The Oshawa Times, 18 Mar 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Public Speaking | SE ANNOUNCES March 22 mn Vunes ana a a hegin on lew |.odge Nth "i nethers i ire yrged to giiena he HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Henry St. Students Make Tour Of Museum Bs JOAN CALDER home fron Hoval th museum the Me re) { their on 1a the the ted 0 mn iW ident alamian Civiliza first metre here f gen ancient painted ning can omer Vere white F and men were painted hrowr A alue of n godde no doubt enraptured her follower of but the sty dent ate her real Value I'he skinny giris a peek could appear [aller mirrors were of a convex type and this enlarged the image In the mirror. Of eordrse, this would nol miways hring pleasant re silts. In Athenian society wom fl Were equal with men This is not like today's modern views I'he yellow Marathon glass case in the ton, A resident of the Whithy area 1s one of the sculptors preparing the Parvathenon Tem ple in the Athenian gallery I'm mummy wil ancient aid non HIE afipres Athenian galley At how gave they not nl a skull of a hoy leered al. us from Athenian sed [ the mn pionships against lege stirred the screaming fans into ended 6:4 for Henry ed a convincing game but failed to get a baskel and Henry Ancient | tan 48°] 'EL i {hie p rile (7 wrtion because they made wom hip COMPArison and chest en appear elephant like with their shoilder Maybe (he hig, hut will exaggerale life world caught one sculptor he moulded the statue a cow giving hirth to a calf Ihe Grade 9 Girls' Basketball Tournament women hips were ametime men tion the f on propo new coming ino ( ol wil played fl Pickering on Wednesda oth Whithy teams were victoriou winning their league cham An exciting Ontario Ladies game Col the game Ajax play a frenzy when von again 240, This year OLC ha played the hest they have ¢ played and we congratulate them on their keen competition There is only a week lefi to buy formal tickets, As sale have nol been high, we urge everyone fo consider mn gala evening of dancing to soft mu and sweet whispered con versations. The Mardi Gras fe tivities are scheduled for March (3) theme song of the Fgyptian gal | 24 Ottenbrites Lead In Mercantile Series Ottenhrite Men Fone five Wear lead in Mercantile h defeating this week not indicative since sensational goaltending by Campbell in Larry's net kept the many shots fired hy Ou Larry's kept with the Winners the first half of the game but faltered during the econd. They were hampered hy having a roster of only nine men First period wa hoth teams missed many good Rearing opportunities, Fine work hy both net-minders also helped keep the scare sheet clean I'ed Hrown the moved into the hest League Larry's I'he score of the play game of erie 1:1 earlier Was pace for woreless as opened AOL Wage Dispute At Stalemate TORONTO (CP)==A coneilia ton board trving to settle a di pute between the United lec trical Warkers (Ind) and the Canadian General Electric Com pany Limited reached a stale mate Friday and made ne ree ommendations The union bargains foi 5.000 employees in Toronto, Peterhoy first period Lloyd ol Ottenbrite's in the of the second ansisl going to Charlie Grand Larry's was sitting out ally at the time Larry's were not long in tying up the score as Keith Kane tal led from Phil Vorvis and Arnold Murphy Shortly before the end of the period, Frank Basterache was credited with Ottenbrite's noc ond goal. He was awarded (he goal when Roy Beckman scored on himself while attempting to clear the puck In the third period, Otten hrite's were in complete control and netted two more goals Searers were Lloyd Seymour and Gwynne Barnes ing for minute with an neymouy A pen ough and Guelph. 