The Oshawa Times, 18 Mar 1961, p. 3

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I (9 n N a. » .. oe. i bead HEN A TIES, Sevwrdey, March 19, 1961 3 Report On Exelby "B\ co 1, ats, mt On Autosls |" B75 | CAPSULE NEWS cht x Complete--Starr Talk Theme 102% A "x | Elevator Kills oon Ea 07 { ; odd hit ihh By pies Wi OVEAW A (LFA abr Minis The | ieraia then pecwseh the 1 ' w mes wih To Cake ter Starr has reiterated in win Wer of Res ng the ie Wy ROWHANSYBIE (Staff) ~ . hy A : WF EREIRE rh viet BIO E COROBEROE IAPR Pritt (TOKINR, REV GIE REE [ J y oron (e) ou "rv. The Charges res fiom _ Ing thet he gave the "complete LETTE BB WETTER. Rett. suprrimenten (or the Sm 9. 3 # HR Wy CREEL RIN WG REE sawy" of wnemgioyed Wait room regieiered with the Ba wich Us on Fire Society, Toren » 4 ' gapens Aating Back 16 las Awe seiesman (Hen Fxethy 16 he 5, Fmviovment Service tv, explained the pecesty of te il ow RNTE (CF joni ngher The vhecel wil ian btwent gaat and 1c eked bert Commons hecanere & CRA (#0 " yg taned Wm WHR als wie pik 15 IREIIETS REA Sy i ¢ , ' Umriey, I8-yesr- G8 copy rainy the Christian belenh grog Ww he 8 scheme. (ne I9-yemr foes vision program Regiing with The © open, ess peTSOnE WW gnests , f f the Friday , { cfr the Canalint BIvidensting soithenst #iez of (6G Bay 11 erkn CRATES RE men left owt many nportant 1% EEE o he Bowmanyitie : AOI, ' py Comparation, wae Had Fnbzy anf the Mawmand, CcRrrymg hs MK-yer-nd boys lace particle Cah atfidavit. tables Bary Chih . 4 fu When Re. Wis CXRRER er BERGETE RRA Package Ig. 06 (2h of 1) charges He said this In 2 letier tn Wi the Comm A s "Fin hay said The spezker noted thet fnew f 3 SWEAR 7B RIESE 8 The Shall OWE RB IRIER SEW OB HER 2 Exety reghying io 5 lester and 0 "CTV id Hamiiton father RICE 18 108 the proiection Ll (ea OW i Wal pt the CBs arvie Siicel sme #tfiday 44 FREEiveR (rom the 0 or ered the choice Ie Who Wave com dence # p AMIS . 5.55 J television Sudins » Hmntom SET DAIFS isi easier this week. A i naz it Sectemher or HEE BIOVWIRE #WAY bit whe w i EE a PNR od wih the boy ih of the BIB er § (KIer Wa 1 wr 3 dat rd the fam. WH, BE SOE me, Decome . » popRIERtly CORA ov of The VOROTO (CP)~The spoil & Friday in yd Commons. "OH mnt o og mmer. TIVES 10 some (orm Hex CETRor kicape Belch when W mecting of the Omtare Hog Mr. Exethy said Ms wite 8 BEE rt erviews Ben, #4e 19 an error Wn ther {stopped between swe amis wid Viodscers Alri im end the sppenred on the TY pogrom " Wes bir, § Exetby Wr Jasin or thivaah the error Fo the Bleyuior Saned agam Diario Hog Vitdnaery Market 4 7 y 4 CTT In Wns jetier tH 5 7 py he "other ZY § 4 wh . ; iin By MB A i Starr soil the sllibavit San He noted that the low howd : aa bi 4745 : . CHILD 18 DROWSED Yarch 722 The seminmmnt of work for several months. fn Reh Ih BIDAR DARL gn 0 dip further then ping _-- . - TOROWEO (CF) ~ Saghen TEO0E of the Ontans Fok reply 10 § question pent day bn IE CEE ER mons. he he CRE IT UME WEATHER OVFICE | Some preciphation is forecast sispipnh basin le expected to Bryson, §, was drowned Friday ST FS Xai pl the Commons, Mr. Siarr spid bi did i wich Mr We ERs, TY DENing RB Ero VE 8 FER 10 IROL SEA (or sowthern Ontane Awning = lect the Quehes 1egions by 0 Lake Ontane ier (ang wii he he Mr. Kacthy had Gt 8 J on ry ond Tis Wie weaned snd pedestrians Wineh Conse o hi emperatures will