gi : ' SBE é { tee, thanked (he GIRLS TO DANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL ENSEMBLE i' ii" colicin Ut, i a li | Ca gn for their splendid co-operation in attaining the. goal set for 3 f ee ames Collett, y taking port In an in- | their costumes from the | as keen, the consumer had' this year's Scholarship Fund Mex celebrated his first birth | ail of Oshawa mes Collet, Two high school students, | inte, are taking - | the Istiumes from bie day 0 wuary § J --y Sandra Scott, Bowmanville | ternational ensemble of folk | zinka, a Russian iy on February 5, He is the | Photo hy Ireland High School, and Boreen Ar- | dances and songs at Massey | girls perform with a Co : Hoberta Rogan, Humewood ay: nold. Oshawa Central Colleg- | Hall this evening, Wearing group Oshawa Times | 7; R Roby ; RSONALS Mr, and Pupils Present Program At Vincent Massey H and 5 Meet vi The pupils of the school en-|vorm, They were assisted by aly in the First Baptist ( tertained their parents at the|chorus including Janice Me- Oshawa, The bride is the d Ie regular meeting of Vincent Mas-| Pherson, Linda Meads, Alice. 6 so and Mrs "™ i ! sey Home and School Associa-| Wheeler, Susan Barton, Marge cin of Burketon, Ontari, =: 2 tion garet Willoughby and Maureen and the bridegroom is 1 . 7 ss Marion Roberts' kinder. | Puddar : of Mr. Sanford Allen Osha a rhythm band played "The Anita Kashul and Carol Fal of) ow. late Mrs, Halli Parade of the Wooden Sol-|lalse from Miss McGirr's room he 3 T Pearl diers," and also accompanied |EAve & Pano duet called the 1 ie Reverend Frank he Grade 1 and 2 pupils from| Dutch Dance." hammer officiated and the | the Gia " Pupils | Grade 7 and 8 pupils from d F was Mr. Robert Beckim s, Belty Mumberson's room J man i Hid " 8007 Bre Lui pig AR hat! Mr, Robert Rodger's room took brother of the bride, Mi 0 U4 : { tele: Stinson attended the bride her arade. with all original hats, (the parents to the land o ) The Kinde Garten ne i a ren vision and presented their ver- maid of honor h closed their part of the pro.|Sion of "Country Hoedown,' with Following the ceremony B re: Tho gram with a chorus singing| Judy Kashul 88 master of cere: option was held at the home of in §i 'eter Cottontail, and Mrs, Pe the bride's parents es class told a story| AS the last item on the pro Pare of the "Old Woman Who Swal-| 878m, the teachers presented a lowed a Fly." 40 ot seep' win ars| CLUB CALENDAR | Enyene upheaval in audience) com In the member by merchants in the Shopping SOCIAL NOTICE [Pee the evening A spol dance was won hy Mr, Mely Champa and his partner and g vy |novelly dance, making use of @ | ski pole to pass from one couple to another, was won hy M I | Pat Nugent and Mr, Allen fanitohs ns Ler fargaret Rogan G. Reese of Van The safety patrol held a draw |granddaughier * The wedding is to and prizes went to My Regin on Saturday, April 8,18ld Tanner, Mr, Cameron Fax in the Christian|ter, Highland Creek; Miss Mary Alliance Hunter, Mr, William Peters Miss Barbara Pritchard, Mi v Ian Hose and Mrs, I. Donath ENGAGEMENT About 150 attended, including Mrs, James Smart members from the Toronto Sk announce the en: iuh of their daughter, fae; to Mr, Joe La-| . w n on of Mr, and Mrs, Jo-| FEMALE, FORCE, Larocque of Pickering LONDON (CF) Isohel Tee marriage will take place|38, has gone to Bermuda to he wndrew's United Churcheome the first member of the saturday, April 15, at 8 p.m, |Island's women's. police force ENGAGEMENT She has been in the Hertford dance ir 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Teas, birthdays, parties, wed. | ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests and your own! Winnipeg, holiday plans are always of in it their daugh- terest in this column, Write, | and! telephone or visit the social de-! Jackie and partment with your items of ENGAGEMENT The Reverend and Mrs, C Fri Oshawa, wish to an ¢ the engagement of their Marilyn Ann, to Mr h Heese, son of Mr | ALLEN = BECKIM The marriage of Dia Beckim and Eugene Allen took | Irs, Euclid Roy ar from oday abeth {01 