1 is demand ing a 1hcent-an-hour wage in crease and a reduction in the 10-hour week with compensating pay Chairman hoard was William Louis Fine, Ontario's chief can cillation afficer, may now be called upon to mediate the dis pute of the conciliation Dickie Part of Albert Einstein's the ory of relativity holds that the hands of a clock turn more slowly when the clock 1s moving "for BROC WHITRY Evening Shows ot 6:35 & 9:18 Feature Starts at 6:55 & 9:30 TO LIFT UP YOUR NEARY AND TO LIGHT! UP THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD FOREVER! TIT (RGR w Pr Sa ~~ SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 the purchase of shortstop Rilly Moran's a clutch hitter At Thornton H& The March meeting of Dy. Grade 8, Trudy Manson, 1opi Robert Thornton Home and Henn Dunant Carlyn Scho Association was held on Evans, topic "Dy. Schweitzer Wednesday, March 15 at the Jeffrey Patterson, topic, "Pom school, For this meeting public pen" speaking contests were held The winners wege among Grades 6. 7 and § with Seilie Dovgaley, fue Allon their respective teachers swper- Grade 7, Shirley Salway VISE, Ariane Edwards, Grade 8, Jane The president Delaney and Carobyn Foans Craigie opened the meeting The following were the judges with "0 Canada' and intro for the contests. Mes. Clara duced the guest speaker, We Wilson, Mr. €, 6. Barles and Gordon McMahon whe explain Wr. David Clitchey. Last year's winner Bruce Craigie presented ed the TH tesis 19 the paremts This will lake place #t the Elsine Delaney with the win ner's shield school on March 2) A motion was passed that the The Senior Girls' Triple Trio president, Mrs. Alex Craigie sang several numbers enjoyed and first vice president, Mrs by all. The room count was won Hartley Delaney, wowid attend by Mr. Fred Anderson's room as delegates the Toronta Con An invitation was received and ention on April 5 and 6. The accepled Tor the members ta #t executive will remain ip tend the Sinclair Wome and for mpnother School meeting 16 he held April following participated in 13 when My. Bahertson, Prin public speaking cipal of Variety Village, ill he firnde 8b, Jane ist, 10s J the guest speaker ng Fishermen Nellie Deva Mr BR Gow Time Sue Allan, the Robert Thornton association on the Willow Parks Bosrd, Mrs Hermds Lotte Busch Geen Flizaheth Jack Allan played several Insh elections at the p he Martha Yager meeting rlosed wi he Ariane Queen" and refreshments Conservation Iianmie 1.ofthoise erved hy mothers of the dergnrien CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, March 28 United Church YI Whithy Baptist Church V.xplorers Co-operative Credit Union hank ing night Viscount Greenwood Chapler 10DK, All Saints' Anghean Church Fvening Guild Branch John's -Anghean Church Men's Club Florence Davey Group Almonds H and § Association TUESDAY, March 21 Whithy Red Cross work room Whithy Baptist Church CG1T Faith Baptist YPA Colborne School H and § Association Yrs Alex Ame fice The YER! the § ames will represent topie ade 7 toe ane KA of net h Warns Water Pompe VON Plans Prenatal Classes fe tition rT Were {opie kin Prenatal classes » ) PUpeI a mother March 22 at 2 p.m. in Fairview lodge nurse Miss A. J Winners In "ia St. John's Carnival renaglal period. Instruction habits begin on VON OH B the will he arranged Lo interpret the im wriance of medical per ion, to fulfil the doctor's in tructions and to alley anxiety M Mcleod say the let ures will teach healthful hving and provide or demon expert INE Care » Arise ot rate nr he family needs Young couples recognize the need for knowledge Lo prepare them for the responsibilities of parenthood," said Miss McLeod he relationship helween health and successful living must considered hy these Oung couple Sound and scientific information for. par ents 1s most essential for de veloping this relationship," she commented Lectures will he on Wednes day afternoons and topics cover ed are: Preparation for Parent hood, The Baby and How § Grows; Vood for the Family Preparation for Childbearing Preparation for the Child's Birthday; Care the Baby I'he New Family There will be no charge for classes," added Miss Me reglures rizes nmin (air titernoom included the hest co ind a Lime Face hocks LAM CONTUMES Crrade I Cirade J Bi Ki Lirade 4 Union WEDNESDAY, March 22 he foreita Arbour Ian MeMonagle Grade Phillip Marie | Michael Keenan Teffrie Koriekas Barduel, Ow costume Mrs Mi loan pt eENAENn work meeting St, Andrew's Preshyleens Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary THURSDAY, March 23 Grade bh and 6 Grade Kh, Lar Lirade 7, Kristine BK, Maria horse Girade tandin MM. W Cronin RACER Grade | eter Hams and League Whithy Chapter Kastern Sar No FRIDAY, March 24 Senior Citizens Group WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By Order of the 248 of Michael Mi Phillip fahn ho Ciann igglei Grade | 15, Diane Tunior the Hoseanne Mor Lood lones, Donna Chizen Bn Michael Dud Donald Ohen, Bobby Plo geon vger Hinior Anne Forhe Intermedinte frie Charle Faylor Intermedinte Garrat I'eresa Lauralyn Levon Senior Boys, John Vincent Calderone Lingsky neniny on, Norma chetti Hockey game Norah Mary Girl tryant, | baxler Elizabeth | Jef l'erry Ho 0G Formosa 1] Girls Linda l'ekumah GERRY BLAIR MeGrath Denis Bur Oshawa Majors and the Napanee Comets tentatively open their Intermediate "A" finals on Mor y y hewteen Willie's fonda the Whith Figers and Andy's Lions won hy [arena Bradley the Lion 1 Captains were tralght difficulty Willie Doleweerd and Andy Bry dales Both ant Rev, LJ. Austin, along with Napanee have Monday and Thursday available as their parents, attended as spec After the hockey game enjoyed the regular Saturday period of skating Wil hori Girl Margaret Hottot, Gall Eastern Ontario night Major's manager probably in Community Winse experiencing the second the for arranging Oshawa and time of the best-of-seven finals many talor pupils weekly But only the Majors can arrange for next hugh carnival scheduled for Napanee Saturday night, Under this set-up, the most logical chedule for next week would Monday in Whithy, Thursday at Napanee and Saturday back in Whithy, A loss of the coin after the opening game will decide who Now $1200 In 1 will receive the extra home game, Napanee manager Chasczewski Fund Lorne Smart handed Winse the feeble excuse that they or ales donations o ihe fom needed the first home game to secure enough funds to VANCAOWSNRE 1 TURE TURE TRVE auer their travelling expenses for the second tilt back swelled it to over $1300, The ; Pe : . fund has been founded to raise/in Whitby, Ridiculous! The Comets hosted the EPHL $0000 help defray hospital Kingston Frontenacs in an exhibition tilt three weeks expenses and assist in the resiago with 1,800 in attendance in which the Frontenacs habilitation of _Hillerest Jr. won 2.9 Who are they trying to kid! Kingston certainly hockey player, Tom Chascrew:| : . ski, 19, who suffered an eye in didn't take all the gate, Napanee gained a bye into the jury during & game in Whithy OHA Intermediate "A" playdown as a result of net which resulted in the loss of the having a league to play in during the hockey season Which means they certainly couldn't be in the hole from expenses incurred while plaving out a schedule, Three came from : Oshawa Major Hockey Loague players on the Napanee roster are definitely no strang including City Wide Answering ers to the Oshawa and Whitby hockey fans, Les Douglas, Durno's Garage, Osh: former American Hockey League defenceman, Den awa A's and Oshawa Juvenile Bellinger and Ted Toppazeini all at one time or another \ tars, 800.040 Acadian gaved with Kingston's CKLC's Senior "A" hockey elub, Cleaners Employes (Oshawa) 5, y $10.00: Rotary Club of Oshawa Thi trio have heen mainly responsible for Napanee cap» $03.00, Anonymous. $5.00; An. turing the OHA Intermediate "A" evawn three straight onymous, $2.00 Vears home game A be [BY Latest donations to the fund Service Kitchener, Kingston Union nignt In contract fram Cleve Indians of the American \o batted 349 A ana u These hring the total to date " : ; to $1905 19 TOWN AND COUNTRY , . , Kingston Frontenaes Ivan Davie, manager of the and Sudbury Wolves are going right to the wire in their Hhillore | a ane a the me battle for the coveled fourth and final play-off position wes of the board of rustees . the Kaster +} uit i Ni A nstee Ho uid. Tenors in 0 Eastern pro cireui Roth clubs have two games that Tom. loft the hospital on 'emaining ineluding Sudbury's final home game last Thursday of this week. Since night against Kitchener, Results of that one were not the loss of the eye, he has un: available at time of writing, Tonight in Kingston, the Yesgone two operations there. Frantenacs host the last place Montreal Rovals in their Plans are well underway orig.) home appearance. These fame two clubs meet in a benefit hockey game in the Whithy Community Arena on the Montreal Forum on Sunday afternoon---the final day Puesday, March 21. with the/of the EPHL schedule, Should the Walves lose Whithy Dunlops meeting the to would need only win tonight's Hilorest Jian This wi be home encounter to clinch fourth place, At present the te second appearance of he peanianacs hold a ene-point advantage aver Sudbury world-famous Dunnies on the fee 3.3 this year. Total proceeds from City Hall, first place finishers, captured the United this game will go to the fund Hockely League championship last Thursday Port Perry, with a 64 win aver the Public LEAFS RUY MORAN Utilities Local 2028 in the third and deciding contest TORONTO (CP) Toronto City Hall opened with a convincing 10-3 win in the first Maple Leafs Friday announced game but Public Utilities fought back gamely to tie the series hy virtue of a 7-4 decision the following week Thursday's finale was very much in doubt until the I mi we. City Hall were leading 5-4 PUC pulled goalie Don Gut favor al extra attacker, but the move backfired as City Hall {vdded the elinching tally inte an epen net. \ i \ L Voar Ole i) in and became the Interna tional League playoffs, Women's Christian Temperance John's Anglican Church WA guests of Mrs Salvation Army Women's Home WHITBY Lawrence, of Henry street, Is opening her home on Monday evening, Mar B, to the members of the Flor ence Davey Croww theig ; SSIES HY gas 07 aad fy #11554 "9 AXED = iy & FagiIRr MORthiy Mest siended the fowrth of 7 senses Mrs of card parties #6 the Commun bridge ty Hall. These have been spon Mrs. Frank foo Walter Leeder, of Brace whe Was been spending Grade 8 the act two months with her sored by the Senior Chote 8 # and family 5 4 Mr. fund rwising project io provide has new carpet for the chor slesve The gathering included (oiks and [TOP Blackstinek Haydon and 2 Tyrone as well as local people Lunch was served, An added feature was the auction of we # beatiful driftwood WH Craw of delicious dang and sonin law and Mes. M. MM. AMiinson retwrned 16 hey home Valerie, davghier of M Mrs. Norman Allen, is celebrat ing her second Wirthday on Sun day. Friends of the (amily wishing Valerie many happy re turns of the day Mrs. T. J. Bailey wre Aemint ims menament by Mrs and # awert ied her mia syrup by Lawrence daughter and sonintaw, Dr. and Wight, Mr. Grant Werry cre Mrs, Norman MW. Vickers, of #ed much bamor by hs gh Beamsville 151 ONE ETIRg A number attended the re A ims drama Cheist in the C6 Concrete City" at Trinity Unit Chureh, Bowmanville. Mrs Hogg and the "Com of Pilgrims" gave » super performance wn & Shake mnity an de Eller Mrs. J rating he Sonday. Her many happy Mrs DD. Ada REE CHO danghter of yon fonsrth Wirth friend PAE yan hint 1 her p Blanche of the da Bar wed and Mr eners lor # held at Whitt LL LL Ha or ' or Care fachiirm Heing wv biemat techmirsl rem ddd ang Baptist Ch as Mr. ana Moose nv he rECETAInn Ie oh and Mr Varl Trewin y and Donald. Mrs. Fred and Mrs Lloyd Slemon Sunday dinner gnests with Raglan Ferguson V.awin ou of # joist gest 611 have ned from Val ' mer The » and Vierida Wm, Sleek and M Car th M renck BORN r. and Mrs rome Kenneth » and and Charley