ceux | the weekend. A compiler Me | late Sunday or Monday HI 5 fer WIE SRI WIRE SEES NO TAK INCREASE September and had worked for Eaeiyy ane We Wik RUPFRIHE GRE PERESTING WH dubiif Guches today, | turbance Wn the sowthers MW CF Wirephoty aer Wrother TORONEO (EP)--6, Arthwr 3 soce Also, he and Ws left out 7 many important peric: gecides Wa ee Lasceties, Wetropdiban Forme ah been paid $15 & wars regarding the service ren "This we have nol got, 89 wh DIES IN CRASH sh ' Site fad cach been b PG or dered 16 you by the Bationsl must rely on protection of the WEATHER FORECAST CITY AND PRD eandia ; fname commesoner, Fridey ay for filmin ! ral I I rica es Midi Tg KINGSTON (CF)~F rank ME 1008 Yetrn comment there wil he gram ' ony Lh ok x iow, 78, of Sunbwry, wis kilies Bo IRCTeRsE Wn WE 1001 1a% rate "you o DISTRICT Fridey when Wis tar cotided hithowih Metro s Images showed " wo, Pies oe 108 oa I A od with ones CARI for peril of 18 COMING EVENTS wean Mild But Wet er oi + nie ries 8 11 rl RA Blf6B) alia ' nibh, HF f oF IVES BIGH MARK 9 n piles north of here on if wh er, Hampton, re: way 15, The soldiers, pt lesst NU WAY the Peter. one severly intnred, were] Smet . - andl ' Rboiipes 4 : to mi moms, d Picture red, Kiwanis Wasi Festival ong 10 Wosptel here Homes Rug Cleaners Mo MN ster B MN Jd oO the individual clanses weed un ay Ciu Mgr Bi Rag Bg BREAKS RECORD big 174 MARY 87, y 4 Fail STIs ted i 4 Fu hawn. w cond TORONTO (CP)-"The world : » Th Gini min Al iy od kd ry : i 4 : kha by and Kr nde? Wer Wir any 4 record oo ; er here ivi Ad 16 PRIZES OF $10 come tudor Jo (hat colected | ; 5 seen, Of Laskin. wens sec. vis Wioken Friday mg by orth " " +f hl PLHERR CN Bay. Suds 4 Ant v had & mark of 84, men's Show. The previous res | 2 £30 $40 $F casi 4 d "os / ; Vig ber A a ord of 192 hones and 37 mints | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 day beln bs reach f mormng. (Aoudy with NEW APARTHENY WAL iby Ba iy COBO i DIEYEYOES RYE Ww SHARE THE WEALTH Crown Requests ©: ic vii ves dor ns End o5 miter. Yinds of irk on th own. f he oy son of ats wid 3 hi Jef We i i a mer stficia . ah, Ivf fa MM, 3 nus of Middletown ome . Severe Penalty tation ely a1 Ay oudy and mild with o anil a Tut gy gai Hr inn hey had heen in # SATURDAY, MARCH 18th For Car Theft ' " ; ) ' v ontar in ' ' ' Wala : itu by Wii he AWARDS CONTRACT OWEN SOUND (CP)="The «4 ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM | cor thet ie becoming tar son Sere. Vicon Ss sons toma nd sums Wall, was operated wilh some eval goveroment ¥ridey nigh oni nd Low ) i inday ! awarded Bg $56.00 contract 19 EIMECOFE STREET NORTH ! bruce Affleck, when he @ ah oy Mills Wind sth. Wind 4 ; vas formerly the Cornell home. Russel Brothers Limited of ROTARY SPEAKER Owen Sound for construction of fire 4 doe i ANA ath & Hure 7) hen : Dr. Gearae Fe 3, who is #8 A DMISSION 50) Cl NT (3 y A dol hi ; i ake {aks a Pi 0 4 #4 aciated with the School of Hy § Meat S J | 4 & CON vas Lo h i" addidale HAN " 0 / Hi 4 : A 1ens Unversity of Foronin [4 pec a § Mon. & Tues. NEW GAME ADDED TONIGHT wd stolen an automobile to N07 BUATY, becoming Eloy COILS og 2 | "0 be the speaker at the meet Minor Hockey of the Rotary Club of Ooh EXTRA GAMES AT $2 iri ¥. 