to ter I Hu Ir } BA @ ---------------- ( WH i wen, p.m lonary Oshawa TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA Mr, and / f Oshawa ain RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS NOW...say 'CHARGE-IT' ...Magic Words that make your credit as Good as Cash at Zellers BUY NOW! PAY LATER! Read all about Zeller's 3 easy-to-use "Charge-It"' Plans , , , then open the account you choose for Greater Shopping Convenience, Visit our Credit Office now, on DY et a Sa] Elizabeth Arden PINK JONQUIL | a Spring § Club Bouquet of Colors PLAN NO, 1: THE 30-DAY "CHARGE" ACCOUNT WITH OPTION TERMS -- You get a "personal Charge Card' for fast authorization, When you get your monthly statement, you decide the method of pay- ment for that month, and pay in your way, PLAN NO, 2: CREDIT COUPON ACCOUNT~--FAST AS CASH TO USE Tell us how much you want in handy Credit Coupons; $50,00, $100,00, $250.00 or more, Pay no money down, Small regular payments fit your budget, ening at on Ione PLAN NO, 3: SPECIAL ACCOUNT FOR LARGER PURCHASES -- Use it when buying furniture, appliances, etc, Make your se. .ctions; take your sales check to the Credit Department where convenient terms are arran- ged, No money down and take up to 15 months to pay, Kl -- BRING IN OR MAIL THIS SIMPLE APPLICATION , , , You'll Have the "Charge-It"' Account you choose, almost immediately prizes as their daughter, Jacquelyn Mae, Harnden as Mother and Stuart . [Dewell acting as guests, Missle ont Huspital. Aus Ii { Boddy, all of Oshawa, The mar- the story of Hansel and Gretel, | ¢ ed his talents as an artist, a Bth Becout Mothers' Aux en, |, [April 22, at 8 o'clock, Miss Betty Crossen's 'class|and treasurer's reports were Lleasant Mon, Aft, Club Toni 3% Prince vel, ne Up and Bar the Door," wes|i.8 Convention to be held in Conant H and 8 Assn, |ly, #8 Prince street Bowma h {da ing, March 21, from 7 = Judy Ewart, the Old Woman; formed comprising Mrs, Jack Daughters of England Svening travellers | The next Home and School|SA Home League Lud larging Machine," The children|executive director of Ontario) Canadian Legion Aux the Small Boy; Bonny Ander, The next regular meeting of Helping Hand Aux | ' { 'A lively Party A folk dance from Ireland, |Leo Krantz, chiropractor, speak: St, Paul's Guild Albert Kireet WA o thelr annual Snow about the Red Cross {grade mother, Mrs, Bruce Onward Group Margaret Delves as Snow worms Don't have to Rite." Harvey Rice, with the assist: WEDNESDAY onation and presented the queen Edwards H, G, Forsythe Cheerful Givers won, a bouquet of red Linda Sckinulis as the Book-led refreshments, {pullover minutes, However, it was point: 19th Group Committee {Valleau, a necklace; Miss El The guest speaker at the reg:|work assignment due to the fact) Albert Street WM y oup and saucer; Miss Lynda : Eva Alexander Group I Mrs spector of separate schools for] Mr. Finan stipulated All prizes were donated the parents to follow regarding ent day system of education|hy Mr, Louis Hughes and thank: work assignment, | sided at the meeting. The treas pared to the negative approach| secretary's report by Mrs, Alex] The maximum time allotted/the mothers of the pupils in 8, Wi shire constabulary for 13 years Mr, and Mrs, George B, n= - Janet Mendes as Gretel, | ronald McNaughton, Mrs, Rob er announce the engagement of or Mola H ok | Peter McMahon as Hansel, Jill oo" pegonck, and Mrs, Jack MONDAY lio Mr. Gordon Douglas Boddy, Splers as Father, with Dianna Carol MeGirr was moderator Wom i on of Mr, and Mrs, Harold D, Libby as the Witch presente ga '|Bunshine Rebekah Lodge J |and Mrs, James Henderson add [16th Beout Mothers' Aux, riage 18 a ial 4 Blace at First They are pupils from Miss Kath: 4 ' n Baptist Church on Ri ' lyn Doke's Grade 1 | ue CoB Luding Sundusted A, Lovell H and 8 Ass 4 AT HOME resented A clap dance and| read, Bus, and Prof, Women "Whe Tover: o-Peen, A play entitled. "Get| Mention wes made of the/"h Scout Mothers' Aux, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Cover {vill Il be at home to their presented hy pupils