Cath Jeffre Arnaid f ; / nm have returned his 15h b to Oshawa (rom spending school con nher of months in England High many beau Wim mar OVErSeRs di fun H pie mnie took when visited on and Mrs ed thei ery much Mrs, Bruce Reid and Billie, attended the fh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reid of Harold, Ontario, over the week end Mr. and M Master Gar Mrs, Cyril A Bowmanville As go} i 4 { Rom Bi CR ana ha HA res Cathmmrs with My f who enje sres on film M Mrs, ( Is Bow cn after ia pital. Her complete Mrs, ££. A Athol street the her home Foronio Ho: n hey A at a " and friends wi " Ii recover MacMillan, of her re onened f home ela gronip heing glurday I'he with a jewel gift re om meg on Mrs. Dori leader for CGT married on girls presented her ery set the Church | ed her with Games were freshmen s hostess Mrs / MacMillan her daughter, Miss Ruth the weekend Toronto as Badie Hinds of a Irwin Cook fukes, Bearbore ery and family, were with Clar- tion 10 I nwe who and ence ent Mr, and hianket, dae and re yy personal dies Ald A lovely played ser AS A ery's Mrs. John Borrow Oshawa, were callers af James A. Werry's ed by the ayy Melville Griffin, Miss Doris Griffin, Blackstock, were and callers at John Griffin's spent. Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Lamb the and Donna, were Saturday eve. ning visitors at Mr, and Mrs Drew's, Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry were Tuesday visitors of Miss Winnifred Cole, Willowdale Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Butson and family were visitors at Mr and Mrs, Joe Crawford's, Orono Mr, and Mrs, E. A, Virtue, I'yrone, were Sunday evening Commis. visitors at Mr, and Mrs. R were A Plan To Build Warehouse At Stokely Plant Whithy Industrial sioner Larry Cond. on Friday Rowan's announced that a 4200-square:| Mr, and Mrs, A. Brunt, were | foot warehouse addition Is to he with Mr, and Mrs, Carl Brunt, built at Whithy's Stokely-Van Bowmanville | Camp plant, Work has started) Mp, and Mrs, Fdgar Wright, | on the addition and it is expect:'and Beity were recent dinner ed to he completed in May guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, San. Everett Quantrill, manager of [derson, Columbus {the plant, said that the addition! Miss Phyllis Howells, Mr, and will he a "casing up" ware Mrs. Floyd Maybee, Toronto, house, where cans are cased for shipment, This extra space will 1944 (0 can various vegetables, | enable the installation of ma: including corn and peas, lima chines to perform faster and beans and pumpkins, They pro: more efficient easing cess the crop from 3000 acres of The main portion of the addi: farm land in Ontario and neigh: tion, 8 x 70 feet, runs along horing counties the south side of the plant's existing warehouse, There will also be a 10-foot-wide addition, running 45 feet along the front, or eas. face of the existing warehouse, Incorporated in the warehousing will he new truck loading facilities The firm located in Whithy In Family Monuments La Created To PERSONALS Senior Choir Holds Party THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seterdey, March 18, 1961 § TRY 76 STOP SMOKING DUNDEE, Sestiand ~ An wn- waeesfil attempt 16 probit smoking on Dundes buses was made at 8 meeting of the city's public health committer. The motion, which took the form of # recommendation 1a the Trans Me. Dene Deovie. Camp Bor den, were Sunday viskers at Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells sor claimed that stv pollation Mr. and Mrs. %. Gingerich 0 the buses was the worst 19 Oshawa. were with he found anywhere P. Els a Reg Brock and Bowmanville, visited KE Motifs Miss Elsie (ke friends in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and hove, Mr. Allan Sizinton were Sapday visors #» 1 Travels, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry! were Sunday tea guests st Mr and Mrs. Herbert Leighton's aro manvifle Mr. and Mrs. Lome Vamb were with