8, Fin moon tnt tt Sunde, chong sb. caer, ot 10 (utd 0 Mit) Night Closes hdd GAMES AT $25 (hus so nes EEL BRE GR addi Night Closes | ite oppaRS 1b,80¢ a combination tug and ferry $100 SPECIA pol / changed in 1855 the incidenc i } car theft had en. Prior tn CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED April 1, 1855, car theft carried on... Gears Bap, wm BOWMANVILLE Arrange 1 a mandatory sentence of one be GE it A Bad | 3a 3 4 ments are well underway for the 5 Cc ear imprisonment ' y HIELO FSR K ih ) SNE | s y Choir To Present Bowmanville Recreation De ' ( The mecused were remanded " WE Cit andl White Riv partments 10th Annual Minos | { i i i and, White Tvs ) 4 B | N CO) n custody for sentence on Mon * died . sdsddhidiiia : Handel' 8 Messiah Hockey Night ta he held on Wed Tender day nesday, Mar, 2, at Memorial AP 2 san iibert » » AJAX The choir ol the A a P ol Il get EVERY MONDAY QPM [ui ed "OBITUARIES | Principals In aba be i fui tachs, wigs =) RIB STEAKS 1h, 69¢ three months in Jal for mis The Atoms will start the night Adult Butrition | ' Barry, whose rendition of Han chief. He had heen held in cus . F h Sh Add d off with their game at 6.50 p.m tody for one week for sentence WALTER A, KERR as ion ow del's Messiah has heen sched apd play three 16 - minute] Lean Walt A i i for Palm Bunday, will Sl, GERTRU on Friday Walter A. Kerr, 75, died sid By GRACE MILLS el rontay METIS. The Fee Wee game will 1 ' Pp " ot denly, at his home in Ashburn, . / Ma perform this heautiful Faster go p The court had heen told thy Friday, March 17 AAX Members of Ajax Br le Good Fri. [FL Underway at approximately " Cc 7.80 p.m. and they will also play three 15 - mine periods, The 690 KING E, AT FAREWELL Mills had got drunk and damag Varsity Chapter 10D and their ed his smbloyer's welding and He 1s survived hy his wile i daughlers, who acled as models church 5% MUMBERS machine shop to the extent of the former Janet Davidson ane for the Spring Fashion Show on t . Bantam game 1s scheduled to $200 one daughter, Mrs. Howard Wodnecday evening were: Mrs Singers from Hamilton and sect 50 6.60 pm, and will he 9 00 00 JACKPOT Three Oshawa men were each Stiver (Mary), of Unionville E. 8B Armstrong, Mrs, E. A Byrom will take he #olo three 15 + minute periods BUY 5 LBS, SAUSAGE ' wv 1S fined $25 and costs for taking Mr. Kerr was horn at Ashe|Lancaster, Mrs. P. A. Stephen: "500 5 y The final game of the night . % 1 newspapers from a street vend: pom the son of the, late Ah ih Mrs, G. Colm, Mrs, W Mi Karvy, Whose ators ATE will he played by the Lions MEAT FOR 1.00 £ ON OI ATION £20 Ing machine without payment. drew and Usley Kerr, He lived Max, Mrs. .D. 1, Gove, Mrs, A i Hing m He m hy ap! Midget Juvenile League, and 5 ; They are: Clifford A. Davis, iy the community all his We. Walsh, Mrs. P. Newman and trainin hen bon MT LL thelr game Is scheduled for GET LBS. FREE! ¢ or B Chis } 4 f FT y Yaris R B 4 { 1 20 GAMES 16 PRIZES OF $10 Renna y hisson and B, L.He attended high school ninys, W, A Parish and Jumlor| nos ton pon ™ choi the pays | PREFOXIMately B80 p.m EE ---- Whithy and college in Guelph, models Miss Frances Dunn If any of the games are tied 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 FOUR th arin 0 AMT, (bi Busan Parker And Mis Cee, O08 SPATS YOUNK| a yao of ulation (ime common | A 2 da was a session) Pat Frost : A sudden death overtime will he It is not known when calypso! The deceased Ww Jk | belong to the regular