of M188 Toronto April § and 6 and a = Friends oop relative on Tues: Carol McGirr's room, the east! nomination committee was TUESDAY Li J 0 10 o'clock, on the occasion Paul Smith, the Old Man; Carol|Risebrough, Mrs, Robert8t, Peter's WA io i is 'ath wedding Anniver: Scott and Ricky Witham as the| Peacock and Mrs, Jack Dewell, [TOPS Club | Miss McGire's room also pre-|Council meeting will he held Christ Church WA on a ' sented a skit called the 'En: Mareh 28 with Mr. W, R, Kirk, [Fellowship Group | Prizes, Surprises taking part were Carol Fallaise,| Association Retarded Children, Holy Trinity WA | M: the Professor; Grant Metcalf, [as guest speaker [Northminster WA | Make Snow Ball son, the Mother; David Elliott|the Home and 8chool Associa Courtice H and § Assn { as the Grown Boy, tion will be held April 10, with Westmount WA Members of the Oshawa Ski ealled the Irish Lilt, was pre-{ing on physical fitness. Re.| Victoria Lodge, 1TH + [Club and friends spent a happy sented, and Gary Holmes from|freshments will he served hy|A : | Mr. William Armstrong's room|the grade mothers from 1.and 2{Knox Presbyterian WMS Ball last week, Highlight of the gave an important message|classes under the direction of 8. Joseph's CITA event was the erowning of Miss Pupils from Grades 4 and 5|Lidster, . 8t, Christopher's CPTA Que President Dr, Jack presented a play called "Book-| Mrs, Bruce MeCarl and Mrs. | Lanemaid officiated at the cor Cast Lynn Petchison as Mary, (ance of the mothers of the kin: victory Lodge, 1.0BA vith & complimentary member: Pamela Me arl, Hod, Valely devgarten classe and grade Rebekah Lodge No, § [ship to the club for the 1061 Alice in Wonderland; (mothers, Mrs { Diane Rice as Jo March; and and Mrs. H, W, Armitage, serv [Storie Park Auxiliary and a pair of white after: Christ Church Aft, Guild lacks with a blue angora | Grades 1 to 4, 15 minutes; § 10 THURSDAY anmbo ' : ND Ihe five runners-up received CPTA Hears Talk 6, 30 minutes and 7 to 8, 0 (aivary Baptist WMS follows: Mrs. R. G. On Homework 5 Sut dat difficulty Soe in Christ Church Eve, Guild {eanor Wilner, four, pairs of { I's Jonald Mackengie, ular meeting of §t, Christopher's) that all sidents were not oF amon WA Wilson, a perfume holder and CPTA was Mr. E, J. Finan, in: ®qual mentality Charles Root, a pair of ski SOME 64 Matthew's WA mitt Oshawa and District principles for the pupils and)... Mr. Finan compared the pres: homework, He was introduced with that used years ago, one of ed hy Mrs, Russell Jubenville the comparisons being home: Mrs, Stanley Sobanski pre. At present a limited amount urer's report was read by Mrs, | of homework is assigned com: Borislaw Malachowski and the used years ago when the pupil! Dobos, was devoid of homework, Refreshments were served hy for homework should be: Grade 6, | f f f GLECOFT SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rd, S, == Open Daily to 10 p.m, Specials! Mon,, Tues. & Wed. BUTTER FIRST GRADE 65° LB, BREAD 2 LOAVES 33° HAMBURG 3 .. 1.00 or 23° CAULIFLOWER or 19° FRESH CUCUMBERS GLECOFF WOR. Instant COFFEE "5 1:25 SHOP and SAVE at GLECOFF'S FREE PARKING ON QUR LOT! "The Elizabeth Arden Look" for spring starts with Pink Jonquil, a golden pink Lips stick, Rouge and Nail Lacquer vv + and a complete coordis nated makeup in delicate new floral shades of Beige Jonquil foundations and In visible Veil, and Eye Shados, Pink Jonquil Cliek-Change Lipstick, 2,00, Pink Jonquil Trio--Lipatick, Nail Lacquer, miniature Cream Rouge, 2.00, 3D aes rdnent TY WIDE FREE DELIVERY | BRING ST ¢ $30 SIMCOE 5 8 1 PHONE RAS ras [OHA Gone RAS 3546 ROSSLYN PLATA © RAB deel ZELLER'S LIMITED ADDRESS CITY PHONE ...... | WISH TO OPEN A "CHARGE-IT" ACCOUNT, PLAN NO, .,.,.. State 1, 2 0r 3 REEL EEEEEEERE NRE Signature | HAVE ACCOUNTS AT Store EMPLOYMENT Open Closed Firm How Long DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST, §. PHONE RA 3.2294 SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD, §, ZELLER'S LIMITED asin BUY NOW AND "CHARGE-IT"

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