Mr. and Mrs. Raloh f.amh Mis. Tresise Mr. and Pat Tresise, and Kathy My wisn friend. Mr. and Mrs. Nor Oshawa were with man Holmes Mr and Mrs. MV. Wright WA ladies hissy hoes these days anlting. Quills have heen put in frames 36 the homes of Mrs. ¥. Berkelt, Mrs. © Page and Mrs. A. 1, Wearn Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and family were Sunday inner of Mr. and Mrs. 6 Mr. and M Mr. and Mis wirls is visiting "OF ALL Hearing Losses HELPED ITH MEW MAICO BUPERIOR 600 HEARING AID Bemarkable new 6 ronsistor hearing wid makes possible hearing loss correction thet was formerly "just @ dream", Stop nt See Mis ameoring ond powerfd performer, % Fre genesis Wery Mr. and Mrs Kingston. were tors at Mr. and Mrs, H. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb at ' tended the funeral on Monday of Mr.. Alex Thurston: Fenelon? Falls Mr Tabh, Mi N Collacutt, Miss Faye Giles, Bow." manville, were Sunday visitors § at Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin's ' NAME Sb Lod Sd fd ADDRESS K€ Walton Saturday visi --oer» AICO HEARING SERVICE $50 YONGE 57, TORONTO WA 5.2317 Wine For Frees Booklet | - George Cubs, world's largest sugar cane producer, has 8 popula-lg CITY tion of about A500.000 in an Bra of 44.296 square miles I) Radalls TIME 0. 11! SAVE MONEY -- DO-IT-NOW PLENTIFUL LABOR SPEEDY SEASONAL SERVICE Your MODERNIZATION, REPAIR, ond REPLACEMENT HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING REQUIREMENTS FREE ESTIMATES--NO OBLIGATION DON'T DISTURB YOUR SAVINGS! Buy on the ILA.C. Merit Plan . You can start seins your Purhase immediately, psy for 8 ut of earnings st low rates £onv terms, w you finance on the LAC, MERIT PLAN, " + m0 special intervie ! ing, We look after « fing king arrangements for you in one transaction on the spot, It's Canada's mont convenient way to buy on tims, Pay the |,A.C, MERIT PLAN Way... snd snjoy ofl the astra bones | PROV oOT/Mv/3/11 781 ep ME Be SEE LITTLE ® PLUMBER Modern Indoor Comfort . . . Saves Health , . . Saves Wealth ) 102 BYRON ST $. WHITBY, ONT Tid MO 8 2991 ( Requirements INCOME TAX! STAFFORD BROS. Part-time Bookkeaping Statements Prepared B, C, SERVICES 716 BURNS 57, WwW, MO 8252 Monumental Works 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8.3552 Cash Your March Baby Bonus Cheque at the Mercantile! CONTEST WINNERS will receive $25.00 IN MERCHANDISE Last Months Winner: MRS, MADELINE COWEY 135 Palmerston Ave, Whitby End of the Month SPECIAL ! CURITY DIAPERS . . . doz. 3.79 MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE BROCK ST. N, WHITBY, ONTARIO Whithy Churches EMMANUEL REFORMED REV, GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION, WEST, OF HIGHWAY 12 10:30 AM, Dutch Service 10:30 AM Let's All Go To Church This Sunday! ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1AM MORNING WORSHIP BEGINNERS' CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION 9:45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL Congregational mediately after Whitby Baptist Church Webb Jummerns Sunday School, English 2:30 P English Service, Whitby 2:30 PM, Worship at Bawmanville 3:30 PM, Bowmanville Sunday Schaal EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St. N,, Whitby Pastor: Rev, E, C, Corbett, §,Th, 9:15 AM, Radio Broadcast CKLB 9:45 AM Bible School Hour 11:00 AM, & 7:00 P.M, Qur Pastor Speaking Special Soloist DON HOLLYWOOD Everyone Welcome WHITBY ITED CHURC lohn M. Smith, BA, BD Minister A.M Butler, BA, Assistant Minister Beaton, AR.T.C meeting im this service UN Minister Rey ATCM . Mrs. J 10:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL MO00AM &700PM REV, THOMAS WEBB Rev. Thomas Mis. W, I Re Organist MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM, THOUGHTS ABOUT RECONCILIATION SUNDAY SCHOOL 45 AM Girls and Boys 9 yean oan over 1100 AM Girls and boys u years tant Core, 'urior i» tor J 11.00 AM. in

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