choir VE ! WB a . : emerged as a folk art hut it has member of Burn's Preshyterian| Behind the scenes were Fash The regular choir had the P'aYed. The first team (0 score SHARE THE WEAL H {rants in African rhythms and in! hureh, Ashburn He taught the 1on Rhow sonvener Niarie honor of heing judged first in A goal Will he declared the : La the melodies of Spain Bible Class al that church for Parker SOmmeniator ol ma their group at the Toronto Ki wisiner. cmos will brid to 4 ADMISSION CARDS 50 CENTS RUMMAGE sale Oshaws Armories oy or Sie was shoritary and Rates flak Sag 80 aril winis Music Festival recently, close hi 1080 fl Hirer a 190 p.m. Tuesday, March 21 Medical Co-op and Pat Sanders; stage decora CELEBR T N season In Bowmanville A ~ " . ) § Vi Ancaste 1 The hody is resting #8t the tions Naney Lancaster ane GOOD PARKING BINGO Robinson Funeral Chapel Marie Parker publicity, Tune | A l G THE ONTARIO COUNTY EXTRA BLE SERVICE Broaklin, for service at Burn's| Smith; program convener, Fran BIRTHDAYS : MWD 2D ' COROMNAT ON Church, Monday, March 20, at Conant i-eanveners Mamey) MEDICAL IETY CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTE ORANGE TEMPLI 0 pm, Jtermomt Whi De Hota Marg Devolin | Eongratulations and best | Burn's Church Cemetery ck, anyones, June Smith wishes to the following resi leket convent une § { § shaw § | SATURDAY, MARCH 18th ~ Friends ave requested not to CEE fonts of Oshawa and digtriet Wishes te Announce That The ' ™ ( i 5, Belly C . 3 £p call at the Chapel until Satur room attendant 3 who are gglebrating their | KINSMEN BINGO 9 7:45 P.M 3 a 4 at the tt Pe Petri a n J m A y Milisy birthdays "(NE weekend | Following Members Have Established . ) Games LJ ! Sandra Brownlee, Marg Grubb, | hose ehrati i 20-820 GAME SHARE-THE-WEALTH MRS. . T, LACOMBE Betty Mefiilliveay, Jean Mount: | lose _celehrating today f Linda Huber, Box 1414, ; $150 Jae kpol $20 each line plus 4-540 Jackpots To Go or ERROROUGH oe Funeral ford, Ruby Beasley; prompter,| Bowmanville: Jerry Kent SUN Temporary Offices As Indicated Below: [4% day evening, #t 8 p.m. in the 50 Full Card | ==$180 Jackper To f 78. of Bhella. Dave assisting on ar, 1616 Brook 81, 8. Wi M { I, Lacombe, 734, 0H ney 1 Brock # n., 1} oF no i DR. Z, FEKE, 286 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 5-330 Games; 23$3250 Jackpots ANNUAL SPRING Rochester. N.Y hao died at her Ma Sheila Goll extn. Wal hy; Gail Elliott 1084, Oxford NA \ ame Sunday, was held from ie Cameron Warren 01 BL, Brian Lynch, 82 J JACKPOT NL IMBE RS y 54 and Re 3 Fl OWER at HOW hom Buti wW. w _ ml i) provided background melt oo pve nan arn Fanos' Toa L PR, R, A, GILL, 117 KING STREET 51 OSHAWA " ! 5 hed ere 3. the even roeeeds ro f miray Ave; Mrs i Extra Buses A Bea abrated hy hw will helo build the Chan anor Conwny. ott ons | HOLIDAYS DR, WM, GRANT, 286 KING §T, W,, OSHAWA TEAM | re 10 ) MoGuire at 0.16! ter's Educational Bursary Fund| A Nancy Mills, 840 Mi REED'S the 1 av. bi A Meche | oy for a Grade 18 high school sty he one ala hy PR, D, J. MacLEAN, 152 SIMCOE §T,, N,, Oshawa JUBILEE PAVILION GREENHOUSES | AM mt Sid by the Very tev. dent, to be prosented at the] agent Blvd; Mrs. wi: || come TOURS [| or. N, RASKIN, 117 KING ST, £, OSHAWA : BLOOR ST, WEST GG, J, O'Sullivan Commencement Exercises liam Evans Sr, 80 Olive (OIHAWA CLINIG) FREE ADMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 21st "Palm Sunday" She is survived hy her hus Clothes, shoes, handbags, Jew: Ave. Allan Squelch, RR §, | AIR - SHIP . BUS -P, H, ROY ROWSELL, 286 KING ST, W, OSHAWA ellery, hale styling and flowers) Oshawa Wieanor Tonkin : A March 261i hand, 0. 7, Lacombe, one son, | TEEN G0 So sored by local] di Huron Sti Mary B. | MOTELS SIDE TRIPS DR, H, VERVILLE, 286 KING §T, W., OSHAWA WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO | ih Lol Lack Tomo he or merchants, Wats wore from| Clark, 893 King 8, Wi DR, §, WITZEL, 111 SIMCOE STREET §,, OSHAWA i ¥ Flaral Arrangement cuun wavview, win sours, whey | vg el pn in 8 rh G8 VA, nn oop "Can ri | DONALD TRAVEL AL ! ol a |Ales, th shoule wa fine Blacey Ave Wednesday, March. 22nd, 8 [SH m, EASTER PREVIEW JY Hoc Mrs ¥ a oJ) RuuHie Ries, rll 2 | Ne in celebrate on SERVICE TELEPHONE NUMBERS leas minal = 25 Return | REED'S FLORISTS | ehildven WY of Montvie 'Aue [I 300 pUNDAS E, WHITBY "SPECIAL GAME OF $200 (Must Ge) JOHN LEONARD Horticultural | Patricia Haber, 1607 Oxford [| WHITBY = OSHAWA + BROGKLIN REMAIN UNCHANGED $20 each horizontal line $100 a full card NEARLY NEW SHOP MARMORA fohn Leonard BL dane Bohegak, 214 Gea $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $300 PRE-EASTER SALE [72 of RR & Marmord, died Group. Planned | ae ait and Mike Johns, Phone MO 8-3304 ! arch 18 at his hams y had IF WON IN 58 NUMBERS (THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Man 5 NOON MNealth for same! AJAX letter "of invita: ! The Hist five persons te § games ot $30 20 games at $20 ) TO 9 PM [time tion ha ity ont to every home| Inform The Oshawa Times TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES | os , . Surviving are four sisters, (in town, for all garden lovers) of thei birthdays each day §heeB | vd 85, $30 Consalatior ST. GERTRUDE'S Mi ir Wigmare (Liza) and to attend a meeting in the Com-| will receive dauble tickets $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARI | 690 KING EAST Mrs. Tt. Nelson (Jean). hath of munity Centre Mandav, March Hi The Hogent | he hire, Aoed i " nk : Door Prizes Proceeds go te Building Fund - Vanoouver. 1.0. Mrs, 1d Flynn 20, at 8 pw. ta ors anien a hoy or a fo nek peripd, The | 2 4 4 "NIGH T OF Sn of Oshawa, Mrs. | teultural society, before spring Sur nt attraotion is The | ¢ Sia : f : " THE WOODRVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE | CARDS Crawford (Sally) of Petorhor:| plans get tan advanced Marriage Go Hound : i Reports on hirthdays will | : d A y hors, Steve! A speaker fram the Ontario | § | ! : ough. and three hrathey he Debeiven: arr: Batwesn 5 § ; PRESTIGE | chener and Charles and | Horticultural Saeintly Assn ® ig \ LEGION HALL ' Luge IRB glation will he on hand to ad:| the hours of # am. and 10 i : . HOME CENTRE ST, OSHAWA vise and explain the aims and! 8m. Phone RA 8.34% ] i i " Tuesday, March 21st FUNERAL OF ahjects of such an arganization - So OF ; 8:00 pm MRS, GEORGE RUSSELL, 8B and an executive member of a ¥ » y ' * MONDAY, MARCH 20 | Aussies of the Lordies' Aves | Tho funeral servis for Ms, [melihbaring society will also he Is Promoted To : THE YEAR | Refresh George Russell, Sr, 26 Ritson in aliendanee of 4 $100.00 DOOR PRIZES | Wary Deed peires Reltes arth who died at the Osh: Everyane is weleame, Bring Firs it Lieutenant : aur green thumh ind tell a. JACKPOT NOS. 53.58 Robert Ronald Caivanka, 24 ane af the finest leeations in the sity assuring complete privacy, designed by & 1 W W il Y at awd General Hospital 1a ue athors how to develop them > ) on Funeral Hom | Cal ! 3 Fairbank treet 0 ) AG IACKPOTS A Fighting Program Anderson Fy SE giranka, 9 Fairbanks stree prominent architect, this B-ream wllva-madsin ranch-hunaalow cantaine aanraximately 2100 wa th 2--$50( CKPOT Lh > pom. Friday, March 1§ HOUSE TO HOU has received notification of hi ; : , day, was held at the Mg Intos ih : son of Mp, and Mps, Alex Located |r WF WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS (IF NOT THEN GAME 1s For Labor \ RR Milroy, minister of of living space, plus a 2-¢ar attached garage. The living area consisting of large living Taem p " {ey Hi Nn on -1 i nr 2 . (tenia 0 9 . REGULAR $250 JACKPOT, N ). 58 ation $28 A rrshetoran Church, Son fram wi -to the rank of frst with natural fireplage, family oem (which alia contains a fireplace), hreaktast neak and dining PEAKER y leading US [Kno I : " iu leutenant ' Asa enclosed and covered ter all ha | view of the beautifully lands 13300 JACKPOT witime \ anise uoted the servies Interment ™ \ an Prugdist Hob joined the Raval Cana ed graunds and valley datted with el ple, elm and cedar trees stretshing dawn 1a the WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS. ($15 ISOLATION). Must Ga, speaker and journalist was in Mount Lawn Cemetery a 4 enantly (An Army Cadets when he was at. the end ot (he exlate dition: all the hedraais Wilh \arae' slosels have' builtin HAIRMAN-~ROSS DOWSON The pallhearers wera Herbert) Was it HB TRIN \ 1 y i 4 vears of ane and has heen x i ma hatt pl wels \ \ ave 30 ineluded are utility and ( R( ( ! ) \ : : plas 20 GAMES AT $30 v Robinson, Stanley Bawers, Ron al . Wabi . 4 J Jill FH with the Ontario Regiment sinee faving whet water radiant heating, hioadieamed flasr fridge, washer, dryer, drapery, hf : , . | has taken a new I , : WF WON IN 17 NOS. OR LESS, (320 CONSOL ATION SUNDAY, MAR, 19th [Wilson Jack Russell, Roy Wat, mount of total 1.8. sales September, 1038 : sic, This exceptional home will be shown. by appointment Bly, Contact ons of fhe 1alssmen : ten and A. H. Whiteley an Ly ahaa in la An employee of the Taranto listed helaw 5 GAMES AT $30 CORVAIR ROOM | People like ta Shap In 181s {paged of Trade, he takes a spe " , hat's why so me $2,330 PRIZES y GENOSHA HOTEL | DEPARTMENT QUIET ure. Thats w Man an AFTER 5.30 CALL N lies huv fram the Osh clal army raining course each Disk Barings 5:0242 Fverett Biliate 3.9390 Joe Maga 5:919) Marian Brew S:7410 Mticials at the Os} Fire ama alia Mika \ p summer at Camp Borden John Kemp 63890 Lloyd Metsall $4983 Officials a \¢ shawa g AWA mes Cla ¢ \EOS THE EXTRA BUSES Auspices | \ Departn reported today while they ave vel TOUGH TERMITE weve RED BARN oiission vo © [there have boon ho fie alnrns yon are sling service ve | one spaces of emite cn on | LLOYD PP 0eboaffl REAL ESTATE LIMITED {2 uA" } | | Ou St. West or ambulance calls, since Fri:! sure your message reaches [through concrete five inches ADMISSION TICKET GIVES YOU FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 {day morning, ' this important cash market, (thick, 1

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